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Large quantities of food are spread before you. Whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the Hogwarts' house elves are the best in the world. The food is superb and the company is as well.
"I think it should be a prerequisite for entering the school." She mused, swirling some food on her fork before taking a small bite. She wondered if all of there meals were like this one and who prepared the food. Sandra also wondered at what times the meals were served. More questions she would have to ask when the feast was over.
"It is one of my best classes." Sandra wasn't sure what career path she wanted to persue, but she was sure that potions would be a big part of it. Though she had consider a career in defense. The young woman wasn't sure. So log as she didn't have to work with children and was paid well she was fine.
"You should, I enjoy studying vith partners." The cute ones at least. And Noel was more than cute, so she would love his company while studying.
Yes, he was going to say his thoughts allowed. "Zen perhaps I will learn somezing from you." he smiled, taking another bite of whatever this British food dish he had put on his plate. Saving the best for last, oui? He barely touched his French food, but he definitely wanted to save the best for last.
Or at least learn how to enjoy potions that is.
"Zen it iz a date." he smiled, before realizing what he just said. Fumbling with the fork, he stared wide eyed at it for a moment, feeling his cheeks burn slightly as he moved his attention to Sandra. "I mean, we should make a date, for studying. Not zat it iz going to be a date."
He needed to think before speaking. Oh bonté!
Originally Posted by Aleksandra Miroslav
For a moment the young woman thought that another child had come over to bother speak to her. But when she recognized the voice, she looked away from her food and up at her friend. "I'm doing more than vell, Danika." Her eyes flicked over to Noel and she smirked. "I know he vould, I plan on visiting the study areas tomorrow." It was one of the reasons why the headmaster liked her so much, because she was so studious.
Sandra motioned to the seat beside her. "Danika this is Noel Laurent. Beauxbatons." Obviously. "Hov vere the students at your table?"
Originally Posted by Danika Malik
Danika couldn't help but smile. Yes, Aleksandra was doing more than well, but was the young man smart?
He always does. Whatever involves Aleksandra or Vladimir, Zitnik approves very quickly. The same is not intended for Danika nor Nikolai. But she was somewhat used to that, still, her attempts to make Zitnik like her never ceased. Perhaps Hogwarts will bring another opportunity. And she was starting well, leaving her own table...probably not the best idea.
"Vut ve should go together, I have something to discuss vith you and Vladimir, he could also go" Nikolai would be outside letting the girls follow him around, better not disturb his enjoyment.
Danika looked over to Aleksandra's side. Noel, his name was. "Enchanté, Noel" she said, with a sweet smile. When did she learn to speak French? "I am Danika Malik. Durmstrang" she loved the way Durmstrang always sounded when she said it, like it was an honour to belong there.
Her smile suddenly faded. "The Gryffindors are okay, some of them. Vut it is dreadful over there" she said the last part so that only Sandra could hear her. If only Sandra got to find out what she did.
Moving his attention to the food on his plate, and the drink in his goblet before saying anything else that he may regret later, he took a quick sip of the pumpkin juice before having to turn his head towards Sandra, and the other girl that just came. Mostly since he was being introduced. Hopefully the blush on his face had disappeared by now.
Aw, another Durmstrang? Oh, well he could see now by the robes she was wearing, of course she was from Durmstrang. "Bonjour, mademoiselle Malik. C'est un plaisir de...erm...It iz a pleazure to meet you." He also had to remember to speak in english like it had been requested.
Now that that was done and he was already feeling ten times more embarrassed, Noel waited until Danika was back into conversation with Sandra before turning back to the food. Food would clear his mind, yes. Just, eat the food.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
The Frenchman, he talks! And in English. That is a good thing, for Salander at least. Just as he was about to answer the food has materialized on the table. "Well looks like they heard you." he chuckled as he reached out for a pudding.
This guy had a sense of humor, which was nice. It hid the fact that they all looked like they were heading to a funeral what with all the black they were wearing.
"I must admit...your British food iz quite good." he smiled, taking another bite. In fact, he was almost done with that portion on his plate. And then, onto his favorites!
Originally Posted by springbaby
Looking at the person who had said hello Daisy was a little taken back. He didn't go to Hogwarts that was for sure. AND he spoke french which was a bonus. "Bonjour monsiuer. Je'mapelle Daisy."
"Bonjour Daisy, je m'apelle Noel." He was surprised by how many of these students here knew French. He was not expecting that, but it was an added bonus of course that they did. It was a shame though that it was requested they speak in mostly English if possible.
"I had zought for a moment...you seemed lost?" Then again, it could've been just him. Daisy wasn't one of the younger students like he'd seen here, so she'd probably been here for a few years already as it was. "Would you like a seat?" Yup, right there next to him. There was room of course.
"Yes you are right. I should note pay attention to that. I suppose you have found many friends!!!!!! I just wander how will our dormitory!!" Alex said almost yawning.
"I am very tired and feeling very sleepy. I am nearly exhausted!!!" Alex told Fee softly in her ear so that nobody could here.
"Well, i found some friends,yes. But you cant have enough friends", Fee said smiling.
As Alex yawnedFee giggled.
"Oh well, i am sooo hyper i still cant believe i am hear, i am afraid i wont get tp much sleep tonight",she laughed.
"Well, i found some friends,yes. But you cant have enough friends", Fee said smiling.
As Alex yawnedFee giggled.
"Oh well, i am sooo hyper i still cant believe i am hear, i am afraid i wont get tp much sleep tonight",she laughed.
"You are right you can never have enough friends" Alex again said yawning
Alex was feeling very embarrassed to yawn in the GREAT HALL like that but she could not able to control but yet again she was mesmerized with the thought of finally being into Hogwats...
"Even I am overwhelmed to be here.. Its great to be in Hogwarts" Alex told Fee
"You are right you can never have enough friends" Alex again said yawning
Alex was feeling very embarrassed to yawn in the GREAT HALL like that but she could not able to control but yet again she was mesmerized with the thought of finally being into Hogwats...
"Even I am overwhelmed to be here.. Its great to be in Hogwarts" Alex told Fee
"It really is all exciting", Fee said smiling like crazy shpwing her perly white teeth.
"And with the Triwizard Tournament and the Yule Ball. Oh my glitter."
Fee said ruffling her curls and checking her make up.
Fee blushed slightly."Thank you, Daniel."
"Some call me Ella but i like Fee better cause its more unique", she smiled.
Daniel seemed nice.
"Haha right, i heard about the food at Hogwarts before. And i have to admit its really good", she laughed,"i have to watch out that i dont get fat."
"Oh no i am in Slytherin. I suppose you are in Ravenclaw?", she smiled sweetly,"what year are you in?"
Daniel gave Fee a little smile. " Yeah but its like this everyday. We only have feasts sometimes. But still the food is always good" he said. But Daniel wasn't the type of person who stuffed themselves. That was just today.
Get fat? Why were all girls obssessed about getting fat. "Don't worry about it" Daniel said " I'm sure you won't get fat" She was a kid like him. Why did she care? But it was something that he'd have to get used to.
"Oh Slytherin. I just thought because you were here you were slytherin" Daniel said. He wasn't dissapointed it was just that he had so many friends but hardly any of them were in his house " Yeah I'm in Ravenclaw" Daniel wondered if Ravenclaw really was all that.
"I'm in my second year? What about you?" he asked. She looked about his age.Maybe first or second year.
Originally Posted by Noel Laurent
Oui, Beauxbatons. Perhaps the color of his robes gave him away? Or his magnifique entrance may have tipped him off? No matter though! He wasn't about to say any of that to the young boy. Would be rude! And Noel, was never rude unless the person deserved it.
His eyebrows raised in surprise at the saying Daniel had said, and after a moment, he laughed. "Zere iz nothing more true zan zat." Well surely there were a few things, but the saying was intriguing! It should be placed on a banner so he could put it in his dorm. Perhaps it was already?
No time to think about it though. Daniel had asked another question. "Flying in...a razer large carriage." Enhanced on the inside of course. "How do you Hogwarts students get to ze school?"
With his gaze focusing down the table, he quickly looked at everyone and had all intentions of turning his attention back to Daniel before he missed anything, but...
Oh so he liked their motto, did he? Daniel didn't know Noel very well but he liked him. More then Aleksandra girl. And he thought he'd make a good Ravenclaw if he went to hogwarts. "Yes there isn't" Daniel said. He didn't actually believe that he was just agreeing with Noel to be nice.
Flying in a carriage? Really? That was a weird mode of transport. But it must be fun. " So did the carriage pull itself or was there a Thestral or something?" Daniel asked. He was asking alot of questions today. But he didn't know much about Beaxabatons so it was reasonable.
How did they get here? "Oh we take a train. You know so the muggles don't suspect anything" Daniel said. And because there were so many of them. All the students wouldn't fit in a carriage.
And now Noel was staring at someone behind him. Daniel followed his gaze. He was staring at some girl. Who was she? But Daniel didn't ask. It didn't really bother him. Why should he care?
Originally Posted by Aleksandra Miroslav
"I do not think I have met any of your champions. Most of the students I have meet have been around your age." Not exactly his age, but anyone younger than fifteen was a child in her eyes. The boys she was talking to could possibly be entering the tournament, but she didn't care to ask. She shook her head at the boy's question. "No ve don't have houses at Durmstrang." Sandra certainly didn't get the whole house system, pointless to her really.
" You havn't?" Daniel asked glancing at the older boys she was talking to. Wern't they about her age? And they were certanly older then him. But ok if she wanted to say she hadn't met any she could. "Oh well I'm sure you'll meet some soon" He said.
They didn't have houses? Ok "So what about accomadation ? Do you all sleep in one dorm?" he asked. He didn't know how big Durmstrang was. Maybe they did "And what about sports how are they divided?" He knew that they coulld just be seperated randomly but it didn't hurt to ask
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
And just as he did, the head of a familiar ginger entered his field of vision. He shifted seats so that he could still carry the conversation with the Frenchman (in the event that he wasnt busy with his food) and gave the sophomore Ravenclaw a playful bump with his elbow.
"Hey leave some for the others, you're not the only one they're feeding here" he joked as he reached out for a bit of buffalo wings. Then he dropped his voice just a bit adding "By the way, that box is still with me."
Daniel heard a familiar voice and he looked around for the source of it. It was Salandar. Daniel was happy to see him. He had been meaning to see him for some while now.
He gave a little laugh at his comment. It was true, Daniel was eating alot.Daniel put down his chicken leg as he replied. " But I am the most hungry one their feeding" he joked. But it was a lame joke. Actually now Daniel was rather full. But maybe Salandar wouldn't say anything
Oh the box. That was why he had wanted to talk to Salandar. He leaned a little bit forward to speak to him "I know. Thanks for holding it for me. I owe you one" he said. Without him Daniel wouldn't have got any fireworks.
Daniel had no idea what Sapphie was talking about. He'd been to a muggle school but he'd never done IT and he didn't have alot of muggle friends. It occured to him that Sapphie could actually teach him alot "Sure, whenever you get time" he said. Ehh. Reading. But he could do a bit if he found out about ipods.
"So..you listen to music and look at pictures on that?" he asked pointing to the ipod. It was strange there were no buttons on it "Sorry," he appolagised " I've just been brought up with wizards and witches. I never knew much about muggles" He hoped she didn't mind
She giggled at Daniel. "Yeah, it's pretty cool. There's tons on games and stuff on it too!" she said, showing him the muggle devince and looked up at him. Heh, it was pretty adorable that he didn't know about this stuff. "Hah, it's adorable that you don't know about this stuff." she said with a laugh and tucking her hair behind her ear.
"It equals a practically perishing Kellen." He copied her gesture and took a drink, thinking about her question before answering, "Just the tournament, I guess. I have no intention of being the Champion, but it'll sure be a sight to see. One of my other friends and I are going to sit in the stands together and eat popcorn." And maybe throw it, "Did you want to join us?"
Elora had almost forgotten about the tournament. "Definitely a sight to see. Of course I want to sit with you." she smiled. "Okay. Now I really need food. My stomach will start to grumble soon!" She looked around at the students milling about and wondered out loud "Did we look like this years ago?"
Horses Forever! l l Writer for Life l Yearbook alumnus
Originally Posted by Wenzlebug
Great. No more firsties performing some 'food-throwing' acts. Cedric regarded their Transfiguration professor with pure respect, and replied, monotonously, as an explanation of the whole fuss: "Sir, I saw these bunch of kids throwing veggies---food amongst themselves and they even did try to perform magic which, unsurprisingly, they failed at doing." He cocked an eye at the girl with the gray fur, indicating her.
And that was all he had behold. Other than what he just explained, how certain things happened was unbeknown to him.
Be ready to yelled at, naughty first years.
"Second years, not firsties," Carin corrected Cedric automatically. She almost bit her tongue, but too late; she was already in enough trouble, what with a professor getting involved, and here she was making it worse.
Although on the other hand, she had to say something. After all, she was a second year, and everyone knew there was a huge difference between eleven and twelve year olds.
She looked away from the Prefect and touched her fur. If only Enya had managed to get it a shade darker, she'd look exactly like her cat Astor, who was probably now waiting for her in her dormitory. Suddenly, Carin felt very tired with the nights events, wishing she could just be left alone, hugging Astor, wanting to just fall into a dreamless sleep.
Unfortunately, her housemate and fellow troublemaker was likely to make this wish unattainable this year. Listening to Enya speak, Carin decided to add her twopence, too - after all, she wasn't going to allow Enya to blame only her.
Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3
Enya was slouching on the bench of the table, ignoring the people around her. This was all boring to her, She'd told what happened, so she shouldn't have to stay! Right? Well she certianly thought so and she was tired of all these arguments. She just wanted to sleep. But knowing her, that was never going to happen. GAH! Enya placed her hands on the table - pushing away plates of food and cups full of pumpkin juice - and leant her head into them. Maybe she could get a quick nap without anyone knowing. Fingers crossed.
All of what people were saying to her was muffled while she had her head in her hands but she defently heard when Skye told the Professor what had happened. Enya jumped up and turned on the older girl - ignoring the prefect and Professor standing there. "Skye!" She cried glaring at the girl. "You ratted everyone out! How could you! Saving your self. How rude!" She said rudly at the girl. She was far to tired for all this. "And then you get it all wrong!" She next cried taking a step towards the girl.
While she stood there - ignoring everyone else - glaring at Skye she heard Louisa tell the Professor her turn of advents. It hurt her deeply for Louisa to tell all too, how she had trown some juice - which she did - but she could have stayed out of it. But at least she got it right. So i guess she's in the clear, she told herself. She continued to glare at Skye - not caring what would happen. "Out of all the times you could have spoken up to end the fight, you chose instead to get everyone in trouble by telling on us" She whispered angerly to Skye. God was she angry....and tired.
But then she heard the Prefect begin to speak. Damn were they in trouble now. She thought peeking at him before she looked back at Skye. She'd get back at that girl some day! But what surprised her was that the Prefect really didn't know what happened, he only came over to see...not knowing anything else. The thought made her smile. Maybe they could get out of this, if only Carin didn't speak up...and tell on her. Although the fact the girl hadn't spoken in ages troubled her. Enya peeked towards Carin. After a few seconds of looking at the other girl she looked back at Skye. Glare. She wondered what the Professor would do now.
"Actually, Skye's account is pretty accurate. The initial jug-drop was mostly an accident, that's why I cleaned it up - successfully, might I add," she added with a glance at Cedric. She was a true Ravvie, after all; her spells usually worked. the key word there being usually, though. "As for the rest, well... things just spiraled out of control. I don't usually lose my temper like this, but I couldn't help it with her behaving like she owned the place! I'm sorry for the trouble I caused and all, but there's no way I'll apologize for trying to teach her a lesson in good manners," Carin announced.
And she meant it, too - she really was sorry for making such a mess and getting everyone involved, but she could never sincerely apologize about infuriating Enya. That was just too sweet a sight to behold. Besides, at least she wasn't lying about the whole event to a teacher; she was well aware she was as much at fault as Enya was. And though Carin was a lot of (not necessarily flattering) things, she was certainly not a liar.
"As for you," she added, turning to Enya. "You, how can you get mad at Skye for being truthful? It's like you got mad at Louisa before - for no reason whatsoever! And you expect these people to like you? To be your friends? And as for stopping the fight - admit it, you'd probably try to have cursed Skye too had she tried, so it's better for her that she kept quiet now, isn't it?"
Carin stopped, breathing hard, suddenly realizing how shrill and loud her voice had gotten in her agitations. Ooops. Attracting even more attention was not something she had wanted to do, looking as she did in her current furry state.
She giggled at Daniel. "Yeah, it's pretty cool. There's tons on games and stuff on it too!" she said, showing him the muggle devince and looked up at him. Heh, it was pretty adorable that he didn't know about this stuff. "Hah, it's adorable that you don't know about this stuff." she said with a laugh and tucking her hair behind her ear.
Daniel cheeks grew a little red. She was laughing at him! Well not laughing but giggling. But Daniel still felt a bit embarrassed, maybe he should learn more about muggles sometime. "Can I try?" he asked looking closer at the contraption.
It was adorable? Daniel could live with adorable. It was better then her thinking he was ignorant. But he was still a little embarrassed. "It is?" Daniel asked.
Daniel cheeks grew a little red. She was laughing at him! Well not laughing but giggling. But Daniel still felt a bit embarrassed, maybe he should learn more about muggles sometime. "Can I try?" he asked looking closer at the contraption.
It was adorable? Daniel could live with adorable. It was better then her thinking he was ignorant. But he was still a little embarrassed. "It is?" Daniel asked.
Sapphie blushed a tiy bit. Arghh, why does she do that?! She NEVER blushed! "Yeah!" she said kindly and handing it to him. She loved the songs she had on her playlist. Indie and Alternative!
She nodded and giggled again. "It really is. That's not a bad thing." she said with a small smile.
Sapphie blushed a tiy bit. Arghh, why does she do that?! She NEVER blushed! "Yeah!" she said kindly and handing it to him. She loved the songs she had on her playlist. Indie and Alternative!
She nodded and giggled again. "It really is. That's not a bad thing." she said with a small smile.
Daniel saw Sapphie blush a little too. That was good. He wasn't the only one. Oh he could use it? Yes! Daniel took it from her and then he was about to try and do something when he noticed something. "There's only one button..." he commented. "How do you use it?"
"Oh um.. thanks then" Daniel said. Being adorable was good. Daniel used it alot on adults to get what he wanted but it was different this time. One of his friends thought he was. adorable.
Daniel saw Sapphie blush a little too. That was good. He wasn't the only one. Oh he could use it? Yes! Daniel took it from her and then he was about to try and do something when he noticed something. "There's only one button..." he commented. "How do you use it?"
"Oh um.. thanks then" Daniel said. Being adorable was good. Daniel used it alot on adults to get what he wanted but it was different this time. One of his friends thought he was. adorable.
She laughed and clicked the button, then the menu showed up. "It's a touchscreen." she said with a smile and watched him mess around with it, looking puzzled.
"Not adorable, baby adorable...adorable as in...cute." she said the last word quietly, uh-oh. He was gonna think she was a total psycho. She just told her friend she thought he was cute. That meant she liked him. She did have a little crush on him, but did he even think of her like that? Noooooo! Blahh, she made it awkward.
Yes, he was going to say his thoughts allowed. "Zen perhaps I will learn somezing from you." he smiled, taking another bite of whatever this British food dish he had put on his plate. Saving the best for last, oui? He barely touched his French food, but he definitely wanted to save the best for last.
Or at least learn how to enjoy potions that is.
"Zen it iz a date." he smiled, before realizing what he just said. Fumbling with the fork, he stared wide eyed at it for a moment, feeling his cheeks burn slightly as he moved his attention to Sandra. "I mean, we should make a date, for studying. Not zat it iz going to be a date."
He needed to think before speaking. Oh bonté!
Slowly chewing her food, she smiled at Noel. "Perhaps you vill." There was no doubt in her tone or expression. She didn't meddle with mundane potions and was sure some of the things that she had been taught at Durmstrang weren't taught to Noel.
Taking a few more bites, she pushed some of the food around on her plate. Most of her hunger had been satisfied with the first few bites. The food was still good, but not as appetizing as when she first started eating. The butterbeer was good though.
A date?
That did sound nice. She smirked at his pink cheeks, amused that he was so easily embarrassed. The guys at Durstrang rarely blushed unless it was the small first years. Even then it was rare. "A study date sounds lovely." So did a date with him in general, but she wasn't going to push that on him so soon.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Salander smiled when he heard her name, though he did note the certain coolness in the demeanor. Um-hmm Ice Queen he thought. And it did not escape his notice that Fletcher was annoyed with him showing up again, but had to hand it to the fellow that he's succeeding in getting the Durmstrang beauty to warm up. Must be all that firewhiskey. He gave Fletcher the you-win-this-round look and shifts his attention to other Ravenclaws at the table.
Was he done speaking to her? She figured so since all the boy did was smile. Maybe he was shy. Returning his smile with one of her own she turned her attention back to the other people she was conversing with. Sandra had played nice with the boy and that was all that had mattered.
Originally Posted by Danika Malik
Danika nodded. Study areas tomorrow. Got it. "I vill" though, she was going to be staying closer to Sandra than to Vladimir, all floors considered, and all stairs considered. Sandra would be loving her walk tonight for sure.
She had now another smile on her face, just for Noel's sake, but she certainly did not feel like smiling that much.
A nod came to her precious dark red head. Dreadful. And rather interesting too. Actually she had had a great time...
...Danika leaned forward just a bit and smiled at the young man as if to say 'Excuse me'. "It is more of a 'vhat did I do kind of thing'" she said, and eyed back at her table.
"Vut I shall not take much of your time. Enjoy your dinner" she said, to both Noel and Sandra, and bowed a bit before walking back to her table.
Originally Posted by Noel Laurent
Moving his attention to the food on his plate, and the drink in his goblet before saying anything else that he may regret later, he took a quick sip of the pumpkin juice before having to turn his head towards Sandra, and the other girl that just came. Mostly since he was being introduced. Hopefully the blush on his face had disappeared by now.
Aw, another Durmstrang? Oh, well he could see now by the robes she was wearing, of course she was from Durmstrang. "Bonjour, mademoiselle Malik. C'est un plaisir de...erm...It iz a pleazure to meet you." He also had to remember to speak in english like it had been requested.
Now that that was done and he was already feeling ten times more embarrassed, Noel waited until Danika was back into conversation with Sandra before turning back to the food. Food would clear his mind, yes. Just, eat the food.
Sandra was glad that Danika decided to do some studying with her. The girl was smart and probably the only female at the school that she wanted to associate herself with. The Hogvart girls don't seem to bright, though she knew that if she was to spend some time with Vlad or Nik then she would have to suffer there company.
She had yet to meet the girls from Beauxbatons, but Sandra didn't peg them to be that intellegent. Atleast not compared to her and Danika.
An eyebrow quirked up at Danika and she wondered what had happened at her table. Something they would defiantly have to talk about when they met up later.
"I vill talk to you later, Danika." She waved goodbye to her friend before turning her attention to Noel. "Tell me, Noel. Vhat subjects are you good in." If he was going to be learning something from her, she should be able to learn something him. No?
"Well, we should swim at the lake together" Rex told Rowan. " Yes, I am an above average swimmer" Rex said to Rowan. " By the way, I have to tell you a secret about the lake" Rex smiled at Rowan.
"OOOH! I love secrets! Do tell," Rowan said with an evil grin.
first some direct responses.. and then something for ALL of you
Granddaddy Ravenclaw | | Jermione Granger
Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3
Enya eye'd the Professor in angry. She had told him what happened so why wasn't he letting her go. She needed to clean up! It was all Carin's fault! Grrr. She next glared at Carin across the table, if not for her talking about her behind her back she'd not be in this mess. It. Was. All. Carin's. Fault. Annoying. Little. Girl. She told herself glaring at the fellow Second year.
"I told you what happened" She argued turning to face the Professor, why couldn't he take that as a statement, she did after all tell the truth! She glared at the Professor. She paushed for a moment. "Look at me! And Carin. She's covered in fur because of Louisa and im covered in food because of Carin." She delcared raising her voice a little.
And now he was adressing Skye, like she wasn't there. And soon after Louisa. What!? He was being kind! But-But. She stamped her foot slightly. All this was really annoying! She wanted to sleep. The food look she was wearing at the moment didn't suit her either. GAH!
"No.." She tried to argue, her angry swelling up, "I told you what happened, i should be able to go" She next said looking at the Professor. Well she should souldn't she? Yeah! But no the Professor was still asking for a expliation of the events. There seem to be no way out. Why did she bother. Sigh. Enya sat down on the bench before her and refused to speak.
Preston's eyebrows shot up into his hairline. "No. You yelled and carried on and your story did not match up with the mess that's before us. You didn't explain why the scourgify that resulted in fur needed to be cast in the first place. That is not explaining what happened. THat is self-serving hysterics."
Watching her sit, he followed her with his eyes, levelly. "You do not get to decide when to go. You are able to go only when you have been dismissed."
Originally Posted by hrmy_lvr_4evr
Skye looked up at the teacher. It wasn't as bad as she'd first imagined, but she still wanted to stay out of the incident. However, it looked like that was going to be impossible. Skye didn't want to get these people into trouble (especially Enya, whom she was slightly scared of) but her desire to set things right overpowered her. She struggled internally for a moment, trying to find her voice, then launched into the briefest explanation she could while still getting all of the key details.
"Well, Professor, it started when Louisa came over here. She and Enya apparently had some sort of argument before the start of term, and Enya was still angry. Then Carin-" Here she pointed at the fur-covered Carin, who had so far remained silent. "-came to the table. She told off Enya for behaving so rudely toward Louisa, so then the two of them started arguing. Carin knocked a glass of juice onto Enya's robes. That part was an accident, but Enya thought it was on purpose, so she..kind of upended a whole jug of juice on Carin...She and Carin got very angry at each other then. Carin cleaned up the juice spill with the Scourgify charm, but then she knocked a basket of crumpets at Enya. I think that part was intentional. When Louisa tried to clean up Carin, she said the spell wrong and...well..." Skye gestured towards Carin, trying to make the point that she was clearly covered in fur. "This is where this prefect tried to step in, and a few moments later you arrived, sir." That was enough, wasn't it? Skye felt as though that was a pretty good explanation.
Skye felt a twinge of disapproval when Enya asked to leave. She had been causing a lot of the trouble after all. But at the same time, Skye, too, wanted to just get away from all of it. She wasn't about to just ask, though.
"Thank you," he said turning to the eldest once more. "I wish that, perhaps, you had come to get someone from the staff table for assistance before it got out of hand, but somethings these things happen quickly."
He nodded at her, before, then, turning to hear another account of the events.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
The little girl's eyes hung upon her wand as the professor turned it between his hands. She was concerned, what if the wand was such a waste of galleons? She wouldn't be able to do magic this term. But the professor knelt down before Louisa and whispered something. She almost backed away when he approached her, but his soft (still stern) features kept her rooted to her spot.
She took the wand back and her eyes were wet all of a sudden after he patted her shoulder. She didn't deserve to be treated nicely, not now that she got herself involved into such a mess like little girls would do. Even Danny stopped doing stupid deeds. Tears gathered in her eyes as she nodded to the teacher, "Okay. I'd never do spells before I learn how to do them. I promise." She said her voice was shaking and she could fall apart at any moment, crying out loud or something.
Skye interfered at last, not only talked about the mess but the whole story since Louisa joined them. Louisa listened to her and admired her courage of telling the truth so plainly and no fear of a friend. Books weren't always right then, she made a mental note in her head. Louisa's determination on not telling on Enya failed now and there was no good in staying silent. She decided to tell her share of the story.
"Sir, what Skye has said is correct. It was an accident first; that Carin poured the juice over Enya's lap. But Enya was so tired and I made her angry lately." The girl's face mirrored her sorry and she rambled on, "So she couldn't stand any more annoying people, she has a touchy mood." Yeah, the professor needed to know all about Louisa's analysis of her friends' attitudes. You want honesty from youngsters? That is honesty mixed with innocence. " But Carin didn't get this, so she kept on pushing Enya and threw some food at her. And…" She glanced at Enya sadly digesting her words, "Enya took revenge and poured juice on her. Her voice trailed off at the end.
And we reached when Louisa stepped in, "I thought I could help them to clean themselves up before throwing something else. And..umm.. I was wrong… obviously." She finished her head hanging in shame again.
What a relief! The story's been told whole and Louisa didn't betray Enya. Or so she thought. Louisa now was ready to face any punishment she deserved, she did act irresponsible. Her mother wouldn't be happy when she knew what happened. Her stepfather could make fun of her magic! She swallowed the lump and waited for the professor to talk. Too scared to hear him that she almost closed her ears with her fingers. But that was rude! She just closed her eyes and waited for the bomb to explode.
The sight of the tears welling in the young student's eyes softened Preston and he knelt down once again. "Sometimes," he began softly, "the best way to help is to go and get someone else. Does that make sense?" Trying to catch her eye, he looked up at her, as his kneeling had put him below eyelevel.
"Thank you for telling me what happened, too. You made a mistake, but it's not a horrible one. Ok?"
Originally Posted by Wenzlebug
Great. No more firsties performing some 'food-throwing' acts. Cedric regarded their Transfiguration professor with pure respect, and replied, monotonously, as an explanation of the whole fuss: "Sir, I saw these bunch of kids throwing veggies---food amongst themselves and they even did try to perform magic which, unsurprisingly, they failed at doing." He cocked an eye at the girl with the gray fur, indicating her.
And that was all he had behold. Other than what he just explained, how certain things happened was unbeknown to him.
Be ready to yelled at, naughty first years.
Standing, Preston turned to the Prefect, whose story seemed to lack detail... which was to be expected if he witnessed it from another table. "Thank you for intervening, Mister Leone. I do think I can manage, if you'd like to return to your classmates."
Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3
Enya was slouching on the bench of the table, ignoring the people around her. This was all boring to her, She'd told what happened, so she shouldn't have to stay! Right? Well she certianly thought so and she was tired of all these arguments. She just wanted to sleep. But knowing her, that was never going to happen. GAH! Enya placed her hands on the table - pushing away plates of food and cups full of pumpkin juice - and leant her head into them. Maybe she could get a quick nap without anyone knowing. Fingers crossed.
All of what people were saying to her was muffled while she had her head in her hands but she defently heard when Skye told the Professor what had happened. Enya jumped up and turned on the older girl - ignoring the prefect and Professor standing there. "Skye!" She cried glaring at the girl. "You ratted everyone out! How could you! Saving your self. How rude!" She said rudly at the girl. She was far to tired for all this. "And then you get it all wrong!" She next cried taking a step towards the girl.
While she stood there - ignoring everyone else - glaring at Skye she heard Louisa tell the Professor her turn of advents. It hurt her deeply for Louisa to tell all too, how she had trown some juice - which she did - but she could have stayed out of it. But at least she got it right. So i guess she's in the clear, she told herself. She continued to glare at Skye - not caring what would happen. "Out of all the times you could have spoken up to end the fight, you chose instead to get everyone in trouble by telling on us" She whispered angerly to Skye. God was she angry....and tired.
But then she heard the Prefect begin to speak. Damn were they in trouble now. She thought peeking at him before she looked back at Skye. She'd get back at that girl some day! But what surprised her was that the Prefect really didn't know what happened, he only came over to see...not knowing anything else. The thought made her smile. Maybe they could get out of this, if only Carin didn't speak up...and tell on her. Although the fact the girl hadn't spoken in ages troubled her. Enya peeked towards Carin. After a few seconds of looking at the other girl she looked back at Skye. Glare. She wondered what the Professor would do now.
But then Miss Mayberry chimed in again. "ENOUGH!!" Preston bellowed as he swung around.
"Your attitude leaves much to be desired, Miss Mayberry, and I will not have it. It would have been far easier for you to have cooperated. Instead, you chose to first accuse, and then later to share an incomplete story that made yourself look completely innocent. And you have continued to yell and carry on. You will sit there and be quiet until I am ready to deal with you. Understood?"
Professor Kingsley loomed over her, eyes narrowed. He was hungry, for Merlin's sake, and in addition to being rude, this child was prolonging this encounter a great deal.
Originally Posted by Paintbrush
"Actually, Skye's account is pretty accurate. The initial jug-drop was mostly an accident, that's why I cleaned it up - successfully, might I add," she added with a glance at Cedric. She was a true Ravvie, after all; her spells usually worked. the key word there being usually, though. "As for the rest, well... things just spiraled out of control. I don't usually lose my temper like this, but I couldn't help it with her behaving like she owned the place! I'm sorry for the trouble I caused and all, but there's no way I'll apologize for trying to teach her a lesson in good manners," Carin announced.
And she meant it, too - she really was sorry for making such a mess and getting everyone involved, but she could never sincerely apologize about infuriating Enya. That was just too sweet a sight to behold. Besides, at least she wasn't lying about the whole event to a teacher; she was well aware she was as much at fault as Enya was. And though Carin was a lot of (not necessarily flattering) things, she was certainly not a liar.
"As for you," she added, turning to Enya. "You, how can you get mad at Skye for being truthful? It's like you got mad at Louisa before - for no reason whatsoever! And you expect these people to like you? To be your friends? And as for stopping the fight - admit it, you'd probably try to have cursed Skye too had she tried, so it's better for her that she kept quiet now, isn't it?"
Carin stopped, breathing hard, suddenly realizing how shrill and loud her voice had gotten in her agitations. Ooops. Attracting even more attention was not something she had wanted to do, looking as she did in her current furry state.
"Your honesty that your action was intentional is appreciated, though it was extremely poor judgment that will not go unpunished. In the future, if you are having difficulty with a student, bring it to one of the professors or to your prefects."
He was about to address them all when she continued, rather shrilly. "That is enough," he interjected. "It is not for you to dole out reprimands."
Clasping his hands behind his back, his expression was grim. "Miss Althiem and Miss Carter. It would have been much better if you had called this situation to someones attention before it got so out of hand. I hope you will exercise better judgment in the future."
He moved to consider the other two girls. "Miss Mayberry. Miss Hughes. Five points, each, will be taken for the mess and the disruption. Not only have you disrupted the feast for a number of people, the wanton waste of food is also inappropriate."
He paused. "Miss Hughes, you will see me in my office first thing tomorrow to further discuss this incident and how you can better respond in the future. And as for you, Miss Mayberry, your repeated insolence and disrespect has earned you a detention. You will report following the feast. No arguments."
Setting his jaw, he stood in front of them all. "You will all remain at the feast until dismissed by the Headmaster. I will take care of the fur and the mess, so there will be no need to leave early. I would also recommend that you separate yourselves."
Preston unholstered his wand, eying all the girls involved. "Let me take care of that fur, first," he said, giving his wand a deliberate point in the direction of the girl. It wouldn't do to have a furry girl at the feast! Satisfied with the spellwork, he turned to the mess on the table, and the mess on the people. With a few quick swishes, he had siphoned up the spilled juice and vanished the toppled food.
"Now get out of my site before I change my mind."
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind
You can float across a rainbowsky
to once upon a time
She saw her Transfiguration professor, she was wondering if she should ask about animagus lessons again. "Rowan, please! Make him stop!"
With her most evil grin she could muster Rowan said, "Ummm, sorry but better you than me." Victoria's giggles were infectious and Rowan could not stop herself from laughing.
Daniel gave Fee a little smile. " Yeah but its like this everyday. We only have feasts sometimes. But still the food is always good" he said. But Daniel wasn't the type of person who stuffed themselves. That was just today.
Get fat? Why were all girls obssessed about getting fat. "Don't worry about it" Daniel said " I'm sure you won't get fat" She was a kid like him. Why did she care? But it was something that he'd have to get used to.
"Oh Slytherin. I just thought because you were here you were slytherin" Daniel said. He wasn't dissapointed it was just that he had so many friends but hardly any of them were in his house " Yeah I'm in Ravenclaw" Daniel wondered if Ravenclaw really was all that.
"I'm in my second year? What about you?" he asked. She looked about his age.Maybe first or second year.
"Woah that means pasta everyday?", Fee's eyes started to sparkle. She absolutely loved pasta.
She smiled at Daniel as he talked anout the getting fat part.
"Well at least i hope i wont, she laughed.
Daniel looked a bit confused. Fee wonderd why?!
"Yeah i just wanderd here to get tp know some new people", she smiled sweetly.
"Cool, i hardly know people from Ravenclaw, wonder why that is", she said honestly.
"I am a Firstie. God i am so excited", she giggled.
Preston's eyebrows shot up into his hairline. "No. You yelled and carried on and your story did not match up with the mess that's before us. You didn't explain why the scourgify that resulted in fur needed to be cast in the first place. That is not explaining what happened. THat is self-serving hysterics."
Watching her sit, he followed her with his eyes, levelly. "You do not get to decide when to go. You are able to go only when you have been dismissed."
"Thank you," he said turning to the eldest once more. "I wish that, perhaps, you had come to get someone from the staff table for assistance before it got out of hand, but somethings these things happen quickly."
He nodded at her, before, then, turning to hear another account of the events.
The sight of the tears welling in the young student's eyes softened Preston and he knelt down once again. "Sometimes," he began softly, "the best way to help is to go and get someone else. Does that make sense?" Trying to catch her eye, he looked up at her, as his kneeling had put him below eyelevel.
"Thank you for telling me what happened, too. You made a mistake, but it's not a horrible one. Ok?"
Standing, Preston turned to the Prefect, whose story seemed to lack detail... which was to be expected if he witnessed it from another table. "Thank you for intervening, Mister Leone. I do think I can manage, if you'd like to return to your classmates."
But then Miss Mayberry chimed in again. "ENOUGH!!" Preston bellowed as he swung around.
"Your attitude leaves much to be desired, Miss Mayberry, and I will not have it. It would have been far easier for you to have cooperated. Instead, you chose to first accuse, and then later to share an incomplete story that made yourself look completely innocent. And you have continued to yell and carry on. You will sit there and be quiet until I am ready to deal with you. Understood?"
Professor Kingsley loomed over her, eyes narrowed. He was hungry, for Merlin's sake, and in addition to being rude, this child was prolonging this encounter a great deal.
"Your honesty that your action was intentional is appreciated, though it was extremely poor judgment that will not go unpunished. In the future, if you are having difficulty with a student, bring it to one of the professors or to your prefects."
He was about to address them all when she continued, rather shrilly. "That is enough," he interjected. "It is not for you to dole out reprimands."
Clasping his hands behind his back, his expression was grim. "Miss Althiem and Miss Carter. It would have been much better if you had called this situation to someones attention before it got so out of hand. I hope you will exercise better judgment in the future."
He moved to consider the other two girls. "Miss Mayberry. Miss Hughes. Five points, each, will be taken for the mess and the disruption. Not only have you disrupted the feast for a number of people, the wanton waste of food is also inappropriate."
He paused. "Miss Hughes, you will see me in my office first thing tomorrow to further discuss this incident and how you can better respond in the future. And as for you, Miss Mayberry, your repeated insolence and disrespect has earned you a detention. You will report following the feast. No arguments."
Setting his jaw, he stood in front of them all. "You will all remain at the feast until dismissed by the Headmaster. I will take care of the fur and the mess, so there will be no need to leave early. I would also recommend that you separate yourselves."
Preston unholstered his wand, eying all the girls involved. "Let me take care of that fur, first," he said, giving his wand a deliberate point in the direction of the girl. It wouldn't do to have a furry girl at the feast! Satisfied with the spellwork, he turned to the mess on the table, and the mess on the people. With a few quick swishes, he had siphoned up the spilled juice and vanished the toppled food.
"Now get out of my site before I change my mind."
The little girl smiled sadly, wiped the tears and nodded vigorously at the Professor. "It does, sir." She murmured.
Louisa watched as Carin and Enya's argument started. Why wouldn't they just stop it for a while till the teacher goes away at least! That'd put them in a bigger trouble by acting like that. Till Enya shouted and Carin yelled back, Louisa gasped and her hands snapped to her mouth. Now that was rude. She shook her head and whispered, "No Enya no!" But not to anyone's earshot.
With one loud clap of his hands, everyone went silent at once. Oh dear punishment time! She looked at the floor praying deep inside not to get detention. She didn't know what a magical detention would be. What if he made her spend the night with freaky creatures?
Luckily, the professor was understanding and didn't put Louisa to punishment. Her mouth widened as she heard him telling her & Skye what to do next time this thing happens. She danced happily... in her mind of course. No detention! No sacking! No nothing! Yay! She almost pounced up and down!
But, Enya and Carin's attitudes weren't acceptable... obviously. Taking points from them as well as meeting him at his office. Ouch! Louisa went quiet glancing at the girls. She was sorry for Enya. Her behavior wasn't approved of, but Louisa felt sorry for her weirdly enough. She wanted to comfort her but postponed it. Not when the professor was around anyways.
Separate ourselves? Did that mean that she couldn't sit with Enya anymore? Enya probably wouldn't talk to her just now anyways. Louisa lowered her head, nodded sadly and turned her back on them going away to another table. She needed a distraction... and quickly!
What about Enya? Louisa can't just leave her like this on her first day. Hmm..
Hide! Louisa could hide while the professor returns to his place. Shifty smile. Nice! Louisa wanted to hide since the start anyways. Heehee.
She walked away to another table and kept the scene within her eye sight waiting for the right moment to come
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by Noel Laurent
Nodding, quite content with where he was at the moment and the people he was meeting, Noel took another bite of his food when the girl had screamed.
Very loudly too...
"Hogwarts étudiants sont fort..." he mumbled to himself, wide eyed and startled. Turning to Vashti, he looked around to see if she was hurt or if someone was bugging her. But, he could see nothing. "Are you alright, Vashti? Are you hurt?"
Perhaps he just wasn't seeing it.
Vashti was quite speechless for several moments after her one word yell. She didn't even realize some people might've been freaked out by her sudden shriek. She was still trying to comprehend the fact that she wouldn't be able to play Quidditch for a whole entire year...
"Huh?" she mumbled when she realized Noel had spoken to her. "Oh, yeah, I'm...fine," she answered faintly, not quite sure how to describe the situation or how she felt. It certainly wasn't fine but it was the first adjective that came out.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Weeee Jenn <33... | You know Ravvies are awesome | | Loly... I luff you! | LOVES mah TWINNEH!
Maddie began o eat another piece of cake, then stopped to look up at the hourglasses. They were on -10? Already? WHAT? She shook her head, thinking it must be a mistake. No way would someone be stupid enough to lose Ravenclaw points already?! Although, she had seen Proffessor Kingsley over at the table earlier.... was that waht he had been doing? Punishing stupid people by taking away points?
NUUU! She didn't want the Eagles to LOSE! She made up her mind to get as many points as possible this term. She did NOT like losing.
_________________________Homecoming, I'm coming, I'm coming back... _____________I'm coming home, I'm coming home, did you take off while I was gone?
☆ Madeleine Force; Sixth-Year Ravenclaw ☆