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Food Tables Bowls piled high with mouth-watering puddings and elaborate salads. Platters of chicken legs and steaming potatoes. And every kind of pie imaginable. Fill your plate, grab some butterbeer, and head to the seating area. |
For the second year in a row, Vashti was attending a ball not because she actually wanted to, but because her parents - well, her mum, technically, since she'd written the letter - had asked her to do so and to have fun. She'd been able to communicate with them more often this year than her previous two, and when she'd mentioned the end of the Triwizard Tournament was being celebrated with a costume ball, she instantly regretted it. They wouldn't take no for an answer and sent her a costume her Aunt Grace had made her by owl immediately. And she couldn't have said no anyway - at this point, she would've done just about anything her mum and dad asked her to do. Plus, well, she was quite touched by the costume her aunt had so generously made. So naturally, she came to the ball, alone, dressed in her new!costume. And naturally, she gravitated immediately to the food table. A bit relieved she was the only one at the table for the moment, Vashti took her time looking at all the food, trying to decide what to pile on her plate first. |
This must happen every time there is a ball, Sammy resorts to the food. But the food is so yummy! But also this year she didn't have anyone there with her, bah, who needs Jay when you have HOGWARTS FOOD! and you're dressed a freaking Tiger Lily she thought positively starting to observe all the food. aga doo doo doo push pineapple shake the tree, aga doo doo doo push pineapple grind coffee. To the left to the right ... something something something she hummed along to the tune that was stuck in her head. Sammy is a very normal child ... I swears. She only noticed the other person looking at the food long enough to give her a quick smile and go back to her food observing. Piling something every now and again onto her plate ... then she found ... PASTA! and piled a lot of it onto her plate ... did I mention Sammy is a perfectly normal child |
Did Dillon Greenwood love Halloween? He sure did. He swaggered into the ball wearing his Power Ranger costume. He was small so he could only pick from the kid's section, but he didn't care. He liked his costume. He looked good in yellow. He looked around trying to find Selena since they were supposed to be wearing matching costumes, and he knew she hated wearing pink. He wanted to make sure she was actually going to ear her costume. Not seeing his tiny girlfriend his eyes fell on the food table and he made his way over. Waving at his friends, though they couldn't see his face because he had his mask on. |
First place first, foooooood. 'Go go power ranger~' she thought to herself, smirking behind the helmet-mask thingy. She should get one of those awesome bikes that the power rangers had, they looked cool. Yuuup. Now where was Diggy? Selena looked around for a yellow power ranger because go matching costumes, right? Of course. Seeing Diggy at the food table she grinned. "Heyyy Yellow Ranger," Selena said with a smile, though it was kinda hard to see that with the mask and all. |
He picked up a plate, "Do you want something?" he asked. He was going to fix her plate first if she wanted something to nibble on. |
Looking at the options that were spread out on the table she shrugged. Decisions, decisions. Why were they so hard to make? "Uhm... pie?" she said with a slight giggle, because pie was good. |
They walked down the buffet table a bit toward the pies. They did look quite mouth-watering. "Which one?" He was eying the pumpkin pie something fierce. He was going to get a few pieces of that. He was sure. |
Staring at the pies she tried to decide. Uhmm.... hmmm... choices. "Chicken pot pie?" she offered. Because it was a meal baked inside a pie crust!! That was like... awesome. "And in honor of this Halloween related ball, pumpkin pie!" she added with a grin. Because pumpkin pie was a must. |
He scooped out a portion of the chicken pot pie. Though he was not eating food he wanted sweets and candy. It was Halloween after all. Not dinner time. He nodded and moved down to the silky looking pumpkin pie. He cut out a large piece and grabbed two forks. "Where do you want to sit?" he looked around at some of the empty tables. And he was keen to get Selena out on the dance floor. |
She looked around at the tables to decide. "How about over there?" she asked, pointing her pink-polished finger at a bunch of tables (Seating Area 1). Most people were already dancing, pffft. Food tasted good. Yup, yummy. |
With even, slow steps, the tall young man dressed all in black had entered the hall, and let his eyes stray around at the other people that moved in what seemed like groups around the hall. One hand raised, fingers pressing nimbly around the edge of the mask that covered half his face. He'd stuck it on pretty well; it didn't seem as if it was going to come loose any time soon. The hand strayed, running through his now overly long hair just once. It had been a bit of an accident, really, that it had gone that long. He'd been playing around with charms, and... well. His short hair was not short now. He'd considered cutting it himself, before this whole ball thing. But leaving it long, coupled with the mask, would hopefully make it more difficult for people to recognise him. Raiden Kururugi's costume was anonymity. Not exactly hungry, yet not feeling like going to the table he was supposed to be seated at, because that would just ruin it, he pressed his back against the nearest wall. Arms crossed over his chest, and one foot moved across the other, bouncing absently. He was waiting for someone. The someone who was the only reason he was here. |
Mister Cow shimmied toward the food table. If cows could look shifty, this was one shifty looking cow. This cow did not want to be recognised. But then, who could possibly recognise who was in a giant cattle costume!? The man hidden in the costume was suddenly grateful for his lack in height which would probably add to his disguise. He could easily be mistaken for one of the older students. Right? He hoped so. After a nervous glance in the direction of the staff table, Mister Cow moved towards some delicious looking chips... ... only to realise he couldn't eat without taking the head piece off! Dilemma. |
Nia peeped into the hall, her hands lightly fidding with the fabric of her pale skirt. He'd said he'd meet her here, at the ball. She looked briefly round, before stepping into the hall to get a better look, checking her silver bracelet watch quickly. Admittedly, in trying to affix her wings, she was a couple of minutes late. At least they were straight now though. Well, if they had stayed they whilst she had headed down from the seventh floor. It was hard to do wandwork over one's shoulder, especially when trying to hold feathery wings exactly in place. And, Nia wanted straight wings. Symmetry was good. That was why it was odd she couldn't see him. Because in theory, he should already be here, and she definitely hadn't gone past him outside in the entrance hall. Surely he would have called her back if she had. Of course, it didn't help she hadn't a foggiest idea what he was planning to wear. And there seemed to be a whole mixture of outfits in here. It seemed literally anything went. She couldn't even start to guess what he might have chosen, either. If he'd dressed up at all. Hmm. Biting her lip, Nia started to step lightly round the edge of the dance floor, her cream ballet style pumps noiseless on the floor. And then she saw a dark figure, leant on the wall. Something intuitively said it was him. But, the long hair? And the mask? It threw her. It was almost...shifty. She rubbed her arm nervously, before offering a smile. "Waiting for someone?" she asked softly. If she had asked the wrong person, she at least wouldn't look too much of an idiot. Just friendly, with any luck. |
...there was a cow at the food table. The young man's eyes followed the person in the suit, wondering idly who it was. Surely it wasn't who he was waiting for. Not in that. Though he'd seen a few people in equally ridiculous costumes, people his age in things he would burn before slipping on his person... no. Not her. He supposed he'd find out later, who was in the cow costume. Eyes moved slowly from... him? Her? It. The cow. He resumed watching those coming through the doors. When she did show up, one corner of his lips gave a bemused tug. Wings. She was all in white, and she had wings. They were a complete contrast. He did not move from the wall. It wasn't out of maliciousness; he wasn't watching her walk around looking for him because it amused him. He was just... not keen on giving up this quiet spot, of moving into the more lit areas for people to spot him. Besides, she found him easily enough. He wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing. "Possibly," he said quietly. If she managed to catch the eyes behind the mask, she might've seen the mischievous look that lingered in them for only a moment. |
Kita, having gone round the dance floor to avoid the dancing couples, approached the food table with Lavi. A smile spread across her face as she saw all the food that was there. It all looked too good to eat. Pity. She looked round at Lavi and asked, "Do you know what you want to eat? I can't seem to decide." Why was she so hopeless when it came to things like this? |
For anyone. :] Food. More importantly, butterbeer. Because this was a ball, and in balls boys were supposed ask girls to dance. Which stressed Evan out, and he needed something liquid. Grabbing himself a huge cup of butterbeer and a chocolate pie, he didn't even need to return to his table, he started eating there. Because, obviously, he didn't want to eat something around a girl. |
Thinking he was getting delusional from the lack of food in his system, Lavi shook his head and turned back at the table. "I can't choose either!" he whined and pouted his lips. "It all looks delicious~!" He bend to grab a piece of chocolate cake and took a bite. "Wow this is yummie!" he squealed as he took another bite. Lavi grabbed another piece of cake and offered it to Kita. "Here try!" he said with a huuuuuge smile on his face, his eyes shining and waving the cake in front of her. Quote:
Nia couldn't help but take another glance around the room, in case the dark stranger wasn't him. A cow had now appeared at the food table, and she gave it a second glance. Who exactly would want to wear that sort of get up, she'd probably never know. At least, she wouldn't have revealed herself if she'd have been forced (and yes, it would been forced - she wouldn't ever wear it willingly) to wear that. But then again, Nia wasn't a big person for dressing up. Her gaze fell back on the masked man as she stepped closer. She might have even recognised a movement at the corner of his lips. Was it him? No. Yes. No. She questioned her judgement, a moment of doubt flickering across her face. The face looked the right shape. But the hair. It was so long. Long, long. As in, not naturally grown. Would he have done that? An answer punctuated her thoughts. Possibly? Oh, that was helpful! Surely she was obvious enough for him to know? So that meant she was wrong then? Right. Time to look again... Except, now she was closer, she could see the eyes behind the mask. She ran a hand through her hair, tucking some of her fringe behind her ear. "Me too," she replied, a curiosity crossing her mind. "Quite possibly a yang to my yin, so to speak..." |
"Yeah, it does!" Kita said, "They all look too good to eat!" The house elves have seriously outdone themselves this year. Who knew perfect can get better? She looked at the chocolate cake that Lavi was reaching to and asked, "It is?" Well, chocolate cake. Why wouldn't it taste good? "Oh thanks," she said, as Lavi offered her the cake. She was just about to take it in an elegant manner when he started waving it around. "Lavi!" she said, knowing fully well that she probably sounded childish. She made another grab for the cake. |
"Lavi?" That was his name, right? Yes, yes, it was! Slowly, a grin spread over his face. "I haven't seen you in ages, man!" Literally speaking here. "Where have you been?" he questioned as he wade his way to him, pie and butterbeer in both of his hands. Yup, he was going to hug his friend with those. He didn't even see the girl with him, he was that excited to see the boy. |
Hmmm. Was she irked? That he hadn't outright admitted who he was? Well, considering it was a costume ball, and what it was for, and the whole thing, he didn't want to be Raiden Kururugi tonight. And she hadn't asked if he was. So. "The yang to your yin, huh..." The mouth twitched again, and the arms dropped, hands burying themselves in his pockets. "Shame on him for keeping you waiting." He cast a speculative look over her, eyes lingering on the wings. Automatic reaction was to touch them, but his hands remained where they were. He could touch them later, after all. He wasn't going to confuse her to the point where she walked away from him. Not that he could do that if he wanted to. He was pretty sure she'd already figured him out, from her having caught his eyes at least once. While one could hide part of his face, one couldn't hide their eyes completely, and surely the rough shape and outline of them, had she caught it, would be enough to spoil it for him. "I'm waiting for a girl." he said it matter of factly, punctuating it with a small nod. "A pretty one. She's an angel." She'd know it was him now, probably, if she hadn't already. He'd said that to her before, hadn't he? And she'd kinda laughed at him or something. Who knew. |
Approaching the table, and trying to avoid all the kiddies with their costumes and weirdness, the Mexicana scanned the food items and went for the chicken. Her arm seemed to emit different sounds as her various bracelets (very ornate bracelets) collided with bowls and whatnot. Sniff. Was that... Did it smell like... Could it BE!? Her eyes darted towards a large plate which seemed to have a buttload of thin pancake-like things on them. And, in reality, they were tortillas. Her lower lip actually started to tremble a bit, because this sight she had not seen for MONTHS. Months she tells you! Almost elbowing past a couple of students, she realised the only thing standing between her and the delicious mexican awesomeness, was a cow. A cow. Blink. "If you value your milk, please step away from the table so I can get to my tortillas." Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. |
Simon looked at the table there was loads of great foods on there, but did he want to eat them or was there something else that he wanted to do with them, well maybe it depends on who was around and if any of his friends turned up. |
He'd noticed a few strange looks in his direction, but for once, Sage just ... well, he didn't CARE. Usually, funny looks sent his way would result in him blushing and stammering and yeah. It wasn't good. Maybe he ought to dress in full cattle costume all the time. He wasn't even fazed when the scary Care of Magical Creatures professor threatened his udders. Sure, he wasn't a MAGICAL creature.. but he was still a CREATURE. Shouldn't she respect the cow!? Huh. With a shrug and a "MooOOooOOOooooo," Sage took a step back to allow her to her precious tortillas. |
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