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And, obviously, at the same time that she kept that look on her face, she made sure to evaluate him, her mind racing as she pondered whether to tell him her name or not. Eventually, she decided to give in in that matter, not because she trusted him, but because she was certain that sooner or later he would find it out and if he found it out through Maximillian, she was sure to have to hear a lot more of the name 'Margie'. Agh, how she loathed that name. "Margaret," She said. "Not Marge, not Margie or any other absurd nickname. Margaret."
Teagan chose to ignore the first part. He hardly ever lied and it showed. But she didn't seem like the type who would ever accept that she was wrong. Some people were like that; there was no changing them. You just had to accept them. Teagan liked to take everything in his stride. Having not lived much in the throes of civilization, he preferred to keep his mind as open as possible.
"Margaret, that's a nice name. One of my cousins is called Margaret, though I never actually met her-" he stopped himself in time. "But you probably don't care to hear the rest." He smiled affably, then turned his glance to the new arrival.
Originally Posted by Blackwidow
Chewing on a jelly worm that was squirming for its life, Louvain shook her head at the girl, "Margret is it?" she heard the girl repeat it enough times to know her by now. "Don't poke your nose like that too much and you frown too much too. My aunt says it's not good for your face, you'll probably need botox very soon to keep you a straight face".
"Friend of hers, are you?" Teagan addressed the girl who had just walked in. "Well, I'm glad to see that she does accept some company," he winked at Margaret, expecting her to utterly dislike the gesture.
"You'd do good to listen to her, too, frowning is unhealthy," Teagan nodded to Margaret. "Do you wanna take a seat?" he turned to the girl who seemed to give such sound advice that Teagan instantly approved. Margaret could do with more friends like that.
The only thing worth surrendering to is the moment.
Feeling so fly like a D-Criss| Jess's NOM | GERONIMO | Part Hobbit | Victimised by Moffat
Originally Posted by city_girl_95
Amy grinned at Sammy, hey moggy she cooed at the cat, she pulled her headphones out and in anticipation swallowed down the bite of liquorice wand quickly, coughing as she choked before grabbing her butterbeer bottle and swallowing down the lump of liquorice, so whats happening? she asked excitedly
Sammy took a bite out of the red vine then a deep breath in and started to explain. "well it turns out I was adopted into the Mecan family, so I'm not even muggle-born. And I found out that my actual family, lives just down the road from my aunt Katie, who I was living with. My actual name is Sammy Star and I have a sister called Katie Star, who is a first year. AND to make things even more confusing my aunt and my sister have the same name. And it turns out I was born in Australia, but somehow I was lost over there and was taken to an orphanage and held for adoption. AND now I'm in a massive fight with my adopted mum because she never told me any of this." and breathe. red vine. breathe. red vine. breathe. All good
everytime i think i had enough, i start heading for the door-------------------------------------------
there's a very strange vibration, that pierces me right to the core--------------------------- ----------------------------------samantha joan star - seventh year - hufflepuff
Looking up Kay saw Rex standing in the door way. "Hi. Sure I would like some company. Daisy wouldnt mind either." She said moving over for him to sit. "Where'd you get off to anyway. We all come to the train at the sometime." She said smiling at Rex. "Ginny's coming over here to when she done talking to some friends of her's." She told him as he started talking to someone in the hall way and then walked away. Well so much for sitting together she thought looking at Daisy and then back out the window.
"Hey Kay", said Ginny to her smiling. She wanted to talk to her. They did have a few things to catch up on before they were going to go to Hogwarts.
Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Arabella-Marie sighed and said "When are we going to be at Hogwarts" she was already getting pretty hungry
"Hopefully we'll be there soon", she answered Arabella-Marie smiling. It had been a little while.
Originally Posted by frankluva101
Bradin looked down at his faintly tanned arms. He smiled at the now totally plain skin that covered his bones. "I honestly have no idea" he said. He was shocked at how love had cleared up all of his injuries. Did this actually mean love would lift the curse too? He hoped so. If so, then he and Enya were sure to lift the curse together.
Ginny had put her hands in her pockets. What was there to say? "Well, I think we'll be at Hogwarts soon, hopefully", she repiled to Bradin. "Your scars, there aren't there? Are they?", she asked looking at his arm.
Originally Posted by Harry174
Simon was sat on his own, he had been getting bored, so he decided that he would get a book out, he had no idea where any of his friends were and he was too shy too leave the compartment and see if he could make friends with anyone else.
Ginny had seen a boy maybe a bit younger than her. She opened the compartent door. "Hi", she said. "Do you want some company?", she asked friendly.
♥ HARRY POTTER FOREVER ♥ Thank You For The Three Best Years! I Am Busy As A Bee. Please Bear With Me As I Will Come On SS As Much As Possible. ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God
Oh.My.Gosh. Amy said, open mouthed, she was tempted to break into song but didn't, now didn't seem quite the right moment, so you're a witch from birth? She was gobsmacked WOW! she squealed breaking into a mini dance, taken in tribute from Legally Blonde the musical, her new favourite show
Tonight we are young. So lets set the world on fire---------------- ----------------------------Belle-Marie. Hufflepuff. Fifth Year.
Feeling so fly like a D-Criss| Jess's NOM | GERONIMO | Part Hobbit | Victimised by Moffat
Originally Posted by city_girl_95
Oh.My.Gosh. Amy said, open mouthed, she was tempted to break into song but didn't, now didn't seem quite the right moment, so you're a witch from birth? She was gobsmacked WOW! she squealed breaking into a mini dance, taken in tribute from Legally Blonde the musical, her new favourite show
"uh ... yeah I guess so" Sammy said with a shrug. DIDN'T ANYONE ELSE SEE THE HORRIBLE SIDE OF THIS! She had been adopted! She had grown up believing that the Mecan's were her true family but they weren't AND THEY NEVER TOLD HER! But she smiled anyway,but it was a fake smile, anyone could see that, but not wanting to ruin Amy's happiness. And plus, they were going back to Hogwarts, where she didn't even have to worry about her stupid adopted mother. "so anything interesting happen to you in the holidays?" she asked, wanting to change the subject ... because Amy seemed happy, maybe something good happened to her
everytime i think i had enough, i start heading for the door-------------------------------------------
there's a very strange vibration, that pierces me right to the core--------------------------- ----------------------------------samantha joan star - seventh year - hufflepuff
Finn smirked as he watched her squirm. He knew she was ticklish, which was why she was doing it. It amused him. "Well...you would know wouldn't you?" He gave her a knowing look, before smiling. They had spent quite a bit of time together, it had been fun. He'd never so throughly enjoyed the grounds at his house before.
He actually laughed at what she said. But it was quite true. The first though that had gone through his head when he had seen her was that he wanted to snog her. So really, it was a little surprising. "Well maybe I was wanting to know about your summer?" Ha. He already knew about her Summer. He had been present for it. He pretended to be offended by her next words. "I am not, under any circumstances losing my touch Mia." He'd already snogged 3 girls on the train, he was not losing his touch.
But he knew what she was getting at, and he really couldn't resist anymore. He pulled at her waist gently, pulling closer, until he could lean in to kiss her.
Oh she did know alright. Mia remembered all the times they had spent together over the summer and especially that one time when they had got busted by Noah. Yep that had been a little intense. So they had decided to stay away from her place and spend all their time at his.
Giving him a wicked grin, Mia decided to start rattling off what she had done over the summer. "Well let's see I didn't do much at the start of summer but then I made a visit to Diagon Alley and I met this really cute guy, who is constantly wanting to -"
She was just about to say snog when his lips were on hers again, cutting her off. Mia did not mind this at all and she tightened her arms around his neck a little and leaned in to return the kiss.
After a moment, Mia pulled back and grinned at him. "Nope not losing your touch at all."
Enya stumbled though the train, she was really bored sitting in the same place at the same time. Her legs were dead. Not good. So she stumbled towards the back of the train, best place to start when she wanted a wuick walk. Besides doubt there's going to be anyone she knew. No more awkward comversation's. GAH! she hated those, her last one - with Louisa - had been really awkward.
Enya stepped though part of the back of the train, looking around for no one in particular. She was after all only on a walk. Sigh. She was certainly bored. She actually couldn't wait till she got to Hogwarts. It was like a home to her, one she herself had never really had.
Louisa kept looking around, to the right and left and behind her. No one she could recognize, not even Enya. She almost made it to the end of the train and still all alone. She crouched on the floor and rested her back to the wall hugging her cat's basket. Where would she be? she was frowning down at the sleepy cat.
The second moment someone passed in front of her. Not that no one passed before, but this person was walking quickly as if running from something. Louisa looked up and her heart gave a big beat, "Enya!" She yelled without thinking.
Quickly, she got up and mounted her backpack and walked towards the girl trying to smile to hide the swollen eyes. "Hey there!" She said and then sighed in relief. "Finally found..." She hesitated. It's not a wise thing to admit it. "...Someone I know. This train is such a huge one! I can't meet people I know." She finished lamely.
"Hey Kay", said Ginny to her smiling. She wanted to talk to her. They did have a few things to catch up on before they were going to go to Hogwarts.
"Hopefully we'll be there soon", she answered Arabella-Marie smiling. It had been a little while.
Ginny had put her hands in her pockets. What was there to say? "Well, I think we'll be at Hogwarts soon, hopefully", she repiled to Bradin. "Your scars, there aren't there? Are they?", she asked looking at his arm.
Ginny had seen a boy maybe a bit younger than her. She opened the compartent door. "Hi", she said. "Do you want some company?", she asked friendly.
Bradin smiled up at Ginny. He shook his head. "Nope thanks to true love. The spark between Enya and I healed them" he said. That came out totally wrong. "That came out wrong" he said.
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier;
I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel my tears as they dry;
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier
Bradin smiled up at Ginny. He shook his head. "Nope thanks to true love. The spark between Enya and I healed them" he said. That came out totally wrong. "That came out wrong" he said.
Ginny smiled back at Bradin. "Yeah, I know you too are getting along", she said. Then she sighed. "Maybe", she repiled back.
♥ HARRY POTTER FOREVER ♥ Thank You For The Three Best Years! I Am Busy As A Bee. Please Bear With Me As I Will Come On SS As Much As Possible. ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Ginny smiled back at Bradin. "Yeah, I know you too are getting along", she said. Then she sighed. "Maybe", she repiled back.
Bradin smiled. Then he sighed. "Just a pity my uncle knows where to hit my heart most" he said. But he couldn't go into detail with that. "I never meant for that to come out the way it did. I made it sound like our relationship wasn't made of true love"
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier;
I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel my tears as they dry;
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Oh she did know alright. Mia remembered all the times they had spent together over the summer and especially that one time when they had got busted by Noah. Yep that had been a little intense. So they had decided to stay away from her place and spend all their time at his.
Giving him a wicked grin, Mia decided to start rattling off what she had done over the summer. "Well let's see I didn't do much at the start of summer but then I made a visit to Diagon Alley and I met this really cute guy, who is constantly wanting to -"
She was just about to say snog when his lips were on hers again, cutting her off. Mia did not mind this at all and she tightened her arms around his neck a little and leaned in to return the kiss.
After a moment, Mia pulled back and grinned at him. "Nope not losing your touch at all."
Finn laughed as she began talking about what she'd done all summer. Yeah. She was cute. "Well..." He began, grinning. "My summer sounds pretty similar." Expect He had seen a very cute girl. He thought for a moment, before smirking. "I wonder whether you'll introduce me to this cute guy." Of course he knew that the guy was him, but he was only playing with her. There was no harm in that right?
He smiled against her lips, as his hands moved from her waist to hold her face gently. Yes, he really had missed kissing her. When she pulled away, one arm went to rest around her waist, just to prevent her from falling off of his lap. "Well I'd certainly hope I wasn't." He smirked at her, otherwise he wouldn't be kissing her anymore.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Finn laughed as she began talking about what she'd done all summer. Yeah. She was cute. "Well..." He began, grinning. "My summer sounds pretty similar." Expect He had seen a very cute girl. He thought for a moment, before smirking. "I wonder whether you'll introduce me to this cute guy." Of course he knew that the guy was him, but he was only playing with her. There was no harm in that right?
He smiled against her lips, as his hands moved from her waist to hold her face gently. Yes, he really had missed kissing her. When she pulled away, one arm went to rest around her waist, just to prevent her from falling off of his lap. "Well I'd certainly hope I wasn't." He smirked at her, otherwise he wouldn't be kissing her anymore.
Mia rolled her eyes at him and gave him a nudge in the ribs with her elbow. Like he didn't know that she had been talking about him. Of course he hadn't been the only cute guy she had met and snogged while in Diagon Allley but she wouldn't crush his ego like that. Even though they had a mutual understanding with each other.
"I'll introduce you, if you introduce me to this girl of yours. Or should that be girls?" She giggled as she gave him another tight hug.
Giving him another mischevious look, Mia moved in a little closer, "Hmm just to be sure though..." She pressed her lips to his again and gave him another very soft and gentle kiss.
He moved his trunk up under the seat so the girl could maneuver in the compartment. "Its no problem," he nodded toward her. He put his comic book down as it was apparent this little girl wanted to talk. And he was glad that at least he was taller than someone. It seemed like he wasn't the only one who had grown over the summer. "Hogwarts isn't bad and don't worry there are tons of other people who've never left home till now. Where are you from?" he asked her. Stark opened an blurry eye and looked at both of them talking and disrupting him. Diggy gave him a look that told him to behave himself.
Alex stummbled along the hallway outside the compartments trying to find atleast somewhere to sit that wasn't full of first years,
finally when he got to the back on the train he pulled himself into a compartment where a slytherin boy and a young girl say CLEARLY a first year.
Knodding to the slytherin and casting a odd sort of look to the little girl he sat down in the corner.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Margaret Jacqueline Atkinson Morris
Fifth Year
Potter’s Princess A+ FangGirl
Originally Posted by Ruru
It was that same girl again, that one that was very very fascinating, exciting and terrifying at the same time. So much chemicals in this girl that interestingly enough she could spontaneously combust. Now that would be very interesting indeed.
Chewing on a jelly worm that was squirming for its life, Louvain shook her head at the girl, "Margret is it?" she heard the girl repeat it enough times to know her by now. "Don't poke your nose like that too much and you frown too much too. My aunt says it's not good for your face, you'll probably need botox very soon to keep you a straight face".
Oh great. Another nutcase. Margaret was really lucky, wasn't she? Merlin's beard, when had she attracted so many people like these two?! "Oh, yes, because I care so much about the physical state of people," She rolled her eyes. "And who said you could enter, miss?" She raised her eyebrow in her snobbish, trademark way. She had never thought that there were so many human beings who could not understand what a glare meant, nor that they'd find her so alluring.
Originally Posted by Cwis
Teagan chose to ignore the first part. He hardly ever lied and it showed. But she didn't seem like the type who would ever accept that she was wrong. Some people were like that; there was no changing them. You just had to accept them. Teagan liked to take everything in his stride. Having not lived much in the throes of civilization, he preferred to keep his mind as open as possible.
"Margaret, that's a nice name. One of my cousins is called Margaret, though I never actually met her-" he stopped himself in time. "But you probably don't care to hear the rest." He smiled affably, then turned his glance to the new arrival.
"Friend of hers, are you?" Teagan addressed the girl who had just walked in. "Well, I'm glad to see that she does accept some company," he winked at Margaret, expecting her to utterly dislike the gesture.
"You'd do good to listen to her, too, frowning is unhealthy," Teagan nodded to Margaret. "Do you wanna take a seat?" he turned to the girl who seemed to give such sound advice that Teagan instantly approved. Margaret could do with more friends like that.
"No, I do not care for it." Margaret then did something very odd, very odd indeed, which was agreeding with the alien. She did not have the tendency to agree with anyone other than her gradmother and the occasional adult, but it seemed that, for once, the alien boy knew his place. Now, if only he would stop speaking all together and leave from her sight! That would be very nice indeed. After all, in no time she would be surrounded by teenagers and children and she was quite sure that, after that, her moments of peace would be too minimal. She would like to have a few of those before she entered the nightmare that was that school.
It seemed, however, that she was doomed not to have such peace. "She's not my friend," She retorted, narrowing her eyes at the two of them immediately. "And I've told you, mister, that I do not care for your advice or anyone else's for that matter." When would they hear?! And more importantly, why on Earth was he inviting the girl to occupy the compartment that she, Margaret, had found?! How rude!
I gotta go back to the muggle world,
they're gonna try and tell me this wasn't, that none of this happened,
but you know what? It wasreal. It did happen.
We spent time here. We made friends here. That's a part of us.
Cause Hogwarts is bigger than any of us, of any of it's founders,
and it's going to be around long after we're gone.
Maybe we'll see our kids come here one day.
That's the thing about Hogwarts.
No matter how long you're away from it, there's always a way back.
Moving down Isle looking for a car that was not full
He waved at someone who looked like they were looking for somewhere to sit. There was still plenty of room in his compartment, as long as Stark didn't make a fess about moving.
Originally Posted by the bright light
Alex stummbled along the hallway outside the compartments trying to find atleast somewhere to sit that wasn't full of first years,
finally when he got to the back on the train he pulled himself into a compartment where a slytherin boy and a young girl say CLEARLY a first year.
Knodding to the slytherin and casting a odd sort of look to the little girl he sat down in the corner.
Diggy looked up when another boy walked into the compartment. "Hey man," he smiled as the boy nodded at him. He saw the boy give the little girl an odd look, but he wasn't going to say anything about it. Some people thought first years were annoying but so far the girl was just a tad homesick. "Diggy Greenwood," he offered to the boy and the girl.
♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣
♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Mia rolled her eyes at him and gave him a nudge in the ribs with her elbow. Like he didn't know that she had been talking about him. Of course he hadn't been the only cute guy she had met and snogged while in Diagon Allley but she wouldn't crush his ego like that. Even though they had a mutual understanding with each other.
"I'll introduce you, if you introduce me to this girl of yours. Or should that be girls?" She giggled as she gave him another tight hug.
Giving him another mischevious look, Mia moved in a little closer, "Hmm just to be sure though..." She pressed her lips to his again and gave him another very soft and gentle kiss.
He laughed as she nudged him, and Finn smirked a little. "You shouldn't do that when I know your Ticklish." He grinned at her for a second, before tickling her. Paayback. He stopped after a few seconds though, and tucked some of her hair behind her ear.
He smirked at her next words. "You want to meet all the cute girls?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, because there had been rather a few.
He grinned at her words. Oh he was definetly lucky today. He smiled against her lips again, pressing a little harder, before pulling away, and grinning at her. "Made sure now Mia?" He was pretty sure she had....and the other 3 girls would agree too right? Even though Sadie hadnt really wanted to kiss him...
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God
Originally Posted by samthehpfreak
"uh ... yeah I guess so" Sammy said with a shrug. DIDN'T ANYONE ELSE SEE THE HORRIBLE SIDE OF THIS! She had been adopted! She had grown up believing that the Mecan's were her true family but they weren't AND THEY NEVER TOLD HER! But she smiled anyway,but it was a fake smile, anyone could see that, but not wanting to ruin Amy's happiness. And plus, they were going back to Hogwarts, where she didn't even have to worry about her stupid adopted mother. "so anything interesting happen to you in the holidays?" she asked, wanting to change the subject ... because Amy seemed happy, maybe something good happened to her
Oh. Amy said, I get it, the whole lost identity thing? She asked, I mean she'd never been in that position but... well it couldn't feel good, she suddenly lost all of her bounciness from her holiday and her news, she just wanted Sammy to be ok, so you've got a sister, is she nice? She asked, hoping it wasn't too touchy a subject, something about the girls name rang a bell in Amy's cavernous mind
Tonight we are young. So lets set the world on fire---------------- ----------------------------Belle-Marie. Hufflepuff. Fifth Year.
He waved at someone who looked like they were looking for somewhere to sit. There was still plenty of room in his compartment, as long as Stark didn't make a fess about moving.
Diggy looked up when another boy walked into the compartment. "Hey man," he smiled as the boy nodded at him. He saw the boy give the little girl an odd look, but he wasn't going to say anything about it. Some people thought first years were annoying but so far the girl was just a tad homesick. "Diggy Greenwood," he offered to the boy and the girl.
Hey mind if i dump my stuff in here the rest of the car looks pretty full Holding up his owl cage
Cosette rested an elbow on the wall, scratching the side of her head, making her hair start to get messed up. Fluffing it out with both of her hands, she kept her eyes on him, making sure not o break eye contact. She didn't want to look rude and not be listening to what he was saying. When she got her hair situated to a wavy wild look, she nodded to him, a small smile on her lips. He really was something. Good looks, confidence, an adorable accent to boot. Oh and that ego. She had seen it with every guy she had met so far. Was it just all the British boys who had it? Was it in the water or something? "You are quite dashing. Hot and spicy, I might say." What a compliment.
Smiling, she shrugged her delicate shoulders. "I was merely jesting, I was actually about to take a small na-" She had no idea he would actually take her words to heart. He leaned in, breaking her sentence by kissing her now. Well, they were out of prying eyes, which was nice. Fluttering her eyes closed, she kissed him back, gently and with care. She wasn't going to go and scare him off or anything. Plus, ladies were gentle and harmless. Moving her hands up, she wrapped them up around his neck, making sure not to mess up his hair. Or was that Fletcher's thing? They looked almost identical.
CLONE TWO - Hot and Spicy made me chuckle. xD
Hot and ... spicy? Jack had never heard that as a compliment. He raised his eyebrow at her, smirking as he did so. It was obvioulsy a positive comment, and Jack was willing to receive any comment that was positive. So, hot and spicy it was. "That's, quite a comment, darling." He smiled, believing it to be the first time he'd ever been called that. "But I think I'm going to call you the traditional; beautiful."
Haha. His kissing had actually made her stop talking! Girls seemed to love talk, so he found it an accomplishment that a mere kiss could stop Cosette from speaking any further. Anyway, Jack had assumed that she was going to say that she was going to have a nap. When, really, he didn't want her to sleep, he wanted her to kiss him. Hehehe. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he wrapped his around her waist, before parting away from her. "My goodness, you're good at this." He winked.
Originally Posted by Freds_caribbeangirl
Hehe so he thought it was sweet of her eh? Just sweet though? Hmph, she wasn't about to settle for just that now was she? Savannah said go for it and that's exactly what she was planning to do, without having to admit liking him..if that made sense. Well she thought it did. And he really was becoming her favourite slytherin...guy of course. Art had been her favourite once but he left, and well, no she wanted another favourite and Jack was to be it, so there. "Well it seems we're even on favourites then love.." Yep she used back his own word on him. Smirk. Though he was new so she was wondering just how many hufflepuffs he had met in such a short time. Oh well she wouldn't question it. She had no quarrels with being favourite.
She chuckled. Oh so he doubted there being another Slytherin as awesome and handsome as he was. That was left to be seen though as the term hadn't even started yet. "I admire your confidence but that is yet to be seen Riding." She smirked.
Oh no so she hadn't escaped totally from his question. She was backed against the wall so to speak and didn't know how else to get away, bleh. Just her luck. She should just give up and write a book "Rhea's 1001 way to be embarrassed." And now he was looking at her..intently. Was it just her or was it getting like uber hot in the compartment. She looked at her wand and nervously twirled it between her thumb and index. "No..it's not because the answer is bad...it's because I do think you are and nowI'mtotallyembarrassed and it's your fault Jack Riding!" Ok so she was embarrassed major and her voice had almost squeaked at the end there. Greeeeat, but at least he thought she was too. Gosh her ears must be ruby red at the moment.
She looked up at him when he asked why it was good to know. Wasn't it obvious? She wanted to be close..er..to him and she wanted to...ok so she wasn't thinking anymore and he was already so close she might as well just go for it and hope for the best and so she did...leaning in to him she kissed him softly and rather quickly, then looked away totally embarassed.
CLONE ONE - N'awwww. :3
Nobody had EVER replied to him with the same pet names he used, EVER. He had always called lady friends 'darling', 'love', 'dear' etc, and people had never bothered to call him that. Not that he was peeved about it, it was just so unexpected. Jack raised his eyebrows at Rhea, finding the fact that she had called him 'love' very interesting. "That's what I do, darling." He emphasized the word. "And yes, that seems to be the case." Now she was DEFINITELY wrong there. Jack knew for a FACT that he was probably one of the most handsome Slytherins around, if not THE most. So when she had said this, he was in shock. "Yet to be seen? I honestly doubt it Miss Bellaire. I happen to be quite dashing."
Jack laughed and leaned back again, resting his feet on the bench oppisite, like Rhea was doing. "Why are you embarrassed? Many girls think I'm attractive. I'm not surprised that you do think I am." Ok, so he was a little. Because Jack had thought she'd be the one girl he had met who would just seem him as a good-looking friend and had no feels for him. Obviously that wasn't true, because a minute after thinking that, Rhea had already planted one on him.
Jack pulled away, but not after kissing back. He couldn't be rude, right? "So, that's why you're embarrassed, love?" Pet names probably made it a bit worse. Whoops.
He waved at someone who looked like they were looking for somewhere to sit. There was still plenty of room in his compartment, as long as Stark didn't make a fess about moving.
Diggy looked up when another boy walked into the compartment. "Hey man," he smiled as the boy nodded at him. He saw the boy give the little girl an odd look, but he wasn't going to say anything about it. Some people thought first years were annoying but so far the girl was just a tad homesick. "Diggy Greenwood," he offered to the boy and the girl.
Alex looked over at the girl and still said nothing, Then the other boy spoke introducing himself "did you mother name you that or is that some nickname you've branded yourself with, "diggy" Alex said raising an eyebrow to the boy.
Alex sat sitting quite tightly in the corner pushing his briefcase under the chair.
He laughed as she nudged him, and Finn smirked a little. "You shouldn't do that when I know your Ticklish." He grinned at her for a second, before tickling her. Paayback. He stopped after a few seconds though, and tucked some of her hair behind her ear.
He smirked at her next words. "You want to meet all the cute girls?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, because there had been rather a few.
He grinned at her words. Oh he was definetly lucky today. He smiled against her lips again, pressing a little harder, before pulling away, and grinning at her. "Made sure now Mia?" He was pretty sure she had....and the other 3 girls would agree too right? Even though Sadie hadnt really wanted to kiss him...
"Finn!" She squealed when he started tickling her and she squirmed again trying to get away from him and almost fell off his lap. Panting a little from all the giggling and squirming, Mia nodded her head and grinned again. "Sure why not? We'll all have something in common at least." Yeah they had all snogged Finlay Carmichael.
Oh wow! Finn had certainly been practicing today. That thought would probably have turned a lot of girls off but Mia couldn't care less how many other girls he had snogged today. So long as they kept having fun, then she was happy. She burst out laughing at his question and nodded in agreement. "Oh most definitely Finlay. You are the most awesome kisser in the world."
Mia swung her feet a little more and got herself quite comfortable on Finn's lap. "So you looking forward to going to Hogwarts?" She was as excited as a dog with a bone about going.
He moved his trunk up under the seat so the girl could maneuver in the compartment. "Its no problem," he nodded toward her. He put his comic book down as it was apparent this little girl wanted to talk. And he was glad that at least he was taller than someone. It seemed like he wasn't the only one who had grown over the summer. "Hogwarts isn't bad and don't worry there are tons of other people who've never left home till now. Where are you from?" he asked her. Stark opened an blurry eye and looked at both of them talking and disrupting him. Diggy gave him a look that told him to behave himself.
Fang smiled, "I'm looking forward to Hogwarts actually. And I'm from China. Yourself?" She quietly took her seat and looked out the window, "It's a beautiful countryside."
At the loony bin ❣ Ubiquitous ❣ Brain!nvader ❣ !Wake The Dead¡
Originally Posted by Blackened
"Friend of hers, are you?" Teagan addressed the girl who had just walked in. "Well, I'm glad to see that she does accept some company," he winked at Margaret, expecting her to utterly dislike the gesture.
"You'd do good to listen to her, too, frowning is unhealthy," Teagan nodded to Margaret. "Do you wanna take a seat?" he turned to the girl who seemed to give such sound advice that Teagan instantly approved. Margaret could do with more friends like that.
Louvain almost chocked on the worm when the boy suggested she could be a friend of Margret. Shaking her head, "nope not a friend, only a fellow student" she elaborated with a grin then nodded enthusiastically at the boy, "sure i'd LOVE a seat" she mused and skipped, which more like waddled due to her overweight and sat a front Margret but ignored the girl all together, "I'm Louvain, Louvain Louis!" she smiled at the nice boy, friendly boy. Instantly marking him in the 'not to eat list'.
Originally Posted by Padie
It seemed, however, that she was doomed not to have such peace. "She's not my friend," She retorted, narrowing her eyes at the two of them immediately. "And I've told you, mister, that I do not care for your advice or anyone else's for that matter." When would they hear?! And more importantly, why on Earth was he inviting the girl to occupy the compartment that she, Margaret, had found?! How rude!
"Nonsense." Louvain replied thoughtfully, in full amusement of course. "Of course you do care about your appearance" she instantly disagreed with the girl, "well maybe not now, but when you mature enough you will definitely care about it" completely ignoring the part where her seat was under questioning. "Care for worms?" she asked the girl with a quirked smile.