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Located directly next to the castle is a vast expanse of green grass. This is where all Flying Lessons take place unless Professor Vindictus changes the venue.
A broom rack sits on a flat patch of ground and next to it is the professor. If you're here for the lesson, please have a seat on the grass and wait for the professor to begin.
Do not announce that you're late or else points will be taken away.
If you're not here for the lesson and take a broom for a joy ride on the grounds, then expect to face the wrath of Vindictus.
Yanking the mop handle to the right again just shy of the lake, JD hopes it works this time. Instead of turning however it...well it did turn actually. It just kept turning him around and around in circles. "Stop!!!" he shrieks, starting to feel sick.
Around and around in circles he went, trying to get himself to stop, he yanks the mop handle upward, trying to use the braking mechanism it was supposed to have.
Instead of just stopping it flipped him over backwards and down he landed again on the ground. Lying there dazed once again, he closes his eyes And he thought it wouldn't be that different from a broomstick. He lays there for a little bit so the ground and sky would stop moving, trying to keep his lunch down.
Standing back up he yanks the mop off the ground and makes his way back to the pitch. He was now thinking the school broomsticks were honestly not all that bad.
Last edited by Lizasaurus; 09-17-2010 at 04:13 PM.
Evan sighed in relief when they were told to get off the brooms, but worried in the next moment--how was he supposed to get off? Watching a few people, he decided to jump off like Huffie Champion. Getting down until only two metres, he jumped off and returned the broom. Listening to the questions and answers, he didn't bother to answer since he didn't approve of flying at all, and didn't have any idea about it whatsoever anyway. He was pretty content down on the ground, listening to other people's ideas when all of a sudden wet mops appeared. Still he wasn't alarmed, until the professor told them to mount on.
"Are you kidding?" he moaned out loud, not caring that the professor might have heard him. He was NOT getting on any flying object, unless it was large enough to carry a few people and actually had some motors or other safety stuff. Sure, he did hear the professor saying these mops were safe--hah, like they could be trusted!--and had a cushion charm, but he was still highly sceptic. The memory of riding a more civilised broomstick still lingering in his mind quite vividly, he wasn't going to mount on something harder to ride.
Watching a few people and how they couldn't go fast or climb too high, he decided to give it a shot. He'd already flied, after all, and had been foolish enough to attend the flying class. Now, at least, he wanted to finish what he had started and grabbed a mop. Giving the dripping end a disgusted look--he didn't even want to think where it was used at, he threw his left leg over it and mounted. Holding onto it for his dear life again, he tapped his feet and started to go up... everything cool for now.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Stupid mop.
Yeah he is so blaming the mop. It wasnt like it was his rear end that was causing the drag. Or that it had a handle harder than his head.
He nursed the sore spot with one hand as he grabbed the mop irritably with the other. As he glared at the mop, he could hear... Giggling? he thought as he turned to look at where it was coming from.
And there was the Hufflepuff Champion, having such a good fit of the giggles at his expense. "Bah! Lets see you try something better Fletcher!" he growled back, although he hated to admit that Fletcher has already done something better-- he got off the ground, even if it was just 3 feet high.
Salander started to mount his mop once again, trying to ignore the GlitterPuff who now was in such a fit of laughter he fell on the ground. He turned his head to yell back something snarky when just at the perfect moment, Fletcher's mop landed on his head, soggy strings and all.
Who was laughing now? He was!
Mwahahahaha!!! "Lookin' good Fletcher!" Salander guffawed back and gave a double thumbs up. Then pretending to see people coming up behind the Hufflepuff he mock pointed "Oh look, photographers from the Daily Prophet. Say Cheese Fletch!" he beamed as he mounted his mop quickly and pushed off, half flying, half dragging the mop across the greens.
Fletcher felt sooooo disgusting right now, and that was certainly saying something for the boy who had once eaten a sandwich right off the floor. "Ppphotographers?! WHERE?!" He whipped his mophead around so fast that the stupid, soggy thing fell off at last.
Spying no press in the immediate vicinity, Fletcher glared at Salander and snatched his mop up to begin anew the process of flying. He mounted the mop angrily and kicked off too hard, so that the stupid mop went up in the air and did a loop.
But he managed to stay on! Oh yes, for once Fletcher had managed to hold on to an airborn thing. SUCCESS. Gritting his teeth into a creepy, focused grin, the boy then aimed his mop toward Salander. Mwahaha. He was so gonna crash into him.
That is, if the thing ever puttered there this century.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."
Alice seemed to be moving along easier on this mop than she had on the broom. She wasn't doing any dives since the teacher had strongly suggested against that, but she was starting to risk going up higher and higher.
She would perhaps even be enjoying the experience if it weren't for the fact that her butt was completely soaked for the water that flapped up as she flew. She was going to have to learn a spell to help her dry off.
Alice lowered her body closer to the mop so that she could go a little faster. By some miracle she had managed to get the mop to actually go the direction she wanted. She could actually fly. Who knew?
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
As the thing was inclined upwards, the wet end was too heavy for it to pull, even though the inclination was like one degree. And for it was made of metal which was pretty slipperly, Evan slipped a little backwards before he could hold onto tighter, his knucles hurting even in the first minute. Even those was enough for it to incline steeper, which consequently led to loss of balance.
Evan tried to pull himself to the front but he was only a moment late, and for an instant the thing just hovered in the air making a 90 degree to the ground with an Evan Cartwright hanging to it before his hands slipped completely and he fell. It was a soft fall since he could only rise 1,5 metre, but it still hurt at the first moment. "Ouch!" he half-shouted, holding his back. With the pain, he noticed the wet danger too late and the mop made its landing on him, wetting his legs. "Ewww!" he shouted this time. This. Was. Gross! Jumping to his feet, he looked at his trousers in disgust. Ugh... he would never wear them again.
With the bonus discomfort from his wet legs, he mounted on it again with a grunt and tapped his feet angrily. This time it got off more quickly, though it was still pretty slow compared to a broomstick.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Ahh, finally. Ty was too scared to go fast on this unstable drippy mop thing and so it had taken the boy a ridiculously long time to reach the edge of the pitch. Breathing out slowly, he made a face at the mop. True, the school brooms weren't exactly the best of the best, but at least they followed simple commands and nudges.
THIS thing? Yeah, TERRIBLE balance and horrible coordination. It was like someone had taken a broom and whacked it on the head so that it was dizzy - that's what this mop felt. Looking up and around at the students, Ty decided to maybe try and circle the stands. Again, he leaned down towards the mop and picked up speed before...
"AARRGGHHHH!!" he yelled as he was thrown off the mop and collided HARD with the ground, mop falling uselessly by his side. What the...?
Oh. UGH. Boundaries - invisible wall. Ty had forgotten. Hmpf. Groaning, he sat up and glared at the still wet rag that was attached to his mop, who had by now moved to a hovering position beside him. "Yeah yeah, you can act like a broom all you want mister, but I still don't like you," Ty spat and rose to his feet, rubbing the back of his head.
Well, he thought as he looked up at the other students, at least he wasn't the only one having trouble. With an audible sigh, Ty mounted the mop again and kicked off, this time heading for the dead centre of the pitch.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Professor Vindictus watched the skies carefully and winced each time a student smacked into the invisible barriers. Every so often, he'd check his watch for the time. Finally, he raised his silver whistle to his lips.
He pulled the whistle away from his mouth and spoke rather loudly like a coach barking instructions to his players on the court during a game. "Everybody land and return your brooms to the rack!"
Freya landed her broom slowly and returned it to the rack. "So much for flying" she sighed.
SPOILER!!: Professor V 2
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
"Good thoughts, all of you so I guess two points each should suffice," he replied and he pulled out his wand. With a simple swish and flick, the broom rack vanished. A few more flicks and jabs, and a line of rag mops marched out from the castle.
Light glistened on their bottoms as they came to a halt and hovered in mid-air.
Beneath each mop, droplets fell to the grass. These weren't just rag mops, they were WET RAG MOPS.
"Everyone - grab a mop and get in line! Make sure you're holding the mop in your left hand!" Vindictus ordered and he clapped his hands gleefully.
What are we doing with mops??Freya was so curious. What are they going to do with the mops?. She's in the right class right?
She pushed out the thought and get in the line to grab the mop. She grabbed her mop and held it in her left hand.
SPOILER!!: Professor V 3
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
"Myrtle knows," Vindictus joked and winked. "Now these aren't just your standard wet rag mops - these ordinary household items have been tricked out with dozens of complicated charms."
Oh, where was the yearbook photographer when you needed them?!
"These mops are fully equipped with all standard broom magic charms including a braking charm and the cushioning charm. However, they're not going to fly like an ordinary broomstick."
"The weight of the water is going to cause a drag when you're airborne. If the rags weren't wet, all of you would be ricocheting off the invisible boundaries and be unable to control the mop." He stopped and allowed this fact to sink in.
"This is why I said they won't fly like ordinary broomsticks. But like a broomstick, everything else is almost the same . . . except when you try to dive . . . the weighted end will flip you off the mop and onto the grass . . . so avoid diving, if you can."
Goofy grin.
"Since you get to fly again, please try to practice your control of the mop and be careful not to smack someone in the face with the wet rags . . . the impact could cause you to become unseated and dangling precariously from the mop handle . . . and that would cause the mop to become inverted and you'd plummet to the grass. So, um, try not to hurt yourselves, okay? Now have some fun flying your mops!"
They're going to fly the mops??!!Okay seriously though what possessed the Professor's mind. Flying the MOPS??!!! "You've got to be kidding me..!!" She moaned.
She held the mop tightly in her left hand and mounted it. The faster she fly the faster this end. She kicked off from the ground and start flying. The broom flied very slowly. The weight of the water was slowing her down. "Seriously could it go faster than this?" she moaned again. This is going to be a verrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long ride.
Cass eyed the mop disdainfully. Someone of her heritage should not even touching that thing. and to make matters worst, the ickyy thing was wet! She brought out her wand and pointed it at the broom "Scourgify" When the mop was clean, then she cast a hot air charm on the mop to dry off the dripping water. When it was slightly...rideable, Cass mounted it and kicked off perfectly.The mop was heavier than the broom, its going to get some getting used to. She thought all was going to go well after her perfect kick off, but alas, she was disappointed.
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."
Alice was looking around at how everyone else was fairing while she toodled along. She watched a fellow Gryffindor attempt a running start to get his mop going, which she thought was just slightly comical, and cringed as she saw the Ravenclaw boy who had been doing dives earlier ram into the barrier. Ouch.
Perhaps Alice was getting the most amusement from Salander teasing Fletcher, who she recognized as one of the Triwizard Tournament competitors. She felt bad for the poor guy who was sporting the end of the mop as a hat. Alice thought about flying over to him and wishing the boy good luck in the tournament...or perhaps she should say man considering he was six years older than her, but decided against it when he got back on his mop with a weird look of determination.
Alice's mouth fell open slightly. Was he going to crash into Salander? This should be interesting. Alice halted her mop to watch.
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
It was official. Tyler Adams HATED flying mops with wet rags. With a passion.
Glaring at the mop as it inched slowly towards the centre, Ty was thankful that he managed to avoid any narrow collisions with people. It was IMPOSSIBLE to navigate this stupid thing. You lean a little to the left and it does nothing, you lean too much and it goes into a roll - and when you PUSH to the left, dear Merlin. It zooms off to do a bloody U-turn.
Aaanyways, he had finally reached his destination; the dead centre of the Quidditch pitch. As gently as he possibly could, Ty angled the broom up and began a slow, nervous climb; he was curious to see how high was too high for this mop with a wet rag.
The wet rag was the source of all the troubles - it was throwing off the WHOLE sleekness of the flying and was truly BLEH. Glancing towards the broomshed in the distance, the third year ached to be able to get himself a broom. ANY broom.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
As the thing was inclined upwards, the wet end was too heavy for it to pull, even though the inclination was like one degree. And for it was made of metal which was pretty slipperly, Evan slipped a little backwards before he could hold onto tighter, his knucles hurting even in the first minute. Even those was enough for it to incline steeper, which consequently led to loss of balance.
Evan tried to pull himself to the front but he was only a moment late, and for an instant the thing just hovered in the air making a 90 degree to the ground with an Evan Cartwright hanging to it before his hands slipped completely and he fell. It was a soft fall since he could only rise 1,5 metre, but it still hurt at the first moment. "Ouch!" he half-shouted, holding his back. With the pain, he noticed the wet danger too late and the mop made its landing on him, wetting his legs. "Ewww!" he shouted this time. This. Was. Gross! Jumping to his feet, he looked at his trousers in disgust. Ugh... he would never wear them again.
With the bonus discomfort from his wet legs, he mounted on it again with a grunt and tapped his feet angrily. This time it got off more quickly, though it was still pretty slow compared to a broomstick.
Yeah, a nice day ruined by his idiocy.
Ever looked around rather embarassed, and mounted the mop again. It was very slippery, but she rose higher this time. She definetly wasn't soaring as high and fast as she wanted to go, but she was doing it.
Until she failed. The slick handle suddenly sent the mop pointing down, and she did a nose-dive into a puddle of mud. Splash. "Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Gross!" Ever-Lily shrieked, wiping the mud off. Actually, it was quite fun. Embarassing, yes, but she wasn't the only one. She glanced over at an older boy do the same thing.
She was a little intimidated by talking to an older boy, but nonetheless, she walked over and said, "Hi...you okay?"
Ever looked around rather embarassed, and mounted the mop again. It was very slippery, but she rose higher this time. She definetly wasn't soaring as high and fast as she wanted to go, but she was doing it.
Until she failed. The slick handle suddenly sent the mop pointing down, and she did a nose-dive into a puddle of mud. Splash. "Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Gross!" Ever-Lily shrieked, wiping the mud off. Actually, it was quite fun. Embarassing, yes, but she wasn't the only one. She glanced over at an older boy do the same thing.
She was a little intimidated by talking to an older boy, but nonetheless, she walked over and said, "Hi...you okay?"
Evan's eyes travelled down from his newly-mounted second riding try when he heard a girl shriek. Oh noes! Someone was injured! He sighed in relief when he noticed the girl was all fine, covered in mud but fine nonetheless. He didn't trust these things at all. He'd like to learn the inspiration the professor got to think flying on a mop was fun, actually. 'Cause it was not fun. AT ALL!
Getting down beside the girl, he said "I'm fine. Are you?" Covering all in mud mustn't be pleasing, and he was more worried about her than he was about his back.
Last edited by StarShine; 09-17-2010 at 05:47 PM.
Reason: Adding Ever-Lily. [:
Freya growled. She really hated flying WET RAGS MOP..!!
The mop flied so slow. She even couldn't make it to fly faster. "Urrrggghhhh" she growled again. She really frustrated. This is so ridiculous..!!
After a few minutes growling over the mop, she finally gave up. Ugh. She better enjoy this as best as she could because the growling didn't take any effects. It definitely didn't make the mop flied faster. This is definitely going to a very very long ride.
So we are to fly a mop, certainly more fun then cleaning with one I guess
And with that she mounted her mop giggling a little and kicked off. However she did not zoom upward. It staggered slowly. It was so hard to keep control with the wet end constantly dragging the broom down. Ah, what the, no, no down, up, up With quite a bit of work she manged to take some control of the mop but it was certainly know broom. How do I get off this crazy thing. The mop was stggering this way and that almost making her feel a little ill. She wanted to get down but she feared flipping off. Thus for the time being she just did her best to keep some controll over the mop.
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."
Alice looked around her and realized she was getting a bit higher than she really wanted to be. Just because she oddly felt more comfortable on this mop then the broom didn't mean she had magically overcome her fear of heights.
She started to steer her mop downwards, but much to her dismay found that the mop was going into more of a dive than she had intended.
Oh. Dear.
Alice's mop abruptly stopped at the straight down motion, sending Alice sliding off the front of it. With the broom she had at least had a dry and firm grip to grab when she fell. This time...not so much.
Alice felt herself falling through the air for a couple of moments, her eyes closed hoping that this would make it better than watching herself plummet forcefully to the earth. She landed with a loud plop! right in the middle of a huge mud puddle. She opened her eyes and sat up, her entire back completely covered with water and dirt. Alice let out a sigh, pleased that she hadn't broken anything with the fall, but instantly regretted the reaction as a large piece of mud fell out of her hair and straight into her opened mouth.
"Ugh...gross," Alice said, spitting the mud out. She didn't mind being covered in mud, but having it in her mouth seemed like a bit too much.
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
Freya decided to shut her mouth not a single growl came out from her mouth. Even tough she didn't growl the mop won't flied faster. She couldn't do some diving to because Professor Vindictus said so. She couldn't dive but she could try to go higher, right?So she tried to go higher but it was so difficult because of the weight of the water on the mops. She sighed. She flied only 50 feet off the ground. "Come on mop. You could do better than this" she said poking the mop. "GO..GO..GO.." she said to the mop hoping that it would go faster
Since I have to sleep soon, I hope 'tis fine that I moved on. // Post 4.
¼ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls
Eyeing the girl, Evan decided she was all fine. She was asking for others, after all, and that showed she was fine enough, right? Not really wanting to draw the attention of the teacher by chit-chatting while Slytherin were doing so great, he gave the girl a small smile before mounting on his mop, "I'll see you around then..." She was also from Slytherin, so out of all people she should understand his reluctance to stop by and chat.
Tapping his feet angrily on the ground--he'd already figured out to be harsh with the mop--he took off with a wave at the girl. Taking a mental note to keep an eye on her, he expanded his horizon by going up to four metres, a bit thrilled by the idea that he was a metre up than normal for him. He'd also figured out how to stay on it--by bending his body forward. It was not the most comfortable position, and it was sure to hurt a lot once he tried to stand straight after this horrible fun! lesson again. What happened had happened, and he had to bear this fate as he couldn't change the past and not attend this class now.
Even at that height the mop trembled slightly. Pfft. He really wanted to know what kind of an inspiration made the professor believe flying on wet mops would be fun. He still had his issues with the height at only four metres, and felt an unresistable desire to get back on the ground, but he fought it. He was a fifteen-year-old teen; he had to manage these kinds of 'little' problems. He remembered that the Huffie champion--Fletcher, wasn't it?-- had little issues with height too. It made him feel slightly better, but looking up for a second--which wasn't a good idea at all, for everything spun around again--he recognised Marie flying above everyone else recklessly, as if this thing was safe to do so and as if this wasn't dripping water. Who was inconsiderate now, hmpf? If she could do it, so could he--all he needed was some courage. And a therapy about fear of height would be good, since he was pretty uneasy even at four metres. Yeah, racing with her could wait until he solved his issues with being in the air.
Still, he felt pretty bad when a butterfly flew past him. Literally. He was being outsped by butterflies! Leaning on even further--which reflected on his face as a pretty painful action--he tried to speed up a little to catch that butterfly, making it an issue of pride. But the mop started to tremble even more, and with the shift of weight inclined slightly downward. Evan immediately took his previous position as he watched grudgingly another butterfly pass by.
Apparently, he had to get over the idea that butterflies could easily outspeed him. Perfect!
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Kurumi, still flying only about two feet above the ground and at a snail's pace, had somehow managed to make herself stop spinning around in circles and was now able to fly at a relatively even angle. She looked around and was pretty happy to see that everyone else was looking ridiculous as well. Hoping to gain a little more altitude, she raised her handle skyward and slooooooowly started gaining centimeters. She rolled her eyes and started to laugh a little Wait 'till she wrote home about riding on a mop. She was now probably four or 5 feet off the ground and felt proud that she had been able to make it that far. Suddenly, the dripping end of her broom, probably being weighed down by all the water, pointed straight at the ground leaving Kurumi dangling in the air as she attempted to stand on air. Her grip began to loosen and her robes were getting soaked from the water. Unable to hold on anymore, she feel and landed on her back right in giant puddle of mud caused by everyone's dripping mops. Mud splattered all over her and she had sunk about an inch and a half in the mud. Climbing out, she saw that her mop had now evened out and was flying right above her dripping water. "Oh, that's very kind of you to offer me a shower," she said as she spit out a mouthful of mud.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Now THIS was all right. True, the mop climbed up so slowly it was barely moving BUT it apparently had no trouble going REALLY high. After a few minutes, Ty had gotten to quite a good height above the pitch - Professor Vindictus looked the size of a large beetle.
Grinning, Ty lazily floated around for a bit before a thought hit him. How was he going to get down?! O_O This was a MOP he was on, what were its diving abilities? MEEEP.
Breathing in and out as a light wind tickled his cheeks, the third year angled the mop downwards and rode down with the breeze, making sure not to go too fast. It would take him ages, that was true, but at least he wouldn't be crashing into the grass any time soon.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."
Alice coughed until she was sure just about all the mud had gotten out of her mouth. She pointed her wand into her mouth and muttered, "Aguamenti," a small stream of water entering her mouth and cleaning out the mud she couldn't get out by sheer spit.
Once she was done she pointed the wand at the top of her head, the water sending the mud streaming down her robes and back into the mud pile. Once Alice was pretty sure she had gotten most of the mud out of her hair she grabbed the mop (which had so kindly flown down and was now in a heap next to her) with her left hand and mounted it.
Alice was not going to go quite as high this time...one trip into the mud puddle per flying class was plenty for her.
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
Grunting again as another fly passed by him, Evan sank in his mop as much as he could. See? That was why flying was pointless on mops. They were slow, highly instable and they hurt. Right now, he didn't feel his back. He still couldn't look down even at the height of four metres. Maybe he should get down a little, since he wasn't doing any good up that high. But shifting weights on the mop was pretty dangerous too. He definitely didn't want to fall from four metres. But he had to get down... and also turn around, because he was almost at the end of the field. It had taken him some time at that speed but he finally made it. Yeah, he had to pray all the gods and interfere with this... thing. Gathering all his courage, he first inclined down, then turned to left. To his surprise, it worked well. Wow. Nice move. Getting down to three metres, he felt more secure, and started to move over the professor--careful not to wet him with his water, of course--to see when this torture fun! would end.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
This wasn't too bad. In fact, there was something very soothing about gliding down to the ground this way, in biiiiiiiiiig looooooooooong spirals. Smiling as he enjoyed this rather slow decent, he began watching the other kids go about their flying, laughing at some while raising his eyebrows at others.
... Hmm.
NOW it was boring. Biting his lip, Ty glanced directly downwards to check how high up he was. Not TOO high, but high enough so that it would take him another age to get back down. Bleh. Breathing in, Ty angled his broom even more towards the ground and accelerated his movement, going into a normal dive that on a broom would be a piece of cake for him.
However, this was not a broom. This was a wet mop. It wasn't long before Ty realised that pulling out of this dive was going to be hard. EEEEK. The ground was getting closer and closer and Ty decided to pull up now. But it didn't work - the mop didn't have the agility the broom did.
O_O HEADING FOR THE GROUND. WHAT TO DO??!?! WHAT TO DOOOOOOO- at the last second, Ty flung himself off the stupid mop and cushioned his fall by landing on his side and going into a roll. Panting, the Ravenclaw lay face down in the grass for a minute before looking up to see the mop lying uselessly a few metres away.
GAH. WHAT had Professor V been THINKING?! Ty got up off the ground and dusted the bits of grass that were now stuck to his robes. With an annoyed sigh, he went and grabbed the mop before WALKING back to his head of house. He refused to fly the mop; Ty did not fly things that weren't controllable. It just did not work for him.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Kurumi jumped up to try and catch her mop, but it was taunted her now as it hovered just out of reach and continued to shower her in a steady trail of dirty water. She put her hands on her hips and looked up at the mop. Flying on brooms had been so much fun! Why did the professor decide to make them fly on these enchanted brooms that seemed to be more trouble than it was worth. Still, she would never forgive herself if she lost to a mop...so she was getting on it again. She pretended to be disinterested in the mop, and it came closer...closer...NOW! Kurumi jumped up and grabbed the mop by the wet end. "Gotcha!" she squeed. The mop wasn't done with her yet and began slowly dragging her along with her feet just barely touching the muddy ground. Great, now she was going to have to get mud out of her shoes too.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
ooc: Please don't post any posts with only chatting. Max doesn't like it and will eat you.
Miles eyed the mop with disgust as it dripped on his shoes. He loved getting dirty as much as the next guy but...there was something disgusting about a drippy mop. What was it dripping? Where did the water come from? All these questions made Miles' longing to fly the bloody thing non-existent.
Swinging one leg carefully over the broom he looked up and kicked off the ground gently, the broom started moving up but not as rapidly as his broom would that was for sure. Acting like he'd never flown anything before he had both hands gripped tightly as he tried to make his way up to the barriers ever so slowly. He didn't trust this...mopstick? Was that what they would be called?