-   Term 26: August - November 2010 (
-   -   Ravenclaw House Table (

Biochemkris 04-18-2009 05:33 PM

Ravenclaw House Table
Large quantities of food are spread before you. Whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the Hogwarts' house elves are the best in the world. The food is superb and the company is as well.

Banner Winner: Kay, demented_death_eater

Cassirin 07-24-2010 09:39 PM

Ravenclaw House Table
Eat, drink, and be merry, O Eagles, for classes begin again.

TeamHermioneGranger 08-31-2010 01:04 AM

Oh, god. It felt good to be back at school. It felt... right. Maddie was really more at home here than she was at her actual home, but that came as no surprise to her. Her home had been a bit strange lately, what with her mother leaving. Not that Maddie was complaining. She didn't MISS her mother or anything. Ugh, that'd be weird!

Walking over to the Ravvie table, she found herself a seat and waited for the others to arrive, occupying herself by simply looking around and taking in the Great Hall.

ThePastelBookworm 08-31-2010 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by TeamHermioneGranger (Post 9729705)
Oh, god. It felt good to be back at school. It felt... right. Maddie was really more at home here than she was at her actual home, but that came as no surprise to her. Her home had been a bit strange lately, what with her mother leaving. Not that Maddie was complaining. She didn't MISS her mother or anything. Ugh, that'd be weird!

Walking over to the Ravvie table, she found herself a seat and waited for the others to arrive, occupying herself by simply looking around and taking in the Great Hall.

"hi i'm auguat how are you eating and siping her drink she walk to table noone saw her

Jason Potter Weasley 08-31-2010 01:12 AM

I am looking for my friend Pearl" Rex told the students at the table. " She is " Pearl of RavenClaw" Rex said to them.

Walrus 08-31-2010 01:17 AM

Yet another year at this asylum they call a school... Goody. Jacob entered into the great hall. I was a bit smaller than he remember, that or jacob was getter fatter. Oh god the fattening potion had a side effect ... 'severe bloating until explosion.' Ha! He was right! And Lafay said they wouldn't explode.. Psh.

The fourth year took a seat at the table... Oh yeah! He was a fourth year now! More than halfway done his edumacation at this insane place. He looked around... Anyone... Nope, right now he was friendless... He still need to talk to Patroclus, but they had time. He also needed to drink before he died of thirst.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 08-31-2010 01:18 AM

Finally! The new term felt official now that Vashti was actually in Hogwarts, sitting at the Ravenclaw table. If only they could eat right away. That'd be great. She considered going up to the staff table now...but decieded to stay where she was for now. Hopefully some of her friends would show up soon.

SilverTiger 08-31-2010 01:34 AM

Grayson bounced into the Great Hall for the start-of-term feast, still wearing her raspberry Converse with her school uniform. Draco had been smuggled in as well, although the ferret had been transferred to her robe pocket from his usual position curled around her neck. He was still a little traumatized from the Bubbles incident on the train, so she hadn't wanted to make him stay up in the dorm with all the other pets. She knew he was trained enough not to jump out at anyone, at least, so he should be safe.

Glancing over at the other tables, she saw that most of the other students had yet to arrive. So she'd have her choice of seats, which was awesome. Even with the snack she'd eaten, she knew she'd be hungry soon. Making her way over to the Ravenclaw table, she dropped into a seat and eyed the empty plates before turning her gaze to the staff table. Headmaster Tate wasn't even there, so there'd definitely be a wait. Professor Vindictus was, which made her remember the ball. And wonder if he remembered the prank, cause that meant she needed to be aware he'd be watching her. But it wasn't important right now, as she didn't have anything planned for this feast. So she just needed to find someone to talk to, apparently. Maybe she'd end up going to a different table, as she knew she didn't have many fellow Ravenclaws she knew from last term. And most of the new people she'd met in Diagon Alley, she didn't know where they'd be.

Ivy Nienna 08-31-2010 01:36 AM

Had anyone had some sort of bionic hearing, they would've heard the soft footfalls that announced the arrival of yet another returning student to Hogwarts. But since that probably wasn't the case, Ivory Erised entered the Great Hall silently.

Nevertheless, although her bouncing steps were silent her smile very near wasn't. It spoke volumes of how happy she was to be back at her "home away from home." It suprised her that even now in her third year, she still felt that same giddiness at being "back to school."

So with a quick exhale of breath that tossed up her bangs away from bright eyes, she hurried forward and plopped herself down on the first empty seat she saw.

Swinging her feet, she turned and smiled to the few Ravenclaws that were there already before scrambling around and sitting on her leg for more height. The better to look around.

Paint.the.Limelight 08-31-2010 01:47 AM

Skye sat down quietly, a little bit removed from the pressing crowds of people. She looked up at the big table at the front curiously, and the glanced at her plate. It was empty. Skye was surprised at herself because she was very hungry. Usually when her nerves acted up like this, she could never eat anything. But she could already smell the food, and she had to admit it smelled awesome.

Mad Eye Touz 08-31-2010 02:49 AM

SPOILER!!: Jimmy

Originally Posted by Tegz (Post 9730058)
James swaggered up to the front of the great hall, shooting a cocky grin at all the professors gathered at the staff table. He turned around slowly, ensuring that everyone would have a good view of him and then he took his place on the stool, ready for the hat. He winked out at the students already sitting down, probably at a girl, though he made sure to do it in a way that could really be directed at several of them depending what they wanted to believe. He'd be a Gryffindor, obviously. It wasn't like he'd put much thought into the whole thing with the houses, but Gryffindors were historically supposed to be pretty awesome, which he obviously was, and the girls were phe-nom-en-al. So that was his pick.

The hat was lowered over his head and he was surprised to hear it talking directly to him, apparently nobody else could hear. His expression went from cocky, to irritated, to alarmed, to curious, to smug and back to cocky again. Then he frowned and sneered a little, his lip curling slightly. Jimmy Wilkes and the Sorting Hat were apparently not on good terms. The argument, for that was clearly what it was, apparently was growing spirited. That was until the increasingly impatient sorting hat called out:

"You'll find your place in RAVENCLAW!"

"I bloody will not!" Jimmy responded, glaring up at the brim of the hat in outrage.


The hat repeated grandly, accompanied by a spattering of applause from the Eagle table.

Jimmy stood up, tugged the hat off his head, threw it on the ground and stamped on it.

Fine. He'd be a Ravenclaw. Stupid hat.

He stalked over to the Ravenclaw table, unable to disguise the little pout on his face and too irritated to play up the adorable side of his pouting.

Stupid hat. Jimmy hoped he'd left footprints.

Neptune Bott had been holding her breath since Jimmy had left to get sorted. She had each of her little fingers balled up and held just under nose, and occasionally little squeaks escaped her. She wanted Jimmy to live with HER. In HER tower. In the BEST House.

, Neptune pleaded with it from afar.

, it FINALLY announced!

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!! !!!!!!!!!"
Neptune HUGGED whoever was nearest her, then bounded over to where Jim had threw himself. She THREW herself on him, clear relief and potent JOY written all over her. "I KNEW you'd be with me." GIGGGLEGIGGLEGIGGLE. "Oh Jim." She SQUEEZED him like the hat might change its mind.

LadyNerd 08-31-2010 02:51 AM

Fia sat on the train being the best she could be without Miles. It was a pain that she couldn't sit with him yet....she could definitely bug him here at the Ravenclaw table. She pounced her way over, looking for him as her worrying took a hold of her on the train. Her dreams were even more harmful than before and it always ended the same: everyone laughing at her for some reason.

"I will not be a freak in a circus," she mumbled to herself wondering what could be done with the whole wedding thing. She took a seat at the Ravie table, the House she did NOT belong too.

Cinn-O-Bun 08-31-2010 02:52 AM

Miles walked into the great hall, or snuck in more like as he was running a little late. Looking around and hoping no one noticed he found a seat somewhere in the middle and started bouncing his leg rhythmically. His pockets made crinkling noises as his leg moved because of the chocolate bars in his pocket. His eyes went to the table and then around the room as his fingers tapped on the table. He was excited this term. He wanted to be the Hogwarts champion but more than that it was just going to be a fun term anyway.

teachpet13 08-31-2010 03:05 AM

Elora walked into the Great Hall with her nose still in her book. She loved hearing the familiar sounds of silverware hitting each other, and the chatter, and owls and rats and toads all around. It felt like home again. She was hoping Keltan would be around. She hadn't seen him in a while and needed a friend to sit with. Kellen hadn't shown his face yet, and she missed him. But anyone, any company would be wonderful. After a long, lonely train ride, company would be wonderful. She stood there and scanned the hall.

Ashwinder 08-31-2010 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by teachpet13 (Post 9730125)
Elora walked into the Great Hall with her nose still in her book. She loved hearing the familiar sounds of silverware hitting each other, and the chatter, and owls and rats and toads all around. It felt like home again. She was hoping Keltan would be around. She hadn't seen him in a while and needed a friend to sit with. Kellen hadn't shown his face yet, and she missed him. But anyone, any company would be wonderful. After a long, lonely train ride, company would be wonderful. She stood there and scanned the hall.

Kellen hadn't had a lonely train ride at all, mostly because he'd been asleep the whole time. There was something about trains that always made his eyelids join, except if people were throwing earplugs or there was an enchanted mouse around. Hogwarts Express... rarely a dull moment.

Except for this time. Not being able to find any of his friends, Kellen had just parked himself in a compartment near the front and caught some sleep.

It only took a quick scan of the hall, and he spotted Elora. There were a few others he knew as well, but she had her nose in a book again and he was resolved to make her take it out. Reading was for early mornings and mid-afternoons, "Hey, Elora. Nice summer?"

TeafortheSoul 08-31-2010 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz (Post 9730081)
SPOILER!!: Jimmy

Neptune Bott had been holding her breath since Jimmy had left to get sorted. She had each of her little fingers balled up and held just under nose, and occasionally little squeaks escaped her. She wanted Jimmy to live with HER. In HER tower. In the BEST House.

, Neptune pleaded with it from afar.

, it FINALLY announced!

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!! !!!!!!!!!"
Neptune HUGGED whoever was nearest her, then bounded over to where Jim had threw himself. She THREW herself on him, clear relief and potent JOY written all over her. "I KNEW you'd be with me." GIGGGLEGIGGLEGIGGLE. "Oh Jim." She SQUEEZED him like the hat might change its mind.

Well. yeah. Okay the enthusiasm from Neptune made things slightly better. He gave her a sulky kiss and then sat down, still pouting. That was when the Durmstrang contingent arrived, and Jimmy just watched, unimpressed. PFFFt.


PFFFFFFFFFFFff-- oh hello. He tugged Neptune down into the seat next to him and watched with interest as one of the Durmstrang girls approached the Ravenclaw table. With some effort he tore his eyes away and firmly focused his attention on Neptune.

"I'm glad I'm with you." He managed. Well. It was trueish. Mostly. He was glad. But that.... was she Russian? Bulgarian? Something.

Man. He was such a good boyfriend with his pointed not-looking.

teachpet13 08-31-2010 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Ashwinder (Post 9730233)
Kellen hadn't had a lonely train ride at all, mostly because he'd been asleep the whole time. There was something about trains that always made his eyelids join, except if people were throwing earplugs or there was an enchanted mouse around. Hogwarts Express... rarely a dull moment.

Except for this time. Not being able to find any of his friends, Kellen had just parked himself in a compartment near the front and caught some sleep.

It only took a quick scan of the hall, and he spotted Elora. There were a few others he knew as well, but she had her nose in a book again and he was resolved to make her take it out. Reading was for early mornings and mid-afternoons, "Hey, Elora. Nice summer?"

Elora jumped a little bit. She wasn't really expecting anyone to see her. "Kellen!" she slammed her book shut and hugged him. "It's so good to see you! Summer was good. Lots of riding and reading. You know me. How was yours?" Elora had forgotten how cute Kellen was and was glad that he had found her. She smiled shyly.

Ashwinder 08-31-2010 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by teachpet13 (Post 9730273)
Elora jumped a little bit. She wasn't really expecting anyone to see her. "Kellen!" she slammed her book shut and hugged him. "It's so good to see you! Summer was good. Lots of riding and reading. You know me. How was yours?" Elora had forgotten how cute Kellen was and was glad that he had found her. She smiled shyly.

Kellen jerked a little at how quickly the book closed, but he couldn't say he minded the hug at all. It was a nice way to start the term.

"Lots of riding, but not so much reading. More of the entertaining of the younger siblings," this was accompanied by him tossing off a 'I'm acting nonchalant because I'm a guy' shrug. He sat down and poured himself a drink, then raised the pitcher at her, "Thirsty?"

teachpet13 08-31-2010 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by Ashwinder (Post 9730331)
Kellen jerked a little at how quickly the book closed, but he couldn't say he minded the hug at all. It was a nice way to start the term.

"Lots of riding, but not so much reading. More of the entertaining of the younger siblings," this was accompanied by him tossing off a 'I'm acting nonchalant because I'm a guy' shrug. He sat down and poured himself a drink, then raised the pitcher at her, "Thirsty?"

"He's such a guy." Elora thought. But she liked him. This summer, she missed him. Like really missed him. " How are the young ones?" She nodded at his offer for a drink and smiled.

Fixated on the drink she absent mindedly tousled her hair. Then tied it off into a side pony tail. " We should have gotten together to ride..."

Cinn-O-Bun 08-31-2010 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by LadyNerd (Post 9730087)
Fia sat on the train being the best she could be without Miles. It was a pain that she couldn't sit with him yet....she could definitely bug him here at the Ravenclaw table. She pounced her way over, looking for him as her worrying took a hold of her on the train. Her dreams were even more harmful than before and it always ended the same: everyone laughing at her for some reason.

"I will not be a freak in a circus," she mumbled to herself wondering what could be done with the whole wedding thing. She took a seat at the Ravie table, the House she did NOT belong too.

Miles literally could not sit still. He really shouldn't have had all that chocolate on the train. Looking around and listening to the conversations around him he moved down the table closer to the staff's table and then spotted Fia. Grinning he sat down beside her and gave her a big hug. "Somehow I don't think this is the table you're supposed to be sitting at Fi." He smirked and his fingers continued tapping on the table excitedly. "Isn't this awesome?! I hope I get picked for champion. I don't think dad would be too happy about that do you?" Of course most of the summer hadn't really been about pleasing his dad anyway so what was one more thing.

Ashwinder 08-31-2010 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by teachpet13 (Post 9730364)
"He's such a guy." Elora thought. But she liked him. This summer, she missed him. Like really missed him. " How are the young ones?" She nodded at his offer for a drink and smiled.

Fixated on the drink she absent mindedly tousled her hair. Then tied it off into a side pony tail. " We should have gotten together to ride..."

"They're..." Kellen thought about how they were, and then condensed it, "growing. They used to all like the same things, but they've really started to go their separate ways. It makes life... interesting." His parents couldn't buy three copies of the same gift any more for Christmas.

As always, his eyes were momentarily distracted by the wave that went through her hair when she moved it, and he gave himself a small mental shake. Over that. Sixth year. No effect. Continuing on, "Next summer for absolute sure. You can bring your sister." This was accompanied by a conspiratory grin, "And she can spend the day with mine."

Aleksandra Miroslav 08-31-2010 04:18 AM

The eagle flying above dissolved as Sandra dropped her wand and strolled over to the Ravenclaw table. Best to get to know the ones she would be housing with, no?

She spared a quick glance and small smirk at the boy who seemed to have trouble tearing his eyes away from her. Not surprising really, look at her. All that tumbling and not a single strand of dark hair out of place.

Sitting at the table, she lazily let her eyes roam around the Great Hall. It was big, she would give them that, but it seemed they went through a lot just decorating their eating area. Almost made her curious about the rest of the castle. She wasn't looking forward to walking seven floors though. Seriously, what was the need for seven floors?

They obviously didn't use all the floors for magical studies, not by the looks of their students. Though supposedly she would be rooming with the smartest house.

She would find out soon enough.

Cinn-O-Bun 08-31-2010 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by Aleksandra Miroslav (Post 9730413)
The eagle flying above dissolved as Sandra dropped her wand and strolled over to the Ravenclaw table. Best to get to know the ones she would be housing with, no?

She spared a quick glance and small smirk at the boy who seemed to have trouble tearing his eyes away from her. Not surprising really, look at her. All that tumbling and not a single strand of dark hair out of place.

Sitting at the table, she lazily let her eyes roam around the Great Hall. It was big, she would give them that, but it seemed they went through a lot just decorating their eating area. Almost made her curious about the rest of the castle. She wasn't looking forward to walking seven floors though. Seriously, what was the need for seven floors?

They obviously didn't use all the floors for magical studies, not by the looks of their students. Though supposedly she would be rooming with the smartest house.

She would find out soon enough.

Watching as one of the girls came over from the Durmstrang group he smiled and got up. Better introduce himself right? Right. Walking over to her he smiled and smiled, "Hi there! I'm Miles one of the Prefects of this house and I guess I'll be the first to welcome you." Yup cause that was his job. Play nice with the other school. "Mind if I sit down?" he asked with a smile not about to assume she would take kindly to him just plopping himself down beside her.

teachpet13 08-31-2010 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Ashwinder (Post 9730411)
"They're..." Kellen thought about how they were, and then condensed it, "growing. They used to all like the same things, but they've really started to go their separate ways. It makes life... interesting." His parents couldn't buy three copies of the same gift any more for Christmas.

As always, his eyes were momentarily distracted by the wave that went through her hair when she moved it, and he gave himself a small mental shake. Over that. Sixth year. No effect. Continuing on, "Next summer for absolute sure. You can bring your sister." This was accompanied by a conspiratory grin, "And she can spend the day with mine."

Elora's eyes widened and she nodded. "They grow up so fast. I mean, I see my sister at school, but not all the time. When you spend so much time together, you begin to realize that they're so different." She sipped her drink.
She thought about how fun summer would already be if he was there, and sending the sisters off together would be "perfect..." she sighed out loud.

Ashwinder 08-31-2010 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by teachpet13 (Post 9730439)
Elora's eyes widened and she nodded. "They grow up so fast. I mean, I see my sister at school, but not all the time. When you spend so much time together, you begin to realize that they're so different." She sipped her drink.
She thought about how fun summer would already be if he was there, and sending the sisters off together would be "perfect..." she sighed out loud.

She was right when she said that they grew up fast. Kellen glanced over at the unfamiliar student taking a seat, but it looked like Miles was doing the welcoming so he felt no need to smother her with hellos. Instead, he raised an eyebrow at Elora's sighed word, "Perfect? For us, maybe. Your sister would probably come back with a black eye."

That... probably needed explaining, "My sister Hateya headbutts people she likes, but her aim isn't the greatest."

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