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demented_death_eater 04-12-2010 09:28 PM

Professor Vindictus's Office

You knock on the door and hear a deep voice beckoning you inside. Once inside, you are greeted by various portraits of Quidditch greats of years' past and present. The largest of the portraits is that of the man sitting behind a massive mahogany desk - Professor Maximus O. Vindictus, a legend in his own right (and some would argue, mind). His blonde hair, twinkling blue eyes, and gleaming smile are unmistakable, and you realize you are in the presence of a professional athlete and celebrity who even managed to find the time to pursue university degrees as seen by the two large, framed diplomas that hang proudly on the wall. Looking around the room, you begin to notice overstuffed navy blue leather couches that flank the coffee table by the fire. Various Quidditch magazines and books lay on the coffee table, as does a bowl of chocolate frogs. On each side of the fireplace, are two trophy cases - the hardware inside gleaming after a good polishing.

The door to the office is closed and locked. You will need to knock and wait for Professor Vindictus to allow you inside.

CharGryffindor 09-03-2010 09:49 AM

Rubiey practically ran to Professor Vindictus' office. She knew there was no Quidditch this year *sob* but she still wanted to introduce herself to the Professor. Quidditch was her favourite thing in the world; What else should she do but say hi to the person in charge of it here?! She knocked, and waited.

Anais 09-03-2010 05:23 PM

Sapphinelle approached the Quidditch Teacher Man Dude's office and saw another girl knock on the door, so she just stood next to her confidently and smiled at her.

"I'm Sapphinelle. Are you a first year too?" she said with her flawless French accent.

CharGryffindor 09-03-2010 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Anais (Post 9743235)
Sapphinelle approached the Quidditch Teacher Man Dude's office and saw another girl knock on the door, so she just stood next to her confidently and smiled at her.

"I'm Sapphinelle. Are you a first year too?" she said with her flawless French accent.

Rubiey heard someone behind her and swung round. "Hi, I'm Rubiey. Yeah, Gryffindor." She looked at the girls robes. "Hufflepuff? I haven't met any Huffies yet! It's nice to meet you. Are you French?" What a stupid question; of course she was! She blushed slightly.

eliza22 09-03-2010 05:42 PM

Eliza walked happily up to the Flying Proffessor's office-place-thing. It didn't LOOK like an office. Oh well, though, she wasn't really fussed. Just so long as Vindictus was there, she wanted to talk to him. Because, if there was no Quidditch this term, were there still going to be flying lessons? She hoped so...

ThePastelBookworm 09-03-2010 05:50 PM

she knock on the door she waited beside her friend sapp.hello sapp she gave her a nickname how you been.

Anais 09-03-2010 06:01 PM


Rubiey heard someone behind her and swung round. "Hi, I'm Rubiey. Yeah, Gryffindor." She looked at the girls robes. "Hufflepuff? I haven't met any Huffies yet! It's nice to meet you. Are you French?" What a stupid question; of course she was! She blushed slightly.
She nodded happily and laughed a little.
"Yes, I'm in Hufflepuff. Rubiey? Unique name. C'est génial." she said to her with a big smile.

CharGryffindor 09-03-2010 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Anais (Post 9743414)
She nodded happily and laughed a little.
"Yes, I'm in Hufflepuff. Rubiey? Unique name. C'est génial." she said to her with a big smile.

She giggled. "Thank you. My dad decided on it. It's wierdly spelt as well. But I suppose it reflects me." She smiled. "So, Quidditch fan too huh? I really hope they do flying lessons still; just because they aren't holding Quidditch, we should still be able to learn to fly, right?!" She hoped they wouldn't cancel them; it was something she had been most looking forward to.

Anais 09-03-2010 06:14 PM


She giggled. "Thank you. My dad decided on it. It's wierdly spelt as well. But I suppose it reflects me." She smiled. "So, Quidditch fan too huh? I really hope they do flying lessons still; just because they aren't holding Quidditch, we should still be able to learn to fly, right?!" She hoped they wouldn't cancel them; it was something she had been most looking forward to.
She nodded happily at this.
"MAJOR Quidditch fan. Even being Muggle-born, I'm very...studious. I'm planning to clean out the whole school library twice, I've already read everything there is to know about the Wizarding World, I'm going to love this school!" she said with a big smile. "I can't wait for Flying, I already know how I'm gonna feel once I get on a broom." she said with a dreamy expression.

CharGryffindor 09-03-2010 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Anais (Post 9743466)
She nodded happily at this.
"MAJOR Quidditch fan. Even being Muggle-born, I'm very...studious. I'm planning to clean out the whole school library twice, I've already read everything there is to know about the Wizarding World, I'm going to love this school!" she said with a big smile. "I can't wait for Flying, I already know how I'm gonna feel once I get on a broom." she said with a dreamy expression.

Rubiey laughed. "Me too. Well, technically, I've already been on a broom. It's the best feeling in the world. My dad taught me when I was very little; he bought me my first toy broom when I was 2! I crashed into the tree in the garden. My mum went mental!" She smiled reminiscently. "She's a muggle; so she doesn't understand the importance of flying for us witches & wizards." She sighed. "I'm very studious too. I love reading; I read all of our school books the day I bought them." Yup, she was a geek *blush*

Team ronmione 09-03-2010 09:02 PM

Adam maked his way down to the Office of Professor Vindictus. He really hoped he was allowed to play Quidditch. He saw some girls talking, they too looked ready to chat about the flying sport."Hi, you girls also here for Quidditch?"He asked them. Adam wasn't too nervous, they looked like first years also. He wondered if he'd see JD Stevenson anytime soon.

CharGryffindor 09-03-2010 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Team ronmione (Post 9744069)
Adam maked his way down to the Office of Professor Vindictus. He really hoped he was allowed to play Quidditch. He saw some girls talking, they too looked ready to chat about the flying sport."Hi, you girls also here for Quidditch?"He asked them. Adam wasn't too nervous, they looked like first years also. He wondered if he'd see JD Stevenson anytime soon.

Rubiey smiled as a boy who looked about the same age as them came towards them. "Yep. Well, more to meet the Professor than anything else. It's not like we can play Quidditch this year, is it?" She sighed. Damn Tournament, getting in the way...

Anais 09-04-2010 09:47 PM

Sapphie shrugged and looked at Adam.
"Hey, Adam!" she said, giving him a hug.
"Coming to suck up, too?" she said with a little laugh.

Walrus 09-04-2010 10:07 PM

Do De Do De Do De Dooooo! Jacob walked slowly towards Vindictus's Office... Yay! It Was Time To Get Angry, Ramble, And Scream his head of at Poor Vindictus who probably had no say in the suspension of Quidditch. Even if it wasn't Vindictus' fault, He was still going to have a long painful Talking to!

A few Feet From the Office, Jacob saw some other students already waiting... Aww, Jacob had to hold his screaming inside 'til they left. No Fair! If He had know, he could have read that new 'scary angry monkey' comic that he was just dieing to read... That Horrible, Horrible Monkey! Oh Well, he was already here, might as well wait. Maybe Vindictus will tell him a story about Giant Pigs afterwards... he'd have to remember to ask.

He probably shouldn't have eaten all that sugar...

AlwaysSnapesGirl 09-04-2010 10:45 PM

Vashti had an idea. A very good idea, in her opinion, but of course she would think so. She wouldn't be heading to Professor Vindictus' to suggest it if she didn't think it was a good idea. But what actually mattered was that he thought it was a good idea, and she really hoped he would. She'd find it hard not to start sulking again if he didn't like it.

OH MY. Vashti's eyes widened when she saw the crowd of students waiting outside her Head of House's office...and she also couldn't help but giggle. Could they all be here about the lack of Quidditch? Most of them looked like first years, although she did spot her fourth year Quidditch teammate Jacob. Or...would that be ex-teammate since there was no Quidditch and therefore no Quidditch teams this year? Hm. Vashti waved to him anyway.

And maybe this was good having all these other students there. Maybe if they were still there when she was able to make her suggestion they'd back her up and Professor Vindictus would be more likely to agree. Hehe. It was possible.

Cinn-O-Bun 09-05-2010 12:37 AM

Miles practically ran down to his favourite professor's office first thing, well after he dropped his name in the goblet. But he wanted to tell him about that because he was EXCITED. As he rounded the corner he skidded to a stop, which was hard on the grass without flying forward, and looked around with his eyes wide. There were a TON of kids there and probably all there to complain. Frowning he shook his head and walked up making sure his Prefect badge was showing proudly.

"What is going on here?" he said loud enough for everyone to hear him. "If you're hear to complain about Quidditch you might as well save your breath, it's not like Professor V. wanted no Quidditch this term." Of course not. Professor V. loved Quidditch. "And if you're here to chat come back later cause I need to talk to him about official stuff first."

There and if they wanted to argue he'd threaten points or...something. No doubt Professor V would be happy about not being bombarded by them.

eliza22 09-05-2010 12:46 AM

Eliza scowled at this boy who had come along and shouted at everyone. She supposed that there WERE rather a few people here, but there were rather a lot of people at most of the teachers' offices. She didn't see how Proffessor V's was any different. And she actually wanted to ask a question, NOT complain or chat.

So take that, Mr. Rude Prefect. 'I actually want to ask him something lesson-related' she said to the boy 'So I'll stay, I think' aaand she'd been waiting. Jus because this dude had a shiny badge did NOT mean he was gonna get rid of them all. Nuh-uh.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 09-05-2010 12:58 AM

Oh look, it was one of the Ravenclaw prefects., well, Vashti couldn't remember his name at the moment. She was pretty sure she knew it, but for some reason it wouldn't come to her. Eh, but he also seemed to think a lot of them were here to complain about Quidditch. She wasn't here for that reason though. She'd taken her unhappiness about it out on her pillow the night before, so she was good now.

Vashti was about to explain why she was here when another girl whom she didn't know spoke up and basically said the reason she was here as well. So she nodded. "Same here," she said.

Cinn-O-Bun 09-05-2010 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by eliza22 (Post 9748533)
Eliza scowled at this boy who had come along and shouted at everyone. She supposed that there WERE rather a few people here, but there were rather a lot of people at most of the teachers' offices. She didn't see how Proffessor V's was any different. And she actually wanted to ask a question, NOT complain or chat.

So take that, Mr. Rude Prefect. 'I actually want to ask him something lesson-related' she said to the boy 'So I'll stay, I think' aaand she'd been waiting. Jus because this dude had a shiny badge did NOT mean he was gonna get rid of them all. Nuh-uh.

Miles raised an eyebrow at the young Slytherin who decided she was special and then a Ravenclaw who looked older. "Not sure how you can have a question when there are no lessons at the moment, but...whatever..." He was pretty sure he could probably answer it too, there's going to be class, we'll be flying, it'll be when he announces it and no you can't bring your own broom. HA. If they wanted to wait though they could wait all he wanted but he had every intention of going in first. Pushing past the others who were just standing around he went over to the door and knocked on it, "Professor V, it's me." Hey look at that it rhymed.

eliza22 09-05-2010 01:04 AM

Oh, good god. Eliza sincerely hoped that not all Prefects were this RUDE. She didn't laaaik this guy! And actually, she was going to wait, thank you very much. Except he was just... mean, and had cut in front when she'd been here ages and he'd JUST arrived. So not faaair! 'Hey, whatever' she said, brushing his comments off. Wasn;t bothered.

'But hey. Just cause you're older than us doesn't mean you can cut in front! It's really rude, we've been waiting and you just got here. It's unfair!' she protested, not liking this at all. He was a meeeeeean Prefect.

Cinn-O-Bun 09-05-2010 01:09 AM

*giggles* don't mind him he's special

Originally Posted by eliza22 (Post 9748571)
Oh, good god. Eliza sincerely hoped that not all Prefects were this RUDE. She didn't laaaik this guy! And actually, she was going to wait, thank you very much. Except he was just... mean, and had cut in front when she'd been here ages and he'd JUST arrived. So not faaair! 'Hey, whatever' she said, brushing his comments off. Wasn;t bothered.

'But hey. Just cause you're older than us doesn't mean you can cut in front! It's really rude, we've been waiting and you just got here. It's unfair!' she protested, not liking this at all. He was a meeeeeean Prefect.

Miles turned around as the Slytherin started protesting and raised an eyebrow, "'s because I'm HIS Prefect and I have something very important to tell him that I get to cut in front." Yes for example...the castle could be on fire. That'd be a very important thing right? And if he had to wait it would be impractical so there. Though if Vindi asked him to wait he would but he wasn't going to because a firstie Slytherin told him to no sir. His fingers began to tap on his legs and he had to control them with an effort. "It'll only be a second anyway," then you can bore him to death with whatever question he's sure to have answered before.

Walrus 09-05-2010 02:53 AM

Vashti!! & Cinn!!
Jacob looked around just in time to see vashti wave at him. Jacob forced a smile, it was so hard when he was so disappointed. As she came he realized that it was pointless to complain to the person who was more disappointed than anyone! It would be better to put his anger in a letter, and give it to Tate. And when Miles came, Jacob went back to frowning. "I just wanna see if he'll tell me a story about giant pigs" yup and maybe he will, and maybe Jacob might ask to help with the first year lesson. Tee-her the boy was taking advantage of his prefect power.

Eli Jarod 09-05-2010 12:05 PM

Eli ran up to the door of the office and knocked briskly. He was eager to speak with his favorite professor and had something VERY important to ask him. A couple of things, actually.

He fidgeted, trying not to pay attention to the other students who were waiting. Then he noticed one of them had a tiny badge on. "Hey. You're Ravenclaw's prefect?" he asked the boy.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 09-06-2010 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Cinn-O-Bun (Post 9748557)
Miles raised an eyebrow at the young Slytherin who decided she was special and then a Ravenclaw who looked older. "Not sure how you can have a question when there are no lessons at the moment, but...whatever..." He was pretty sure he could probably answer it too, there's going to be class, we'll be flying, it'll be when he announces it and no you can't bring your own broom. HA. If they wanted to wait though they could wait all he wanted but he had every intention of going in first. Pushing past the others who were just standing around he went over to the door and knocked on it, "Professor V, it's me." Hey look at that it rhymed.

Vashti shrugged. "There're plenty of questions that could be asked. Besides the obvious ones, that is," she answered. She was pretty sure all these students wouldn't gather just to ask a simple, obvious question. Even a first year could figure out what the class was about without having to ask. She raised an eyebrow slightly when the prefect pushed his way to the front, and, although he certainly had the right to do so if what he had to tell Professor Vindictus was indeed very important, it was still rude. Especially to the little firsties! She wasn't going to argue though. The Slytherin was already doing that and clearly wasn't getting anywhere with him, so she figured adding her thoughts to it wouldn't help anything.


Originally Posted by Walrus (Post 9748825)
Jacob looked around just in time to see vashti wave at him. Jacob forced a smile, it was so hard when he was so disappointed. As she came he realized that it was pointless to complain to the person who was more disappointed than anyone! It would be better to put his anger in a letter, and give it to Tate. And when Miles came, Jacob went back to frowning. "I just wanna see if he'll tell me a story about giant pigs" yup and maybe he will, and maybe Jacob might ask to help with the first year lesson. Tee-her the boy was taking advantage of his prefect power.

Vashti returned Jacob's smile, though hers wasn't quite as forced as his. She couldn't help but giggle slightly at the boy's answer to the prefect. Giant pigs? Why would Professor V tell any stories about giant pigs - or pigs at all really? She would love to hear the thought process behind that, but then she had an idea. Maybe Jacob would like to be a part of her idea. So that way she could have some sort of back-up, which might help - and it'd give him a more legit reason to be visiting their Head of House than to hear a story about gigantic pigs. She decided she'd try. "Hey Jacob," she said. "You wanna help me out?"

Walrus 09-06-2010 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru (Post 9752009)
Vashti returned Jacob's smile, though hers wasn't quite as forced as his. She couldn't help but giggle slightly at the boy's answer to the prefect. Giant pigs? Why would Professor V tell any stories about giant pigs - or pigs at all really? She would love to hear the thought process behind that, but then she had an idea. Maybe Jacob would like to be a part of her idea. So that way she could have some sort of back-up, which might help - and it'd give him a more legit reason to be visiting their Head of House than to hear a story about gigantic pigs. She decided she'd try. "Hey Jacob," she said. "You wanna help me out?"

Jacob looked at Vashti curiously, "Whats so funny?" he asked. "Is there something humorous about Giant Pigs?" 'Yes' ... oh wait she was supposed to answer... Shut it, Brain! Giant Pigs are serious. Well Not Really. Then Vashti became weirder... "How am I supposed to help with something, when I don't know what you need help with?" Silly Girl. Well at least she wasn't asking about giant Pigs... Yay, she was better than Jacob. Wait! Bad Thing.

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