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Located directly next to the castle is a vast expanse of green grass. This is where all Flying Lessons take place unless Professor Vindictus changes the venue.
A portable bin covered with a purple tarp is next to the professor. Don't even dare to peek under the tarp - what's underneath will be revealed during the lesson. (Be thankful it isn't moving!)
If you're here for the lesson, please have a seat on the grass and wait for the professor to begin.
Do not announce that you're late or else points will be taken away.
If you're not here for the lesson and show up with broom from the Broomshed because you want to go for a joy ride on the grounds, then expect to face the wrath of Vindictus.
As he grudgingly grabbed a broom and every kind of safety equipment provided, the Slytherin got onto the broom, less scared now than in his first time, but still it was obvious that he didn't trust it. How could he in these circumstances? He was practically getting himself into a so-called game which could kill him. Well, not in this class maybe, but under normal conditions he would probably end up dead. This was the fourth time his instincts had warned him about this, but a small part of him still looked for that few seconds' thrill that he had felt in the last lesson, and it tricked him to come here. And now he was on a broom once more, only to find himself in a more dangerous situation. Really wise of him.
And of course he was going to be a chaser. All he had to do was to stay out of people's ways and bludgers. Pretty easy, it seemed. And if he was lucky enough, he wouldn't even have to touch that Quaffle thing.
Treyen hurried up with all the protective gear and took the first broom he took notice of. Bah. He didn't care which broom as long as the thing serves the purpose of flying.
Once the broom was in his hand, the boy took off up in the air. Man, flying felt good.
But, eh, the Keepers were taken, and he wasn't good as Chaser...but this was not about being good was it? Maybe he should try the Chaser stuff....now, were was the Quaffle...?
Old quidditch? What on Earth? How was this old Quidditch different to the game Viky knew already? This was not going to be pretty. She knew that now. It had taken her a while even to master normal Quidditch, and even then she could only play Beater. Because hitting things with a big bat was fuuuuuuun! Viky shrugged and pulled on her gloves, mounting the broom with a nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach. She kicked off the ground, rising into the air quickly. She felt a little better once she'd taken off, bu not much. Eeep.
♥In this passenger seat, you put your eyes on me, in this moment, now capture it, remember it
'Cause I don't know how it gets better than this, you take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless♥ ♥'And I don't know why but with you I'd dance, in a storm in my best dress, fearless♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
As more and more students had taken to the air after him, Simon had noticed many having bats as well. Was no one going to pay chaser and keep or were they all worried they needed the protection? His silent question was soon answered as most opted to hit the rocks around causing Simon himself to use his own bat to protect himself.
When the head boy spoke up and asked for chasers, Simon was somewhat relieved as some of his classmates finally opted to switch positions, the Gryffindor boy staying what he was out of choice but also noting Josh was a beater as well. Now we can play some quidditch, he mused as the group started to even out, flying off to one side of the designated area to prepare for an actual match to work its way into existance.
"You alright?" he asked as Viky flew up into the air nearby looking a little unsteady.
Jimmy grinned. "You know there are other ways to work out your frustrations." Like ROCKS! HUZZAH! Jimmy leaned out and used his momentum to put some power into his swing, the bat hit the rock with a resounding THWACK! and it flew off in another direction. He wasn't quite aiming at people yet. Juuuust warming up.
He grinned at the others that had chosen to play beater.
"Everything's better when you play dirty." He called over his shoulder at Cam, clearly enjoying himself already.
It felt sublime. A broom, a heavy cedar bat and a nice fresh Winter breeze. This was what she'd missed in the confines of the School. The Tournament had been hella fun.. but it didn't compare to Flying.
She smirked at Jimmy, adjusting her grip on the bat. "Fine. Game on, Wilkes." Eh, she was a bit rusty but there was a lot of brut force in the small redhead.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
"We're allowed to play dirrrrrrrty?" Fletcher mused loudly, struggling onto his broom and kicking off so he almost tipped over. He managed to right the broom, however, and slowllllly started ascending toward a rock.
Aww yeah. Time to hit things! If he could... manage to grasp both broom and bat. As his slow, rickety broom approached a floating rock, Fletcher released his death grip on the handle with his right hand and swung his bat around in a giant circle. The bat made contact with the rock right away and it went soaring toward a Ravenclaw chaser.
"SWEEEEEEEET!" he called out, grinning even as his momentary excited almost unseated him.
Cameron laughed. "In the cleanest sense of the word. Such a boy.." THe game actually looked to be really fun - but the padding was cumbersome and awkward. She was still getting used to this ancient broom..
Captain Awesome?_________________________________ _________________________________.....Fidget works too.
Mmkay, so all they had to do was stay out of the way of the flying rocks.
Rubiey opted to be a Chaser for today, seeing as EVERYONE had grabbed bats and were already hitting the rocks around. She grabbed the protective gear, quickly shoved it on, then flew up into the air.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Professor V
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
"No birds or trees will be harmed in this lesson," proclaimed Vindictus and he clapped his hands twice - a signal that he was going to give a very brief rundown of the modified game for the practical portion of the lesson.
"We're playing a modified version of Quidditch . . . the way it was played BEFORE the introduction of the Golden Snidget in 1100."
Dramatic pause.
"The positions you'll be able to play are Chaser, Beater or Keeper."
"There are bats for those who wish to be Beaters - your job is to smack the flying rocks out of the way so that they don't hit people. These old Bludgers are more difficult to control than the modern ones."
"For those who want to play Chaser, you'll be using a replica of the old Quaffles - they're not enchanted. You'll have to use the strap or finger holes when throwing it, and you'll have to be closer to the baskets or else the ball will drop to the ground. Oh, and watch out for flying rocks."
"The Keeper needs to guard the baskets." He pointed to two sets of baskets at each end of the practice area - each set consisted of three baskets on stilts. "When someone scores, you'll have to retrieve the Quaffle from the basket. You should also watch out for the rocks."
Okay, so the warning was out there - BEWARE OF THE FLYING ROCKS.
"Play together as a group and be careful."
"You may start whenever you're ready."
OOC: Have fun RPG the ancient method of playing Quidditch.
Please keep non-RP chatter posts out of this portion of the lesson - only those posting are those who are actively participating.
Be creative in your role playing as you play with others.
If someone's character gets injured, DO NOT attempt to heal them - only the school Staff should tend to injuries.
Points will be given for role playing (getting on a broom and watching the others play isn't participation).
I'm leaving this lesson open and will check the progress in 14 hours.
Oi! the anxious churning that was in the pit of Salander's stomach just hardened into one of those terrifying flying rocks. They have to fly. Worse they have to play while flying, which means he either can have both his hands on the broom-- as should be the case, or he could choose to hold something in his hand and run the risk of falling off and/or losing control of the broom-- which is very likely to happen. He looked up, thinking of going for the Keeper post, when the mental image of everybody and everything barreling down at him angrily at breakneck speed got him to think twice. He'd rather not see doom coming up before him y'know?
Going against his better judgement-- he went for Chaser. Flyin' and shootin', like football/ rugby on brooms. Simple enough right?
SPOILER!!: Fletcher... and yeah you too Wilkes :D
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
All... right. So it seemed like Fletcher would have to take one of these roles, which meant... he likely wouldn't be able to hold on to his broom handle with both hands and still play.
Swallowing nervously, the boy raised a hand. "I call Beater." He went forward and selected a bat, thumping it against his palm to judge its weight. Hmm. Maybe this wouldn't be too difficult after all. He grabbed his broom next and hesitated.
How to mount the broom, kick off, stay on the broom, and swing his bat around at the same time?
He watched his buddy take the bat and soar into the air. "Crazy Puff with a bat."he shook his head. Well, if he's gonna be batting them rocks the Slytherin boy would much rather that it would clear his path rather than trying to avoid them.
Precariously, he soared after the GlitterPuff, "Yo Fletch! I'm gonna be Chaser, and if we need to score, I'm gonna need wingmen to keep them rocks off me. Can you help me out with that?"
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Lexers
It felt sublime. A broom, a heavy cedar bat and a nice fresh Winter breeze. This was what she'd missed in the confines of the School. The Tournament had been hella fun.. but it didn't compare to Flying.
She smirked at Jimmy, adjusting her grip on the bat. "Fine. Game on, Wilkes." Eh, she was a bit rusty but there was a lot of brut force in the small redhead.
Cameron laughed. "In the cleanest sense of the word. Such a boy.." THe game actually looked to be really fun - but the padding was cumbersome and awkward. She was still getting used to this ancient broom..
"You make it sound like you intend to hurt me, Cam." Nawww surely not? But then if she did, maybe he could guilt her enough into some one on one making-Jimmy-feel-better-time?
He grinned.
"Playing with me or," THWACK! Jimmy grunted a little after sending a rock spinning up and harmlessly over the head of a younger ravenclaw. "against me, Cammy?"
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Oi! the anxious churning that was in the pit of Salander's stomach just hardened into one of those terrifying flying rocks. They have to fly. Worse they have to play while flying, which means he either can have both his hands on the broom-- as should be the case, or he could choose to hold something in his hand and run the risk of falling off and/or losing control of the broom-- which is very likely to happen. He looked up, thinking of going for the Keeper post, when the mental image of everybody and everything barreling down at him angrily at breakneck speed got him to think twice. He'd rather not see doom coming up before him y'know?
Going against his better judgement-- he went for Chaser. Flyin' and shootin', like football/ rugby on brooms. Simple enough right?
He watched his buddy take the bat and soar into the air. "Crazy Puff with a bat."he shook his head. Well, if he's gonna be batting them rocks the Slytherin boy would much rather that it would clear his path rather than trying to avoid them.
Precariously, he soared after the GlitterPuff, "Yo Fletch! I'm gonna be Chaser, and if we need to score, I'm gonna need wingmen to keep them rocks off me. Can you help me out with that?"
"You got it." Jimmy veered of, finding that the padding was awkward but not unbearably so. The broom was kinda lame. Not as bad as he'd expected but ROCK! Jimmy twisted and smacked the bludger!rock out of the way of the Slytherin fella. And then, because he was a butthead like that, he blew a little kiss at Cam. All in good fun of course.
And where was Neptune?
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Cameron shook her head dramatically. "No. Just intending to show you exactly what playing a good game of dirty quidditch is like. What we're here for, right?"Smirrrrrrk.
The girl flinched at the impact of the rock against the wood. She grinned. Might as well make it a fun lesson, right?
"With." She didn't fancy having him pelt rocks at her head.
She was small and vulnerable. Best to have the boys on her side.
Pshawwwwwwww. There was her boyfriend. She waved with a small smile. "Morrrrrrrrrrrrrning Oliver. Enjoying the fly?" She winked, turning to see James thwack another rock. She needed to get into the game. And a kiss.
She smiled for a moment, her eyes flitting to Oliver. Best not to let her boyfriend see that..
Time to hit some blooders. It looked fun.
And the dull sound of wood hitting rock was strangely satisfying.
She was going to enjoy this.
Captain Awesome?_________________________________ _________________________________.....Fidget works too.
Jacob was so going to be a beater. I mean, what else would he be, a chaser? Psh... Jacob failed at that in his second year. Never again. He never even scored a goal, at least as a beater, Jacob could always have some action.
The second they were let on their own. Jacob mounted his broom, and through his excitement, forgot to take a bat. He felt his cheeks turn red, and he went back down. With his feet just slightly glazing over the ground he flew over quickly, and grabbed a bat. The second his left hand enclosed around the wood, jacob shot through the air again...
Here Bloody Bloody Blooders, Here boy... girl... rock, thing.
He flew around a bit, and at the first sight of a flying rock, jacob jumped on his chance. Zooming towards it. and with a full swing, the wood made good solid contact with stone. Good he didn't get rusty. But even with the awesome solid straight on hit, the blooder veered off in a completely diffrent direction...
What? Wow... Those things are hard to control, nor wonder it was changed. He'd have to get used to this
Carpe Diem: Make today extraordinary! WOOT WOOT! GRYFFINDOR!!
Sophia grabbed a beaters bat, and she flew up in the air. She smacked a bludger in the direction of the opposite keeper. She flew over to Feenella. "Hey Fee. What positions are you playing?" she asked.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
With ROCKS?!
That was good enough for Vashti. It was a lesson on QUIDDITCH so why wouldn't she be happy, regardless of the time period this Quidditch was from? It was like Professor Vindictus had read her mind before she even conceived the idea of a lesson on Quidditch. Except she hadn't thought about these rocky "blooder" things and what not, so maybe he needed to work on his mind reading skills. Then again, this still looked fun, so maybe his skills were okay.
Deciding immediately that she was going to be a Chaser, Vashti grabbed some protective gear and a broom, threw on the gear, then mounted her broom and kicked herself into the air. Ahhh, yes, finally some time to fly around and have some fun and not worry about-
Originally Posted by Walrus
Jacob was so going to be a beater. I mean, what else would he be, a chaser? Psh... Jacob failed at that in his second year. Never again. He never even scored a goal, at least as a beater, Jacob could always have some action.
The second they were let on their own. Jacob mounted his broom, and through his excitement, forgot to take a bat. He felt his cheeks turn red, and he went back down. With his feet just slightly glazing over the ground he flew over quickly, and grabbed a bat. The second his left hand enclosed around the wood, jacob shot through the air again...
Here Bloody Bloody Blooders, Here boy... girl... rock, thing.
He flew around a bit, and at the first sight of a flying rock, jacob jumped on his chance. Zooming towards it. and with a full swing, the wood made good solid contact with stone. Good he didn't get rusty. But even with the awesome solid straight on hit, the blooder veered off in a completely diffrent direction...
What? Wow... Those things are hard to control, nor wonder it was changed. He'd have to get used to this
Vashti had only enough time to turn herself so that the blooder-bludger-rock-thing would hit the side of her helmet rather than full-on in her face. The force spun her and her broom to the side a couple times, and she felt slightly stunned, but she felt pretty okay overall. She shook her head to clear her fuzzy, jumbled brain, still gripping the broom tightly with her hands so she wouldn't fall.
"Oi," she mumbled as she blinked a few times to clear her vision. "That hurt." But thank Merlin - or Professor Vindictus, rather - for protective, padded helmets. Now who had hit that blooder-rock thing? She needed to know so she could - possibly - accidentally to throw that heavy Quaffle-like thing at them. Or change her position to Beater and see how that person liked getting hit with big rocks. (Nah, she liked Chaser too much to change.)
And where was that Quaffle thing now? Hmm...
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Originally Posted by Tegz
"You got it." Jimmy veered of, finding that the padding was awkward but not unbearably so. The broom was kinda lame. Not as bad as he'd expected but ROCK! Jimmy twisted and smacked the bludger!rock out of the way of the Slytherin fella. And then, because he was a butthead like that, he blew a little kiss at Cam. All in good fun of course.
And where was Neptune?
As he spoke to the GlitterPuff, Salander's eyes grew large at an incoming rock!bludders
"Aak! Incoming!"he cowered instinctively
The lad turned his head quickly at another boy with the beater's bat. "Thanks!" he replied gratefully of the sudden save. "Salander." he called out as he introduced himself "You're pretty quick with that bat. What's your name 'Claw?"
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
And so it seemed easier to be knocking rocks away.
The boy ducked when one of those came flying by, that Ravenclaw boy was not looking when hitting the rock, and rocks were harder to control.
Keeping away from rocks was one task he was finding more difficult than finding a Snitch, ironically enough he couldn't find the Quaffle. And it was bigger. But he felt heavier with all the protective gear on. It was heavier.
"Is there only one Quaffle?" he asked, to no one in particular. Perhaps the one with the Quaffle would like to share?
And so it seemed easier to be knocking rocks away.
The boy ducked when one of those came flying by, that Ravenclaw boy was not looking when hitting the rock, and rocks were harder to control.
Keeping away from rocks was one task he was finding more difficult than finding a Snitch, ironically enough he couldn't find the Quaffle. And it was bigger. But he felt heavier with all the protective gear on. It was heavier.
"Is there only one Quaffle?" he asked, to no one in particular. Perhaps the one with the Quaffle would like to share?
Chloe quickly decided she wanted to play chaser and kicked off the goround in search of the quaffle. She heard a boy call out 'Is there was one only one quaffle' and turned toward him. It caught her off gaurd for a moment but then she spotted a quaffle. Whether it was the only one or not she was not sure. Regardleless she was dove to catch it and with a bit of luck she manage to grab it and held it tightly as not to drop it. She then saw a rock coming for her and dodged it and then saw the boy who had caught her off gauard before and called out, "I GOT IT", an then threw it in is his direction cause he was closer to the goal hoops and another rock was hurtling at her. Once free of the quaffle and quickly swerved out of the way with ease and headed tcloseer to goal hoops.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
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Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
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Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Kurumi kicked off the ground just enough to hover a few feet in the air. She had little idea how to play Quidditch let alone the ancient way of doing so.
"Anyone need another player?" she asked looking around for someone to bring her under their wing. She adjusted her helmet as it almost feel off her head.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
And so it seemed easier to be knocking rocks away.
The boy ducked when one of those came flying by, that Ravenclaw boy was not looking when hitting the rock, and rocks were harder to control.
Keeping away from rocks was one task he was finding more difficult than finding a Snitch, ironically enough he couldn't find the Quaffle. And it was bigger. But he felt heavier with all the protective gear on. It was heavier.
"Is there only one Quaffle?" he asked, to no one in particular. Perhaps the one with the Quaffle would like to share?
Originally Posted by Herminny
Chloe quickly decided she wanted to play chaser and kicked off the goround in search of the quaffle. She heard a boy call out 'Is there was one only one quaffle' and turned toward him. It caught her off gaurd for a moment but then she spotted a quaffle. Whether it was the only one or not she was not sure. Regardleless she was dove to catch it and with a bit of luck she manage to grab it and held it tightly as not to drop it. She then saw a rock coming for her and dodged it and then saw the boy who had caught her off gauard before and called out, "I GOT IT", an then threw it in is his direction cause he was closer to the goal hoops and another rock was hurtling at her. Once free of the quaffle and quickly swerved out of the way with ease and headed tcloseer to goal hoops.
Finally just giving up her search for the person who'd hit that rock at her (there were so many Beaters!), Vashti loosened her grip on the broom slightly and flew forward, searching for whomever had the Quaffle - or if it was lying on the ground somewhere. As she did, she heard a boy about her age ask if there was just one Quaffle.
That was a good question. Was there more than one Quaffle?
"I don't think so..." she said uncertainly, flying up next to him and keeping an eye out for any rocks coming their way. She didn't want to get hit again, even with the protective stuff. "There's only one used in Quidditch today. They didn't have more than one in the past did they?" She didn't think so, but maybe she hadn't been paying as close attention as she'd thought when they were covering the history of Quidditch at the beginning of the lesson. Of course, there was also the fact that there were about a billion Beaters when there were usually only two per team. And they didn't seem to be on teams right now. So maybe the rules would be bent a bit more and allow more than one Quaffle?
Buuut then another girl not too far away suddenly the - a? - Quaffle and then threw it at the Hufflepuff boy. Alright, so now Vashti could get into the game! Assuming the boy would catch the Quaffle, she flew off towards the goal-baskets, ready in case whoever might have the Quaffle at the time would need to pass to her...
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Kurumi kicked off the ground just enough to hover a few feet in the air. She had little idea how to play Quidditch let alone the ancient way of doing so.
"Anyone need another player?" she asked looking around for someone to bring her under their wing. She adjusted her helmet as it almost feel off her head.
She slowed down, however, when she heard a younger girl call out. Deciding to help the girl, as she looked a little uncertain about all this (though Vashti couldn't blame her - there were flying rocks for Merlin's sake!), Vashti turned her broom and flew in the girl's direction.
"Hi," she said with a smile when she reached her. "We could always use another player, though we aren't on teams right now, if that's what you're thinking. At least...I don't think we are..." Were they? She hadn't really thought about it until just a few minutes ago. Hm. She would have to assume they weren't right now. "You ever play Quidditch before?"
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Lexers
Cameron shook her head dramatically. "No. Just intending to show you exactly what playing a good game of dirty quidditch is like. What we're here for, right?"Smirrrrrrk.
The girl flinched at the impact of the rock against the wood. She grinned. Might as well make it a fun lesson, right?
"With." She didn't fancy having him pelt rocks at her head.
She was small and vulnerable. Best to have the boys on her side.
Pshawwwwwwww. There was her boyfriend. She waved with a small smile. "Morrrrrrrrrrrrrning Oliver. Enjoying the fly?" She winked, turning to see James thwack another rock. She needed to get into the game. And a kiss.
She smiled for a moment, her eyes flitting to Oliver. Best not to let her boyfriend see that..
Time to hit some blooders. It looked fun.
And the dull sound of wood hitting rock was strangely satisfying.
She was going to enjoy this.
"Now thats what I like to hear." Impressed, Jimmy was. He liked a girl that could handle a beaters bat.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
As he spoke to the GlitterPuff, Salander's eyes grew large at an incoming rock!bludders
"Aak! Incoming!"he cowered instinctively
The lad turned his head quickly at another boy with the beater's bat. "Thanks!" he replied gratefully of the sudden save. "Salander." he called out as he introduced himself "You're pretty quick with that bat. What's your name 'Claw?"
"Jimmy." Pshaw. Not 'Claw. Not just one of the masses. "James S. Wilkes. And thankya" THWACK! "kindly." Jimmy veered outward a little so he wasn't too close. Easier that way. A bit of distance was a good thing.
The padding though.
It'd chafe after a long game. Charms for that?
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Carter soared into the air. He was, of course, going to be playing chaser. He was anxious to get in the air and test out that old quaffle.
He hovered in the air for a second before dodging a flying rock. "Whoa." he said watching it speed away. For some reason he was much more terrified of these rocks than he had ever been about bludgers.
Now... which team to be on?
Obviously the one that had the ball.
Hmm... or maybe the one team that wasn't heading toward Oliver's goal post.
"I'm on Oliver's team." he shouted to everyone. Yup, that was the much better choice. Now to wait until something happened. What team was Treyen on?
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Finally just giving up her search for the person who'd hit that rock at her (there were so many Beaters!), Vashti loosened her grip on the broom slightly and flew forward, searching for whomever had the Quaffle - or if it was lying on the ground somewhere. As she did, she heard a boy about her age ask if there was just one Quaffle.
That was a good question. Was there more than one Quaffle?
"I don't think so..." she said uncertainly, flying up next to him and keeping an eye out for any rocks coming their way. She didn't want to get hit again, even with the protective stuff. "There's only one used in Quidditch today. They didn't have more than one in the past did they?" She didn't think so, but maybe she hadn't been paying as close attention as she'd thought when they were covering the history of Quidditch at the beginning of the lesson. Of course, there was also the fact that there were about a billion Beaters when there were usually only two per team. And they didn't seem to be on teams right now. So maybe the rules would be bent a bit more and allow more than one Quaffle?
Buuut then another girl not too far away suddenly the - a? - Quaffle and then threw it at the Hufflepuff boy. Alright, so now Vashti could get into the game! Assuming the boy would catch the Quaffle, she flew off towards the goal-baskets, ready in case whoever might have the Quaffle at the time would need to pass to her...
Er, Treyen had no idea. Maybe they too played with one Quaffle, but he didn't know...maybe Vindictus played back then, and he could enlighten them?
Nah, Vindictus wasn't that old.
"I don't know" he said, though, in class, there could be more than one? Er, on second thought, maybe there was just one Quaffle, after all, there was one Keeper over there he was seeing.
It wouldn't be fair to the Keeper.
Originally Posted by Herminny
Chloe quickly decided she wanted to play chaser and kicked off the goround in search of the quaffle. She heard a boy call out 'Is there was one only one quaffle' and turned toward him. It caught her off gaurd for a moment but then she spotted a quaffle. Whether it was the only one or not she was not sure. Regardleless she was dove to catch it and with a bit of luck she manage to grab it and held it tightly as not to drop it. She then saw a rock coming for her and dodged it and then saw the boy who had caught her off gauard before and called out, "I GOT IT", an then threw it in is his direction cause he was closer to the goal hoops and another rock was hurtling at her. Once free of the quaffle and quickly swerved out of the way with ease and headed tcloseer to goal hoops.
But before he could say or ask something else, a girl had a hold of the Quaffle!
Treyen got in place, and eyed the Quaffle very carefully, there was no gripping charm, so he'd have to be quick on not breaking his hand, and not lose the hold of the ball.
Easier said than done.
The speed and weight of the ball, and the heavy protective wear, didn't go together. But he did manage to almost back away a little when the Quaffle got to his hand and the fingers wrapped around it. It was not easy, really.
He was closer to the hoops, and the other girl went over to the first year, so, he'd venture and throw it at the baskets. Maybe the Keeper will allow it in?
He did it, it took all the strength he had, but the Quaffle was flying towards the basket.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
SPOILER!!: nice person*snuggles*
Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru
Finally just giving up her search for the person who'd hit that rock at her (there were so many Beaters!), Vashti loosened her grip on the broom slightly and flew forward, searching for whomever had the Quaffle - or if it was lying on the ground somewhere. As she did, she heard a boy about her age ask if there was just one Quaffle.
That was a good question. Was there more than one Quaffle?
"I don't think so..." she said uncertainly, flying up next to him and keeping an eye out for any rocks coming their way. She didn't want to get hit again, even with the protective stuff. "There's only one used in Quidditch today. They didn't have more than one in the past did they?" She didn't think so, but maybe she hadn't been paying as close attention as she'd thought when they were covering the history of Quidditch at the beginning of the lesson. Of course, there was also the fact that there were about a billion Beaters when there were usually only two per team. And they didn't seem to be on teams right now. So maybe the rules would be bent a bit more and allow more than one Quaffle?
Buuut then another girl not too far away suddenly the - a? - Quaffle and then threw it at the Hufflepuff boy. Alright, so now Vashti could get into the game! Assuming the boy would catch the Quaffle, she flew off towards the goal-baskets, ready in case whoever might have the Quaffle at the time would need to pass to her...
She slowed down, however, when she heard a younger girl call out. Deciding to help the girl, as she looked a little uncertain about all this (though Vashti couldn't blame her - there were flying rocks for Merlin's sake!), Vashti turned her broom and flew in the girl's direction.
"Hi," she said with a smile when she reached her. "We could always use another player, though we aren't on teams right now, if that's what you're thinking. At least...I don't think we are..." Were they? She hadn't really thought about it until just a few minutes ago. Hm. She would have to assume they weren't right now. "You ever play Quidditch before?"
Kurumi could have jumped off her broom, onto the other girl's, and given her a giant bear hug. Good thing she kept her wits about her and didn't...it would have been a hard fall for the two of them.
"I-I-I have never played before," she said blushing and playing with her side pony-tail. "I don't even know where to begin..." She was only a first year after all - not to mention grew up knowing nothing of the wizarding world. Ask her about kendo or baking and she could talk for hours...Quidditch was another story. It was hard enough for her to say it correctly let alone play it.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
imma playin for whoever Fletch and Jimmy plays for. *hounds ze quaffle*
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Jimmy
Originally Posted by Tegz
"Now thats what I like to hear." Impressed, Jimmy was. He liked a girl that could handle a beaters bat.
"Jimmy." Pshaw. Not 'Claw. Not just one of the masses. "James S. Wilkes. And thankya" THWACK! "kindly." Jimmy veered outward a little so he wasn't too close. Easier that way. A bit of distance was a good thing.
The padding though.
It'd chafe after a long game. Charms for that?
"Good to meetcha--"' eyes thwacking "... Jimmy". Hmm another Jim. oh but Bird Boy was Jimbo. This was Jimmy. Jimmy the.... Bat boy. Heh.
SPOILER!!: Treyen
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
Er, Treyen had no idea. Maybe they too played with one Quaffle, but he didn't know...maybe Vindictus played back then, and he could enlighten them?
Nah, Vindictus wasn't that old.
"I don't know" he said, though, in class, there could be more than one? Er, on second thought, maybe there was just one Quaffle, after all, there was one Keeper over there he was seeing.
It wouldn't be fair to the Keeper.
But before he could say or ask something else, a girl had a hold of the Quaffle!
Treyen got in place, and eyed the Quaffle very carefully, there was no gripping charm, so he'd have to be quick on not breaking his hand, and not lose the hold of the ball.
Easier said than done.
The speed and weight of the ball, and the heavy protective wear, didn't go together. But he did manage to almost back away a little when the Quaffle got to his hand and the fingers wrapped around it. It was not easy, really.
He was closer to the hoops, and the other girl went over to the first year, so, he'd venture and throw it at the baskets. Maybe the Keeper will allow it in?
He did it, it took all the strength he had, but the Quaffle was flying towards the basket.
His head swings from the movement of another Hufflepuff. "There's that quaffle." he exclaims then turns to go after it.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Old Quidditch? Hold on - before the advent of the Snidget?! Aww, not fair!
Sighing, Emmy grabbed a beater's bat, mounted her broom, and soared into the air.
"Hey! Anyone need another beater?" she yelled, then noticed a blooder zooming towards her. She swung the bat round from behind her shoulder, hitting the blooder with a satisfying THWACK!!!!!!
His head swings from the movement of another Hufflepuff. "There's that quaffle." he exclaims then turns to go after it.
Oh, no. Someone from the other team had spotted the Quaffle, though, truth be told, once you knew how it looked was not that hard to spot, regardless the few minutes he'd wasted looking for it.
But, did it go through? It did, didn't it? He lost sight of the Quaffle again!
Sigh. It was hard to spot.
And then a rock was flying by pretty close, good thing he noticed it before it hit him.
Originally Posted by tonks2
Old Quidditch? Hold on - before the advent of the Snidget?! Aww, not fair!
Sighing, Emmy grabbed a beater's bat, mounted her broom, and soared into the air.
"Hey! Anyone need another beater?" she yelled, then noticed a blooder zooming towards her. She swung the bat round from behind her shoulder, hitting the blooder with a satisfying THWACK!!!!!!
Perfect timing.
"Yeah! Over here" with team Oliver, the boy gestured towards him and a couple more (Carter amongst those), this team needed Beaters, or only a couple more, though they needed more Catchers too. Haha. Catchers. Like catching the Quaffle. Hard task.