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Located directly next to the castle is a vast expanse of green grass. This is where all Flying Lessons take place unless Professor Vindictus changes the venue.
A broom rack sits on a flat patch of ground and next to it is the professor. If you're here for the lesson, please have a seat on the grass and wait for the professor to begin.
Do not announce that you're late or else points will be taken away.
If you're not here for the lesson and take a broom for a joy ride on the grounds, then expect to face the wrath of Vindictus.
After Fee had calmed down again she started flying again.
Nearly over the ground she flew some rounds.
She flew higher and higher.
How great this was.
What a pitty there was no Quidditch this year.
Fee flew up and down and then in a cycle.
She must look like a crazy person sitting on her broom grinning like mad.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
SPOILER!!: My awesome she-snakes and Evan
Originally Posted by Destiny
SPOILER!!: Evelyn & Marie
Really. There was absolutely nothing wrong with flying slow. Not only was it SAFE, it was easier to look at all the..grass around them. Yeah! Those tree hugging nature people would appreciate Destiny and her slow flying! Scoffing, she lent forward on her broom to pick up a little more speed. She didn't want her friends complaining that she was the reason they had no fun. When Marie mentioned the potion, Destiny looked away from her. She could feel her face growing red at the thought of what had happened during that whole ordeal.
And Marie was not going to let her live that down, was she?
"I am having fun!" she said, turning back to face Marie and Evelyn once her little bout of embarrassment passed. "And no. I already have a bubble suit, and I do not want to wear it. Besides, it weighs the broom down and makes me fly even slower." And Destiny was very, VERY serious about that.
Hearing even more crashes, she turned to face where the noise was coming from. Sweet Merlin! People were testing out their miming skills on the field! Professor Vinny was not going to like that at all! Or maybe the man would. The students were really good and they even had the sound effects down. Hearing Marie speak, though, made her remember the invisible force-field wall that Vinny mentioned, and the students were not practicing their miming skills. Boring.
"Riiiight." she drawled when Marie motioned them to fly, and leaning on her broom more, she started to move. "First one to crash wins."
She was not serious about that.
Originally Posted by Roselyn
SPOILER!!: slow she-snake and Marie :P
Hehe. Poor Destiny.
Evelyn may have took the chance to forget about the love potion incident, but apparently Marie was not letting the girl get away with it that easily. Leaning forward on her broom just a bit more, she started to inch around Destiny, circling her the Slytherin watched as a few more people hit the barriers, shaking her head at the thought that maybe they were doing it on purpose for the heck of it. Stupid people. For one, they should have flew around to find out where the barriers were first and how far they went and second of all, how could hitting an invisible barrier at speeds like this and find it fun? She swore she saw someone standing back up with a HUGE smile on their face.
Hearing Marie say they should start flying, Evelyn giggled and flipped herself upside down in front of Destiny when she started to move at snail pace as well. "Don't you mean, first one not to crash wins?" Hehehehe. Of course at the speed Destiny was going, she'd probably win, but Evelyn wasn't going to easily give up. Flying in circles again, only this time a lot faster so she could get up enough momentum to sit straight on the broom again, the Slytherin paused for just a moment before glancing to the other two. "I'm gunna find out where these barriers are. Be right back."
Looking straight forward, the fourth year girl moved probably more slowly then Destiny ever had, waiting for the broom handle to hit something. Of course, she'd been going so slow that when it did hit a barrier, it wouldn't have even left a scratch. Aw, here it was. With her hand on it, she started to glide around the area, making note of where the barrier landed and was so she wouldn't actually crash into it like some people.
Really. Crashing into the barrier was fun? Pffft.
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Evan actually grinned for the second time in the classroom. He felt really better now that he found someone keeping safe. And, to his surprise and further delight, the boy was the Hufflepuff Champion. Who could say it was not cool now, with a champion by his side?
"Yeah, I don't enjoy flying much," he admitted with a shy smile. "You too?" The boy was obviously champion for a reason: he was smart enough not to put himself in danger by doing silly stunt on a piece of charmed wood.
Riiiight, Marie should have known Destiny already had a bubble suit... and that she had obviously worn it before to know that it slowed her down. "Well maybe you shouldn't wear it then if it will make you go slower." Cuz really, if she went any slower she would be going backwards. "Well I don't plan on crashing so I guess I won't win." She said as she took off after Evelyn. "Um, you check for the boundaries, I'm gonna go fly over there," she said to Evelyn as she took off doing loops around Destiny.
Just as she was about to turn around she happened to look down and seen... Evan? Blinking a few times to make sure she wasn't seeing things she looked again to make sure she was really seeing him.
It was Evan... on a broom!
Even though she was still mad at him she couldn't let this opportunity go, she had to fly with him for a minute. Leaning forward she zoomed down to where he was then pulled up right next to him. "My eyes must be deceiving me. I didn't think I would ever see Evan Cartwright on a broom." she said. Well not willingly anyway.
"Wanna race?" she said with an evil grin. Or maybe he could fly with Destiny and see who could go the slowest.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Hmm fly over where?
Glancing over her shoulder with her hand still out so she knew where the boundaries were, Evelyn frowned when she noticed Marie was heading back towards Destiny but then...switched her course. Where was she going? Evan!? Hehe, she's hanging with Evan. Wow, well that was a surprise. She had thought that those two weren't talking anymore, or did she miss something?
OH gah! Where was the boundary line!?
Pulling her broom up to stop in mid air, the Slytherin stared wide eyed in front of her, not knowing where the line was. What made it even worse was that she forgot what she had taken note of so far. Closing her eyes for a moment, she sighed before turning her broom around and heading towards Destiny. Maybe if she circled the girl enough, the Slytherin would get annoyed and chase her. Hehe.
Yea, she'll do that. While still keeping her eyes on Marie and Evan.
Moooooooo. :) || Have a supermegafoxyawesomehot Christmas.
The pain was still there, but it was tolerable enough that Jenny could finally sit down on her broom properly. She zoomed left and right and dashed forward for a while before she noticed that she was getting close to the castle. Uh oh; Jenny couldn't bear to hit another barrier again. Just when it looked like she was going straight into the wall of the castle, she quickly swerved to the right. That was close...she was only a few inches away from the barrier. She eventually landed on the grass, taking a break from flying. Wow, she better keep watch more closely from now on.
Ellie looked around for someone to answer their call. She looked left. She looked right. She looked down. No one? Honestly, didn't any of these kids know how to have fu-... She jumped. Which, on a broom, you can imagine, is no fun. She almost slipped off, her left ankle was the only think holding on other than her hands. Why did she jump? Because she didn't expect Jacob to be coming from ABOVE. She was surprised.
No one noticed....right?
Brushing it off, she got back upright on her broom. "A race." she answered him. "Something to brighten up the dulldrum of flying in circles." Or something competitive that she could take her annoyance about the lack of quidditch out on.
Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru
Still looking around for anyone else who wanted to race with her and Ellie, Vashti heard the whooshing of air as someone was flying towards them, but she didn't expect that person to just stop right in front of them out of NOWHERE. On reflex, she jumped back with a tiny "eep!", but as both hands were gripping the handle of the broom, she merely pulled the broom back a couple inches and, thankfully, didn't fall. Unlike poor Ellie nearly had. Fortunately, the fellow Ravenclaw hadn't actually fallen and got back on her broom okay. Thank Merlin. And since Ellie had already answered Jacob's question, Vashti simply nodded and waited for him to reply.
Jacob raised his eyebrows. Well that sort of satisfied his need to scare firsties. It was kinda weird, you would think that these two would be used to sneaking up out of no where. They were both on the quidditch team, and they had to live with him. so yeah, they shouldn't be getting scared that easy.
OOOOH! A Race. Dulldrum? it was Flying class! how could it be dull, its not like they had Quidditch. This was the next best thing! Oh Well. Circles were sort of boring. "I'm in." he said simply. waiting for the girls to tell him start and finish and what they had to do. Maybe they'd have to run over some firsties... no that would be mean.
Just as she was about to turn around she happened to look down and seen... Evan? Blinking a few times to make sure she wasn't seeing things she looked again to make sure she was really seeing him.
It was Evan... on a broom!
Even though she was still mad at him she couldn't let this opportunity go, she had to fly with him for a minute. Leaning forward she zoomed down to where he was then pulled up right next to him. "My eyes must be deceiving me. I didn't think I would ever see Evan Cartwright on a broom." she said. Well not willingly anyway.
"Wanna race?" she said with an evil grin. Or maybe he could fly with Destiny and see who could go the slowest.
Evan almost had a heart-attack when something passed over his head and pulled next to him. Oh, thank God, it was just Marie. See, that's why he didn't like flying. Everything was fast and dangerous! He was way better on his feet, thank you, rather than on a hurting bum.
He eyed her. Wasn't she still mad at him? Apparently she got over it. Hmpf, it was quite unnatural for her to just forget something. She must be growing up. Or maybe, she simply forgot it out of shock. After all, an Evan Cartwright on a broomstick wasn't something you could see daily. Actually, this was a once-in-a-lifetime chance she was seeing right now , because he wasn't getting on a brook EVER again. So, in a sense, she was witnessing history. Hehe. Wise thing to put aside her feelings on such an important day.
"I wish your eyes were deceiving you..." he muttered mainly to himself, barely audible, although if she--and the Huffie Champion, for that matter--listened carefully, they could still hear it. Forcing himself to smile, he nodded. Honestly, even he didn't think himself on a brookstick, and the next thing he looked today, he was here. His legs had betrayed him.
"Life is full of surprises, eh?" he said. This was too much of a surprise though, he didn't like it. Was she crazy? Of course he did not want to race! He wanted to stay alive and healthy, thank you. And he didn't like that evil grin AT ALL! Looking to consider the offer, he glanced over the champion, then his hands which felt sore because of holding the broom for his dear life, he finally looked at her with a shrug too casual.
"No, I'm fine here. Later, maybe?" As in eternity?
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by Walrus
Jacob raised his eyebrows. Well that sort of satisfied his need to scare firsties. It was kinda weird, you would think that these two would be used to sneaking up out of no where. They were both on the quidditch team, and they had to live with him. so yeah, they shouldn't be getting scared that easy.
OOOOH! A Race. Dulldrum? it was Flying class! how could it be dull, its not like they had Quidditch. This was the next best thing! Oh Well. Circles were sort of boring. "I'm in." he said simply. waiting for the girls to tell him start and finish and what they had to do. Maybe they'd have to run over some firsties... no that would be mean.
Vashti grinned. Great! They had a third person for the race! So...no one else wanted to join? Well, it was their loss. It could just be an awesome Ravenclaw race then. "So, are we just starting from here then?" she asked the two. "Or somewhere else? And for our finish line?" She looked around briefly. "Back to the place the lesson started?" she suggested. "We're a pretty good ways away from it. We could get a good sprint in." It really didn't matter to her; she just wanted to race already.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Last edited by AlwaysSnapesGirl; 09-17-2010 at 12:19 AM.
Reason: rewording a couple sentences
After Fee had calmed down again she started flying again.
Nearly over the ground she flew some rounds.
She flew higher and higher.
How great this was.
What a pitty there was no Quidditch this year.
Fee flew up and down and then in a cycle.
She must look like a crazy person sitting on her broom grinning like mad.
Cass watched as fee zoomed around while she herself just stayed there, hovering steadily in one place. Zooming around could really drain your energy levels. "Missed flying that much Fee?"
Jacob raised his eyebrows. Well that sort of satisfied his need to scare firsties. It was kinda weird, you would think that these two would be used to sneaking up out of no where. They were both on the quidditch team, and they had to live with him. so yeah, they shouldn't be getting scared that easy.
OOOOH! A Race. Dulldrum? it was Flying class! how could it be dull, its not like they had Quidditch. This was the next best thing! Oh Well. Circles were sort of boring. "I'm in." he said simply. waiting for the girls to tell him start and finish and what they had to do. Maybe they'd have to run over some firsties... no that would be mean.
Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru
Vashti grinned. Great! They had a third person for the race! So...no one else wanted to join? Well, it was their loss. It could just be an awesome Ravenclaw race then. "So, are we just starting from here then?" she asked the two. "Or somewhere else? And for our finish line?" She looked around briefly. "Back to the place the lesson started?" she suggested. "We're a pretty good ways away from it. We could get a good sprint in." It really didn't matter to her; she just wanted to race already.
"Great!" So... a group of 3, then.
Ellie nodded at Vashti's racing route. Sounded good. As long as they just goooo. Because, she was antsy. Now that she was in the air and stuff. "Just make sure you don't smack against any barriers." she warned.
That was to no one in particular, of course. Just a general warning.
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Cass watched as fee zoomed around while she herself just stayed there, hovering steadily in one place. Zooming around could really drain your energy levels. "Missed flying that much Fee?"
Fee flew around in the air stil grinning. She just couldnt stop. The wind was blowing and she felt it cold in her face.
That was just fantastic. She speed up one more time and then landed.
"Ohhh hiii Cass", Fee smiled,"yes i diid, Its just amazing."
Fee felt totally free whe she was flying, she felt like nothing could stop her.
"What about you?Already tried?"
Fee flew around in the air stil grinning. She just couldnt stop. The wind was blowing and she felt it cold in her face.
That was just fantastic. She speed up one more time and then landed.
"Ohhh hiii Cass", Fee smiled,"yes i diid, Its just amazing."
Fee felt totally free whe she was flying, she felt like nothing could stop her.
"What about you?Already tried?"
Cass flew down to the ground with a speed that would make her seeker ancestors proud while her long blonde hair followed. When she had reached reached the ground. She hovered for a moment, then touch downed. "A bit, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. But I really did miss flying, even if it messed up my hair."
Wind whipping through her hair, Ivory hugged the broom between her legs grabbing the handle in her handsp as she practiced speeding up quickly and stopping very suddenly.
Leaning forward until she was almost flat on her broom, she sped forward heading straight for the magical barrier. Squinting her eyes against the air on her eyeballs, she took a second to acknowledge that googles might be a necessary tool for the next time she tried this. But anyway back to speeding. There she was ready to collide head on but luckily it seemed this day at the very least she had her wits about her.
Pulling up sharply on the broom handle, she veered upwards at the last minute.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Having been keeping her gaze on Marie and Evan when she continued to fly in circles around Destiny, the Slytherin finally stopped and hovered in air, looking at the two of them. Now, why couldn't they stay together again? Eh, it may be a bit horrible that she couldn't even remember, or even remember if she was ever told, but well...she had other things on her mind! Like...other...things...
Not that it mattered of course. Since they were hanging out now, perhaps they become even better friends! And then...maybe eventually Carter will be out of the picture! Oh, how wishful thinking was nice at times. Though she realized she must have looked ridiculous, sitting on the broom in mid air starring at the two Slytherins with an evil expression as if she was planning something. Well, she wasn't planning anything YET, but one could never know when something popped up into her mind!
Of course, they would know if they happened to look at her the exact time that mischievous look would appear for a split moment. Hehehehe. But, back to flying around Destiny.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Evan actually grinned for the second time in the classroom. He felt really better now that he found someone keeping safe. And, to his surprise and further delight, the boy was the Hufflepuff Champion. Who could say it was not cool now, with a champion by his side?
"Yeah, I don't enjoy flying much," he admitted with a shy smile. "You too?" The boy was obviously champion for a reason: he was smart enough not to put himself in danger by doing silly stunt on a piece of charmed wood.
"Yepppppp." Fletcher shook his head and spared a glance over the edge of the broomstick. Whooo. WHEWWWWw. Three feet up was THREE FEET UP. It was so weird not having two feet on the ground.
He leaned back onto the broomstick and gave the Slytherin a sheepish grin. "I'm not used to it yet. And just between the two of us.... I really hate heights."
Like A LOT.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Adam's broom was now having it's own mind. It inched higher off the ground and then it began to twist and swirl and fly up and down, Adam held on for dear life."Whaahhahaahhh!"He screamed so someone could notice he was in danger. The harder he gripped the broom the crazier it went on him...Suddently it buckled and throw Adam off the broom. He soared through the air like a red haired bird, and crashed to the floor. He tried to get up but his ankle was bent weirdly and could not support hid weight.
Professor Vindictus watched the skies carefully and winced each time a student smacked into the invisible barriers. Every so often, he'd check his watch for the time. Finally, he raised his silver whistle to his lips.
He pulled the whistle away from his mouth and spoke rather loudly like a coach barking instructions to his players on the court during a game. "Everybody land and return your brooms to the rack!"
Check out the non-HP topics in the Leaky Cauldron today!
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Fletcher literally leaped off his broom (it was only three feet off the ground) and dragged it over to the rack. The stupid thing was practically fighting him, it seemed. Hmmph.
"I think your brooms are jinxed or something, sir," he muttered in Vindictus' direction and gave his Cleansweep a dirty look as he put it away.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Oooh, the whistle. Boo. Grin turning upside down, Ty made his way back to Vindictus as slowly as he dared. He didn't want to anger Professor V - Merlin, that would be BAD - but the third year didn't want to let this go. It was TOO MUCH fun. And yet, here it was ending. This was by FAR the best lesson he had been to since the beginning of the year - gah, he had MISSED flying.
Landing slowly, Ty wobbled over to the rack and placed his broom there. He always felt uneasy with walking after flying for a while - everything was different. Sometimes, Ty caught himself wishing he could ONLY fly. Hmm. Now wouldn't THAT be wicked cool?
"That was really fun, Professor!"
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Moooooooo. :) || Have a supermegafoxyawesomehot Christmas.
Jenny looked up. Oh, the whistle blew. She quickly got up and carried her Cleansweep to the rack. She wished she could have flew more, but oh well. Next time she'll be careful and fly as much as she can. After all, Jenny enjoyed flying much more than she thought she would.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater
Professor Vindictus watched the skies carefully and winced each time a student smacked into the invisible barriers. Every so often, he'd check his watch for the time. Finally, he raised his silver whistle to his lips.
He pulled the whistle away from his mouth and spoke rather loudly like a coach barking instructions to his players on the court during a game. "Everybody land and return your brooms to the rack!"
Salander began to move hearing the piercing blast from the whistle. It took him a good minute to realize that he was flat on his back on the grassy mound. Laboriously he turned and got up, his senses still not quite all there. Dragging the Cleansweep he walked back to the rack, and lifted the broom to return it. He missed the rack by a good arm's length. It took him a few tries until he finally gave up and left the broom just at the bottom of the rack. He took his place at the grassy mound, staring at the stars... in broad daylight.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Whatttttt?? Noooooo.... They had JUST gotten in the air. They didn't even RACE yettt. Pout.
Ellie looked at her racing mates and tweaked one corner of her mouth up. "We WILL race." she said. Just... maybe not today. Unless Vindictus had something more up his sleeve. You never knew with him, she'd learned.
She pointed her broom towards the Professor and oh, so slowlyyyyyyyy descent toward him. When she landed, she put the Cleansweep on the rack with the others.
So. Now what?
a practical person, who may be considered a perfectionist,
perhaps you like being organised or paying close attention to detail, you are...
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Jeez... she was starting to really really hate that whistle.
Something had to be done with it.
Keeping a mental note to talk to her Slytherin friends about it, Evelyn flew back down to the ground and dismounted before walking over to the broom rack. Not before stopping until the Huffie dude put his away first. She really didn't want to be smacked in the face or anything at the moment.
...No, she shouldn't push anyone else in the way of it either.
Flying, well sort of flying, around he couldn't believe they had to ride these things. Why did the school even still have them? He was too used to flying his own NICE broom this summer. Hearing the lovely lovely tweet of Vindi's whistle he fought the broom down to the ground and sighed as his feet touched the ground. Maybe he should talk to him about getting some new ones or talk his dad into buying the school new ones...Merlin knew they could use them. Grabbing his broom he walked over toward the rack and placed it carefully back.
Hearing Fletcher speak to Vindictus he stifled a giggle though couldn't hide the amused look on his face. Well that had been...interesting...
Professor Vindictus watched the skies carefully and winced each time a student smacked into the invisible barriers. Every so often, he'd check his watch for the time. Finally, he raised his silver whistle to his lips.
He pulled the whistle away from his mouth and spoke rather loudly like a coach barking instructions to his players on the court during a game. "Everybody land and return your brooms to the rack!"
Patroclus was gutted. He had been flying to slow it seemed, for the whislte had been blown that meant it was time to land.
Swinging himself back up into the usual brooming position, Patroclus urged his broom on, and shooting like a rocket well as fast as a cleanswiper rocket could go the boy flew across the pitch, towards the professor.
Dismounting inches above the ground, Patroclus landing with a little run, returning his broom to the racks.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Lara got closer to the Professore as she heard the voice and waited to hear what's next although she was really enjoying even if she has hurt her knee.