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As you walk into the Charms classroom, the most noticeable difference is that all the desks have been pushed to the walls in a circular formation, leaving a wide, open area in the center of the classroom. In the back of the room, a large, white sheet is draped over--who knows what--, and whatever it is underneath shakes violently every few minutes. It's no wonder the desks have pushed far, far away from this object--whatever it may be.
Go ahead and take a seat. Professor Carlton, although not in the room right now, will be along shortly.
OOC: Class will not begin until I get in tomorrow afternoon (Oct. 4 around 5 PM EST). You may go ahead and roleplay your character coming in, but please, limit the chatter.
Nessa stepped up to face th boggart. She stood calmly and waited for the boggart to change into her most feared object...What was her most feared she knew she didnt like snakes of spiders but she didnt think they were going to turn into that so she waited as it started to transform....
All of a sudden it stopped and A bee now she got it she had a bad experiance when she was younger and that was her greatest feared,
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."
Alice walked up to the desk, not quite certain how this whole boggart business was going to work out. She knew she was terrified of heights, but she wasn't really sure how the boggart could depict that fear. Perhaps it would turn into a gigantic cliff? Who was to say really.
Bracing herself for the unknown Alice motioned that it was okay for the boggart to be released.
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
"Aww... Well it isn't that scary when you're up there," Hugo lied. "Just do it, it'll be over in a heartbeat and then you can brag about how good it went," he smiled.
Cass smiled at Hugo and said "Thanks love." Then she took a deep breath and said "All right, I can do this." Then she made her way towards the front of the line to face her boggart.
Cass took a deep breath as the boggart came out and instantly took out the shape of a giant, slimy snail.
She shuddered delicately as she remembered that one traumatizing rainy day when she was attacked by the terribly slimy creatures.
Heheh. Hugo chuckled behind his hand. A giant snail? That was just... funny.
Well, it looked kinda gross. And this big, it looked a bit scary too.
He smiled and gave Cass the thumbs up.
How could you make something funny out of that, Daisy thought almost panicking. Then there was the red muggle ball. They little demon from her nightmare held it and was laughing his cackling laugh. at least if she ran she knew she wouldn't run into a bunch of wooded areas, but a classroom and a corridor. Her wand was held and she closed her eyes tightly as she tried to imagine something funny happening the the little demon. She pointed her wand and said, "Riddikulous," and hoped that it would work and kept as much confidence in herself as possible.
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
Louisa was really careless of when her turn was. She learned the spell really well and there was no way she could fail. Wait. Wait. Wait. She watched amusingly the way her classmates reacted to their boggarts and how they changed them into something really entertaining.
Now it was her turn. She stepped up and straightened her body to full height as she took hold of her wand. Smiling confidently she waited the professor to open the cabinet.
The cabinet shivered as Lexi opened the door, Louisa's eyes widened as she looked at the hooded figure who came out. She was petrified. A hooded man? Of all the things she imagined that could be her boggart... a hooded man was definitely not on the list. There was something wrong with Boggart. That's the only explanation.
However, Louisa stood there white-faced and unable to react for the few next seconds as the man walked over to her. She just stared fearfully at him and was speechless.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Text Cut: Replies to Macavity, Roselyn, and aussiegirl
Lexi stood near Simon, still and quiet as she listened for his pronunciation of the spell. When he said it correctly, she perked up and smiled widely. "That's it! Good job, Mr. Bennett!" she exclaimed.
Oh. Wait, what?
Shepard? Wasn't that the other girl's name--Destiny Shepard? Perhaps the two were related, and Lexi had just never quite picked up on that little fact. Shrugging, she said, "Oh, my apologies. Miss Flores-Shepard it is," she said.
"It's--happened before?" Lexi asked Mia, her shock likely showing all across her face. She suddenly had images of someone randomly erupting into flames, only to have them extinguished and be carrying on with normal life seconds later. It seemed almost inhuman, and so Lexi could only think to give the girl one, slow nod in reply. A few seconds later, though, she added, "Oh, okay then...as long as you're alright..."
"As I mentioned before," Lexi said, her gaze traveling across the classroom, "we're all going to have a chance to encounter the boggart inside the desk. You'll need to form a line beginning here...and ending there." As she said that, she tapped an area of the floor near the desk to indicate the start of the line, and she pointed to the door to indicate the end of the line.
"When it's your turn to face the boggart, I'll release him from the desk, and you'll cast Riddikulus to transform it into whatever it is that makes you laugh. Remember to concentrate deeply on pushing past your fears and turning the situation into a funny one rather than a fearful one," she instructed. She placed her hand on the knob of the top desk drawer, ready to open it. "Go ahead and form the line now." She paused then added, "...and I'll be standing right here if you need me."
OOC Instructions:
-Each person will need at least three posts in order to receive full credit. When you're ready, just begin as if your character is in the front of the line and Lexi has released the boggart for them.
- In your first post, roleplay the boggart coming out and transforming into whatever your character's greatest fear is.
- In a separate post, roleplay your character casting the spell.
- In another separate post, roleplay the result of your casting (i.e. the boggart transforming into something that makes your character laugh).
- Feel free to post more than three times and/or to interact with others.
- If you post pictures, please make sure they aren't HUGE and that they follow SS rules. Speaking of SS rules, please remember not to use blood, gore, violence, or weapons in your posts.
- Class will close Sunday night (October 10) at 8 PM EST
- Have fun!
Practicing is over! Now we come to the serious part THE REAL BOGGART is on the way.
Lara was happy that they got to the practical part but she was worried , although she tried to hide it.
Now she was facing it!!Gosh at that precise moment she remembered everything scary in the whole world, the Boggart is transforming…… oh GOD it’s huge, yes it is!!
WOW!!! It’s so real ,the Boggart is Lara’s most fears now it’s the same HUGE MOUSE that was squashed in her shoe when she was 5 years old since then she checks her shoes before wearing them very carefully .
Back to reality the terrible MOUSE was staring at Lara with its big eyes, stepping forward her , Lara’s first thought was to run and leave the professor deal with it ……But no that would be very idiot, what happens she was just practicing… speaking of practicing what was the SPELL!!!
And what was she doing here, she forgot it all, her voice has gone, her legs have petrified and she couldn’t think of anything but what table should she hide under! *__________*
SPOILER!!: my Boggart
Last edited by the fastest seeker; 10-10-2010 at 04:46 PM.
Reason: Found my pic =)
Heheh. Hugo chuckled behind his hand. A giant snail? That was just... funny.
Well, it looked kinda gross. And this big, it looked a bit scary too.
He smiled and gave Cass the thumbs up.
Cass looked over and saw that Hugo had given her a thumbs up. She smiled at him briefly then turned her attention back to the giant snail.
Think of something amusing Cassandra. Think of something amusing NOW!
Cass pointed her wand at the snail and said in a strong voice, one that she most definitely did not feel at the moment, "RIDDIKULUS!"
Ok, this was it. The boggart. She's researched these before, they show your greatest fear. She knew that she was afraid of her Mom...dying..... oh no. Oh no. Oh no. She starting taking deep breaths. "Calm down, Sapphinelle." she told herself. It was just a boggart after all, not the real thing. She watched the girl in front of her panic. Whoa, it was only a mouse! But it was her biggest fear after all, so she decided not to comment.
She gripped her wand tighter as she prepared for her turn.
Some smoke came out of Alex's wand..
She did not even bother to notice the color of it..
Some thing was happening.. some confusion..
and suddenly th big Basilisk turned into a small cockroach dangling in the mid-air.. Did Alex even think of it???
She never know but she was too happy with herself that she finally made it!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by neaped
The classroom spinned around him. He had just done it. He saw a bit of light blue smoke coming out of his wand. The creepy dude's wand... Stil red.
But the red was not from the cruciatus curse anymore.
The creepy dude looked confused at his wand which had turned into a RED VINE!!
He held the wobbly candy and waved it around for a bit,
and the red vine looked hilarious wobbling around.
The dude couldn't be more confused, and his hand...
Something was up with his hand. It started to melt into a brown liquid.
First his hand, and then his entire body started melting into a chocolate fondue.
His feet turned into a bowl and the rest of his melting chocolate body fell into the bowl,
and at last, the candy wand fell into the bowl.
It looked pretty delicious, red vine dipped in chocolate. Chocolate licorice, brilliant.
Hugo laughed. The world around him started to feel high-speed and warm again. "Anyone care for some chocolate licorice?" he chuckled.
"Hey Hugo Fantastic!!" Alex appreciated Hugo for his cool work..
It was indeed a fine magic.....
Louisa took hold of the wand tightly and lifted it in front of her. She looked at the hooded figure carefully swallowing the lump, "Who are you?" She whispered before she cast, "Riddikulus!"
The spell shot from the end of her wand and hit the ceiling away from the figure. She gasped lightly before containing her surprise and doing it again. "Riddikulus!" And this time it hit the figure right in place.
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good
The Boggart transformed into Lara’s biggest fears!! It’s A MOUSE! Oh they weren’t kidding when they said that the Boggart embodies the person’s fear!
However Lara had to react what was the incantation ? she was just practicing… what happened?!?! she has totally forgotten it.. But she needed to remember it! she had to.
Lara was trying to concentrate to remember the incantation …. What was it? It starts with R.
Come on she was just about to remember it…..yeh it was R-R-R-Rid, but the Mouse made a sudden movement it was moving and shaking its hands horribly. Lara couldn’t forget the day she found the mouse in her shoe it was terrible. Sadly she was about to gave up and call for the Professor to deal with the Boggart while she go and hide somewhere , BUT wait yes IT IS A BOGGART it’s not real , it’s not the mean mouse that squashed in her shoe and bit her finger!!
Lara’s spirit was high now ,she couldn’t be better ,she eyed the mouse and said loudly ”You’re not gonna get me! I’m a strong Slyterin girl” She repeated loudly .
At that precise moment she remembered the spell it was Riddikulus!
Lara raised her wand aimed it at the Boggart, strengthen herself up, she smirked at the mean mouse and shouted with all her might“Riddikulus!!!” Yeh she did it! it was even better than practicing!!
She yelled it with confidence, before she could even catch a glimpse of the boggart. It was gone. It was over, and she didn't see it. Thank God, or else she would've started having a nervous breakdown in the middle of Charms.
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."
Alice's eyes widened in terror as the a humungous cliff started to come out of the desk. She took a couple of steps back. Wait...was that....
Alice's palms started to get sweaty as she saw herself on top of the cliff, or a projection of herself anyway, stuck to the very edge and forced to look down.
Wow, it was so high up....
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Oh no. Ohnoohnoohno... Vashti didn't want to do this. Why had she come to Charms today? Why did she take this class? Why did this class have to deal with boggarts of all things...?
She'd tried to get to the very back of the line, hoping the class time might run out before she got to the boggart. But her plan hadn't been successful and she ended up in the middle. And she swore time and every student just sped up and was getting rid of their boggarts at lightning speed. She got up to the front of the line far too soon.
As she tentatively stepped forward, Vashti took in a deep, what-should-have-been-calming breath and exhaled slowly, trying with all her might to calm down and focus. She'd never get rid of the boggart if she was already freaking out. She just needed to concentrate and remember that whatever happened wasn't real. It's not real. It's not real. It's not...
But her mind froze and she forgot everything when she saw what the boggart turned into. There was her dad, lying motionless on the ground barely a foot from her, and there was her mum, kneeling beside her dad, her face buried in her hands, her shoulders shaking as she sobbed. And there was a doctor, a Muggle doctor, standing just behind Vashti's mother, a grim expression on his face as he watched the scene.
It's not- not real. Not real, not real, oh PLEASE don't let this be real...
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Simon realised he had been still for a few moments just staring at the boggart looking like his father and shook his head trying to gather himself. Get a grip Simon, he admonited himself as she raised his wand, its just a boggart. Talking a deep breath, the Gryffindor did his best to work on his focus. Funny image....funny image.
"Riddikulus!!" he finally cast, pointing his wand with the correct movement at the creature.
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
Eyeing the professor as she nearly colded him and Viky for notepassing in the class, Josh tried hard to hide his grin. Hehehe. This professor's reaction to notepassing was no different than Lafay's but on the other hand Josh could clearly see that those two women had nothing in common. He could not imagine Lafay with pink highlights.
The Gryffindor boy was about to practise the spell when Professor Carlton told them to form a line. Eh, here they were about to face the thing and he had not even found the time to practise the spell. Pfft. Anyway since he did not have any fear this was going to be no problem for him.
So he was all confident and cool once it was his turn so looking oh-so-sure-of-himself he walked forward to face the boggart which turned into...one could say that was a huge dark man with many scars on his face but for Josh that was HIM. The man who killed his sister...
And there was no doubt that he was scary nevertheless Josh did not let his guard down or took a step back, taking his wand out and aiming it right at the man he only frowned. 'I'm not scared of you' and he was about to cast Riddikulus when the boggart decided to change its form.
What was going on?....
And the next moment he saw girl lying motionless before him : Evelyn Flores. Her skin was pale and her black eyes looked like as if there was no brightness and life left in them.
''NO!'' Josh yelled and totally forgetting about his wand or the spell he ran to the girl on the floor.
Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
SPOILER!!: Marie's boggart as Destiny!Chicken
"I did it!" She said happily to Evelyn. "Thanks for the help, I couldn't have done it without you."
Of course the boggart was gone but now Marie had to worry about Mina finding out about it since everyone in the class heard that stupid howler. She looked around the class hoping maybe no one recognized the voice as Mina. If they didn't then her secret would still be safe.
Look at the chicken! It was kinda gross in a way though, eating the worm and all, but Evelyn laughed anyways, if not that it was funny, then to try and get Marie's spirits back up. "Yea..."she muttered, not really knowing what else to say. Marie got the point though, right?
Her friend wasn't gunna hug her or anything was she?
SPOILER!!: aww Josh *squishes*
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady
Eyeing the professor as she nearly colded him and Viky for notepassing in the class, Josh tried hard to hide his grin. Hehehe. This professor's reaction to notepassing was no different than Lafay's but on the other hand Josh could clearly see that those two women had nothing in common. He could not imagine Lafay with pink highlights.
The Gryffindor boy was about to practise the spell when Professor Carlton told them to form a line. Eh, here they were about to face the thing and he had not even found the time to practise the spell. Pfft. Anyway since he did not have any fear this was going to be no problem for him.
So he was all confident and cool once it was his turn so looking oh-so-sure-of-himself he walked forward to face the boggart which turned into...one could say that was a huge dark man with many scars on his face but for Josh that was HIM. The man who killed his sister...
And there was no doubt that he was scary nevertheless Josh did not let his guard down or took a step back, taking his wand out and aiming it right at the man he only frowned. 'I'm not scared of you' and he was about to cast Riddikulus when the boggart decided to change its form.
What was going on?....
And the next moment he saw girl lying motionless before him : Evelyn Flores. Her skin was pale and her black eyes looked like as if there was no brightness and life left in them.
''NO!'' Josh yelled and totally forgetting about his wand or the spell he ran to the girl on the floor.
Being too absorbed in making sure any unwanted contact didn't take place at the moment, even though she was grateful that Marie finally got rid of the boggart, her eyes flickered over to whoever was next, dealing with their boggart.
Except, she looked over at the exact...wrong time...
What? Was that her? She was...dead.
*frown* Her eyes were focused on her lifeless body, only blinking once a loud shout startled her out of thought. Josh?
The hooded figure was shrunk, shifted and made funny sounds as the spell hit it. It materlized to take the form of a bouncing teddy bear. Louisa smiled and breathed the tension out of her chest. She smiled at the bouncing teddy bear and then laughed gradually raising her voice as an attempt to get rid of the unexplained fear she just had.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
It's not real, it's not real, it-
Oh Merlin, it LOOKS pretty real to me!
Vashti's wand hand trembled, and she couldn't at all remember what spell she was supposed to be casting. All she could remember was that she had to imagine something funny, but how on earth could anyone make this turn into something even remotely funny?! Her father was- was-
He can't be. Oh Merlin, he just CAN'T be.
It was a ridiculous thought. He just couldn't-
Ridiculous. Riddiculus. Riddkulus.
"Ri- Ridi- di- dikulus!" she said, hand still shaking as she pointed her wand at what she hoped was still just a boggart. Nothing happened, though, so she tried again. "Riddikulus!"
The scene remained the same.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Nah I'm not stalking Vashti she just seems always with Louisa hehe
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |
Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru
It's not real, it's not real, it-
Oh Merlin, it LOOKS pretty real to me!
Vashti's wand hand trembled, and she couldn't at all remember what spell she was supposed to be casting. All she could remember was that she had to imagine something funny, but how on earth could anyone make this turn into something even remotely funny?! Her father was- was-
He can't be. Oh Merlin, he just CAN'T be.
It was a ridiculous thought. He just couldn't-
Ridiculous. Riddiculus. Riddkulus.
"Ri- Ridi- di- dikulus!" she said, hand still shaking as she pointed her wand at what she hoped was still just a boggart. Nothing happened, though, so she tried again. "Riddikulus!"
The scene remained the same.
Just as Louisa finished with her teddy bear she could see that Vashti's Boggart turned into something really.. not expected. She stood there her hands on her mouth as she supressed the gasp. She wanted to shout the spell to her friend but she knew it already...Good.
"Oh. My. God." Louisa breathed out still watching the unchanging scene. Could that be real? This boggart isn't getting affected by the spell. "You have to mean it Vashti!" Louisa shouted out unable to control herself.
lol, they do seem to always be in the same place don't they? xD
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Just as Louisa finished with her teddy bear she could see that Vashti's Boggart turned into something really.. not expected. She stood there her hands on her mouth as she supressed the gasp. She wanted to shout the spell to her friend but she knew it already...Good.
"Oh. My. God." Louisa breathed out still watching the unchanging scene. Could that be real? This boggart isn't getting affected by the spell. "You have to mean it Vashti!" Louisa shouted out unable to control herself.
As soon as she heard someone call to her, as soon as she pulled her eyes away from the scene, it was like the fear left her, if only for a moment. But it was the moment Vashti needed for her mind to clear and for her to realize what she was doing wrong. She stared at Louisa for a moment, trying to come up with something even slightly humorous, and thought of it after several seconds. She only hoped it would work.
Turning back to her fear, she acted before she had a second to think about what lay there before her. "Riddikulus!" And this time the scene changed.
Her mother and father disappeared, but though the doctor remained, his expression suddenly morphed into that of a very cartoonish, goofy-looking clown-like face, complete with the crazy, brightly-colored make-up. Not only that, but he also suddenly grew one of those thin, curly mustaches that those lame French villians from those really old, short cartoons, and his doctor clothes turned into one of those poofy, frilly dresses women wore hundreds of years ago.
And finally, regardless of how disturbed she'd been just moments before, Vashti couldn't help but giggle.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Gaaaah. I've only JUST found the time to post here. :( *pokes RL*
YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi
Iris sat, silently, at the back of the class for most of the lesson. Boggarts. They were scary, and the Prefect didn't quite understand why they weren't covering these in DADA...
She didn't answer any of the questions, she just made notes and listened to everyone talk. Then, when they were told to, she practiced the spell on her own at the back of the classroom.
One by one, everyone in the class got up to face their Boggart, Iris got a little scared. She didn't have the slightest clue as to what her's would turn into. There were too many fears... Maybe the boggart would just get so confused by how many fears she had, that it wouldn't be able to transform into anything...
Iris hoped that would be what would happen.
She watched as it was Josh Carter's turn. How it turned into the dead body of that Slytherin girl she'd seen about. Evelyn, her name was... She smiled, in spite of herself. That Boggart proved that Josh was a nice guy. That he cared a lot. Evelyn should consider herself lucky.
The prefect kept her wand in its holster until she was at the front of the line. Holding it would only make her more anxious...