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What in the world...? Kody had been being GOOD for once and minding her own BUSINESS when she was ATTACKED from BEHIND. Sneaky and MEAN. EEEP! And who it was made it even scarier. It was Sav, and she was probably there to KILL Kody for what she'd done.
Closing her eyes tightly as the blonde pounced, it took the brunette quiet awhile before she figured out she wasn't being tackled like she was going to DIE. She was being tackled...with HUGS. Lots and lotsss of HUGS. "Whaa?" Now, she was confused.
But now it was the guessing game, and not just guessing on whether or not Savannah was still angry, which she didn't appear to be. Hugging her friend back, Nekoda tilted her head. This excitement could only mean ONE thing. SAVDEN WAS BACK! "Oh my GOODNESS! Does this have something to do with you and the snogging of my Butler, Edward?" Tehe, aka, AIDEN!
......this was why Nekoda Russell was her bestie. She just KNEW when something totally epic had just occurred in Savannah's life and even better? SHE UNDERSTOOD. In all honesty, Savvy knew she was probably glad that THIS meant no snogging or talking about Cody to Nekoda which Savvy was indeed sad about but whatever, SHE HAD AIIIIIIIIDEN! Well, not officially.
"YESSSSSS!!!!!!"Savannah said, letting go of her friend and jumping up and down in circles, flailing like usual. "we were talking and he was all like grabbing my face and snogging me and it was AWESOMe and he like said he liked me and it was just FANTASTIC!!!!"YAY FOR HAPPY SAVVY! Gigggle. She was sucha spaz. Waiiiiiit? Huh?
".....Edward? Aiden's Edward, right?" Savannah blinked.Who else could it be?
Hayley nodded. "I know that, silly." She said pushing him lightly on the chest and blushing a little. That was a little, too far right? She was dating Jayce already, so it totally was weird, righhhtt? "Stop smirkinggggg, it's making me blushhh!" She said laughing some more.
Beck laughed. "How am I making you blush?" Beck asked her. Did she like him or something? It was very confusing. Ugh. Girls. Sometimes he just didn't get the whole girl thing. But why did they have to do that. Most of the times it was just plain cute and just plain annoying but for him right now he was just plain confused and Beck didn't like it at all. Not one bit.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Originally Posted by ImaBRE!
Beck laughed. "How am I making you blush?" Beck asked her. Did she like him or something? It was very confusing. Ugh. Girls. Sometimes he just didn't get the whole girl thing. But why did they have to do that. Most of the times it was just plain cute and just plain annoying but for him right now he was just plain confused and Beck didn't like it at all. Not one bit.
"Well when an attractive boy," Hayley stated, continuing on, "as yourself, smirks or winks at me, I blush. I can't help it for some reason." She was confused as well as him. She didn't think she liked Beck that way but why was she blushing? And why was she flirting? Gahhh, she had a boyfriend!
"Well when an attractive boy," Hayley stated, continuing on, "as yourself, smirks or winks at me, I blush. I can't help it for some reason." She was confused as well as him. She didn't think she liked Beck that way but why was she blushing? And why was she flirting? Gahhh, she had a boyfriend!
Beck rubbed his head. He was confused and needed help at the moment. "So you think I'm attractive?" He asked her with a grin slowly forming. Hm, that was intersting. She thought that he is attractive. Beck smiled.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Originally Posted by ImaBRE!
Beck rubbed his head. He was confused and needed help at the moment. "So you think I'm attractive?" He asked her with a grin slowly forming. Hm, that was intersting. She thought that he is attractive. Beck smiled.
"Beck, of course you're attractive. However I can't say much more, because I'm dating, Jayce. Sorry." Hayley said shrugging. She would totally abide to the rules, no matter what. She never cheated on someone, NEVER. It was wrong and she would hate herself for eternity if that ever happened!
"Beck, of course you're attractive. However I can't say much more, because I'm dating, Jayce. Sorry." Hayley said shrugging. She would totally abide to the rules, no matter what. She never cheated on someone, NEVER. It was wrong and she would hate herself for eternity if that ever happened!
"You can't say much more?" Beck asked. "It's not like your cheating on him. Your not cheating on him? Are you?" Beck asked. He would NEVER date a cheater at all. It was just wrong to check on someone.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Originally Posted by ImaBRE!
"You can't say much more?" Beck asked. "It's not like your cheating on him. Your not cheating on him? Are you?" Beck asked. He would NEVER date a cheater at all. It was just wrong to check on someone.
"Are you seriously asking that question to, me?" Hayley said raising her eyebrow at Beck. He has got to be crazy! "No, of course I wouldn't. No matter how bad a guy could be I would never ever cheat on him. I've been cheated on before and that feeling sickens me. I would never want to put a person through the same thing that happened to me." She stated feeling a small tear fall down her face from the thought of Orlando 'cheating' on her. She shook it off and wiped her face, hoping that Beck didn't see that tear. She NEVER cried, NEVER.
"But, no. I'm not cheating on him. I'm just hating myself that you're here at the moment." Hayley said, fiddling with her charm bracelet that Orlando had given her. She still hadn't taken it off.
"I know so," Fletcher answered with a little eyebrow wiggle. He pulled Sandra by the hand down the corridor a little further, to a more secluded spot. He quite liked her compliment there, ya know. He was so won over already.
"I think I can follow that order, madame." He grinned and brushed a strand of hair back from her face, resting one hand on the back of her neck to gently continue his lip therapy.
Amused by his eyebrow wiggle, she allowed him to lead her further down the corridor. Sandra was not against seclusion, especially with Fletcher. Plus it wouldn't look good for her school if she was caught snogging in the middle of Hogwarts' corridors, not that she cared.
A small smirk graced her lips when he gently brushed back a strand of her hair, resting it on the back of her neck. Fletcher knew what he was doing. Her hands resting on his waist, a finger looped through his belt loop on each side, she continued his lip therapy.
This one lasted longer than the previous session, not being as gentle as before. "You followed that order vell, Fletcher." She said softly, briefly pulling away from there long kiss before giving him another quick one. "Very vell."
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by Aleksandra Miroslav
Amused by his eyebrow wiggle, she allowed him to lead her further down the corridor. Sandra was not against seclusion, especially with Fletcher. Plus it wouldn't look good for her school if she was caught snogging in the middle of Hogwarts' corridors, not that she cared.
A small smirk graced her lips when he gently brushed back a strand of her hair, resting it on the back of her neck. Fletcher knew what he was doing. Her hands resting on his waist, a finger looped through his belt loop on each side, she continued his lip therapy.
This one lasted longer than the previous session, not being as gentle as before. "You followed that order vell, Fletcher." She said softly, briefly pulling away from there long kiss before giving him another quick one. "Very vell."
Mmmhmm Sandra was all over him. Hands on his waist, fingers in the belt... he liked the way she ran her therapy. Like a bossssss. He had to catch his breath after that session.
"Thank you, Healer," he replied softly. "Shall we continue the... the tour? Or the therapy while we're on a roll?"
They could always continue both... make the therapy a long-term thing, you know....
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
"I don't see why we can't do both..." She looked at him amused that he had to catch his breath. It was cute. He wouldn't need to catch his breath anymore when she was done with him. Heh.
"A little bit touring..." And she did mean little. Maybe they would find better spots for snogging. "A little more therapy..." She smiled softly, fingering his belt loop.
Rae was walking with Salander down the corridor, how they really found each other, who knows. It was probably a good thing he found her, she was starting to get gloomy again, to think again, which wasn't good at this time. Xylon had not written Rae a letter this whole year so far, and she barely saw him around over the summer. She was starting to worry about him, maybe he forgot about her? Maybe he was sick of her?Maybe he just didn't care anymore.... Yeah, good thing Salander found her now before things got bad.
However, this kid was seriously, hilarious. Rae found no difficulty being around him. "See, you don't really have the right skills for getting your hands on a bottle of firewhiskey undetected..." Rae started to explain to him, it was more of a random tangent. She had a point though, he obviously didn't have the right skills. Fletcher and Rae could both do it and she has too. She started again as they neared the end of the corridor "I mean, i'm just giving an honest and experienced opinion. You really just need to--....."
Rae stopped mid-sentence. She had come across something she.. Well it wasn't in her top ten must see things. Fletcher and one of the foreigners SNOGGING!
She stared... Not that she had meant to, she just did. This was when things rushed together. Rae never had admitted to anyone that she possibly had feelings for Fletcher before she met Xylon who never writes! And she wasn't about to now. Though watching him didn't bring up the best feeling inside. Rae showed nothing on her face. But she had obviously intruded... Salander and her needed to leave.
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors
Fade from everything, as winter stays...
xD This is not the corridor you're looking for. Move along, move along.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
A little bit of both, eh? Fletcher quite liked that idea. He liked the way this Champion thought. He liked the way she looked too. And the way she kissed, the way she talked, the way she walked.... What wasn't there to like?
"Heh," Fletcher let out a most unmanly little chuckle. "Whatever you say, m'lady." He bent to place another soft kiss on her lips but literally paused with his mouth a bit open when he heard a familiar voice drifting up the corridor.....
Out of the corner of his eye, Fletcher caught a glimpse of his two favorite Slytherin friends, discussing his most favorite topic of firewhiskey, and walking right this way. Right toward his current favorite snogging spot.
"Errrrrrrrrrrr," he breathed, still face to face with Sandra, "perhaps we had better tour for a moment? To a more secluded location?" He nodded awkwardly and pulled back to guide her down the hall and away from his friends. Maybe if he just turned his back to them and pretended to have not noticed them... all would turn out okay.... and the awkward moment would pass.....
Especially because Rae didn't need to see that. He didn't want her to see him like that with another girl.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys
Rae was walking with Salander down the corridor, how they really found each other, who knows. It was probably a good thing he found her, she was starting to get gloomy again, to think again, which wasn't good at this time. Xylon had not written Rae a letter this whole year so far, and she barely saw him around over the summer. She was starting to worry about him, maybe he forgot about her? Maybe he was sick of her?Maybe he just didn't care anymore.... Yeah, good thing Salander found her now before things got bad.
However, this kid was seriously, hilarious. Rae found no difficulty being around him. "See, you don't really have the right skills for getting your hands on a bottle of firewhiskey undetected..." Rae started to explain to him, it was more of a random tangent. She had a point though, he obviously didn't have the right skills. Fletcher and Rae could both do it and she has too. She started again as they neared the end of the corridor "I mean, i'm just giving an honest and experienced opinion. You really just need to--....."
Rae stopped mid-sentence. She had come across something she.. Well it wasn't in her top ten must see things. Fletcher and one of the foreigners SNOGGING!
She stared... Not that she had meant to, she just did. This was when things rushed together. Rae never had admitted to anyone that she possibly had feelings for Fletcher before she met Xylon who never writes! And she wasn't about to now. Though watching him didn't bring up the best feeling inside. Rae showed nothing on her face. But she had obviously intruded... Salander and her needed to leave.
Salander ambled beside Rae. He was thankful to have ran into her in the corridors because he was lost. Again. And Rae seemed to know her way around the castle, at least as far as dealing with the stairs were concerned.
He was all ears when she spoke, a good reason being that she could possibly be disclosing the most important secret he has been striving to uncover since Diagon Alley....
.... how to get his hands at some Firewhiskey!
"Me? I got skillz!..." he replied trying to make it appear that he wasnt as inept as he appeared, which quickly melted away to shameful admission "...but yeah I guess not the kind that can get a bottle in undetected." Or get a bottle period.
Completely oblivious to whatever else was happening at the corridor, he advanced a few paces before realizing that Rae stopped all of a sudden. "I just need to what?.... "he prodded her to continue. She silently deadpanned which he misinterpreted "Oh come on, you're not gonna ask something first before you tell me anything are ya? Dont pull a Fletcher, that guy's been blinded by too much gli--- "he trailed off.
Because it was only then that he realized why Rae has grown silent.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
A little bit of both, eh? Fletcher quite liked that idea. He liked the way this Champion thought. He liked the way she looked too. And the way she kissed, the way she talked, the way she walked.... What wasn't there to like?
"Heh," Fletcher let out a most unmanly little chuckle. "Whatever you say, m'lady." He bent to place another soft kiss on her lips but literally paused with his mouth a bit open when he heard a familiar voice drifting up the corridor.....
Out of the corner of his eye, Fletcher caught a glimpse of his two favorite Slytherin friends, discussing his most favorite topic of firewhiskey, and walking right this way. Right toward his current favorite snogging spot.
"Errrrrrrrrrrr," he breathed, still face to face with Sandra, "perhaps we had better tour for a moment? To a more secluded location?" He nodded awkwardly and pulled back to guide her down the hall and away from his friends. Maybe if he just turned his back to them and pretended to have not noticed them... all would turn out okay.... and the awkward moment would pass.....
Especially because Rae didn't need to see that. He didn't want her to see him like that with another girl.
Fletcher and the Durmstrang hottie gettin' all cozy.
And there they are walkin' in on them.
Awkward much?
He quickly turned his back to them."Oookaayyyy...." he mumbled, pocketing his hands as he stared at the suddenly very interesting spot on his shoe. He silently blew air out of his lips, torn between trying to give the other guy his space and dying of curiosity at what they could possibly be whispering about.
He looked at Rae, her face still inscrutable. Then he suddenly blurted out...
"Have you ever heard of Zorbing?"
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
"Are you seriously asking that question to, me?" Hayley said raising her eyebrow at Beck. He has got to be crazy! "No, of course I wouldn't. No matter how bad a guy could be I would never ever cheat on him. I've been cheated on before and that feeling sickens me. I would never want to put a person through the same thing that happened to me." She stated feeling a small tear fall down her face from the thought of Orlando 'cheating' on her. She shook it off and wiped her face, hoping that Beck didn't see that tear. She NEVER cried, NEVER.
"But, no. I'm not cheating on him. I'm just hating myself that you're here at the moment." Hayley said, fiddling with her charm bracelet that Orlando had given her. She still hadn't taken it off.
Beck looked at her. Had she just gone insane. He never said that she had to cheat on her boyfriend. "I NEVER said that you had to cheat on him." Beck told her. He had been cheated on three times. "I've been cheated on three times so I know how you feel." he wouldn't want to put anyone else through it either. So she hated herself that he was here? "Well how 'bout I just leave." he said angerly.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
A little bit of both, eh? Fletcher quite liked that idea. He liked the way this Champion thought. He liked the way she looked too. And the way she kissed, the way she talked, the way she walked.... What wasn't there to like?
"Heh," Fletcher let out a most unmanly little chuckle. "Whatever you say, m'lady." He bent to place another soft kiss on her lips but literally paused with his mouth a bit open when he heard a familiar voice drifting up the corridor.....
Out of the corner of his eye, Fletcher caught a glimpse of his two favorite Slytherin friends, discussing his most favorite topic of firewhiskey, and walking right this way. Right toward his current favorite snogging spot.
"Errrrrrrrrrrr," he breathed, still face to face with Sandra, "perhaps we had better tour for a moment? To a more secluded location?" He nodded awkwardly and pulled back to guide her down the hall and away from his friends. Maybe if he just turned his back to them and pretended to have not noticed them... all would turn out okay.... and the awkward moment would pass.....
Especially because Rae didn't need to see that. He didn't want her to see him like that with another girl.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Salander ambled beside Rae. He was thankful to have ran into her in the corridors because he was lost. Again. And Rae seemed to know her way around the castle, at least as far as dealing with the stairs were concerned.
He was all ears when she spoke, a good reason being that she could possibly be disclosing the most important secret he has been striving to uncover since Diagon Alley....
.... how to get his hands at some Firewhiskey!
"Me? I got skillz!..." he replied trying to make it appear that he wasnt as inept as he appeared, which quickly melted away to shameful admission "...but yeah I guess not the kind that can get a bottle in undetected." Or get a bottle period.
Completely oblivious to whatever else was happening at the corridor, he advanced a few paces before realizing that Rae stopped all of a sudden. "I just need to what?.... "he prodded her to continue. She silently deadpanned which he misinterpreted "Oh come on, you're not gonna ask something first before you tell me anything are ya? Dont pull a Fletcher, that guy's been blinded by too much gli--- "he trailed off.
Because it was only then that he realized why Rae has grown silent.
Fletcher and the Durmstrang hottie gettin' all cozy.
And there they are walkin' in on them.
Awkward much?
He quickly turned his back to them."Oookaayyyy...." he mumbled, pocketing his hands as he stared at the suddenly very interesting spot on his shoe. He silently blew air out of his lips, torn between trying to give the other guy his space and dying of curiosity at what they could possibly be whispering about.
He looked at Rae, her face still inscrutable. Then he suddenly blurted out...
"Have you ever heard of Zorbing?"
Not meaning to, but still keeping her stare, Rae noticed that Salander was still talking. She couldn't even comprehend what he was saying right now. He said something with Fletcher's name, who was right in front of them snogging a foreigner.
Speaking of Fletcher, who of course had saw them was now..... Walking away? After that? Rae's face now showed shock, she didn't even hide it anymore, good thing he turned his back. How could he just walk away like they weren't even there? Like we weren't his friends? Sure, it was an extremely awkward moment, but to pretend they weren't there? That foreigner was probably only snogging him because he was a champion. Fletcher had a whole bunch of girls now, just because he was champion... Was there anyone who liked him before he was champion? When he was new to the school? Yes. Someone had. Whoever that was Rae is stupid. Maybe if Xylon ever wrote back she wouldn't be thinking about this again.
Rae turned her head slowly, composing herself. She could pretend she didn't see anything either as hard as it may be. So, back to Salander it was, like nothing unusual had happened... "Zorbing? Erm..... No, what is it?" Yes, change of subject, and maybe a walk in the other direction.
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors
Fade from everything, as winter stays...
A little bit of both, eh? Fletcher quite liked that idea. He liked the way this Champion thought. He liked the way she looked too. And the way she kissed, the way she talked, the way she walked.... What wasn't there to like?
"Heh," Fletcher let out a most unmanly little chuckle. "Whatever you say, m'lady." He bent to place another soft kiss on her lips but literally paused with his mouth a bit open when he heard a familiar voice drifting up the corridor.....
Out of the corner of his eye, Fletcher caught a glimpse of his two favorite Slytherin friends, discussing his most favorite topic of firewhiskey, and walking right this way. Right toward his current favorite snogging spot.
"Errrrrrrrrrrr," he breathed, still face to face with Sandra, "perhaps we had better tour for a moment? To a more secluded location?" He nodded awkwardly and pulled back to guide her down the hall and away from his friends. Maybe if he just turned his back to them and pretended to have not noticed them... all would turn out okay.... and the awkward moment would pass.....
Especially because Rae didn't need to see that. He didn't want her to see him like that with another girl.
Sandra thought they were going to continue the latter of her options when he had leaned in a bit, but was proven wrong when he suddenly changed his mind.
Could it have something to do with the sudden presence of two students? Two students' prescience that she hadn't bother to acknowledge since she was busy snogging him.
He wanted to continue touring first? Ah. "Yes, a more secluded location sounds nice." Especially if he was going to be distracted by every student that walked into the corridor. Giving him a small smile, she let him lead her away from the other students to some place else in the castle.
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Originally Posted by ImaBRE!
Beck looked at her. Had she just gone insane. He never said that she had to cheat on her boyfriend. "I NEVER said that you had to cheat on him." Beck told her. He had been cheated on three times. "I've been cheated on three times so I know how you feel." he wouldn't want to put anyone else through it either. So she hated herself that he was here? "Well how 'bout I just leave." he said angerly.
Hayley put her head in her hands and moaned. "No please don't. I'm sorry, just on that subject it's tough for me, and then it turns awkward, and then I get mad. I really am sorry." She said grabbing his arm so he would stop. She really didn't want him to leave, she enjoyed his company and those stupid awkward moments just had to make her angry. Grrr.
Hayley put her head in her hands and moaned. "No please don't. I'm sorry, just on that subject it's tough for me, and then it turns awkward, and then I get mad. I really am sorry." She said grabbing his arm so he would stop. She really didn't want him to leave, she enjoyed his company and those stupid awkward moments just had to make her angry. Grrr.
Grrr....Beck looked behind himself as he saw that Hayley was trying to hold him back. She was just making him frak out more. "No, maybe I should just go."
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Originally Posted by ImaBRE!
Grrr....Beck looked behind himself as he saw that Hayley was trying to hold him back. She was just making him frak out more. "No, maybe I should just go."
"Beck, please don't." Hayley begged once more and then sighed. "Fine, go, I guess I don't mean that much to you if you're just going to leave." She muttered to herself, however it was loud enough for him to leave of course.
"Beck, please don't." Hayley begged once more and then sighed. "Fine, go, I guess I don't mean that much to you if you're just going to leave." She muttered to herself, however it was loud enough for him to leave of course.
Beck turn his back on her. Of course he cared about her and she did mean alot to him but he wasn't going to take it. He just didn't like being told that he doesn't know anything about being cheated on. "Why shouldn't I?" he asked her. He had a right to be mad at her. "You were saying that I don't know what it feels like to nbe cheated on."
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
......this was why Nekoda Russell was her bestie. She just KNEW when something totally epic had just occurred in Savannah's life and even better? SHE UNDERSTOOD. In all honesty, Savvy knew she was probably glad that THIS meant no snogging or talking about Cody to Nekoda which Savvy was indeed sad about but whatever, SHE HAD AIIIIIIIIDEN! Well, not officially.
"YESSSSSS!!!!!!"Savannah said, letting go of her friend and jumping up and down in circles, flailing like usual. "we were talking and he was all like grabbing my face and snogging me and it was AWESOMe and he like said he liked me and it was just FANTASTIC!!!!"YAY FOR HAPPY SAVVY! Gigggle. She was sucha spaz. Waiiiiiit? Huh?
".....Edward? Aiden's Edward, right?" Savannah blinked.Who else could it be?
EEEP! Nekoda was unable to continue her own joy, because this meant she was obviously forgiven. Because, well, Nekoda kissing Aiden? Probablyyyy what REALLY upset Ella and made her ditch him. Or did he ditch her? Or was it mutaul? Meh, did it MATTER? SAVDEN WAS BACK!
But yes, unable to continue HER joy at the situation, Kody jumped around with Savannah, "OhmyGOSH! That's AWESOME Sav!" Totally glitter filled! Ohhh YES. "So are you guys like, official again?" MEEP!
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Originally Posted by ImaBRE!
Beck turn his back on her. Of course he cared about her and she did mean alot to him but he wasn't going to take it. He just didn't like being told that he doesn't know anything about being cheated on. "Why shouldn't I?" he asked her. He had a right to be mad at her. "You were saying that I don't know what it feels like to nbe cheated on."
Hayley had the urge to explode on Beck but she wouldn't. She would just explode once she was back in the girl's dormitories alone so she could just scream it all out. She had to be nice. "I'm sorry I was only thinking of myself at the moment and I shouldn't have let it all out. I don't know what else I can say." She said her voice cracking. She really didn't think she was mean when she did it, but Beck must be one drama king? But a really attractive drama king.
EEEP! Nekoda was unable to continue her own joy, because this meant she was obviously forgiven. Because, well, Nekoda kissing Aiden? Probablyyyy what REALLY upset Ella and made her ditch him. Or did he ditch her? Or was it mutaul? Meh, did it MATTER? SAVDEN WAS BACK!
But yes, unable to continue HER joy at the situation, Kody jumped around with Savannah, "OhmyGOSH! That's AWESOME Sav!" Totally glitter filled! Ohhh YES. "So are you guys like, official again?" MEEP!
"I knooooooooow, right!?"
The blonde was still flailing, trying to contain all of her excitement. It wasn't exactly working considering she was practically screaming. She couldn't help it though, it was SAVDEN they were talking about. Savden was like cuter than anything else in the whole wide world!
"And yep, we are offical. Like OFFICIAL he is my boyfriend and stuffs!"
Hayley had the urge to explode on Beck but she wouldn't. She would just explode once she was back in the girl's dormitories alone so she could just scream it all out. She had to be nice. "I'm sorry I was only thinking of myself at the moment and I shouldn't have let it all out. I don't know what else I can say." She said her voice cracking. She really didn't think she was mean when she did it, but Beck must be one drama king? But a really attractive drama king.
Beck looked at Hayley. Ugh!! What the hell was her problem. He listened to her and he tried to stay calm as can be. "To hell with you." he told her. She would've said it even if she did know that he has been cheated on. "Bye." Beck said turning back around.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥
Originally Posted by ImaBRE!
Beck looked at Hayley. Ugh!! What the hell was her problem. He listened to her and he tried to stay calm as can be. "To hell with you." he told her. She would've said it even if she did know that he has been cheated on. "Bye." Beck said turning back around.
Hayley's jaw dropped and tears fell down her face. She really didn't do anything wrong and she never cried. NEVER. Why did he have to do this to her? "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She said falling down onto the ground and curling up into a ball, putting her head in her hands.