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It was like watching one of those slap stick comedies on the television. One minute Matty was on his feet and the next he was flat on his back, Mia gasped when he hit the floor but as soon as she realised that he was alright she burst into a fit of giggles.
"Oh Matty, you really are too funny." She stuck the apple into her mouth and bent down to help with his books, unfortunately she could no longer talk with a huge apple stuck in her mouth. Well maybe that was a good thing.
"Well... I am glad me landing on my bum and all makes you laugh... but could you laugh at other things?" *He too was laugh and trying to stop but it wasn't working out to well. Once everything was cleaned up he sighed.*
"Thank you... so where are you headed?"
She was still giggling a little as she straightened up holding a few off Matty's books. At his question, Mia shrugged her shoulders and did her best to point at the apple in her mouth. She was not a food waster so there was no way she was spitting it out.
Mia pouted at him when he took the apple out of her mouth. She had been eating that. Technically it had been his to start with. "Aren't you worried about girl's germs?" She asked with a giggle as she shifted the books in her hands. They were rather heavy. No wonder his bag broke. "Why have you got so many books anyway?"
"Eww your right... I'll wash my hands in fire then." *He laughed a little then frowned looking down at her last question.*
"I was going to do some reading in the Room of Requirement. I keep getting them chucked at me in the common room..."
*It was no secret to most that Matty was the school punching bag sometimes, no one knew why he just was.*
Hmm, because I didn't completely forget to reply to this. >_<
YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi
SPOILER!!: GRyffindor Prefect! RAWR!
Originally Posted by Lexers
Cameron laughed. "I love it, weiro." And people called hre a freak. ALL her friends seemed to find her name incredibly nickname making because she had TONS. Bammers, Bambam, Hammy, Camelot, Cammerz and Red.
Weird. Weird. Weird.
:0 SHe didn't know Oliver!? How could she NOT know Oliver! He was HeadBoy! "Then we'll have to introduce you pronto, chikka, cos like.. you have to meet him in real life." Obviously. This was imperative.. for.. some.. reason.
*gaspers* She scowled at her giant friend and then crossed her arms. "The firsties are also NICE to meee!" But she grinned. She was kidding. The firsties were a handful. But incredibly kyute. Oh yush. Incredibly kyute.
Cameron was expecting something less dramatic - but then when had Savannah Conrad ever been UNdramatic? Like.. seriously!?
But she hadn't been expecting THIS. O.mai.gawd. That was intense. She look a while - just gaping at the Blonde before she swallowed and gaped a little more. Errr.. what DO you say to this?
"Duuuuuuude.." Like.. seriously. Where to begin to respond? "Wait.. what about Finn?" They could start with what Cameron thought was the most imminent danger - the little Ravenclaw twerp whom she despised. Like seriously - Cameron was unafraid to get a shoe and beat him with it. Lori style of course. She learnt fromt he best.
BUT SERIOUSLY. "You two together?" And if the answer was 'yes' Cameron would try her HARDEST to bite back the torrent of 'lecturing' that would threaten. Stupid twerp.
Oh.. HER turn. GARGH. The tables had turrrned! "Well.." Erk. Hmm.. "I moved out of home, it just got.. too much. And.. I started working," She told her awkwardly. She didn't like talking about herself. And she WASN'T telling Savvy where it had been that she'd worked. "Umm.. yeah and I moved into the Leaky and yeah.. I didn't see anyone until the very end of the summer and even then.." She shrugged. "It was like the beginning of August and Oliver came into the Leaky and I was just walking out and we just bumped into each other. He hadn't owled or .. anything," She tried not to sound bitter as all the emotion was dredged up. ".. And," She swallowed, "We had an argument.. and said heaps of.. really bad things." And by bad she meant awful, cutting, never to be repeated things. "And then we bumped into each other again - a couple of weeks later and .. yeah.. we made up." Somehow she failed to mention that they'd told each other they love each other. Which Cameron still couldn't quite comprehend that she'd SAID because as of then, they pretty much hadn't had a normal conversation with just the two of them, what with the train and then the feast and them both just being so busy. ERK.
Oh! Topic change. Oh.. her badge. Cameron sighed. She didn't relaly like it. Twas a bit weird. She wasn't really the Prefecting type.
.. Was that a bird..?
And why were those two girls calling it Jimbo. What an odd name for a bird. Eh anyway. Back to the conversation. She laughed at Sav's comment. Her? Smart? Er. No. "Savvy.. that's a lie and you know it." Yes. Cameron wasn't smart. Oh noooo. Definitely not.
Ehh.. what WERE those two girls doing? Why were they calling that bird down..? WTF? She took Savvy's hand and exerting her full prefectorial power and measly five foot five height stomped over to them.
"Girls.. it's a BIRD and surely you know Accio." Right? Just.. summon the ickle birdy. Yeah?
Iris turned away from Leilani and Birdy!Jimbo when she heard someone tell that it was JUST a bird.
THE GIRL LIIIIIIIIIIIIES. It was more than a bird! It was JIMBO FARLEY. Her bestest friend still at Hogwarts.
Oooh. This girl was a prefect tooo. "Um... Well, actually... he's NOT a bird. That ball of green feathers is my best friend." Iris nodded slightly. "He decided to cross the Age Line. This was the result." She said, pointing up to the Birdy!Jimbo. "And I had thought of Accio... buuuuut that's a bit forceful to just use right away, you know?"
Iris figured it would be best not to mention that she never was a good fielder in Rounders... Poor Birdy!Jimbo would end up zooming down off his portrait and straight into the wall behind her.
Jimbo will set his turtle loose on you. { The Farley } "That's trademarked, don't use it."
See, SEE? Did anyone hear that? 'That could really hurt him.' That's what she said, yes, it's true! He was right all along! They were trying to hurt him. He needed to escape, ESCAPE! Escape from the giants - them and their forceful ways. They were pure evil, them. Yush.
He was glad to watch them squabble so much, running around and panicking. It meant that he was winning. They wouldn't hurt him if they were scared of him attacking again. And they were trying to get him to come down peacefully. PSHT, yeah right. He wasn't giving up that easy. He needed to attack some more so they could get the picture. He wasn't going to surrender, nope.
The tiny bird still held the blond stands in his beak as he took off into the air once more. The two giants conspiring below, he noticed another giant join them. They must be sharing evil plans. And this new giant might be smarter than the other two. She might come up with something that could trap the poor little inexperienced bird. Panicking once more, the bird flew down the corridor, leaving the giants behind. Maybe if he -
The poor bird just flew into a stone wall. On the ground, the bird try to take off again but one of his wings was broken. And it was painful. With this, the bird stop trying to fly away and surrendered itself to the fateful hands of the giants.
YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi
Iris stood looking inbetween Leilani and the Gryffindor Prefect, waiting for one of them to answer her. Meanwhile, she didn't notice Birdy!Jimbo fly off until she heard a REALLY loud thud.
O____O ...
Turning round, the prefect's eyes widened as she saw the little green bird on the floor, apparently unable to fly off. "Jimbo!" Iris called out, sounded worried. She didn't even glance at the other two girls that were there, she just ran over to the bird and knelt down in front of it. "Benjamin Farley... What are we going to do with you? Honestly... You're going to get yourself killed one of these days..." Iris was muttering to herself more than the bird.
Carefully and softly scooping up her currently very feathery friend, Iris looked at him, frowning with concern at the flinching that Jimbo was making.
" 'Lani... I think he's really hurt." She said, walking back over to them and looking up from Birdy!Jimbo, "Taking him to Healer Moretti would be a better idea than Lafay, now..."
Iris then looked to the other Prefect, with a look that said, 'see, if I'd have acco'd him, then I'd have caused that.
Brittany never thought she would be walking down the hall from the DADA classroom covered in Green paint. Nope never in a million years did she think that. She began giggling out loud to herself. Mike must have thought she was some type of crazy person because they had left the class together and she hoped he was still behind her. "Fun clas eh?" she asked him
Brittany never thought she would be walking down the hall from the DADA classroom covered in Green paint. Nope never in a million years did she think that. She began giggling out loud to herself. Mike must have thought she was some type of crazy person because they had left the class together and she hoped he was still behind her. "Fun clas eh?" she asked him
looking like a x-mas tree mostly gree with a yellow splotches and a few red spots he starts laughing at Britt and EM "Britt you look like a Broccoli and Em looks like a string bean. man that was great "
looking like a x-mas tree mostly gree with a yellow splotches and a few red spots he starts laughing at Britt and EM "Britt you look like a Broccoli and Em looks like a string bean. man that was great "
Brittany rolled her eyes Broccoli as the last thing she wanted to look like but she guess with the hair and all she probably did look just like it. "Gahhh I need a nice long hot shower." Brittany said smiling just thinking about it. "Those snakes just outnumbered us" Brittany said turning back to the other two. "I wonder how there were so many." She asked. But knowig them they had some kind of way to work things in there favor. they were snakes after all. No that was just to mean to think of and she scolded her self silently
Brittany rolled her eyes Broccoli as the last thing she wanted to look like but she guess with the hair and all she probably did look just like it. "Gahhh I need a nice long hot shower." Brittany said smiling just thinking about it. "Those snakes just outnumbered us" Brittany said turning back to the other two. "I wonder how there were so many." She asked. But knowig them they had some kind of way to work things in there favor. they were snakes after all. No that was just to mean to think of and she scolded her self silently
Dont feel too bad ,loads of yellow snakes pointing to the different ones around "and they were much older and it took alot to take down afew first yr puffs, we fought a good fight and they won.That is the way of life sometime you eat the snake sometime he eat you
turning to see Sia "hey it is not that bad we didnt loose by that much and we gave them a fight to rember" flashing a grin
Brittany gave mike a scoldig look ."Mike she is not crying about that. She is not even covered in paint." Gosh boys were so out of it sometime. "Are you okay." she said turning her
Siobian blushed, "You sure did." She giggled, "but that's not why I'm upset.
cocking his head to look at britt " she could have done Turego"
Originally Posted by B~Lee
Brittany gave mike a scoldig look ."Mike she is not crying about that. She is not even covered in paint." Gosh boys were so out of it sometime. "Are you okay." she said turning her
turning back to Sia "yea what happend" it better not be saph playing up
Iris turned away from Leilani and Birdy!Jimbo when she heard someone tell that it was JUST a bird.
THE GIRL LIIIIIIIIIIIIES. It was more than a bird! It was JIMBO FARLEY. Her bestest friend still at Hogwarts.
Oooh. This girl was a prefect tooo. "Um... Well, actually... he's NOT a bird. That ball of green feathers is my best friend." Iris nodded slightly. "He decided to cross the Age Line. This was the result." She said, pointing up to the Birdy!Jimbo. "And I had thought of Accio... buuuuut that's a bit forceful to just use right away, you know?"
Iris figured it would be best not to mention that she never was a good fielder in Rounders... Poor Birdy!Jimbo would end up zooming down off his portrait and straight into the wall behind her.
Originally Posted by AlexandraRamos
See, SEE? Did anyone hear that? 'That could really hurt him.' That's what she said, yes, it's true! He was right all along! They were trying to hurt him. He needed to escape, ESCAPE! Escape from the giants - them and their forceful ways. They were pure evil, them. Yush.
He was glad to watch them squabble so much, running around and panicking. It meant that he was winning. They wouldn't hurt him if they were scared of him attacking again. And they were trying to get him to come down peacefully. PSHT, yeah right. He wasn't giving up that easy. He needed to attack some more so they could get the picture. He wasn't going to surrender, nope.
The tiny bird still held the blond stands in his beak as he took off into the air once more. The two giants conspiring below, he noticed another giant join them. They must be sharing evil plans. And this new giant might be smarter than the other two. She might come up with something that could trap the poor little inexperienced bird. Panicking once more, the bird flew down the corridor, leaving the giants behind. Maybe if he -
The poor bird just flew into a stone wall. On the ground, the bird try to take off again but one of his wings was broken. And it was painful. With this, the bird stop trying to fly away and surrendered itself to the fateful hands of the giants.
Originally Posted by Nixy!
Iris stood looking inbetween Leilani and the Gryffindor Prefect, waiting for one of them to answer her. Meanwhile, she didn't notice Birdy!Jimbo fly off until she heard a REALLY loud thud.
O____O ...
Turning round, the prefect's eyes widened as she saw the little green bird on the floor, apparently unable to fly off. "Jimbo!" Iris called out, sounded worried. She didn't even glance at the other two girls that were there, she just ran over to the bird and knelt down in front of it. "Benjamin Farley... What are we going to do with you? Honestly... You're going to get yourself killed one of these days..." Iris was muttering to herself more than the bird.
Carefully and softly scooping up her currently very feathery friend, Iris looked at him, frowning with concern at the flinching that Jimbo was making.
" 'Lani... I think he's really hurt." She said, walking back over to them and looking up from Birdy!Jimbo, "Taking him to Healer Moretti would be a better idea than Lafay, now..."
Iris then looked to the other Prefect, with a look that said, 'see, if I'd have acco'd him, then I'd have caused that.
The bird was not a bird it was a human?
"Well he's a twit then, innit?" Crossing the age line? What did he think would happen? Pudding and chocolate milk? Silly boy.
True. Now that she knew it was a birdboy she was slightly less enthused at the idea of accioing him down. Erm.. "What's his favourite food?" She offered. Maybe they could coax him down..
Maybe that only worked with cats though..
And then without warning - the green feathery thing just went..
That would've hurt, right?
She watched, with wide eyes, as the girl ran forward and she nodded numbly at her suggestion.
"I reckon you're right. Lafay's a little crazy anyway. But Moretti's nice enough. She'll get him healed up in no time. How does that sound?" It sounded a far cry better than watching him fail at flying and smushing his face.
She realised probably very stupidly that this girl was a Prefect. Odd. She was certain that Fallon had been Snake Prefect.
"Um.. *blinkblink* You're Prefect?" Nevermind the fact that her friend was a bird and this question was entirely ill-suited to the moment.
Captain Awesome?_________________________________ _________________________________.....Fidget works too.
YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi
Originally Posted by Lexers
The bird was not a bird it was a human?
"Well he's a twit then, innit?" Crossing the age line? What did he think would happen? Pudding and chocolate milk? Silly boy.
True. Now that she knew it was a birdboy she was slightly less enthused at the idea of accioing him down. Erm.. "What's his favourite food?" She offered. Maybe they could coax him down..
Maybe that only worked with cats though..
And then without warning - the green feathery thing just went..
That would've hurt, right?
She watched, with wide eyes, as the girl ran forward and she nodded numbly at her suggestion.
"I reckon you're right. Lafay's a little crazy anyway. But Moretti's nice enough. She'll get him healed up in no time. How does that sound?" It sounded a far cry better than watching him fail at flying and smushing his face.
She realised probably very stupidly that this girl was a Prefect. Odd. She was certain that Fallon had been Snake Prefect.
"Um.. *blinkblink* You're Prefect?" Nevermind the fact that her friend was a bird and this question was entirely ill-suited to the moment.
Iris giggled. "Yes, he's a Twit." He's MY twit, though.
As the other prefect asked what his favourite food was, Iris bit her lip. "Um.. everything. The kid eats anything and everything. Presuming that it's actually edible, that is." But then again... Who knows. Maybe Jimbo eats non-edible things, too.
Holding the bird carefully in her hands, Iris stood up, being careful not to catch Jimbo's wing. Then she walked back over to Leilani and the Gryffindor Prefect. "Yeah... I think so." Iris half smiled at them both, "Leilani, you coming with me to take him to the Hospital Wing?" she asked, whilst holding back the temptation to cradle Birdy!Jimbo.
Iris looked up at the prefect and blushed a little bit. "Um... Yes." Was it not obvious? But then again... from the girls face, maybe she didn't know that Fallon wasn't Prefect anymore. "I'm Fallon's ... Uh... replacement, basically." There, she'd said it out loud. Iris rocked back and forth slightly on her heels. "I've not seen her at all this term though... "
Yeah. Good friend she was, not knowing the whereabouts of Fallon.
And leaving Jimbo in pain any longer was ALSO making her more of a bad friend.
"My parents are getting a divorce..." Siobian started to cry again. "I'm sorry I shouldn't throw this all off on you."
Brittany felt her a tugg at her heart strings. She hated to see people crying and she couldnt comfort her and say she knew how it felt because she didnt. Her parents were still together. She also seemed to be talking more to Mike so she just threw him a sad looking hoping he would say the right things
"My parents are getting a divorce..." Siobian started to cry again. "I'm sorry I shouldn't throw this all off on you."
*Sigh* " That is a a bummer ,but I would lay even money that they would not be doing it if they had not tried every thing else,just becaus they dont love each outher as much doesnt mean that they love you less,have you had a chance to talk to them?"
Brittany felt her a tugg at her heart strings. She hated to see people crying and she couldnt comfort her and say she knew how it felt because she didnt. Her parents were still together. She also seemed to be talking more to Mike so she just threw him a sad looking hoping he would say the right things
Originally Posted by Michael White
*Sigh* " That is a a bummer ,but I would lay even money that they would not be doing it if they had not tried every thing else,just becaus they dont love each outher as much doesnt mean that they love you less,have you had a chance to talk to them?"
Siobian shook her head, "No all I know is that if my dad gets custody of me he forcing me to leave Hogwarts. He never liked me coming to this, in his words, weirdo school where my mothers brothers came..." Siobian said. It was completely true that's was what he had said, "I don't want to leave though. I really like the school and it introduced me to so many new people."
caffeine princess ♬ lunchbox adventurer ❀ little rose
Originally Posted by Nixy!
Iris giggled. "Yes, he's a Twit." He's MY twit, though.
As the other prefect asked what his favourite food was, Iris bit her lip. "Um.. everything. The kid eats anything and everything. Presuming that it's actually edible, that is." But then again... Who knows. Maybe Jimbo eats non-edible things, too.
Holding the bird carefully in her hands, Iris stood up, being careful not to catch Jimbo's wing. Then she walked back over to Leilani and the Gryffindor Prefect. "Yeah... I think so." Iris half smiled at them both, "Leilani, you coming with me to take him to the Hospital Wing?" she asked, whilst holding back the temptation to cradle Birdy!Jimbo.
Iris looked up at the prefect and blushed a little bit. "Um... Yes." Was it not obvious? But then again... from the girls face, maybe she didn't know that Fallon wasn't Prefect anymore. "I'm Fallon's ... Uh... replacement, basically." There, she'd said it out loud. Iris rocked back and forth slightly on her heels. "I've not seen her at all this term though... "
Yeah. Good friend she was, not knowing the whereabouts of Fallon.
And leaving Jimbo in pain any longer was ALSO making her more of a bad friend.
The birdy!Jimbo flew into the wall. Oooooow. She watched as Iris picked him up, gently. Whew. Let's hope he tried no more stupidness.
Leilani flinched as a letter hit her leg. And it was from Lafay. She scanned over it quickly, rolling her eyes. Oh yeah, cuz she had totally been kidding when she said her friend had been turned into a bird. [/sarcasm] Jeez, their Head of House was about as useful as crap.
She stuffed the letter in her pocket and looked up at Iris. "Mmhm, let's go before he gets any worse." Huh, come to think if it Lafay had just told her to take him to the Nurse.