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In an area on the grounds close to the Quidditch pitch, Professor Carlton has designed a small, circular racetrack. It's temporary, of course, and will quickly be replaced by magic as soon as the lesson is over. For now, though, it exists for the sole purpose of the wooden horseback racing that is about to begin.
"Find a place at the start line," Professor Carlton instructed, using her wand to gesture toward a white line stretching from the left side of the track to the right. "We'll get started in just a moment--as soon as everyone has had a chance to get a wooden horse, dress up in their western attire, and get to the starting point. I'll explain more directions in just a bit."
OOC: If you missed my last post in the first thread, please read it first.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
SPOILER!!: Louisa!
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Concentrating so hard while staring forwards to dodge any on-coming balloons Louisa glances someone who almost looked like herself. Wha..? She lost focus and stared back at the white feathered creatured on that stick-horse.
"Vashti? Is that y--" But the poor girl didn't get the chance to continue for a balloon hit her right in the face and now her face and MOUTH was full of shaving cream again.
Luckily, Louisa didn't fall this time (Became an expert!) but clung to her stick-horse. She started spitting the cream away while suppressing her giggles or else she'd swallow it, she had no intention of tasting this thing just now.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Louisa was still spitting the shaving cream out of her mouth and wiping what she could wipe off her eyes and face. She looked around quickly looking for Vashti but she lost the girl. Typical. Who would find whom in this chaos of cream and feathers? Many students looked the same right now... except for her! Although she was in cream & feathers she will never be like others. Heh.
She refocused on her path as she doubled back towards the place where she met Vashti not long ago. She dodged this balloon! And this! And this one... not dodging feathers or sending them away they can stick if they want to. She lost hope.
"Now where Vashti could be?" She talked to herself barely moving her lips, she didn't want to have another balloon-meal so soon. Hehehe. Her focus was divided between balloons and finding Vashti which was Mission Impossible. The girl looked like a bird just like dozens of students did. Yet, Louisa could identify her from her general structure. Grin. That was exciting!
Despite the fact that Ravenclaw's mascot was an eagle and that she really mind looking like one for a bit, Vashti didn't enjoy it in her face. Particularly since she had no beak so it defeated the purpose of being any kind of bird.
So, as she wiped her face clean with her sleeve, she heard a familiar voice saying her name and then- stop. Eh? What had just happened to the person? Risking a glance to the side and behind her, the third year spotted someone whose face was covered in shaving cream. Not so unlike Vashti just a few moments before.
"Yeah, it's me," she called back to the person before quickly turning back around to dodge a few incoming shaving cream!balloons. Feathers were still falling and covering her while she tried casting the Shield Charm again. It, thankfully, worked again and she was free from the falling feathers and shaving cream for a few moments.
She took this time to glance back and see if that person was there still - but she wasn't. Well crud, where had she gone? Vashti wanted to know who it was calling for her, as she hadn't recognized the girl while her face was hidden by shaving cream and feathers. Oh well, maybe she'd find her again? Even though she wasn't sure who she was looking for. But she'd turn up eventually, wouldn't she?
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Last edited by AlwaysSnapesGirl; 09-19-2010 at 10:52 PM.
Reason: missed second post
Feathers? Raining from the sky? Gee, thanks for that one, professor. Fortunately the feathers didn't chicken-ify him, mostly because the shaving cream hadn't got a chance to settle, but before all the feathers could bounce off him and go harass someone else he grabbed a few and cast a sticking charm on one side of his horse's head, just behind and under its ear.
Not really caring that he was no where near the front, Kellen took the time to stick the feathers on Nag, arguably making the horse-on-a-stick appear less like a nag. Why not, right?
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
SPOILER!!: Obstacle 2
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
As the balloons continued to inflate, float to eye-level, then burst (spewing shaving cream all over everyone), Professor Carlton floated a bit higher. She now held a small, black bag in her hands, and as she floated above the students, feathers of all shapes, sizes, and colors fell from bag.
So now, not only are the balloons spewing shaving cream all over everyone, feathers are falling--feathers that will likely stick to the shaving cream and turn you into what appears to be a chicken...riding on a wooden stick...with the head of a horse.
If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe
I'd been married long time ago
Where did you come from where did you go
Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe
If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe
I'd been married long time ago
Where did you come from where did you go
Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe
Marie had successfully made it past the balloons without getting hit by the white goo that was in them only to have feathers falling on her head.
Feathers! What was it with these professors and the dang feathers and making them look like animals. As she started to pull a few of the feathers out of her hair she was suddenly being knocked around.
What in the....
Originally Posted by Eli Jarod
Eli's stick pony continued to wobble and buck and jerk like a bucking bronco. He struggled to control it, though his hands were slick with white foam and so the attempts were futile. He pulled back on the rein again, jerking upward and to the left, sideswiping some girl and crashing into her.
"Oof!" he cried, glancing up to apologize. But --
Oh dear.
It was the she-snake. UGH! Eli wrinkled his nose. "Watch where you're going!" he snarled at her. The stick pony smacked down onto the ground and then boing! bounced up again and BACK into her again.
This was just not Eli's day.
She should have known. The purple haired freak had run right into her. Oh that boy was going DOWN! "You watch where you're going you little freak." she yelled at him when he blamed her for running into him. It was quote obvious the boy had no idea what he was doing on the stick horse of his. "Maybe if you paid attention in class you'd know..."
The troll ran into her AGAIN!
Sticking out her foot she kicked him away from her. "Stay away from me!" she shouted at him.
And then there was Evelyn...
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Frowning at the feathers, Evelyn looked up to see a mass amount of them, all colors imaginable, floating down towards them.
WHYYY must the professor do such a thing? They were already ridiculous looking enough to be flying these face wooden horse thing, and what with the shaving cre-
Must she make them look like chickens?! She KNEW the professor could have resisted such a horrible thought and play of action but no, she had to go and do it didn't she. Having been totally distracted with the feathers, she didn't see one of the balloons pop right in front of her, covering her shield white shaving cream. She couldn't SEE!!
And NEEDING to be able to see, she flicked her wand to the side, dropping the shield and letting all that shaving cream go flying elsewhere, not paying attention to where it landed or who it hit.
Of course, she didn't do it on purpose to distract anyone else, it was just instinct! She needed to be able to see!
She couldn't help but laugh as shaving cream went flying when Evelyn appeared to drop her shield. Why did she find this so funny? Because the gooey mess was headed straight for the purple haired freak.
The boy was going to get splattered, there was no doubt about it. He couldn't control his horse enough not to run into someone, there was no way he was going to be able to dodge that mess coming towards him.
"Ha, let's see you get yourself out of that mess," she yelled back at him as she took off on her way around the track once again.
"Protego!" she said as she pointed her wand at herself just as she was coming upon more popping balloons. A few feathers in her hair she could live with but a gooey mess was unacceptable.
Edmond looked up to see...feathers? What?! Why would the professor do that? He was already sticky as it was. First it had been the shaving cream (he didn't even have a mustache to at least use it for) and now feathers. Edmond bet the teacher was having a laugh out of this. He held on to his 'horse' tight, not wanting to suffer a painfull fall. They weren't that far from the ground, but still. Better safe than sorry, right. Swiping some of the shaving cream off his eyes, Edmond kept a steady but semi steady pace. He wondered if there was someone he knew here too.
Viky sat up straight, spluttering a little to get the feathers out of her mouth. Of course she would've fallen off... this was why she never went to flying classes. Rubbing her shoulder, she winced as she realised how much it hurt. And that was A LOT, just so you know. She got to her feet in a rather ungainly manner and grabbed her horse/stick with her uninjured arm, heading over to stand near to Proffessor Carlton.
'MISS CARLTON!' she yelled, wondering if she would hear her. She was pretty high, after all 'Uhm... Miss Carlton... can I go the hospital wing, please?' she called, still rubbing her shoulder. 'I fell off the thing, cause there was foam in my eye' and I'm really uncoordinated, she added in her mind.
♥In this passenger seat, you put your eyes on me, in this moment, now capture it, remember it
'Cause I don't know how it gets better than this, you take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless♥ ♥'And I don't know why but with you I'd dance, in a storm in my best dress, fearless♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
In a matter of seconds, the feathers stopped falling, and all seemed to be normal--save for the music that was still playing over and over.
Then suddenly, a powerful wind begins to blow in the opposite direction from the one you're traveling in. It's a powerful force that attempts to blow you backwards and off your horse. You're nearly at the finish line, but...how will you get there with all the wind blowing against you?
If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe
I'd been married long time ago
Where did you come from where did you go
Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe
If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe
I'd been married long time ago
Where did you come from where did you go
Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe
OOC: Please don't feel as if you need to rush to catch up with all the challenge posts. Just reply to them at your own pace. I'm leaving the thread open for about 24 more hours, so you have time.
Last edited by Anna Banana; 09-19-2010 at 11:40 PM.
If I missed a post where one of you said something to Lexi, please VM me.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by LoveMePlease
Viky sat up straight, spluttering a little to get the feathers out of her mouth. Of course she would've fallen off... this was why she never went to flying classes. Rubbing her shoulder, she winced as she realised how much it hurt. And that was A LOT, just so you know. She got to her feet in a rather ungainly manner and grabbed her horse/stick with her uninjured arm, heading over to stand near to Proffessor Carlton.
'MISS CARLTON!' she yelled, wondering if she would hear her. She was pretty high, after all 'Uhm... Miss Carlton... can I go the hospital wing, please?' she called, still rubbing her shoulder. 'I fell off the thing, cause there was foam in my eye' and I'm really uncoordinated, she added in her mind.
Despite the fact that a forceful wind had started up--and Cotton Eye Joe was still playing over and over--Lexi was able to hear a Gryffindor girl calling out to her. She couldn't really tell who it was or about how old the girl looked, but none of that mattered now.
Apparently, the poor girl was hurt!
Lexi lowered her umbrella and, when she was at an appropriate distance to make a graceful landing, casted Finite. She hurried over to Viky and carefully inspected her shoulder. "Of course you can go to the Hospital Wing, dear. Do you need someone to walk with you, or do you think you can make it on your own?" she asked.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by LoveMePlease
Viky sat up straight, spluttering a little to get the feathers out of her mouth. Of course she would've fallen off... this was why she never went to flying classes. Rubbing her shoulder, she winced as she realised how much it hurt. And that was A LOT, just so you know. She got to her feet in a rather ungainly manner and grabbed her horse/stick with her uninjured arm, heading over to stand near to Proffessor Carlton.
'MISS CARLTON!' she yelled, wondering if she would hear her. She was pretty high, after all 'Uhm... Miss Carlton... can I go the hospital wing, please?' she called, still rubbing her shoulder. 'I fell off the thing, cause there was foam in my eye' and I'm really uncoordinated, she added in her mind.
Having switched places with Viky again, Simon was in front of Viky when she fell off. He only knew something was wrong as he heard her voice yell for Professor Carlton and being himself not to far away. Slowing the horse the best he could, he chanced a look back to see her on the ground.
"Finite!" he cast, jumping to the ground and walking back to his injured housemate. The Gryffindor boy, ducking to avoid more balloons the best he could till he came up beside her just as Professor Carlton arrived as well.
"I can take her Professor," he offered hearing what she had asked of Viky.
Despite the fact that a forceful wind had started up--and Cotton Eye Joe was still playing over and over--Lexi was able to hear a Gryffindor girl calling out to her. She couldn't really tell who it was or about how old the girl looked, but none of that mattered now.
Apparently, the poor girl was hurt!
Lexi lowered her umbrella and, when she was at an appropriate distance to make a graceful landing, casted Finite. She hurried over to Viky and carefully inspected her shoulder. "Of course you can go to the Hospital Wing, dear. Do you need someone to walk with you, or do you think you can make it on your own?" she asked.
Oh, good. Looks like the proffessor could hear her after all. Viky gave a small smile as she landed - it was pretty cool, really. Maybe next time she should get herself a magical flying umbrella, not a horse? Actually, maybe that wasn't such a good idea. You could at least sit on the horse, or a broomstick. Umbrella, not so much.
'Thanks, Proffessor' Viky said quietly, trying not to wince as she moved her shoulder a little. Hmm... someone to walk with her. She was tempted to say yes and steal Simon, but that would be unfair - he wouldn't finish the lesson. So she shook her head 'No, I can make it up there, I think' she said, looking up at the castle. Mmm, it wasn't too far. And besides, it wasn't like she'd injured her leg or anything.
Ah, but then Simon offered to take her up. Aww, that was so sweet of him! But... what if he missed something important in the lesson? Then it would be her fault, and she was still pretty sure she could make it up there. But... it would be nice to have someone to walk up with. Maybe she'd let Miss Carlton decide? Yeah, that sounded like a good idea. then, if she thought Simon would miss anything, she could say no. Good plan.
♥In this passenger seat, you put your eyes on me, in this moment, now capture it, remember it
'Cause I don't know how it gets better than this, you take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless♥ ♥'And I don't know why but with you I'd dance, in a storm in my best dress, fearless♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
The song was getting annoying now, and Lori found herself singing [LOUDLY!] the words to nursery rhymes. "Humpty DUMPTY sat on a waaaaaallll, Humpty Dumpty had a GREAT FALLL! All the kings h-- Oh." Had she just JINXED that little kid before her? Eh. Pulling back on the reins of her Wooden Horse, Porcelain, Lorelai slowed right down and peered down, sighing. "Kid? You okay? Y... You need some help?" Poor soul. She looked young. Or so.. Younger than herself.
Within a few moments, Professor Carlton had came over, and the Prefect offered a small smile at the Professor. "Will she be okay? I didn't MEAN for her to FALL! I was only singing Humpty Dumpty. And it isn't HIS fault neither...." The brunette concluded, with a nod, and a pat on Porcelain's head. Good horse.
Deciding that the younger student would be okay with the Professor, or on her way to the Hospital Wing, Lorelai leaned Porcelain's head forward slowly, and giggled as it sped it. "Ring a ring a roooooses, a poooocket full of POOOOOSIESSS. ATISHOOOO! ATISHOOOO! You. All. Fall DOOOO-oooooherrrrr?" This wasn't the way she was meant to be GOING!
"EEEEEEP!" Lori squealed, gripping tighter around Porcelain's reins, and then her legs around the wooden stick. She. Wasn't. Going. ANYWHERE.
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Extremely powerful wind as well. Blowing in the complete opposite direction she was going in so that it was heading straight towards her and the colourful feathers were flying absolutely everywhere. The blonde removed a few stray feathers on her face here and there before deciding how she was going to get through without injuring herself or damaging her poor precious horsey.
Perhaps she could somehow make the wind less powerful. Slow it down perhaps. Aresto Momentum perhaps? Would that work on wind? Who knew what could be used against the elements. Or maybe the hot air charm? If she produced air out of her wand wouldn't it react with the wind and perhaps reduce the risks a little bit?
In the end Trixie choose to use them all practically until she had fought her way, without injury through the wind. "Protego Totalum" she called just to produce a small shield around her for extra protection so that any falling off would not happen. And the finish line was in her sight... eventually.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Macavity
Having switched places with Viky again, Simon was in front of Viky when she fell off. He only knew something was wrong as he heard her voice yell for Professor Carlton and being himself not to far away. Slowing the horse the best he could, he chanced a look back to see her on the ground.
"Finite!" he cast, jumping to the ground and walking back to his injured housemate. The Gryffindor boy, ducking to avoid more balloons the best he could till he came up beside her just as Professor Carlton arrived as well.
"I can take her Professor," he offered hearing what she had asked of Viky.
Hearing Simon's concerned voice, Lexi glanced over and gave the boy a quick nod. "Oh, thank you, Mr. Bennett. I sincerely appreciate it," she said. "If she needs someone to go with her, I'd love for you to help out and walk her to the hospital wing." She gave the boy a small smile before turning back to Viky.
Originally Posted by LoveMePlease
Oh, good. Looks like the proffessor could hear her after all. Viky gave a small smile as she landed - it was pretty cool, really. Maybe next time she should get herself a magical flying umbrella, not a horse? Actually, maybe that wasn't such a good idea. You could at least sit on the horse, or a broomstick. Umbrella, not so much.
'Thanks, Proffessor' Viky said quietly, trying not to wince as she moved her shoulder a little. Hmm... someone to walk with her. She was tempted to say yes and steal Simon, but that would be unfair - he wouldn't finish the lesson. So she shook her head 'No, I can make it up there, I think' she said, looking up at the castle. Mmm, it wasn't too far. And besides, it wasn't like she'd injured her leg or anything.
With another small smile in the Proffessor's direction, Viky turned slowly and began to walk up to the castle, trying not to jostle her arm or anything. Eeep, she hoped it wasn't... dislocated or anything.
"You're welcome, dear. I don't doubt that Li---Healer Moretti will be able to doctor that up in no time. You'll be good as new soon," she said, trying to reassure the girl that although she was hurting now, it would all be healed and she'd be back to normal soon.
"Oh, well, alright then," she said, replying to what Viky had said about being able to make it on her own. "If you need someone, though, Mr. Bennett here has volunteered. Just turn around and call out to us if you find that you can't make it."
Well, that was very reassuring. Miss Carlton thought that the nurse would be able to fix it up easily. Brilliant - Viky didn't want to go walking around with like, a sling or something. It'd look weird, plus she wouldn't be able to take notes in any classes! So she really hoped that Miss Carlton was right.
Hmm. Now she really wanted Simon to come with her... and the proffessor didn't seem too bothered about him coming. 'Okay... I think I changed my mind. Simon, you don't mind taking me up there, do you?' she asked him, looking up at the castle, and then back to Simon.
♥In this passenger seat, you put your eyes on me, in this moment, now capture it, remember it
'Cause I don't know how it gets better than this, you take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless♥ ♥'And I don't know why but with you I'd dance, in a storm in my best dress, fearless♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Riley had been going along perfectly well, or at least as well as you can on the back of a fake horse floating eerily over the ground. He was actually starting to enjoy the ride, gazing dreamily over the top of the forest the fifth year was in utter shock when a nearby balloon burst and sent shaving cream all over his clothes and head.
"Great, just awesome!" Riley shouted sarcatically as he moved the reigns of his levitating fake horse away from another incoming cream balloon.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Hearing Simon's concerned voice, Lexi glanced over and gave the boy a quick nod. "Oh, thank you, Mr. Bennett. I sincerely appreciate it," she said. "If she needs someone to go with her, I'd love for you to help out and walk her to the hospital wing." She gave the boy a small smile before turning back to Viky.
"You're welcome, dear. I don't doubt that Li---Healer Moretti will be able to doctor that up in no time. You'll be good as new soon," she said, trying to reassure the girl that although she was hurting now, it would all be healed and she'd be back to normal soon.
"Oh, well, alright then," she said, replying to what Viky had said about being able to make it on her own. "If you need someone, though, Mr. Bennett here has volunteered. Just turn around and call out to us if you find that you can't make it."
Simon smiled back at the professor, noting her appreciation and feeling good about his offer. His attention on Viky awaiting her words on how she was and if she needed help getting to the hospital wing, he nodded in acceptance of her choice about to let her go and stay with Professor Carlton for the rest of class. It wasn't like he could really continue the track anyway.
Originally Posted by LoveMePlease
Well, that was very reassuring. Miss Carlton thought that the nurse would be able to fix it up easily. Brilliant - Viky didn't want to go walking around with like, a sling or something. It'd look weird, plus she wouldn't be able to take notes in any classes! So she really hoped that Miss Carlton was right.
Hmm. Now she really wanted Simon to come with her... and the proffessor didn't seem too bothered about him coming. 'Okay... I think I changed my mind. Simon, you don't mind taking me up there, do you?' she asked him, looking up at the castle, and then back to Simon.
"No not at all," he assured her when Viky changed her mind turning to the professor to take their leave. "Good day Professor."
After wiping the shaving cream out of his eyes and off of the majority of his face, the gryffindor continued to ride along the make-shift track on his floating horse staying far away from the evil balloons. Where was their Professor in all of this? He had lost sight of her at the starting line, and let's face it, she wasn't bad to look at for an older woman.
Before he could go gazing into his Professor's eyes, he found her soaring higher than any of the students' horses and sprinkling something over the track. Ooh was it glitter or money?! No it was nothing fun like that. Riley sped on and was soon covered in feathers....he was not happy.
Carpe Diem: Make today extraordinary! WOOT WOOT! GRYFFINDOR!!
Sophia felt the winds and she tried to figure out a way to go faster. "Locomotor Horse!" she yelled, wondering if that would make the horse move any faster. She saw a girl fall off of her horse, and Sophia knew that she would be next if she didn't move. Like now. "Locomotor Horse!" she tried, again. Her horse picked up speed a little but and moved closer to the finish line. On the way there, her horse jerked around. She gripped the horse as tight as she could, not wanting to fall off.
Carpe Diem: Make today extraordinary! WOOT WOOT! GRYFFINDOR!!
Sophia's horse was still jerking around, and she was getting a little tired of it. Not to mention motion sickness. She slowed her horse down a little bit, just enough to stop the jerking. She then said "Protego?" with a question like tone in her voice. She wasn't sure if that would work against the wind, but she hoped it would. Her horse picked up speed and headed towards the finish
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."
Alice continued to work her way through the balloons, some popping once they made contact with her protective shield, causing her to bring it down so the shaving cream would fall off of it, before casting Protego again. She was feeling pleased with herself when she noticed that Professor Carlton was now rather high above them with something in her hand.
Alice watched as she started to dump something down on top of them....wait....were those feathers? Multicolored feathers? Alice watched a neon pink feather float down and land on the mane of her horse. Interesting...
Alice realized that she was going to have to come up with something fast if she didn't want to become a fluffy chicken riding a horse. Seeing that as long as she prevented the shaving cream from hitting her, the feathers wouldn't really have anything to stick to...other than her horse's mane really.
"Protego!" Alice yelled out, continuing to block the shaving cream exploding out of the popping balloons. Alice was pleased with the protection her shield was providing, although she had to admit all these feathers were difficult to see through, not to mention they were rather itchy when they landed on her skin...specifically the tip of her nose.
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
Branwen walked out to the racetrack with the other students and looked in the box of horses. She found a really pretty silver one and walked over to the starting line. She climbed aboard her horse and said “Wingardium Leviosa”. When the horse rose into the air with her on she was actually surprised and squealed a little. Fortunately she remembered to use the next spells before she rose to high. “Fixate, Locomotor broom.”She felt the wind blowing through her hair as she rode around on the track.
Rex's horse is attired in a tuxedo like his clothes for his Waltz dance competetions but he has cap on his hwad above the mane with the words "Dallas Cowboys". Rex has his cowboy hat, his western shirt, his western tie , his western jeans with a big belt buclke and his cowboy boots on his feer. This is Rex's outfit from when he does the Texas Two Step. "Wingardium Leviosa" Rex called out. Then " Locomotor Horse" Rex said the rest of the spell.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
SPOILER!!: Wind, Really?
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
In a matter of seconds, the feathers stopped falling, and all seemed to be normal--save for the music that was still playing over and over.
Then suddenly, a powerful wind begins to blow in the opposite direction from the one you're traveling in. It's a powerful force that attempts to blow you backwards and off your horse. You're nearly at the finish line, but...how will you get there with all the wind blowing against you?
If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe
I'd been married long time ago
Where did you come from where did you go
Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe
If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe
I'd been married long time ago
Where did you come from where did you go
Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe
Marie was finally getting away from that purple haired freak. Now she would be able to fly without being assaulted... or not. She still had to dodge the popping balloons and the falling feathers, which she was doing until...
A HUGE wind came along and started to blow her back, not to mention is blew the white goo onto her shield. Crud, now she needed to get rid of that. But at least it wasn't in her hair.
Dropping her shield long enough for the mess to fly behind her she continued to try and fly forward. After putting her shield back up, to avoid getting hit with wayward balloons she leaned forward as far as she could urging her horsestick to keep going forward. She figured if she treated it like a broom and leaned as close to it as she could it would help her gain speed and get her through the wind. Which it did. Of course she didn't gain much speed but at least she wasn't going backward.
She would be at the finish line in no time at all.
Things were progressing just fine (save for the catchy!folktale music that was constantly playing over and over), until...
Balloons that had been deflated and just lying harmlessly along the tracks began to inflate. First, there were only a few blowing themselves up and passing right over the students' lines of vision.
Then...there were many. Not only that, but as soon as they got just at eye-level, they began popping and releasing shaving cream into the air--and onto whoever happened to be unfortunate enough to be floating nearby.
If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe
I'd been married long time ago
Where did you come from where did you go
Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe
If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe
I'd been married long time ago
Where did you come from where did you go
Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe
“Second Lap. YAY!” Branwen said to herself. Suddenly she heard really loud music. She had heard this song somewhere before, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. She looked up to dee where the music was coming from the suddenly, “Psshhhh. Ka- pow!”. There were balloons everywhere. “Eeeek!. Branwen screamed they were popping. Fortunately she was looking up so the icky tasting stuff didn’t get in her eyes.