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As you walk into the Charms classroom, the most noticeable difference is that all the desks have been pushed to the walls in a circular formation, leaving a wide, open area in the center of the classroom. In the back of the room, a large, white sheet is draped over--who knows what--, and whatever it is underneath shakes violently every few minutes. It's no wonder the desks have pushed far, far away from this object--whatever it may be.
Go ahead and take a seat. Professor Carlton, although not in the room right now, will be along shortly.
OOC: Class will not begin until I get in tomorrow afternoon (Oct. 4 around 5 PM EST). You may go ahead and roleplay your character coming in, but please, limit the chatter.
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Brant raised his hand yet again. "Miss, a boggart is a shapless creature at first, but once its around people it will take any form that the person is most scared of, the more people that are with you the more it can get confused. Plus its great for moral support. I would hate to face a boggart alone. For no one ever truly knows what form the boggart will take." Brant shivered at the thought of clown, yeah he knows they aren't suppost to be scary, but they sure were to him.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Fletcher. That boy always seemed up to something, yet--right now, Lexi couldn't out her finger on just what that might be. She'd hate to have to charm another selection from his wardrobe a pretty pink color. "Dragons, Dugbogs, and Grindylows,"Oh, my! she said, nodding as she answered. "All correct, Mr. Fletcher."
Just when Lexi thought that absolutely no one was going to mention the one dark creature that she'd hoped would at least be brought up once, a whole chorus of students chimed in, all supplying thought and questions about...
"Boggarts! Yes!" she said, almost too excitedly. On that note, she strolled over the shaking object beneath the sheet and pulled the sheet off, casting it the side a second later. "I've encountered a boggart in an old desk and rather than simply taking care of it myself, I decided to incorporate it into a class--about defense charms, of course."
As if on cue, the desk shook just a bit harder.
"Now, what exactly is a boggart, and why is it best to always have someone with you when you're encountering one?" she asked.
OOC: Hey, guys! *waves* Please answer just the question Lexi's asked, as she has other questions all lined up, and I'd like to prevent all of them being answered in one post. Thanks so much!
Oh yeah Fletcher knew he was right. He was always right. ALWAYS RIGHT always. Especially in charms, which was one of his better subjects.
The boy sat up in his chair, eyes widening as he prepared for the big reveal. He was still sitting on the edge of his chair with his wand clenched tightly in his fist, so tight that his knuckles were white.
And then ---- WHOOOOOOSH, there it was. The professor whipped off the sheet as she always did and what was there? A horrible, evil monster of course. Or at least that's what Fletcher was guessing, since he had never really seen a boggart in person before.
"A shape shifter," Fletcher answered, his left hand partially raised, "is another name for a boggart. They prey on your worst fears and then take the form of that fear." He nodded, not entirely sure what he would see if he saw a boggart. "You should have someone with you in case the boggart does manage to terrify you to the point where you forget it's just a boggart and not your worst fear."
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Fletcher
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Turning his glare away from Kellen, as if he was still daring the boy to sit so close to him, Fletcher focused on the teacher again and realized he had already missed a question. Hmmph. Well he could most CERTAINLY think of a few vile, dark creatures that required the use of defensive charms....
....but then someone beat him to his answer. SALANDER! Fletcher would have been annoyed had it been anyone else, but since it was one of his best friends, he grinned at the kid and mouthed, "I was just gonna say that!"
No worries. Fletcher could think of another answer. He raised his hand.
"Dragons hafta to be controlled, professor, with like, stunners if you're trying to ride one or something." Not that he had ever considered that idea, nooooo. "And there's dugbogs, of course, like Salander said, which you have to FREEZE OFF YOUR HAND if they bite you." He was, again, not at all speaking from personal experience there. "Oh yeah, and I think we shouldn't underestimate little dark critters like the grindylow. You have to use relashio on those buggers if they get a hold of your limbs."
Again, he was most certainly NOT speaking from personal experience. Nooooo not at all.
Salander turned to his buddy and grinned, pointing to his head and then to Fletcher's and back again. Great minds think alike apparently. Heh.
SPOILER!!: Grayson and Prof Carlton
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
As Professor Carlton had shown up to class, Grayson had turned to greet her, but then she'd seen the furry creatures darting ahead of the professor to curl up in a little pet bed at the front of the classroom. And a bright grin had appeared on her face as she saw the professor still had her ferret. Not to mention that it seemed the little baby ferret got along with the little dog, which she had to admit she hadn't really known Professor Carlton had had. But it was a good thing anyway, and momentarily made her think about Ruby and Draco. Until she finally registered the professor's statement upon arrival, and the grin faded a little. Poor baby ferret still had no name? That was sad.
And her disappointment caused her to miss answering the first question, but at the next her eyes went to the sheet thingy. Hmm. Seemed the new answers the others were giving might be accurate, but she raised her hand anyway. There were other points to be made, even if they had nothing to do with the lesson. Not really, at least. "The Patronus Charm can also be used to repel lethifolds, although not many people are around to verify that. But I think boggarts are more likely to, well, be something we'd have to face." There. She'd agreed with everyone else too. Plus there was that whole thing about lethifolds being, oh, really, really dangerous. And they lived in tropical places, which was definitely not anywhere near Hogwarts.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Just when Lexi thought that absolutely no one was going to mention the one dark creature that she'd hoped would at least be brought up once, a whole chorus of students chimed in, all supplying thought and questions about...
"Boggarts! Yes!" she said, almost too excitedly. On that note, she strolled over the shaking object beneath the sheet and pulled the sheet off, casting it the side a second later. "I've encountered a boggart in an old desk and rather than simply taking care of it myself, I decided to incorporate it into a class--about defense charms, of course."
As if on cue, the desk shook just a bit harder.
"Now, what exactly is a boggart, and why is it best to always have someone with you when you're encountering one?" she asked.
OOC: Hey, guys! *waves* Please answer just the question Lexi's asked, as she has other questions all lined up, and I'd like to prevent all of them being answered in one post. Thanks so much!
When the Professor mentioned boggarts, Salander looked to Grayson and gave her a thumbs up on her answer. 'Claws are so smart! He turned his attention back just when the Professor asked what boggarts were.
Huh... bogarts.... where have I-- Oh yeah! Of course, the one and only!"I know!" Salander raised an over eager hand again " You have a ghost of a dead actor in there dontcha Professor?" he beamed "The Ghost of the Great Humphrey Bogart! Oh yeah, you'll really need someone with yah to prove that you saw Bogart's ghost-- like a photographer maybe, or his biographer... or maybe even a ghostbuster? Could come handy, you'll never know..."
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Being idle for too long, Louisa straightened herself up and raised her hand, "Something doesn't have a certain shape. It depends on the person facing it. This Boggart is meanie enough to take the shape of others' biggest fear." Uh-huh like taking the shape of a dinasours eating babies or something just like that.
"And it's best to have someone with you, I think, to defend you if you're too scared of facing your fear." Duh!".. or to tell the story of your death.." Meh. That made sense. Was she being a Slythie here?
Gave you all credit, even if I didn't quote you. ...and, Humphrey Bogart! XD
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Lexi glanced from student to student as the definition of a boggart, although done so in various wordings, was shared and discussed. "Right, right. This little guy right," she said, giving the desk a few hard knocks, "is a shape shifter. That means, as you said, the creature can change form based on whatever it is that you fear the most."
In response to her hard knocks, the desk shook a few more times, and one of the top drawers looked as it it might open up. It didn't, though, in the end.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Salander turned to his buddy and grinned, pointing to his head and then to Fletcher's and back again. Great minds think alike apparently. Heh.
When the Professor mentioned boggarts, Salander looked to Grayson and gave her a thumbs up on her answer. 'Claws are so smart! He turned his attention back just when the Professor asked what boggarts were.
Huh... bogarts.... where have I-- Oh yeah! Of course, the one and only!"I know!" Salander raised an over eager hand again " You have a ghost of a dead actor in there dontcha Professor?" he beamed "The Ghost of the Great Humphrey Bogart! Oh yeah, you'll really need someone with yah to prove that you saw Bogart's ghost-- like a photographer maybe, or his biographer... or maybe even a ghostbuster? Could come handy, you'll never know..."
Hearing Salander's reply, Lexi could only pause and raise an eyebrow in slight confusion. Now just what was the boy on about, hmm? "No, no, not Bo-gart, Mr. Salander--a bog-gart," she corrected. "...and it'll only be a ghost if that's what you fear the most. Now, pipe down and listen--or else I do fear you'll miss what to do when this little guy does come out and pay you a visit."
Lexi eyed Salander just one more time then turned to the class. "Now, several of you mentioned that the charm used to defend oneself against Humphrey Bogart--err, a boggart--is Riddikulus. In saying so, you are, of course, correct," she said. "Does anyone know what two things this charm requires?"
She paused for a second before adding, "The incantation and wand movement alone will not affect the boggart, though. What else must you do in order to defend yourself against this creature?"
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
"Don't you must think of it as something funny," Simon answered remembering what else he had the time Jonathan had dealt with his boggart. "To make it seem riddiculas like the incantation hints to rather then scary," he added hoping he was remembering it correctly. It had been a couple of years before even when they had learned about them in DADA classs.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Lexi eyed Salander just one more time then turned to the class. "Now, several of you mentioned that the charm used to defend oneself against Humphrey Bogart--err, a boggart--is Riddikulus. In saying so, you are, of course, correct," she said. "Does anyone know what two things this charm requires?"
She paused for a second before adding, "The incantation and wand movement alone will not affect the boggart, though. What else must you do in order to defend yourself against this creature?"
Vashti knew the answer to this question. Or she thought - hoped - she did anyway. She'd kinda sorta slightly answered the question in the answer she'd just given but not entirely. Now was the time to do so and take notes on what the correct answer was if she was wrong because she really didn't want to face this boggart without being able to defeat it.
Raising her hand, she answered, "You have to imagine the boggart turning into something that you find really funny when you cast Riddikulus so that you and hopefully the other around you will laugh. That's what defeats a boggart."
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Rae, who was quiet all class finally raised her hand.... "Professor, It's laughter... That finishes the boggart." Now saying this was starting to make her nervous. Yes, she had read about boggarts. Not only did her father hold about two libraries worth of books... She found oddly enough, that Evelyn had a few books here and there, and in her findings she had read one of Evelyn's hidden books, that had boggarts in it. It shows your worst fear, and laughter defeats it with the incantation. Rae was internally shivering when she thought of her worst fear, right in front of her... Hopefully she wouldn't get to see it, real or not.
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors
Fade from everything, as winter stays...
Lexi glanced from student to student as the definition of a boggart, although done so in various wordings, was shared and discussed. "Right, right. This little guy right," she said, giving the desk a few hard knocks, "is a shape shifter. That means, as you said, the creature can change form based on whatever it is that you fear the most."
In response to her hard knocks, the desk shook a few more times, and one of the top drawers looked as it it might open up. It didn't, though, in the end.
Hearing Salander's reply, Lexi could only pause and raise an eyebrow in slight confusion. Now just what was the boy on about, hmm? "No, no, not Bo-gart, Mr. Salander--a bog-gart," she corrected. "...and it'll only be a ghost if that's what you fear the most. Now, pipe down and listen--or else I do fear you'll miss what to do when this little guy does come out and pay you a visit."
Lexi eyed Salander just one more time then turned to the class. "Now, several of you mentioned that the charm used to defend oneself against Humphrey Bogart--err, a boggart--is Riddikulus. In saying so, you are, of course, correct," she said. "Does anyone know what two things this charm requires?"
She paused for a second before adding, "The incantation and wand movement alone will not affect the boggart, though. What else must you do in order to defend yourself against this creature?"
Emmaleigh raised her hand, "Er, Professor, don't you need to identify what you fear the most, and then think of a way to make it funny?" Em glanced nervously at the desk, that was precisely why she was so scared of the thing. She had no clue what she would see when she looked at it.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Lexi glanced from student to student as the definition of a boggart, although done so in various wordings, was shared and discussed. "Right, right. This little guy right," she said, giving the desk a few hard knocks, "is a shape shifter. That means, as you said, the creature can change form based on whatever it is that you fear the most."
In response to her hard knocks, the desk shook a few more times, and one of the top drawers looked as it it might open up. It didn't, though, in the end.
Hearing Salander's reply, Lexi could only pause and raise an eyebrow in slight confusion. Now just what was the boy on about, hmm? "No, no, not Bo-gart, Mr. Salander--a bog-gart," she corrected. "...and it'll only be a ghost if that's what you fear the most. Now, pipe down and listen--or else I do fear you'll miss what to do when this little guy does come out and pay you a visit."
Lexi eyed Salander just one more time then turned to the class. "Now, several of you mentioned that the charm used to defend oneself against Humphrey Bogart--err, a boggart--is Riddikulus. In saying so, you are, of course, correct," she said. "Does anyone know what two things this charm requires?"
She paused for a second before adding, "The incantation and wand movement alone will not affect the boggart, though. What else must you do in order to defend yourself against this creature?"
So...... the boggart was named Humphrey? Fletcher grinned at Salander and then shifted his gaze from Humphrey to the professor and back. "You have to laugh, right? And imagine your greatest fear turned into something hilarious...."
That sounded about right. "Can we name the Boga--- er, boggart Humphrey, professor?" Fletcher added with a hopeful smile. That would be one way to get the class giggling at least!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Haughtine was kicking her legs and covering her mouth with her lengthy sleeve, almost shoving her fist into her mouth to keep from laughing at Fletcher and Salander's chosen name for the Boggart.
Lexi raised her hand and said, "Laughter is what finishes the boggart off, right Professor? You actually have to laugh aloud." Lowering her hand and looking around the room at the other students she kind of wished she hadn't just rolle dout of bed and come to class. Sigh. Anyyyyyway. Doop dooop doooo. She simnply smiled at Lexi 1 and waited for whatever came next.
Moooooooo. :) || Have a supermegafoxyawesomehot Christmas.
Jenny pondered that one for a bit. "Um...you have to think of a funny thought and concentrate your mind entirely on that one thought. That way, the boggart won't scare you through all that laughter in your mind." So was that the creature under the sheet? That's not good.
Just when Lexi thought that absolutely no one was going to mention the one dark creature that she'd hoped would at least be brought up once, a whole chorus of students chimed in, all supplying thought and questions about...
"Boggarts! Yes!" she said, almost too excitedly. On that note, she strolled over the shaking object beneath the sheet and pulled the sheet off, casting it the side a second later. "I've encountered a boggart in an old desk and rather than simply taking care of it myself, I decided to incorporate it into a class--about defense charms, of course."
As if on cue, the desk shook just a bit harder.
"Now, what exactly is a boggart, and why is it best to always have someone with you when you're encountering one?" she asked.
OOC: Hey, guys! *waves* Please answer just the question Lexi's asked, as she has other questions all lined up, and I'd like to prevent all of them being answered in one post. Thanks so much!
A boggart. Oh merlin.. that kid's response was priceless. Bogart. LOL. This was her 'LOL'face. -grin-
"A Bogart.. mean, BOGGART is a dark creature that assembles itself into your worst fear when you encounter it. So.. you'd want to have someone with you because it'd be the scariest thing in the world to see and then you'd be crying and shizz and it'd just take control of you." That didn't even make sense.. but the jist was there. Right..
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Lexi eyed Salander just one more time then turned to the class. "Now, several of you mentioned that the charm used to defend oneself against Humphrey Bogart--err, a boggart--is Riddikulus. In saying so, you are, of course, correct," she said. "Does anyone know what two things this charm requires?"
She paused for a second before adding, "The incantation and wand movement alone will not affect the boggart, though. What else must you do in order to defend yourself against this creature?"
Oh. OOh. OOOOOH! She knew this one.
"Well, you see, you have to laugh. Like.. really laugh for it to disappear." Which was sort of difficult when you were staring your worst fear in the face.
Captain Awesome?_________________________________ _________________________________.....Fidget works too.
Lexi eyed Salander just one more time then turned to the class. "Now, several of you mentioned that the charm used to defend oneself against Humphrey Bogart--err, a boggart--is Riddikulus. In saying so, you are, of course, correct," she said. "Does anyone know what two things this charm requires?"
She paused for a second before adding, "The incantation and wand movement alone will not affect the boggart, though. What else must you do in order to defend yourself against this creature?"
Patroclus liked that name! Humphrey the Boggart! He could not help but smile! "Professor, you have to take what it is that you fear, and turn it into something funny. By picturing it in you mind and coupling it with Riddikulus, the Boggart will take on that form, and laughter will sap it of it's power!"
The boy was excited, hopefully they did it as a class, that way every one could have a good laugh!
They were going to be dealing with boggarts? Cool!
Dianna raised her hand.
"Well you have to force the thing you fear the most to assume an amusing form in order to defeat it. And well I guess laughing in the end will really weaken it." she said.
Lexi eyed Salander just one more time then turned to the class. "Now, several of you mentioned that the charm used to defend oneself against Humphrey Bogart--err, a boggart--is Riddikulus. In saying so, you are, of course, correct," she said. "Does anyone know what two things this charm requires?"
She paused for a second before adding, "The incantation and wand movement alone will not affect the boggart, though. What else must you do in order to defend yourself against this creature?"
Cass raised her hand and answered "You have to envision the thing that you're afraid of the most into something...well...ridiculous."
Brittany listened to the professor and all of her classmates discuss how to handle the Boggart. She was silently panicking in her seat because she didnt want to see her biggest fear face to face let alone let the whole class see her biggest fear. This was going to be so embarrasing. *Pout*. She still sat quietly jotting down notes while listening to her peers and the professor.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Lexi eyed Salander just one more time then turned to the class. "Now, several of you mentioned that the charm used to defend oneself against Humphrey Bogart--err, a boggart--is Riddikulus. In saying so, you are, of course, correct," she said. "Does anyone know what two things this charm requires?"
She paused for a second before adding, "The incantation and wand movement alone will not affect the boggart, though. What else must you do in order to defend yourself against this creature?"
Lara was listening closely but she also was wandering if the teacher may bring a Boggart into the class.... because that would be AWESOME!!
Anyway she had to think.....what does this charm requires
Well Lara wasn't quiet sure but she raised her hand and said "Um...besides the wand and the incantation, I guess that the person should get a grip on his self ,stay still , not to panic and imagine clearly what would he turn the Boggart to.."Lara finished describing as if the person was in front of her "Right Professor?!?!" she added as she was thinking that she could have said this in a more proper words but she had already said it.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
SPOILER!!: Professor Pink Streaks & not-pink GlitterPuff
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Lexi glanced from student to student as the definition of a boggart, although done so in various wordings, was shared and discussed. "Right, right. This little guy right," she said, giving the desk a few hard knocks, "is a shape shifter. That means, as you said, the creature can change form based on whatever it is that you fear the most."
In response to her hard knocks, the desk shook a few more times, and one of the top drawers looked as it it might open up. It didn't, though, in the end.
Hearing Salander's reply, Lexi could only pause and raise an eyebrow in slight confusion. Now just what was the boy on about, hmm? "No, no, not Bo-gart, Mr. Salander--a bog-gart," she corrected. "...and it'll only be a ghost if that's what you fear the most. Now, pipe down and listen--or else I do fear you'll miss what to do when this little guy does come out and pay you a visit."
Lexi eyed Salander just one more time then turned to the class. "Now, several of you mentioned that the charm used to defend oneself against Humphrey Bogart--err, a boggart--is Riddikulus. In saying so, you are, of course, correct," she said. "Does anyone know what two things this charm requires?"
She paused for a second before adding, "The incantation and wand movement alone will not affect the boggart, though. What else must you do in order to defend yourself against this creature?"
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
So...... the boggart was named Humphrey? Fletcher grinned at Salander and then shifted his gaze from Humphrey to the professor and back. "You have to laugh, right? And imagine your greatest fear turned into something hilarious...."
That sounded about right. "Can we name the Boga--- er, boggart Humphrey, professor?" Fletcher added with a hopeful smile. That would be one way to get the class giggling at least!
"Eh... but I aint afraid of no ghost...." the lad started, then quieted down when the Professor asked him to. He sure wasnt afraid of Humphrey Bogart, ghost or not. Salander adored the movie legend. One of the top dogs of cool uh-huh.
He turned his head when Fletcher suggested they name the boggart Bogart-- or rather Humphrey. He grinned and gave his buddy a thumbs up. "Humphrey Boggart affected by laughter?" he didnt remember Bogart ever doing comedies, but he sure knew the movie icon wouldnt want to be called Ridiculous. "Well, if you say so, but yeah I think we should all concentrate real hard, make him appear the way we want him to appear." he said as he stretched out his arms at the thrashing table, staring and concentrating I want to see Bogart like in Casablanca
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
catching up again (skipping the first question as that's in the past, though)
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Text Cut: Salander and Professor Carlton
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
When the Professor mentioned boggarts, Salander looked to Grayson and gave her a thumbs up on her answer. 'Claws are so smart! He turned his attention back just when the Professor asked what boggarts were.
Huh... bogarts.... where have I-- Oh yeah! Of course, the one and only!"I know!" Salander raised an over eager hand again " You have a ghost of a dead actor in there dontcha Professor?" he beamed "The Ghost of the Great Humphrey Bogart! Oh yeah, you'll really need someone with yah to prove that you saw Bogart's ghost-- like a photographer maybe, or his biographer... or maybe even a ghostbuster? Could come handy, you'll never know..."
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Lexi glanced from student to student as the definition of a boggart, although done so in various wordings, was shared and discussed. "Right, right. This little guy right," she said, giving the desk a few hard knocks, "is a shape shifter. That means, as you said, the creature can change form based on whatever it is that you fear the most."
In response to her hard knocks, the desk shook a few more times, and one of the top drawers looked as it it might open up. It didn't, though, in the end.
Hearing Salander's reply, Lexi could only pause and raise an eyebrow in slight confusion. Now just what was the boy on about, hmm? "No, no, not Bo-gart, Mr. Salander--a bog-gart," she corrected. "...and it'll only be a ghost if that's what you fear the most. Now, pipe down and listen--or else I do fear you'll miss what to do when this little guy does come out and pay you a visit."
Lexi eyed Salander just one more time then turned to the class. "Now, several of you mentioned that the charm used to defend oneself against Humphrey Bogart--err, a boggart--is Riddikulus. In saying so, you are, of course, correct," she said. "Does anyone know what two things this charm requires?"
She paused for a second before adding, "The incantation and wand movement alone will not affect the boggart, though. What else must you do in order to defend yourself against this creature?"
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
"Eh... but I aint afraid of no ghost...." the lad started, then quieted down when the Professor asked him to. He sure wasnt afraid of Humphrey Bogart, ghost or not. Salander adored the movie legend. One of the top dogs of cool uh-huh.
He turned his head when Fletcher suggested they name the boggart Bogart-- or rather Humphrey. He grinned and gave his buddy a thumbs up. "Humphrey Boggart affected by laughter?" he didnt remember Bogart ever doing comedies, but he sure knew the movie icon wouldnt want to be called Ridiculous. "Well, if you say so, but yeah I think we should all concentrate real hard, make him appear the way we want him to appear." he said as he stretched out his arms at the thrashing table, staring and concentrating I want to see Bogart like in Casablanca
Catching the thumbs up Salander had given her at either the comment about lethifolds, or the fact she'd been one of those to mention boggarts, Grayson had sent him a bright smile before she had to bite her lip to keep from giggling as he put in his two cents on boggarts. As it had been verified they were going to face one, as well as that the boggart had been what was rattling the thing under the sheet. An old desk, as had been revealed. But she then realized she hadn't offered her own answer to the first question, so she quickly raised her hand again to the second question Professor Carlton had posed. "Well, you need to be able to get past your fear enough to visualize it as something funny. And then the boggart will take that image, and hopefully it'll make you, and anyone with you laugh." Cause the boggart turned into your greatest fear. So she imagined it wouldn't be easy to make it into something giggleworthy.
Like half of what she heard Salander saying, and she stifled a giggle. "Ghostbusters?," she whispered to him questioningly, in response to the singing, once she decided she wouldn't lose control. But then she nodded as he offered his own take on the Riddikulus charm and what was needed. Even though the continued Humphrey Bogart references kept wanting to make her break into uncontrollable giggles. She didn't want to mess with the poor boggart before it even got to do anything, and if laughter defeated it, her giggling wouldn't work very well.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Emmy raised her hand.
"Um, Professor? I read somewhere that you have to force the Boggart to take on a form which you find amusing. Is that right?" she asked hopefully.
Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God
Amy put her hand up-she was on fire today-she restrained the urge to giggle as she relived the Boggart vs Bogart scene oh and she was up, professor before you face it, well seeing as you know what it should be yourself, arnt you supposed to make it funny, like ummm imagining a spider rolling around the floor on rollerskates and thenof course um laugh she finished up and tried to think of a way to make a snake funny
Nope. Coming up a blank on that front
Tonight we are young. So lets set the world on fire---------------- ----------------------------Belle-Marie. Hufflepuff. Fifth Year.
Last edited by city_girl_95; 10-06-2010 at 09:52 AM.
Lexi glanced from student to student as the definition of a boggart, although done so in various wordings, was shared and discussed. "Right, right. This little guy right," she said, giving the desk a few hard knocks, "is a shape shifter. That means, as you said, the creature can change form based on whatever it is that you fear the most."
In response to her hard knocks, the desk shook a few more times, and one of the top drawers looked as it it might open up. It didn't, though, in the end.
Hearing Salander's reply, Lexi could only pause and raise an eyebrow in slight confusion. Now just what was the boy on about, hmm? "No, no, not Bo-gart, Mr. Salander--a bog-gart," she corrected. "...and it'll only be a ghost if that's what you fear the most. Now, pipe down and listen--or else I do fear you'll miss what to do when this little guy does come out and pay you a visit."
Lexi eyed Salander just one more time then turned to the class. "Now, several of you mentioned that the charm used to defend oneself against Humphrey Bogart--err, a boggart--is Riddikulus. In saying so, you are, of course, correct," she said. "Does anyone know what two things this charm requires?"
She paused for a second before adding, "The incantation and wand movement alone will not affect the boggart, though. What else must you do in order to defend yourself against this creature?"
"Well, I know you need to have laughter," Daisy said her hand in the air. But she felt so confuzzled. What else was there other than the incantation, wand movement, and laughter? Maybe she had misunderstood the Professor?
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
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Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Lexi eyed Salander just one more time then turned to the class. "Now, several of you mentioned that the charm used to defend oneself against Humphrey Bogart--err, a boggart--is Riddikulus. In saying so, you are, of course, correct," she said. "Does anyone know what two things this charm requires?"
She paused for a second before adding, "The incantation and wand movement alone will not affect the boggart, though. What else must you do in order to defend yourself against this creature?"
"You have to think of something funny to make the thing that scares you not scary anymore," Kurumi paused for a moment to think of an example. "Let's pretend that you were afraid of...mice..." Not very scary, but she knew some people who were afraid of them. "You could invision them with their tails cut off and maybe their whiskers were so long that they tripped over them. Laughter is was defeats a boggart."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes