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Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Evelyn finally managed to escape Destiny and her parents as they said their goodbyes, not really wanting to be there or be apart of it. It just opened a few wounds that she'd rather have kept closed. Having done so well over the Summer at keeping her emotions in check and her feet grounded, it was a shock to her when a simple goodbye from parents could really hurt her.
Taking a deep breathe, the Slytherin made her way to the back of the train, black eyes cast downward to the floor to where Poof was walking in front of her. Apparently the cat wanted to go somewhere and being in the mood she was, Evelyn followed...to an empty compartment. Well, what do you know?
Opening the door, she pushed her trunk in, letting it land with a THUD on the ground before flopping down on her back on one of the seats. Tired-ness. She'd definitely need to visit Professor Lafay when they got to school; the first chance she got, and she didn't care how annoyed the Professor would be because of that.
Rhea was this close to dosing off when the sound of her compartment door sliding open caused her to open her eyes. She looked towards the door and smiled. Well look who it was. jack Riding himself. She had hoped to see him on platform 91/3 but better late than never. Besides she could really use some company.
He asked her to guess what house he was sorted in but was saved the challenge of guessing when he pointed to his green shirt. So the boy was right. All ridings went to Slytherin house. What a tradition that was. Her dad had been a Gryff and her mom a Claw and she was a Puff, so clearly her family was not like his. Before she could answer anyways he moved her feet and sat in the space they previously occupied.
"Hmm, you're head looks twice it's normal size and you're flaunting a green shirt. I'm going to go with slytherin." She stuck her tongue out at him playfully and pulled herself up into somewhat of a sitting position. "I'm anxious to get there but I'm dreading it also." She didn't want it to be her last year.
Jack gasped, pretending to look a little offended by her comment. But, he wasn't, he was always called vain, and having a big head etc. So, he wasn't surprised when Rhea mentioned how big his ego was the moment. He patted the top of his head just to make sure it hadn't grown literally. "You guessed right, darling, well done." He winked, and ironed a crease out of his shirt with his hands.
"Why are you anxious? Haven't you been there before?" It should have been Jack who was anxious, but Riding's were never nervous. "You'll be fine love, I'll be there if you ... fall down a well or something." He shrugged, and laughed at himself. He wasn't so sure if that would happen, but he couldn't think of another scenario where Rhea may need help.
Originally Posted by i m a g i n e
Clone Two[/B]
Cosette stuck an Acid Pop in her mouth, walking down the corridor to find a nice empty compartment. Smiling, she closed the door behind her and made a mental note not to lock it. Just in case a handsome fellow walked by, he needed to come in as fast as possible. In case there was a murderer on the train.. you know.
Lolling around the sweet lolli around her mouth, she sat down and propped her legs up on the other side of the bench. Resting her head on the plush cushion, she closed her eyes, happy to get some peace and quiet.
The back of the train now seemed to be a good idea to go, as firsties seemed to be swarimg the front, and the food trolley, because there was food there obviously. The back of the train was a lot quieter, and seemed to inhabit the much older and more mature students, something in which Jack felt more comfortable with. Opening a door to an empty compartment, Jack chucked his jacket on the seat, only to realise that Cosette was sat on the opposite side.
"What a pleasant surprise." He smirked, taking the seat opposite, next to her feet.
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Originally Posted by Hollister
Jack gasped, pretending to look a little offended by her comment. But, he wasn't, he was always called vain, and having a big head etc. So, he wasn't surprised when Rhea mentioned how big his ego was the moment. He patted the top of his head just to make sure it hadn't grown literally. "You guessed right, darling, well done." He winked, and ironed a crease out of his shirt with his hands.
"Why are you anxious? Haven't you been there before?" It should have been Jack who was anxious, but Riding's were never nervous. "You'll be fine love, I'll be there if you ... fall down a well or something." He shrugged, and laughed at himself. He wasn't so sure if that would happen, but he couldn't think of another scenario where Rhea may need help.
Rhea laughed as Jack pet the top of his head. Confident and funny, rawr. he kept getting better by the second. Pfft not liek she would tell him that. The boy would probably float off the ground or something and she didnt want that. She squealed inside when he said his darling bit again. Yeah yeah she knew every girl got that, but she could enjoy it none the same right? Right. "Ravies aren't the only smart ones you know." She managed a genuine smirk.
Jack asked why she was anxious and she shrugged lightly. There were loads of reason to be anxious. NEWTS, finals months, the drama she knew was about to unfold. Tons and tons of reasons. "Yes I've been attending Hogwarts since I was twelve. I guess I'm just anxious about it being my final year and all, and all the Hogwarts girls that will be clinging all over you, making it hard for me."
She laughed when he said he would be there to catch her if she fell down a well. The last time she checked there were no wells at Hogwarts, but knowing Mister Masterson, that could probably change. "Well, I don't think I'll be falling down a well any time soon, but some company would be nice." She smiled at him and patted the space next to her. "Not scared of cooties are you?"
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
Callie stood there waiting for the girls answer. She rolled her eyes, it was a simple yes or no seriously how long did it take. She was probably admiring Callie's prettyness, the soon to be fourth year agree'd it was a big distraction. Teheee. She twisted her hair round her finger debating whether to just go back and talk to that other older girl or maybe go find some hot guy to talk to. Yeah, the second option sounded like a good plan.
She was about to turn around and go when the girl opened her mouth and spoke. Merde ? What was that some sort of foreign language ? Apparently so. "Do...you...speak...Eng...a....lish ?" Callie spoke her words slowly to make sure the girl understood and just because she thought it was funny too.
Cosette turned her head over to look at the girl. What, did she think she was deaf or something? Did she not see that she nodded her head yes to her stupid question. Maybe she should just say no now, seeing her blatantly rude manners. She was neither deaf nor in need of special treatment. Obviously this girl was younger, she had no way of actually communicating with another human being. She was probably a mudblood too.
Sneering, she nodded her head. "Yes, you can sit in here." She could taste a bitterness on her tongue. She actually said yes. What was wrong with her? "And yes I can speak English." This girl was daft, her accent heavily clouding her words. What a little sod.
SPOILER!!: Hollie
The back of the train now seemed to be a good idea to go, as firsties seemed to be swarimg the front, and the food trolley, because there was food there obviously. The back of the train was a lot quieter, and seemed to inhabit the much older and more mature students, something in which Jack felt more comfortable with. Opening a door to an empty compartment, Jack chucked his jacket on the seat, only to realise that Cosette was sat on the opposite side.
"What a pleasant surprise." He smirked, taking the seat opposite, next to her feet.
Cosette heard the slide of her compartment door open and someone sit down next to her feet. She was about to swear at the top of her lungs. Would NO ONE leave her to herself in perfect silence? She had things to plot in her heavily clouded mind. Lives to destroy, boys to snog, ect. Things that mattered. Oh, and the next Ballycastle Bats match to consider going to.
Opening one eye, she looked across from her and saw Jack Riding. Fluttering both eyes now, she flung her feet off the seat next to him and sat upright in her spot. Crossing her legs at her ankles, she put her hands in her lap. "Yes, I should believe you are stalking me now, Monsieur Jack." She smirked, looking over at him. Hey, even if she was wooing him, she had to keep her manners. Putting her feet up on upholstered seats was not lady like.
Shaking his head with a peeved look on his face, Jake just sat down beside Lexi and reached his arm around her shoulder. HUH. There. Nobody could stop him. Dylan could punch him all he liked.
When Raiden came in and Lexi started acting all... weird. So... Jake kind of got a weird feeling. A kind of sad feeling. And he DIDN'T appreciate Dylan insinuating that he wasn't an adult. Because yeah, he wasn't... but he was more mature than some people. COUGHdylanCOUGH
Well, now he couldn't punch him again with Raiden here. And he had to stop being such a kid. So Jake snuggled Lexi closer even though he was kind of on a downer that she seemed to be acting... well... weird around Raiden. And he knew what it was too.
"I'm fine," he replied to Raiden, giving an awkward little smile at the prefect before kissing the top of Lexi's head, almost protectively. "I'm used to gggetting hit in the fuhh-face."
He made sure not to look at Dylan as he said this, but there was a certain bite in his voice.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
| lottie+hollie ♦ | muma!caley | zara+shan;; too awesome ★ | the OC;; much love ♥ |
Originally Posted by i m a g i n e
Cosette turned her head over to look at the girl. What, did she think she was deaf or something? Did she not see that she nodded her head yes to her stupid question. Maybe she should just say no now, seeing her blatantly rude manners. She was neither deaf nor in need of special treatment. Obviously this girl was younger, she had no way of actually communicating with another human being. She was probably a mudblood too.
Sneering, she nodded her head. "Yes, you can sit in here." She could taste a bitterness on her tongue. She actually said yes. What was wrong with her? "And yes I can speak English." This girl was daft, her accent heavily clouding her words. What a little sod.
Callie sat down putting her feet up spreading them across the chair. Ah, her feet were like hurting. And she wanted to sleep. But meh probably not the best idea, this girl didn't seem the nicest of people so she'd prolly leave her on the train or something like that. Callie looked to the girl and rolled her eyes. Was she liked French or something ? Or maybe, um like German some sort of foreign laungage or something yeah Callie was sure of it.
Callie rolled her eyes looking up as the girl spoke. "...Thanks." she said, although she would've probably sat there ayways. "Oh thats good. Im not very good at speaking different languages." She didn't really get all these English words. Football, Rubbish bin ? Pssht. What was that all about. "Callie Parker."
Lilah J. Mosely. _ p e r f e c t; accurate, exact, or correct in every detail
Elora made her way towards the back of the train and tried to smile. The train would be arriving soon enough, and she still hadn't found one of her friends. Hopefully she'd find them at the feast. Friends were always easy to find there. She found an empty compartment and settled in with a new book.
Taylor carefully navigated down the corridor towards the back of the train, she was seeing is she could spot Savvy anywhere, she hadn't seen her for ages! Ahh she hated these heels, she decided to take them off and carry them. She tucked them into her bag and carried on bare footed down the corridor.
Taylor carefully navigated down the corridor towards the back of the train, she was seeing is she could spot Savvy anywhere, she hadn't seen her for ages! Ahh she hated these heels, she decided to take them off and carry them. She tucked them into her bag and carried on bare footed down the corridor.
It was time to find her MINI!Sav one. She had told the younger girl to meet her here so Savannah decided to look for her. Gah, where was Taylor anyway ? Savannah wandered along the back of the train until her eyes landed on a blonde. She grinned.
"TAYYYYYYY-TAYYYYYYY !!!!"That would get her attention, yep. Her eyes shifted down to Taylor's feet and her eyes grew.
Savannah flailed running up to the girl,"Dont you KNOW how many gross bacteria you can get on your feet from walking barefoot ?"
It was time to find her MINI!Sav one. She had told the younger girl to meet her here so Savannah decided to look for her. Gah, where was Taylor anyway ? Savannah wandered along the back of the train until her eyes landed on a blonde. She grinned.
"TAYYYYYYY-TAYYYYYYY !!!!"That would get her attention, yep. Her eyes shifted down to Taylor's feet and her eyes grew.
Savannah flailed running up to the girl,"Dont you KNOW how many gross bacteria you can get on your feet from walking barefoot ?"
Taylor soon noticed Savannah and smiled at her- she then noticed the look of disgust on her face.
She heard what Savvy then said and started to blush looking down at her perfectlly manicure toes, she realised how disgusting this carpet probably was- eww!
"You're, like, totally right!" Quickly dipping into her bag and pulling out the dreaded heels, she shoved them back on and winced. She smiled again at Savvy whilst pushing curls from her face.
Like a Domino ♥ Karma Kimalia ♥ ♥ Taco Bell ♥ Sorry for party rocking
Originally Posted by longanna99
"My father. He showed up after the acceptance letter and my entire life changed. You see I was always under the impression that he wasn't alive. Much to my surprise he is very much alive." This was always odd to Anna. She never knew much about her father till one day after the letter he showed up and changed her life for the better.
Kimalia's eyebrows raised as she blinked at the answer. "Wow, now that is interesting." So she was raised as a muggle but had to accept the new changes. "That must've been a great shock to both you and your mother, do you get along well with your father now though?"
Taylor soon noticed Savannah and smiled at her- she then noticed the look of disgust on her face.
She heard what Savvy then said and started to blush looking down at her perfectlly manicure toes, she realised how disgusting this carpet probably was- eww!
"You're, like, totally right!" Quickly dipping into her bag and pulling out the dreaded heels, she shoved them back on and winced. She smiled again at Savvy whilst pushing curls from her face.
gfgfsgdfhfsgs. Germ. *wince* Savannah was big time germ-freak, she was ALWAYS worried about catching some deadly bacteria on her feet and like DYING. She was way to pretty to die and so was Taylor."cute shoes..."Savannah said, eying the shoes. Ah, she was a MINI!Sav so of course she had super good taste in shoes. Savannah was so proud of her MINI!Sav and her style.
She looked at the girl for a second and then sat down,"You ready for Hogwarts, Tay ?"Savannah asked, looking at the girl.
gfgfsgdfhfsgs. Germ. *wince* Savannah was big time germ-freak, she was ALWAYS worried about catching some deadly bacteria on her feet and like DYING. She was way to pretty to die and so was Taylor."cute shoes..."Savannah said, eying the shoes. Ah, she was a MINI!Sav so of course she had super good taste in shoes. Savannah was so proud of her MINI!Sav and her style.
She looked at the girl for a second and then sat down,"You ready for Hogwarts, Tay ?"Savannah asked, looking at the girl.
Taylor noticed Savannah checking her shoes out- hoping she liked them.
She then sat down opposite her and answered. "Of course i am." she said confidently, "What am i not ready for?" she said whilst giggling- she was way too confident at times!
Kimalia's eyebrows raised as she blinked at the answer. "Wow, now that is interesting." So she was raised as a muggle but had to accept the new changes. "That must've been a great shock to both you and your mother, do you get along well with your father now though?"
"My mother knew. They decided that if I turned out to be a muggle with no magical blood in me that I should live a normal life. So I never knew about my father. They decided that until I received the letter I wasn't to know. My dad left a week after that so I don't know him to well even now. So I don't know if I get along with him." The thought of magic and a whole new world still made her light headed every now and then. It was a big shock after never being told fairy tales or anything.
"How was yours?" He looked up at the other two. "Good, I hope? Stayed out of trouble?"
The last bit was directed at Lexi, with a lopsided grin. After all, hadn't they had the same conversation in Diagon Alley? But she was hiding her face in Jake's shoulder. Hmmm.
He went back to scritching the puppy behind the ears.
Lexi was FINALLY under control. FINALLY. Then he GRINNED at her. For the love of Merlin why had he done that? She gulped and smiled back at him. "Of course I have stayed out of trouble, Raiden," she squeaked out at him and then snuuuuuggled Jakers some more.
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr
Shaking his head with a peeved look on his face, Jake just sat down beside Lexi and reached his arm around her shoulder. HUH. There. Nobody could stop him. Dylan could punch him all he liked.
When Raiden came in and Lexi started acting all... weird. So... Jake kind of got a weird feeling. A kind of sad feeling. And he DIDN'T appreciate Dylan insinuating that he wasn't an adult. Because yeah, he wasn't... but he was more mature than some people. COUGHdylanCOUGH
Well, now he couldn't punch him again with Raiden here. And he had to stop being such a kid. So Jake snuggled Lexi closer even though he was kind of on a downer that she seemed to be acting... well... weird around Raiden. And he knew what it was too.
"I'm fine," he replied to Raiden, giving an awkward little smile at the prefect before kissing the top of Lexi's head, almost protectively. "I'm used to gggetting hit in the fuhh-face."
He made sure not to look at Dylan as he said this, but there was a certain bite in his voice.
Lexi looked up and glare!smiled at Dylan since Jake said he was used to be punched in the face. "Yeah you should ask DYlan how HIS summer was," Lexi suggested to Raiden without looking at him. Because yeah if she did that she might blush again. She really didn't want to hurt Jakers' feelings... I mean, he was Raiden... totally out of her league. It was just a harmless crush. Yep. Harmless.
Lexi snuggled into Jakers' and put her arms around him when he kissed her head. Awwww. How sweet! Mhm. Jakers was totally win. Indeed. She would wait on all of the Slytherin company to leave the compartment and she would give him his present!!!
Dylan sighed. He didn't want to be here with Lexi and Jake. It was gross. He was never like that with Gold. They kept it appropriate in public. And now was public. He liked Raiden being here, but they were still being gross.
He grabbed the handle of his suitcase, and sighed again. Best go and read by himself. That would stop Lexi being angry at him. And the sickening sight of her snuggling Jake. Or acting oddly towards Raiden. That was odd. He didn't understand that one.
"See you later Lexi. I am gonna leave you to your boys." Yeah boys. Multiple. She could follow him if she really felt like it.
It looks like I'm not ginger after all Charlie Tudor - 1st Year Slytherpuff
Shaking his head with a peeved look on his face, Jake just sat down beside Lexi and reached his arm around her shoulder. HUH. There. Nobody could stop him. Dylan could punch him all he liked.
When Raiden came in and Lexi started acting all... weird. So... Jake kind of got a weird feeling. A kind of sad feeling. And he DIDN'T appreciate Dylan insinuating that he wasn't an adult. Because yeah, he wasn't... but he was more mature than some people. COUGHdylanCOUGH
Well, now he couldn't punch him again with Raiden here. And he had to stop being such a kid. So Jake snuggled Lexi closer even though he was kind of on a downer that she seemed to be acting... well... weird around Raiden. And he knew what it was too.
"I'm fine," he replied to Raiden, giving an awkward little smile at the prefect before kissing the top of Lexi's head, almost protectively. "I'm used to gggetting hit in the fuhh-face."
He made sure not to look at Dylan as he said this, but there was a certain bite in his voice.
Ahhh. Raiden may have winced at Jake's words, his right hand twitching at his side. He'd hit Jake before. He clearly remembered that. There had been the unpleasant feeling of bone cracking under his fist, and he was pretty sure he'd done some amount of damage.
"I uhm... I never apologised for... for that," he murmured, looking at anything in the room but Jake as he stood and left the crup to his own devices. "For hitting you two terms ago. So... I really am sorry."
Yeah. Almost two years later. You are good job, Raiden Kururugi.
He declined the chance to ask who had slugged the younger boy. It obviously hadn't been Lexi, and it sure didn't look like it had happened long ago, so either there was a psychotic face-puncher roaming the train or Dylan Denver had found reason to let his fists fly. Which was... not cool, but he could ask Dylan about that later.
Originally Posted by Pink Ninja
Lexi was FINALLY under control. FINALLY. Then he GRINNED at her. For the love of Merlin why had he done that? She gulped and smiled back at him. "Of course I have stayed out of trouble, Raiden," she squeaked out at him and then snuuuuuggled Jakers some more.
Lexi looked up and glare!smiled at Dylan since Jake said he was used to be punched in the face. "Yeah you should ask DYlan how HIS summer was," Lexi suggested to Raiden without looking at him. Because yeah if she did that she might blush again. She really didn't want to hurt Jakers' feelings... I mean, he was Raiden... totally out of her league. It was just a harmless crush. Yep. Harmless.
Lexi snuggled into Jakers' and put her arms around him when he kissed her head. Awwww. How sweet! Mhm. Jakers was totally win. Indeed. She would wait on all of the Slytherin company to leave the compartment and she would give him his present!!!
Lexi was being odd. She was turning colours and squeaking and stuff. In Raiden's experience, girls only blushed a lot when they were... well, embarrassed. In any sense of the word.
Good Merlin, he found it amusing. Doing his best to bite back the bemused smile that was tugging at the corners of his lips, he leaned against the wall just inside the compartment door and watched Jake's protective snuggling. Was Lexi blushing because of that? How cute.
"I'm glad. Means I won't have to worry about you causing any during the school term, right? It's my last year as prefect, it'd be nice if it would go off without a hitch, you know?"
Without cat ears or de-aging or school-wide battles or dead bodies turning up, please and thank you.
Originally Posted by Super Spaz
Dylan sighed. He didn't want to be here with Lexi and Jake. It was gross. He was never like that with Gold. They kept it appropriate in public. And now was public. He liked Raiden being here, but they were still being gross.
He grabbed the handle of his suitcase, and sighed again. Best go and read by himself. That would stop Lexi being angry at him. And the sickening sight of her snuggling Jake. Or acting oddly towards Raiden. That was odd. He didn't understand that one.
"See you later Lexi. I am gonna leave you to your boys." Yeah boys. Multiple. She could follow him if she really felt like it.
...well that was... unexpected. Raiden watched Dylan as he made to leave, one eyebrow raising in surprise. Why was he leaving?
"Er..." he turned, eyes following Dylan, before looking back at Lexi and Jake. "Did I do something?"
Lexi looked up and glare!smiled at Dylan since Jake said he was used to be punched in the face. "Yeah you should ask DYlan how HIS summer was," Lexi suggested to Raiden without looking at him. Because yeah if she did that she might blush again. She really didn't want to hurt Jakers' feelings... I mean, he was Raiden... totally out of her league. It was just a harmless crush. Yep. Harmless.
Lexi snuggled into Jakers' and put her arms around him when he kissed her head. Awwww. How sweet! Mhm. Jakers was totally win. Indeed. She would wait on all of the Slytherin company to leave the compartment and she would give him his present!!!
Yeah, this was a public display of affection... and Jake didn't care. Snuggling wasn't against rules, so the boy smiled to himself, thinking back to the snitch again and being glad he'd bought it for Lexi and that she liked it. He wasn't going to let something silly break them up so soon.
Not even his slight jealous feeling that was there 'cause of Raiden. Lexi could have whatever friends she liked, of course. And nobody could help what they felt... but he was still... insecure. She could drop him any second. But right now, he was happy.
Originally Posted by Super Spaz
Dylan sighed. He didn't want to be here with Lexi and Jake. It was gross. He was never like that with Gold. They kept it appropriate in public. And now was public. He liked Raiden being here, but they were still being gross.
He grabbed the handle of his suitcase, and sighed again. Best go and read by himself. That would stop Lexi being angry at him. And the sickening sight of her snuggling Jake. Or acting oddly towards Raiden. That was odd. He didn't understand that one.
"See you later Lexi. I am gonna leave you to your boys." Yeah boys. Multiple. She could follow him if she really felt like it.
AAnd now Dylan appeared to be having a bit of a strop. Lovely. Jake just avoided looking at the older boy altogether, and waited for Lexi to respond. Hopefully Dylan would eventually get over it.
He was just quiet now. Didn't want any drama.
But when Raiden spoke again, Jake really couldn't help but smile once more. "Don't wwworry about that," he shrugged carefully. It didn't matter to him... Raiden had been protecting the school and Jake had been controlled by a crazy french man. He held nothing against Raiden... after all, the injuries had all been fixed.
And then the boy seemed confused, so Jake rolled his eyes slightly at the door. "No... he's jjjust sore because I'm wuhh-with Lexi. Cccan't say I blame him. I got mmmad when Reese started going out with Juhh-jack."
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
did evelyn reeaallly check to see if it was empty? ;)
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Originally Posted by Roselyn
Evelyn finally managed to escape Destiny and her parents as they said their goodbyes, not really wanting to be there or be apart of it. It just opened a few wounds that she'd rather have kept closed. Having done so well over the Summer at keeping her emotions in check and her feet grounded, it was a shock to her when a simple goodbye from parents could really hurt her.
Taking a deep breathe, the Slytherin made her way to the back of the train, black eyes cast downward to the floor to where Poof was walking in front of her. Apparently the cat wanted to go somewhere and being in the mood she was, Evelyn followed...to an empty compartment. Well, what do you know?
Opening the door, she pushed her trunk in, letting it land with a THUD on the ground before flopping down on her back on one of the seats. Tired-ness. She'd definitely need to visit Professor Lafay when they got to school; the first chance she got, and she didn't care how annoyed the Professor would be because of that.
Salander's head turned when the door reopened to let a -- pretty brunette!-- walked in with her heavy trunk and took a seat like she owned it. Well, whether or not the other fellow minded company there's not much he can do about it now is there? He's gonna have to share. Period!
Swinging his messenger bag off his shoulder, he jammed it into overhead compartment above their seats. For a second he stared at his mother's unopened letter in his hand then stuffed it in roughly in the bag's outside pocket. He didnt understand why he felt that way, but he was determined not to let his disappointment ruin the entire morning.
Taking a seat opposite the pretty brunette, he raised his sleeve as he worked on trying to figure out the wand holster. He thought he should say something polite, but meh, if any of his companions arent the talky type, well then neither is he.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Jimbo will set his turtle loose on you. { The Farley } "That's trademarked, don't use it."
SPOILER!!: firstieandjess
Originally Posted by TomFeltonisHot
Lyra walks down the hallway not looking where she was going. She would've run into the couple if she hadn't heard the girl laughing. Lyra looked down at the couple hugging. They looked quite cute together.
Awwww!! Look at them!!! They look so cute together! They probably haven't seen each other all summer and now they're just seeing each other again!!! Crap.... They're blocking the hallway and I really need to get past..... Or better yet, I need someone to share a compartment with..... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm......
Lyra smiled slightly before she lightly toed the girl in the back to get her attention.
"As sorry as I am to break up this sweet scene, I really need to get past....." Lyra paused and bit her bottom lip. "Well actually that's not true, I need somewhere to sit. Now I know you to down know me, but would you mind if I sat with you lot? I'm new this year and I don't know anyone....." With her last sentence Lyra looked at her feet as she fidgeted, looking ashamed of her confession.
They better be buying this..... I hate acting all meek and helpless, but I really don't know anyone. If they end up saying no I'm going to be really mad. I mean they're Slytherin's so they can't be that bad.....
Originally Posted by Nixy!
Iris grinned as Jimbo hugged her back. It was just like … that final confirmation that he was never really angry with her. Which made her feel happy.
But then, somehow… it seemed to become more than just a hug. Iris wasn’t even sure how… but it did. And Jimbo was getting really comfy, too… Which in turn was weird… and not a good weird. “Uh… Jimb-OW!” Iris looked away from Jimbo to see a rather small girl, with a rather guilty looking foot.
Was poking her BUM with her shoe really necessary?
The girl had made her totally forget about the fact that she still had her arms around Jimbo.
“Um… Hullo.”
WAIT. Did she just say “Cute Scene”? Crap, she did!
Well if them hugging (as … more-than-friendly as it may have turned into) looked CUTE to a teeny First Year like her … then Iris didn’t even want to begin to know how it looked to any older students. ‘Specially the one’s who KNOW them.
Iris let go of Jimbo, remembering why the girl’d poked her anyway. She gave Jimbo a half-weirded out, half questioningly curious look and then stood up, brushing herself off, whist listening to the little girl.
“Well… I don’t mind if you do.” Besides. You’ll be a distraction… “Jimbo?”
The crook of her neck tingled slightly, where Jimbo'd been nuzzling it. She shivered slightly.
It was like Jimbo had an electric-filled nose head or something.
Which... wouldn't really suprise her. It would explain for a lot of the weirdness.
Well. That really snapped him out of it. He wasn't sure if he was glad that the firstie came along or not. Because, if she hadn't that meant that he would have to deal with Monty whereas now he has to deal with Monty's LOOKS. Like that one she just gave him. But he still wasn't sure whether that was worse that having to deal with her straight on.
Stupid, stupid, stupid Jimbo!
He didn't say anything the whole time that Monty was talking to the small girl. He was just staring straight ahead, cursing at himself in his mind.
Because honestly, he was just making up for one stupid thing he'd done and now he had to go and do another stupid thing that's even more stupid than the first thing and is going to take a LOT more making up to do. Worse than that, it was going to take EXPLANATION. And that...well, that was one thing he did NOT have.
But then he realized Monty was talking to him. Asking him for his opinion on the tiny girl staying in their compartment. Yes. Yes. Yes. She definitely can. As a matter of fact, he would make her a throne. But he didn't want to SAY anything. He couldn't say anything, he was in too much shock. So he just nodded quickly and finally picked himself up off the ground.
He needed to get away for a bit. He couldn't look at Monty right now. But where would he go? What would be his excuse?
"I..er...I will be right back. I need to...go...get...more candy." he spoke to both of them, well more to the firstie.
As if Monty wouldn't see right through that. He gave a small wave and walked away to the Food Trolley. He'd be back soon, but he just had to gather his thoughts and possible think up an excuse, an explanation. ANYTHING.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Salander's head turned when the door reopened to let a -- pretty brunette!-- walked in with her heavy trunk and took a seat like she owned it. Well, whether or not the other fellow minded company there's not much he can do about it now is there? He's gonna have to share. Period!
Swinging his messenger bag off his shoulder, he jammed it into overhead compartment above their seats. For a second he stared at his mother's unopened letter in his hand then stuffed it in roughly in the bag's outside pocket. He didnt understand why he felt that way, but he was determined not to let his disappointment ruin the entire morning.
Taking a seat opposite the pretty brunette, he raised his sleeve as he worked on trying to figure out the wand holster. He thought he should say something polite, but meh, if any of his companions arent the talky type, well then neither is he.
With her eyes closed, Evelyn made herself a little more comfier on the seat, placing her feet against the wall and laying her arms across her stomach. Good, she was still short enough to fit on the whole thing without being uncomfortable.
Feeling something fluffy suddenly lay on her arms though, the Slytherin peaked open an eye to see Poof there, though she wasn't looking at her. Meh? Raising a brow, the girl turned her head to the direction of where her cat's gaze- WHAT!? Person in compartment! Random person! Person who looked like they've never seen a holster before person!
Eyes widening in surprise, Evelyn sat up slightly, glancing towards the compartment door. It was open. Pfft, well no wonder. This guy probably thought it was an invitation to walk right in and make himself at home. Turning her attention back to the intruder, the girl really didn't know what to do or say. It's not like he was bothering her with annoying talk or anything and he was keeping his space. Hmm, maybe, staring at him would make him uncomfortable and then he'd leave. It was worth a shot...
Dylan sighed. He didn't want to be here with Lexi and Jake. It was gross. He was never like that with Gold. They kept it appropriate in public. And now was public. He liked Raiden being here, but they were still being gross.
He grabbed the handle of his suitcase, and sighed again. Best go and read by himself. That would stop Lexi being angry at him. And the sickening sight of her snuggling Jake. Or acting oddly towards Raiden. That was odd. He didn't understand that one.
"See you later Lexi. I am gonna leave you to your boys." Yeah boys. Multiple. She could follow him if she really felt like it.
"Awww Dylan stop being like that!" she called after her big brother. Sitting up straight she watched him walk away and sighed. She didn't like fighting with Dylan, not at all. But, he was REALLY mean to Jake so that was warranted. She would go find him later and have a private chat with him. Yep. She would.
Originally Posted by Ameh
Lexi was being odd. She was turning colours and squeaking and stuff. In Raiden's experience, girls only blushed a lot when they were... well, embarrassed. In any sense of the word.
Good Merlin, he found it amusing. Doing his best to bite back the bemused smile that was tugging at the corners of his lips, he leaned against the wall just inside the compartment door and watched Jake's protective snuggling. Was Lexi blushing because of that? How cute.
"I'm glad. Means I won't have to worry about you causing any during the school term, right? It's my last year as prefect, it'd be nice if it would go off without a hitch, you know?"
Without cat ears or de-aging or school-wide battles or dead bodies turning up, please and thank you.
...well that was... unexpected. Raiden watched Dylan as he made to leave, one eyebrow raising in surprise. Why was he leaving?
"Er..." he turned, eyes following Dylan, before looking back at Lexi and Jake. "Did I do something?"
Should he leave now, too? Blink.
Lexi turned her attention back to Raiden and THANKFULLY she was so distracted by Dylan's disappearing act that she didn't blush or squeak this time. "Well... I will TRY not to get into anything this term, but I make no solid promises, RAiden," she said with a giggle. There was ALWAYS something going on around her.. and with Dylan acting like a a psycho there was no telling what would happen this term, Heh. "But I will definitely TRY. And Dylan is being an overprotective git, really. Nothin to worry too much about," Lexi said with a little shrug.
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr
Yeah, this was a public display of affection... and Jake didn't care. Snuggling wasn't against rules, so the boy smiled to himself, thinking back to the snitch again and being glad he'd bought it for Lexi and that she liked it. He wasn't going to let something silly break them up so soon.
Not even his slight jealous feeling that was there 'cause of Raiden. Lexi could have whatever friends she liked, of course. And nobody could help what they felt... but he was still... insecure. She could drop him any second. But right now, he was happy.
AAnd now Dylan appeared to be having a bit of a strop. Lovely. Jake just avoided looking at the older boy altogether, and waited for Lexi to respond. Hopefully Dylan would eventually get over it.
He was just quiet now. Didn't want any drama.
And then the boy seemed confused, so Jake rolled his eyes slightly at the door. "No... he's jjjust sore because I'm wuhh-with Lexi. Cccan't say I blame him. I got mmmad when Reese started going out with Juhh-jack."
Lexi just lay her head back on Jakers' shoulder and put her arms back around him. She was pretty sure that Dylan thought it was a TERRIBLE tragedy that his little sister was hugged up to his friend, but he would have to get over it. She didn't mind that he and Gold were an item as long as they didn't snog in front of her. Yeah that was gross.
Lexi sighed a little and said to Raiden, "I really hope that for everyone's sake this year is a little quieter... I think we need it, but that might be asking too much." *Snuggle Jake some more*
Rhea laughed as Jack pet the top of his head. Confident and funny, rawr. he kept getting better by the second. Pfft not liek she would tell him that. The boy would probably float off the ground or something and she didnt want that. She squealed inside when he said his darling bit again. Yeah yeah she knew every girl got that, but she could enjoy it none the same right? Right. "Ravies aren't the only smart ones you know." She managed a genuine smirk.
Jack asked why she was anxious and she shrugged lightly. There were loads of reason to be anxious. NEWTS, finals months, the drama she knew was about to unfold. Tons and tons of reasons. "Yes I've been attending Hogwarts since I was twelve. I guess I'm just anxious about it being my final year and all, and all the Hogwarts girls that will be clinging all over you, making it hard for me."
She laughed when he said he would be there to catch her if she fell down a well. The last time she checked there were no wells at Hogwarts, but knowing Mister Masterson, that could probably change. "Well, I don't think I'll be falling down a well any time soon, but some company would be nice." She smiled at him and patted the space next to her. "Not scared of cooties are you?"
Jack raised his eyebrow. Now, when she had said that she was genuinly nice, and always commented on how he loved to compliment himself, and said it as if it was wrong, she was being hypocritical. Rhea had just called herself smart, basically, and the last time Jack checked, that was a positive compliment to yourself. "Obviously not." He smirked, and used her legs as an arm rest for his right arm. "Obviously there are one or two smart Huffies, and Slytherins, of course." He said, pretty much indicating himself.
"Your ... final year?" Jack frowned. He had always thought that she was a sixth year. Though, thinking about it, he could sort of remember her telling him that she was becoming a seventh year. Oh well. "Does that mean I have no Rhea next year?" He pouted slightly, realizing that she was the only Huffie he knew.
"I'm not scared of anything, love." Giving her a wink and moving next to her, stepping over her legs as he did so.
SPOILER!!: Fatey
Originally Posted by i m a g i n e
Cosette heard the slide of her compartment door open and someone sit down next to her feet. She was about to swear at the top of her lungs. Would NO ONE leave her to herself in perfect silence? She had things to plot in her heavily clouded mind. Lives to destroy, boys to snog, ect. Things that mattered. Oh, and the next Ballycastle Bats match to consider going to.
Opening one eye, she looked across from her and saw Jack Riding. Fluttering both eyes now, she flung her feet off the seat next to him and sat upright in her spot. Crossing her legs at her ankles, she put her hands in her lap. "Yes, I should believe you are stalking me now, Monsieur Jack." She smirked, looking over at him. Hey, even if she was wooing him, she had to keep her manners. Putting her feet up on upholstered seats was not lady like.
At first, Cosette looked a little angry that he had arrived unexpectedly. But, he hadn't seen her, so she was going to have to damn well get used to it as he was going to stay in the compartment no matter what. But, a few seconds after judging her expression, it softened to a more welcome smile which Jack liked. "Stalking? Ha, pure coincidence darling." Jack smiled, leaning back in the rather uncomfortable bench things that they called seating.
He smirked again when she moved to sit next to him. He hadn't really minded when she sat, but closer was always better. "Now tell me, Miss Soliel. Why are you all alone in an empty compartment?"
Lilyana had just gotten on the train and seemed to be at the back of the train. Being a first year, she didn't know anyone really. She just hoped she could find a compartment.
Walking a bit more, she spotted an empty compartment.Yes! I can finally put my trunk up! This thing is wayy to heavy to be lugging around forever she thought. I just hope I meet some people to be my friends. I don't want to be alone at Hogwarts. She got into the compartment, put her trunk up, put Rein in his cage on the seat and sat down to look out the window.
Last edited by KieraLouPotter; 08-29-2010 at 07:05 PM.