-   Term 26: August - November 2010 (
-   -   History of Magic II (

DH Vixen 10-14-2010 05:45 PM

History of Magic II
As the students walk into the classroom, they will notice that the desks are pushed back slightly to the outskirts of the room making room for a little bit more of a comfortable seating area. Cushions and pillows are scatted around for them to sit on. To the front of the classroom, a small table with three empty plates is set up and just behind it the blackboard.

Written upon the board is a message:

Originally Posted by The blackboard
Please take a seat. You can sit at a desk or on the floor, whichever pleases you more. Get comfy for we will be talking about history and maybe touch upon its mystery. The lesson will be starting shortly.

To side of the room, Professor Welton is a thumbing through a small book. What could she be possible looking up? Perhaps only time will tell.

OOC: Class has begun. Please don't announce your late arrival. Just act as if you were present the whole time.

Canoir Greengrass 10-15-2010 04:29 AM

Freya walked towards the History Of Magic classroom. She pushed the door opened and saw the class still empty. She's the first student who gets here?Weird. She noticed that the desks are pushed back slightly to the outskirts of the room. She saw Professor Welton thumbing through a small book "Hello Professor." she greeted her Professor. She looked at the blackboard it said that she could took a seat at a desk or on the floor. She thought for a moment. Hmm..The floor sounds more comfy. She took a seat on the floor and made herself comfortable.

Holmesian Feline 10-15-2010 04:39 AM

Ready for another class in history, Simon entered the classroom surprised to find himself only the second arrival. Guess I'm early, he mused before noticing the professor. "Good morning Professor," he greeted quietly so as not to disturb her too much from whatever she was reading. Taking in the room's layout, he moved to take a seat on the floor as well, figuring to be closer to the front.

LilFox06 10-15-2010 04:41 AM

Time for another History of Magic lesson. Woo hoo.

Carter walked in the classroom. He saw that there were pillows all over the floor. This could only mean one thing - the lesson was going to be brilliant. It was a known fact after all. The best lessons happened while sitting on the floor.

"Hello Professor." he said spotting the Professor flipping through a book. Hopefully he wasn't interrupting.

He then walked the rest of the way into the classroom and plopped down on the pillow. Comfy. He was enjoying the class already.

Roselyn 10-15-2010 04:43 AM

Aw yes, the disgusting grilled cheese class. Hopefully it didn't still smell like it.

Heaving a tired sigh, Evelyn slumped her way into the room, rubbing her tired eyes before letting out a long breath. Right. Tired in the most tired of all classes. Fantastic.

...Omg, fantastic! Pillows!

Finally a small smile appeared on her face as she took one near the side of the room and scooted it closer to the wall. Pshh, yea. Might as well right? Just about to greet the professor, the Slytherin noticed she was, rather busy. Whatevs. She was too tired to talk anyways yet.

Mwahaha! Pillow. Comfy. Professor Welton wouldn't mind if she closed her eyes for a few moments right?

Too late.

HaRoHeGiNeLu 10-15-2010 04:49 AM

Ellie walked into History of Magic. She hoped that it would be quite as exciting as last time. After all, these lessons have to measure up to Lainey's. And maybe they'll get to eat again! There WERE plates there, after all. "Hey Professor!" the girl waved. Then she looked about the classroom. Pillows and cushions!!! The thirteen year old ran to snag one. Hah.

BanaBatGirl 10-15-2010 04:55 AM

Ah sweet. A class Fletcher was sorta good at, despite its boring factor. (No offense, professor. ;0)

After strolling into class, Fletcher paused just inside the doorway and took a good long glance around the room. He nodded to the professor and then made his way to the squishy-looking cushions on the floor. He belly flopped onto one, stretched his long legs out and stared up at the professor and the empty plates nearby. OOH were they getting FOOD today?!?!

"Sup, prooooofessa," he greeted Prof. Welton, squirming around on his cushion til he got a bit more comfortable. "What are the plates for?"

DH Vixen 10-15-2010 05:06 AM

Sylvie looked up as she heard the first student come in. It was early, but it was a good sign for sure. Setting the book down, she walked up toward the front.

Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass (Post 9862800)
Freya walked towards the History Of Magic classroom. She pushed the door opened and saw the class still empty. She's the first student who gets here?Weird. She noticed that the desks are pushed back slightly to the outskirts of the room. She saw Professor Welton thumbing through a small book "Hello Professor." she greeted her Professor. She looked at the blackboard it said that she could took a seat at a desk or on the floor. She thought for a moment. Hmm..The floor sounds more comfy. She took a seat on the floor and made herself comfortable.

"Hello Freya." she smiled. First student and it was a Slytherin. Yes it was going to be a good lesson.

Originally Posted by Macavity (Post 9862830)
Ready for another class in history, Simon entered the classroom surprised to find himself only the second arrival. Guess I'm early, he mused before noticing the professor. "Good morning Professor," he greeted quietly so as not to disturb her too much from whatever she was reading. Taking in the room's layout, he moved to take a seat on the floor as well, figuring to be closer to the front.

"Morning Simon," she replied. Yay, another student!

Originally Posted by LilFox06 (Post 9862837)
Time for another History of Magic lesson. Woo hoo.

Carter walked in the classroom. He saw that there were pillows all over the floor. This could only mean one thing - the lesson was going to be brilliant. It was a known fact after all. The best lessons happened while sitting on the floor.

"Hello Professor." he said spotting the Professor flipping through a book. Hopefully he wasn't interrupting.

He then walked the rest of the way into the classroom and plopped down on the pillow. Comfy. He was enjoying the class already.

And another student! "Hello Carter," she smiled. Pillows were definitely a great idea!

Originally Posted by Roselyn (Post 9862847)
Aw yes, the disgusting grilled cheese class. Hopefully it didn't still smell like it.

Heaving a tired sigh, Evelyn slumped her way into the room, rubbing her tired eyes before letting out a long breath. Right. Tired in the most tired of all classes. Fantastic.

...Omg, fantastic! Pillows!

Finally a small smile appeared on her face as she took one near the side of the room and scooted it closer to the wall. Pshh, yea. Might as well right? Just about to greet the professor, the Slytherin noticed she was, rather busy. Whatevs. She was too tired to talk anyways yet.

Mwahaha! Pillow. Comfy. Professor Welton wouldn't mind if she closed her eyes for a few moments right?

Too late.

Looking up, Sylvie shook her head and laughed softly to herself. She figured someone would attempt to nap, but she would allow it for now.

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu (Post 9862860)
Ellie walked into History of Magic. She hoped that it would be quite as exciting as last time. After all, these lessons have to measure up to Lainey's. And maybe they'll get to eat again! There WERE plates there, after all. "Hey Professor!" the girl waved. Then she looked about the classroom. Pillows and cushions!!! The thirteen year old ran to snag one. Hah.

"Hi Ellie," she smiled and returned the wave. Yes, another one happy with the pillows. Definitely a good idea.


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 9862879)
Ah sweet. A class Fletcher was sorta good at, despite its boring factor. (No offense, professor. ;0)

After strolling into class, Fletcher paused just inside the doorway and took a good long glance around the room. He nodded to the professor and then made his way to the squishy-looking cushions on the floor. He belly flopped onto one, stretched his long legs out and stared up at the professor and the empty plates nearby. OOH were they getting FOOD today?!?!

"Sup, prooooofessa," he greeted Prof. Welton, squirming around on his cushion til he got a bit more comfortable. "What are the plates for?"

Bouncing on her heels slightly with a small smile on her lips, she nodded back to the young champion. Everyone was liking the pillows and that was very good.

"Not much, Fletcher," she shrugged and tapped her fingers atop the table. "Treats."

Lexers 10-15-2010 05:06 AM

History of Magic. She was actually moderately excited. Turning from the corridor into the classroom, she looked at all the people around. Huh. Cool. It was still rather empty. Did that mean she was early? Sweeeeet.

Eyeing the blackboard, she did as was instructed and took a seat on one of the cushions. They were so squishy! hehe. She wiggled around till she got comfortable and grinned. Chyeah. "Morning Professor.. Fletcher.." Those were the only people she knew.

How popular was she.. :/

Steelsheen 10-15-2010 05:21 AM

Salander sauntered into the classroom giving the hottie Professor a polite "Greetings Professor Welton!". He turned and stopped short at the sight of tables against the wall and the pillows and cushions scattered about the floor. He glanced back at the board and grinned, then waltzed towards the tables, picking up a couple of large cushions and tossing them against the wall. He sat himself on one of the desks, punching the cushions behind him until they got comfortable behind his back. He looked around the students on the floor and smirked. It was clear the lad enjoyed his vantage point.

HaRoHeGiNeLu 10-15-2010 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by DH Vixen (Post 9862908)
"Hi Ellie," she smiled and returned the wave. Yes, another one happy with the pillows. Definitely a good idea.

Bouncing on her heels slightly with a small smile on her lips, she nodded back to the young champion. Everyone was liking the pillows and that was very good.

"Not much, Fletcher," she shrugged and tapped her fingers atop the table. "Treats."

"Treats?!" Ellie's ears had most definitely perked up. "Treats as in chocolate?!" It had better be. What kind of other treats were there? What kind of other treats were worth it?

BearyMay 10-15-2010 05:51 AM

Dianna entered the classroom and finding herself a seat on the wonderfully cushioned floor did she smile and greet the professor, "Morning professor!" she said.
Oh and she needed a treat of her own...

sweetpinkpixie 10-15-2010 06:29 AM

Pillows! Kurumi was so excited by the relaxed atmosphere that she almost threw herself on a pile of pillows before she composed herself and ended up tripping over her own feet and falling on them anyway.

"H-h-h-hello, Professor," she giggled getting back onto her feet and taking a few pillows with her to sit on the ground near the front of the room. She wondered if there were going to be any snacks...she had a box of freshly baked cookies in her bag.

BanaBatGirl 10-15-2010 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by DH Vixen (Post 9862908)
Bouncing on her heels slightly with a small smile on her lips, she nodded back to the young champion. Everyone was liking the pillows and that was very good.

"Not much, Fletcher," she shrugged and tapped her fingers atop the table. "Treats."


Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu (Post 9862952)
"Treats?!" Ellie's ears had most definitely perked up. "Treats as in chocolate?!" It had better be. What kind of other treats were there? What kind of other treats were worth it?

"Yeah, that's what she said," Fletcher echoed the young 'Claw. Ellie, wasn't it? They always seemed to end up working together in this class. "Chocolate treats would be awesome."

Cuz really... what other kind of treat was there?!

The1HBIC 10-15-2010 07:48 AM

Marie walked into the History of Magic classroom disappointed to see that Dylan or Jimmie weren't in class yet. She did see Evelyn who looked like she was napping. No need in bothering her now. Then there was Carter who was sitting alone. Yeah, she wouldn't be sitting with him either. No, she would sit on the other side of the room and wait for Dylan or Jimmie to show up. She knew Dylan would sit with her and well Jimmie, she could only hope he would too.

"Hello Professor Welton," she said as she sat on a pillow across from Carter. She then watched the door for her favorite snake and claw to come in. If she was lucky they would both sit with her. One on each side. Now that would make class fun.

Hollister 10-15-2010 07:50 AM

Did the black board say that they will be discussing History? Surely ... that was obvious!?

Anyway, Jack made his way into the classroom, nodded to the professor and said "Hi professor." He wasn't usually this happy when arriving into a lesson, but he should at least make an effort. Also, he decided to take a seat at a desk, just for hygiene purposes. Ha.

DH Vixen 10-15-2010 08:34 AM

Rearranged a bit, because I can.

Originally Posted by Lexers (Post 9862909)
History of Magic. She was actually moderately excited. Turning from the corridor into the classroom, she looked at all the people around. Huh. Cool. It was still rather empty. Did that mean she was early? Sweeeeet.

Eyeing the blackboard, she did as was instructed and took a seat on one of the cushions. They were so squishy! hehe. She wiggled around till she got comfortable and grinned. Chyeah. "Morning Professor.. Fletcher.." Those were the only people she knew.

How popular was she.. :/

"Morning Cameron," she replied as continues to bounce on her heals. More students make her happy.

Originally Posted by Steelsheen (Post 9862942)
Salander sauntered into the classroom giving the hottie Professor a polite "Greetings Professor Welton!". He turned and stopped short at the sight of tables against the wall and the pillows and cushions scattered about the floor. He glanced back at the board and grinned, then waltzed towards the tables, picking up a couple of large cushions and tossing them against the wall. He sat himself on one of the desks, punching the cushions behind him until they got comfortable behind his back. He looked around the students on the floor and smirked. It was clear the lad enjoyed his vantage point.

"Why hello Salander, nice to see you again," she smiled as she watched him settled atop of a desk. Interesting choice in seating.

Originally Posted by Dianna Malfoy (Post 9862976)
Dianna entered the classroom and finding herself a seat on the wonderfully cushioned floor did she smile and greet the professor, "Morning professor!" she said.
Oh and she needed a treat of her own...

Yay! Another student! "Morning Dianna."

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 9863034)
Pillows! Kurumi was so excited by the relaxed atmosphere that she almost threw herself on a pile of pillows before she composed herself and ended up tripping over her own feet and falling on them anyway.

"H-h-h-hello, Professor," she giggled getting back onto her feet and taking a few pillows with her to sit on the ground near the front of the room. She wondered if there were going to be any snacks...she had a box of freshly baked cookies in her bag.

Shaking her head, Sylvie laughed softly at just how amused all the students were with the pillows.

"Hello Kurumi, comfortable?"

Originally Posted by The1HBIC (Post 9863095)
Marie walked into the History of Magic classroom disappointed to see that Dylan or Jimmie weren't in class yet. She did see Evelyn who looked like she was napping. No need in bothering her now. Then there was Carter who was sitting alone. Yeah, she wouldn't be sitting with him either. No, she would sit on the other side of the room and wait for Dylan or Jimmie to show up. She knew Dylan would sit with her and well Jimmie, she could only hope he would too.

"Hello Professor Welton," she said as she sat on a pillow across from Carter. She then watched the door for her favorite snake and claw to come in. If she was lucky they would both sit with her. One on each side. Now that would make class fun.

Turning her attention back to the door, she spotted another snake and it was one she did need to keep an eye on. She did wonder if it was the same Marie she was told of, but an eye she would still keep on this one.

"Hello Marie, good to see you again."


Originally Posted by Hollister (Post 9863096)
Did the black board say that they will be discussing History? Surely ... that was obvious!?

Anyway, Jack made his way into the classroom, nodded to the professor and said "Hi professor." He wasn't usually this happy when arriving into a lesson, but he should at least make an effort. Also, he decided to take a seat at a desk, just for hygiene purposes. Ha.

Returning the Slytherin's nod, she did another double take. Jack did look so much like another student, she was still getting used to it.

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu (Post 9862952)
"Treats?!" Ellie's ears had most definitely perked up. "Treats as in chocolate?!" It had better be. What kind of other treats were there? What kind of other treats were worth it?


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 9863075)
"Yeah, that's what she said," Fletcher echoed the young 'Claw. Ellie, wasn't it? They always seemed to end up working together in this class. "Chocolate treats would be awesome."

Cuz really... what other kind of treat was there?!

Tapping the space just behind the centre plate, she smiled. "What would a treat be without a little chocolate involved?" she asked. Hello, chocolate was like number one on everyone's treat list, wasn't it?

mellamaet 10-15-2010 08:48 AM

Cass entered the room with a smile on her face "Good morning professor." She said happily as she sat down at the middle of the room on a blue green cushion.

draco_and_hermione 10-15-2010 10:00 AM

Emily entered the class with a good deal more enthusiasm than she had had for her muggle history lessons. She nearly yawned just thinking about them. Selecting a cusion, she glanced at the professor and shrugged, before transfiguring it into a barely passable bean bag. She snuggled down into it, even though it wasnt quite as squishy as she would have liked. She would have to practice. Shrugging again, she began to prepare for the lesson.

Magical Soul 10-15-2010 12:09 PM

Louisa dashed into the classroom skipping happily. This lesson was promising because the last one was really interesting. "Hi Professor." She greeted the teacher before noticing the cushions on the floor. Now that was promising.

Louisa ran towards one of the big comfy pillows and threw herself –butt first- at it causing the pillow to bounce underneath her. The little girl chuckled and read what's written on the board as quietly as she could be.

MugglesStink! 10-15-2010 12:19 PM

Adelyn read the note... duh! SHe was obviously going to sit on the floor! She ploped down on one of the cushions. Then she asked the proffesor casually. "Hi Proffesor, how are you doing today?" then she noticed plates. "Are we going to be eating cookies?" she asked excitedly, cookies were awesome!

Disneymaniac 10-15-2010 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by The1HBIC (Post 9863095)
Marie walked into the History of Magic classroom disappointed to see that Dylan or Jimmie weren't in class yet. She did see Evelyn who looked like she was napping. No need in bothering her now. Then there was Carter who was sitting alone. Yeah, she wouldn't be sitting with him either. No, she would sit on the other side of the room and wait for Dylan or Jimmie to show up. She knew Dylan would sit with her and well Jimmie, she could only hope he would too.

"Hello Professor Welton," she said as she sat on a pillow across from Carter. She then watched the door for her favorite snake and claw to come in. If she was lucky they would both sit with her. One on each side. Now that would make class fun.

Dylan smiled as he entered the class. He spotted Marie. The only happy thing about this class. He hated History. He didn't even know why he was here. He waved to the teacher, and took a seat next to her. Well a pillow. "Hey Marie," he smiled, giving her a hug. Yeah a hug. He was a good boy.

Lauralicious 10-15-2010 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by MugglesStink! (Post 9863220)
Adelyn read the note... duh! SHe was obviously going to sit on the floor! She ploped down on one of the cushions. Then she asked the proffesor casually. "Hi Proffesor, how are you doing today?" then she noticed plates. "Are we going to be eating cookies?" she asked excitedly, cookies were awesome!


Originally Posted by mellamaet (Post 9863123)
Cass entered the room with a smile on her face "Good morning professor." She said happily as she sat down at the middle of the room on a blue green cushion.


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 9863034)
Pillows! Kurumi was so excited by the relaxed atmosphere that she almost threw herself on a pile of pillows before she composed herself and ended up tripping over her own feet and falling on them anyway.

"H-h-h-hello, Professor," she giggled getting back onto her feet and taking a few pillows with her to sit on the ground near the front of the room. She wondered if there were going to be any snacks...she had a box of freshly baked cookies in her bag.


Originally Posted by DH Vixen (Post 9862908)
Sylvie looked up as she heard the first student come in. It was early, but it was a good sign for sure. Setting the book down, she walked up toward the front.

"Hello Freya." she smiled. First student and it was a Slytherin. Yes it was going to be a good lesson.

"Morning Simon," she replied. Yay, another student!

And another student! "Hello Carter," she smiled. Pillows were definitely a great idea!

Looking up, Sylvie shook her head and laughed softly to herself. She figured someone would attempt to nap, but she would allow it for now.

"Hi Ellie," she smiled and returned the wave. Yes, another one happy with the pillows. Definitely a good idea.

Bouncing on her heels slightly with a small smile on her lips, she nodded back to the young champion. Everyone was liking the pillows and that was very good.

"Not much, Fletcher," she shrugged and tapped her fingers atop the table. "Treats."


Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass (Post 9862800)
Freya walked towards the History Of Magic classroom. She pushed the door opened and saw the class still empty. She's the first student who gets here?Weird. She noticed that the desks are pushed back slightly to the outskirts of the room. She saw Professor Welton thumbing through a small book "Hello Professor." she greeted her Professor. She looked at the blackboard it said that she could took a seat at a desk or on the floor. She thought for a moment. Hmm..The floor sounds more comfy. She took a seat on the floor and made herself comfortable.

Fee walked into the classroom and noticed the cushions on the floor.Plopping down on a pink one of course. she looked trough the room for people she knew.

"Good morning professor", she smiled widely.

Looking further she noticed Freya,Cass,Addy and Kurumi.
She smiled at them brighly and waved.

The1HBIC 10-15-2010 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Super Spaz (Post 9863225)
Dylan smiled as he entered the class. He spotted Marie. The only happy thing about this class. He hated History. He didn't even know why he was here. He waved to the teacher, and took a seat next to her. Well a pillow. "Hey Marie," he smiled, giving her a hug. Yeah a hug. He was a good boy.

Marie continued watching the door waiting for a certain someone to enter the room when suddenly a HUGE smile spread across her face. Dylan was here, and he was coming over to her. She hugged him back and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you came to class," she said. "Now I have a reason to be here." Now where was Jimmie?

BearyMay 10-15-2010 12:41 PM

Yipee! They were going to get chocolate!..or at least something with sugar in it..she hoped.
Dianna made herself comfortable enough as she waited for the treats to be distributed and for the professor to start with her lesson of the day.
"Is it something with sugar Professor?" Dianna said with a smile. Well duh of course..but just to be sure..

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