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"I know, There were so many new people to meet, and there are still So many people I didn't meet. And pretty much all of the ones I do know are first years in either Hufflepuff or slytherin." She laughed at Brit's sugestion on how to keep the little sis from doing homework. "Lame? somehow, I don't think that will work."
She smile at Brit's suggestion of going to the beach alot. "I cant wait. But, We've still got to figure out when we are going to visit each other." and hopefully, her parents would let her go.
"Oh my goodness. I thought i was the only one who only knew huffies and snakes." she said. It was like the ravenclaws and gryffies went into hiding or something. "I'm hoping there are a lot more Huffies next sorting because there is no way we are ever going to beat slytherin without more people.' she said with a small sigh. She still was a little disappointed that the slythies had won the house cup but not as much as she first was because they did have the Triwizard Champion. She laughed with Emm. "well Im sure we'll come up with someway to discourage her. But she's really a miniture version of me so she should be a huffie anyway.' she said happily.
"well this is what Halt and Keegan are for. we can definetly owl each other for the dates.' she said with a nod of her head. She was sure the two were going to be able to visit. Her parents are very persuasive when they want to be.
Originally Posted by lilithpotter
"Love to, Im so glad I found you before the train stopped. I would hate to have not said bye to you before the summer." she said "what are your summer plans?"
"Yeah It would have been a same. I was afraid that i wasnt going to find anyone in time and i was going to spend the summer alone without any contact from the wizarding world." she said honestly. The thought made her shiver. "Umm... I dont really have any set particular plans. I really just plan to spend as much time with my family since i missed them so much. and if it's alright with em parents we plan on visiting each other during the summer." she added. "How about you?"
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady
''Well....it's just me'' Josh said facing his best friend with a broad smirk on his face ''I cannot help it''. Seriously the boy, especially in this train, did not want to stay alone. He just could not bear it. Sitting alone was extremely boring however the crowd he caused was fun. Obviously Simon could see that, could not he?
Then the boy turned to face Feenella, the younger Slytherin, as she mentioned that she liked his idea. Hehe. Smiling to her, his eyes went to the box of chocolate Simon was holding before looking back at the girl. ''Yeah, there's nothing better than chocolate'' If one was talking about sweets of course.
Now, since he had his best friend and girlfriend along with Rae who had just arrived, there was no need to yell for people or parties. Hehehe. Soo the party was over. It was a short but fun one. Grinning at everyone, he walked forward and opened the door of his compartment ''Let's get inside'' he said ''But be very careful. Hotty might bite you'' The owl was very angry that her owner never visited her in the owlery this term.
Simon was about to make a comment about what was said but in the end decided to keep it all to himself. He simply watched as Josh continued to hug his girlfriend until the other boy realized he was still doing so and right smack in the middle of the train walkway in front of a sea of onlookers. And then it was Simon's turn to smirk back at his friend when he suddenly pulled away.
Seeing his friend eye the box of chocolate candy still in his hands, Simon reached to hand it over to him. "I believe these belong to you..or whoever you offered them to," he mused noticing a few unfamiliar students still hanging around. Kurumi the only one beside Rose and Rae that he knew.
Simon moved to follow Josh back inside the compartment, clsoing his eyes momentarily at his friend's comment about his familiar. "Just what did you do to the poor bird now?" he questioned with a chuckle taking a seat on the side of the compartment opposite where the owl's cage sat. He chose to sit near the door so he had a better chance of spotting Viky if she walked nearby.
"Oh my goodness. I thought i was the only one who only knew huffies and snakes." she said. It was like the ravenclaws and gryffies went into hiding or something. "I'm hoping there are a lot more Huffies next sorting because there is no way we are ever going to beat slytherin without more people.' she said with a small sigh. She still was a little disappointed that the slythies had won the house cup but not as much as she first was because they did have the Triwizard Champion. She laughed with Emm. "well Im sure we'll come up with someway to discourage her. But she's really a miniture version of me so she should be a huffie anyway.' she said happily.
"well this is what Halt and Keegan are for. we can definetly owl each other for the dates.' she said with a nod of her head. She was sure the two were going to be able to visit. Her parents are very persuasive when they want to be.
"Yeah, its weird. I mean, I think the only Gryffendor i've ever met was the guy Saphinelle tried to get start a fight with Michael and me. And the only Ravenclaw i've spoken to was the champion guy." after a moments though, she realized. "And he never gave me back my blanket!" She nodded. "Yeah, we really need some help if we are going to go for the house cup. I'll just keep my fingers crossed during the sorting next term."
She laughed. "Keegan yeah, but I will probably have to borrow one of my grandparent's owls." Halt was strong, but he only ever had to fly between Hogwarts and the england/Scotland boarder. He probably wouldn't make it over the atlantic.
*Finding an empty compartment Matthias sat down. Leaning his head back he looked out the window feeling worse then he ever thought possible. He had just lost his one and only friend at Hogwarts.*
"Ohh i knew that girl",Fee laughed.
Typical Freya.Gladly Fee herself had packed her stuff days ago. Due to that she had been early at the express. At least she had been able to talk to some of her friends before leaving this way.
"Ohh that was my reaction too",she giggled.
Finally Cass had recongized that there were other boys on the world,too.
"Yeah. I have to remember to pack before the end of the feast next term so I won't miss anything." Freya said. "Oh you did?" she asked. "I'm soooo glad that you already find someone Cass." she said smiling. She really hate seeing her sad.
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley
"Well, I am not one of yoru best friends but I am glad yo see you" Rex told Freya. " I missed you lot this term" Rex said to Freya. "Want a chocolate froog?" Rex asked Freya.
Freya smiled when she saw Rex "Hullo. Rex. Long time no see." she said smiling. "Yeah same here." she nodded her head. "Did you have any plans for summer?" she asked.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Lexi and Mia
Originally Posted by Pink Ninja
Lexi smiled sweetly at Mia and shook her head as she laughed. "I was great until this big oaf knocked me over," she joked. She then dusted off the front of her jeans and giggled a bit. "Second time I have fallen today actually. At least this one wasn't my fault."
Seeing Mia made Lexi think of Finn and that wasn't a good thing right now. Ohh... she had something in her eye. Yep that is what it was. She quickly rubbed her sleeve across her face getting the um... stuff away.
Lexi turned her attention back to Sal as he spoke. She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at him. Suuuure they were safe pasties. Suuuuure. She wouldn't trust any food he gave her... EVER.
Oh man. He was offering her food. She took the two goodies and smiled sweetly. It was rude to refuse after all. Simply looking at them for amoment she shoved them into her shoulder bag and said, "Maybe I will have those later. Thanks a lot though!"
o_O Why did everyone ask about her summer plans. It made her bottom lip poke out and her eyes to water. Summer was not a good topic. "I uh. I will be at home I suppose," she said lamely. Yeah she was sad. What of it?
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Giving Sal a small poke in the ribs with her finger. "Now you owe me a cauldron cake Mister. That was my last one." She joked as she stepped out from behind him to stand next to him.
She gave him a sideways glance and couldn't help but smile. He was one of the first person's she had met before coming to Hogwarts. Oh and he wanted to know her summer plans. "Just gonna hang around the commune and hopefully get a visit from...someone. What about you? What are you going to be doing?"
Laughing a little at what Lexi said, Mia gave Sal another poke in the ribs. "Yeah he is such a klutz." It was always fun teasing the opposite sex.
And then she noticed the look on Lexi's face and Mia immediately moved away from Sal's side and stepped a little closer to Lexi. "You okay there Lex? The big oaf didn't hurt you did he?"
Somehow she didn't think it was Sal, that was the problem here but something or someone else.
He grinned widely when Lexi accepted the treats, completely missing the point that she didnt quite trust him with food. Typical of him to forget that he tried to trick her with food once before. He jumped slightly when Mia poked him at the ribs "Your last one?..." Aww Mia always so generous. "Wait dont I have something?...." he thought he looked over his stash. He twitched again when Mia poked him a second time and joking reached out and gave her waist a small squeeze. Heh.
Then he noticed that change in Lexi's face. The kind that would send the Slytherin lad handing her a napkin and anything else that would wipe her misery away. Which isnt a good thing at this time since he didnt have anything else other than the shirt off his back. And really he'd like to keep the shirt till the end of the trip. He'd lost too much of his clothing to various students already he started to feel like the Salvation Army. "Hey you know chillin' out at home is cool too!" he said cheerfully. Yeah say anything to keep those tears at bay.
He glanced at Mia and raised his brows. She's expecting someone at her commune? The lad was suddenly very curious. Maybe a little too curious. "Someone huh? Anyone I know?" he asked coyly.
"Oh me? I'm heading to the South Pole" he replied when she asked about his plans. Yeah Mr. I-hate-the-cold is heading to the coldest place on Earth. Ah the things he does for the those he likes.... "The Durmstrangers invited me to their tour of Antarctica." Then he dropped his voice to a whisper "That is in the South Pole right Mia?" One week in and he still wasnt sure what direction he was supposed to be headed. Typical.
SPOILER!!: Evelyn and Rae; cant help but nosy in on the Glitterpuff :P
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys
SPOILER!!: Josh, Evelyn, Salander. goodness!
"Hello Josh!" She felt bad for not saying hi to him earlier, it was definitely rude of her. She waved at him, then followed into the empty compartment. When Evelyn said something about going to Destiny's, it didn't surprise her. "Alright, I'll see you when you get back." Then she heard the comment about Rae going along... Err.. Didn't Destiny have some weird, crazy grandmother? "Nah, you go, Fletcher is coming over anyways.." Yeah Evelyn, the solution to all the problems... "He offered to do a few things for us since he can do magic.." Hehe, clean, cook, repair.... Like a maid.... A handsome, tri-wizard champion maid. Muaha.
Rae was just about to close the compartment door when she heard her name. Her head popped out from the door.. "AYYYY! Sal!" Ole buddy!
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Say what now?
Hufflepuff dude was coming to their home? The place she lived in? Slept, ate, studied, and relaxed in?!
"Yea, I'll see you tomorrow probably." Depending on if Fletcher dude was gone or not. Eh. She might make an excuse and go run away to Destiny's again if he was still there. Or Lawson. She now knew where he lived, mwahahaha! Invade his home! If Marie could have a whole summer there without them practically not knowing, she could have a few hours of safety and solitude away from...Fletcher people. Even if he did offer to pretty much grant all their wishes and life dreams at the moment. If she stayed away, then she wouldn't have to part-take in ANYTHING. Awesome.
ACK! Her name was being shouted! WHY!? Peaking around Rae's shoulder, the Slytherin smiled before waving just the slightest. "Hey Stradivarius."
*snicker* Quite a surprise hearing that name at the feast.
Giving them a bright smile he leaned over towards the Slytherin girl's compartment just as he thought he heard a familiar name "What'd you say Fletcher was gonna be up to? He's not gonna have you polish that trophy cup for the rest of the summer is he?" he smirked. Truthfully though, the Slytherin lad wouldnt be surprised if thats exactly what the Glitterpuff has planed.
Hearing Evelyn use his first name got that smirk to vanish faster than an evanescoe spell "Not so loud Evelyn...." he grimaced as he looked around the bustling car. Last thing he wanted was his name getting out to other houses. He knew he'll never hear the end of it, or worse, the more creative versions of it "Lets keep that as one of the more sordid Slytherin secrets ok?"
He leaned at the doorframe as he nodded at the dark eyed brunette "So what are you up to this summer?" he asked curiously. For someone who he shared the first train trip with and practically every class, he knew little else about the Slytherin girl other than she was exceptionally smart. And that she hated spiders. Heh.
SPOILER!!: CookieGurrrl :D
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi looked up from her book to see the familiar and handsome face of Salander entering the cabin. A smile crept across her face and she closed her book. Reaching for the box of cookies she had made, she searched through them until she found her Slytherin ones and handed him one.
"Hey," she blushed handing him the cookie. "I never really got to say thank you properly for all the times you helped me out this term...so...thank you..."
SPOILER!!: slytherin cookie!
"Oh hey its nuthin'..." he chuckled at the young Gryffindor, being all aww shucks about it. Then he saw the cookie she gave him. That got him to smile that made his eyes to crinkle up "Aww Kurumi thanks! This is awesome!" he said as he took the Slytherin cookie. "It looks too good to eat." he added as he carefully turned it over and back again. Its true, it looked more fitting in a glass case than in chunks down his gullet. "How'd you get to be so good at this? You got a special spell when you bake or something?" Because all her creations looks so awesome!
SPOILER!!: MadGrayson. Maaaad! :P
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
Grayson wasn't really paying attention to where she was going, weaving between groups in the corridor of the train as she thought. She wasn't exactly happy with what had happened at the end of the term, with Ravenclaw and everything. Not to mention she hoped her uncle hadn't heard anything about what had happened at the costume ball. She couldn't figure out how he would hear anything, especially as she didn't think very many people who were even at the ball had noticed. Which she still thought was odd, too. Any way she looked at it, she needed either a distraction, or a quiet place to think over everything. And worry, which was sort of new for her. She didn't like the feeling.
Reaching up idly, she stroked Draco, around her neck like usual. She'd needed him there, even though she knew it was probably safer for him to be curled up in her school bag. At least something could break through her brooding. It wasn't working completely, however. She needed people to really get distracted.
He turned and nearly bumped into another blond. "Hey Grayson!" he greeted his Ravenclaw friend. He eyed the creature around her neck dumbfoundedly. "Whats that?" has she always had that creature around her? First time he's seen it. Who knew she had a thing for little critters?
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Lexi laughed it off a bit and then simply shook her head miserably. "No Sal didn't hurt me. Finn and I like... just broke up. I mean, I broke up with him. It's just... It sucks," Lexi said with a little sniffle. She rubbed her hand across her face again and smiled. "But I'll be okay. The last thing I want to do is think about it right now. I just want to get off of this stupid train and get home," she said trying to put on a brave face.
Mia placed her hand on Lexi's shoulder and gave her a gentle pat. "Yeah I know. Finn told me earlier but I didn't want to bring it up. I wasn't sure how you were feeling about it."
She raised an eyebrow at the Gryffindor but decided not to comment any further. It wasn't her place and if Lexi didn't want to talk about it then Mia wasn't going to push her. "Well just know that I am here..." She trailed off giving the girl a smile.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
SPOILER!!: Lexi and Mia
He grinned widely when Lexi accepted the treats, completely missing the point that she didnt quite trust him with food. Typical of him to forget that he tried to trick her with food once before. He jumped slightly when Mia poked him at the ribs "Your last one?..." Aww Mia always so generous. "Wait dont I have something?...." he thought he looked over his stash. He twitched again when Mia poked him a second time and joking reached out and gave her waist a small squeeze. Heh.
Then he noticed that change in Lexi's face. The kind that would send the Slytherin lad handing her a napkin and anything else that would wipe her misery away. Which isnt a good thing at this time since he didnt have anything else other than the shirt off his back. And really he'd like to keep the shirt till the end of the trip. He'd lost too much of his clothing to various students already he started to feel like the Salvation Army. "Hey you know chillin' out at home is cool too!" he said cheerfully. Yeah say anything to keep those tears at bay.
He glanced at Mia and raised his brows. She's expecting someone at her commune? The lad was suddenly very curious. Maybe a little too curious. "Someone huh? Anyone I know?" he asked coyly.
"Oh me? I'm heading to the South Pole" he replied when she asked about his plans. Yeah Mr. I-hate-the-cold is heading to the coldest place on Earth. Ah the things he does for the those he likes.... "The Durmstrangers invited me to their tour of Antarctica." Then he dropped his voice to a whisper "That is in the South Pole right Mia?" One week in and he still wasnt sure what direction he was supposed to be headed. Typical.
She rolled her eyes at him and quickly plucked one of his treats out of his hand and placed it into her pocket. He had plenty as it was. Where on earth did he put it all?
Before Mia could answer his question he went onto to tell her about his plans and she couldn't help the small giggle that came out of her mouth. "Funny you should mention the Durmstrangers because I am actually hoping one of them will be paying me a visit over the summer."
And yes she could be coy as well.
Laughing softly, Mia turned her head and whispered in his ear. "Yes it's in the South Pole and I am assuming that it's Danika that you are visiting?" She had noticed the two at the ball together.
Giving them a bright smile he leaned over towards the Slytherin girl's compartment just as he thought he heard a familiar name "What'd you say Fletcher was gonna be up to? He's not gonna have you polish that trophy cup for the rest of the summer is he?" he smirked. Truthfully though, the Slytherin lad wouldnt be surprised if thats exactly what the Glitterpuff has planed.
Hearing Evelyn use his first name got that smirk to vanish faster than an evanescoe spell "Not so loud Evelyn...." he grimaced as he looked around the bustling car. Last thing he wanted was his name getting out to other houses. He knew he'll never hear the end of it, or worse, the more creative versions of it "Lets keep that as one of the more sordid Slytherin secrets ok?"
He leaned at the doorframe as he nodded at the dark eyed brunette "So what are you up to this summer?" he asked curiously. For someone who he shared the first train trip with and practically every class, he knew little else about the Slytherin girl other than she was exceptionally smart. And that she hated spiders. Heh.
Smirking, Rae explained what was really going on. "Heh.. Me? Polish his trophy? Nope, instead that Hufflejock Champion will be doing some cleaning for us." Then Rae motioned to herself and Evelyn.. Yes, she would make sure Evelyn didn't have to do much this summer either..... Speaking of which... Rae whipped her head to face Evelyn, "By the way... He might be staying for a while... I figured you wouldn't be thrilled with it so I'm offering to do all your house chores while he's there..." Ha! That should do it... Right?
Though the sixteen year old's attention diverted back to Sal as Evelyn mentioned something he wanted quiet... "Oooh, and what is this buddy? Something you want on the DL now.... Is this a name?"
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors
Fade from everything, as winter stays...
"Ohhhh",Fee said surprised,"did i miss something?"
Cas had gotten to know someone and Fee was uninformed?!That was not cool.. "Tell me everything",she giggled.
Was her best friend over Hugo now? Did she find someone better for her? Or was it something completely different?
You never knew what was going on in her crazy besties head.Maybe it was just a friend or something like that.
Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass
Freya was frustrated, she couldn't find any of her friends 'Where are they?' she looked around each compartment hoping that she could find Fee or Cass. She wished that she could packed her things more faster so she didn't have to be separated with her two besties. Then she heard two very familiar voices from one of the compartment. She prayed that this one was the right compartment. She slid the door and she saw her two besties chatting with each others. "Finally..!!" she sighed. "Hello you two. I've been looking for you girls everywhere." she said. "What did I miss?" she asked. It seems like they were in the middle of interesting topic.
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
Fee smiled widely as her other bestie entered the compartment.Yeah Slytherin Queen time. That hadnt been in a while. "Heeey Freya",she said happily,"what took you so long?"
Probably girly stuff like packing and eeciding what to wear later on. Hehe.
"Ohhh Cass met someone",she said wiggling her eyebrows.
This ride was going to get interesting.
Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass
"Packing and some other stuff" Freya sighed. "Sorry bout that though I wished that I packed days before the feast." That way she won't miss her besties. Then her eyes lit when Fee said that Cass met someone "You did?" she asked turning her gaze to Cass. "When?Where?and the most important question is who is the luckiest boy?" she asked. Okay that was a lot of question but she couldn't help herself.
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
"Ohh i knew that girl",Fee laughed.
Typical Freya.Gladly Fee herself had packed her stuff days ago. Due to that she had been early at the express. At least she had been able to talk to some of her friends before leaving this way.
"Ohh that was my reaction too",she giggled.
Finally Cass had recongized that there were other boys on the world,too.
Cass giggled as her besties discussed about her mystery guy. SProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
made a mental note to tell her besties about the Pack spell. but for now she had to answer their unrelenting questions
"Well. Yeah, I met someone new." Cass said with a smile "I'll introduce you to him when we get back to London."
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley
" What are you doing in here all alone?" Rex asked Cass. " Just thought I drop by and say hello to my good friend" Rex said to Cass. "Did you ever find that boyfriend we were both looking for at HogWarts?" Rex asked Cass.
"Oh, yeah. I did" Cass said with a smile "He's going to transfer to Hogwarts next term"
He grinned widely when Lexi accepted the treats, completely missing the point that she didnt quite trust him with food. Typical of him to forget that he tried to trick her with food once before. He jumped slightly when Mia poked him at the ribs "Your last one?..." Aww Mia always so generous. "Wait dont I have something?...." he thought he looked over his stash. He twitched again when Mia poked him a second time and joking reached out and gave her waist a small squeeze. Heh.
Then he noticed that change in Lexi's face. The kind that would send the Slytherin lad handing her a napkin and anything else that would wipe her misery away. Which isnt a good thing at this time since he didnt have anything else other than the shirt off his back. And really he'd like to keep the shirt till the end of the trip. He'd lost too much of his clothing to various students already he started to feel like the Salvation Army. "Hey you know chillin' out at home is cool too!" he said cheerfully. Yeah say anything to keep those tears at bay.
Lexi couldn't help but giggle at Sal's attempt to make her cheer up. So in hindsight it worked. "Yeah, totally awesome. I get to mope around all summer and play with my little brother. Nah. I suppose I will get out and about some. Go to Diagon and visit Dylan in London," she said. She would totally have hugged the boy if he wasn't you know... carrying all that food. "Sal, do you intend to eat all of that food? You need to think about that before you start at it. That is a clogged artery waiting to happen."
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Mia placed her hand on Lexi's shoulder and gave her a gentle pat. "Yeah I know. Finn told me earlier but I didn't want to bring it up. I wasn't sure how you were feeling about it."
She raised an eyebrow at the Gryffindor but decided not to comment any further. It wasn't her place and if Lexi didn't want to talk about it then Mia wasn't going to push her. "Well just know that I am here..." She trailed off giving the girl a smile.
Awww. Lexi liked Mia for being compassionate about the breakup. SMiling back she nodded her head. "Thank you so much," she told the other girl. "I may very well owl you over the break to talk about it then. Right now... I need a distraction. Oooh you guys are talking about the Dumstrang kids. OHMYGOSH! I didn't get a chance to tell Monique goodbye. Gahhh."
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
SPOILER!!: Simon, Salander, and Rae
Originally Posted by Macavity
Simon was about to make a comment about what was said but in the end decided to keep it all to himself. He simply watched as Josh continued to hug his girlfriend until the other boy realized he was still doing so and right smack in the middle of the train walkway in front of a sea of onlookers. And then it was Simon's turn to smirk back at his friend when he suddenly pulled away.
Seeing his friend eye the box of chocolate candy still in his hands, Simon reached to hand it over to him. "I believe these belong to you..or whoever you offered them to," he mused noticing a few unfamiliar students still hanging around. Kurumi the only one beside Rose and Rae that he knew.
Simon moved to follow Josh back inside the compartment, clsoing his eyes momentarily at his friend's comment about his familiar. "Just what did you do to the poor bird now?" he questioned with a chuckle taking a seat on the side of the compartment opposite where the owl's cage sat. He chose to sit near the door so he had a better chance of spotting Viky if she walked nearby.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Giving them a bright smile he leaned over towards the Slytherin girl's compartment just as he thought he heard a familiar name "What'd you say Fletcher was gonna be up to? He's not gonna have you polish that trophy cup for the rest of the summer is he?" he smirked. Truthfully though, the Slytherin lad wouldnt be surprised if thats exactly what the Glitterpuff has planed.
Hearing Evelyn use his first name got that smirk to vanish faster than an evanescoe spell "Not so loud Evelyn...." he grimaced as he looked around the bustling car. Last thing he wanted was his name getting out to other houses. He knew he'll never hear the end of it, or worse, the more creative versions of it "Lets keep that as one of the more sordid Slytherin secrets ok?"
He leaned at the doorframe as he nodded at the dark eyed brunette "So what are you up to this summer?" he asked curiously. For someone who he shared the first train trip with and practically every class, he knew little else about the Slytherin girl other than she was exceptionally smart. And that she hated spiders. Heh.
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys
Smirking, Rae explained what was really going on. "Heh.. Me? Polish his trophy? Nope, instead that Hufflejock Champion will be doing some cleaning for us." Then Rae motioned to herself and Evelyn.. Yes, she would make sure Evelyn didn't have to do much this summer either..... Speaking of which... Rae whipped her head to face Evelyn, "By the way... He might be staying for a while... I figured you wouldn't be thrilled with it so I'm offering to do all your house chores while he's there..." Ha! That should do it... Right?
Though the sixteen year old's attention diverted back to Sal as Evelyn mentioned something he wanted quiet... "Oooh, and what is this buddy? Something you want on the DL now.... Is this a name?"
That sounded terribly horrible! Glancing towards Simon as he sat down, she raised a brow before her gaze turned to the owl. What did Josh do to it? Did the Gryffindor mistreat his bird? It didn't seem like it the last time she had seen him and his owl together but then again, she was more preoccupied with the fact that her own owl was trying to rip him to pieces. Thank Merlin she didn't have No-Name anymore.
Perhaps she just got too distracted easily? Like now for instance. One topic to another! As the smirk grew on her face, she leaned against the opposite door frame, making sure not to squish Poof on her shoulders and she crossed her arms and stared at Stradivarius Salander. It was rather tempting to yell out his name even louder but, well she too would have wanted someone to be quite if she didn't like her name. "Alright, alright. I'll say Stradivarius really quiet from now on." Hehe. Yea, after this point, from now on. But alas, she was distracted with talk of SUMMER! WOOOOT!
"I am..." Well, she was quite...revolted at the moment. WHAT!? Rae!??! Fletcher in their house!? "I'm going to be traveling around apparently." There was no way she was sharing a house with Champion dude. And she was soooo looking forward to being back in her room too. Fail! "Most importantly though, not think about school work, rules, and anything else related to those evil topics." Not when her OWL year was coming up and she was going to be stuck up in the dormitory or common room studying 24/7.
*Finding an empty compartment Matthias sat down. Leaning his head back he looked out the window feeling worse then he ever thought possible. He had just lost his one and only friend at Hogwarts.*
Annabel walked along the small passage looking for an empty compartment. She bumped into a boy who looked slightly older than her. "Sorry" She walked around him and saw his face. "Are you ok?" She asked kindly. "You look a little sad."
That sounded terribly horrible! Glancing towards Simon as he sat down, she raised a brow before her gaze turned to the owl. What did Josh do to it? Did the Gryffindor mistreat his bird? It didn't seem like it the last time she had seen him and his owl together but then again, she was more preoccupied with the fact that her own owl was trying to rip him to pieces. Thank Merlin she didn't have No-Name anymore.
Perhaps she just got too distracted easily? Like now for instance. One topic to another! As the smirk grew on her face, she leaned against the opposite door frame, making sure not to squish Poof on her shoulders and she crossed her arms and stared at Stradivarius Salander. It was rather tempting to yell out his name even louder but, well she too would have wanted someone to be quite if she didn't like her name. "Alright, alright. I'll say Stradivarius really quiet from now on." Hehe. Yea, after this point, from now on. But alas, she was distracted with talk of SUMMER! WOOOOT!
"I am..." Well, she was quite...revolted at the moment. WHAT!? Rae!??! Fletcher in their house!? "I'm going to be traveling around apparently." There was no way she was sharing a house with Champion dude. And she was soooo looking forward to being back in her room too. Fail! "Most importantly though, not think about school work, rules, and anything else related to those evil topics." Not when her OWL year was coming up and she was going to be stuck up in the dormitory or common room studying 24/7.
..."Rae, how long will Huffie Puff be staying?"
Yeah, Evelyn took it just as she thought she would... 'Traveling around' GAHH! That's not what she wanted to happen. "Evelyn.... No... He will do stuff, I'm making sure he's earning his way to be there, I just said I'll do all your half of the housework!" What else could she throw in the deal to make her come back... The books! The collection of books that Rae wouldn't let anyone touch because they were her father's favorite... Evelyn looked like she read every book in the house so far but those, then again she wasn't keeping track.. "You can have access to the rest of the books too... And... I'll uhh..." Shoot, what else could she do? "I'll buy you something nice too?" Rae was really unsure this would work, but she felt bad... It wasn't like Evelyn couldn't have anyone she wanted over.... That's it... "Invite Josh over!" Please work please work please work.
Errrr that one.. That was a question she couldn't answer... How long. "I... I don't know..." Rae felt defeated.. She didn't think there would be any good chance at winning this. "I can.. I can kick him out when you get back from Destiny's"
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors
Fade from everything, as winter stays...
Last edited by brelovesweasleys; 11-30-2010 at 06:00 AM.
Annabel walked along the small passage looking for an empty compartment. She bumped into a boy who looked slightly older than her. "Sorry" She walked around him and saw his face. "Are you ok?" She asked kindly. "You look a little sad."
"Yeah... I'll be okay. Just a little tired I guess."
*Tired, the best excuse in the world. Matthias turned to looking out the window. It was nice of her to ask but he was to zoned out to talk.*
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
"Kurumi",Fee waved happily,"glad to see you again before holidays start."
She ahd made soo many friends and Fee was happy to say good by to at leas some of them. Next term all of them were returning but still there were weeks of seperation between.
"Ohh a Slytherin cookie",she said stunned,"you are such a baking genius."
Fee admired Kurumi for that.She wished she would be as good as her friend when it came to cooking or baking.Fee was a totally mess in the kitchen.
"I actually caan",she admitted,"time passed sooo quickly."
It honestly didnt feel like a year,more than a few weeks and yet so many things had happend during this year. Fee had grown up a little and she was more independent.
"Ohh Rubies is coming with me to Germany and i am going to visit Rex at Jasons",she explained,"what about you?"
Fee wanted to see her boyfriend as well but if he didnt show up thex couldnt talk about it...
Fee certainly seemed a lot more cheerful than the last time they had really sat down to chat. Perhaps the events at the end of the year and the costume ball had something to do with it. Her and Edmond really did look like something out of one of her childhood fairy tale books as they danced. Meanwhile, Kurumi was in crisis having eaten a cake spiked with a growing solution.
"Adam will come visit me in Japan and I am planning on spending some time at his home, probably before the term starts so we can go to Diagon Alley together," she smiled. She hadn't really thought that much about the holiday outside of finally being able to talk with her brothers about magic and Hogwarts. That in itself was enough to make her want to burst. "Probably do some studying as well..." she admitted holding up her textbook and guidebook about studying for ones O.W.L.s.
Originally Posted by mellamaet
Cass then turned when she heard someone calling her. "Hey Kurumi!" She said happily as she waved back. Then she watched as a couple of cookies floated towards them. Cool.
"Yeah, I can't believe we made it!" Cass exclaimed as she took the floating cookie in her hand. Then she took a small bite of the delicious cookie while trying to recall what her plans for the summer were. "Uh. I think I'm supposed to meet my cousin's new victim - ah, I mean boyfriend." She said
"Victim?" Kurumi repeated hugging her book to her chest. Sometimes, Cass' joking tone went in one ear and out the other for Kurumi. "Is your cousin a...dark wizard?" She half whispered that last bit at the grip around her book tightened a bit more.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
"Oh hey its nuthin'..." he chuckled at the young Gryffindor, being all aww shucks about it. Then he saw the cookie she gave him. That got him to smile that made his eyes to crinkle up "Aww Kurumi thanks! This is awesome!" he said as he took the Slytherin cookie. "It looks too good to eat." he added as he carefully turned it over and back again. Its true, it looked more fitting in a glass case than in chunks down his gullet. "How'd you get to be so good at this? You got a special spell when you bake or something?" Because all her creations looks so awesome!
Was he...almost crying over her cookie? That would certainly have been a first, but also a little awkward to see a 4th year, now 5th year she supposed, crying over a cookie with a fondant snake on it. "You're welcome," she smiled back blushing a bit more.
"My mother taught me how to bake. It was probably the only thing she made me do that I actually enjoyed doing." Kurumi's mother had been overpowering and overprotective of her in more ways than one. From 3 hours daily piano lessons to forcing her to wear brown colored contacts to hide her violet eyes, Kurumi never felt real genuine joy with her mother outside of baking. Perhaps that is why she did it so much. It was the only time that she really felt connected with her mother.
"No magic," she said shaking her head and tossing her long ebony locks around a bit as she did. "I just can't bring myself to use magic when I bake even though I have studied it now. I grew up doing everything by hand...I guess doing it that way keeps me grounded..." If that made any sense. Nothing she had seen or done at Hogwarts seemed like something that would keep her grounded. Everything was some fantastic adventure that led her to different worlds and realities.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
"Yeah... I'll be okay. Just a little tired I guess."
*Tired, the best excuse in the world. Matthias turned to looking out the window. It was nice of her to ask but he was to zoned out to talk.*
"Well do you want to find a compartment?" She said as she found an empty compartment and went inside. "Do you want to come sit down?" She asked with a sweet smile.
"Yeah. I have to remember to pack before the end of the feast next term so I won't miss anything." Freya said. "Oh you did?" she asked. "I'm soooo glad that you already find someone Cass." she said smiling. She really hate seeing her sad.
Freya smiled when she saw Rex "Hullo. Rex. Long time no see." she said smiling. "Yeah same here." she nodded her head. "Did you have any plans for summer?" she asked.
" Well, good thing we saw each other today" Rex told Freya. " Well, let's see each other more bext term as it is my last term" Rex said to Freya. " I will be hanging out at Jason's" Rex smiled. " your plans?" Rex asked Freya.
Originally Posted by mellamaet
SPOILER!!: besties
Cass giggled as her besties discussed about her mystery guy. She made a mental note to tell her besties about the Pack spell. but for now she had to answer their unrelenting questions
"Well. Yeah, I met someone new." Cass said with a smile "I'll introduce you to him when we get back to London."
"Oh, yeah. i did"
"Well good for you" Rex told Cass. Rex did not understand why Cass would not answer the rest of his questions. Rex could not believe why Cass really did not talk to him hardly anymore." I need to talk to Fee" Rex said to Cass.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
Grayson wasn't really paying attention to where she was going, weaving between groups in the corridor of the train as she thought. She wasn't exactly happy with what had happened at the end of the term, with Ravenclaw and everything. Not to mention she hoped her uncle hadn't heard anything about what had happened at the costume ball. She couldn't figure out how he would hear anything, especially as she didn't think very many people who were even at the ball had noticed. Which she still thought was odd, too. Any way she looked at it, she needed either a distraction, or a quiet place to think over everything. And worry, which was sort of new for her. She didn't like the feeling.
Reaching up idly, she stroked Draco, around her neck like usual. She'd needed him there, even though she knew it was probably safer for him to be curled up in her school bag. At least something could break through her brooding. It wasn't working completely, however. She needed people to really get distracted.
Looking up from her textbook again, Takashi was probably going to harass her on how she probably should have been in Ravenclaw once she got home, she saw Grayson enter the compartment. Jumping to her feet, Kurumi began bowing over and over again like one of those bird things that dunks its head in water to a steady rhythm. "Thank you thank you thank you," she repeated over and over again. She never really did get the chance to show just how grateful she was that the Ravenclaw girl had saved her from being Kurumizilla for the rest of her life. "Please take this cookie as a sign of my appreciation!"
SPOILER!!: Ravenclaw cookie!
She thrust the cookie on a white napkin at Grayson.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
lol *huggles Steely* More terrified, sad Grayson, but yeah.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
He turned and nearly bumped into another blond. "Hey Grayson!" he greeted his Ravenclaw friend. He eyed the creature around her neck dumbfoundedly. "Whats that?" has she always had that creature around her? First time he's seen it. Who knew she had a thing for little critters?
Grayson had finally noticed an empty compartment, and after taking a breath, she'd decided to go lay claim to it before anyone else did. At least then she'd have somewhere to be by herself to deal with this new worrying thing that was annoying her so much. But it seemed the powers that be wanted her to go a different direction, and next thing she knew her skillful weaving between the other students was interrupted by someone turning and nearly colliding with her. One hand going up to her neck again to make sure Draco was safe, she half expected to see a familiar Hufflepuff standing there, as Demarcus always seemed to want to collide with her. But when she looked up, she realized it was Salander, and had to try not to giggle at how far she'd been off. At least it had helped dispel the icky feeling in the pit of her stomach.
"Hey Salander," she returned his greeting. "So seems like your first term at Hogwarts went pretty well." At least, nobody got really badly hurt, or worse. She hadn't actually witnessed any of those things before at school, but she knew the history. And if her parents hadn't homeschooled her for two years, she probably would have actually experienced some of the stories. But her thoughts faded as she noticed his dumbfounded expression, and she realized he was looking at Draco. At which point she did giggle, while she felt the ferret duck behind her hair. "That's Draco. My pet ferret. He was usually in my bag at school, but sometimes he likes being out," she explained. He'd been around her neck at least once during the term, too, when Danika had seen him. Not to mention when Professor Carlton had confiscated him during Charms class.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Looking up from her textbook again, Takashi was probably going to harass her on how she probably should have been in Ravenclaw once she got home, she saw Grayson enter the compartment. Jumping to her feet, Kurumi began bowing over and over again like one of those bird things that dunks its head in water to a steady rhythm. "Thank you thank you thank you," she repeated over and over again. She never really did get the chance to show just how grateful she was that the Ravenclaw girl had saved her from being Kurumizilla for the rest of her life. "Please take this cookie as a sign of my appreciation!"
SPOILER!!: Ravenclaw cookie!
She thrust the cookie on a white napkin at Grayson.
Next thing she knew, she was being almost manically bowed to, and she turned to see Kurumi, eyes widening at the oddness of the situation. The little Gryffie really needed to stop that, or she was going to start feeling guilty again. Since she knew Kurumi didn't know she was the reason she'd been giant-fied in the first place. But she wasn't about to confess now. "Um, you're welcome?," she said tentatively, eyes still wide as she watched the bobbing. But as she saw the cookie that was being thrust towards her, she grinned. Oooh, cookie, she thought, before taking it carefully.
"Thank you. It almost looks too awesome to eat," she said to the younger girl. It was too bad cookies usually got all icky if they were kept too long. Maybe she could find a spell or something to be able to keep it forever. After the train, if she could manage to hold back from nomming it that long.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Last edited by SilverTiger; 11-30-2010 at 08:56 AM.
Reason: editing respose in to Kurumi. ^_^
"Victim?" Kurumi repeated hugging her book to her chest. Sometimes, Cass' joking tone went in one ear and out the other for Kurumi. "Is your cousin a...dark wizard?" She half whispered that last bit at the grip around her book tightened a bit more.
Cass sighed softly. Was Lyra a dark witch? Well, she certainly dabbled in the dark arts, but she most certainly wasn't evil.
"Uh, no. I meant boyfriend." Cass said with an awkward smile "Its just that, sh being from Beubaxton's and everything, already has a number of past boyfriends that she managed to twist around those well-manicured fingers of hers" She explained.
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley
"Well good for you" Rex told Cass. Rex did not understand why Cass would not answer the rest of his questions. Rex could not believe why Cass really did not talk to him hardly anymore." I need to talk to Fee" Rex said to Cass.
Cass was perplexed as she watched Rex turn away from her. When did he get so cold? It saddened her to see a friend of hers act that was towards her. But there really was nothing she could do. "Uh. Ok then. Have fun."
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by mellamaet
Cass sighed softly. Was Lyra a dark witch? Well, she certainly dabbled in the dark arts, but she most certainly wasn't evil.
"Uh, no. I meant boyfriend." Cass said with an awkward smile "Its just that, sh being from Beubaxton's and everything, already has a number of past boyfriends that she managed to twist around those well-manicured fingers of hers" She explained.
Kurumi breathed a huge sigh of relief. "I think I understand now," she said with an awkward smile. She was really going to have to work on not taking everything so literally.
Leaning her hands on her knees and resting her chin in them, she looked out the window at the country side that was now speeding by. How much longer until the magic ended? She had come to regret not talking to the other school's students this term, but not many of them really seemed all that interested in talking with first years. Then again, they were all 7th years and had come to Hogwarts to compete.
"I wonder what Beubaxton is like..." she said aloud. She had heard from more than a few people that they were a bunch of snobs. She really should have taken the opportunity to talk with some of those students more.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Cass giggled as her besties discussed about her mystery guy. SProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
made a mental note to tell her besties about the Pack spell. but for now she had to answer their unrelenting questions
"Well. Yeah, I met someone new." Cass said with a smile "I'll introduce you to him when we get back to London."
"Ohhhh..you did?" Freya asked exciting. "Where did you guys meet?" she asked. "Yeah you definitely should introduce us to this mystery guy of yours." she said giggling.
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley
" Well, good thing we saw each other today" Rex told Freya. " Well, let's see each other more bext term as it is my last term" Rex said to Freya. " I will be hanging out at Jason's" Rex smiled. " your plans?" Rex asked Freya.
"Yeah that definitely a great idea." she nodded her head. "Oh yeah. I totally forget that you're a sixth year and next year you would be a seventh year." she said. "Are you looking forward to your last year?" she asked. "Hmm.. I'm going to spend my summer with my grandparents in Italy." she said smiling.
" Finding you will always be easy" Rex told Fee. " Yes, it is great we can hang together on the trian ride back home" Rex said to Fee. "Well, I will not be the oldest this timme" Rex laughed. " I knre you would like hanging out with boys on the holidays until Victoria comes over" Rex explained to Fee.
"For you maybe",Fee smiled.
She would never even try to hide from Rex.The time with him was too precious.
"Yeah i know its sooo unfair",she pouted a little,"i am always the youngest. Noooot cool."
What a pity no ageing potion would help her with that. Mann she wished she was older. Fee would complain about it to her parents later.
"Right i dont mind being the only girl",she winked,"but excited to see Victoria as well."
Rex' sister was cool and LFee was sur tey would have loads of fun together.
Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass
"Yeah. I have to remember to pack before the end of the feast next term so I won't miss anything." Freya said. "Oh you did?" she asked. "I'm soooo glad that you already find someone Cass." she said smiling. She really hate seeing her sad.
"Yeahh i will help you with that",Fee giggled.
The girls could pack their stuff together.That way they would be leaving together. Hah what a fantastic plan.Hehe.
"Yeahh its pretty exciting that Cass did isnt it?",she wiggled her eyebrows.
How come Fee and Freya didnt know?!
Originally Posted by mellamaet
Cass giggled as her besties discussed about her mystery guy. SProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
made a mental note to tell her besties about the Pack spell. but for now she had to answer their unrelenting questions
"Well. Yeah, I met someone new." Cass said with a smile "I'll introduce you to him when we get back to London."
"Oh oh ohhhhhhh",Fee wiggled her eyebrows excitedly,"whats his name? How does he look like? Where did you meet?"
She wanted to know eversthing abitu that guy. Hopefully she wouldnt get hurt again.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Fee certainly seemed a lot more cheerful than the last time they had really sat down to chat. Perhaps the events at the end of the year and the costume ball had something to do with it. Her and Edmond really did look like something out of one of her childhood fairy tale books as they danced. Meanwhile, Kurumi was in crisis having eaten a cake spiked with a growing solution.
"Adam will come visit me in Japan and I am planning on spending some time at his home, probably before the term starts so we can go to Diagon Alley together," she smiled. She hadn't really thought that much about the holiday outside of finally being able to talk with her brothers about magic and Hogwarts. That in itself was enough to make her want to burst. "Probably do some studying as well..." she admitted holding up her textbook and guidebook about studying for ones O.W.L.s.
"Ohh Adam will visit you in Japan?",Fee said excitedly,"wow thats soo cool."
She had always wanted to go see the world and Japan seemed like such a cool country with all the culture and stuff. "Maybe we could meet up in Diagon Alley and get all our school stuff together",she suggested,"if you want."
They would have so much fun together but Fee would understand if Kurumi and Adam wanted some alone time. And once again that remembered her of Edmond, she hadnt seen him in almost a month and she was really scared that he was sick of her.
"Yeah studying is the only part i dont like about Hogwarts",she laughed a little,"seeing how much all the O.W.L and N.E.W.T students have to study it really scares me."
Fee had already needed to study sooo much for the first year exams oh man, why did school have to have a bad aspect? Couldnt it just be fun?!
"Oh my goodness. I thought i was the only one who only knew huffies and snakes." she said. It was like the ravenclaws and gryffies went into hiding or something. "I'm hoping there are a lot more Huffies next sorting because there is no way we are ever going to beat slytherin without more people.' she said with a small sigh. She still was a little disappointed that the slythies had won the house cup but not as much as she first was because they did have the Triwizard Champion. She laughed with Emm. "well Im sure we'll come up with someway to discourage her. But she's really a miniture version of me so she should be a huffie anyway.' she said happily.
"well this is what Halt and Keegan are for. we can definetly owl each other for the dates.' she said with a nod of her head. She was sure the two were going to be able to visit. Her parents are very persuasive when they want to be.
"Yeah It would have been a same. I was afraid that i wasnt going to find anyone in time and i was going to spend the summer alone without any contact from the wizarding world." she said honestly. The thought made her shiver. "Umm... I dont really have any set particular plans. I really just plan to spend as much time with my family since i missed them so much. and if it's alright with em parents we plan on visiting each other during the summer." she added. "How about you?"
"Yeah a shame" she said " plans not really I guess what ever happens, happens. I now we plan on going back to New york for alittle while but i dont know when."
Cass giggled as her besties discussed about her mystery guy. SProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
made a mental note to tell her besties about the Pack spell. but for now she had to answer their unrelenting questions
"Well. Yeah, I met someone new." Cass said with a smile "I'll introduce you to him when we get back to London."
"Oh, yeah. I did" Cass said with a smile "He's going to transfer to Hogwarts next term"
"Well, I am surprised you did not meet him at HogWarts" Rex told Cass. "So you were holding out on your friends?" Rex asked her laughing. " Hopefull I will get to meet yoru boyfriend" Rex said to Cass.
Originally Posted by mellamaet
Cass sighed softly. Was Lyra a dark witch? Well, she certainly dabbled in the dark arts, but she most certainly wasn't evil.
"Uh, no. I meant boyfriend." Cass said with an awkward smile "Its just that, sh being from Beubaxton's and everything, already has a number of past boyfriends that she managed to twist around those well-manicured fingers of hers" She explained.
Cass was perplexed as she watched Rex turn away from her. When did he get so cold? It saddened her to see a friend of hers act that was towards her. But there really was nothing she could do. "Uh. Ok then. Have fun."
" I just had to ask something of Fee" Rex told Cass. " She will be here later" Rex said to Cass. " I am sorry but I thought we were not friends anymore because you have really ignored me the last few times I have seen you" rex explained to Cass. " I know we are good friends, but I had lots of things on my mind" Rex sighed.
Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass
"Ohhhh..you did?" Freya asked exciting. "Where did you guys meet?" she asked. "Yeah you definitely should introduce us to this mystery guy of yours." she said giggling.
"Yeah that definitely a great idea." she nodded her head. "Oh yeah. I totally forget that you're a sixth year and next year you would be a seventh year." she said. "Are you looking forward to your last year?" she asked. "Hmm.. I'm going to spend my summer with my grandparents in Italy." she said smiling.
" I like spending time with my friends" Rex told Freya. " Yes and no about looking to my seventh year" Rex said to Freya. " I want to graduate but I will miss you, Cass, Fee, Victoria, Joey and the rest of my friends who are not graduating" Rex explained to Freya. " Italy is great" Rex smiled.
Originally Posted by MissFeenella
"For you maybe",Fee smiled.
She would never even try to hide from Rex.The time with him was too precious.
"Yeah i know its sooo unfair",she pouted a little,"i am always the youngest. Noooot cool."
What a pity no ageing potion would help her with that. Mann she wished she was older. Fee would complain about it to her parents later.
"Right i dont mind being the only girl",she winked,"but excited to see Victoria as well."
Rex' sister was cool and LFee was sur tey would have loads of fun together.
"Yeahh i will help you with that",Fee giggled.
The girls could pack their stuff together.That way they would be leaving together. Hah what a fantastic plan.Hehe.
"Yeahh its pretty exciting that Cass did isnt it?",she wiggled her eyebrows.
How come Fee and Freya didnt know?!
"Oh oh ohhhhhhh",Fee wiggled her eyebrows excitedly,"whats his name? How does he look like? Where did you meet?"
She wanted to know eversthing abitu that guy. Hopefully she wouldnt get hurt again.
"Ohh Adam will visit you in Japan?",Fee said excitedly,"wow thats soo cool."
She had always wanted to go see the world and Japan seemed like such a cool country with all the culture and stuff. "Maybe we could meet up in Diagon Alley and get all our school stuff together",she suggested,"if you want."
They would have so much fun together but Fee would understand if Kurumi and Adam wanted some alone time. And once again that remembered her of Edmond, she hadnt seen him in almost a month and she was really scared that he was sick of her.
"Yeah studying is the only part i dont like about Hogwarts",she laughed a little,"seeing how much all the O.W.L and N.E.W.T students have to study it really scares me."
Fee had already needed to study sooo much for the first year exams oh man, why did school have to have a bad aspect? Couldnt it just be fun?!
"We will never lose touch" Rex told Fee. " You may be young but you are very mature for now a 12 yeard old" Rex said to Fee. " you just want Jason and I to pamper you like a young lady" Rex laughed.