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Located directly next to the castle is a vast expanse of green grass. This is where all Flying Lessons take place unless Professor Vindictus changes the venue.
A broom rack sits on a flat patch of ground and next to it is the professor. If you're here for the lesson, please have a seat on the grass and wait for the professor to begin.
Do not announce that you're late or else points will be taken away.
If you're not here for the lesson and take a broom for a joy ride on the grounds, then expect to face the wrath of Vindictus.
Fee was flying quite a bit over the ground and she had to concentrate on ot crossing the borders.
She shrieked as a boy got in her way. She stopped right in front of him.
"Hey", she smiled
friendly," i am Feenella, Slytherin Firstie."
Hee seemed nice.
"So how is your flight going?"
Fee started flying around again but paying attention she was still close enough to Hugo.
"I started out really bad today, almost fell of my broom! But now it's going quite well. How's it going with you?"
"I started out really bad today, almost fell of my broom! But now it's going quite well. How's it going with you?"
He started floating around, looking quite funny.
"You almost fell of your broom", Fee said shocked,"did you hurt yourself?"
Fee wanted to try a looping but she had to fly to low.
What a pitty. Maybe next time.
"My flight is going well. I love that feeling", she smiled dreamily,"and except nearlsa bumping in a handsome boy i managed not causing an accident."
Fee started laughing. She sounded kinda stupid, didnt she? Oh well, what was said was said.
"You almost fell of your broom", Fee said shocked,"did you hurt yourself?"
Fee wanted to try a looping but she had to fly to low.
What a pitty. Maybe next time.
"My flight is going well. I love that feeling", she smiled dreamily,"and except nearlsa bumping in a handsome boy i managed not causing an accident."
Fee started laughing. She sounded kinda stupid, didnt she? Oh well, what was said was said.
Hugo chuckled. "A looping? That must be hard! Did you fly at all when you were younger?"
Carpe Diem: Make today extraordinary! WOOT WOOT! GRYFFINDOR!!
Sophia kicked her feet off the ground and began to fly. She flew all around, and evenutlly flew into a Slytherin and a Ravenclaw. "Oh, I am so sorry!" she said, apologeticly.
Hugo chuckled. "A looping? That must be hard! Did you fly at all when you were younger?"
"Well, it isnt that hard", she smiled,"i could show you later."
Oh yes, she had trained that sooooo many times with her brother.
"Oh yes, i have my own broom at home and my brother was Quidditch captain so he thaught me some things", she smiling,"what about you?"
Fee started to balance on her broom. Oh this was fun. she slowly walked back and forth on it.
Jacob quickly Kicked off the ground. Not being on the pitch felt so weird as the first time flying this year. Jacob always flew first at try-outs, and now with no quidditch, Jacob couldn't do that. It was unfair!
He weaved through the others. making sure to fly extra close to those who seemed to be their first time. Teeny Tiny Firsties, can't ride a broom! He started to laugh. It was funny, but he quickly shut up rmembering how hard it was for him the first time... Still the struggleing firsties were hilarious to watch. Especially the ones that kept hitting the barrier. At least they showed him where not to fly.
Jacob quickly Kicked off the ground. Not being on the pitch felt so weird as the first time flying this year. Jacob always flew first at try-outs, and now with no quidditch, Jacob couldn't do that. It was unfair!
He weaved through the others. making sure to fly extra close to those who seemed to be their first time. Teeny Tiny Firsties, can't ride a broom! He started to laugh. It was funny, but he quickly shut up rmembering how hard it was for him the first time... Still the struggleing firsties were hilarious to watch. Especially the ones that kept hitting the barrier. At least they showed him where not to fly.
Fee saw a boy near her laughing at someone. She turned to see what was so funny and cuaght some students her age. Okay they didnt look to good on their brooms but still laughing at them because it was their first time was rude.
"Hey you", she said a bit loudly,"thats not really nice, laughing at people. Do you want someone to laugh at you when you try something out the first time?I suppose not."
Last edited by Lauralicious; 09-16-2010 at 08:59 PM.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Charlotte Ann Tayler (she threatened her dad to make sure knobody finds out her last name)
First Year
Adeline kept trying to kick off her broom and it didn't work. Nope, nope, nope and NOPE! Grrrrrr. She grumbled to herself "Questo è stupido ..." she kept trying. She started kicking even harder and BOOM! She blasted into the air like one of her favorite rollercoaster Starblaster and went downn.... and up.... and downn..... and up. She finaly turned it and she flew up at lightning speed and down a lightning speed. Whent she was on foot from the ground, it tipped her off. She smilled brightly and patted the dirt off her top and said. "That was easy" simply.
JellyPop, Cupcake, call me whatever
Lara opened her mouth to say ‘no’ because she didn’t have time to observe ‘beginners’ to flying. She’s heard a lot about flying from her family and she tried it a couple of times back home, but never was an expert in it.
As soon as the girl darted up in the sky, Lara’s eyes followed her concerned. “That is a stupid girl.. ” Lara shielded her eyes with her hand as she followed Louisa’s route. She noticed that the girl kept flying upwards without actually pushing the broom slightly to the front so she could fly properly.
“Look out!” Lara shouted to the girl whom obviously didn’t hear because the broom stopped suddenly held in that position. Lara rolled here eyes as she heard her calling Lara, mounted her broom carelessly and pushed it up gently.
Her hands clutched tightly to the broom and she was moving a bit too slowly than she liked, but she didn’t want to end up in Louisa’s position either. “I’m here!” Lara called back as soon as she was close enough to Louisa. “Hey open your eyes and don’t be a coward! You just didn’t push your broom forwards.” She explained to the girl and gave her a smuggin face. See the benefit of being a pure-blood?
Louisa heard Lara's voice closer but she daren't opening her eyes till the other girl accused her of being 'coward'. "I'm not a coward! I just am not accustomed to be suspended in air, sorry!" She added sarcastically opening her eyes. "Push it forward gently?" She repeated nervously.
VERY gently Louisa pushed her hands which were holding (Or strangling) the broomstick which responded quickly and shifted itself so that it was horizontally. Louisa lost her balance of course in that process and fell off the broom but had her hands clutching to the broom still.
"AAA! What do I do now? Tell me!! Quick!" She asked Lara terrified of falling off the ground from this distance. Not that she feared to be injured, because she had fallen before and didn't die then so no reason to be hurt this time. It was the embarrassing situation she found herself in front of this new friend. Gah! She can't just 'meet' people, no, she had to show her best embarrassment. Heh.
The broom was vertical again because of Louisa clutching to it with her hand and dangling from its end trying hard not to look below but looking at Lara (Who was upper) waiting for instructions.
Fee saw a boy near her laughing atr someone. She turned to see what was so funny and cuaght some students her age. Okay they didnt look to good on their brooms but still laughing at them because it was their first tine was rude.
"Hey you", she said a bit loudly,"thats not really nice, laughing at people. Do you want someone to laugh at you when you try something out the first time?I suppose not."
Jacob turned his head as someone yelled 'hey you' well that was rather vague. When you want someones attention you don't call them by their names or at least what they're wearing. He realized that she was talking to him... what?
He blinked several times at what she was talking about.
Jacob went into a sort of drifting stop. He stared at her oddly like she was some new species, or alien. What was she talking about, he wasn't laughing... anymore. Such odd little firsties... wait, how did she know he wasn't laughing at a joke someone told him... or laughing at JD and his Giant Bees... or just being completely insane as always
His head tilted, but said nothing. He wanted to stick his tongue out at her, but realized how immature that would be. He wasn't immature, so he would be the adult. Jacob brought his handle up, and shot straight up in an almost 90 degree angle. See he was mature, he could have gotten into another fight... but he didn't!
Jacob turned his head as someone yelled 'hey you' well that was rather vague. When you want someones attention you don't call them by their names or at least what they're wearing. He realized that she was talking to him... what?
He blinked several times at what she was talking about.
Jacob went into a sort of drifting stop. He stared at her oddly like she was some new species, or alien. What was she talking about, he wasn't laughing... anymore. Such odd little firsties... wait, how did she know he wasn't laughing at a joke someone told him... or laughing at JD and his Giant Bees... or just being completely insane as always
His head tilted, but said nothing. He wanted to stick his tongue out at her, but realized how immature that would be. He wasn't immature, so he would be the adult. Jacob brought his handle up, and shot straight up in an almost 90 degree angle. See he was mature, he could have gotten into another fight... but he didn't!
He didnt have anything to say about that? Woah....
This was júst..
Fee was speechless.
Whatever she started flying again.
A bit higher a bit lower. Faster and slower. Always watching out forn the barriers. She happy sighed. Flying was just what she needed to relax.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Ahhh, yes, Vashti loved flying. There was just something about the wind rushing around her that calmed her and let her forget about her problems for awhile. It was really, really nice. She was half-tempted to close her eyes and allow herself to rela even more, but she remembered that there were some kind of barriers around the area and from what she'd seen from several other students' impact on those invisible walls, it looked more painful than enjoyable. On top of that, if she closed her eyes she'd eventually lose her sense of up and down and/or fall asleep, and then she'd fall, which also wouldn't be pleasant.
So yeah, definitely not closing her eyes. Vashti instead just concentrated on keeping her ride smooth and enjoying as much of it as she could for however long it lasted. It might be awhile before she'd be able to get on a broom again.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Love me or Hate me... Either way atleast you know me ♥
Carmela made her was down to the Quidditch Patch. There was already a large group of kids so she slipped past them and made her way to the front of the group. Once in the front she started at the field and grinned.
Back home she was the best flier and all her friends called her the Queen of Quidditch. But now as Carmela looked at all the kids here she felt worried and nervous. 'What if I make a fool out of myself?! Oh no! All the others would laugh at me.' Carmela frowned. She walked over to the brooms, grabbed on and got on. Kicking off the ground Mela soored around the field gracefully. Flying, what a wonderful thing!
Last edited by peaches_11; 09-16-2010 at 09:55 PM.
Ever flew around, thinking of Quidditch. Ahh, Quidditch. Too bad firsties weren't allowed on the house teams. She spotted her friend Fee from across the sky. Ever zoomed over, tapped her on the shoulder, and giggled. she almost fell off her broom from laughing so hard.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
As she flew in small, gradual curves up and down, Vashti stifled a yawn. While she was very much enjoying finally being able to fly, the slow pace was rather dull and boring. She wanted to go faster but resisted the urge to do so for fear of slamming into one of those invisble barriers. She didn't want to get hurt on her first flying lesson of the term. Soooo what could she do to entertain herself without any of the really fancy, fast flying?
Diving maybe? She was no Seeker, but Chasers certainly needed to be able to dive quickly and get the Quaffle or avoid a Bludger. Yeah, that would be good. It was the closest she could get to Quidditch practice at this point.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Getting down until a few metres above ground, Evan leveled again and hovered at that height. It was safe to peer down here, and he felt a lot safer. Sure, many of the people were flying high, but he wasn't going to join them just because they were doing it. Although he was quite slow now, he'd like to keep it that way. He had to admit that flying like this was also boring though. He thought of speeding up, but he shooed off that idea the moment of popped up. There was no way he would threaten his life again.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
All right, admittedly, Fletcher knew he probably looked ridiculous puttering along like he was. A full-grown incredibly handsome boy on a lil old broomstick? As butterflies and bumblebees zipped past him?
Sooooooooooooo? He was enjoying the light breeze and was NOT going to do any more stunt flying or diving or whatever. And he wasn't the only smart one to do so, see!
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Getting down until a few metres above ground, Evan leveled again and hovered at that height. It was safe to peer down here, and he felt a lot safer. Sure, many of the people were flying high, but he wasn't going to join them just because they were doing it. Although he was quite slow now, he'd like to keep it that way. He had to admit that flying like this was also boring though. He thought of speeding up, but he shooed off that idea the moment of popped up. There was no way he would threaten his life again.
Pfft. When would this 'fun' part end?
Fletcher's broom hovered up alongside another boy's who was also being a low n slow flyer. "Sup, man," he nodded to the guy. "Ya keepin it real?"
Real cool? Cool like a camel race? Cheya.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
As she flew in small, gradual curves up and down, Vashti stifled a yawn. While she was very much enjoying finally being able to fly, the slow pace was rather dull and boring. She wanted to go faster but resisted the urge to do so for fear of slamming into one of those invisble barriers. She didn't want to get hurt on her first flying lesson of the term. Soooo what could she do to entertain herself without any of the really fancy, fast flying?
Diving maybe? She was no Seeker, but Chasers certainly needed to be able to dive quickly and get the Quaffle or avoid a Bludger. Yeah, that would be good. It was the closest she could get to Quidditch practice at this point.
Ellie was finishing her little invisible circle of a path that she'd mapped out in her head, when she saw Vashti. Heyyy.
"Hey Vashti! Nice to be in the air again?" It sure was for her... Flying at Hogwarts was... somehow different than at home. More... fun. "Fancy a race?"
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu
Ellie was finishing her little invisible circle of a path that she'd mapped out in her head, when she saw Vashti. Heyyy.
"Hey Vashti! Nice to be in the air again?" It sure was for her... Flying at Hogwarts was... somehow different than at home. More... fun. "Fancy a race?"
Vashti was just beginning to plan out the angle and starting position of her first dive when Ellie suddenly approached her. Fellow (former?) Quidditch teammate! "Definitely," she answered the girl's first question with a grin. "Feels like ages since I was last on a broom." Because it was ages ago. Sadly. Oh, a race? The races last year had been AWESOME. But they hadn't had to worry about certain invisible barriers and what-not. Even so... "Yeah, definitely!" she said with a nod. She just couldn't resist. Slow flying was just too boring, and she could try diving another time. Hopefully.
"Anyone else want to join us?" she called to no one in particular. Because racing with several people was even more fun than just a single opponent. Though it was tons of fun either way, honestly.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Ellie was finishing her little invisible circle of a path that she'd mapped out in her head, when she saw Vashti. Heyyy.
"Hey Vashti! Nice to be in the air again?" It sure was for her... Flying at Hogwarts was... somehow different than at home. More... fun. "Fancy a race?"
Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru
Vashti was just beginning to plan out the angle and starting position of her first dive when Ellie suddenly approached her. Fellow (former?) Quidditch teammate! "Definitely," she answered the girl's first question with a grin. "Feels like ages since I was last on a broom." Because it was ages ago. Sadly. Oh, a race? The races last year had been AWESOME. But they hadn't had to worry about certain invisible barriers and what-not. Even so... "Yeah, definitely!" she said with a nod. She just couldn't resist. Slow flying was just too boring, and she could try diving another time. Hopefully.
"Anyone else want to join us?" she called to no one in particular. Because racing with several people was even more fun than just a single opponent. Though it was tons of fun either way, honestly.
Jacob saw two girls... teammates... housemates... whatever, doing something down below. He went into a full dive towards the girls. He pulled up right infront of them. "Hey... join what?" he asked
Maybe they were going to scare more firsties. It would be better as a group. More firsties to scare.
All right, admittedly, Fletcher knew he probably looked ridiculous puttering along like he was. A full-grown incredibly handsome boy on a lil old broomstick? As butterflies and bumblebees zipped past him?
Sooooooooooooo? He was enjoying the light breeze and was NOT going to do any more stunt flying or diving or whatever. And he wasn't the only smart one to do so, see!
Fletcher's broom hovered up alongside another boy's who was also being a low n slow flyer. "Sup, man," he nodded to the guy. "Ya keepin it real?"
Real cool? Cool like a camel race? Cheya.
Evan actually grinned for the second time in the classroom. He felt really better now that he found someone keeping safe. And, to his surprise and further delight, the boy was the Hufflepuff Champion. Who could say it was not cool now, with a champion by his side?
"Yeah, I don't enjoy flying much," he admitted with a shy smile. "You too?" The boy was obviously champion for a reason: he was smart enough not to put himself in danger by doing silly stunt on a piece of charmed wood.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Louisa heard Lara's voice closer but she daren't opening her eyes till the other girl accused her of being 'coward'. "I'm not a coward! I just am not accustomed to be suspended in air, sorry!" She added sarcastically opening her eyes. "Push it forward gently?" She repeated nervously.
VERY gently Louisa pushed her hands which were holding (Or strangling) the broomstick which responded quickly and shifted itself so that it was horizontally. Louisa lost her balance of course in that process and fell off the broom but had her hands clutching to the broom still.
"AAA! What do I do now? Tell me!! Quick!" She asked Lara terrified of falling off the ground from this distance. Not that she feared to be injured, because she had fallen before and didn't die then so no reason to be hurt this time. It was the embarrassing situation she found herself in front of this new friend. Gah! She can't just 'meet' people, no, she had to show her best embarrassment. Heh.
The broom was vertical again because of Louisa clutching to it with her hand and dangling from its end trying hard not to look below but looking at Lara (Who was upper) waiting for instructions.
Lara noticed that Louisa is really a starter and doesn’t really know the basics ,so Lara though that Louisa can’t understand while she’s up here terrified . “calm down a bit you’re not gonna die!!” Lara shouted “listen, get behind me and I’ll land the both of us.” Lara said hoping that Louisa heard her or even understood but obviously she did because she started to look how can she get behind Lara. Therefore Lara closed to Louisa’s broom and grabbed it “I’ll hold it and you jump on mine “Lara took a deep breath and grabbed Louisa’s broom firmly with a hand and her broom with another at that moment Louisa jumped and grabbed Lara’s robes tightly and here Lara felt her hand about to get off but she tried to hold it,so she tried to balance the broom after Louisa shock it with her jump. Lara kicked with all her might toward the ground while holding Louisa’s broom which was horribly painful. And few inches above the ground Lara shouted “Jump!!!” she said it because she knew that she can’t land safely with two brooms. Finally the two girls landed on the grounds with the two brooms and Lara cut her knee but it wasn’t that serious.“That wasn’t bad ,was it?!” Lara said as she was breathing heavily and smiling at the same time.
OOC: I arranged with Magical soul the story and she let me RP Louisa a bit here. So I guess I didn’t break any rules .=)
Jacob saw two girls... teammates... housemates... whatever, doing something down below. He went into a full dive towards the girls. He pulled up right infront of them. "Hey... join what?" he asked
Maybe they were going to scare more firsties. It would be better as a group. More firsties to scare.
Ellie looked around for someone to answer their call. She looked left. She looked right. She looked down. No one? Honestly, didn't any of these kids know how to have fu-... She jumped. Which, on a broom, you can imagine, is no fun. She almost slipped off, her left ankle was the only think holding on other than her hands. Why did she jump? Because she didn't expect Jacob to be coming from ABOVE. She was surprised.
No one noticed....right?
Brushing it off, she got back upright on her broom. "A race." she answered him. "Something to brighten up the dulldrum of flying in circles." Or something competitive that she could take her annoyance about the lack of quidditch out on.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
SPOILER!!: Jacob, Ellie
Originally Posted by Walrus
Jacob saw two girls... teammates... housemates... whatever, doing something down below. He went into a full dive towards the girls. He pulled up right infront of them. "Hey... join what?" he asked
Maybe they were going to scare more firsties. It would be better as a group. More firsties to scare.
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu
Ellie looked around for someone to answer their call. She looked left. She looked right. She looked down. No one? Honestly, didn't any of these kids know how to have fu-... She jumped. Which, on a broom, you can imagine, is no fun. She almost slipped off, her left ankle was the only think holding on other than her hands. Why did she jump? Because she didn't expect Jacob to be coming from ABOVE. She was surprised.
No one noticed....right?
Brushing it off, she got back upright on her broom. "A race." she answered him. "Something to brighten up the dulldrum of flying in circles." Or something competitive that she could take her annoyance about the lack of quidditch out on.
Still looking around for anyone else who wanted to race with her and Ellie, Vashti heard the whooshing of air as someone was flying towards them, but she didn't expect that person to just stop right in front of them out of NOWHERE. On reflex, she jumped back with a tiny "eep!", but as both hands were gripping the handle of the broom, she merely pulled the broom back a couple inches and, thankfully, didn't fall. Unlike poor Ellie nearly had. Fortunately, the fellow Ravenclaw hadn't actually fallen and got back on her broom okay. Thank Merlin. And since Ellie had already answered Jacob's question, Vashti simply nodded and waited for him to reply.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger