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Salander glanced at the more capable fliers zooming around, unable to keep that familiar feeling of envy from creeping in. "We gotta get some altitude" he muttered frustrated, more to himself than to Kurumi. Grasping the edge of the carpet, he hefted it up, like he was lifting them together. "UUUUUP!!!" he growled, and only then did the carpet climb a few more feet. "Hah! So thats how to get to you you loopy doormat..." He repeated the hefting and the growling command, until they have reached a little over 9 feet in the air. Peeking back down, the lad finally smiled "Yes much better." He turned back to Kurumi. "Well, we got all the way up here without falling, not bad eh?" Then his eyes fell on her hand, which now looks to be an extension of the lamp "Hey you need help getting--"
He didnt finish. Or rather he couldnt, because the sky was falling. Something slimy landed on him and was sliding down his back.
"What the--" his eyes widening in alarm. He reached over, swiped whatever wet stuff he could touch and looked at his hand. "What is this?..." he wondered as he drew his hand close to his face. And then the stench hit him. "ARRGGH! NASTEHHH!!!" he recoiled, realizing that someone's (Jacob) puke landed on him. "This is disgusting! Get this off me!" he whined as he shifted backwards on their carpet-- and promptly fell off.
Down, down he went, flailing his arms like a flightless bird, slamming part of the way onto Fletcher's carpet and continuing downwards, then bouncing off Diggy's low rider before landing onto the grass with an ungainly PLOP.
He was getting a little higher and higher off the ground though nothing dangerous just yet. The carpet was too wobbly for him and it wasn't really paying attention to any of his commands.
The carpet rather thought it disliked Diggy in fact.
Diggy tugged on the edge of the carpet,
"Come on get up?" he begged bordering on whining. This just wasn't working. His heart wasn't in it and the carpet certainly didn't want to cooperate. He was looking around trying to figure out how to land when the problem was solved for him. In the form of a falling Salander.
His flapping arms caught Diggy in the face and they both went tumbling to the ground. Diggy landed bumside up and flat on his face.
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Vindictus had been on the ground for nearly an hour and watched the students fly around. The next thing he realized, it was time to end the lesson.
"Okay everyone - time's up! Please land, roll your carpets up and place them in a neat pile before you leave. Oh, and leave the lamps!" he called out.
He winced when he heard Vindictus' loud whistle. He rather thought the Professor did that on purpose. He rolled over slowly on his back and blinked up at the sky as his head cleared. His head was pounding and he was sure something was broken. He touched his hand to his face and drew back a hand covered in speckles of blood.
"I think my nose is broken" he stated not wanting to look in a mirror if it was. He wasn't a fan of blood. He sat up slowly and the pitch spun around him. It took a second for him to blink away the dizziness and seeing his own blood on his hand didn't help the dizziness either.
He was going to have to go the nurse. And that was never a place he wanted to be. He stood up on wobbly legs and looked around for someone to wobble beside up to the castle.