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Office of Professor Jeremy Zookara After having been invited in by the professor you enter a rather crowded looking office which nonetheless looks quite cozy. There are two comfortable looking chairs on one side of the large oak desk and one on the other side for Jeremy to sit in. On the desk you may happen to glance at several photos which are turned away from you, though, so you are now unable to actually see the people in them. Upon taking a closer look at the desk, you might notice that one of the picture frames has been placed upside down on top of the desk. Do not ask why... OOC: Please do NOT post your character in this thread unless they have been invited in by Jeremy. Just RP yourself knocking and waiting in the Corridor Outside the Office until I post specifically allowing you in - either by quoting your post or by allowing EVERYBODY in. Thank you. |
Ooooooh his office..... *Blink* What was with the ducks in the cabinet? *blink* Erm...Anyway..... Trix turned her attention away from the random filled cabinet and more focused on where she was going now. Didn't want to walk into anything. That would just be embarrassing, especially in front of Jer....Err wait what was his surname again? Those chairs looked comfy, Trixie walked straight on over and took a seat before turning back to the Professor. "Erm...You asked to see me...again" Pfft...But of a rubbish intro there. |
With one last grin at the people outside Jeremy followed Trixie inside and closed the door behind him. He normally would have left it open but for this conversation they probably needed a little privacy. Obviously. Why couldn't she have stayed at Beauxbatons?! He took his time in making his way over to his own seat, across the one Trixie had taken, with the desk between them. Now how to start that conversation? "Yes..." If you ever need somebody to tell you how to properly start an awkward conversation DO NOT ask Jeremy for help. Obviously. Rubbing the back of his neck he gave her a small grin before shrugging slightly. This didn't HAVE to be awkward after all. Especially because Trixie didn't seem to remember him anyhow. "So, you still don't remember me, do you?" He had to make sure after all. Maybe Sam had made her remember or something. |
The Blonde's eyes followed the professor as he sat down, opposite her obviously. Well at least he had asked to see her and she hadn't just completely made that up. That was a good start. "I can't say I do..." she smiled sadly. Which was so annoying because...Well just LOOK at him. Come on, every girl in the school was going to take Muggle Studies this year weren't they? "Dad reassured me that I definitely know you.." but that was pretty much it. She hadn't seen much of her own parents over the holidays, she spent some of it in America and the rest with her cousins. But even if she knew that she did know him, she still couldn't remember anything about him, other then what she had been told. |
Okay, good, at least she believed him. Sam had confirmed it to her. Good, that was good. Not that this made it any less awkward. Though, Jeremy assumed it should feel less awkward as he could be sure that she didn't think of him as some scary stalker. Now, why had he summoned her to his office again? "Well, that's great." Okay, maybe great wasn't the right word to use but it certainly was an acceptable answer. Still, it would have been a lot easier if she had remembered him. However, things didn't turn out the way he wanted them to lately so why was he even surprised. Hmpf. "Actually, Trixie, I just wanted to make certain that this-" He made a rather vague hand gesture sort of taking in the two of them. "-is not going to be awkward." This is why I called you in to have this awkward conversation right now. "Yes, that is all." Which was her cue to say something. |
Jeez this was just..... Well she didn't know how to describe it really other then...well, generally awkward. But at least now he knew, that she knew that she definitely did know him. Wow that was confusing. So maybe it would be less awkward....Or you know, Not. This? *Blink* This was already awkward. She knew one of her professors and quite well apparently. "Of course not" she gave a reassuring smile. Pffft lies. "....Professor" she added on the end. Well that felt weird saying. Better get used to that one. Well it shouldn't be so bad seeing as she couldn't Bloomin' well remember him. "I look forward to your lessons then" she grinned before standing up. She could go then yes? |
At least she agreed with him on not making this any more awkward than it already was. He had enough awkward in his life right now without this added to it, thank you very much. Though, no, actually he didn't. Because it all didn't matter. He was over it. SO over it. He couldn't even remember what he was over that much was he over it. Yes. "Great. Oh, and please, call me Jeremy." Because 'Professor' felt just weird. Not only from Trixie but in general. Yes, he was a professor now but he still didn't feel like being called one. "Thank you, Trixie." To be honest, he was looking forward to them too. This was going to be interesting. Griiin! "Thank you for coming, Trixie. Please leave the door open on your way out." Jeremy gave her a genuine grin this time, his spirits having been lifted by the thought of his upcoming lessons. Oh so many options on what he could do them on. |
He was still finishing his muffin when the Professor stepped outside and said it was okay to come inside? Yes, that's what he heard. "Hello, Professor...." er, Treyen eyed the room, there was no sign of his name anywhere, but there were, "...Ducks!" rubber duckies! Like the one he'd just eaten. Well, no, he didn't eat a rubber duck, he just ate the muffin with the duck in it. "My name is Treyen, Treyen Lockhart and I have come to ask you a question, perhaps you'll be able to help me" he nodded, it was muggle-related sooo perhaps he knew. |
Rubiey walked into Professor Zookara's office. She grinned at him. "Hello, Professor. I'm Rubiey O'Rielly, Gryffindor First Year, and I was just coming to introduce myself before your first lesson. I'm really looking forward to it. It'll be good to learn about Muggles from another point of view." She smiled, growing redder and redder as she spoke. |
Walking in to the office.and seeing all the rubber ducks brings a smile to his face "Sir I am a muggle but I wanted to take you class thinking I might get a better understanding on how the magical world see us. Do you think that is a good Idea and would I get anything out of it. |
...had he just called him Professor Ducks?! O_o "Technically it's Zookara. Jeremy Zookara. You may call me Ducks though if you want to." He added with a few chuckles as his hazel eyes automatically wandered off towards his glass cabinet for a moment. Yes, it was quite understandable where the 'nickname' had come from. A question, hmm? Well, this was certainly going to be interesting. "Nice to meet you, Treyen. Well, go on, what can I help you with?" He'd definitely know an answer to the question...whether it was the right one or just some silly response was yet to be discovered. Quote:
Wait...was the girl blushing?! Normally, Jeremy would have had a smart comment ready for an occasion like this but he was a professor now and the girl was his student so better keep up the respect she (hopefully) had for him. "So, how do you like Hogwarts so far?" Because personally he LOVED it...especially the Library. Quote:
"So, sorry, I didn't catch your name." Better start early with remembering names, so maybe at the end of the term he might have remembered at least 10...or more even. Maybe he should start a list? |
Treyen looked confused, but a minute later understood, "Oh, delicious!" wait, the Professor didn't put anything in them, did he? He was looking suspiciously at the man. The boy suddenly smiled, "Oh, no, I'm sorry...I didn't mean" he didn't mean to call him Ducks, it just sort of slipped out at the wrong time, however, his eyes sparkled, "Call you Ducks? Really?" like, for real? Because Treyen would prefer Professor Zookara anytime. It sounded cool. But it was question time. "Oh, yes, I was talking to a friend of mine and, well, we were talking about skating" which is a total muggle activity, no? The Professor should know, "And I don't have a skateboard, but I wanted to know if you perhaps knew how to make one?" he asked before adding something else, "Educational purposes only" were skateboards forbidden at Hogwarts? |
She spotted something on he bookshelf. "Oh, sir, you've got Macbeth! I love Shakespeare. We had to read it in my old school. It's an amazing play, don't you think?" She asked. Yeah, her muggle boarding school was strict, especially on the younger kids. That was why she was so into reading; they had read everything that was advanced in the muggle world from a veeery young age. |
Sorries @_@ I has not been online Following everyone into the office, Jake couldn't help but hang back slightly. Peeeeeeeeople. He eyed the man who appeared to be the professor and just stood there twiddling his thumbs. It was super odd to see the office... lacking someone. It just... didn't seem right. ... sadface |
Alice held the note he had sent out in here hand, loving the fact that it had a rubber duck as the background on it. Seeing an open seat, she took one, and waited until no one else was speaking and there was a couple moments pause to introduce herself. "Hi Professor Zookara, my name is Alice Page. I was wondering, is it alright if we take this class even though we may have come from a muggle home?" Alice wondered if that would be considered kind of cheating since she basically knew a lot more about muggle life than witch/wizard life. "I thought the class would be interesting for me...you know, getting to see what the muggle world looks like through the eyes of non-muggles." |
Could he call him Ducks? "Well, to be honest, I prefer 'Ducks' over some other not so positive nickname you might come up with. Though, of course Zookara would be perfect. Or you may also call me Jeremy if you can't seem to remember my last name." He winked at him, hopefully showing him nonetheless that he was actually serious. Skating?! Yes, he knew about skating. Just not too much about how to MAKE one. "Educational purposes only, hmm?" A small smirk flashed across his lips before he became serious again. "You actually want to make one yourself?" Why would anybody want to do that? "Well, I myself am not that acquainted with actually making them but my brother might be. Let me talk to him. How does that sound?" Yes, Coop would know how to do that. Maybe. Quote:
Following her gaze towards his bookshelf Jeremy was positively surprised when she exclaimed that she had read Macbeth. That made him like her even more. "Why yes, it is. Have you read any other plays by Shakespeare?" Maybe he should do a class on Shakespeare some time...though, there would probably be a lot of students who wouldn't quite appreciate that as much as him and Rubiey. Shame. Quote:
Aww, another one who noticed his rubber duck collection. "Wow, that sounds great. I'd love to see that one some time." Especially because the boy seemed so excited about it. Wait...had he said Atlanta? "So, you are from the States too, then?" He asked with a small grin. Quote:
Blinking at the boy a few times in surprise upon finally noticing him, Jeremy finally gave him a grin. "Hey there. What can I do for you?" Because he wasn't here to stand there twiddling his thumbs, was he? Well, if he was then he was of course welcome to but you know, it would be a little weird. Maybe they could twiddle thumbs together some time. Or you know, not. Waiting for his guests - who were outside HIS office, oh it felt so good to have an own office again - to answer, his gaze lazily drifted back towards his still open door. Which was when he noticed that there were still people outside...and new people too. Whoa, now someone was popular, hmm? Hehe. As they were apparently NOT looking inside he had to get their attention in another way. Because right now a) it would be rude of him to get up mid-conversation and b) he was too lazy to get up from his desk in the first place. Which was why he quickly reached for a pre-prepared piece of parchment and his quill and wrote a quick note which he sent flying outside with a flick of his wand. Quote:
Oh, another one who thought that just because they were Muggleborn meant Muggle Studies would be boring. Or something. "Like I just told your fellow classmate here-" He inclined his head at Michae with a smile. "-it would be rather unusual from me to tell you not to attend my class, right?" He winked at her, a small smirk on his lips. "So, yes, I'd very much appreciate it if you attended my class." Not that he could force them to but she had asked. |
Sigh. Grin! Haha. 'Ducks'. That IS one awesome nickname! But, no, Treyen was a good kid, a very respectful one too, "Professor Zookara it is" he nodded, with a smile on his face. Perhaps if this Professor was still around when he was a sixth or seventh year, then he'd call him 'Jeremy'. But right now, Professor Zookara. Maybe 'Ducks'. "Yes, only educational purposes" because he wasn't going to try it around the school, he just wanted to build stuff, riiiiiiight. "I do, Professor" he said, a single nod leaving the golden-brown head followed by a light frown. He didn't know. Disappointment. And then the frown disappeared. "It sounds perfect!" awesome! "Just let me know what he replies" a nod, and another nod, and another nod, and another nod. Happiness at the thought. |
gahhhhh @_@ sorrysorrysorry. I'll need to have him leave soon. XD Quote:
'Cause that wasn't weird. "And introduhh-duce myself. And wwelcome you... I'm Jake... Jake Luhh-lawson." |
iLate. iFail. >_< Having passed the note over to the little one, Sarah stood just inside the Professor's office, smiling as she waited for her turn to speak. Spotting a break in conversation, she took a couple of steps forward. "Hello, Professor Zookara. I just thought I would come and introduce myself. I'm Sarah Griffin, the Head Girl." As if he couldn't tell that from the badge she was wearing. Geez. The man was a Professor, he wasn't stupid or blind. Good start, Griffin. And there were rubber ducks in the office too? That was....even weirder. But, you know, everyone has to have a hobby, she guessed. Of course staring at them would be considered rude, so Sarah averted her gaze and instead swept it across the many people who were in the room. My he was a popular man. "Anyway...I wanted to welcome you to Hogwarts. I never got the chance to do that at the feast." Grin. |
Sorry for the late reply. *epic fail* >.< Quote:
With a nod - it was sort of catching, the nodding - Jeremy smiled and made a quick note so he wouldn't forget about owling Coop. "Now, have you skateboarded before?" Maybe that friend he had mentioned had taken him skateboarding. If not he certainly had missed out on something. Quote:
Following the boy's glance Jeremy found himself blinking at the boy a few times before coming up with a satisfiable answer. For him anyways. "They are nice, aren't they?" He ended up replying, purposefully avoiding the question of why he was collecting them. It wasn't a family secret or anything but he still didn't quite feel like discussing it with this boy. "Okay, sounds great. Thank you." Hopefully the owl would just drop it off and not stick around. Quote:
"Thank you, Jake." Lawson...Lawson...that name sounded so familiar. He was sure he'd alread heard it somewhere. Or read it somewhere maybe?"So, please, have a look around." Or whatever he was here for. Be my guest. Quote:
He could have sworn that he had seen more people outside than Alice and the girl who had just entered the office. "Do you know if there is still anybody outside?" Jeremy mused out loud, trying to see what was going on outside his office by craning his neck slighlty. Without much success, however. Quote:
Welcome him to Hogwarts? "Aww, why thank you, Sarah. It's still all new but I'm slowly getting used to it. I'm starting to find my way around the castle." Sort of. Well, he had found the way to the Library so, yay, what else did he need? His classroom was right next to his office and the Great Hall was very hard to miss. |
But now he grinned. "I have! It's brilliant! My cousin taught me! It's like flying, you know...it's the exact same thing, because when you fly you have to watch out for trees...and well, when you skateboard there's plenty of obstacles as well" he could continue on with the talk about skateboarding, if he hadn't kept on thinking about obstacles. There was ONE obstacle right now, "But I don't own one" he said, shaking his head, "A skateboard, I mean" he nodded, though, he does own a broom, never mind that it used to belong to his sister Kaika before. "Have you?" skateboarded. |
I'm so late I know. *hides* Quote:
Jeremy refrained from duh-ing at the boy's next words. Of course he didn't own one, why else would he ask how to build it? But then again, he could have just been curious. Had he...? What? "Have I owned a skateboard? Yes, my brother and I used to love to go skateboarding." Anything to get away from the animals. |
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