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Large quantities of food are spread before you. Whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the Hogwarts' house elves are the best in the world. The food is superb and the company is as well.
"Good 'cause I don't ever wanna kiss you. Nor be close to that ever happening" said Bradin.
"Callie, just shut up" he told her.
"I swear, there's nothingto my conversation with Callie" said Bradin. And there never would be.
Originally Posted by Enya Finnigan
"I believe you. It's hard to explain, but Bradin knows why this hurts me so much." She replied softly.
I don't want you to loose your female friends, that would be like you asking me to stop talking to Michael. I would never ask that. As for what I said about showing it, that is up to you to decide what you want to do." She said plainly.
hearing Enya use his name he get's up from his table and walks over.As he gets closer and hears more of the conversation.A look of rage comes over him.Not wanting to upset Enyna any more than she is he turn and returns to his table.
"Thank you" Daniel said quite truthfully. No one had ever said he had a nice name before, Daniel had always thought it was a boring common name. He thought that her name Aleksandra was much better. But still that was her opinion. He slolwly pulled his hand back when she let go of his hand.
"Our champions? Are sure you havn't met any yet. Our ones are any sixth or seventh years who want to take part" he explained. Maybe the girl didn't know. Or maybe he had got the statement wrong. "Oh me? I'm my second year. Not old enough for the the tournament, unfortunately" he said. Too bad. Daniel thought that it might be fun. "Do they have houses at Durmstrang?" he asked noticing the absense of house crests on the robes
"I do not think I have met any of your champions. Most of the students I have meet have been around your age." Not exactly his age, but anyone younger than fifteen was a child in her eyes. The boys she was talking to could possibly be entering the tournament, but she didn't care to ask. She shook her head at the boy's question. "No ve don't have houses at Durmstrang." Sandra certainly didn't get the whole house system, pointless to her really.
Originally Posted by Noel Laurent
Once it seemed that Aleksandra was done with taking what food she wanted, Noel helped himself to a few dishes, starting with his favorite of course. If they had food from his home here, perhaps they would have dessert from there as well?! What he wouldn't give to have some clafouti.
Glancing to the mademoiselle next to him, he paused in setting up his dish and drink when she said he could call her Sandra. A gentlemen he was, and if she preferred Sandra, then best call her so. "Az you wish...Sandra." he smiled, before turning his attention back to his plate. It was kinda hard though, as it seemed the table he sat at was the noisiest of them all. What was going on? Glancing down to the other side of the table, there had been enough ruckus as it seemed to have caused the presence of a Professor to be there. A display that apparently did not go unnoticed by Sandra as well. "I see what you mean. Perhaps, ze excitement of ze tournament and our arrival iz too much?"
It was a thought of course.
She did wish for him to call her Sandra. Giving him a small smile, she took a bit of her food. Her eyes were still on the students down the table. Honestly, one would think they would be better behaved when they had guests housing with them. "It must be. I do not think they were tought proper etiquette before coming here. Hogvarts should look into adding that to their curriculum." Obviously they had none.
The food was good, though. Definitely worth saving until after the headmaster's speech. "Vill you be attending the classes here?" She glanced up from her food at Noel. A few class she knew she would be attending. Their potions class for sure as well as defence. Needed to know what she was up against.
"Doing better all the time, thanks to you. Your little jig really made me feel better," Rowan said with a big smile. "That would be fun but are you sure you guys would want to hang with me? After all, I am only a first year."
" Well, I am happy I made you feel better" Rex told Rowan. " I like hanging out with you" Rex said to Rowan. "I was a first year one time, too, well technically I transfered here in my fourth year but that is still like being a first year" Rex explained to Rowan. Victoria started in her first year I bet" Rex smiled.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Originally Posted by Yaya
Annie quietly took her seat at the Ravenclaw table, maybe after listening the news and seeing the many foreign students being interviewed by the Hogwarts ones. If only she had the courage to just go through a conversation with one of them, get to learn about other schools and thus, getting to know why they were chosen as to be future champions.
Maybe she'd get to talk to some friends, maybe not. And maybe she'd get to talk to the visitors at some point of the night.
Grayson had reached over to take a piece of chicken, then added some vegetables to her plate. Maybe she could feed her ferret a bit of the chicken, if she didn't eat it all first. Finn was still over with Jimmy and the girl, and she figured Noel and Aleksandra were occupied again with her fellow students. Beyond wandering to the other tables to investigate the other visitors, it seemed all she had to do was eat and think about the speech Headmaster Tate had given. Just the idea that she'd get to experience a Triwizard Tournament like the trio had done was making her excited. But as she felt someone take a seat next to her, she turned. Hmm, not Ivy. Maybe she could try to do better at introducing herself this time. Better than her babbling at the older students, at least. "Hi," she said with a smile, glad she'd not started eating yet. "Are you as excited as me for the tournament?" Eh, actual introductions could wait. Besides, Ivy'd known her name already. Maybe this girl did too.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Lara left her House table and headed to the Ravenclaw's because she wanted to see her friend Roe they were together on the train they agreed that they'll be friends even if they were sorted in different houses.So she as looking at faces wether she can find a familiar face or maybe she can ask someone.
Before Roe could get an answer out of her, she looked around the hall and saw her friend Lara. "Excuse me for a second," she said to Jenny. "Lara, over here!" she called out, waving her hand in the air frantically. She wanted Jenny to meet Lara.
In the process, however, Roe's hand knocked over the pumpkin juice on the table and it spilled on to the lap of another girl sitting next to her. "Oh my goodness..." Roe said weakly, lifting her hands to her cheek in embarrassment and shame. It was truly an awful mess.
Last edited by Looneybird; 09-02-2010 at 01:33 AM.
Reason: Spelling and Grammar
Hogwarts RPG Name: Elizabeth Victoria Anne Broonhart
Second Year
Originally Posted by keepmeclose22
"Oh Hi! I'm Pamphylia. You can just call me Pam. Sure come sit! Grab some food!" She said letting out another yawn. She took some more to eat, and washed it down with more pumpkin juice. Wow She thought. This is REALLY good. Oh. Wait I hope this isn't cafinated... crap
"Hey, do either of you know if this is cafinated?" She said pointing at her drink half full of pumpkin juice.
Pamphylia. A very unique name. "I love your name! It's not caffeinated."
Elizabeth gave a huge smile as she sat down next to Pam. Oh, the FOOD! Food is a beautiful thing. Not in the eat-morbidly-all-the-time way, but in the wow-this-is-unlike-anything-I've-ever-had-before-and-it-tastes-awesome! way. "So are you a first year too?" she asked carefully as she stuffed her mouth with the best rolls that ever existed.
" Well, I am happy I made you feel better" Rex told Rowan. " I like hanging out with you" Rex said to Rowan. "I was a first year one time, too, well technically I transfered here in my fourth year but that is still like being a first year" Rex explained to Rowan. Victoria started in her first year I bet" Rex smiled.
"I like hanging out with you too." Rowan couldn't believe it. She'd actually made some friends. And on her very first day! "I'm curious. Are the classes here as tough as everyone says?"
"Again, Miss Mayberry, I did not ask for commentary or hysterics. I simple want to know, from start to finish, what happened. Calmly." He looked at her pointedly. There was far too much mess for that to be all. And he would tell her so. "The amount of disruption I witnessed from the staff table, and the mess here, don't seem to add up to your telling of events." He would give her a moment to mull that over.
Turning, then, to the eldest in the bunch, "Could you kindly tell me what this is, then? So long as no one is willing to tell me what happened in a manner than convinces me that that's what happened, I am going to consider you all responsible."
Turning then the the first year, he smiled, hearing first her confession and then the older girls correction. " Accidents happen." He took her wand from her and feigned examining it. "It looks to be in proper order to me," he said, before kneeling down to hand it back to her. "It's usually a good idea to have someone teach you a spell, first, before you try it, especially if you're going to try it on someone else," he whispered, leaning in. "But don't worry, that's what school is for." He patted her on the shoulder, before standing once more.
"No, Miss Mayberry, you may not. You will stay here. All of you will stay here until someone tells me what happened." He crossed his arms in front of his chest once more.
"Now, what I know is there is a far bigger mess than Miss Mayberry's story would imply, and a misperformed scourgify performed on someone who was not, by Miss Mayberry's account, affected. So, last chance, ladies, for someone to tell me what happened. House points get taken, next."
And then, maybe, if he liked what he heard, he'd clean them up.
Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3
Enya eye'd the Professor in angry. She had told him what happened so why wasn't he letting her go. She needed to clean up! It was all Carin's fault! Grrr. She next glared at Carin across the table, if not for her talking about her behind her back she'd not be in this mess. It. Was. All. Carin's. Fault. Annoying. Little. Girl. She told herself glaring at the fellow Second year.
"I told you what happened" She argued turning to face the Professor, why couldn't he take that as a statement, she did after all tell the truth! She glared at the Professor. She paushed for a moment. "Look at me! And Carin. She's covered in fur because of Louisa and im covered in food because of Carin." She delcared raising her voice a little.
And now he was adressing Skye, like she wasn't there. And soon after Louisa. What!? He was being kind! But-But. She stamped her foot slightly. All this was really annoying! She wanted to sleep. The food look she was wearing at the moment didn't suit her either. GAH!
"No.." She tried to argue, her angry swelling up, "I told you what happened, i should be able to go" She next said looking at the Professor. Well she should souldn't she? Yeah! But no the Professor was still asking for a expliation of the events. There seem to be no way out. Why did she bother. Sigh. Enya sat down on the bench before her and refused to speak.
Originally Posted by hrmy_lvr_4evr
SPOILER!!: Everything
Skye looked up at the teacher. It wasn't as bad as she'd first imagined, but she still wanted to stay out of the incident. However, it looked like that was going to be impossible. Skye didn't want to get these people into trouble (especially Enya, whom she was slightly scared of) but her desire to set things right overpowered her. She struggled internally for a moment, trying to find her voice, then launched into the briefest explanation she could while still getting all of the key details.
"Well, Professor, it started when Louisa came over here. She and Enya apparently had some sort of argument before the start of term, and Enya was still angry. Then Carin-" Here she pointed at the fur-covered Carin, who had so far remained silent. "-came to the table. She told off Enya for behaving so rudely toward Louisa, so then the two of them started arguing. Carin knocked a glass of juice onto Enya's robes. That part was an accident, but Enya thought it was on purpose, so she..kind of upended a whole jug of juice on Carin...She and Carin got very angry at each other then. Carin cleaned up the juice spill with the Scourgify charm, but then she knocked a basket of crumpets at Enya. I think that part was intentional. When Louisa tried to clean up Carin, she said the spell wrong and...well..." Skye gestured towards Carin, trying to make the point that she was clearly covered in fur. "This is where this prefect tried to step in, and a few moments later you arrived, sir." That was enough, wasn't it? Skye felt as though that was a pretty good explanation.
Skye felt a twinge of disapproval when Enya asked to leave. She had been causing a lot of the trouble after all. But at the same time, Skye, too, wanted to just get away from all of it. She wasn't about to just ask, though.
The little girl's eyes hung upon her wand as the professor turned it between his hands. She was concerned, what if the wand was such a waste of galleons? She wouldn't be able to do magic this term. But the professor knelt down before Louisa and whispered something. She almost backed away when he approached her, but his soft (still stern) features kept her rooted to her spot.
She took the wand back and her eyes were wet all of a sudden after he patted her shoulder. She didn't deserve to be treated nicely, not now that she got herself involved into such a mess like little girls would do. Even Danny stopped doing stupid deeds. Tears gathered in her eyes as she nodded to the teacher, "Okay. I'd never do spells before I learn how to do them. I promise." She said her voice was shaking and she could fall apart at any moment, crying out loud or something.
Skye interfered at last, not only talked about the mess but the whole story since Louisa joined them. Louisa listened to her and admired her courage of telling the truth so plainly and no fear of a friend. Books weren't always right then, she made a mental note in her head. Louisa's determination on not telling on Enya failed now and there was no good in staying silent. She decided to tell her share of the story.
"Sir, what Skye has said is correct. It was an accident first; that Carin poured the juice over Enya's lap. But Enya was so tired and I made her angry lately." The girl's face mirrored her sorry and she rambled on, "So she couldn't stand any more annoying people, she has a touchy mood." Yeah, the professor needed to know all about Louisa's analysis of her friends' attitudes. You want honesty from youngsters? That is honesty mixed with innocence. " But Carin didn't get this, so she kept on pushing Enya and threw some food at her. And…" She glanced at Enya sadly digesting her words, "Enya took revenge and poured juice on her. Her voice trailed off at the end.
And we reached when Louisa stepped in, "I thought I could help them to clean themselves up before throwing something else. And..umm.. I was wrong… obviously." She finished her head hanging in shame again.
What a relief! The story's been told whole and Louisa didn't betray Enya. Or so she thought. Louisa now was ready to face any punishment she deserved, she did act irresponsible. Her mother wouldn't be happy when she knew what happened. Her stepfather could make fun of her magic! She swallowed the lump and waited for the professor to talk. Too scared to hear him that she almost closed her ears with her fingers. But that was rude! She just closed her eyes and waited for the bomb to explode.
she dreamed of para-para-pardise ♥ ily MY Sara x Sams twinny x Kake/Anastopher/Chalie
Originally Posted by Looneybird
Before Roe could get an answer out of her, she looked around the hall and saw her friend Lara. "Excuse me for a second," she said to Jenny. "Lara, over here!" she called out, waving her hand in the air frantically. She wanted to Jenny to meet Lara.
In the process, however, Roe's hand knocked over the pumpkin juice on the table and it spilled on to the lap of another girl sitting next to her. "Oh my goodness..." Roe said weakly, lifting her hands to her cheek in embarrassment and shame. It was truly an awful mess.
"Ahh" Katie screamed as the pumpkin juice dripped on her lap, Katie stood up and got one of the napkins, she wipped it on her robes and there was no mark, Yay! but it was wet *sigh*, Katie smiled.
Jen left the great hall with one tear silently dripping down her face.
ooc: when are you coming back?
Selena was on her way back to the great hall when she spotted Jen "hi Jen!" she said with a smile when she saw how upset Jen was "a-are you alright,girl?" she said
"Ahh" Katie screamed as the pumpkin juice dripped on her lap, Katie stood up and got one of the napkins, she wipped it on her robes and there was no mark, Yay! but it was wet *sigh*, Katie smiled.
"I'm...I'm...I'm so, so so, sorry, Roe stammered, her face red. This had to be one of the most embarrassing days of her life. First Jenny had caught her eating like a pig and now she had spilled juice on another first year. "I think I'm just a bit excited today," she smiled, trying to find the light in the situation. Goodness, how her cluminess came to affect her at the worst times.
Grayson had reached over to take a piece of chicken, then added some vegetables to her plate. Maybe she could feed her ferret a bit of the chicken, if she didn't eat it all first. Finn was still over with Jimmy and the girl, and she figured Noel and Aleksandra were occupied again with her fellow students. Beyond wandering to the other tables to investigate the other visitors, it seemed all she had to do was eat and think about the speech Headmaster Tate had given. Just the idea that she'd get to experience a Triwizard Tournament like the trio had done was making her excited. But as she felt someone take a seat next to her, she turned. Hmm, not Ivy. Maybe she could try to do better at introducing herself this time. Better than her babbling at the older students, at least. "Hi," she said with a smile, glad she'd not started eating yet. "Are you as excited as me for the tournament?" Eh, actual introductions could wait. Besides, Ivy'd known her name already. Maybe this girl did too.
Annie turned her head for a cheerful greeting from a younger girl. Then all of the sudden she was asking the non-usual question about how people were excited about the tournament. Sure Annie was interested in that, although she didn't consider herself worth to be a champion. "Haiii." She replied, still thinking on how to answer to her, "Yeah...maybe not as excited as you are," because she just seemed to be beaming over it, "...but it will be a great...and adrenaline rush-filled experience to us...to everyone in the school." And so to speak, the visitors who were aimlessly surrounded by the lots of intrigued Hogwarts students.
"I'm Annie...and you are??" She quietly asked, stretching her hand for a shake.
____________________________staring at the blank page before you... so close you can almost taste it________________________________
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Originally Posted by Yaya
Annie turned her head for a cheerful greeting from a younger girl. Then all of the sudden she was asking the non-usual question about how people were excited about the tournament. Sure Annie was interested in that, although she didn't consider herself worth to be a champion. "Haiii." She replied, still thinking on how to answer to her, "Yeah...maybe not as excited as you are," because she just seemed to be beaming over it, "...but it will be a great...and adrenaline rush-filled experience to us...to everyone in the school." And so to speak, the visitors who were aimlessly surrounded by the lots of intrigued Hogwarts students.
"I'm Annie...and you are??" She quietly asked, stretching her hand for a shake.
It seemed Grayson's question had made the girl think. Not really what she'd expected, but at least she'd gotten the conversation started. And hadn't babbled yet. "Well, I'm more excited 'cause I know all the stories from the tournament ages ago. You know, when Harry Potter was here and all? And the new people to meet is exciting too. I've already met the two that are staying with us." She shrugged a little. Now she felt like she was entering babbling territory, but it was important information. "Noel, he's the Beauxbatons boy, he seems nice. And Aleksandra's the Durmstrang student. She seemed more interested in the boys. And not us younger students." Personally, Grayson just liked Noel. And then Finn, and the others she'd met and had fun with, but they were Hogwarts people. And her personal prank buddies, or whatever. Annie could meet them on her own. "Oh!," she said as the girl introduced herself. Apparently her reputation hadn't gotten as much around as she'd thought. Maybe there still were people who didn't know about what happened at the alumni ball. "I'm Grayson. Nice to meet you." She scrunched her nose a little. "Sorry 'bout the babbling."
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Last edited by SilverTiger; 09-02-2010 at 01:31 AM.
Reason: evil typo
Pamphylia. A very unique name. "I love your name! It's not caffeinated."
Elizabeth gave a huge smile as she sat down next to Pam. Oh, the FOOD! Food is a beautiful thing. Not in the eat-morbidly-all-the-time way, but in the wow-this-is-unlike-anything-I've-ever-had-before-and-it-tastes-awesome! way. "So are you a first year too?" she asked carefully as she stuffed her mouth with the best rolls that ever existed.
"Thanks! And that's good. If it was I would be bouncing off the walls, and right now, i think i'm gonna crash after this!" She giggled. "Mmhmm. I am. This place is amazing! This here is Ty. He's a third year." She said gesturing over to the boy sitting next to her.
she dreamed of para-para-pardise ♥ ily MY Sara x Sams twinny x Kake/Anastopher/Chalie
Originally Posted by Looneybird
"I'm...I'm...I'm so, so so, sorry, Roe stammered, her face red. This had to be one of the most embarrassing days of her life. First Jenny had caught her eating like a pig and now she had spilled juice on another first year. "I think I'm just a bit excited today," she smiled, trying to find the light in the situation. Goodness, how her cluminess came to affect her at the worst times.
"Thats alright, Im Katie Star by the way, Slytherin" Katie said with a smile on her face, she put out her hand for this girl to shake.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Enya Finnigan *Starla is her Cat's name*
First Year
Originally Posted by Michael White
hearing Enya use his name he get's up from his table and walks over.As he gets closer and hears more of the conversation.A look of rage comes over him.Not wanting to upset Enyna any more than she is he turn and returns to his table.
It seemed Grayson's question had made the girl think. Not really what she'd expected, but at least she'd gotten the conversation started. And hadn't babbled yet. "Well, I'm more excited 'cause I know all the stories from the tournament ages ago. You know, when Harry Potter was here and all? And the new people to meet is exciting too. I've already met the two that are staying with us." She shrugged a little. Now she felt like she was entering babbling territory, but it was important information. "Noel, he's the Beauxbatons boy, he seems nice. And Aleksandra's the Durmstrang student. She seemed more interested in the boys. And not us younger students." Personally, Grayson just liked Noel. And then Finn, and the others she'd met and had fun with, but they were Hogwarts people. And her personal prank buddies, or whatever. Annie could meet them on her own. "Oh!," she said as the girl introduced herself. Apparently her reputation hadn't gotten as much around as she'd thought. Maybe there still were people who didn't know about what happened at the alumni ball. "I'm Grayson. Nice to meet you." She scrunched her nose a little. "Sorry 'bout the babbling."
And well...the girl, introduced as Grayson started babbling. Not leaving a blink escape from her eye, Annie smiled. AHA. She was a natural in the talent of talking fast though in a bit of informative way. She heard Grayson speak about the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students, the girl who didn't pay attention to younger ones and the nice guy she talked about, peeking from the corner of her eye to the students referred to.
"It is nice meeting you too, Grayson." She beamed with a smile. "And no worries about the babbling, I can sometimes do a bit of my own as well." She pointed out and giggled. "So, if you're not going to sign up," due to the age Grayson probably was, Annie guessing she'd be around 12 or 13. "What schoool, besides ours of course might you support?" Annie asked curiously. If asked, she'd be interested about the Durmstrang champion, but she had to see who was going to represent Hogwarts throughout the tournament.
____________________________staring at the blank page before you... so close you can almost taste it________________________________
So apparently the Sorting Hat saw it fit that he be placed into Ravenclaw. Ethan raised a speculative eyebrow to the revelation as he sauntered over to the table of blue and bronze. They were known as the swotty types, weren't they? And he certainly didn't think that neither he nor his step-brother who had just got sorted there before him fit that description.
The fifteen year old shrugged lightly as he approached and looked for an empty seat. He was sure there were other attributes to the house and besides, he didn't care much anyway - it had to be a cool house or the musty old hat would've put him somewhere else.
Sliding into an empty spot near people who seemed to about his age, Ethan glanced down one end of the table, looking for Dozer... or food. Yes, food first, brother second. He was hungryyy.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Moooooooo. :) || Have a supermegafoxyawesomehot Christmas.
Originally Posted by Looneybird
Before Roe could get an answer out of her, she looked around the hall and saw her friend Lara. "Excuse me for a second," she said to Jenny. "Lara, over here!" she called out, waving her hand in the air frantically. She wanted Jenny to meet Lara.
In the process, however, Roe's hand knocked over the pumpkin juice on the table and it spilled on to the lap of another girl sitting next to her. "Oh my goodness..." Roe said weakly, lifting her hands to her cheek in embarrassment and shame. It was truly an awful mess.
Jenny noticed Roe standing up and waving her hand to someone. She couldn't see who she was waving to, but whoever it was...it sounded like Roe wanted Jenny to meet this person real badly. In fact, Roe looked so excited that she accidentally knocked her pumpkin juice on someone.
Originally Posted by PureBlood64
"Thats alright, Im Katie Star by the way, Slytherin" Katie said with a smile on her face, she put out her hand for this girl to shake.
Jenny looked around Roe to notice the person who had pumpkin juice spilled on herself. The girl seemed to forgive Roe already; she even put her hand out as if waiting for a handshake. Not wanting to interrupt this moment, Jenny just sat there and said "Hi!" to the girl. She wondered if the girl would consider her rude still.
" oh yes, I remember the name of Vadoma now' Rex told Emily. " Yes, sorry I was disstracted last term" Rex said to Emily. "So do i call you Emily or Vadoma?" Rex asked her. "Well, I am in love with Kay after I missed time with her, but I am not sure if she is still in love with me" Rex explained to Emily. " Just between you and me, I have no one else at all" Rex sighed.
" Well, nice to meet you August" Rex smiled. " I am glad you like the food" rex said to August. "Do you swim?" Rex asked August.
Emily smiled still "It's okay rex, and no you can still call me Emily... I'm really only called vadoma in the village. If you ever happen by the village you should call me vadoma there. Otherwise it's your choice." Emily then stood up hearing that rex had no on else. she hugged him warmly "I know you love kay but if you need to talk you can always talk to me... im here when you need me rex" Emily said.
Friends? In other houses? Well how boring would it be if she had to stay with the Slytherins at all times. Jeez. "Yeah it's great" she replied not really caring that her explanation wasn't the most detailed of replies. The accent was so swoonworthy. And although the blonde should have been used to the French, her memory loss prevented her from doing so. Back to whatever it was they were talking about, Trixie took a quick glance at her favourite Ravvie and then turned back to....Err what was his name?
She hadn't introduced herself yet? Oops. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so rude, my name is Trixie" the 16 year old grinned back. "And yours?" because she had totally forgotten to ask him that. "I would love to be friends." Yes that was entirely truthful and this time, although it may have been rare, she wasn't being sarcastic one bit.
"Oh, non. Not rude at all." he smiled, taking a quick sip of his drink. Hmm, well it was custom to have introductions first, but he hadn't introduced himself to the girl either. To Vashti he had, but not to her even though she was standing right next to the Ravenclaw girl. "Only saying so because I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself az well." Laughing, he set the goblet down back onto the table before looking back over to Trixie. "Bonjour Trixie. It iz very nice to meet you. My name iz Noel Laurent."
Glancing one more time to the Slytherin table to see if both Jermaine and Monique were doing alright, and then to the Hufflepuff table to see if Brielle was alright as well, Noel smiled once again as he let his gaze fall back onto Trixie. "Fantastique. I will be looking forward to hanging with you in ze future zen. Are you excited about ze tournament?"
Originally Posted by springbaby
Daisy walked over to the Ravenclaw table and looked around for Annabel. No such luck. Maybe a new friend to converse with?
Looking around as he ate, his eyes did land on someone wearing...red colored robes? Or at least part of it was red. He had only seen blue and green, so this person must have been from the lion table. Aw he had yet to meet anyone from the lion table.
Was there something about them that were not intriguing? He had seen Jermaine drag one off to the snake table before. Perhaps so...
She had looked lost though. Or, maybe not? Couldn't find the person she sought after? "Bonjour mademoiselle." Perhaps he could help her find her way?
Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru
Ohhh, cool, a Beauxbatons guy. French. Vashti always liked that accent. Still grinning as he introduced himself and added that he would, in fact, be staying in the Ravenclaw dorms, she answered, "That's great!" And it was.
Oh hey look, Trixie was here too. Vashti was about to speak to her but then her attention was caught by the staff table, where Headmaster Tate was giving his speech. Oh good, so she'd be able to eat soon. Finally. She was SO hungry, as always. She couldn't wait to-
She stopped, eyes wide, mouth agape. She'd just heard the words 'Quidditch' and 'suspended' used in the same sentence, without a 'not' in between them.
"WHAT?!" she shrieked, quite unfortunate for any near her who valued their eardrums. But she hardly cared. NO QUIDDITCH? AT ALL? THAT was NOT good. Not good at all. Horrid really. Absolutely, totally, completely horrid and evil and just...
She wasn't hungry anymore.
Nodding, quite content with where he was at the moment and the people he was meeting, Noel took another bite of his food when the girl had screamed.
Very loudly too...
"Hogwarts étudiants sont fort..." he mumbled to himself, wide eyed and startled. Turning to Vashti, he looked around to see if she was hurt or if someone was bugging her. But, he could see nothing. "Are you alright, Vashti? Are you hurt?"
Perhaps he just wasn't seeing it.
Originally Posted by Aleksandra Miroslav
She did wish for him to call her Sandra. Giving him a small smile, she took a bit of her food. Her eyes were still on the students down the table. Honestly, one would think they would be better behaved when they had guests housing with them. "It must be. I do not think they were tought proper etiquette before coming here. Hogvarts should look into adding that to their curriculum." Obviously they had none.
The food was good, though. Definitely worth saving until after the headmaster's speech. "Vill you be attending the classes here?" She glanced up from her food at Noel. A few class she knew she would be attending. Their potions class for sure as well as defence. Needed to know what she was up against.
Perhaps they had not. But he had seen that there were a few people that seemed to have grasped the proper manners like one should know. Some of the others though, almost made himself feel embarrassed for them.
"A first year class, oui?" He did agree with having a set course on proper etiquette and manners mentioned to the school, but he definitely wasn't going to be the one to say it to their headmaster. Would be rude! He wouldn't mind other people mentioning it to him though. Hesitantly taking a bite of what seemed to be a British food, he chewed for a moment, trying to decide if he liked it or not when Sandra had asked about classes.
"A few, maybe." he said after swallowing. Particularly their charms and transfiguration classes, just to see if they were teaching anything that he didn't already know. "It would be nice to see how zese zings differ from our school. But I am all for continuing my independent studies if I do not enjoy ze classes." Heck, he'd be fine with just studying on his own, but while he was at the school, might as well get to know everything about it. As well as what they really are studying and how far along they are with their knowledge.
Nothing like getting an up close look at your competition. "And you az well?"
"Oh, non. Not rude at all." he smiled, taking a quick sip of his drink. Hmm, well it was custom to have introductions first, but he hadn't introduced himself to the girl either. To Vashti he had, but not to her even though she was standing right next to the Ravenclaw girl. "Only saying so because I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself az well." Laughing, he set the goblet down back onto the table before looking back over to Trixie. "Bonjour Trixie. It iz very nice to meet you. My name iz Noel Laurent."
Glancing one more time to the Slytherin table to see if both Jermaine and Monique were doing alright, and then to the Hufflepuff table to see if Brielle was alright as well, Noel smiled once again as he let his gaze fall back onto Trixie. "Fantastique. I will be looking forward to hanging with you in ze future zen. Are you excited about ze tournament?"
Looking around as he ate, his eyes did land on someone wearing...red colored robes? Or at least part of it was red. He had only seen blue and green, so this person must have been from the lion table. Aw he had yet to meet anyone from the lion table.
Was there something about them that were not intriguing? He had seen Jermaine drag one off to the snake table before. Perhaps so...
She had looked lost though. Or, maybe not? Couldn't find the person she sought after? "Bonjour mademoiselle." Perhaps he could help her find her way?
Nodding, quite content with where he was at the moment and the people he was meeting, Noel took another bite of his food when the girl had screamed.
Very loudly too...
"Hogwarts étudiants sont fort..." he mumbled to himself, wide eyed and startled. Turning to Vashti, he looked around to see if she was hurt or if someone was bugging her. But, he could see nothing. "Are you alright, Vashti? Are you hurt?"
Perhaps he just wasn't seeing it.
Perhaps they had not. But he had seen that there were a few people that seemed to have grasped the proper manners like one should know. Some of the others though, almost made himself feel embarrassed for them.
"A first year class, oui?" He did agree with having a set course on proper etiquette and manners mentioned to the school, but he definitely wasn't going to be the one to say it to their headmaster. Would be rude! He wouldn't mind other people mentioning it to him though. Hesitantly taking a bite of what seemed to be a British food, he chewed for a moment, trying to decide if he liked it or not when Sandra had asked about classes.
"A few, maybe." he said after swallowing. Particularly their charms and transfiguration classes, just to see if they were teaching anything that he didn't already know. "It would be nice to see how zese zings differ from our school. But I am all for continuing my independent studies if I do not enjoy ze classes." Heck, he'd be fine with just studying on his own, but while he was at the school, might as well get to know everything about it. As well as what they really are studying and how far along they are with their knowledge.
Nothing like getting an up close look at your competition. "And you az well?"
Emily then heard someone with a french accent and turned around to see someone she had never met before, so she presumed him a beauxbatons.
"Bonjour, Je m'apelle Emily, sa me fait plaisir pour faire votre connaisance!" (Hello, My name is Emily, it gives me great pleasure to make your acquaintance!) Emily said smiling at the boy. "I live in a bilingual province in Canada when not studying here at hogwarts." Emily said smiling.