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Upon stepping through the door, you are probably quite surprised (or not) to find yourself standing on a Baseball Field. Or a miniature version of it anyway. Even though, the ceiling looks like the actual sky outside it is only echanted to do so and is actually only a magically enhanced ceiling of which, say, a baseball would easily bounce off.
As you step in further, you might notice a rather bulky box which is obviously full of...something. Furthermore, a huge pile of sneakers can be seen, sneakers in all sizes and colors and variations. You wait for the rest of the class to file in.
Yeah that comment was reaaaaal mature. Although she probably agreed with it right now. Couldn't SOMEONE give her a calming potion. Yeah had nobody thought about that? Considering CALM was the last thing she was right now. It might kind of...well...HELP?!
Ah jeez. Now HE was ordering her about? She took one look up at him and then over at Zookara before returning her eyeline down at the bat in her hand. She was NOT willing to loose points for this. Nor was she EVER willing to get a detention. She was too good for that, besides, those dungeon detentions cells or whatever it was they were named were probably terrifying.
So she surrendered. Regretfully so be it, but she still gave in. Her arm swinging, perhaps not so carefully for one holding an object that could do some damage. The sixth year handed the bat over to Jeremy and then layed back on the floor.
Now could they get on with the lesson please? Just forget her?
Originally Posted by Lislchen
"Oliver, would you do me a favor and accompany Trixie to the Hospital Wing?" It was rather an order than a request, even if Jeremy was smiling at the boy. "And I want to see you two-" He pointed at both Trixie and Cameron with an irritated frown. "-in my office as soon as you're out of the Hospital Wing. That clear?!" Because this was not normal. What was wrong with all these teenage girls lately? They should really come up with an antidote for hormones...
Woah.. Trixie ACTUALLY took notice of him. Hehe! He'd have to remember that threatening her with point lossage got him what he wanted. He smirked down at her despite the scowl on her face.
Um.. what? o.O Jezza wanted HIM to take Trix to the Hospital Wing!? He gulped, tempted to protest but he got vibes from the man that told him he would have none of it. It had already been a frustrating lesson. Oliver felt kinda sorry for him.
“Alright, sir.” He nodded. He'd take her there and wait outside, yeah? Yeah.
He reached out a hand to help Trixie to stand, glancing at Cam and shooting her an apologetic look. “Come on then, Memory Charm. Lets go get your brain sorted out.”
"Do you have a team?" Rex asked Daisy. " If not, I can play with anyone' Rex said to his classmates. " I do know how to play baseball" Rex explained to all.
Daisy had no intention of staying. She was already so lost it wasn't even funny anymore. She smiled up at Rex and said, "Actually I don't know what I'm doing and I'm so lost. I think it'd be safe for me to leave BEFORE I get hurt."
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
The girl layed back her hand on her head as Zookara finished up the lesson. Oops. Maybe next Muggle Studies would be a little less, say dramatic. And she WOULD have stayed behind and practiced a few innings and what not had she been allowed. But nope, SHE had to do as she was told didn't she?
Ergh she wanted to wipe that smirk off Olivers face. The girl sent one more glare over at Cammy before sitting up. Oliver had to take her to the hospital wing? Yeah right, he was so scared of that place he'd probably never do it. Even for her *Pout* Well today probably especially for her. Get her brain sorted out? Pfft.... It didn't need sorting out. *Snarl* The sixteen year old accepted the hand to help her up and went a little shaky at the top.
"Of course Professor" she said a little spitefully as she was told to meet him in hhis office later.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by luciussoulmate
Vienna was relieved inside when she heard Kita say We can be Rubbish together
Smiling back back she said "I would love to be Rubbish with you" Following Kita she went over to collect the ball and gloves
"Yay!" Kita said, throwing her hands up in the air in celebration. And then the giggle-bug attacked her. Pity. "So what year are you in?" she asked as she rummaged in the box of gloves. She pulled one out that seemed fairly small and tried it on. Perfect. Smiling, she turned to Vienna.
"Do you have a team?" Rex asked Daisy. " If not, I can play with anyone' Rex said to his classmates. " I do know how to play baseball" Rex explained to all.
Daisy had no intention of staying. She was already so lost it wasn't even funny anymore. She smiled up at Rex and said, "Actually I don't know what I'm doing and I'm so lost. I think it'd be safe for me to leave BEFORE I get hurt."
"Well, I was going to teach you how to play" Rex told Daisy. "I will see you later" Rex smiled.
" Now does anyone want a good player on their team?" Rex asked the class.
"Well, I was going to teach you how to play" Rex told Daisy. "I will see you later" Rex smiled.
" Now does anyone want a good player on their team?" Rex asked the class.
"It's okay. You can teach me later. I'm already lost," Daisy said smiling. She waved at her professor, "Until next class Professor, just remember no clowns please." Another shiver down her spine and she skipped off.
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
| | Pigfarts... is on MARS! | | Computer Nerd Alert! | |
Amber decided to stay back and play since she had a free period after D.A.D.A. She smiled, standing next to the professor. "So, we'll start soon, right?" She grinned. This class had been so much fun, she wanted to play again!
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Alice and Mia
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
The almighty CRACK that issued from Alice's bat had Mia ducking for cover. She just managed to see the ball fly high in the air and soar all the way into the outfield.
Mia stood back up and gave Alice a smile. The girl was being far too nice. That pitch had sucked majorly. She had told them that she was not very good at this and that throw had just proved it. Not to take away from Alice's batting ability at all.
"Nice hit." She told the girl while throwing Sal an apologetic smile. "No, no. I'll get it."
It was the least she could do. With a small sigh, Mia turned on her heel and jogged over to the outfield to retrieve the ball. Managing to trip over her feet about half a dozen times on the way.
Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18
"Thanks," Alice said at the compliment about her hit. She felt bad that Mia was going to get it on her own, but before she could make any objections Mia was already off and jogging.
Alice shifted her gaze to Professor Zookara, who seemed to be annoyed with a couple of the students, although over what Alice wasn't quite sure. It looked like class was ending.
"Well, it looks like my shoes held up," Alice said with a smile at her duct tape job. "I had fun playing with both of you," Alice said once Mia had returned from retrieving the ball.
"Yeah! Nice hit there Alice!" Salander pounded his mitt as the ball went sailing through the air, further... and further away. "Huh...... oh, no I'll get it Mia--" he called after her but she has gone ahead to retrieve it, wincing at every misstep she had over her own feet. "That is some swing!" he said as he patted Alice's shoulder, then looked back at where Mia was retrieving the ball. Mumbling he said "You know.... maybe I should just stand at the outfie--- "
SPOILER!!: Professor Z
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Jeremy chose not to answer but snort slightly when Cameron suddenly started shouting at him. He WAS helping, wasn't he? Did she honestly think he would just stand there and let Trixie do her thing? Yeah, right. "Thanks." He muttered slightly sarcastically as the Slytherin gave him the bat back. There was nothing to be genuinely grateful about. SHE should have been grateful that she didn't get detention.
"Oliver, would you do me a favor and accompany Trixie to the Hospital Wing?" It was rather an order than a request, even if Jeremy was smiling at the boy. "And I want to see you two-" He pointed at both Trixie and Cameron with an irritated frown. "-in my office as soon as you're out of the Hospital Wing. That clear?!" Because this was not normal. What was wrong with all these teenage girls lately? They should really come up with an antidote for hormones...
Now that that was (hopefully) dealt with, Jeremy straightened up to glance around the field briefly, watching the students practicing. Then after a few moments of silence he finally raised his voice and said, "Attention, everyone. I'm sorry, due to a few interruptions-" Like walnut cracking and balls to the head. "-our time is now. If you want to stay after class to play an inning or two, please stand over there.*" He gestured towards his left somewhere near the stands. "For those of you who do not want to stay, I would like to ask you to please return all gloves, bats, helmets, whatever you took and put it back into the box." Cue nod towards the paper box to his right, where Kurumi had left it.
"Homework assignments will be posted on my door soon. (OOC: In the announcements thread.) Then with a small grin at all the lovely students he finished by saying, "Thanks for coming. Class dismissed." Finally. But it HAD been fun. As an afterthougt, Jeremy walked up to Patroclus and added with a grin, "I'd appreciate it if you could be the Umpire for our little baseball match afterwards." Not that he really NEEDED him but he just seemed to be so excited about the whole thing. "And I might need you help too, Savannah." Cue innocent grin.
Now, all he had to do was hope that Oliver would accompany Trixie to the Hospital Wing and that Treyen had forgotten about their little appointment. Though, why would he?
*OOC: I'll be opening a thread for this soon. However, this will only be for fun purposes, you won't get any extra points for playing baseball there. Hope to see you there. ^___^
He stopped mid sentence to turn his head towards the Professor, who said that class was over but an inning or two post session was in the works. The Slytherin lad grinned. "I'll sure stay for that Professor Z!" he called out
Looking back at the ladies he said "Well see, muggle duct tape can work wonders too dont it?" he chuckled, looking at Alice's shoe. "Listen, I'm gonna stay for an inning or two, if you girls want you can go ahead and get back to the classroom. I wanna see if there are any wizards who knows how to hit a round ball with a stick other than their wands." he smirked as he turned to join the Professor.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
SPOILER!!: Alice and Mia
"Yeah! Nice hit there Alice!" Salander pounded his mitt as the ball went sailing through the air, further... and further away. "Huh...... oh, no I'll get it Mia--" he called after her but she has gone ahead to retrieve it, wincing at every misstep she had over her own feet. "That is some swing!" he said as he patted Alice's shoulder, then looked back at where Mia was retrieving the ball. Mumbling he said "You know.... maybe I should just stand at the outfie--- "
He stopped mid sentence to turn his head towards the Professor, who said that class was over but an inning or two post session was in the works. The Slytherin lad grinned. "I'll sure stay for that Professor Z!" he called out
Looking back at the ladies he said "Well see, muggle duct tape can work wonders too dont it?" he chuckled, looking at Alice's shoe. "Listen, I'm gonna stay for an inning or two, if you girls want you can go ahead and get back to the classroom. I wanna see if there are any wizards who knows how to hit a round ball with a stick other than their wands." he smirked as he turned to join the Professor.
"Thanks Salander," Alice said with a smile at his compliment. Alice really did love batting.
"So you're going to stay? I was thinking I might stay...even if it's just to watch, it should be fun." Alice waited until Mia was within earshot to ask her. "Would you like to come with us?" Alice asked Mia.
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
"It's okay. You can teach me later. I'm already lost," Daisy said smiling. She waved at her professor, "Until next class Professor, just remember no clowns please." Another shiver down her spine and she skipped off.
" i will catch you later" Rex told Daisy."What, you never told me about you being scared of clowns" Rex said to Daisy. " bye" rex called out to Daisy.
Originally Posted by Gryffindorgurl
Amber decided to stay back and play since she had a free period after D.A.D.A. She smiled, standing next to the professor. "So, we'll start soon, right?" She grinned. This class had been so much fun, she wanted to play again!
" Hi, my name is Rex Trigwell" he told the girl who could not wait to play muggle baseball. " I need a teamate" Rex said to her. " Two Gryffindors on the same team would be cool" Rex explained to her.