-   Term 26: August - November 2010 (
-   -   Room of Requirement (

Cassirin 09-21-2008 02:54 AM

Room of Requirement
You're searching the castle for a mysterious room you have heard of called The Room of Requirement. You have searched every nick and cranny of the castle but still no room. You climb the stairs to the seventh floor and come across a stange tapestry showing Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach trolls to dance the ballet. You laugh at the silly tapestry until you side almost burst. Then you remember hearing the Room is located opposite such a tapestry. You turn around expecting to see a door, but find a blank wall instead. You start walking back and forth three times concentrating hard on what it is you need. Suddenly a door appears. You open it and discover you have found the Room of Requirement...

B~Lee 09-03-2010 04:20 AM

Brittany Knew from the moment she had heard about this room she was going to do her darndest to find it. It was just as amazing as she thought it would be. It was decked with art easals and art books and paintings from all around the world. She loved art so she could understand why it was all there. But there was also a drumset sitting in the very far right corner. She squeeled in delight. She had just told Nessa earlier how she wished she could had bought her own set and her wa an identical one like her very own. She didnt know what he wanted to do first so she sat down in the fluffy bean bag chair that apparently came with the room

Calezilla 09-03-2010 02:48 PM

Savannah stood in front of the couch, waiting for the younger students to arrive. She was going to get back at Aiden for shaving Priscllia and she had the PERFECT way of doing it. Aiden Chevalier should be scared, very very scared. She had told Eliza about it and the girl was totally excited about it and was planning to bring her friends. ZOMG. This was going to be so funny. Aiden was going to get attacked by a mod of firsties with purses.


Lauralicious 09-03-2010 03:06 PM

Fee had heard Savvy was planning something.
As Eliza told her about it she was absoulety excited and immediately joined.

eliza22 09-03-2010 03:12 PM

Oooh. It was time for PURSE BEATING! Eliza was excited already! It had been so fun the first time... she wanted to do it agaain. And apparently this was Savvy's revenge for him... shaving her cat? That was just MEAN. The cat was a poor, innocent creature. And it was probably pretty and fluffy! And then Ai-Ai had shaved it. He'd probably scarred the poor cat for life! And Savvy, of course. Well, maybe Eliza was being a BIIIT dramatic... only a leetle bit.

'Savvy!' she said excitedly as she walked into the RoR. 'I gathered my friends for youu! We're all ready for some purse beating!' hehh. Fun fun fun! Aiden was going DOWNNN.

Lauralicious 09-03-2010 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by eliza22 (Post 9742721)
Oooh. It was time for PURSE BEATING! Eliza was excited already! It had been so fun the first time... she wanted to do it agaain. And apparently this was Savvy's revenge for him... shaving her cat? That was just MEAN. The cat was a poor, innocent creature. And it was probably pretty and fluffy! And then Ai-Ai had shaved it. He'd probably scarred the poor cat for life! And Savvy, of course. Well, maybe Eliza was being a BIIIT dramatic... only a leetle bit.

'Savvy!' she said excitedly as she walked into the RoR. 'I gathered my friends for youu! We're all ready for some purse beating!' hehh. Fun fun fun! Aiden was going DOWNNN.

"Eliza", Fee flashed a beautiful smile.
" I am ready,are you?", she giggled.

Some Mystical Girl 09-03-2010 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by CaleyShoutCaley<3 (Post 9742661)
Savannah stood in front of the couch, waiting for the younger students to arrive. She was going to get back at Aiden for shaving Priscllia and she had the PERFECT way of doing it. Aiden Chevalier should be scared, very very scared. She had told Eliza about it and the girl was totally excited about it and was planning to bring her friends. ZOMG. This was going to be so funny. Aiden was going to get attacked by a mod of firsties with purses.


Taylor walked, well more like, glided into this room- and spotted Savannah stood near a sofa- looking rather serious- as though she was out for revenge. Taylor knew this look very well and approached her with caution.

MugglesStink! 09-03-2010 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by CaleyShoutCaley<3 (Post 9742661)
Savannah stood in front of the couch, waiting for the younger students to arrive. She was going to get back at Aiden for shaving Priscllia and she had the PERFECT way of doing it. Aiden Chevalier should be scared, very very scared. She had told Eliza about it and the girl was totally excited about it and was planning to bring her friends. ZOMG. This was going to be so funny. Aiden was going to get attacked by a mod of firsties with purses.


Adeline skipped in. This isn't exactly how she wanted to first see the room of requirement, but who cares. With her bag full of shoes and bags, she greeted Savannah. "Hi, what is this for anyways?" she asked puzzled. SHe truly had no idea why she was here.

Calezilla 09-03-2010 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 9742707)
Fee had heard Savvy was planning something.
As Eliza told her about it she was absoulety excited and immediately joined.

AHA! First MINI!Sav had arrived and it was Fee! Oh did Savannah loved her little first years! They were so cute and Savvylike plus the liked glitter and they apparently liked beating people up with purses! OMG. This was going to be totally epic."Heya Fee!"Savannah said, smiling at the younger girl D'awww...she loved these girls so much."How much has Eliza told you about the plan?"Savannah asked, looking at the girl. This was no time for awing at cuteness, she needed revenge on Aiden and THIS would be the perfect revenge.


Originally Posted by eliza22 (Post 9742721)
Oooh. It was time for PURSE BEATING! Eliza was excited already! It had been so fun the first time... she wanted to do it agaain. And apparently this was Savvy's revenge for him... shaving her cat? That was just MEAN. The cat was a poor, innocent creature. And it was probably pretty and fluffy! And then Ai-Ai had shaved it. He'd probably scarred the poor cat for life! And Savvy, of course. Well, maybe Eliza was being a BIIIT dramatic... only a leetle bit.

'Savvy!' she said excitedly as she walked into the RoR. 'I gathered my friends for youu! We're all ready for some purse beating!' hehh. Fun fun fun! Aiden was going DOWNNN.

MEEP! Second MINI!Sav and it was her little helper Eliza! Savannah sent the young girl and nod, her hands crossed before her. Remember, this was serious time and Savannah meant business, very serious business.

"Good, good."Savannah said, looking at the two girls."How many did you invite?"OMG. She hoped it wasn't just the two of them, there had to be more there just HAD to be. It was too fun of an activity to skip out on, who wouldn't want to attack a cute 7th year with purses? Someone stupid obviously.


Originally Posted by Some Mystical Girl (Post 9742746)
Taylor walked, well more like, glided into this room- and spotted Savannah stood near a sofa- looking rather serious- as though she was out for revenge. Taylor knew this look very well and approached her with caution.

THIRD MINI!Sav had arrived. Hehhh. And this one was Taylor, she could sense fear. Aww...there was no need to be scared, the only person who should really be scared was Aiden. GIGGLE. Poooor Ai-Ai, oh well, this was what he got for shaving her poor kitty. She waved at the girl and sighed. She was unsure when to tell all the girls the plan, was there more girls showing up? Savannah didn't no exactly.


Originally Posted by MugglesStink! (Post 9742757)
Adeline skipped in. This isn't exactly how she wanted to first see the room of requirement, but who cares. With her bag full of shoes and bags, she greeted Savannah. "Hi, what is this for anyways?" she asked puzzled. SHe truly had no idea why she was here.

Another girl had showed up and it was Adeline, that was her name right? Aw! And she even came prepared with shoes and purses, she liked this girl a lot already. Hehh. Giggle. "You will see."She winked at the girl and then looked at Eliza."Should I tell them now?"She didn't know if any more girls would be arriving. Hehh.

eliza22 09-03-2010 03:34 PM

Eliza smiled happily at Sav 'I invited five girls... Fee, Tay, Adeline, Sapphy - she's like a mini Nekoda, she's been adopted by her - uhm... Katie, and me of course. So there are seven of us' she said with a grin. THIS WAS GONNA BE SO FUN. But Ai-Ai wasn't here yet... shame 'Yeah, go ahead and tell everyone. I'll explain to Sapph and Katie when they come' she said, knowing that they would, of course, come. Who was gonna pass up the opportunity to beat Ai-Ai with purses, hmm?

He deserved it for shaving the cat. And dating TOAD!Face.

Lauralicious 09-03-2010 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by CaleyShoutCaley<3 (Post 9742769)
AHA! First MINI!Sav had arrived and it was Fee! Oh did Savannah loved her little first years! They were so cute and Savvylike plus the liked glitter and they apparently liked beating people up with purses! OMG. This was going to be totally epic."Heya Fee!"Savannah said, smiling at the younger girl D'awww...she loved these girls so much."How much has Eliza told you about the plan?"Savannah asked, looking at the girl. This was no time for awing at cuteness, she needed revenge on Aiden and THIS would be the perfect revenge.

"Heya Mama Savvy", she giggled.
Oh damn, this was awesome.
"Well, only that you are throwing a party with a surprise for your ex boyfriend. So whats going on?", she smiled sweetly.
What ever it was she was down.

MugglesStink! 09-03-2010 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 9742796)
"Heya Savvy", she giggled.
Oh damn, this was awesome.
"Well, only that you are throwing a party with a surprise for your ex boyfriend. So whats going on?", she smiled sweetly.
What ever it was she was down.

"Hi Fee!" she said wavinf tiny with the bag crushing her arm.

Lauralicious 09-03-2010 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by MugglesStink! (Post 9742812)
"Hi Fee!" she said wavinf tiny with the bag crushing her arm.

"Oh hey, Adeline", she smiled waving back,"Ready to go mad?"

MugglesStink! 09-03-2010 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 9742863)
"Oh hey, Adeline", she smiled waving back,"Ready to go mad?"

"WHat do you mean?" she said with a giggle.

Lauralicious 09-03-2010 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by MugglesStink! (Post 9742870)
"WHat do you mean?" she said with a giggle.

"Well, i heard about hitting Savvy's ex with purses", she giggled excited.

Anais 09-03-2010 04:06 PM

Sapphinelle entered the Room of Requirement, it looked amazing! She brought her favorite handbag and walked in with a puzzled look. "What's about to happen here...?"

Calezilla 09-03-2010 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by eliza22 (Post 9742789)
Eliza smiled happily at Sav 'I invited five girls... Fee, Tay, Adeline, Sapphy - she's like a mini Nekoda, she's been adopted by her - uhm... Katie, and me of course. So there are seven of us' she said with a grin. THIS WAS GONNA BE SO FUN. But Ai-Ai wasn't here yet... shame 'Yeah, go ahead and tell everyone. I'll explain to Sapph and Katie when they come' she said, knowing that they would, of course, come. Who was gonna pass up the opportunity to beat Ai-Ai with purses, hmm?

He deserved it for shaving the cat. And dating TOAD!Face.

Savannah nodded her head, a serious expression on the blonde's tan face. Ah yes, that would certainly be enough to scare Ai-Ai. Hehh. Savannah looked around the room, nodding again. This was going to be epic, there were two more girls that were showing up so should Savannah start by telling the plan ? Savannah wasn't too sure. Aha, Eliza thought it would be best to tell them. So...Savannah was going to after she finished saying hello and stuff.


Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 9742796)
"Heya Mama Savvy", she giggled.
Oh damn, this was awesome.
"Well, only that you are throwing a party with a surprise for your ex boyfriend. So whats going on?", she smiled sweetly.
What ever it was she was down.

Awhh..she was getting called Mama now. :loved:

These firsties were so dang cute, Savannah just wanted to like hug them and sprinkle glitter on them and stuff. Now was not time for glitter! Now was time for seriousness. Savannah coughed, hoping to get the girls attention.How was she going to start? Errr...

"I ask a VERY important favor out of you girls,"Savannah said, looking at the girls sitting before her."I have been left heartbroken by my ex boyfriend, Ai-Ai,"GIGGLE."He is now dating this THING that hates glitter and we need to seek revenge on him!"Pause."Oh, and he shaved my cat last term..."Cough.

"So, since I know Ai-Ai has classes up here, I will keep watch for him, waiting to see when he shows up in the corridor..."she paused."You guys will run out and attack him with shoes and purses! Eliza has hit him with a purse before so she knows how fun it is."Savannah said with a wink at Eliza.

"Who wants to help beat Ai-AI and get revenge !?!?"

MugglesStink! 09-03-2010 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 9742898)
"Well, i heard about hitting Savvy's ex with purses", she giggled excited.

Adeline burst into laughter.Good thing she brought heels and purses with chains. "Wow. Thats going to be so much fun!" she said with laughter. SHe loved kcking boys. So this must be pretty fun. Hehehehehehe


Awhh..she was getting called Mama now.

These firsties were so dang cute, Savannah just wanted to like hug them and sprinkle glitter on them and stuff. Now was not time for glitter! Now was time for seriousness. Savannah coughed, hoping to get the girls attention.How was she going to start? Errr...

"I ask a VERY important favor out of you girls,"Savannah said, looking at the girls sitting before her."I have been left heartbroken by my ex boyfriend, Ai-Ai,"GIGGLE."He is now dating this THING that hates glitter and we need to seek revenge on him!"Pause."Oh, and he shaved my cat last term..."Cough.

"So, since I know Ai-Ai has classes up here, I will keep watch for him, waiting to see when he shows up in the corridor..."she paused."You guys will run out and attack him with shoes and purses! Eliza has hit him with a purse before so she knows how fun it is."Savannah said with a wink at Eliza.

"Who wants to help beat Ai-AI and get revenge !?!?"
"I do!" Adeline screamed laughing still. That sounded soooooo muchhhhhh funn!!!!! "ANd who hates glitter! Thats rediculus!" she said with her hands on her hips. Glitter-Haters must be mad!

Anais 09-03-2010 04:18 PM


Awhh..she was getting called Mama now.

These firsties were so dang cute, Savannah just wanted to like hug them and sprinkle glitter on them and stuff. Now was not time for glitter! Now was time for seriousness. Savannah coughed, hoping to get the girls attention.How was she going to start? Errr...

"I ask a VERY important favor out of you girls,"Savannah said, looking at the girls sitting before her."I have been left heartbroken by my ex boyfriend, Ai-Ai,"GIGGLE."He is now dating this THING that hates glitter and we need to seek revenge on him!"Pause."Oh, and he shaved my cat last term..."Cough.

"So, since I know Ai-Ai has classes up here, I will keep watch for him, waiting to see when he shows up in the corridor..."she paused."You guys will run out and attack him with shoes and purses! Eliza has hit him with a purse before so she knows how fun it is."Savannah said with a wink at Eliza.

"Who wants to help beat Ai-AI and get revenge !?!?"
"Meeee!" she said, raising up a hand. She gasped horridly.
"What glitter hater? How terrible! Ewww, who'd wanna date THAT?" she asked with disgust.
"Where's Kodes?" she asked with a puzzled look, since she was one of Savannah's best friends she must have been invited, rightt?

Some Mystical Girl 09-03-2010 04:20 PM

"Sure, sounds fun!" Taylor was thinking that- but how petty? Seriously. And what about Eliza's nice girl act. She shook her head slightly but put on a smile.

eliza22 09-03-2010 04:23 PM

Hehh. This was gonna be SO FREAKIN' AWESOME. Eliza had bought a pair of Gucci heels and a huuge Prada bag, twice the size of any normal purse. It was gonna HURT when it hit... hehe. AIDEN WAS GOING DDOWNNN! Because he was dating TOAD!Face. Puh-lease. It was just wrong... like shaving the poor kitty. N'awwwh.

'I'm in, Savvy' she said with a grin, shouldering her bag. 'Seriously guys, it's soooo fun! Oh, and call him Ai-Ai. It annoys him' she added with a smirk

Lauralicious 09-03-2010 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by CaleyShoutCaley<3 (Post 9742913)
Awhh..she was getting called Mama now. :loved:
These firsties were so dang cute, Savannah just wanted to like hug them and sprinkle glitter on them and stuff. Now was not time for glitter! Now was time for seriousness. Savannah coughed, hoping to get the girls attention.How was she going to start? Errr...
"I ask a VERY important favor out of you girls,"Savannah said, looking at the girls sitting before her."I have been left heartbroken by my ex boyfriend, Ai-Ai,"GIGGLE."He is now dating this THING that hates glitter and we need to seek revenge on him!"Pause."Oh, and he shaved my cat last term..."Cough.
"So, since I know Ai-Ai has classes up here, I will keep watch for him, waiting to see when he shows up in the corridor..."she paused."You guys will run out and attack him with shoes and purses! Eliza has hit him with a purse before so she knows how fun it is."Savannah said with a wink at Eliza.
"Who wants to help beat Ai-AI and get revenge !?!?"

Fee smiled widely at Savvy.
"What dork would break your heart? Woah he had to be the most stupid person in this whole world", she said honestly.
As she heard about that girl that hates glitter her mouth flew open.
Which girl didnt love glitter?
Oh wait she wasnt a girl,she was a nothing. Right.
"Haha thats such great plan, its gonna be so fun", she laughed.
"I am so down for it!"


Originally Posted by MugglesStink! (Post 9742922)
Adeline burst into laughter.Good thing she brought heels and purses with chains. "Wow. Thats going to be so much fun!" she said with laughter. SHe loved kcking boys. So this must be pretty fun. Hehehehehehe

"Oh yes its gonna be, good thing i brought my big bag. That will hurt", she laughed.
Kicking boys butts was really funny. She loved to see them get hurt, and Ai-Ai wanted it like that.
His fault.

Calezilla 09-03-2010 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by MugglesStink! (Post 9742922)
Adeline burst into laughter.Good thing she brought heels and purses with chains. "Wow. Thats going to be so much fun!" she said with laughter. SHe loved kcking boys. So this must be pretty fun. Hehehehehehe

"I do!" Adeline screamed laughing still. That sounded soooooo muchhhhhh funn!!!!! "ANd who hates glitter! Thats rediculus!" she said with her hands on her hips. Glitter-Haters must be mad!

Oh HECK YES. They were excited and agreed with every single word she said. Ohhh...Savannah Conrad was proud and she showed that by the proud little smile on her face, the first one to answer was Adeline who had a HUGE box of purses."Awesome, Addy!"Yep, that was the girl's new nickname, Addy. Hehh. This was going to be so much fun.

"His girlfriend, Ella. She's a poopface."Savannah said with a simple shrug of her shoulders. Ella wasn't the problem right now though, their problem was Ai-Ai!


Originally Posted by Anais (Post 9742948)
"Meeee!" she said, raising up a hand. She gasped horridly.
"What glitter hater? How terrible! Ewww, who'd wanna date THAT?" she asked with disgust.
"Where's Kodes?" she asked with a puzzled look, since she was one of Savannah's best friends she must have been invited, rightt?

Savannah turned around to see Kody's MINI!kody arrive, a smile spread on the blonde's face. Snelly being here meant all the girls were getting along which was certainly a good thing. Too bad Kody and Savannah were kind of in a fight right now. >_<

Ahhhh....these girls were smart, like uber smart. YAY FOR SMART GLITTER LOVING FIRSTIES!!! Hehh. "I don't know, Snelly."Savannah said with a shrug of her shoulders,"boys can just be weird sometimes."and Aiden was no different than any other boys. He would come back to her one day though, Savannah just new it.

Crap. >_< Kody.

"Uhm....Kody a bit busy right now."Gulp. Hopefully the younger girl wouldn't question it more?


Originally Posted by Some Mystical Girl (Post 9742957)
"Sure, sounds fun!" Taylor was thinking that- but how petty? Seriously. And what about Eliza's nice girl act. She shook her head slightly but put on a smile.

Savannah looked over at Tay as she spoke, YEY! Another girl agreeing to it, ni all honesty though, Savannah would be surprised if any of the girl's said no.Who would want to pass up on such a fun experience? Someone stupid and lame but they girls weren't stupid and lame, they were pretty and awesome just like MAMA!Sav.

"YAYYYY !!!"Savannah said, clapping her hands together and jumping up and down. MEEPERS. She was uber excited.


Originally Posted by eliza22 (Post 9742972)
Hehh. This was gonna be SO FREAKIN' AWESOME. Eliza had bought a pair of Gucci heels and a huuge Prada bag, twice the size of any normal purse. It was gonna HURT when it hit... hehe. AIDEN WAS GOING DDOWNNN! Because he was dating TOAD!Face. Puh-lease. It was just wrong... like shaving the poor kitty. N'awwwh.

'I'm in, Savvy' she said with a grin, shouldering her bag. 'Seriously guys, it's soooo fun! Oh, and call him Ai-Ai. It annoys him' she added with a smirk

Of course Savannah knew that Eliza was going to say yes, She knew Eliza had a thing for hitting people, especially Aiden. Hehhh. She nodded to the girl, looking down at her Prada purse she was carrying. Ahhhh...yes, that would cause plenty of damage. OMG. She was so excited about this! Hehhh. Now all she needed to do was watch for Ai-Ai and see when he would come by.

"Yes.Yes.Yes."Savannah nodded, Eliza had the right idea."Call him Ai-Ai."Hehhh. Aiden didn't know what was going to hit him.



Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 9742976)

Fee smiled widely at Savvy.
"What dork would break your heart? Woah he had to be the most stupid person in this whole world", she said honestly.
As she heard about that girl that hates glitter her mouth flew open.
Which girl didnt love glitter?
Oh wait she wasnt a girl,she was a nothing. Right.
"Haha thats such great plan, its gonna be so fun", she laughed.
"I am so down for it!"

"Oh yes its gonna be, good thing i brought my big bag. That will hurt", she laughed.
Kicking boys butts was really funny. She loved to see them get hurt, and Ai-Ai wanted it like that.
His fault.

Awww...Fee-Fee! <333 Savannah was glad to see that these girls actually got what she was saying it seemed like a lot of people were on her side and it felt awesome! Savvy had such great friends and MINI!Savs. "I don't know, but I'm going to get him back soon!"Savannah said with a strudy nod of her head, yep first she just had to knock THING out of the way first. >_<

That was another plan though. Hehhh.

"does everyone have at least one bag or shoe with them ?"Savvy asked, looking around the room. It was good to be prepared for plans like this.

MugglesStink! 09-03-2010 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by MissFeenella (Post 9742976)

Fee smiled widely at Savvy.
"What dork would break your heart? Woah he had to be the most stupid person in this whole world", she said honestly.
As she heard about that girl that hates glitter her mouth flew open.
Which girl didnt love glitter?
Oh wait she wasnt a girl,she was a nothing. Right.
"Haha thats such great plan, its gonna be so fun", she laughed.
"I am so down for it!"

"Oh yes its gonna be, good thing i brought my big bag. That will hurt", she laughed.
Kicking boys butts was really funny. She loved to see them get hurt, and Ai-Ai wanted it like that.
His fault.

She giggled. "A brought stilletos and hard purses with chains" she snorted. This was going to be so much fun if he actually showed up.


Oh HECK YES. They were excited and agreed with every single word she said. Ohhh...Savannah Conrad was proud and she showed that by the proud little smile on her face, the first one to answer was Adeline who had a HUGE box of purses."Awesome, Addy!"Yep, that was the girl's new nickname, Addy. Hehh. This was going to be so much fun.

"His girlfriend, Ella. She's a poopface."Savannah said with a simple shrug of her shoulders. Ella wasn't the problem right now though, their problem was Ai-Ai!

"Poopface! I think she should be kicked out of Hogwarts!" she said. GLITTER HATERS SHOULD BE RUINED!!!! "And Thanks," she said with a sweet smile.

Anais 09-03-2010 04:55 PM


Savannah turned around to see Kody's MINI!kody arrive, a smile spread on the blonde's face. Snelly being here meant all the girls were getting along which was certainly a good thing. Too bad Kody and Savannah were kind of in a fight right now.

Ahhhh....these girls were smart, like uber smart. YAY FOR SMART GLITTER LOVING FIRSTIES!!! Hehh. "I don't know, Snelly."Savannah said with a shrug of her shoulders,"boys can just be weird sometimes."and Aiden was no different than any other boys. He would come back to her one day though, Savannah just new it.

Crap. Kody.

"Uhm....Kody a bit busy right now."Gulp. Hopefully the younger girl wouldn't question it more?
Sapphie smiled back at Savvy. Ewhh, this Aiden stinkbag was gonna payyy. Who would wanna date gross creatures like that? She held up her big Christian Audigier Heavy Metal Tote Bag and smiled happily.

"I've got the tools for the job."
she said with a giggle, happy that Savvy had called her Snelly. She loved being a a big, happy glitter family, eeep!

She turned to Adeline with a bewildered look.
"Addykins, it's one boy against a Seventh year girl and her firstie glitter loving army. We don't wanna kill the guy." she said with a laugh.
Adeline was really serious about it, she always acted like a wannabe. Fee was cool, but it just seemed like Adeline was trying wayyyy too hard. That's not an ingredient to a glitter girl.

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