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Large quantities of food are spread before you. Whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the Hogwarts' house elves are the best in the world. The food is superb and the company is as well.
Lexi smiled at Jimmy and then just shook her head as Neptune acted like a dramatic moron. Wow... what a time to be walking past the Ravvie table. Sigh. Not seeing Finlay anywhere around she pouted a bit.
Eyeing the RUDE Prefect again she then looked to Jimmy and said, "Well I think I will play with your monkey later, Jim. It seems that you have enough... stuff to deal with right now." Like rude little Gryffie Prefects and whoever that other girl was that gave her an odd vibe. Yikes. She gave Jimmy a quick half hug and turned on her heel and pranced away to go find her love.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
"Yeah." Jim muttered. "Yeah."
"So. Thats..." Neptune. "Rufus." Jimmy turned his attention to the little monkey. "He's cute huh?" And a GREAT distraction. "I wonder if he likes grapes?" He grinned at Cam and pretended like he didn't see that last little forlorn look that Neptune shot at him.
He smiled vaguely at Lexi, not even with it enough to take advantage of the little hug. "Tell Fin I need to talk to him, if you see him first." He added as she left.
"What you been up to Grayson? Its been a while...." He grinned at her. She was his housemate now right? But it wasn't like he'd been out and about recently.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Cameron didn't normally roll her eyes. But she did. Pink!Squeals was leaving. Yay. The Monkey all to herself.
At Jim's question, Cameron ignored him and instead turned to watch Neptune leave with a small frown. She wasn't as nice as Cameron would've expected. She was also blonde.
She would've decided to have a chat with Little Miss Bott - if she hadn't been so besotted with the little Monkey. She was putting off a lot of things for this Monkey.
"..you kyute little ickle monkey! Adorable. Absolutely adorable you are!"
She smiled slightly at Jim as he started talking to Grayson. Relationships were hella confusing.
Captain Awesome?_________________________________ _________________________________.....Fidget works too.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Text Cut: Cam and Jimmy
Originally Posted by Lexers
Cameron popped another grape in her mouth and watched in silence as the little monkey clung to her finger. Man.. it was so awkward sitting here. There was a giant elephant in the room. A BIG UGLY AWKWARD ELEPHANT, that was killing the conversation.
She didn't know if Neptune was making a stab at her or not, but she took it as such and scowled a little. That was rather low, don't you think? Cameron had TRIED and Miles was REALLY smart because he was a Ravenclaw and HE hadn't gotten through. Hmph.
What a mean girl.
Cameron missed half the kiss, but caught the tail end of Jim sulking towards his chair and ignoring her. Hmph. She suddenly wasn't so intent on getting Jim to admit they were in a relationship. He'd done that. Now the whole Great Hall knew.
Cam felt the definite urge to give him a hug. But then she'd have to give Rufus to Lexi and she wasn't sure she wanted to give Pink!Squeals that pleasure just yet.
Cam half-smiled at Grayson. "Hello sweets. Lovely morning?" HEH. Change of topic, now?
She glanced at Neptune and saw the glare. Cameron scowled.
"Don't you just look really pretty like that?" But it seemed the girl had had enough. She literally STALKED out of the Great Hall.
"This is like some corny soap opera.."
Originally Posted by Tegz
"Yeah." Jim muttered. "Yeah."
"So. Thats..." Neptune. "Rufus." Jimmy turned his attention to the little monkey. "He's cute huh?" And a GREAT distraction. "I wonder if he likes grapes?" He grinned at Cam and pretended like he didn't see that last little forlorn look that Neptune shot at him.
He smiled vaguely at Lexi, not even with it enough to take advantage of the little hug. "Tell Fin I need to talk to him, if you see him first." He added as she left.
"What you been up to Grayson? Its been a while...." He grinned at her. She was his housemate now right? But it wasn't like he'd been out and about recently.
Grayson wasn't about to let Neptune's tantrum affect her mood. She might be a bit confused, but there were people to talk to. And adorable tiny monkeys to look at. And she had Draco with her, and the ferret always acted as sort of a security blanket for her. He made her be in a good mood, no matter what. But she stifled another giggle as even with her attempts at ignoring the other blonde Ravenclaw didn't stop her from hearing the petty comment about the monkey. Then she turned her attention to Cam, who'd responded to her. "Yep. Seems that way," she said with a smile, knowing Neptune was stalking off in a pout kind of behind her but deciding it wasn't worth it to get involved again. She hadn't gotten a response before now anyway. And the poor little cute monkey didn't have diseases. That was just wild monkeys.
And then Lexi was leaving too, in some sort of different pout, and it was all just stupid to her. She didn't get why everything had gotten so . . . tense. yeah, relationship stuff, and she'd almost be willing to bet half of why Lexi was leaving was because Fin hadn't been there. As well as not getting to see the monkey right at that moment. There was a point to waiting, and Grayson knew that. Usually she was waiting for the opportune time for a prank, but it was still a good point. But as Cam went back to cooing over Jimmy's monkey, Grayson turned another grin onto said monkey's owner. "He's definitely cute. Almost cuter than Draco," she said without thinking, before she blinked and shook her head a little. That sounded wrong. Oh well. He'd gone on to other topics anyway, and her grin came back. "I've been around. Had a little incident at the moving staircase after the first Potions lesson, that would have probably gone way wrong if I hadn't been saved by Salander and a flying painting," she said with a laugh. "And it has been a while. Big castle, I guess." Amusing thought, really, but she'd been thinking that very thing earlier.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Ickle Rufus was indeed being super adorable and aparently was as fascinated with Cam's hair as Jimmy claimed to be, because without any sort of warning, the little monkey launched itself from Cam's hand and CLUNG to her hair, peeking around with wide eyes. It hid and nestled in against Cam's neck, just peeking out a little bit.
Jim laughed. "Eh. Sorry about that. He likes to snuggle up all close." Kinda like Jim. SHHHH.
"Who's Draco?" He asked Grayson and then nodded. "Yeah, I hear that the moving staircases can be dangerous. Reckon it'd be awesome to scale them sometime. Not, you know, up the stairs, but up through the center."
He nodded. Well. He hadn't been after Grayson, on account of the dibs and then distracted on account of the yearbook and quill stuff he'd got himself involved in. And well... Neptune.
And not just Neptune, he reminded himself with a cocky smile. Yep. He'd be FINE.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Carter laughed and gave her a playful little shove back. "Yes, yes. I remember." he said. He was the sweet and sensitive kind apparently.
Carter laughed. "Well, my pies are great. I learned how to make it from my mum. Sometimes she even takes them with her to work. The patients love it too." Although... it might be a little harder to make it without eggs, but that shouldn't be a problem. That's why they made egg substitutes.
He then laughed again. "That is a brilliant idea!" he exclaimed happily. "How about the Ravenclaw table? I have never eaten at that one before." he suggested.
Entering the Great Hall, Mia guided Carter over to the Ravenclaw table and took a seat. "Here we go. Now you can say that you have eaten at the Ravvie table." She said giving Carter a smile. It was no different from the other tables but hey it was fun a change.
"So what is your favourite kind of pie? I like pecan pie myself." Mia hoped he knew how to make that, she really, really did like that pie. She piled some vegetables onto her plate and looked longingly at the lamb chops for a moment. They smelled delicious but where they came from always put her off wanting to eat it.
Popping some pumpkin into her mouth, Mia turned slightly in her seat so that she could look at Carter properly. "I must say, I am enjoying your company Carter, you're very easy to talk to."
Ickle Rufus was indeed being super adorable and aparently was as fascinated with Cam's hair as Jimmy claimed to be, because without any sort of warning, the little monkey launched itself from Cam's hand and CLUNG to her hair, peeking around with wide eyes. It hid and nestled in against Cam's neck, just peeking out a little bit.
Jim laughed. "Eh. Sorry about that. He likes to snuggle up all close." Kinda like Jim. SHHHH.
"Who's Draco?" He asked Grayson and then nodded. "Yeah, I hear that the moving staircases can be dangerous. Reckon it'd be awesome to scale them sometime. Not, you know, up the stairs, but up through the center."
He nodded. Well. He hadn't been after Grayson, on account of the dibs and then distracted on account of the yearbook and quill stuff he'd got himself involved in. And well... Neptune.
And not just Neptune, he reminded himself with a cocky smile. Yep. He'd be FINE.
Cameron paid no mind to the conversation between James and Grayson. No. The little monkey, clinging to her finger, was taking up all her attention. It was absolutey adorable. Her internal 'girl' squealed as it readjusted it's grip. D'aw. She could just SQUISH it. Except it was so small. She giggled quietly and perhaps this triggered it, but she had no idea why, the monkey suddenly leapt into her hair and crawled around for a bit before coming to rest at her neck.
She squirmed trying to find it. "Ruuuufus?" She giggled half way through her word and looked at her shoulder. "Ninja." James had a ninja monkey. Typical. The redhead shrugged and used her other hand to take the glass of pumpkin juice he'd poured for her and take a sip. Nom.
"No worries. He doesn't bite.. right?" So she'd be fine. If he didn't bite..
She popped another grape into her mouth and wound a strand of fiery red hair around her finger. Bored. Neptune was definitely a mood kill.
Captain Awesome?_________________________________ _________________________________.....Fidget works too.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Entering the Great Hall, Mia guided Carter over to the Ravenclaw table and took a seat. "Here we go. Now you can say that you have eaten at the Ravvie table." She said giving Carter a smile. It was no different from the other tables but hey it was fun a change.
"So what is your favourite kind of pie? I like pecan pie myself." Mia hoped he knew how to make that, she really, really did like that pie. She piled some vegetables onto her plate and looked longingly at the lamb chops for a moment. They smelled delicious but where they came from always put her off wanting to eat it.
Popping some pumpkin into her mouth, Mia turned slightly in her seat so that she could look at Carter properly. "I must say, I am enjoying your company Carter, you're very easy to talk to."
Carter laughed. "Well, that's one less thing I have to do before graduation then." he said happily. Now there was only a few things left to do. (Like explore the Forbidden Forest -- but he wouldn't dream of doing that without Mina.)
Carter looked around the table. Hmm... what to try? The potatoes. Definitely the potatoes. He piled a nice healthy sized scoop on his plate. Afterwards, there wasn't much room on his plate for anything else. Not that it mattered, potatoes were his favorite.
Hmmm... favorite pie? "I think apple is my favorite." he said. But pecan was good too. "Are you hinting that you want our little cooking demonstration to involve pecan pie?" he asked with a little laugh and a little wink.
He could do that. Despite everyone's opinions, he actually found pecan pie to be a fairly easy pie to make.
Carter then smiled. "Thanks." he said. "I really enjoy your company too. I'm glad you decided to talk to me. You know, especially after the whole rhyming on the train thing."
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Text Cut: Jimmy and Cam
Originally Posted by Tegz
Ickle Rufus was indeed being super adorable and aparently was as fascinated with Cam's hair as Jimmy claimed to be, because without any sort of warning, the little monkey launched itself from Cam's hand and CLUNG to her hair, peeking around with wide eyes. It hid and nestled in against Cam's neck, just peeking out a little bit.
Jim laughed. "Eh. Sorry about that. He likes to snuggle up all close." Kinda like Jim. SHHHH.
"Who's Draco?" He asked Grayson and then nodded. "Yeah, I hear that the moving staircases can be dangerous. Reckon it'd be awesome to scale them sometime. Not, you know, up the stairs, but up through the center."
He nodded. Well. He hadn't been after Grayson, on account of the dibs and then distracted on account of the yearbook and quill stuff he'd got himself involved in. And well... Neptune.
And not just Neptune, he reminded himself with a cocky smile. Yep. He'd be FINE.
Originally Posted by Lexers
Cameron paid no mind to the conversation between James and Grayson. No. The little monkey, clinging to her finger, was taking up all her attention. It was absolutey adorable. Her internal 'girl' squealed as it readjusted it's grip. D'aw. She could just SQUISH it. Except it was so small. She giggled quietly and perhaps this triggered it, but she had no idea why, the monkey suddenly leapt into her hair and crawled around for a bit before coming to rest at her neck.
She squirmed trying to find it. "Ruuuufus?" She giggled half way through her word and looked at her shoulder. "Ninja." James had a ninja monkey. Typical. The redhead shrugged and used her other hand to take the glass of pumpkin juice he'd poured for her and take a sip. Nom.
"No worries. He doesn't bite.. right?" So she'd be fine. If he didn't bite..
She popped another grape into her mouth and wound a strand of fiery red hair around her finger. Bored. Neptune was definitely a mood kill.
Grayson hadn't really been paying a lot of attention to Cam and the teeny monkey that was Rufus, as she figured there wasn't going to be a chance to see him any time soon. But when Cam giggled, she glanced around to see Rufus going after the Gryffie's hair and giggled a bit herself. The monkey was soooo cute. And Cam calling it a ninja was just even funnier. But then she turned back to Jimmy as he spoke, and laughed again at the almost confused question. "Oh. Draco's my ferret," she finally explained, sort of gesturing at the white furry creature curled around her neck, that was kind of visible through her hair.
Then she lowered her voice, as he started talking about the moving staircase, as if she thought she neded to keep her antics quiet. "I slid down the railing. Cast Glisseo on it, then slid. Awesomely fast, and once I got to the end I flew. Which is where Salander and the painting came in." She looked around, in case any professors were around. "He levitated a painting which I flew into and got stuck. It was hilarious." And his idea sounded awesome too. "I'd be up for that." Scaling the staircase probably wouldn't be that different from trees. Just more dangerous, and therefore way more fun. She needed more ideas like that.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Carter laughed. "Well, that's one less thing I have to do before graduation then." he said happily. Now there was only a few things left to do. (Like explore the Forbidden Forest -- but he wouldn't dream of doing that without Mina.)
Carter looked around the table. Hmm... what to try? The potatoes. Definitely the potatoes. He piled a nice healthy sized scoop on his plate. Afterwards, there wasn't much room on his plate for anything else. Not that it mattered, potatoes were his favorite.
Hmmm... favorite pie? "I think apple is my favorite." he said. But pecan was good too. "Are you hinting that you want our little cooking demonstration to involve pecan pie?" he asked with a little laugh and a little wink.
He could do that. Despite everyone's opinions, he actually found pecan pie to be a fairly easy pie to make.
Carter then smiled. "Thanks." he said. "I really enjoy your company too. I'm glad you decided to talk to me. You know, especially after the whole rhyming on the train thing."
Mia watched with utter amazement as Carter placed his plate full of potatoes. Like there was no room left on the plate for anything else. "I take you like potatoes." Obviously. She looked at her own plate and there was like two pieces of pumpkin on it.
Apparently she hadn't been a subtle as she thought she was being and she laughed softly. "Was I that obvious?" Mia bumped her shoulder with his again and then gave him puppy dog eyes. "Please Carter, can you show me how to make pecan pie?" She would get down and beg him if she had to. Well...actually she probably wouldn't.
"Oh yes." She laughed. "I had almost forgotten about that. Seriously I would have talked to you anyway. if you hadn't noticed I am little bit weird myself." Mia grinned at him and then popped some pumpkin into her mouth. "I have to say I thought it was cute there for a bit until I realised that Destiny wasn't too keen and then I kinda thought you were a stalker. Sorry about that." She added with a laugh.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Mia watched with utter amazement as Carter placed his plate full of potatoes. Like there was no room left on the plate for anything else. "I take you like potatoes." Obviously. She looked at her own plate and there was like two pieces of pumpkin on it.
Apparently she hadn't been a subtle as she thought she was being and she laughed softly. "Was I that obvious?" Mia bumped her shoulder with his again and then gave him puppy dog eyes. "Please Carter, can you show me how to make pecan pie?" She would get down and beg him if she had to. Well...actually she probably wouldn't.
"Oh yes." She laughed. "I had almost forgotten about that. Seriously I would have talked to you anyway. if you hadn't noticed I am little bit weird myself." Mia grinned at him and then popped some pumpkin into her mouth. "I have to say I thought it was cute there for a bit until I realised that Destiny wasn't too keen and then I kinda thought you were a stalker. Sorry about that." She added with a laugh.
Carter laughed. "Potatoes are my favorite." he said with a happy little smile. Potatoes being his favorite was a bit of an understatement. But hey, who was keeping track of that?
He then laughed again. "Of course, I'd be delighted. Just name the time and the place and we'll make it happen." he said. It could be one of those non-dates they talked about. And really, there was no need for the puppy dog eyes. Carter just liked being able to hang out with his friends.
Carter chuckled again. "Really... kinda cute? There was nothing cute about that situation." He hadn't really talked to Destiny or Marie all year because of it. Not to mention that because of it he no longer had a girlfriend.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Carter laughed. "Potatoes are my favorite." he said with a happy little smile. Potatoes being his favorite was a bit of an understatement. But hey, who was keeping track of that?
He then laughed again. "Of course, I'd be delighted. Just name the time and the place and we'll make it happen." he said. It could be one of those non-dates they talked about. And really, there was no need for the puppy dog eyes. Carter just liked being able to hang out with his friends.
Carter chuckled again. "Really... kinda cute? There was nothing cute about that situation." He hadn't really talked to Destiny or Marie all year because of it. Not to mention that because of it he no longer had a girlfriend.
"Have you ever thought about making a potato pie? You know putting your two favorite things into one." Mia could honestly say that she didn't have a particularly favorite food. If it tasted good she would eat it.
Mia chewed on her bottom lip, she often did this when she was thinking which wasn't often. She shrugged her shoulders, "I'm happy for whenever. I go with the flow you know." She laughed a little. "We could do it tonight if you're not busy with something else." She hoped that he was prepared for how uncoordinated she was in a kitchen.
Oh oops! Probably wasn't the best thing to say.
She placed her fork down onto the table and turned to look at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up again. You have to remember I had no idea that you were under the effects of a love potion. I just thought you were being extremely sweet and romantic over your girlfriend." Not that she would ever want any guy talking to her like that but some girls were all for that kind of thing.
"What's the most romantic thing you ever did for a girl?" She was merely curious, that's all.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
"Have you ever thought about making a potato pie? You know putting your two favorite things into one." Mia could honestly say that she didn't have a particularly favorite food. If it tasted good she would eat it.
Mia chewed on her bottom lip, she often did this when she was thinking which wasn't often. She shrugged her shoulders, "I'm happy for whenever. I go with the flow you know." She laughed a little. "We could do it tonight if you're not busy with something else." She hoped that he was prepared for how uncoordinated she was in a kitchen.
Oh oops! Probably wasn't the best thing to say.
She placed her fork down onto the table and turned to look at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up again. You have to remember I had no idea that you were under the effects of a love potion. I just thought you were being extremely sweet and romantic over your girlfriend." Not that she would ever want any guy talking to her like that but some girls were all for that kind of thing.
"What's the most romantic thing you ever did for a girl?" She was merely curious, that's all.
Carter laughed. "Not potato pie." he said. "I like shepherd's pie though. And that has potatoes in it." He wasn't sure how well potatoes and crust would mix.
"I'm free tonight." he said. In fact, since there was no quidditch he was free practically all the time. Not currently in a relationship also added to his free time.
He smiled. "No, it's alright. Really." he said. "I'm sure it was a lot of fun to see." And by that he meant funny.
He thought for a second about the next question. "Umm... I guess it would be that I learned how to make sushi for my first girlfriend. It was her favorite food. So I set up this little thing by the lake and we made sushi together. And then I umm... sang a song for her."
And then she started dating my best mate behind my back.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Lexers
Cameron paid no mind to the conversation between James and Grayson. No. The little monkey, clinging to her finger, was taking up all her attention. It was absolutey adorable. Her internal 'girl' squealed as it readjusted it's grip. D'aw. She could just SQUISH it. Except it was so small. She giggled quietly and perhaps this triggered it, but she had no idea why, the monkey suddenly leapt into her hair and crawled around for a bit before coming to rest at her neck.
She squirmed trying to find it. "Ruuuufus?" She giggled half way through her word and looked at her shoulder. "Ninja." James had a ninja monkey. Typical. The redhead shrugged and used her other hand to take the glass of pumpkin juice he'd poured for her and take a sip. Nom.
"No worries. He doesn't bite.. right?" So she'd be fine. If he didn't bite..
She popped another grape into her mouth and wound a strand of fiery red hair around her finger. Bored. Neptune was definitely a mood kill.
"Nawww he doesn't bite unless you get all up in his grill." Jim answered. He was trying to distract himself and yet... it was kind of a fail. He watched Cam play with her hair with interest though. Nice hair. Heehee.
Jim reached his hand out and Rufus obligingly jumped back and clinged on to his wrist.
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
Text Cut: Jimmy and Cam
Grayson hadn't really been paying a lot of attention to Cam and the teeny monkey that was Rufus, as she figured there wasn't going to be a chance to see him any time soon. But when Cam giggled, she glanced around to see Rufus going after the Gryffie's hair and giggled a bit herself. The monkey was soooo cute. And Cam calling it a ninja was just even funnier. But then she turned back to Jimmy as he spoke, and laughed again at the almost confused question. "Oh. Draco's my ferret," she finally explained, sort of gesturing at the white furry creature curled around her neck, that was kind of visible through her hair.
Then she lowered her voice, as he started talking about the moving staircase, as if she thought she neded to keep her antics quiet. "I slid down the railing. Cast Glisseo on it, then slid. Awesomely fast, and once I got to the end I flew. Which is where Salander and the painting came in." She looked around, in case any professors were around. "He levitated a painting which I flew into and got stuck. It was hilarious." And his idea sounded awesome too. "I'd be up for that." Scaling the staircase probably wouldn't be that different from trees. Just more dangerous, and therefore way more fun. She needed more ideas like that.
"Oh. Awesome. Did you name it because of that history thing, with Mad Eye Moody and Draco Malfoy?" He asked, curious but trying to make it sound like it was a thing he'd only heard about in passing rather than something he was particularly familiar with because of reading a lot about such things in books.
"I'd let you pet Rufus but... I dunno if Monkey and Ferret will mix so well." He pointed out. The marmoset chittered and then squished itself down the front of Jim's shirt, peeking its little head out at the top.
"I should go..." After Neptune? Sulk? Study? Snog some random girl? "Do some studying or something." Shrug. "You know, OWLs and all." He told the girls, smiling at both of them as if no drama had happened.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Carter laughed. "Not potato pie." he said. "I like shepherd's pie though. And that has potatoes in it." He wasn't sure how well potatoes and crust would mix.
"I'm free tonight." he said. In fact, since there was no quidditch he was free practically all the time. Not currently in a relationship also added to his free time.
He smiled. "No, it's alright. Really." he said. "I'm sure it was a lot of fun to see." And by that he meant funny.
He thought for a second about the next question. "Umm... I guess it would be that I learned how to make sushi for my first girlfriend. It was her favorite food. So I set up this little thing by the lake and we made sushi together. And then I umm... sang a song for her."
And then she started dating my best mate behind my back.
Mia wrinkled her nose a little. "It also has meat in it." Of course she didn't begrudge others for their taste in food but she couldn't even fathom thought of having anything with meat in it especially when she knew what they did to get that meat.
The way he said that for some reason made her think they were organising a date or something. But she was pretty sure that Carter knew where she stood on that so she had nothing to worry about. "Cool. Do I get to wear one of those frilly little aprons while I am cooking?"
Hehe. She had always wanted to wear one of those.
She raised an eyebrow at him. "How many girlfriend's have you had exactly?" Maybe Carter was more like her than she first thought. "Oh that's really sweet." Mia said in response to his confession. And it was sweet if you were into that sort of thing which Mia was NOT!
"Hmm, so I know what your favourite food is. Tell me, what's your favourite colour?"
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Originally Posted by Tegz
"Nawww he doesn't bite unless you get all up in his grill." Jim answered. He was trying to distract himself and yet... it was kind of a fail. He watched Cam play with her hair with interest though. Nice hair. Heehee.
Jim reached his hand out and Rufus obligingly jumped back and clinged on to his wrist.
"Oh. Awesome. Did you name it because of that history thing, with Mad Eye Moody and Draco Malfoy?" He asked, curious but trying to make it sound like it was a thing he'd only heard about in passing rather than something he was particularly familiar with because of reading a lot about such things in books.
"I'd let you pet Rufus but... I dunno if Monkey and Ferret will mix so well." He pointed out. The marmoset chittered and then squished itself down the front of Jim's shirt, peeking its little head out at the top.
"I should go..." After Neptune? Sulk? Study? Snog some random girl? "Do some studying or something." Shrug. "You know, OWLs and all." He told the girls, smiling at both of them as if no drama had happened.
Grayson had gone back to watching Cam and Rufus for a bit, as the conversation lulled momentarily, but she smiled at the answer to the question of if the tiny monkey would bite. That sounded like Draco. And then her green eyes followed the teeny furry creature as he returned to its owner. Rufus was just sooo cute, it was hard to not watch him. But that helped anyway, as Jimmy spoke again, in response to her explanation about Draco. And her eyes lit up as he understood. "Yep. I like that story, so it seemed right, yknow?" Of course, she liked pretty much every story from that part of history. Especially anything involving Moody, even faux-Moody as was the case in that story.
But a thoughtful look crossed her face as he spoke about Rufus and how he would mix with Draco. "Well, that's up to Rufus. Draco mostly doesn't like cats." Or annoying little brothers. "But he acts good around most other animals." She didn't think there'd be a jealousy issue or anything. Draco didn't mind when she petted Ruby at home, after all. But maybe there'd be other times when she could pet Rufus. It wasn't like there wasn't who knew how many possibilities she'd see Jimmy again. She smiled again as he spoke, excusing himself. "Whatever you feel like. I'm personally not looking forward to taking OWLs." Next term. Shudder. She'd much rather go do something than stress out over exams. At least the little scene before was being ignored. Tension was almost as bad as exams.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Mia wrinkled her nose a little. "It also has meat in it." Of course she didn't begrudge others for their taste in food but she couldn't even fathom thought of having anything with meat in it especially when she knew what they did to get that meat.
The way he said that for some reason made her think they were organising a date or something. But she was pretty sure that Carter knew where she stood on that so she had nothing to worry about. "Cool. Do I get to wear one of those frilly little aprons while I am cooking?"
Hehe. She had always wanted to wear one of those.
She raised an eyebrow at him. "How many girlfriend's have you had exactly?" Maybe Carter was more like her than she first thought. "Oh that's really sweet." Mia said in response to his confession. And it was sweet if you were into that sort of thing which Mia was NOT!
"Hmm, so I know what your favourite food is. Tell me, what's your favourite colour?"
"Yeah. I bet you could make it without meat though." Carter said. That would probably still be delicious.
Oohhh... potato volcanoes were made without meat. That is... unless gravy had animal in it. He didn't know. "Is gravy vegetarian?" he asked. Too bad Mia couldn't read thoughts too. That question must have seemed like it came out of nowhere.
Carter chuckled. "Sure. I'm sure we can find you one of those to wear." he said. And if not, they could make a trip up to the Room of Requirement. The room probably had a couple hundred they could use.
"Two." he said responding to her question. "And I guess it is..." Again, it wasn't something he really thought of. "She seemed to like it." And that's what mattered.
"Probably red. I don't really know if it's my favorite or if it's just because I'm a Gryffindor." he said. "But it's beginning to seem like all I own is red and all I wear is red. What about you? What's your favorite?"
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
"Yeah. I bet you could make it without meat though." Carter said. That would probably still be delicious.
Oohhh... potato volcanoes were made without meat. That is... unless gravy had animal in it. He didn't know. "Is gravy vegetarian?" he asked. Too bad Mia couldn't read thoughts too. That question must have seemed like it came out of nowhere.
Carter chuckled. "Sure. I'm sure we can find you one of those to wear." he said. And if not, they could make a trip up to the Room of Requirement. The room probably had a couple hundred they could use.
"Two." he said responding to her question. "And I guess it is..." Again, it wasn't something he really thought of. "She seemed to like it." And that's what mattered.
"Probably red. I don't really know if it's my favorite or if it's just because I'm a Gryffindor." he said. "But it's beginning to seem like all I own is red and all I wear is red. What about you? What's your favorite?"
A shephard's pie without meat? Mia wasn't sure how that was supposed to work. It would just be potato and pastry, wouldn't it? Of course there would have to be...
She blinked a couple of times at Carter's question. It was as though they were sharing the same thoughts...sort of. "Er...I don't think so. Isn't gravy usually made from the juice of the meat?" Mia wasn't a great cook herself but she had paid attention a couple of times when others had cooked.
Sweet!! She was going to get to wear an apron and she would make him wear one too. Not that she would tell him that...yet.
Oh? Only two girlfriends. Maybe Carter wasn't as bad as Mia then. Not that she'd had any boyfriends. Just quite a few snogging partners which was totally more fun then having a boyfriend anyway. But that was just her opinion.
"So what happened to your first girlfriend? I mean why isn't she your girlfriend anymore?" She asked not thinking for one second that was quite a personal question to be asking someone.
Mia smiled a little and placed her finger to her lips. "Hmm depends what mood I am in. I like all colours except maybe black. I don't really like to wear black, unfortunately it is a Hogwarts requirement." She looked down at her robes and sighed. "Now, do you like to read? And what books do you like reading?"
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
A shephard's pie without meat? Mia wasn't sure how that was supposed to work. It would just be potato and pastry, wouldn't it? Of course there would have to be...
She blinked a couple of times at Carter's question. It was as though they were sharing the same thoughts...sort of. "Er...I don't think so. Isn't gravy usually made from the juice of the meat?" Mia wasn't a great cook herself but she had paid attention a couple of times when others had cooked.
Sweet!! She was going to get to wear an apron and she would make him wear one too. Not that she would tell him that...yet.
Oh? Only two girlfriends. Maybe Carter wasn't as bad as Mia then. Not that she'd had any boyfriends. Just quite a few snogging partners which was totally more fun then having a boyfriend anyway. But that was just her opinion.
"So what happened to your first girlfriend? I mean why isn't she your girlfriend anymore?" She asked not thinking for one second that was quite a personal question to be asking someone.
Mia smiled a little and placed her finger to her lips. "Hmm depends what mood I am in. I like all colours except maybe black. I don't really like to wear black, unfortunately it is a Hogwarts requirement." She looked down at her robes and sighed. "Now, do you like to read? And what books do you like reading?"
Carter thought for a moment. "I bet there is a such thing as a vegetarian gravy." he said. How could there not be? There were plenty of vegetarians in the world. "I bet my mum would know. She likes to cook." Which was one of the reasons he knew how to make pie.
He then laughed out loud. How fun would it be to make a vegetarian shepherd's pie and make vegetarian gravy?
Oh, now it was back to some unpleasant memories. "Well... I found out that she and one of my best mates at the time were going on secret dates."And snogging behind my back."Things are alright between Rafe and I now... but the girl seemed to think that I was at fault for calling things off with her when I found out..."She also decided that cursing me was justified."I think she was a bit mental..."
"Well I think you are too much of a happy person to be in black. It doesn't suit you well." Which was probably why she was a Hufflepuff. She looked good in yellow.
Carter thought for a moment. "Other than quidditch and school things I'm not sure when the last time I read was..." he said. Ehh... that was probably bad. "I used to read all the time though, back when I was, you know, muggle." Except when he was playing football.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Carter thought for a moment. "I bet there is a such thing as a vegetarian gravy." he said. How could there not be? There were plenty of vegetarians in the world. "I bet my mum would know. She likes to cook." Which was one of the reasons he knew how to make pie.
He then laughed out loud. How fun would it be to make a vegetarian shepherd's pie and make vegetarian gravy?
Oh, now it was back to some unpleasant memories. "Well... I found out that she and one of my best mates at the time were going on secret dates."And snogging behind my back."Things are alright between Rafe and I now... but the girl seemed to think that I was at fault for calling things off with her when I found out..."She also decided that cursing me was justified."I think she was a bit mental..."
"Well I think you are too much of a happy person to be in black. It doesn't suit you well." Which was probably why she was a Hufflepuff. She looked good in yellow.
Carter thought for a moment. "Other than quidditch and school things I'm not sure when the last time I read was..." he said. Ehh... that was probably bad. "I used to read all the time though, back when I was, you know, muggle." Except when he was playing football.
Letting out a small giggle at the adamant tone in Carter's voice, Mia held up her hands. "You would know better than me. I can't even boil water properly." As far as she was concerned there were better things to do than cooking. But then again maybe it would be different having a cute guy teach you how to cook opposed to her mother or good old Martha.
See that's why Mia didn't want to be in a relationship with anyone. Especially at this young age. Teenagers were fickle. They changed their mind like they changed their underwear. Always looking for the next best thing.
"I'm sorry to hear that Carter. The girl must have been mental like you said. She obviously didn't know a good thing when she had it. It's her loss, that's how you should look at it." Oh yeah Mia knew how to stroke a guys ego. She'd had practice.
Mia looked down at her robes again and smiled, "Not much I can do about it though. It's part of the uniform requirement." She would have to assume that the staff would not appreciate it if she changed the color of her robes not that she would be able to manage it anyway. "I'm glad that Hufflepuff has such a bright color though. Yellow is such a fun and bright color." And it went well with her aura.
"Carter, you were never a muggle. You just grew up with muggle parents. You've always been a wizard." She scooped up some vegetable stew and brought it to his mouth. "Now tell me. Does this stew have gravy in it?" She asked with a mischevious gleam in her eyes.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Letting out a small giggle at the adamant tone in Carter's voice, Mia held up her hands. "You would know better than me. I can't even boil water properly." As far as she was concerned there were better things to do than cooking. But then again maybe it would be different having a cute guy teach you how to cook opposed to her mother or good old Martha.
See that's why Mia didn't want to be in a relationship with anyone. Especially at this young age. Teenagers were fickle. They changed their mind like they changed their underwear. Always looking for the next best thing.
"I'm sorry to hear that Carter. The girl must have been mental like you said. She obviously didn't know a good thing when she had it. It's her loss, that's how you should look at it." Oh yeah Mia knew how to stroke a guys ego. She'd had practice.
Mia looked down at her robes again and smiled, "Not much I can do about it though. It's part of the uniform requirement." She would have to assume that the staff would not appreciate it if she changed the color of her robes not that she would be able to manage it anyway. "I'm glad that Hufflepuff has such a bright color though. Yellow is such a fun and bright color." And it went well with her aura.
"Carter, you were never a muggle. You just grew up with muggle parents. You've always been a wizard." She scooped up some vegetable stew and brought it to his mouth. "Now tell me. Does this stew have gravy in it?" She asked with a mischevious gleam in her eyes.
Carter laughed. "In that case - I might have my work cut out for me making that pie." he teased. He doubted she was that bad. Besides, he had some pretty good experience... and messing up pie would be hard.
"It's fine. I'm over it." he said. Which was partially true. He smiled. "Thanks." he said. Hopefully she was saying that because she meant it and not because she was just trying to make him feel better. Either way, it did feel good to have a pretty girl someone say those things to him.
He smiled. "True. It's a good thing that we don't have to wear the robes all the time." he said. He took advantage of it all the time. "And plus we have scarves, right?" he said playing a little with his.
He nodded. Yeah... he was a wizard, just not like everyone else. Until he got here that is.
Suddenly he had something in his mouth. It tasted like... carrot...? "Well... it definitely doesn't taste like meat... if that's what you're asking."
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Carter laughed. "In that case - I might have my work cut out for me making that pie." he teased. He doubted she was that bad. Besides, he had some pretty good experience... and messing up pie would be hard.
"It's fine. I'm over it." he said. Which was partially true. He smiled. "Thanks." he said. Hopefully she was saying that because she meant it and not because she was just trying to make him feel better. Either way, it did feel good to have a pretty girl someone say those things to him.
He smiled. "True. It's a good thing that we don't have to wear the robes all the time." he said. He took advantage of it all the time. "And plus we have scarves, right?" he said playing a little with his.
He nodded. Yeah... he was a wizard, just not like everyone else. Until he got here that is.
Suddenly he had something in his mouth. It tasted like... carrot...? "Well... it definitely doesn't taste like meat... if that's what you're asking."
Oh he had no idea just how much work Mia could be. Her mind tended to wander when she was supposed to be paying attention when someone was giving her instructions. That's probably why she wasn't very good at magic either. "I promise to be as helpful as I can." She didn't promise that she wouldn't be messy though.
"Are you sure?" Mia wasn't meaning to pry or anything but she didn't think he was over his first girlfriend at all. "Seems you cared about her a lot. She was the one you mentioned when I asked you what's the most romantic thing you have ever done for a girl." She shrugged her shoulders, "Just the impression I get, is all."
Mia giggled as she pulled the spoon away. "No it wasn't what I was asking. What could you taste?" If he said vegetables then perhaps he could do with a lesson in cooking.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Oh he had no idea just how much work Mia could be. Her mind tended to wander when she was supposed to be paying attention when someone was giving her instructions. That's probably why she wasn't very good at magic either. "I promise to be as helpful as I can." She didn't promise that she wouldn't be messy though.
"Are you sure?" Mia wasn't meaning to pry or anything but she didn't think he was over his first girlfriend at all. "Seems you cared about her a lot. She was the one you mentioned when I asked you what's the most romantic thing you have ever done for a girl." She shrugged her shoulders, "Just the impression I get, is all."
Mia giggled as she pulled the spoon away. "No it wasn't what I was asking. What could you taste?" If he said vegetables then perhaps he could do with a lesson in cooking.
Carter laughed. "Would that be code for messy?" he asked. "My little sister is what she calls 'helpful' all the time." Yup. Little Anya could be one messy kid.
"Yeah. Of course." he said nodding. "Yeah... well... she was my first girlfriend... you know?" Okay, so maybe she didn't know. "I guess it's the whole ending so badly thing..." he began. He didn't know quite how to end the sentence. "I guess it's still kinda an awkward subject." Yeah... that seemed to convey his thoughts. Well enough anyway. He wasn't quite sure how to exactly explain it. Nor did he really want to. He'd had enough of those conversations.
"It tasted like carrot." he said. Was that a good answer? "Was it supposed to taste like something else?"
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Carter laughed. "Would that be code for messy?" he asked. "My little sister is what she calls 'helpful' all the time." Yup. Little Anya could be one messy kid.
"Yeah. Of course." he said nodding. "Yeah... well... she was my first girlfriend... you know?" Okay, so maybe she didn't know. "I guess it's the whole ending so badly thing..." he began. He didn't know quite how to end the sentence. "I guess it's still kinda an awkward subject." Yeah... that seemed to convey his thoughts. Well enough anyway. He wasn't quite sure how to exactly explain it. Nor did he really want to. He'd had enough of those conversations.
"It tasted like carrot." he said. Was that a good answer? "Was it supposed to taste like something else?"
“You would be correct.” Mia gave him a wink and then laughed. She had never been a tidy sort of person. Making mess was a rather enjoyable experience. To her anyway.
Mia had heard that people never forget their first loves, she wondered if she would be the same. Right now she just couldn’t imagine it. “Yeah I guess.” She said, having no idea whatsoever. “And you don’t feel that hurt breaking up with your second girlfriend?” Maybe a person got used to breaking up so it didn’t have the same effect as the first one.
Pfft…that sounded ridiculous even to her.
“No. It was carrot but I wanted to see if you could taste the spice on it.” Mia put the spoon down and spun on her seat so that her back was resting against the table. “Have you ever wondered why there is always carrot in vomit even when you hadn’t eaten any carrot?”
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
“You would be correct.” Mia gave him a wink and then laughed. She had never been a tidy sort of person. Making mess was a rather enjoyable experience. To her anyway.
Mia had heard that people never forget their first loves, she wondered if she would be the same. Right now she just couldn’t imagine it. “Yeah I guess.” She said, having no idea whatsoever. “And you don’t feel that hurt breaking up with your second girlfriend?” Maybe a person got used to breaking up so it didn’t have the same effect as the first one.
Pfft…that sounded ridiculous even to her.
“No. It was carrot but I wanted to see if you could taste the spice on it.” Mia put the spoon down and spun on her seat so that her back was resting against the table. “Have you ever wondered why there is always carrot in vomit even when you hadn’t eaten any carrot?”
Carter laughed at the wink. Oh yeah. He was good at reading girls. Sorta. Kinda. Maybe. Maybe not. It was probably just a lucky guess. Or maybe he could just read that it was Mia's personality to make a mess.
Ehh... whatever caused his guess didn't matter. He just knew it would be fun.
Carter shrugged. "I think I'm still in shock over that one." he said. "It's a weird feeling coming out of some kind of potion-induced to find out that your single." He then shrugged again. "I guess if she believed that I would break-up with her using a rhyme she was just waiting for an excuse, right?" At least, that's what made sense to him.
Hmm... was there spice? Perhaps. But it mostly tasted like carrot.
Blink. Blink. "I can't say I've ever... umm... looked." he said. That would just make him want to vomit more.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You