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demented_death_eater 11-02-2010 12:55 AM

Flying Lesson #3
Located directly next to the castle is a vast expanse of green grass. This is where all Flying Lessons take place unless Professor Vindictus changes the venue.

A lumpy pile of something mysterious is covered by a magenta tarp next to the professor. Don't even dare to peek under the tarp - what's underneath will be revealed during the lesson, but as you stare at the lumpy pile you notice that the length of the lumps happen to be similar to the size of the average student. Has the professor done something illegal? Hmm....

If you're here for the lesson, please have a seat on the grass and wait for the professor to begin.

Do not announce that you're late or else points will be taken away.

If you're not here for the lesson and show up with broom from the Broomshed because you want to go for a joy ride on the grounds, then expect to face the wrath of Vindictus.

Roselyn 11-02-2010 01:02 AM

Stretching her arms and back as she made her way down to the flying lesson, feeling rather sore from some reason, the Slytherin let out a frustrated breath before letting her arms drop to her side. Did she sleep funny the night before or something?

Spotting the magenta tarp, Evelyn payed no attention to it after a moment or so, having been rather used to weird things showing up in class. Then again, if they were new brooms that weren't even on the market yet that they get to test out, then she'd be extremely interested. Oh how fun that lesson had been.

Plopping herself down on the grass, the fourth year leaned back on her hands as she crossed her legs, squinting her eyes up to the professor. Jeez, it was bright out. "Good day, Professor Vindictus. How are you on this lovely day?"

Hmm...soreness was making her nice. That wasn't good.

The1HBIC 11-02-2010 01:15 AM

Marie was hesitant about going to this particular class. As much as she loved flying she had a feeling that no matter what she did nothing would ever be good enough for Vindictus.

Making her way onto the pitch she noticed something covered with a tarp. Well of course there was something covered, there was always something covered during flying lessons.

Spotting Evelyn sitting on the grass she made her way over to her and sat down. "Hey Evelyn." Yeah, she totally ignored the professor. Knowing him he would probably find a reason to take points from her even though she didn't say anything to him but oh well, she wasn't going to talk and give him a reason to take points because she said something wrong.

demented_death_eater 11-02-2010 01:33 AM

It was a BEAUTIFUL day for a lesson and only two . . . TWO Slytherins had shown up. His Ravenclaws were about to get a Howler from him. "Good afternoon, ladies. Nice weather we're having, isn't it?" replied Vindictus and he sat down on the grass next to the mysterious pile.

HaRoHeGiNeLu 11-02-2010 01:37 AM

Ellie skipped down to the lesson. She was happy. Cuz she was gonna fly. Right?

She eyed the pile as she neared. Well. Did she ever ask anyone why the Professors liked to cover things up all the time? Because they tended to do so. And she wasn't quite used to it. Not yet.

"Hello Professor!" she said as she took a seat on the grass. Heh.

AlwaysSnapesGirl 11-02-2010 01:41 AM

The weather practically reflected Vashti's mood as she headed down to another Flying lesson. Lately this was the only thing that could really cheer her up, and so of course she'd left her common room extra early just to ensure she wasn't even close to being late. Though when she got there, it seemed there was barely anyone else there. Maybe she'd left too early? Or was this going to be a small class? Hm.

"Hello, Professor," she said with a bright smile as she took a seat on the grass.

Roselyn 11-02-2010 01:48 AM

Hearing her name being called, Evelyn looked over to see Marie sitting nearby her. She came to the lesson? Well that was surprising. The Slytherin thought the girl would have avoided the place at all costs.

Then could anyone avoid quidditch? It would be a sin to do so! "Hey Marie." she smiled, deciding to keep quiet about the whole showing up thing. Probably would just anger Vinny. Teehee.


Originally Posted by perfectly_sane_person (Post 9908213)
It was a BEAUTIFUL day for a lesson and only two . . . TWO Slytherins had shown up. His Ravenclaws were about to get a Howler from him. "Good afternoon, ladies. Nice weather we're having, isn't it?" replied Vindictus and he sat down on the grass next to the mysterious pile.

As others started to show up, the girl nodded slowly at the Professor's question, wondering if it was rhetorical or not. "Exquisite." she muttered, glancing around the area and then to the sky.

Oh, bad idea. She was BLINDED! Ahhhh! White spots in her vision now.

Starbreeze 11-02-2010 01:49 AM

Having recently heard of the Professor's reputation for being ill-tempered, Eino was hesitant to attend today's class, and as he approached the area he began to doubt his decision. "Hello, Professor." He greeted rather firmly, and somewhat exaggerating it, to mask his fear, which instead probably highlighted it. He took a seat right behind another Ravenclaw student and remained quiet, he had also heard the Professor took points from houses for the most innocent things, and Ravenclaw was in no shape to spare some points.

Walrus 11-02-2010 02:01 AM

Jacob walked down towards the lesson, and from afar saw a tarp. Why did vindictus have to be so mysterious, so stealthy, so.... Ninja Like. He kept walking... they weren't even in the quidditch pitch again. No Practice, No Match, No Pitch, Nothing. Jacob actually felt quite naked without his bat. Jacob want Bat. Jacob Like Bat. "Jacob Bam!"

"Bam Bam! Bam Bam! BAM!"
Wait, remember what the Psychiatrist said... 'Jacob you are not a caveman baby from a Television show in the 60s' hmm... that was a rather specific statment, its like he knew!

Jacob reached the tarp and Professor V. "Hey, How's it hangin' Professor" teehee. Jacob was trying to be cool.

BAM BAM! Want Fruity Pebbles!

demented_death_eater 11-02-2010 02:15 AM

"I was actually hoping that more students would show up, but I guess that means everyone who's here can earn more points than the others," Vindictus sighed and remained seated.

"Welcome to today's special flying lesson and let me tell you, this will be a lesson that you'll never forget."


"This term, we've reviewed an ancient broom game and different methods of magical transportation. Today, we're going to learn about a unique method of magical transportation. Take a moment and stare at this tarp."


"Think hard and let your imagination run wild. When you're ready, share with the class what you think might be underneath it."

hermygirl 11-02-2010 02:23 AM

Magical transportation, huh? Nia plopped herself down, and wiggled to get comfy. Not quite the game of quidditch she was still after. Or the racing brooms they had last year. They had been awesome. Best lesson EVER. This one would have to work very hard to top it.

She eyed the tarp. Lumpy. And human sized. Heh. Honestly, she didn't have much of a clue. Something told her it wasn't your traditional Quidditch or Racing type broom. So, that left... "Rolled up magic carpets?" She blamed the lack of creavity on her lack of playing entirely. All work and no play was never good.

Walrus 11-02-2010 02:27 AM

Jacob stared at the tarp for a long time (about 2 seconds) and thought hard. It was a big tarp, there must either be a lot of stuff or a really big thing. It might be a teleporter! oooh... no wait wizards didn't need teleporters. "Oh My Gosh! Its a Puppy!!!" he exclaimed loudly. "Puppy... and a Taco!"

Yes!It was a puppy with tacos. Lots Of Tacos!

Roselyn 11-02-2010 02:27 AM

A unique method of magical transportation? Anything besides using a broom, floo powder, or apparating was definitely unique, so this really could have been anything. However, since they had used mops one time, she doubted she'd be surprised at what this was.

Staring at the tarp anyways, rather lazily so, she was just about to say something but, gah dangit...someone got to it before her. Magic carpets would have been soooo cool. Resisting the urge to glance over at whoever it was that spoke up, since they'd most likely receive a glare, the Slytherin tried to think of something else.

Lumpy, and big. Well, then it had to be... "Chairs?" Eh.

HaRoHeGiNeLu 11-02-2010 02:32 AM

"Bicycles! Flying bicycles!" Yeahhhh. Cuz it's not a car... And that would be so fun.

Ellie did wish they might be carpets, though. Those would be fun.

But puppy? That would just be cruel. CUTE. But not nice. Unless it was a fully grown Great Dane puppy.

HogwartsHokage 11-02-2010 02:36 AM

Hm...what could it be? Jenny thought as she stared at the (bright) magenta tarp. Ugh, just the brightness of the color could hurt someone's eyes already! Her mind diverted to those weird science-like moving pictures that her father would always watch. Always fascinated by "aliens" traveling through colorful blinding "portals"...yeah, that could be it.

"A portal?" Jenny suggested, squinting her eyes. The bright magenta is just too much for her already!

Steelsheen 11-02-2010 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by perfectly_sane_person (Post 9908404)
"I was actually hoping that more students would show up, but I guess that means everyone who's here can earn more points than the others," Vindictus sighed and remained seated.

"Welcome to today's special flying lesson and let me tell you, this will be a lesson that you'll never forget."


"This term, we've reviewed an ancient broom game and different methods of magical transportation. Today, we're going to learn about a unique method of magical transportation. Take a moment and stare at this tarp."


"Think hard and let your imagination run wild. When you're ready, share with the class what you think might be underneath it."

Salander stared at the lumpy magenta tarp, taking note that they did look about the size of an average student. A unique magical transport? Huh... "Professor could it be a bobsled" in April? Eh... "... or a torpedo?" hey he said let the imagination run wild innit?

demented_death_eater 11-02-2010 02:46 AM

Vindictus kept on smiling and reached underneath the tarp as the students shared their guesses. The long body-sized lumps were still there as he pulled out a rough-looking brown bag that was lumpy. Was it full of potatoes?

"Anyone else want to share?" he asked.

The1HBIC 11-02-2010 03:23 AM

Marie stared at the tarp. Who knew what could be under there. With Vindictus anything was possible. "Could it be cushions?" she asked raising her had. Sure it looked like it could be a person under there but even Vinny wasn't stupid enough to do something to a person... was he?

demented_death_eater 11-02-2010 03:30 AM

He laughed. "I'm giving each of you three points for your answers. Now I want each of you to reach into the bag and beware of the spiders," Vindictus grinned and opened the bag.

The light bounced off of the golden objects that were hidden inside.

"Yes, these are lamps."

HaRoHeGiNeLu 11-02-2010 03:34 AM

Oh. Whyyy did he have to say something about spiders? Ellie would have been perfectly fine reaching into the bag had he not mentioned that. Nonetheless, eyes closed, she pulled a lamp out of the bag.

She held it up at eye level and examined it. And she heard Vindictus's confirmation. "So they are flying carpets, then?" she asked. "We're going to fly real magic carpets?!"

BanaBatGirl 11-02-2010 03:35 AM

Aha! For once the tarp was covering something that seemed awesome and shiny and very, very valuable!

Fletcher eagerly reached into the bag and pulled out his own magic lamp. He beamed at his reflection in it and started rubbing at the lamp with the bottom of his shirt. "I wish these things really worked," he muttered to himself, polishing up the shiny item so he could better see himself.

Forget whatever they were learning about flying. He just wanted three wishes.

Roselyn 11-02-2010 03:36 AM

Beware of the...

"What?" she asked quietly, slightly in shock. She was NOT going to be putting her hand in there if there were spiders. "Are you serious?"

Frowning, the Slytherin crossed her arms, trying to act as if spiders didn't bother her. Then again, if anyone had seen her in the care of magical creatures class, they'd think otherwise. She was TRYING to be tough about it, but the odd sensation that something was crawling on her skin kept getting to her.

Rosa Chispa Princessa 11-02-2010 03:39 AM

Chloe walked over to the bag the professor was refurring to and reached her hand deep into it. She could feel something hard, whatever could it be. She pulled the object out of the bag and her eyes lit up. It was a lamp like the one from one of her favorite childhood movies, Aladdin. Could there be a genie in the lamp perhaps.

Steelsheen 11-02-2010 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by perfectly_sane_person (Post 9908539)
He laughed. "I'm giving each of you three points for your answers. Now I want each of you to reach into the bag and beware of the spiders," Vindictus grinned and opened the bag.

The light bounced off of the golden objects that were hidden inside.

"Yes, these are lamps."

The Slytherin lad stared into the bag. Great Aladdin's lamp! He picked one up very quickly, not really caring about the creepy crawlies at this point. "Are these magic lamps Professor? I mean if we rub them, is a genie gonna pop out?" he asked, already rubbing a lamp and dreaming of his jeannie....

Starbreeze 11-02-2010 03:40 AM

Eino reached into the bag and took a lamp, it was so shiny and smooth. He thought about the possibility of a genie inside the lamp, and discreetly examined the lamp, but he doubted that was it. He was curious to know as to how lamps would be used as a way of transportation, perhaps they were portkeys? But this is flying class, so were they going to fly on the lamps? That didn't even make sense, but he continued to wonder as he watched the rest of the students take a lamp.

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