-   Term 26: August - November 2010 (
-   -   Divination I :: Oneiromancy (

Lissy Longbottom 09-08-2010 04:26 PM

Divination I :: Oneiromancy
Professor Reynolds was sitting on the edge of his desk, waiting for the students to file in once he opened his class. Today however he looked a bit more exhausted than usual...his glasses had slid down the bridge of his nose and he'd made no effort to fix them, and he hadn't bothered to button up his navy sweater vest today either. Still, as the first students began to arrive, he made an effort to smile for them as they entered the room.

"Hello class...please take a seat, and we'll begin today's lesson shortly," he announced. "Keep chatter to a minimum, please!"

OOC: Class will begin in 1-2ish hours or so. Nolan IS in the room so please keep the chitter chatter down! Thank youuuu!

Saz Hale 09-08-2010 04:29 PM

Arabella-Marie entered the classroom and said "Good Morning Professor" Arabella-Marie took a seat near the front she was interested in learning about divination and she wanted to get some points for her house

HogwartsHokage 09-08-2010 04:31 PM

Jenny walked into the room nervously. Divination wasn't one of the subjects she was looking forward to, but maybe her mind might change after taking it. Quickly walking in, she said, "Good day, Professor." before walking around, looking for a seat.

Emzily 09-08-2010 04:33 PM

Ella skipped into the Divination classroom with an optimistic attitude. She really had no idea why she was feeling so awesome today, but it was definitely a good thing. She smiled at the professor, noticing that he looked a little... put out.
"Hello Professor, how are you today?" She asked brightly, although she wasn't sure whether he would return the happiness. Meh.

She sat down at the front of the classroom, and tapped her feet on the ground as she waited for the lesson to begin. Happy Ella was kind of freaky. Maybe it was the hair. Blonde's have more fun? Haaah.

brelovesweasleys 09-08-2010 04:35 PM

Oh good, Rae was early. Even if Rae did think that Divination was a joke, she liked this class nonetheless. She greeted her teacher, which she normally didn't do.. "Hello Professor Reynolds.. Good day isn't it?" Yeah, she was is a happy mood. She found a seat over towards the front and waited for people to show up so the lesson could start.

Roselyn 09-08-2010 04:36 PM

Yes, it was official. She almost completely hated Divination. Whyyy did it have to be so high up huh?

Finally making it to the classroom though, the Slytherin leaned the door frame for just a moment before making her way into the classroom, mustering up a smile for the Professor. "G'day Professor." she muttered before taking a usual seat near the back. They were keeping the lights on during this lesson right? She made no promises that she'd stay awake if they went off! Oh, scratch that...Rae was here.

She could keep her awake right? Hehe. Changing direction, Evelyn took a seat next to the older Slytherin, right in the front. Well, that'd definitely keep her awake right there.

Hollister 09-08-2010 04:37 PM

Now, surprisingly, Jack really liked Divination. He found it quite interesting, his parents told him otherwise, and that potions and Arithmancy were the way forward. Hahaha, no. Jack strolled into the classroom, bag slung on his left shoulder and his hands in his pockets. "Sir." Jack gave the professor a nod, before taking a seat at the back.

Ladybug 09-08-2010 04:45 PM

Enya slowly walked into the classroom, she really didn't know why she was hear she didn't even like the subject. Hell. She didn't like learning, but if it made Vanessa happy she would turn up. Maybe she'd learn something new. Sigh. Peeking round the classroom she had just walked into she stopped, standing in full view of everyone. She could tell this was going to be a good class. Sorta.

After a few minutes of 'posing' she walked over to a empty desk and poshly sat down. She was actually looking forward to the class now. Why? She asked herself looking around again. Shrugg, she'd never know. Maybe they'd be better then the lesson's she was taught at muggle school. The one's Vanessa took her too. The fact she wasn't aloud to use magic at those school's was more annoying then the actul lesson's. She actually had to work! URG!

potiongirl10 09-08-2010 04:51 PM

Yay! Amy was ready for divination she stepped into the classroom "morning Professor" she said cheerfuly to Professor Reynolds she skipped to an empty desk and sat down

ThePastelBookworm 09-08-2010 04:56 PM

joey walk into the class room she found a seat next to amy .she was ready to take notes.

Lockhartian 09-08-2010 04:58 PM

Oh my Gilderoy!

Divination was up! Treyen had almost run up the stairs in order to make it on time and be able to pick a seat. He, however, stopped at the door, so no one would notice the excitement he had while on the stairs.

But, wait. Was Professor Reynolds okay? He didn't look like he was.

Treyen sort of smiled, "Great day, Professor. Hope we can brighten it up for you" he said, with a nod, as he entered the classroom.

Dancecat3 09-08-2010 05:04 PM

Meredith walked nervously into class. She passed the professor's desk. "Good morning professor." Meredith gave a little smile. She went and sat down in the middle area of the class room

Danny Boy 09-08-2010 05:04 PM

Divination! Why oh why. It didn't actually work. He was sure if every person a tea leave said was going to die there would be alot less people in the world. The truth was that you could not predict the future because one little choice could change it.

Daniel walked into class and looked to their Divination teacher. He didn't look freaky or weird. Why on earth was he teaching divination? But maybe it was better this way. Maybe the lesson would be more normal. "Hi, professor" No good morning junk nice and informal. "How are you?" he asked not really caring before walking to the back of the class and sitting down. Maybe he could dose off here without the professor noticing.

Danika Malik 09-08-2010 05:05 PM

While she didn't intend to attend Divination, she'd been slightly curious after listening to that Fletcher boy speak back in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Therefore, she had to come.

Danika stopped at the door, "Good day, Professor" she said, with a little bow of the head, the man looked...well, like he hadn't slept all night. The Professors they had at Hogwarts. Odd selection. "I vas told I could join a class of my interest, and I vould like to join this one" she said, as if saying 'this better not be a waste of my time and you should be totally proud that I chose this one'.

ChloeeCloverr 09-08-2010 05:09 PM

Lessons. Ugh. Hopefully they'd be more fun than they were at muggle schools. English and maths ? What was that about ? It was SO confusing and they Weren't aloud to use magic. Ridiculous no ? Callie walked into Divination and smiled at the professor. "Hello Professor." she smiled before taking a seat.

Steelsheen 09-08-2010 05:09 PM

Salander trods heavily towards the Divination classroom, trying to catch his breath and keep his heart from exploding. Seven floors, a deep dungeon, two or three different towers-- and no one thought of an elevator around this place??!?

He collapses onto a seat closest to the door, barely able to mutter a Hello to the Professor. The most he can do is glare stare.

Lottiepot 09-08-2010 05:12 PM

Divination hmm??

Well it was one of the subjects she had got her O in so why not be happy about it? The Blonde made her way into the classroom, smiles all round. This shouldn't be bad at all now should it? Spotting her cousin already in the classroom, Trixie made her way over before addressing the Professor. "Hello Professor. Good summer?" she asked with a charming smile. It was strange how polite the students really were when entering classes.

She took one glance at her, now blonde, cousin before turning to the front. Did they need anything?

Crayola 09-08-2010 05:18 PM

Joshua had a feeling he would not attend this class very often.

The amount of steps he had to walk up! Gosh. It was nuts. And since he still couldn't wrap his head around Hogwarts so he had gotten lost. A LOT. Maybe he just needed to ask someone for a map! He walked past the threshold and looked at the Professor.



"Hi, Mister ... Professor ... Sir." ACK! Not up for a good start, was he? He took a deep breath and smiled embarrasedly at the man, wishing he wasn't blushing that much. "Can I get a map of the castle somewhere? I sort of ... get lost a lot." EEEEP!

BanaBatGirl 09-08-2010 05:18 PM

Fletcher entered the Divination classroom slowly, not at all too happy to have climbed all the ridiculous stairs that led to this room. He slumped into a seat near Rae and put his head down on his arms.

"'Lo, professor," he nodded toward the Divination dude before closing his eyes.

Man. It was exhausting to be this awesome.

CharGryffindor 09-08-2010 05:25 PM

Rubiey walked into the class. She was insanely excited for her first lesson at Hogwarts; Divination. She smiled at Professor Reyolds. "Hey, sir. How are ya?" She asked taking a seat, practically bouncing up and down in anticipation.

Jason Potter Weasley 09-08-2010 05:29 PM

Rex waits for the class to start.

Jamers 09-08-2010 05:30 PM

Taylor walked in to the classroom. She walked over to an empty seat, set her stuff down and sat down. "Hello Professor." She said as she was getting the stuff she needed.

Lauralicious 09-08-2010 05:32 PM

Fee entered the classroom for her first lesson of Divination.
"Good morning,Professor", she said smiling.
Dang, this was exciting.
She took an empty seat near one of the windows and took out her parchement and her pink pen.

Lissy Longbottom 09-08-2010 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 9760402)
Arabella-Marie entered the classroom and said "Good Morning Professor" Arabella-Marie took a seat near the front she was interested in learning about divination and she wanted to get some points for her house


Originally Posted by HogwartsHokage (Post 9760413)
Jenny walked into the room nervously. Divination wasn't one of the subjects she was looking forward to, but maybe her mind might change after taking it. Quickly walking in, she said, "Good day, Professor." before walking around, looking for a seat.

"Good morning," Nolan said with a smile to the Gryffindor girl near the front before smiling and nodding at the young girl looking for a seat as well.


Originally Posted by Emishlon (Post 9760415)
Ella skipped into the Divination classroom with an optimistic attitude. She really had no idea why she was feeling so awesome today, but it was definitely a good thing. She smiled at the professor, noticing that he looked a little... put out.
"Hello Professor, how are you today?" She asked brightly, although she wasn't sure whether he would return the happiness. Meh.

She sat down at the front of the classroom, and tapped her feet on the ground as she waited for the lesson to begin. Happy Ella was kind of freaky. Maybe it was the hair. Blonde's have more fun? Haaah.

The truth was Nolan was NOT very well today, but he had promised himself he wouldn't let his social life get in the way of his classes, so once again, he grinned politely at the girl. "I'm fine, thank you Miss Ainsworth," he told her.


Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys (Post 9760423)
Oh good, Rae was early. Even if Rae did think that Divination was a joke, she liked this class nonetheless. She greeted her teacher, which she normally didn't do.. "Hello Professor Reynolds.. Good day isn't it?" Yeah, she was is a happy mood. She found a seat over towards the front and waited for people to show up so the lesson could start.

"Yes, the weather is rather pleasant outside, isn't it?" he said with a smile, looking at the window. He was quite sure she wasn't talking about the weather, but nevermind that. "Good to see you Miss Rae."


Originally Posted by Roselyn (Post 9760431)
Yes, it was official. She almost completely hated Divination. Whyyy did it have to be so high up huh?

Finally making it to the classroom though, the Slytherin leaned the door frame for just a moment before making her way into the classroom, mustering up a smile for the Professor. "G'day Professor." she muttered before taking a usual seat near the back. They were keeping the lights on during this lesson right? She made no promises that she'd stay awake if they went off! Oh, scratch that...Rae was here.

She could keep her awake right? Hehe. Changing direction, Evelyn took a seat next to the older Slytherin, right in the front. Well, that'd definitely keep her awake right there.

"Good day Miss Flores," he said to the Slytherin, remembering that he needed to keep a close eye on this one. He still had the gong in the desk drawer if anyone fell asleep, he wasn't afraid to use it!


Originally Posted by Hollister (Post 9760433)
Now, surprisingly, Jack really liked Divination. He found it quite interesting, his parents told him otherwise, and that potions and Arithmancy were the way forward. Hahaha, no. Jack strolled into the classroom, bag slung on his left shoulder and his hands in his pockets. "Sir." Jack gave the professor a nod, before taking a seat at the back.


Originally Posted by potiongirl10 (Post 9760478)
Yay! Amy was ready for divination she stepped into the classroom "morning Professor" she said cheerfuly to Professor Reynolds she skipped to an empty desk and sat down

Nolan nodded at the Slytherin boy who entered the room...hmmm, he seemed a man of very few words. He then turned his attention to the Slytherin who entered right behind him and smiled. "Good morning to you too."


Originally Posted by Lockhartian (Post 9760499)
Oh my Gilderoy!

Divination was up! Treyen had almost run up the stairs in order to make it on time and be able to pick a seat. He, however, stopped at the door, so no one would notice the excitement he had while on the stairs.

But, wait. Was Professor Reynolds okay? He didn't look like he was.

Treyen sort of smiled, "Great day, Professor. Hope we can brighten it up for you" he said, with a nod, as he entered the classroom.

Nolan couldn't help but genuinely smile when Treyen entered the room. The boy had shown great promise in his classes last year, and he was really hoping that would be the case again this year. "Hello Mister Lockhart," he said, choosing to ignore the comment about his mood. Clearly, he needed to ACT happier. Yes. he could do that!


Originally Posted by Dancecat3 (Post 9760515)
Meredith walked nervously into class. She passed the professor's desk. "Good morning professor." Meredith gave a little smile. She went and sat down in the middle area of the class room


Originally Posted by Danny Boy (Post 9760516)
Divination! Why oh why. It didn't actually work. He was sure if every person a tea leave said was going to die there would be alot less people in the world. The truth was that you could not predict the future because one little choice could change it.

Daniel walked into class and looked to their Divination teacher. He didn't look freaky or weird. Why on earth was he teaching divination? But maybe it was better this way. Maybe the lesson would be more normal. "Hi, professor" No good morning junk nice and informal. "How are you?" he asked not really caring before walking to the back of the class and sitting down. Maybe he could dose off here without the professor noticing.

"Good morning to the both of you," Nolan said with another small smile as two students entered the room. "I'm doing well, thank you."


Originally Posted by Danika Malik (Post 9760517)
While she didn't intend to attend Divination, she'd been slightly curious after listening to that Fletcher boy speak back in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Therefore, she had to come.

Danika stopped at the door, "Good day, Professor" she said, with a little bow of the head, the man looked...well, like he hadn't slept all night. The Professors they had at Hogwarts. Odd selection. "I vas told I could join a class of my interest, and I vould like to join this one" she said, as if saying 'this better not be a waste of my time and you should be totally proud that I chose this one'.

Ahhh, one of the visiting students! Nolan perked up immediately, sitting straighter on his desk and nodding at the young girl. "Of course Miss Malik, feel free to take a seat anywhere you'd like. I hope you enjoy the lesson," he said with a smile. This was so exciting! He glanced around the room for a few moments, hoping that the presence of one of the Drumstrang students would convince them all to behave, or he'd have to be the strict, boring professor...


Originally Posted by ChloeeCloverr (Post 9760529)
Lessons. Ugh. Hopefully they'd be more fun than they were at muggle schools. English and maths ? What was that about ? It was SO confusing and they Weren't aloud to use magic. Ridiculous no ? Callie walked into Divination and smiled at the professor. "Hello Professor." she smiled before taking a seat.


Originally Posted by Steelsheen (Post 9760530)
Salander trods heavily towards the Divination classroom, trying to catch his breath and keep his heart from exploding. Seven floors, a deep dungeon, two or three different towers-- and no one thought of an elevator around this place??!?

He collapses onto a seat closest to the door, barely able to mutter a Hello to the Professor. The most he can do is glare stare.

"Hello," Nolan said to one of the new Slytherin students, before catching a glimpse of another Slytherin who looked extremely...exhausted. Maybe he hadn't gotten enough sleep?

Oh wait. He looked out of breath. Those poor Slytherins having to come all the way from the dungeons! "Good morning," he said to the boy, even though the look he was giving him was clearly suggesting the exact opposite of a good morning for him.


Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22 (Post 9760536)
Divination hmm??

Well it was one of the subjects she had got her O in so why not be happy about it? The Blonde made her way into the classroom, smiles all round. This shouldn't be bad at all now should it? Spotting her cousin already in the classroom, Trixie made her way over before addressing the Professor. "Hello Professor. Good summer?" she asked with a charming smile. It was strange how polite the students really were when entering classes.

She took one glance at her, now blonde, cousin before turning to the front. Did they need anything?

"I've had better summers," Nolan said with a shrug, but he kept up his smile as he sat on top of his desk once more. "How was yours, Miss Malfoy?" he asked. Just a few more minutes to let the stragglers arrive, and then he'd get started.

LoveMePlease 09-08-2010 05:32 PM

Viky strolled happily into Divination, looking around for either Simon, or Josh. No one yet. Oh well... they'd get there later. Hopefully. Cause she didn't want to be alone this lesson. 'Hi, Proffessor Reynolds. Are you alright, Sir?' she asked with a friendly smile, as he looked a bit... upset, perhaps? Giving him another smile, she sat down at one of the desks, next to Jack, whom she'd just noticed. Flashing him a smile, she took her books out of her bag and placed them on the desk.

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