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"We will never lose touch" Rex told Fee. " You may be young but you are very mature for now a 12 yeard old" Rex said to Fee. " you just want Jason and I to pamper you like a young lady" Rex laughed.
"Nooo that cant happen",Fee shook her head,"i will always be aour best friend if you want me to."
Seriously Fee would never leave him. She needed him.Maybe it was a little selfish but still.
"Pfff i aaaam a young lady",she pouted,"you old man."
Maybe she was only 12 but she felt much older.Fee had never been all childish.She liked mature and who said that couldnt be fun?!
"Ohh see ii knew it",she giggled,"and thats why i kept a seat. You must looove me."
Of coruse Fee was just joking,she really wasnt thst full of herself.Having her bestie with her just made hermgo all hyper and somehow she liked that feeling.
Getting back into the compartment she closed the door and sat down on a seat. "I cant believe this is going back",she said,"feels more like coming here."
Rubiey laughed. "Of course I love you, silly. You're my best friend." She said, elbowing her playfully as Fee closed the compartment door. She laughed again, but sighed too. "I know. Can't believe this is it. Next time we're on this we'll be heading back as second-years!" Se said, grinning excitedly. She couldn't wait to go back, and she wasn't even fully back in London yet!
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley
" Rubiey, glad to see you" Rex told her. " last time we saw each other was awhile ago in the common room" Rex said to Rubiey. " I know you haave chocolate already, but I dd have choclate frogs" Rex explained to Rubiey. " What are your plans for the break?' Rex asked her.
Rubiey smiled warmly at Rex. "I know! It's been far too long!" She said, and huffed. Why did she keep missing all of her friends? And where was Alice? She hadn't seen her for ages! "Oh, I'm going to Germany with Fee for a few weeks, then probably just spend the rest of it at my grandparents. You?"She asked, whilst nibbling on her piece of chocolate. Nom.
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
Originally Posted by CharGryffindor
Rubiey grinned at the fellow Gryff, and gratefully took the chocolate from him. "Thanks..." she trailed off, realising she didn't have a clue what his name was. Woops! "I'm Rubiey, by the way." She said, smiling at choco!boy.
Rubiey. That was another interesting name. Like Ruby or Rubies. ''You are welcome'' Josh said kindly as he thought over more versions of her name. ''I think i will call you Ruby'' he laughed and patted on the girl's shoulder. ''And my name is Joshua feel free to call me anything though.'' He definitely did not mind.
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
Fee giggled as two other girls appeared.Hah,chocolate boy was all caught up with their presence how cute was that.Seeing the three she missed her boyfriend terribly.Man where was he? Seriously this was not cool.
"Of course it is",she giggled,"i cant believe there are people that hate it."
Like one of her besties. Turning her into an addict hadnt really had the effect Cass and her had wanted it to have.
"Bye chocolate boy",Fee waved as they all went back inside.
This had been short but fun. Mabe she should celebrate some chocolate parties too.
People who hate chocolate? Now that was something hard to find. If there was someone who hated chocolate around Josh would like to meet him or her and invite them to the chocolate party. Hehe. Looking at the Slytherin girl as she giggled Josh smiled ''I don't think such a person ever exists'' he joked and he waved back at the girl when she said bye ''Bye, Slytie snake''
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Munching away on the pasties he bought from the food trolley, the Slytherin lad made his way slowly up the train, being more content with just walking rather than settling down for a compartment. He came upon a large crowd somewhere in the middle cars and spotted Kurumi, Rae, Evelyn and yes.... the popping Gryffindor from th feast. Has it been a year? In all that time he never did get his name. Maybe he should start calling him... Mario or something. "Evelyn... Rae.... Kurumi!" he called out.
As he made his way through the crowd he ran onto someone from behind. Oops. Nice blondie... oh hey its "Lexi!" he grinned.
Josh Carter was about to step into the compartment with Simon, Evelyn and Rae when he heard some dude talking to the girls and wondering who was that the Gryffindor boy turned eye him a little. Hmm. A Slytherin dude. He could tell that he had seen him before at the Slytherin table or maybe in classes but since he did not knoe his name he greeted the boy with only a nod.
Then Evelyn revealed his name. Stradivarius. Bahahahah. Ehem. ''That is...well...an interesting name Stradivarius and i am Joshua'' he said with a huge grin ''Well...Stradivarius. Why don't you join us in our compartment?'' Because Josh wanted to sit down right now. Sit down and relax.
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys
[ "Hello Josh!" She felt bad for not saying hi to him earlier, it was definitely rude of her. She waved at him, then followed into the empty compartment.
''Hello Rae'' the Gryffindor boy faced the other Slytherin girl and waved back at her though they were close in the same compartment. Waving at people was fun so Josh could wave at everyone no matter where they were. Bahaha. Anyway. ''Looks like you have some good plans for the summer''
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Turning her head, which she had laid on Josh's shoulder while still hugging him, she smiled as her eyes drifted over to Rae. Hugging Josh closer, the Slytherin shrugged her shoulders, content with just that answer but Rae probably wanted something more in depth. "I might…go to Destiny's just for the night." Though she’d feel bad if she left her awesome Slytherin friend alone at the house. “Maybe you can come with?” She’d need to ask Destiny though. Then again, Evelyn still had to ask Destiny’s parents if she could stay too. Hehe, give them the chance to kick her out if they were tired of her yet.
What was this? Nooo why did he move away? Now she was all cold, sorta. However, his confession that he had not seen Destiny left her befuddled. What happened to the girl? She had seen her, since they pretty much made their way to the train together, or close enough that is but now…Poof! Disappeared from her site! "Are you sure?" she muttered, glancing around to see if she could spot her sneaky little friend. Well not little little. Not like Poof who was going to be stepped on and someone was going to be clawed rather soon. Eh. "Yea, you’re probably right." Bending down, she picked up her white and silver striped cat before glancing towards the compartment they were standing next to.
Well, her belongings were in the back of the train, though she figured that people were smart enough to NOT go through one's stuff, OR kick it out of the compartment. She’d be paying her things a little visit in a few minutes just to be sure it was still there and untouched. Narrowing her eyes at the owl for a split moment, a giggle escaped her as her kitty made her way onto the girl's shoulders, a small hiss escaping the feline. "I think I'll be safe. Got my body guard here."
Did his Rose seemed to be upset because he was not hugging her more? Hmm. Eyeing the beautiful girl he tried to figure out if she was but eh Evelyn was hard to read and maybe it was because he could not concentrate on something else except her beauty.
So he kept watching her as she spoke her friends. Then she asked him what? He was distracted by her looks. Umm. ''I don't know'' he said totally missing what she had asked. Something about Destiny? Anyhow he did not know anything about Destiny so his answer should meet her question.
Then when she said she had her bodyguard, the boy's dark brown gaze landed on the white cat ''Ah, it, your bodyguard, looks cute'' he said patting the cat's head.
Originally Posted by Macavity
Simon was about to make a comment about what was said but in the end decided to keep it all to himself. He simply watched as Josh continued to hug his girlfriend until the other boy realized he was still doing so and right smack in the middle of the train walkway in front of a sea of onlookers. And then it was Simon's turn to smirk back at his friend when he suddenly pulled away.
Seeing his friend eye the box of chocolate candy still in his hands, Simon reached to hand it over to him. "I believe these belong to you..or whoever you offered them to," he mused noticing a few unfamiliar students still hanging around. Kurumi the only one beside Rose and Rae that he knew.
Simon moved to follow Josh back inside the compartment, clsoing his eyes momentarily at his friend's comment about his familiar. "Just what did you do to the poor bird now?" he questioned with a chuckle taking a seat on the side of the compartment opposite where the owl's cage sat. He chose to sit near the door so he had a better chance of spotting Viky if she walked nearby.
Taking the box of chocolate back from Simon, he stopped and munched on some before stepping back into the compartment and choosing himself a seat. Though, as he walked in the compartment with the box, Hotty the eagle owl gave him and angry look and chirped which the boy immediately ignored.
What did he do to the bird? ''Nothing'' Josh said eyeing the bird who was still glaring at him. Of course Josh was far from realising that actually his doing nothing annoyed the bird. When the bird angrily hooted again, Josh laughed and ''Oh shut up!'' he said not knowing that this was going to cause him trouble.
The moment he said 'shut up' the owl opened its wings and started to attack Josh Carter pecking and clawing every inch of flesh she could manage to reach. ''Ow! Ow! Ooooooooooooooooow!'' meanwhile Josh was trying to protect his face with his arms ''Simon! Ow! Simon! Do something! Somebody do something!''
*Angry hoot*
Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
Rubiey laughed. "Of course I love you, silly. You're my best friend." She said, elbowing her playfully as Fee closed the compartment door. She laughed again, but sighed too. "I know. Can't believe this is it. Next time we're on this we'll be heading back as second-years!" Se said, grinning excitedly. She couldn't wait to go back, and she wasn't even fully back in London yet!
" I loove you toooo Rubies",Fee said happily and hugged her bestie.
But stil she couldnt hear that enough.Hehe. Cheesy girl.
"Yeaahh i am going to be 13 this time next year",she nodded,"still feels like starting at Hogwarts to me."
Yeah to the older students it would sound hilarious but 13 was such a huge thing for Fee. She wouldnt be the youngest anymore. "There are going to be younger students can teach",she wiggled her eyebrows.
Fee was sooo excited about going back even though she hadnt really left yet.But Hogwarts was just too cool with all the places and te things you could do.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady
Taking the box of chocolate back from Simon, he stopped and munched on some before stepping back into the compartment and choosing himself a seat. Though, as he walked in the compartment with the box, Hotty the eagle owl gave him and angry look and chirped which the boy immediately ignored.
What did he do to the bird? ''Nothing'' Josh said eyeing the bird who was still glaring at him. Of course Josh was far from realising that actually his doing nothing annoyed the bird. When the bird angrily hooted again, Josh laughed and ''Oh shut up!'' he said not knowing that this was going to cause him trouble.
The moment he said 'shut up' the owl opened its wings and started to attack Josh Carter pecking and clawing every inch of flesh she could manage to reach. ''Ow! Ow! Ooooooooooooooooow!'' meanwhile Josh was trying to protect his face with his arms ''Simon! Ow! Simon! Do something! Somebody do something!''
*Angry hoot*
It was a good thing for Josh that Simon was his best friend or he might have just let the owl get his friend back for not taking enough care with her. Especially as he had tried to assure him he had done nothing to anger her. But he was practically begging for his help so he couldn't just ignore him.
"Ok...ok..just relax and dont do anything more to anger her," Simon instructed him as he got up and tried to think of what he could do to help his friend. He seached his pockets for something to intice the bird away from the other boy, frowning as he found nothing but then remembering the cookies Kurumi had given to him last night. The Gryffindor moved to his trunk and opened it having stashed the baked goods in there for safe keeping. He took one out and closed the lid before breaking off a small piece and waving it in the owl's direction.
"Here Hotty, I have something for you," he said hoping it would work.
"Well do you want to find a compartment?" She said as she found an empty compartment and went inside. "Do you want to come sit down?" She asked with a sweet smile.
*With a shrug and a sigh he nodded and followed her into the compartment. Sitting down he went back to looking out the window.*
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys
Yeah, Evelyn took it just as she thought she would... 'Traveling around' GAHH! That's not what she wanted to happen. "Evelyn.... No... He will do stuff, I'm making sure he's earning his way to be there, I just said I'll do all your half of the housework!" What else could she throw in the deal to make her come back... The books! The collection of books that Rae wouldn't let anyone touch because they were her father's favorite... Evelyn looked like she read every book in the house so far but those, then again she wasn't keeping track.. "You can have access to the rest of the books too... And... I'll uhh..." Shoot, what else could she do? "I'll buy you something nice too?" Rae was really unsure this would work, but she felt bad... It wasn't like Evelyn couldn't have anyone she wanted over.... That's it... "Invite Josh over!" Please work please work please work.
Errrr that one.. That was a question she couldn't answer... How long. "I... I don't know..." Rae felt defeated.. She didn't think there would be any good chance at winning this. "I can.. I can kick him out when you get back from Destiny's"
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady
Did his Rose seemed to be upset because he was not hugging her more? Hmm. Eyeing the beautiful girl he tried to figure out if she was but eh Evelyn was hard to read and maybe it was because he could not concentrate on something else except her beauty.
So he kept watching her as she spoke her friends. Then she asked him what? He was distracted by her looks. Umm. ''I don't know'' he said totally missing what she had asked. Something about Destiny? Anyhow he did not know anything about Destiny so his answer should meet her question.
Then when she said she had her bodyguard, the boy's dark brown gaze landed on the white cat ''Ah, it, your bodyguard, looks cute'' he said patting the cat's head.
It didn't matter that he was going to clean the house, cook their meals, or do anything else, it was the fact that he was THERE that bothered her. "Rae, it's fine. Besides, you could have the house allllll to yourself with..." Hmm.
This was something that actually kept her silent for a moment. Access to the rest of the books? Did she mean, those ones that she wasn't aloud to get near!? THOSE ones? Well, that definitely got her thinking. But wait, there was more! She was going to buy her something nice? Such a persuasive argument. Evelyn did love gifts. Just about to say that she'd stay, Rae continued on with a topic that she could never get tired of. She was right! If Rae could have her friend, person, whatever he was to her, over...then she could have someone over. And that someone, being JOSH! "Alright, alright. Deal. I'm still going to Destiny's tonight though." Where was that girl? She had to ask!
But onto other important matters, like asking Josh over this summer, her gaze turned back to the Gryffindor who was BRAVELY petting Poof. Well, at least she was scratching him. Normally her head or tail being touched was not a good idea. "She is, isn't she!?" Pfft, she was ADORABLE. "But, like Rae mentioned...do you want to come over this Summer?"
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady
What did he do to the bird? ''Nothing'' Josh said eyeing the bird who was still glaring at him. Of course Josh was far from realising that actually his doing nothing annoyed the bird. When the bird angrily hooted again, Josh laughed and ''Oh shut up!'' he said not knowing that this was going to cause him trouble.
The moment he said 'shut up' the owl opened its wings and started to attack Josh Carter pecking and clawing every inch of flesh she could manage to reach. ''Ow! Ow! Ooooooooooooooooow!'' meanwhile Josh was trying to protect his face with his arms ''Simon! Ow! Simon! Do something! Somebody do something!''
*Angry hoot*
Eesh, this was like first year all over again! Or was it second year? Who knows when she had that darn owl. Goodness. The owl's frenzy caused Poof to meow and hiss at it, making Evelyn scowl and move away from both the bird and Josh. She didn't want Poof to be clawed, nor herself.
However, she did not enjoy Josh being scratched up either. OMG owl! Take the bait! Take whatever Simon was giving yoouuu!
"Nooo that cant happen",Fee shook her head,"i will always be aour best friend if you want me to."
Seriously Fee would never leave him. She needed him.Maybe it was a little selfish but still.
"Pfff i aaaam a young lady",she pouted,"you old man."
Maybe she was only 12 but she felt much older.Fee had never been all childish.She liked mature and who said that couldnt be fun?!
" I will owl you od as I prefer to see you at Jason's" Rex told Fee."We are best friends" Rex smiled. Oh oh, the mean Fee came out" Rex laughed. " You are a young lady who is mature" Rex explained to Fee. " Of course, that old man remark might get you the "tickle moster" Rex said to Fee.
Originally Posted by CharGryffindor
Rubiey laughed. "Of course I love you, silly. You're my best friend." She said, elbowing her playfully as Fee closed the compartment door. She laughed again, but sighed too. "I know. Can't believe this is it. Next time we're on this we'll be heading back as second-years!" Se said, grinning excitedly. She couldn't wait to go back, and she wasn't even fully back in London yet!
Rubiey smiled warmly at Rex. "I know! It's been far too long!" She said, and huffed. Why did she keep missing all of her friends? And where was Alice? She hadn't seen her for ages! "Oh, I'm going to Germany with Fee for a few weeks, then probably just spend the rest of it at my grandparents. You?"She asked, whilst nibbling on her piece of chocolate. Nom.
" Well, we are seeing and talking to each other now" Rex told Rubiey. "Wow, Fee is going to be busy with you and then with me at Jason's castle" Rex said to Rubiey. " You are invited over to the castle, too" Rex explained to Rubiey. .
''Hello Rae'' the Gryffindor boy faced the other Slytherin girl and waved back at her though they were close in the same compartment. Waving at people was fun so Josh could wave at everyone no matter where they were. Bahaha. Anyway. ''Looks like you have some good plans for the summer''
What did he do to the bird? ''Nothing'' Josh said eyeing the bird who was still glaring at him. Of course Josh was far from realising that actually his doing nothing annoyed the bird. When the bird angrily hooted again, Josh laughed and ''Oh shut up!'' he said not knowing that this was going to cause him trouble.
The moment he said 'shut up' the owl opened its wings and started to attack Josh Carter pecking and clawing every inch of flesh she could manage to reach. ''Ow! Ow! Ooooooooooooooooow!'' meanwhile Josh was trying to protect his face with his arms ''Simon! Ow! Simon! Do something! Somebody do something!''
*Angry hoot*
Originally Posted by Roselyn
It didn't matter that he was going to clean the house, cook their meals, or do anything else, it was the fact that he was THERE that bothered her. "Rae, it's fine. Besides, you could have the house allllll to yourself with..." Hmm.
This was something that actually kept her silent for a moment. Access to the rest of the books? Did she mean, those ones that she wasn't aloud to get near!? THOSE ones? Well, that definitely got her thinking. But wait, there was more! She was going to buy her something nice? Such a persuasive argument. Evelyn did love gifts. Just about to say that she'd stay, Rae continued on with a topic that she could never get tired of. She was right! If Rae could have her friend, person, whatever he was to her, over...then she could have someone over. And that someone, being JOSH! "Alright, alright. Deal. I'm still going to Destiny's tonight though." Where was that girl? She had to ask!
But onto other important matters, like asking Josh over this summer, her gaze turned back to the Gryffindor who was BRAVELY petting Poof. Well, at least she was scratching him. Normally her head or tail being touched was not a good idea. "She is, isn't she!?" Pfft, she was ADORABLE. "But, like Rae mentioned...do you want to come over this Summer?"
Eesh, this was like first year all over again! Or was it second year? Who knows when she had that darn owl. Goodness. The owl's frenzy caused Poof to meow and hiss at it, making Evelyn scowl and move away from both the bird and Josh. She didn't want Poof to be clawed, nor herself.
However, she did not enjoy Josh being scratched up either. OMG owl! Take the bait! Take whatever Simon was giving yoouuu!
Yeah, she felt defea..... Deal? DEAL? "YES! Alright that's fine... I'll see you when you get back!!!!" Yayyyy!
ANNNNDDDD Back to Josh.. "Yes quite a different summer...." Evelyn had just offered him to stay over too.. "Seems like you do as well, that is... If you like Evelyn's offer.." Well, Rae's idea but same thing.
Whaa? Attacking bird! Rae pushed herself in the corner while the frantic bird kept pecking at Josh and flapping it's wings. Grrr.. Erebos never did this. He was by far the best raven... Nayy the best bird ever. Sit in the corner... Rae will just stay in the corner.
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors
Fade from everything, as winter stays...
"Yeah, its weird. I mean, I think the only Gryffendor i've ever met was the guy Saphinelle tried to get start a fight with Michael and me. And the only Ravenclaw i've spoken to was the champion guy." after a moments though, she realized. "And he never gave me back my blanket!" She nodded. "Yeah, we really need some help if we are going to go for the house cup. I'll just keep my fingers crossed during the sorting next term."
She laughed. "Keegan yeah, but I will probably have to borrow one of my grandparent's owls." Halt was strong, but he only ever had to fly between Hogwarts and the england/Scotland boarder. He probably wouldn't make it over the atlantic.
"Oh I wasnt there for that little episode." she said making a small face. But her face changed to an amused one quickly. She snickered. "I dont think your getting that blanket back. I heard he left hogwarts early." she said with a shrug.
She then looked over to the little owl and started smiling. Maybe EM was right. He didnt really look like he would make it. Keegan had experience throughout the school year so she wasnt that worried about him... well except for that episode where Bubba had to go look for him....
Originally Posted by lilithpotter
"Yeah a shame" she said " plans not really I guess what ever happens, happens. I now we plan on going back to New york for alittle while but i dont know when."
"Wow New york sounds awesome. Are you from there." she couldnt remember if she had ever asked that
"Oh I wasnt there for that little episode." she said making a small face. But her face changed to an amused one quickly. She snickered. "I dont think your getting that blanket back. I heard he left hogwarts early." she said with a shrug.
She then looked over to the little owl and started smiling. Maybe EM was right. He didnt really look like he would make it. Keegan had experience throughout the school year so she wasnt that worried about him... well except for that episode where Bubba had to go look for him....
"Wow New york sounds awesome. Are you from there." she couldnt remember if she had ever asked that
Em, smiled, as she thought about it. ok, it was more like a grimace. That whole fight thing was pretty horrible. "Yeah, but if I remember right, you were almost there." Em could have swore that Brit was the one that warned her that Saphinelle followed her to the library. "You were just smart enough not to get involved."
She frowned at Brit's next words, "It was my good blanket too." she said, shaking her head. "But I guess it did go to a semi worthy cause. too bad she hadn't given it to their own champion, Fletcher. He would have probably given it back, and well, if not, he was easier to find to ask for it. I just wish we had learned to transfigure scarves into blankets before the first task. I mean, atleast that way it would have been cheaper to replace."
She looked over at Halt thinking. "Or, maybe we should get a second owl. I mean, mom and dad are doing a lot more owling these days." Yeah, maybe the family would look into that. Em just dreaded going back into Eylops. She knew it would bring up alot of sad memories.
"Oh I wasnt there for that little episode." she said making a small face. But her face changed to an amused one quickly. She snickered. "I dont think your getting that blanket back. I heard he left hogwarts early." she said with a shrug.
She then looked over to the little owl and started smiling. Maybe EM was right. He didnt really look like he would make it. Keegan had experience throughout the school year so she wasnt that worried about him... well except for that episode where Bubba had to go look for him....
"Wow New york sounds awesome. Are you from there." she couldnt remember if she had ever asked that
"Yeah," she said " Then where going on vaction but i dont know where yet my parnets havent told me yet its a surprise. We will be gone for a week and then back to New york with nothing to do." she replied
Em, smiled, as she thought about it. ok, it was more like a grimace. That whole fight thing was pretty horrible. "Yeah, but if I remember right, you were almost there." Em could have swore that Brit was the one that warned her that Saphinelle followed her to the library. "You were just smart enough not to get involved."
She frowned at Brit's next words, "It was my good blanket too." she said, shaking her head. "But I guess it did go to a semi worthy cause. too bad she hadn't given it to their own champion, Fletcher. He would have probably given it back, and well, if not, he was easier to find to ask for it. I just wish we had learned to transfigure scarves into blankets before the first task. I mean, atleast that way it would have been cheaper to replace."
She looked over at Halt thinking. "Or, maybe we should get a second owl. I mean, mom and dad are doing a lot more owling these days." Yeah, maybe the family would look into that. Em just dreaded going back into Eylops. She knew it would bring up alot of sad memories.
"well your kind of right... I was almost there but Mikey was in such a mood that i didnt want to stay so i left right after i came." she said remembering that day. In a way it was a good thing because her and sapphie's fight is what started all of this. *sigh*
Brittany giggled. "Well maybe they'll teach us next year since we want be lowly first years anymore." she said grinning a dazzling smile. She had to admit she was happy that they were not going to be the youngest ones there now. "But I dont know if you would have because i havent seen our champion around lately.' she said with a curious look on her face because she had just now realized this. Hmmm she wondered where he was?
"Aww that would be nice for Halt. He would have someone to play with." she added. "Maybe it could even be a girl owl." she said wiggling her eyebrows at em. That would be so cute if halt had a little owl girlfriend.
Originally Posted by lilithpotter
"Yeah," she said " Then where going on vaction but i dont know where yet my parnets havent told me yet its a surprise. We will be gone for a week and then back to New york with nothing to do." she replied
""You havent made any plans to meet up with anyone from hogwarts." she asked her. She hated to hear that the girl was going to be so bored during the summer
*With a shrug and a sigh he nodded and followed her into the compartment. Sitting down he went back to looking out the window.*
"It's all good" She said trailing off awkwardly. She watched him look out the window sadly. "May I ask, but what's wrong?" She wanted to help, she didn't like to see people sad.
"well your kind of right... I was almost there but Mikey was in such a mood that i didnt want to stay so i left right after i came." she said remembering that day. In a way it was a good thing because her and sapphie's fight is what started all of this. *sigh*
Brittany giggled. "Well maybe they'll teach us next year since we want be lowly first years anymore." she said grinning a dazzling smile. She had to admit she was happy that they were not going to be the youngest ones there now. "But I dont know if you would have because i havent seen our champion around lately.' she said with a curious look on her face because she had just now realized this. Hmmm she wondered where he was?
"Aww that would be nice for Halt. He would have someone to play with." she added. "Maybe it could even be a girl owl." she said wiggling her eyebrows at em. That would be so cute if halt had a little owl girlfriend.
""You havent made any plans to meet up with anyone from hogwarts." she asked her. She hated to hear that the girl was going to be so bored during the summer
Em cocked her head to the side. " You didn't got the the first Transfiguration class?" she asked. "Professor Kingsley's first lesson was on how to make blankets out of scarves. Maybe I could try to help you with it." she suggested. Em wasn't very good at it, but she could still try. "Well, he was at his partry," she said about the boy, "if i had given it to him, i could have asked for it then."
"Yeah," she said with a laugh. "But they cant play too rough. The other owl will need to be alot bigger. I don't want Halt to get hurt."
"It's all good" She said trailing off awkwardly. She watched him look out the window sadly. "May I ask, but what's wrong?" She wanted to help, she didn't like to see people sad.
" Hello Annabel" Rex told her. "So how are you?" Rex asked Annabel. . "What are your plans for the break?' Rex asked her.
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Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
"Ohh Adam will visit you in Japan?",Fee said excitedly,"wow thats soo cool."
She had always wanted to go see the world and Japan seemed like such a cool country with all the culture and stuff. "Maybe we could meet up in Diagon Alley and get all our school stuff together",she suggested,"if you want."
They would have so much fun together but Fee would understand if Kurumi and Adam wanted some alone time. And once again that remembered her of Edmond, she hadnt seen him in almost a month and she was really scared that he was sick of her.
"Yeah studying is the only part i dont like about Hogwarts",she laughed a little,"seeing how much all the O.W.L and N.E.W.T students have to study it really scares me."
Fee had already needed to study sooo much for the first year exams oh man, why did school have to have a bad aspect? Couldnt it just be fun?!
Kurumi blushed a little bit. It still was a little difficult to talk about Adam as being more than just her best friend. This whole boyfriend and girlfriend thing was really new to her and the term "flirting" utterly escaped her. "That would be great to all meet up in Diagon Alley," Kurumi smiled nodding her head over and over again. "I didn't really do much exploring previously...just got everything on my list and then headed back to the hotel my parents were staying at."
No, going into second year things would be different! Maybe she would even buy *gasp* something to distract her from her studies!
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
[COLOR=#872657] Next thing she knew, she was being almost manically bowed to, and she turned to see Kurumi, eyes widening at the oddness of the situation. The little Gryffie really needed to stop that, or she was going to start feeling guilty again. Since she knew Kurumi didn't know she was the reason she'd been giant-fied in the first place. But she wasn't about to confess now. "Um, you're welcome?," she said tentatively, eyes still wide as she watched the bobbing. But as she saw the cookie that was being thrust towards her, she grinned. Oooh, cookie, she thought, before taking it carefully.
"Thank you. It almost looks too awesome to eat," she said to the younger girl. It was too bad cookies usually got all icky if they were kept too long. Maybe she could find a spell or something to be able to keep it forever. After the train, if she could manage to hold back from nomming it that long.
Kurumi probably could have pounced on her...but that would have been a little awkward for all parties involved. Kurumi was still embarrassed that she had cried in front of her while she was still gushing out bucket sized tears. "Thank you," Kurumi said as the placed the lid back on her box. "It took a really long time to sculpt everything, but they came out much better than I was expecting. The blue is blueberry mix with just a dash of black berry and vanilla." But...Grayson probably didn't really want to hear the entire ingredients list, which was the direction Kurumi was head in when she noticed...A FERRET?! AN ADORABLE AND FLUFFY FERRET?!
Kurumi jumped onto her seat, with her school shoes still on of course, and looked as though she were about to explode. Unable to control her glee, she squeaked and waddled a bit closer to the superadorablecuteoverload ferret. "Hello," she said in a semi-baby voice as she reached her hand out for the ferret to sniff. "And what is your name?"
Kurumi sure hoped that her munchkin cat, Walnut, was still sleeping somewhere. That cat did not have a good track record when meeting new animals...
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Originally Posted by Pink Ninja
Lexi couldn't help but giggle at Sal's attempt to make her cheer up. So in hindsight it worked. "Yeah, totally awesome. I get to mope around all summer and play with my little brother. Nah. I suppose I will get out and about some. Go to Diagon and visit Dylan in London," she said. She would totally have hugged the boy if he wasn't you know... carrying all that food. "Sal, do you intend to eat all of that food? You need to think about that before you start at it. That is a clogged artery waiting to happen."
Awww. Lexi liked Mia for being compassionate about the breakup. SMiling back she nodded her head. "Thank you so much," she told the other girl. "I may very well owl you over the break to talk about it then. Right now... I need a distraction. Oooh you guys are talking about the Dumstrang kids. OHMYGOSH! I didn't get a chance to tell Monique goodbye. Gahhh."
He was unwrapping another pastie when he spied that Lexi was starting to brighten up "There you go!..."she's giggling again"Yeah hang out in Diagon Alley-- get a makeover..." he winked at Mia "... and there are a lota happenings in London. Yeah go see Dylan, go see whomever you want... " Then he paused "Uhm, who's Dylan?"
Her question made him look down at the treats in his arm, which has begun to dwindle at a steady rate from his snacking. "Uhrmm.." like he knew what an artery was. But it sounded serious. He didnt want a clogged whatever that was, heck he didnt want to have a clogged anything. Looking at Lexi he replied "You're right." waving his hand with the pastie, emphasizing his words "... I should start eating healthy." But the pastie smelled sooo good. "I'll start tomorrow." cuz you know, its only a day away.
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Mia placed her hand on Lexi's shoulder and gave her a gentle pat. "Yeah I know. Finn told me earlier but I didn't want to bring it up. I wasn't sure how you were feeling about it."
She raised an eyebrow at the Gryffindor but decided not to comment any further. It wasn't her place and if Lexi didn't want to talk about it then Mia wasn't going to push her. "Well just know that I am here..." She trailed off giving the girl a smile.
She rolled her eyes at him and quickly plucked one of his treats out of his hand and placed it into her pocket. He had plenty as it was. Where on earth did he put it all?
Before Mia could answer his question he went onto to tell her about his plans and she couldn't help the small giggle that came out of her mouth. "Funny you should mention the Durmstrangers because I am actually hoping one of them will be paying me a visit over the summer."
And yes she could be coy as well.
Laughing softly, Mia turned her head and whispered in his ear. "Yes it's in the South Pole and I am assuming that it's Danika that you are visiting?" She had noticed the two at the ball together.
Just as he was about to pop the pastie into his mouth Mia swiped it clean out of his hand. He looked longingly at it and for a moment thought of giving her a one handed bear hug and try swiping it right back when she said something that made him stop short "A Durmstranger?" Curiouser and curiouser. He had a funny feeling it was one of the Champion dudes, question was which one. "Did you see this Durmstranger at the ball?" because he knew only one of them showed up. Danika mentioned the same thing.
And speaking of which "Well... yeah Danika invited me..." he smiled sheepishly, unaware of a faint blush forming on his cheeks "...but she's touring the South Pole too. She's not from there, she's from the North, from Iceland... and Russia! She grew up in Russia. I've been to Russia. Once. Long, long time ago." Now the goof was blabbering. Who cares about that?
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys
Smirking, Rae explained what was really going on. "Heh.. Me? Polish his trophy? Nope, instead that Hufflejock Champion will be doing some cleaning for us." Then Rae motioned to herself and Evelyn.. Yes, she would make sure Evelyn didn't have to do much this summer either..... Speaking of which... Rae whipped her head to face Evelyn, "By the way... He might be staying for a while... I figured you wouldn't be thrilled with it so I'm offering to do all your house chores while he's there..." Ha! That should do it... Right?
Though the sixteen year old's attention diverted back to Sal as Evelyn mentioned something he wanted quiet... "Oooh, and what is this buddy? Something you want on the DL now.... Is this a name?"
Salander blinked a few times. Is he hearing that right? "Fletcher's gonna do cleaning for you?" he repeated, shifting his eyes between Rae and Evelyn, trying to see if they were pulling his leg. They looked like they mean it. "Fletcher's a Cleaner for the Summer?..." he started to chuckle which led to a full on guffaw. The thought of the Glitterpuff cleaning piles of dishes and pots on either side of him was hilarious, not to mention impossible. Unless of course he was eating those stuff clean. Which for Fletcher wasnt unlikely at all. Between laughs he managed to sputter out the rest of his question "How'd you convince him to do that? Did he lose a bet or something? Are you holding his trophy hostage?"
SPOILER!!: Kurumi; LOL no he wasnt gonna cry, just smiling geekily wide :D
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Was he...almost crying over her cookie? That would certainly have been a first, but also a little awkward to see a 4th year, now 5th year she supposed, crying over a cookie with a fondant snake on it. "You're welcome," she smiled back blushing a bit more.
"My mother taught me how to bake. It was probably the only thing she made me do that I actually enjoyed doing." Kurumi's mother had been overpowering and overprotective of her in more ways than one. From 3 hours daily piano lessons to forcing her to wear brown colored contacts to hide her violet eyes, Kurumi never felt real genuine joy with her mother outside of baking. Perhaps that is why she did it so much. It was the only time that she really felt connected with her mother.
"No magic," she said shaking her head and tossing her long ebony locks around a bit as she did. "I just can't bring myself to use magic when I bake even though I have studied it now. I grew up doing everything by hand...I guess doing it that way keeps me grounded..." If that made any sense. Nothing she had seen or done at Hogwarts seemed like something that would keep her grounded. Everything was some fantastic adventure that led her to different worlds and realities.
He looked back at the Gryffindor in surprise "You did this without magic?" Now he was even more amazed "Thats even more awesome Kurumi, I mean this looks just as good as what the Hogwarts elves would do, and they certainly used magic."
He glanced back up on the young Gryff's last words "Makes you feel grounded.... were you raised with Muggles?" he asked gently, not wanting to offend her just in case she was pureblood. Or that he would find himself blundering into another cultural faux pas as he did with the Durmstrangers.
SPOILER!!: Grayson
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
Grayson had finally noticed an empty compartment, and after taking a breath, she'd decided to go lay claim to it before anyone else did. At least then she'd have somewhere to be by herself to deal with this new worrying thing that was annoying her so much. But it seemed the powers that be wanted her to go a different direction, and next thing she knew her skillful weaving between the other students was interrupted by someone turning and nearly colliding with her. One hand going up to her neck again to make sure Draco was safe, she half expected to see a familiar Hufflepuff standing there, as Demarcus always seemed to want to collide with her. But when she looked up, she realized it was Salander, and had to try not to giggle at how far she'd been off. At least it had helped dispel the icky feeling in the pit of her stomach.
"Hey Salander," she returned his greeting. "So seems like your first term at Hogwarts went pretty well." At least, nobody got really badly hurt, or worse. She hadn't actually witnessed any of those things before at school, but she knew the history. And if her parents hadn't homeschooled her for two years, she probably would have actually experienced some of the stories. But her thoughts faded as she noticed his dumbfounded expression, and she realized he was looking at Draco. At which point she did giggle, while she felt the ferret duck behind her hair. "That's Draco. My pet ferret. He was usually in my bag at school, but sometimes he likes being out," she explained. He'd been around her neck at least once during the term, too, when Danika had seen him. Not to mention when Professor Carlton had confiscated him during Charms class.
He had to grin, he tilted his head then nodded slowly "Yeah, I guess I did have a pretty good first term-- didnt start off on the right foot..." since that foot was in his mouth "...but even then it end pretty well." certainly a lot better than he expected.
He peered curiously at the critter around Ravenclaw's neck "A ferret..." Huh. He's heard of them, never actually seen them. Not that he would immediately know what they were even if they scurried right in front of him. He was likely to think they were some kind of large rat. Then he looked up surprised at the name "Draco?" He knew of two things that carried that name "You named him after the dragon? Or after the coward Wizard?"
SPOILER!!: Evelyn, Rae, Josh, Simon
Originally Posted by Roselyn
SPOILER!!: Simon, Salander, and Rae
That sounded terribly horrible! Glancing towards Simon as he sat down, she raised a brow before her gaze turned to the owl. What did Josh do to it? Did the Gryffindor mistreat his bird? It didn't seem like it the last time she had seen him and his owl together but then again, she was more preoccupied with the fact that her own owl was trying to rip him to pieces. Thank Merlin she didn't have No-Name anymore.
Perhaps she just got too distracted easily? Like now for instance. One topic to another! As the smirk grew on her face, she leaned against the opposite door frame, making sure not to squish Poof on her shoulders and she crossed her arms and stared at Stradivarius Salander. It was rather tempting to yell out his name even louder but, well she too would have wanted someone to be quite if she didn't like her name. "Alright, alright. I'll say Stradivarius really quiet from now on." Hehe. Yea, after this point, from now on. But alas, she was distracted with talk of SUMMER! WOOOOT!
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys
Though the sixteen year old's attention diverted back to Sal as Evelyn mentioned something he wanted quiet... "Oooh, and what is this buddy? Something you want on the DL now.... Is this a name?"
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady
Josh Carter was about to step into the compartment with Simon, Evelyn and Rae when he heard some dude talking to the girls and wondering who was that the Gryffindor boy turned eye him a little. Hmm. A Slytherin dude. He could tell that he had seen him before at the Slytherin table or maybe in classes but since he did not knoe his name he greeted the boy with only a nod.
Then Evelyn revealed his name. Stradivarius. Bahahahah. Ehem. ''That is...well...an interesting name Stradivarius and i am Joshua'' he said with a huge grin ''Well...Stradivarius. Why don't you join us in our compartment?'' Because Josh wanted to sit down right now. Sit down and relax.
Taking the box of chocolate back from Simon, he stopped and munched on some before stepping back into the compartment and choosing himself a seat. Though, as he walked in the compartment with the box, Hotty the eagle owl gave him and angry look and chirped which the boy immediately ignored.
What did he do to the bird? ''Nothing'' Josh said eyeing the bird who was still glaring at him. Of course Josh was far from realising that actually his doing nothing annoyed the bird. When the bird angrily hooted again, Josh laughed and ''Oh shut up!'' he said not knowing that this was going to cause him trouble.
The moment he said 'shut up' the owl opened its wings and started to attack Josh Carter pecking and clawing every inch of flesh she could manage to reach. ''Ow! Ow! Ooooooooooooooooow!'' meanwhile Josh was trying to protect his face with his arms ''Simon! Ow! Simon! Do something! Somebody do something!''
*Angry hoot*
He held his breath when it looked like Evelyn was about to broadcast his name to all who could hear. See this is exactly why he wanted to just keep that ridiculous name on paper only. But Slytherin girl smirked and kept her voice a level, although she still managed to say his name again. He groaned inwardly. Thank you very much Professor Lafay.
He looked to Rae when she got curious. "Its my name, one of my given names..." he grumbled, tilting his head at Evelyn's overuse of it. "My folks got overly possessive so they gave me just about every blasted name they both had. I'd trade all of that for "Duncan" any day." he snorted.
He turned when he heard his name yet again. But this time it came from the Gryffindor from the opening feast. Huh. That dude. "Good to meet you Joshua." Salander nodded. Finally the popping Gryff had a name, and a short one at that. Why couldnt he have a name as short as that? Or shorter like Bob? Or Al?
"Thank you" he replied, trying to keep himself from wincing when the Joshua mentioned his name for a second time as Gryffindor extended the invitation to their compartment. But the Slytherin lad hasnt even gone past the doorway when the saw an owl assaulting the Gryffindor boy. "The heck's the matter with that bird?" He saw the Gryffindor boy from Runes class offering some sort of cookie "Is it hungry?" he asked, holding out one of his meat pasties "Try to see if it likes this" who knows, maybe it would take it for a mouse.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Brittany burst into a fit of laughter because she knew all two well about the black licorice. That was exactly what made her vow to not even look at another piece again. "Yea the time you showed me halt Sapphie wasnt around so you were safe." she said winking.
"Well My apologizes" She said coming down from her laughter. "there was so many introductions this year. I dont know who i talked to or what i told them." she said grinning "Oh but your totally right. we'll have to tell her something like its extremely lame to participate in class or something." she said snickering. Ahhhh she could see it now. Good times Good times
Brittany understood em spending time with her family because all her family was really tight. Even though half of them were wizards and witches and the other half was not. Not that the one half that wasnt magic knew about the other. Hehe. She then looked shocked. "well than we are very well going to have to change that. when you come visit we are going to work the beach in there everyday if we can." she added. She was from the south so it was always hot in the summer. Maybe a little to hot..
She didnt know where her headwas because she totally missed Mikey coming in the compartment. She relly needed to get her head out of the clouds. "Mikey... I thought you were lost or something." she said winking at him.
"Of course Bubba can come." Brittany said giving him one of Keegan's treat. "You wanna come stay with me.'" she asked bubba. Turning back to the pair. "Keegan needs to learn to interacte with others anyway.... he's so antisocial." she said givig him a small glare as he gave her and innocent hoot.
"I thought dad might want to pop over and we could do a BBQ " grabbing a pice of parchment out of his back pack "and bubba could help halt get his stamina up some if the did the Scotland Wales run and Keegan could go along to be social.....but I am saying now I am it is not my fault if Bubba teaches them some of his short cuts ,in delevering packages like his famous drop it on your head at 3 am trick
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy
"It's ok," Emmaleigh said as she reached for another bean. This one was green. As she popped in her mouth, her lips puckerd with the super sour flavor of a lime. She laughed at Michael's frantic attempts to wipe off the taste of the bean. "Why do we keep eating these?" she asked.
She listened to the boy's question, and thought about it. "Yeah, I guess it would be alright."Do you know when, and for how long he is planning on camping?" she asked. "If its close to when Brit will be here, maybe we could all go camping." She laughed at her little owl. "Yeh, i was surprised at the packages he could carry. But were still thinking of getting him a friend to help him carry the really heavy ones." She then gave her whistle, causing him to come land on her finger. "Like that."
"If you want, Bubba can stay with us." Em suggested. "I mean, Halt will be there, and were really close to my grandparents, and they have like three owls."
" He said to have your Dad call or send Bubba with the best time " trying to mimic the whistle while finishing the note he was working on,then doing anouther one " I think I am out of tune.Cuz Halt just looked at me like I was trying to garggle with brokes glass or somthing ...so you can you show me how again
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy
Em cocked her head to the side. " You didn't got the the first Transfiguration class?" she asked. "Professor Kingsley's first lesson was on how to make blankets out of scarves. Maybe I could try to help you with it." she suggested. Em wasn't very good at it, but she could still try. "Well, he was at his partry," she said about the boy, "if i had given it to him, i could have asked for it then."
"Yeah," she said with a laugh. "But they cant play too rough. The other owl will need to be alot bigger. I don't want Halt to get hurt."
"Who has your blanket" seeing the cart coming down the isle out side "yall want somthing from the Cart or as Em would say Trolly" giving her a wink and a smile "My Dad is thinking of letting me get a broom do yall have brooms??"
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
SPOILER!!: snugglander XD
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
He was unwrapping another pastie when he spied that Lexi was starting to brighten up "There you go!..."she's giggling again"Yeah hang out in Diagon Alley-- get a makeover..." he winked at Mia "... and there are a lota happenings in London. Yeah go see Dylan, go see whomever you want... " Then he paused "Uhm, who's Dylan?"
Her question made him look down at the treats in his arm, which has begun to dwindle at a steady rate from his snacking. "Uhrmm.." like he knew what an artery was. But it sounded serious. He didnt want a clogged whatever that was, heck he didnt want to have a clogged anything. Looking at Lexi he replied "You're right." waving his hand with the pastie, emphasizing his words "... I should start eating healthy." But the pastie smelled sooo good. "I'll start tomorrow." cuz you know, its only a day away.
She probably wasn't making much sense. What did all this have to do with her feeling grounded when she was baking? Kurumi wasn't sure if she even had the answer to that one. Yet, it was kind of nice to feel normal...after everything she had gone through before the arrival of her letter, she wanted nothing more than to be just that.
Just as he was about to pop the pastie into his mouth Mia swiped it clean out of his hand. He looked longingly at it and for a moment thought of giving her a one handed bear hug and try swiping it right back when she said something that made him stop short "A Durmstranger?" Curiouser and curiouser. He had a funny feeling it was one of the Champion dudes, question was which one. "Did you see this Durmstranger at the ball?" because he knew only one of them showed up. Danika mentioned the same thing.
And speaking of which "Well... yeah Danika invited me..." he smiled sheepishly, unaware of a faint blush forming on his cheeks "...but she's touring the South Pole too. She's not from there, she's from the North, from Iceland... and Russia! She grew up in Russia. I've been to Russia. Once. Long, long time ago." Now the goof was blabbering. Who cares about that?
Salander blinked a few times. Is he hearing that right? "Fletcher's gonna do cleaning for you?" he repeated, shifting his eyes between Rae and Evelyn, trying to see if they were pulling his leg. They looked like they mean it. "Fletcher's a Cleaner for the Summer?..." he started to chuckle which led to a full on guffaw. The thought of the Glitterpuff cleaning piles of dishes and pots on either side of him was hilarious, not to mention impossible. Unless of course he was eating those stuff clean. Which for Fletcher wasnt unlikely at all. Between laughs he managed to sputter out the rest of his question "How'd you convince him to do that? Did he lose a bet or something? Are you holding his trophy hostage?"
He looked back at the Gryffindor in surprise "You did this without magic?" Now he was even more amazed "Thats even more awesome Kurumi, I mean this looks just as good as what the Hogwarts elves would do, and they certainly used magic."
He glanced back up on the young Gryff's last words "Makes you feel grounded.... were you raised with Muggles?" he asked gently, not wanting to offend her just in case she was pureblood. Or that he would find himself blundering into another cultural faux pas as he did with the Durmstrangers.
He had to grin, he tilted his head then nodded slowly "Yeah, I guess I did have a pretty good first term-- didnt start off on the right foot..." since that foot was in his mouth "...but even then it end pretty well." certainly a lot better than he expected.
He peered curiously at the critter around Ravenclaw's neck "A ferret..." Huh. He's heard of them, never actually seen them. Not that he would immediately know what they were even if they scurried right in front of him. He was likely to think they were some kind of large rat. Then he looked up surprised at the name "Draco?" He knew of two things that carried that name "You named him after the dragon? Or after the coward Wizard?"
SPOILER!!: Evelyn, Rae, Josh, Simon
He held his breath when it looked like Evelyn was about to broadcast his name to all who could hear. See this is exactly why he wanted to just keep that ridiculous name on paper only. But Slytherin girl smirked and kept her voice a level, although she still managed to say his name again. He groaned inwardly. Thank you very much Professor Lafay.
He looked to Rae when she got curious. "Its my name, one of my given names..." he grumbled, tilting his head at Evelyn's overuse of it. "My folks got overly possessive so they gave me just about every blasted name they both had. I'd trade all of that for "Duncan" any day." he snorted.
He turned when he heard his name yet again. But this time it came from the Gryffindor from the opening feast. Huh. That dude. "Good to meet you Joshua." Salander nodded. Finally the popping Gryff had a name, and a short one at that. Why couldnt he have a name as short as that? Or shorter like Bob? Or Al?
"Thank you" he replied, trying to keep himself from wincing when the Joshua mentioned his name for a second time as Gryffindor extended the invitation to their compartment. But the Slytherin lad hasnt even gone past the doorway when the saw an owl assaulting the Gryffindor boy. "The heck's the matter with that bird?" He saw the Gryffindor boy from Runes class offering some sort of cookie "Is it hungry?" he asked, holding out one of his meat pasties "Try to see if it likes this" who knows, maybe it would take it for a mouse.
"That's...kind of a complicated story," she laughed awkwardly as she fiddled with her hair. It wasn't turning colors, was it? She pulled her pony tail in front of her face for a quick check and was relieved to see that it was still black with maybe just the slightest hint of a burnt orange, but nothing really that noticeable.
Taking a deep breath, Kurumi decided to give the rather abridged version of the story. "My mother is non-magical, but my father is a wizard. For whatever reason, my parents and brothers won't tell me about it, my mother refused to acknowledge my wizarding blood until my letter from Hogwarts came. My three older brothers are also wizards, but that was the family secret from me until about two weeks before Hogwarts began..."
Kurumi's voice wavered only a little as she spoke. She had got most of the crying out about this subject during the term, but who knew what was going to happen once she got home and faced her mother for the first time since she had opened her letter. Her mother had refused to go anywhere near London and Diagon Alley, leaving Kurumi and her father to make the journey together just the two of them. Her mother had even insisted they fly to London via muggle airplane. Kurumi, at the time, knew nothing of any other type of transportation from Japan to London, so she thought nothing of it then.
"My mother...is really afraid of magic..." she mumbled giving Salander a weak smile. "No one will tell me why, but she is so afraid that I have to wear brown contacts when I am in her presence. Magic use is forbidden in my home."
She probably wasn't making much sense. What did her mother's fear of magic have to do with her feeling grounded when she baked? Kurumi was not sure if she even knew the answer to that question. Yet, the feeling of normalcy and simple pleasure she got when she baked with her mother was something she craved and longed for. After everything she had gone through before her letter had arrived from Hogwarts, it was all she ever wanted. To be normal. To blend in. To go unnoticed. To just be accepted.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 12-01-2010 at 09:28 AM.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
He had to grin, he tilted his head then nodded slowly "Yeah, I guess I did have a pretty good first term-- didnt start off on the right foot..." since that foot was in his mouth "...but even then it end pretty well." certainly a lot better than he expected.
He peered curiously at the critter around Ravenclaw's neck "A ferret..." Huh. He's heard of them, never actually seen them. Not that he would immediately know what they were even if they scurried right in front of him. He was likely to think they were some kind of large rat. Then he looked up surprised at the name "Draco?" He knew of two things that carried that name "You named him after the dragon? Or after the coward Wizard?"
Grayson could only grin back at Salander as he nodded. It wasn't her fault grins were contagious. "It's the last part that counts, y'know. Even if it started out wrong," she pointed out. "But I'm glad it was good." She'd had fun this term. Even if her last prank had sort of gone a bit haywire, to the point she'd had to fix it. Or feel way too guilty. That definitely meant the prank had failed, because she'd never wanted to make anyone cry.
But then he was peering at Draco like the ferret was an alien or something, and she giggled a little as he spoke. "Yes. A ferret." Her little white furry neck warmer. Half of the time, at least. Granted, it wasn't really necessary right now, on the crowded train. Actually, he was kind of too warm, but he was comfortable so she wasn't about to move him. But she giggled again as Salander questioned the name. "The wizard. I thought it was kind of funny, given the stories," she replied, not really bothered by the Slythie's revealed opinion of Draco Malfoy. It wasn't like she was a fan of him. Just the story about him and Faux-Mad Eye.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi probably could have pounced on her...but that would have been a little awkward for all parties involved. Kurumi was still embarrassed that she had cried in front of her while she was still gushing out bucket sized tears. "Thank you," Kurumi said as the placed the lid back on her box. "It took a really long time to sculpt everything, but they came out much better than I was expecting. The blue is blueberry mix with just a dash of black berry and vanilla." But...Grayson probably didn't really want to hear the entire ingredients list, which was the direction Kurumi was head in when she noticed...A FERRET?! AN ADORABLE AND FLUFFY FERRET?!
Kurumi jumped onto her seat, with her school shoes still on of course, and looked as though she were about to explode. Unable to control her glee, she squeaked and waddled a bit closer to the superadorablecuteoverload ferret. "Hello," she said in a semi-baby voice as she reached her hand out for the ferret to sniff. "And what is your name?"
Kurumi sure hoped that her munchkin cat, Walnut, was still sleeping somewhere. That cat did not have a good track record when meeting new animals...
But then Kurumi had spoken again, and Grayson's amusement at Salander making the connection waned a little as her attention switched. And she looked back down at the cookie. “That’s still awesome. That you were able to do it at all.” The sculpting thing, any of it. She could brew potions, and make simple things, but nothing like this. It was impressive. And sounded really yummy, which only made her resolve to try and keep the cookie forever flicker. It couldn’t just be a really awesomely pretty cookie, it had to sound yummy too. But then it seemed Kurumi had gotten distracted from listing off the yumminess, to the point of jumping up on her seat, and Grayson turned to look around like she expected there to be an acromantula coming down the corridor or something.
But then she realized it had all been about Draco, and she laughed again. This time at her overreaction to the whole situation. “He won’t bite. You can pet him,” she said, as the ferret peeked out from behind her hair to sniff at the outstretched hand. At least she didn’t see any scary kitties around, or anything that looked like it might scare her baby to death. As far as she knew Bubbles wasn’t around. “His name’s Draco,” she offered, answering the Gryffie’s question to her pet. Obviously he couldn’t answer himself, unless Kurumi spoke ferret. Which would be kind of awesome too. But pretty unlikely.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Kurumi breathed a huge sigh of relief. "I think I understand now," she said with an awkward smile. She was really going to have to work on not taking everything so literally.
Leaning her hands on her knees and resting her chin in them, she looked out the window at the country side that was now speeding by. How much longer until the magic ended? She had come to regret not talking to the other school's students this term, but not many of them really seemed all that interested in talking with first years. Then again, they were all 7th years and had come to Hogwarts to compete.
"I wonder what Beubaxton is like..." she said aloud. She had heard from more than a few people that they were a bunch of snobs. She really should have taken the opportunity to talk with some of those students more.
"My cousin said it was wonderful." Cass said as she remembered those nights when Lyra had never shut up about the castle, or the perfect climate, or the wood nymphs that serenaded them. "I was supposed to study there..." She admitted softly
Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass
"Ohhhh..you did?" Freya asked exciting. "Where did you guys meet?" she asked. "Yeah you definitely should introduce us to this mystery guy of yours." she said giggling.
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
"Yeahh i will help you with that",Fee giggled.
The girls could pack their stuff together.That way they would be leaving together. Hah what a fantastic plan.Hehe.
"Yeahh its pretty exciting that Cass did isnt it?",she wiggled her eyebrows.
How come Fee and Freya didnt know?!
"Oh oh ohhhhhhh",Fee wiggled her eyebrows excitedly,"whats his name? How does he look like? Where did you meet?"
She wanted to know eversthing abitu that guy. Hopefully she wouldnt get hurt again.
Cass giggled and said "Well, I only met him at the start of the term..and he only asked me out via OWL since he isn't from Hogwarts." She shrugged delicately and added "With the exams and all...I guess it must have slipped my mind. Sorry."
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley
"Well, I am surprised you did not meet him at HogWarts" Rex told Cass. "So you were holding out on your friends?" Rex asked her laughing. " Hopefull I will get to meet yoru boyfriend" Rex said to Cass.
" I just had to ask something of Fee" Rex told Cass. " She will be here later" Rex said to Cass. " I am sorry but I thought we were not friends anymore because you have really ignored me the last few times I have seen you" rex explained to Cass. " I know we are good friends, but I had lots of things on my mind" Rex sighed.
"Yeah." Cass said with a giggle "Well at least he'll be here next term."
Then her smile faded when Rex mentioned that she had been ignoring him. "Oh, no. I was just dreadfully stressed with the exams." She explained "Sorry."
"Yeahh i will help you with that",Fee giggled.
The girls could pack their stuff together.That way they would be leaving together. Hah what a fantastic plan.Hehe.
"Yeahh its pretty exciting that Cass did isnt it?",she wiggled her eyebrows.
How come Fee and Freya didnt know?!
Originally Posted by mellamaet
Cass giggled and said "Well, I only met him at the start of the term..and he only asked me out via OWL since he isn't from Hogwarts." She shrugged delicately and added "With the exams and all...I guess it must have slipped my mind. Sorry."
"Thanks Fee." Freya said smiling. She really couldn't imagined her Hogwarts live without her two besties. "You met him at the start of the term?How come you didn't mention him to us?" she raised her eyebrows."Oh where did he goes then?Durmstrang?or BBeauxbatons?" she asked curious. "Oh yeah the exams. That's understandable." she nodded her head.
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley
" I like spending time with my friends" Rex told Freya. " Yes and no about looking to my seventh year" Rex said to Freya. " I want to graduate but I will miss you, Cass, Fee, Victoria, Joey and the rest of my friends who are not graduating" Rex explained to Freya. " Italy is great" Rex smiled.
"I see." Freya nodded her head. She understand how Rex feeling about his seventh year. She probably feeling the same if she was in his position. "I'm gonna miss you too Rex. I'm gonna miss my teasing buddy" she grinned. "Yeah it was a great place."
"I thought dad might want to pop over and we could do a BBQ " grabbing a pice of parchment out of his back pack "and bubba could help halt get his stamina up some if the did the Scotland Wales run and Keegan could go along to be social.....but I am saying now I am it is not my fault if Bubba teaches them some of his short cuts ,in delevering packages like his famous drop it on your head at 3 am trick
" He said to have your Dad call or send Bubba with the best time " trying to mimic the whistle while finishing the note he was working on,then doing anouther one " I think I am out of tune.Cuz Halt just looked at me like I was trying to garggle with brokes glass or somthing ...so you can you show me how again
"Who has your blanket" seeing the cart coming down the isle out side "yall want somthing from the Cart or as Em would say Trolly" giving her a wink and a smile "My Dad is thinking of letting me get a broom do yall have brooms??"
She looked up at Halt. "I don't think he could ever get enough stamina to cross the atlantic. I mean, there is nowhere for him to stop and rest." She shook her head. He better not learn any nasty shortcuts. Nodding at Michael's statement about owling the time. "I'll have him do that." she said with a smile, before glaring up at her bird. "You did it right," she told Michael, before speaking sternly to Halt. "Get your feathery tail down here when someone calls for you," With that, the owl flew down and landed on her knee.
Who has her blanket? She didn't know his name, only who he was. "I let the guy that was the Ravenclaw champion use it after the first task. It was freezing cold out, and all he was wearing was a pair of wet pants." then she shrugged. "I guess I always figured I wouldn't get it back. I mean, he probably has no idea who gave it to him, and its not like I had my name on it."
"No, thank you though," she said. After all, the train would get there soon, and she was looking forward to eating some real food, even if it wasn't her mother's. "I don't have a broom, and I don't plan on getting one any time soon. I am rubbish at flying." she said blushing "and I wouldn't really be able to fly it around the farm anyways. couldn't take the chance of one of the muggles seeing me."
" I will owl you od as I prefer to see you at Jason's" Rex told Fee."We are best friends" Rex smiled. Oh oh, the mean Fee came out" Rex laughed. " You are a young lady who is mature" Rex explained to Fee. " Of course, that old man remark might get you the "tickle moster" Rex said to Fee.
"Yeap",Fee smiled,"i am going to wait for Dancing fool then."
Hopefully it wsouldnt take too long, otherwise Fee would go crazy.Hehe. "The mean me?",she raised an eyebrow at her best friend laughing,"there is only a sweet me."
Okay, yhea depened on her mood but she wouldnt let him win.
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?",Fee giggled,"of course i had to remember you of your old-ness."
16 wasnt really old but for Fee was even turning 13 a huge step. "Ahhhh the tickle monster?",she laughed,"thats sooo meann."
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi blushed a little bit. It still was a little difficult to talk about Adam as being more than just her best friend. This whole boyfriend and girlfriend thing was really new to her and the term "flirting" utterly escaped her. "That would be great to all meet up in Diagon Alley," Kurumi smiled nodding her head over and over again. "I didn't really do much exploring previously...just got everything on my list and then headed back to the hotel my parents were staying at."
No, going into second year things would be different! Maybe she would even buy *gasp* something to distract her from her studies!
Fee giggled as her friend blushed. It was so adorable how Kurumi still didnt seem to be used to the fact that Adam and her were dating now. "Cool",she smiled back,"just owl me then."
Fee wouldnt be that busy during the holidays besides having Rubies with her and visiting Hugo with Eino. Since Edmond was no where to be seen Fee got a little deoressed because their plans for the summer would die.
"You didnt get the chance to exlpore Diagon Alley?",she said shocked,"oh my god Kurumi! You will so like it there. We're going to explore everything."
Originally Posted by mellamaet
Cass giggled and said "Well, I only met him at the start of the term..and he only asked me out via OWL since he isn't from Hogwarts." She shrugged delicately and added "With the exams and all...I guess it must have slipped my mind. Sorry."
"Ohhh you met him at the start of term?",Fee said surprised but similed," and you didnt tell us? Shame on you."
She really needed to get to know this guy. Stealing her besties heart wasnt something he could just do and get away with easily. "Is he going to be at Hogwarts next term?",she wiggled her eyebrows smirking.
Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass
"Thanks Fee." Freya said smiling. She really couldn't imagined her Hogwarts live without her two besties. "You met him at the start of the term?How come you didn't mention him to us?" she raised her eyebrows."Oh where did he goes then?Durmstrang?or BBeauxbatons?" she asked curious. "Oh yeah the exams. That's understandable." she nodded her head.
"Thats the exact same question i had too",Fee laughed,"but i am happy Cass moved on."
Seeing one of her besties sad wasnt really her fave thing and this new guy seemed to make her happy. "Ohhh all curious?",Fee giggled.
She was curious herself,to be honest. Hopefully Cass would tell them more about her new boyfriend. This was sooo exciting.