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The Kitchen and Hufflepuff Common Room are accessed via the staircase to the right of the main staircase in the Entrance Hall. You follow along a bright corridor adorned with paintings, the most notable of which is the still life of a bowl of fruit (with a particularly ticklish pear). Kte
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Startled at Marie's outburst, Mia jumped back a little and almost lost her footing. She flung her hand out against the wall to support herself. When she had managed to recover herself, she couldn't help but grin.
"Oh yeah." She said her eyes rolling upwards and the hand not holding onto the wall went to her hair. "I was practicing a levitation charm. But it obviously went wrong."
Looking back at Marie, Mia shrugged her shoulders. "I'm lucky it wasn't worse. I usually end up setting things on fire." This would have to be a first that she hadn't managed to set something on fire. Thank god.
"So you down here for a bit of a snack?" It appeared that the kitchens were a rather busy place.
Oh crap, Marie had done it again, she had scared the girl and now she was going to fall... again, or not.
Phew, she caught herself before going down.
"Umm, were you trying to levitate your hair off your head or what?" she asked. Because clearly she had almost succeeded. "Why don't you reverse the charm and make your hair go down?" Unless she liked her new look.
FIRE!? The girl sets things on fire? Holy crow, is she related to LaFlame? "You haven't set anything on fire since you've been here have you?"Like anyones head Marie would have to remember to stay away from Mia when she had her wand out. She did NOT want to become a crispy critter any time soon.
"Yeah, a snack or something like that." she said. "I don't feel like eating in the Great Hall. I don't want to run into someone." she said. Well actually she wanted to run into him, she just didn't want to have to go through the disappointment if him not wanting to talk to her again. Once this week was enough for her.
Oh crap, Marie had done it again, she had scared the girl and now she was going to fall... again, or not.
Phew, she caught herself before going down.
"Umm, were you trying to levitate your hair off your head or what?" she asked. Because clearly she had almost succeeded. "Why don't you reverse the charm and make your hair go down?" Unless she liked her new look.
FIRE!? The girl sets things on fire? Holy crow, is she related to LaFlame? "You haven't set anything on fire since you've been here have you?"Like anyones head Marie would have to remember to stay away from Mia when she had her wand out. She did NOT want to become a crispy critter any time soon.
"Yeah, a snack or something like that." she said. "I don't feel like eating in the Great Hall. I don't want to run into someone." she said. Well actually she wanted to run into him, she just didn't want to have to go through the disappointment if him not wanting to talk to her again. Once this week was enough for her.
"So, you want to come in with me?"
Funny that Marie should mention that, because that's exactly what Mia had been trying to do. Not exactly trying to levitate off her head though, she just wanted to make it float a little. But now it seemed to be permanently stuck in the air.
"Well I would reverse it, if I knew how to." It had been a miracle that she had managed to get the charm to work as it was. Even if it hadn't gone quite as planned.
Mia had to think about that for a moment. Had she set anything on fire since being at school? And to her pleasant surprise she realised that she hadn't. "Nope. I've managed to keep the fire under control." She giggled a little as Marie moved away from her and it reminded her of Carter doing the same thing.
Stepping a little closer to the girl, thankful that they seemed to be getting on better than their last encounter, Mia gave her a curious look. "Who are you trying to avoid?" She asked and then nodded her head in answer to Marie's question about going into the kitchen with her.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Funny that Marie should mention that, because that's exactly what Mia had been trying to do. Not exactly trying to levitate off her head though, she just wanted to make it float a little. But now it seemed to be permanently stuck in the air.
"Well I would reverse it, if I knew how to." It had been a miracle that she had managed to get the charm to work as it was. Even if it hadn't gone quite as planned.
Mia had to think about that for a moment. Had she set anything on fire since being at school? And to her pleasant surprise she realised that she hadn't. "Nope. I've managed to keep the fire under control." She giggled a little as Marie moved away from her and it reminded her of Carter doing the same thing.
Stepping a little closer to the girl, thankful that they seemed to be getting on better than their last encounter, Mia gave her a curious look. "Who are you trying to avoid?" She asked and then nodded her head in answer to Marie's question about going into the kitchen with her.
Marie took out her wand and pointed it at Mia's head, not even thinking that she should probably warn the girl what she was about to do. "Finite!" she said. "That should work," she said as she waited to see Mia's hair fall. "If ever you don't know how to reverse a spell you can always just try ending it with finite."
Marie felt a little relieved when Mia said she hadn't set anything on fire while at school. "Well that's good." She still made a mental note to stay clear of her wand when she had it out.
"Oh, um, my boyfr... I mean... Carter." she said. She couldn't very well call him her boyfriend anymore, after all he did break up with her and he was avoiding her now. That is unless he needed to use her to get away from someone like those French students.
Stepping through the portrait opening into the kitchen she looked back at Mia. "Come on, let's get some food." Before she lost her appetite again.
This was Puff territory, right? Right? They lived on this level. Their common room had been flooded out after Slytherin's. The prefect, his badge missing from the front of his sweatshirt, wandered down the corridor, hands in his pockets as he kept his eyes focused ahead.
Shouldn't be hard to spot the Glitterpuff, should he make an appearance. And when he did... well. He'd been delivering a message for a girl, right? Raiden would deliver his own message. Personally.
Inside the sweatshirt pocket, his fingers worked themselves, absently stretching out and then curling back into fists.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Tossing an apple up in the air and catching it, Fletcher stretched his long legs out of the portrait of a fruit bowl and into the corridor. He took a big bite out of the red, juicy apple and chewed noisily, waving back at the elves as he left the kitchen. "THANKS GUYS!" he called out cheerfully, happily fed and watered now.
Hum de dum de dum. The boy strolled casually toward his common room, thinking longingly of the plush couch that would be waiting for him when he got there. Mmm yeah. Nothing like a snack followed by nap time.
He paid no attention to anyone else in the warm hallway. It was just Fletcher and his deeelishus apple.
Chomp. Chomp. Chomp.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
...speak of devils, and they were sure to appear before you.
Raiden paused when the portrait into the kitchen opened, watching as first one leg appeared, then part of a torso, and the rest of the body followed. It was the one he'd come here looking for. Face expressionless, his fingers tightened in his pocket, and he took a step or two closer, keeping a decent space between them.
"Fletcher." His voice was even, untainted by the tones of anger or upset. Of course he would call the guy's name instead of just throwing his punch. He wasn't about to hit the guy when he wasn't looking. He wanted him to see it coming.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Hand almost to mouth, apple in hand, mouth open, Fletcher stopped in his tracks and raised one brow.
Well well well. Look who had come worming out of the woodwork. It wasn't that he had any particular problem with the Prefect, as far as Fletcher knew, but he did have a problem with his tone right there.
"Yeah? Whut?"
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
With quick steps, Raiden closed the space between them, right hand shaking from his sweatshirt pocket and pulling back before he launched his fist directly into Fletcher's eye. The force the young man put behind it guaranteed that it would hurt like hell. Which was good. That was what he wanted.
"You hit my friend. Don't do it again."
The calmness of his voice as he spoke might have been a bit frightening to some.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
And BOOOOOOOOOOOOM there it was.
Fletcher's eyes just had a moment to widen and register the fact that Raiden, that quiet Slytherin Prefect kid with whom he had almost never spoken, had just launched a fist into his eye socket. It was the weirdest feeling in the world, watching that clenched hand come zooming into his face.
Not that such a thing hadn't happened before, but never yet at Hogwarts at least.
Stumbling at the sheer force and shock of the blow, Fletcher's apple went rolling out of his hand and he staggered toward the wall.
Oh hellz no he wasn't getting away with that. "Who the hell is your FRIEND?!" Fletcher spat, leaning against the wall with one hand and covering his injured eye with the other. He eyed Raiden like a cyclops, then growled and pushed off the wall, launching himself toward the Prefect in a full-on tackle, fists ready to pummel him to pieces.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
The thing about being tackled was... well Raiden was pretty sure he'd only been tackled by girls before. And since he was a lot more solid now, he usually didn't get knocked down.
Unfortunately... it didn't seem like Fletcher was that much of a girl. So when he launched himself at Raiden, the young man's eyes went wide as he was lifted off his feet and fell backward.
To the stone floor. As Fletcher's fists swung ridiculously at him. And one might have caught him in the face.
He slid a foot or two after contact with the floor, one hand immediately gripping onto Fletcher's shirt as he let out a grunt of either annoyance or pain. He wasn't too sure yet.
"Kellen Stern. You made a habit of going around punching people in the face here, Fletcher?"
Raiden swung at him again, several times, while using his other arm to try and fend off any blows Fletcher was attempting to get in. GET. OFF.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
GRRRRRRR this was NOT about that STUPID STERN...... AGAIN?! For the love of Merlin's pink pygmy puff........!
"He was too wimpy to take me on himself?" he grunted, trying to smash Raiden's face with as much strength as he could muster. Fletcher was partially kneeling on the other guy, his fists swinging wildly at his face.
FOCUS your power, boy. Aim for one big target. Fletcher was just... so suddenly fired up... he just wanted to break Raiden. All of him. And his face. Especially his stupid, perfect, fangirl-loving NOSE.
"HMMPFFFFFF." One right-hook to the nose and Fletcher's knuckles were stinging. He heard a satisfying crack sound and grinned gleefully.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
"Not-" Raiden flinched backwards, narrowly avoiding taking a fist to his own eye, "He's too civil to hit you back, you prat."
Unlike Raiden who, when angered enough, would probably walk up to an erumphent and punch it in the face.
"Sonofadugbog," he yelped, the words all running into each other as Fletcher's fist connected with his nose. Something, somewhere, did not feel quite pleasant anymore, and he could feel the nosebleed starting already. Damnit. This was not meant to happen.
Coughing, sending a little blood from his nose spraying toward the Puff's face, Raiden swung his left arm wide at the idiot's jaw in an attempt to get him off, at the same time grabbing the front of Fletcher's shirt and jerking him, hopefully, into the hit. Being pinned to the floor like this brought back bad memories.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
"Yeah RIGHT. I wasn't born yesterday, you minion." Fletcher shook out his hand and was about to go back for another blow when he saw Raiden's bloodied face.
OHHHHHSNAP. That was a success. He was so pleased with himself he didn't see the hit to the jaw coming, and was thus sprayed with a fine mist of blood as his head turned toward the side.
"YOU legggggo!" he hollered, already feeling the pain seep up from this chin to his teeth. He dug his knee into Raiden's torso in revolt and started pummeling his cheek as best his could.
The eye that started this thing was starting to swell though, and making it harder to see....
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Whatever. WHAT. EVER. DUNCAN. Raiden wasn't about to bother with semantics. He was far from a minion to anyone. Raiden was the anti-minion. He just cared too damn much about his friends to let people go around hitting them for idiotic reasons.
Unfortunately, the blow didn't seem to help in dislodging the idiot straddling him; actually, when he felt the knees tighten around his torso, he groaned. Why were imbeciles so resilient?
One arm up to fend off a least a few of Fletcher's now rather wild swings, Raiden jerked his body to the left; if they were gonna play on the floor, he was at least entitled to be the one with the advantage. Wincing as a fist connected with his cheek several times, he jerked his hips and torso again, twisting his legs over.
Flip him. Yup. All the while, he was swinging wildly as well, trying to get a few hits in on Fletcher to compensate for his own damage.
This was gonna take sooooo much bruise paste to fix.
Fletcher scrunched up his swollen, injured eye and continued flailing at Raiden. What was he THINKING? Attacking the GlitterPuff. Pfffffft. You had to be just as stupid or even more stupiderer to get away with attacking Duncan Mundungus Fletcher III.
He was still flailing when he found himself rolling around in one of those comical brawls with Raiden, and then he was suddenly on the floor with the seventh year looming over him. And yes, the attacks continued.
"AIYEEEEE!" Fletcher screamed, now enlisting his legs in an attempt to kick the prefect off. He went for the eyes, with his nails, which were.... admittedly very short and definitely filthy.
All the better if he got an infection in it.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
As preferable as this was to being stuck on his back and at the mercy of the idiot's fists... fingernails? Even short, he felt one gash just under his eye and he flinched backwards, sending an angry punch at Fletcher's eye. AGAIN.
"You-" Ugh. This was enough. ENOUGH. He'd done what he'd wanted, and taken his own hits in payment for it. The prefect grabbed one of Fletcher's wrists, pushing the arm to the floor, and swatted the other one away as he pushed himself up and off of the Dumbpuff. "Enough."
He may have aimed a soft kick at Fletcher's legs, though. They'd almost knocked him down when he'd stumbled backwards toward the way he'd come down, putting space between him and the flailing idiot. One hand touched to his nose, wiping blood off as he warily watched to see if Fletcher would get up and continue the fight.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
His eye definitely leaking some sort of yellowy pus now, Fletcher was still aiming a kick or two at Raiden even as he felt the other boy backing away.
"Yeah thaaaasss right, run offfff to yo mummmmmeh," he slurred through his (probably) half-broken jaw. "SISSY."
He let his head drop back to the floor of the corridor and just laid there for a moment, thinking the prefect had gone. After a few seconds of rest, Fletcher leaned up on one sore arm and managed to squint and see the Prefect still hovering there. What was he waiting for, Fletcher's birthday Christmas?!!
The Hufflepuff let out a long stream of curses and used the wall as a support to struggle to his feet. Saying nothing, the boy glaaaaared death rays at Raiden and then squeezed his mouth together, summing up a great big old spitwad.
PFFFFFFOOOOOOIIEEEEE. The glob of white slime landed on Raiden's shoe and stuck.
And now Fletcher was done. He turned his back to the immature Prefect and limped on down the corridor to his common room, still leaning against the wall as he slouched away.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
While he was apparently a violent person at some times... Raiden wasn't one to rise to taunts, especially when he'd already separated himself from the idiot. So, leaning against the wall, left hand gingerly touching the now tender spots on his cheek, he ignored the calls of sissy and running to his mum.
Fletcher was lucky. Raiden could have easily beaten on him a bit more, considering he was lying on the floor.
The spit, however, very nearly broke his resolve. Eyes on the other boy, the rare glimpse of anger visible in them, he very quietly flicked his wand from the holster and cleared the spit off his shoe. Fingers tightened around the wand, and he was sorely tempted to cast some horrible jinx, but Fletcher's back was turned and he wouldn't hit him like that.
One never attacked from behind, no matter how angry they were.
Wobbling slightly, feeling the ache all over from having hit the floor and taken a few staggering blows, the prefect turned and moved toward his common room. If anyone tried to stop him to inquire about the blood on his face, the split lip, or the shininess that was already starting on his cheekbone, he'd ignore them completely.
While he was apparently a violent person at some times... Raiden wasn't one to rise to taunts, especially when he'd already separated himself from the idiot. So, leaning against the wall, left hand gingerly touching the now tender spots on his cheek, he ignored the calls of sissy and running to his mum.
Fletcher was lucky. Raiden could have easily beaten on him a bit more, considering he was lying on the floor.
The spit, however, very nearly broke his resolve. Eyes on the other boy, the rare glimpse of anger visible in them, he very quietly flicked his wand from the holster and cleared the spit off his shoe. Fingers tightened around the wand, and he was sorely tempted to cast some horrible jinx, but Fletcher's back was turned and he wouldn't hit him like that.
One never attacked from behind, no matter how angry they were.
Wobbling slightly, feeling the ache all over from having hit the floor and taken a few staggering blows, the prefect turned and moved toward his common room. If anyone tried to stop him to inquire about the blood on his face, the split lip, or the shininess that was already starting on his cheekbone, he'd ignore them completely.
Mission. Fracking. Accomplished.
Despite not being particularly hungry, Kellen's idea for some sort of snack had appealed to him enough to at least entice him to explore the food supplies. Crackers and cheese for some reason were starting to interest him. And it would be good to simply spend some light hearted time with his friend, rather than discussing all the stress of the year.
Heading to the kitchen with Stern, he couldn't help but think about everything that was rushing forward. However, it didn't catch his attention as much as a rather startling bloody and bruising Slytherin Prefect stalking down the hall did. Stopping dead in his tracks for a moment, he blinked at Raiden then Kellen and then back at Raiden, worry setting his feet towards the seventh year instantly. "Raiden?!" What in all of Merlin's beard?
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
While he was apparently a violent person at some times... Raiden wasn't one to rise to taunts, especially when he'd already separated himself from the idiot. So, leaning against the wall, left hand gingerly touching the now tender spots on his cheek, he ignored the calls of sissy and running to his mum.
Fletcher was lucky. Raiden could have easily beaten on him a bit more, considering he was lying on the floor.
The spit, however, very nearly broke his resolve. Eyes on the other boy, the rare glimpse of anger visible in them, he very quietly flicked his wand from the holster and cleared the spit off his shoe. Fingers tightened around the wand, and he was sorely tempted to cast some horrible jinx, but Fletcher's back was turned and he wouldn't hit him like that.
One never attacked from behind, no matter how angry they were.
Wobbling slightly, feeling the ache all over from having hit the floor and taken a few staggering blows, the prefect turned and moved toward his common room. If anyone tried to stop him to inquire about the blood on his face, the split lip, or the shininess that was already starting on his cheekbone, he'd ignore them completely.
Mission. Fracking. Accomplished.
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
Despite not being particularly hungry, Kellen's idea for some sort of snack had appealed to him enough to at least entice him to explore the food supplies. Crackers and cheese for some reason were starting to interest him. And it would be good to simply spend some light hearted time with his friend, rather than discussing all the stress of the year.
Heading to the kitchen with Stern, he couldn't help but think about everything that was rushing forward. However, it didn't catch his attention as much as a rather startling bloody and bruising Slytherin Prefect stalking down the hall did. Stopping dead in his tracks for a moment, he blinked at Raiden then Kellen and then back at Raiden, worry setting his feet towards the seventh year instantly. "Raiden?!" What in all of Merlin's beard?
Sabel could have and keep his crackers and cheese. Kellen was making a beeline for the celery and spreading Cheese Whiz all over it. It was the simple things in life, he found, that often provided the most bliss. That, and Sabel was being smile-y for once without Kellen having to near-suffocate him with a hanky or shoot paint at him first. Definite plus.
He probably should have spotted Raiden at the same time as Sabel, but he was momentarily distracted by an apple with a single bite out of it, lying against the wall. That was just wasteful, it didn't even look bruised or old. And then Sabel gave his startled shout, Kellen looked up, and honestly the first thing he thought was 'oh great, Sabel's going to be miserable again'. Perhaps not the most charitable of thoughts, but at least he kept it to himself as he followed after his friend.
Ugh. He hadn't made it to his common room before people stopped him. Eyes resolutely set on the floor, he was determined to merely step around the feet before him and continue on his way; while he'd wiped a fair amount of the blood from his face, he was still bleeding from his nose pretty freely. Probably looked a worse mess than he was.
Merlin, why did it have to be Sabel and Kellen? The prefect's eyes flicked up at them and he paused, leaning against the wall. His arm was still in front of his face, sleeve pressed against his pain-riddled nose to catch the blood. Who cared if it would stain the shirt. It wasn't like he didn't have more, and it wouldn't be the first time Hogwarts had led to the ruin of his clothing.
"'m fine. 's worse than it looks."
Fletcher had just been dirty and scratched him, on top of splitting his lip and busting his nose. Raiden was glad he'd gotten two heavy hits in on the guy's eye and possibly cracked his jaw. He was clearly ahead in the injury report.
"Fine?" Sabel nearly gawked at the Prefect as he moved up in front of him. Most injuries seemed to be to the boy's face, which hopefully hadn't resulted in a concussion. The most concerning though, was the blood running from his nose. That he didn't like. It reminded him of...
"If this is fine, I think we are all gonna need to start carrying around Tide Bleach sticks in our pockets." Reaching up, he gently but firmly placed his hand on Raiden's forearm, peering at him. "Let us see?" So we would know how to help. Why this happened, was a bit of a second concern at the moment, though none the less angering. Whoever had taken what looked like a buldger to Raiden's face, had a lot of nerve and a lot more cowardice.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
"It's worse than it looks?" Kellen frowned, getting a little closer to the bloody mess that was his friend than he would have done otherwise. It looked pretty terrible, how exactly could it be worse? Were there breakages somewhere? Somewhere in the nasal area?
His stomach gave a very inappropriate grumble, and he tapped it with a fist to make it quiet down. Celery and gloriously spreadable cheese would have to wait. But... well, if Kellen was an occasional caregiver, Sabel was the Omega Nurse, so he just stood back and let the Gryffindor do the examination.
"You know what I meant, Stern," Raiden murmured irritably, taking a step back away from Sabel's hand and leaning against the wall. He hadn't forgotten that out of his group of friends, he was the primary caregiver. "'s not so bad, really."
...what was Sabel talking about?
"A what stick?" Whatever. Whaaaatever. Raiden waved that off, sliding down the wall til he was sitting on the floor. With these two here, Duncan wouldn't likely come running up the hall with intent to tackle again.
Ow. His back hurt.
"'m okay, really. Just... got into a bit of a fight."
Flicking his wrist, his wand popped into his hand, and he pointed it at the bridge of his nose, letting his left arm fall down; the blood was all over his sleeve, and still spotted his face. Even then, a trickle of it started from his nostrils a moment after he removed the pressure.
"Think he may have broken my damn nose..." Fair pay for him doing up his jaw. Staring at the tip of his wand, he sighed. He... was not sure about doing this to himself. He'd never used Episkey on his face before... "Bloody... monstrous Hufflepuff. Hope his jaw swells his head into a watermelon."
Turning the wand away, he flicked it, and a small white cloth appeared. He replaced his arm with this, and leaned his head back against the wall.
"Worse than....wait what?" Sabel's eyes flicked from the attentive Ravenclaw to the avoiding Slytherin, watching as Raiden slid down the wall and...pointed his wand at himself. Okay, bad idea, but thankfully he was not a Gryffie.
Squatting in front of his friend, he frowned at the mention of a fight, drawing his wand out. "Since when do you get into fights, Raiden? Especially with Hufflepuffs?" He didn't even know Hufflepuffs could hit so hard. Enough to break a nose too. Golly.
"May I...fix it for you, Raiden." It wasn't so much as asking asking, but warning that it was his full intent to do so. "Or if you prefer Kellen to do it..." It was really hard to tell what the Slytherin was thinking, besides wanting some alone time.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.