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When she rounded the next corner, though, what she saw caused her to stop dead in her tracks and blink in confusion. Someone was...swimming...in a swamp? Eww! Swamps were disgusting little places. There were usually little, icky bugs and snakes, and...gross. The closer Lexi got, though, the more she began to realize that there wasn't just one person in the swamp...there were two people in the swamp. ...and they weren't just swimming either!
"Oh, ...Merlin Me! How did you two---oh, nevermind that!" she exclaimed. Whipping her wand out, Lexi hurried to the side of the Slytherin boy who was trying to fish them out with a rope. With a...rope? "I don't know if they'll be strong enough for a muggle method. Let's try..." She raised her wand and nodded, indicating for him to retrieve his wand, as well. Lexi could have easily done this one her own, but a little instruction never hurt anyone. "You're familiar with Mobilicorpus, yes?" she asked. He looked to be old enough to at least have had some experience with it.
A blond Professor lady came hurrying over. Clearly shocked that two kids were floating around or rather swimming in the swamp that was off limits. Roxxy was about to call out an explanation as to why they were where they were but it was no use. The lady had already whipped out her wand and was preparing to lift them out of the swamp the magical way. In Roxxy eyes it sounded a lot better than having Oliver try to pull them out the Muggle way since it hadn't exactly worked that well the first time. Coughing and sneezing smore more Roxxy swam closer to the swamp edge saying "Professor...Lift the other boy out first..I know i'm probably more injured but he seems more scared than me." Which wasn't a bad assumption considering he had taken her for a SWAMP monster.
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
Kicking his legs in the water, Ty made his way towards the surface - or what he hoped was the surface at least - and came up for air, gasping again. ICK. All this SLIME.
BLEH. Rubbing his eyes to get the slime water off them, he blinked furiously and heard someone shout for a slime boy to grab hold of something. Eh? Who was slime boy? Finally able to open his eyes, Ty saw the person from before was holding out a rope to him and comprehension dawned.
Apparently, HE was slimeboy. o_O
Ty was cold. VERY cold. And slimy. And smelly. And icky. And this girl thought that NOW would be the perfect time for introductions?
Giving her a crazy look - one that obviously meant "What, are you CRAZY?!!?!?" - Ty looked away from her and her bleeding arm (whoopsies) and towards what was unmistakably the sound of feet coming their way.
Oooh, a lady professor!
Still treading water, and convenietnly ignoring the Professor's half question about how they had actually gotten in the swamp, Ty watched with great interest as she told the other boy that they weren't strong enough for the muggle way. HEY! HE was strong enough for ANYTHING. She must've been talking about the girl.
Wait. She was going to LEVITATE them out of the water?!?!? O_O
That actually sounded kinda fun! Hehe.
A wave of slimy water washed over her causing Roxxy to go under. Kicking herself up through the surface gasping for air. Now she really felt how icky, slilmy and stinky she was. Shivering she caught the boys look. He thought she was crazy there was no doubt about. Meh. Shooting him a long look back Roxxy said defensivly "I'm not crazy.. I'm just trying to keep my preoccupied from thinking about how could and hurting i am."
Turning away from the Ravvie boy she looked to Oliver and the Professor. They were going to attempt to levitate them out of the water. Oh yikes. This could go very well or make her plunge into the swamp again if they dropped her. Roxxy was so not going to be the test subject. No leave that to the boy who bit her.
SPOILER!!: Oliver
Originally Posted by noodles
So this must have looked... odd; two small children swimming in a slime infested cesspool, and Oliver standing there with a rope in hand. Heh. “I just fancied a spot of fishing.” He grinned at the lady and dropped the rope on the floor. She had a fair point about attempting to get them out the muggle way, but he wasn't sure he had the ability to levitate a whole human being. “Um..” He said in reply to her question, and not particularly wanting to look stupid said, “Yeah...” Pffft. Well it wasn't a lie - he WAS familiar with the spell -he'd had it used on him last year when he was all injured (shudder)- but that didn't mean he was necessarily any good at casting it. Well.. there was only one way to find out. He drew his wand and pointed it at Slime!Boy. “After you, Professor.” heh. Maybe he could pick up a few tips watching an expert at work.
Oliver was good with spells right? He was after all a talented sixth year snake. Or was it Miranda who was the one with magnificent spell weaving? Seeing something dark flutter by her in the water Roxxy peered up at Oliver on the bank saying panicky "Hurry up! I think there's something in the water. It just went past me..It was HUGE. I don't wanna be monster attacked." If that happened then how exactly was she or a professor going to explain to her dear old mother why she was in the hospital wing.
"Uh huh," he replied simply as he raised his brow at her. It didn't really matter to him too much if she called him that just so long as she knew what his real name was. Hopefully she could remember it. How hard a name was Torin to remember? Not that hard, he would assume.
... Ravenclaws? What?
"What about Ravenclaws?" They were a good House, and he had quite a few Ravenclaw friends. He didn't get why they were a problem here.
"So it was a Slytherin. And she apologized. But you still want to complain?" That seemed a little harsh to him if the person had said that they were sorry. But she had a right to complain really. "What's their name?"
It was all nice that this prefect was talking but Cameron just needed him to listen. "Right, yeah so these Ravenclaws. Well this group really. She followed me to class and deliberately made all her book dust go on me and then cos I have allergies I went maaaad with coughing and she just laughed. How mean is that? And this other one, well she's constantly irritating like she'll just come up and talk to me.. all the time!" Gah, sometimes Cameron truly wondered. "No, shuuush and listen. The Slytherin hexed me and then afterwards apologised but she didn't really mean it - I just saw her and she told me and I was really upset because she hadn't meant it and I'd gone to suuuu much trouble to get that apology! I have scars from that apology and .. yeah."
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Alexa Black
It was all nice that this prefect was talking but Cameron just needed him to listen. "Right, yeah so these Ravenclaws. Well this group really. She followed me to class and deliberately made all her book dust go on me and then cos I have allergies I went maaaad with coughing and she just laughed. How mean is that? And this other one, well she's constantly irritating like she'll just come up and talk to me.. all the time!" Gah, sometimes Cameron truly wondered. "No, shuuush and listen. The Slytherin hexed me and then afterwards apologised but she didn't really mean it - I just saw her and she told me and I was really upset because she hadn't meant it and I'd gone to suuuu much trouble to get that apology! I have scars from that apology and .. yeah."
Deeeeeep breath.
In all honesty he wasn't really listening to a word she was saying because all he got was that she had allergies and someone was laughing at her. Or something like that.
And she still hadn't answered his question. "Okay, I need her name. I can't do much here without it."
"Her name?" Cameron heaved. "Um.." Well there was the problem. Cameron never hung around when they were close so she'd never gotten to the point of introductions. "Well, I could just describe her to you?" She frowned, "I don't really know her name see.."
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Alexa Black
"Her name?" Cameron heaved. "Um.." Well there was the problem. Cameron never hung around when they were close so she'd never gotten to the point of introductions. "Well, I could just describe her to you?" She frowned, "I don't really know her name see.."
"You don't know her name?" Than could be a bit of a problem when he was doing a complaint. What if they messed up and he went after the wrong person and they got in trouble for nothing? She had better have a good memory, but he wasn't holding his breath. She couldn't even form sentences that made sense, so how could he expect an accurate description from her.
Cameron nodded and then waved her hands in his face, "Oh, no.. that's not important." She pinched the bridge of her nose and flailed. "Nuuuuuu, well. Okay." He'd agreed to listen. "Right, well she's about yay high and about hay wide and she's got sort of like Niffler poo colour hair and her skin.. well it's kind of milky.. like.. like OFF milk!" Satisfied her description as apt Cameron nodded.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Alexa Black
Cameron nodded and then waved her hands in his face, "Oh, no.. that's not important." She pinched the bridge of her nose and flailed. "Nuuuuuu, well. Okay." He'd agreed to listen. "Right, well she's about yay high and about hay wide and she's got sort of like Niffler poo colour hair and her skin.. well it's kind of milky.. like.. like OFF milk!" Satisfied her description as apt Cameron nodded.
Whu whu what?!?!
This had to be the worst description of anyone he had ever heard in his life.
Deep breath, Torin. She obviously has mental problems... He couldn't get annoyed with someone that was insane because that was mean and he was a Prefect. He had to be nice to her and go as slowly as possible. They would get somewhere soon or he would just give up.
"Niffler poo? What exact colour would that be?" How the hell was he supposed to know that? "Is she like a Vampire or something?"
Cameron frowned. Well, what colour was Niffler poo? "I'm not really sure.. we could go to the Greenhouses to check, if you like?" Her nose wrinkled at the thought and she shook her head, "It's like a chocolate milkshake colour.. but a guuuud chocolate milkshake."Nod.Nod.
The Lion's eyes widened as the full effect of his preposition came into her head. "A vampire?!" The girl frowned and thought hard. "Well, this chikka didn't have fangs.. so I don't think so."
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
SPOILER!!: fire_faerie, noodles, and KatieTessa
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
Oooh, a lady professor!
Still treading water, and convenietnly ignoring the Professor's half question about how they had actually gotten in the swamp, Ty watched with great interest as she told the other boy that they weren't strong enough for the muggle way. HEY! HE was strong enough for ANYTHING. She must've been talking about the girl.
Wait. She was going to LEVITATE them out of the water?!?!? O_O
That actually sounded kinda fun! Hehe.
Originally Posted by noodles
Oliver was soaked to the bone and had started shivering as the cold corridor air hit him. His robes were sopping with stinky slimy water and all he wanted to do was get back to the Slytherin dorms so he could get changed. “C'mon just grab the rope, kid.” He repeated a little impatiently to Slime Boy. He tugged on the end of the rope and danced from foot to foot in an attempt to keep warm making him look like an small child who desperately needed the loo. His eyes flitted to Roxxy when she said there was no way she would be able to cling to the rope. Sigh. HE would be the one doing all the hard work here! Did he really have to jump in there again so that he could save her butt? Urrrh.. he wasn't sure his stomach could take it for a second time. Get help? Now there was a cunning plan. He nodded, “Alright”, but paused at the sound of the click clack of heels approaching. “Someone's coming.” He said clearly relieved, and, woe and behold, it was a lady. An adult lady who would be able to help them! Yay!
So this must have looked... odd; two small children swimming in a slime infested cesspool, and Oliver standing there with a rope in hand. Heh. “I just fancied a spot of fishing.” He grinned at the lady and dropped the rope on the floor. She had a fair point about attempting to get them out the muggle way, but he wasn't sure he had the ability to levitate a whole human being. “Um..” He said in reply to her question, and not particularly wanting to look stupid said, “Yeah...” Pffft. Well it wasn't a lie - he WAS familiar with the spell -he'd had it used on him last year when he was all injured (shudder)- but that didn't mean he was necessarily any good at casting it. Well.. there was only one way to find out. He drew his wand and pointed it at Slime!Boy. “After you, Professor.” heh. Maybe he could pick up a few tips watching an expert at work.
Originally Posted by KatieTessa
A blond Professor lady came hurrying over. Clearly shocked that two kids were floating around or rather swimming in the swamp that was off limits. Roxxy was about to call out an explanation as to why they were where they were but it was no use. The lady had already whipped out her wand and was preparing to lift them out of the swamp the magical way. In Roxxy eyes it sounded a lot better than having Oliver try to pull them out the Muggle way since it hadn't exactly worked that well the first time. Coughing and sneezing smore more Roxxy swam closer to the swamp edge saying "Professor...Lift the other boy out first..I know i'm probably more injured but he seems more scared than me." Which wasn't a bad assumption considering he had taken her for a SWAMP monster.
Despite the chaos, Lexi was able to spare a second or two to laugh lightly at the Slytherin boy's fishing joke. "That's a good one," she joked along. Yup, they'd be fishing alright---fishing for children. This was why a swamp didn't belong anywhere inside the castle. With her wand still held high and ready to cast, Lexi glanced at the Gryffindor girl out of the corner of her eye. "That's very nice of you, but your friend here," she said, with a brief tilt of the head in Oliver's direction, "is familiar with the levitation spell and should be able to help me get the two of you out at the exact same time."
This boy...had...been telling the truth about knowing how to cast Mobilicorpus, right? Lexi was only left to hope so, at least. "Now, be careful to flick your wand directly at...the Gryffindor girl," she said, her attention now completely on the Slytherin boy. "We don't want to aim incorrectly and levitate a frog out of the swamp, now do we?" Lexi wasn't sure if there were really frogs in this swamp, but she was joking around anyway. "Swish to the right...swish to the left...and flick," she said, reviewing the wand movements just in case this boy really had been stretching the truth a little. "Now, on three...ready in there?" she asked, talking to the boy and girl inside the swamp. "One...two...three!"Swish, swish, flick... "Mobilicorpus!" she called out, her wand pointed to the Ravenclaw boy.
Oliver was good with spells right? He was after all a talented sixth year snake. Or was it Miranda who was the one with magnificent spell weaving? Seeing something dark flutter by her in the water Roxxy peered up at Oliver on the bank saying panicky "Hurry up! I think there's something in the water. It just went past me..It was HUGE. I don't wanna be monster attacked." If that happened then how exactly was she or a professor going to explain to her dear old mother why she was in the hospital wing.
Oliver looked down at Roxxy and her sudden panicked tone of voice. “It was probably just a rat.” He teased casually. “..Or a water spider.” Snicker.“Give us a sec, man. I need to focus."
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Despite the chaos, Lexi was able to spare a second or two to laugh lightly at the Slytherin boy's fishing joke. "That's a good one," she joked along. Yup, they'd be fishing alright---fishing for children. This was why a swamp didn't belong anywhere inside the castle. With her wand still held high and ready to cast, Lexi glanced at the Gryffindor girl out of the corner of her eye. "That's very nice of you, but your friend here," she said, with a brief tilt of the head in Oliver's direction, "is familiar with the levitation spell and should be able to help me get the two of you out at the exact same time."
This boy...had...been telling the truth about knowing how to cast Mobilicorpus, right? Lexi was only left to hope so, at least. "Now, be careful to flick your wand directly at...the Gryffindor girl," she said, her attention now completely on the Slytherin boy. "We don't want to aim incorrectly and levitate a frog out of the swamp, now do we?" Lexi wasn't sure if there were really frogs in this swamp, but she was joking around anyway. "Swish to the right...swish to the left...and flick," she said, reviewing the wand movements just in case this boy really had been stretching the truth a little. "Now, on three...ready in there?" she asked, talking to the boy and girl inside the swamp. "One...two...three!"Swish, swish, flick... "Mobilicorpus!" she called out, her wand pointed to the Ravenclaw boy.
Oliver grinned at the professor as she laughed. Ok.. so now to get those kids out of there. Apparently he was going to be levitating Roxxy and not Slime Boy. He pointed his wand at her instead. Oh man.. this had better work. He smirked at the woman's teasing about levitating a frog out of there. “No, professor.” He replied with a shake of the head.
Swish to the right...swish to the left...and flick. Right. Got it. Oliver retrained his wand on Roxxy and gave her a nod and a confident smile. On three he swished to the right, then to the left and then sort of jabbed his wand at the girl “Mobilicorpus!” he said the incantation clearly and Roxxy rose out of the slime a bit, prompting a cocky self satisfied smile from Oliver... which vanished seconds later when she plopped back into the slime. “Ooops.” He said flatly. “I know I can do this.” Course he could.. cos he was Oliver Greenwood and therefore awesomeness personified. Heh. “You alright, Rox?” He peered into the pool at the girl. Ooops indeed. heh. Now FOCUS.
Colette stood in the middle of the statues, staring at them. They were quite interesting, and she was rather confused as to why there was a section of swamp next to one of them. She continued to stare at them and began to wonder how many other statues lined the hallways of hogwarts.
back on your feet again, lift your head, hold it_h i g h______________________________________________ _____________you wanna run it back but you can't turn the time, you start to feel like you're losing your shine __________________________________but the grass ain't always greener on the_o t h e r_ s i d e
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Trixie strolled through the corridors on the fifth floor, still progressing her way through Hogwarts. Upon arriving at a load of statues, Trixie noticed a section o swamp. "EW!" she called as she tottered away from it. She wasn't going to get wet or muddy. But she was almost knocked over as she turned around. Not knowing whether it was her own fault or the young girl stood in front of hers fault, Trixie never took the blame. "HEY! Watch where your going" she scowled down as she dusted herself off.
Colette stood in the middle of the statues, staring at them. They were quite interesting, and she was rather confused as to why there was a section of swamp next to one of them. She continued to stare at them and began to wonder how many other statues lined the hallways of hogwarts.
Adelyn had been wandering through the hallways when she came across two statues. She strolled up to them to get a better look when she noticed a swamp was placed next to one of them. Adelyn didn't really know what to think of this; she was quite confused. As she stood there studying them, she noticed Cole standing there, as well. "Oh, hello, Cole!" She greeted her with a smile.
Trixie strolled through the corridors on the fifth floor, still progressing her way through Hogwarts. Upon arriving at a load of statues, Trixie noticed a section o swamp. "EW!" she called as she tottered away from it. She wasn't going to get wet or muddy. But she was almost knocked over as she turned around. Not knowing whether it was her own fault or the young girl stood in front of hers fault, Trixie never took the blame. "HEY! Watch where your going" she scowled down as she dusted herself off.
Colette looked up, from staring at the statues as she heard a girl shout. She walked over to the girl to see what she was yelling about only to realize it was the swamp. Being to close to the girl, when she turned around, the girl bumped into her. Feeling the need to apologize, she said, "I'm sorry. I should have been paying more attention. I'm really sorry about that." she repeated, slightly intimidated my the older girl.
Originally Posted by brave-at-heart-xo
Adelyn had been wandering through the hallways when she came across two statues. She strolled up to them to get a better look when she noticed a swamp was placed next to one of them. Adelyn didn't really know what to think of this; she was quite confused. As she stood there studying them, she noticed Cole standing there, as well. "Oh, hello, Cole!" She greeted her with a smile.
Taking a step away from the older girl, she saw Adelyn coming down the hallway. "Hey Addy." she responded, giving her friend a nickname. She was slightly relieved that Adelyn had showed up. The older girl was making Cole feel slightly uncomfortable.
back on your feet again, lift your head, hold it_h i g h______________________________________________ _____________you wanna run it back but you can't turn the time, you start to feel like you're losing your shine __________________________________but the grass ain't always greener on the_o t h e r_ s i d e
Colette looked up, from staring at the statues as she heard a girl shout. She walked over to the girl to see what she was yelling about only to realize it was the swamp. Being to close to the girl, when she turned around, the girl bumped into her. Feeling the need to apologize, she said, "I'm sorry. I should have been paying more attention. I'm really sorry about that." she repeated, slightly intimidated my the older girl.
Taking a step away from the older girl, she saw Adelyn coming down the hallway. "Hey Addy." she responded, giving her friend a nickname. She was slightly relieved that Adelyn had showed up. The older girl was making Cole feel slightly uncomfortable.
"How are you?" Adelyn asked, enjoying the fact that they were good enough friends for her to have earned a nickname. Adelyn glanced at an older girl who was standing close by, looking extremely irritated about something. For her own good, she decided not to ask right then what had been going on.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Originally Posted by KatieTessa
A blond Professor lady came hurrying over. Clearly shocked that two kids were floating around or rather swimming in the swamp that was off limits. Roxxy was about to call out an explanation as to why they were where they were but it was no use. The lady had already whipped out her wand and was preparing to lift them out of the swamp the magical way. In Roxxy eyes it sounded a lot better than having Oliver try to pull them out the Muggle way since it hadn't exactly worked that well the first time. Coughing and sneezing smore more Roxxy swam closer to the swamp edge saying "Professor...Lift the other boy out first..I know i'm probably more injured but he seems more scared than me." Which wasn't a bad assumption considering he had taken her for a SWAMP monster.
"OI! I'm not scared! I'm never scared - YOU'RE scared of the monsters more than me and you know it!" Ty yelled angrily, frowning at her. Okay, so apparently there WERE icky girls at Hogwarts. Like, this one for example. She was MEAN. Telling a PROFESSOR that he was scared!!
Originally Posted by KatieTessa
A wave of slimy water washed over her causing Roxxy to go under. Kicking herself up through the surface gasping for air. Now she really felt how icky, slilmy and stinky she was. Shivering she caught the boys look. He thought she was crazy there was no doubt about. Meh. Shooting him a long look back Roxxy said defensivly "I'm not crazy.. I'm just trying to keep my preoccupied from thinking about how could and hurting i am."
Turning away from the Ravvie boy she looked to Oliver and the Professor. They were going to attempt to levitate them out of the water. Oh yikes. This could go very well or make her plunge into the swamp again if they dropped her. Roxxy was so not going to be the test subject. No leave that to the boy who bit her.
"So? I'm keeping myself preoccupied by trying to stay above the swamp water! I'm not talking about names and stuff!" Ty exclaimed, really wondering if he should maybe speak in a hushed voice. They always spoke in hushed voices when talking to the insane. It was said, or at least he thought, that it made them calmer.
And this girl certainly didn't look calm. True, his bite was probably stinging in the water, but honestly. It was weird to talk about NAMES now. Names could come later. He'd call her CG - Crazy Girl - for now.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Despite the chaos, Lexi was able to spare a second or two to laugh lightly at the Slytherin boy's fishing joke. "That's a good one," she joked along. Yup, they'd be fishing alright---fishing for children. This was why a swamp didn't belong anywhere inside the castle. With her wand still held high and ready to cast, Lexi glanced at the Gryffindor girl out of the corner of her eye. "That's very nice of you, but your friend here," she said, with a brief tilt of the head in Oliver's direction, "is familiar with the levitation spell and should be able to help me get the two of you out at the exact same time."
This boy...had...been telling the truth about knowing how to cast Mobilicorpus, right? Lexi was only left to hope so, at least. "Now, be careful to flick your wand directly at...the Gryffindor girl," she said, her attention now completely on the Slytherin boy. "We don't want to aim incorrectly and levitate a frog out of the swamp, now do we?" Lexi wasn't sure if there were really frogs in this swamp, but she was joking around anyway. "Swish to the right...swish to the left...and flick," she said, reviewing the wand movements just in case this boy really had been stretching the truth a little. "Now, on three...ready in there?" she asked, talking to the boy and girl inside the swamp. "One...two...three!"Swish, swish, flick... "Mobilicorpus!" she called out, her wand pointed to the Ravenclaw boy.
YAAAAAYYYY. He got the PROFESSOR to lift him!! Smiling, Ty paddled with his hands a bit so that he was an easier target for the Professor - of course, she'd be able to get him while he was behind CG too but still - he grinned at the professor.
She was so cool. Closing his eyes, Ty waited for the feeling of being lifted.
... Any moment now. . .
Originally Posted by noodles
Oliver looked down at Roxxy and her sudden panicked tone of voice. “It was probably just a rat.” He teased casually. “..Or a water spider.” Snicker.“Give us a sec, man. I need to focus."
Oliver grinned at the professor as she laughed. Ok.. so now to get those kids out of there. Apparently he was going to be levitating Roxxy and not Slime Boy. He pointed his wand at her instead. Oh man.. this had better work. He smirked at the woman's teasing about levitating a frog out of there. “No, professor.” He replied with a shake of the head.
Swish to the right...swish to the left...and flick. Right. Got it. Oliver retrained his wand on Roxxy and gave her a nod and a confident smile. On three he swished to the right, then to the left and then sort of jabbed his wand at the girl “Mobilicorpus!” he said the incantation clearly and Roxxy rose out of the slime a bit, prompting a cocky self satisfied smile from Oliver... which vanished seconds later when she plopped back into the slime. “Ooops.” He said flatly. “I know I can do this.” Course he could.. cos he was Oliver Greenwood and therefore awesomeness personified. Heh. “You alright, Rox?” He peered into the pool at the girl. Ooops indeed. heh. Now FOCUS.
Ty burst out laughing, having opened his eyes just a tad, as he saw the boy begin to lift CG then drop her straight back into the water. His laugh echoed down the corridor, full of merriment. He was honestly amused - there was no spite in his voice whatsoever.
Really. Honestly.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
"OI! I'm not scared! I'm never scared - YOU'RE scared of the monsters more than me and you know it!" Ty yelled angrily, frowning at her. Okay, so apparently there WERE icky girls at Hogwarts. Like, this one for example. She was MEAN. Telling a PROFESSOR that he was scared!!
Oliver pulled a face and stared at Slime Boy as he started ranting at his adopted little sister. Scared he may be but that didn't justify yelling at the girl. “Oi!” He leaned forward a little and clicked his fingers a few times like the kid was a dog to get his attention. “Don't speak to her like that!" Like, really, Roxxy was only trying to help the kid feel better.
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
Ty burst out laughing, having opened his eyes just a tad, as he saw the boy begin to lift CG then drop her straight back into the water. His laugh echoed down the corridor, full of merriment. He was honestly amused - there was no spite in his voice whatsoever.
Really. Honestly.
As Roxxy plopped back into the water Oliver had couldn't resist a little snicker, especially when Slime Boy started howling with laughter. - So it was kinda infectious. He covered his mouth and peered into the swamp and at Roxanna. Next time it would work. He knew he could do this.
Oliver looked down at Roxxy and her sudden panicked tone of voice. “It was probably just a rat.” He teased casually. “..Or a water spider.” Snicker.“Give us a sec, man. I need to focus."
Swish to the right...swish to the left...and flick. Right. Got it. Oliver retrained his wand on Roxxy and gave her a nod and a confident smile. On three he swished to the right, then to the left and then sort of jabbed his wand at the girl “Mobilicorpus!” he said the incantation clearly and Roxxy rose out of the slime a bit, prompting a cocky self satisfied smile from Oliver... which vanished seconds later when she plopped back into the slime. “Ooops.” He said flatly. “I know I can do this.” Course he could.. cos he was Oliver Greenwood and therefore awesomeness personified. Heh. “You alright, Rox?” He peered into the pool at the girl. Ooops indeed. heh. Now FOCUS.
"It's a probably just a rat or a water spider." she heard from Oliver which didn't exactly ease her panic one bit. Eyeing him she said frustrated "You're not exatcly helping." which was true. Roxxy turned her head from one direction to the other looking out for the dark silouette of something large and potentially dangerous. As Oliver prepared to preform the spell she belived that he could levitate her out of the slime on the first attempt.
Roxxy was lifted up a bit out of the stinky water but then fell back just as fast. Going under the surface with a splash she struggled back up to the surface again coughing and spitting slime. More tired than before she called out "I'm all right Oliver. Just don't drop me. I'm tired. i don't know if i can swim up many more times." The cold water and her hurting arm was slowly making showing their marks.
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
"OI! I'm not scared! I'm never scared - YOU'RE scared of the monsters more than me and you know it!" Ty yelled angrily, frowning at her. Okay, so apparently there WERE icky girls at Hogwarts. Like, this one for example. She was MEAN. Telling a PROFESSOR that he was scared!!
"So? I'm keeping myself preoccupied by trying to stay above the swamp water! I'm not talking about names and stuff!" Ty exclaimed, really wondering if he should maybe speak in a hushed voice. They always spoke in hushed voices when talking to the insane. It was said, or at least he thought, that it made them calmer.
And this girl certainly didn't look calm. True, his bite was probably stinging in the water, but honestly. It was weird to talk about NAMES now. Names could come later. He'd call her CG - Crazy Girl - for now.
Ty burst out laughing, having opened his eyes just a tad, as he saw the boy begin to lift CG then drop her straight back into the water. His laugh echoed down the corridor, full of merriment. He was honestly amused - there was no spite in his voice whatsoever.
Really. Honestly.
Like she didn't have enough on her plate as it was the Ravvie boy attacked her angirly with accusing her of being more scared of monsters than him. And that just because she had told the professor to lift him out first. Gah boys were weird. Shaking her head she eyed him "Well at least I admit i'm scared. I don't go biting the first person who is trying to help me." If only he could have kept his thoughts to himself until after they had been levitated out of the slime. Roxxy had neither the energy or any patience to quarrel in the middle of a swamp with a boy who refused to tell her his name. And then the Ravvie boy had laughed merrily when Oliver didn't manage to levitate her out of the swamp.
Originally Posted by noodles
Oliver pulled a face and stared at Slime Boy as he started ranting at his adopted little sister. Scared he may be but that didn't justify yelling at the girl. “Oi!” He leaned forward a little and clicked his fingers a few times like the kid was a dog to get his attention. “Don't speak to her like that!" Like, really, Roxxy was only trying to help the kid feel better.
As Roxxy plopped back into the water Oliver had couldn't resist a little snicker, especially when Slime Boy started howling with laughter. - So it was kinda infectious. He covered his mouth and peered into the swamp and at Roxanna. Next time it would work. He knew he could do this.
She could take the Ravvie boy having a good laugh at her expense but not Oliver. Hearing him laugh made her sad. Peering up at him she blubbered out "Not you tooo! It's not fair..You should be on my side. I can take HIM lughing but not you Oliver. Not you."
Hurt Roxxy swam further out into the swamp. Away from both the Ravvie boy and Oliver. Right then and there she willed and wished Miranda to come and make everything okay. Crying a little she hoped that the Professor lady would stop them from being mean.
She could take the Ravvie boy having a good laugh at her expense but not Oliver. Hearing him laugh made her sad. Peering up at him she blubbered out "Not you tooo! It's not fair..You should be on my side. I can take HIM lughing but not you Oliver. Not you."
Hurt Roxxy swam further out into the swamp. Away from both the Ravvie boy and Oliver. Right then and there she willed and wished Miranda to come and make everything okay. Crying a little she hoped that the Professor lady would stop them from being mean.
Urrrh.. Oliver was on her side. Didn't he just reprimand the boy for yelling at her? The smile vanished from his face. “Ah man, Roxxy... It just came out – it did look funny when you plopped back in there.” 'Nuuu... and don't cry.' “Please.. come back, Rox. This'd be a lot easier if you were closer.”Sigh.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
SPOILER!!: Katie
Originally Posted by noodles
Oliver looked down at Roxxy and her sudden panicked tone of voice. “It was probably just a rat.” He teased casually. “..Or a water spider.” Snicker.“Give us a sec, man. I need to focus."
Oliver grinned at the professor as she laughed. Ok.. so now to get those kids out of there. Apparently he was going to be levitating Roxxy and not Slime Boy. He pointed his wand at her instead. Oh man.. this had better work. He smirked at the woman's teasing about levitating a frog out of there. “No, professor.” He replied with a shake of the head.
Swish to the right...swish to the left...and flick. Right. Got it. Oliver retrained his wand on Roxxy and gave her a nod and a confident smile. On three he swished to the right, then to the left and then sort of jabbed his wand at the girl “Mobilicorpus!” he said the incantation clearly and Roxxy rose out of the slime a bit, prompting a cocky self satisfied smile from Oliver... which vanished seconds later when she plopped back into the slime. “Ooops.” He said flatly. “I know I can do this.” Course he could.. cos he was Oliver Greenwood and therefore awesomeness personified. Heh. “You alright, Rox?” He peered into the pool at the girl. Ooops indeed. heh. Now FOCUS.
Hearing the Slytherin boy mention a rat and a water spider, Lexi made a slight face. She loved creatures, but she'd never been one for the creepy, crawly, icky kind. When this was over, she was heading straight for the showers.
At least the Slytherin boy knew to focus. Any type of unnecessary distraction would completely take away from both her ability to do the spell and his. Speaking of distractions, though, the sound of an unexpected splash told Lexi that something...at some point...had gone wrong with the Slytherin boy's spell. Lexi nearly dropped Ty in an effort to see if the Gryffindor girl was alright. Well, she hadn't drowned, at least...but she was coughing and spitting slime and...eww.
"You can do this," Lexi told the Slytherin boy. "The key to mastering any spell is to focus, just like you said. Put all your concentration into lifting her out the water." If Lexi could just quickly lift Ty out the swamp, she could help get Roxxy (she'd heard someone say her name just now) out, too.
Originally Posted by fire_faerie
"OI! I'm not scared! I'm never scared - YOU'RE scared of the monsters more than me and you know it!" Ty yelled angrily, frowning at her. Okay, so apparently there WERE icky girls at Hogwarts. Like, this one for example. She was MEAN. Telling a PROFESSOR that he was scared!!
"So? I'm keeping myself preoccupied by trying to stay above the swamp water! I'm not talking about names and stuff!" Ty exclaimed, really wondering if he should maybe speak in a hushed voice. They always spoke in hushed voices when talking to the insane. It was said, or at least he thought, that it made them calmer.
And this girl certainly didn't look calm. True, his bite was probably stinging in the water, but honestly. It was weird to talk about NAMES now. Names could come later. He'd call her CG - Crazy Girl - for now.
YAAAAAYYYY. He got the PROFESSOR to lift him!! Smiling, Ty paddled with his hands a bit so that he was an easier target for the Professor - of course, she'd be able to get him while he was behind CG too but still - he grinned at the professor.
She was so cool. Closing his eyes, Ty waited for the feeling of being lifted.
... Any moment now. . .
Ty burst out laughing, having opened his eyes just a tad, as he saw the boy begin to lift CG then drop her straight back into the water. His laugh echoed down the corridor, full of merriment. He was honestly amused - there was no spite in his voice whatsoever.
Really. Honestly.
The only problem was that it difficult to concentrate with the target (aka Ty) providing a constant distraction with his mouth that never...ever...closed. Had Lexi not been in the process of concentrating to pull him out an icky, disgusting swamp, she'd have langlocked him. It was sort of hard to talk herself out of doing just that, but she'd refrain.
"Enough!" Lexi called out, dropping her concentration and lowering her wand to her side. When she did this, the spell was broken, and any progress she'd made with lifting Ty was completely shot. She was sure that any second now she'd hear the sound of yet another splash. Maybe that would close his mouth for a while. She gave the boy a warning glance that clearly said something along the lines of docked points and langlocked tongues.
Swish to the right, swish to the left, and...flick"Mobilicorpus!" she said again, her wand pointed right at Ty. If he talked his way into this one failing, he could live in the swamp for all she... Ohh, no, no, no, ALEXIA! She silently fussed at herself to remember that she was a professor now, and that this boy was a child. She'd get him out no matter how many tries it took. She just...well, sort of hoped it'd only take this one.
Originally Posted by KatieTessa
"It's a probably just a rat or a water spider." she heard from Oliver which didn't exactly ease her panic one bit. Eyeing him she said frustrated "You're not exatcly helping." which was true. Roxxy turned her head from one direction to the other looking out for the dark silouette of something large and potentially dangerous. As Oliver prepared to preform the spell she belived that he could levitate her out of the slime on the first attempt.
Roxxy was lifted up a bit out of the stinky water but then fell back just as fast. Going under the surface with a splash she struggled back up to the surface again coughing and spitting slime. More tired than before she called out "I'm all right Oliver. Just don't drop me. I'm tired. i don't know if i can swim up many more times." The cold water and her hurting arm was slowly making showing their marks.
Like she didn't have enough on her plate as it was the Ravvie boy attacked her angirly with accusing her of being more scared of monsters than him. And that just because she had told the professor to lift him out first. Gah boys were weird. Shaking her head she eyed him "Well at least I admit i'm scared. I don't go biting the first person who is trying to help me." If only he could have kept his thoughts to himself until after they had been levitated out of the slime. Roxxy had neither the energy or any patience to quarrel in the middle of a swamp with a boy who refused to tell her his name. And then the Ravvie boy had laughed merrily when Oliver didn't manage to levitate her out of the swamp.
She could take the Ravvie boy having a good laugh at her expense but not Oliver. Hearing him laugh made her sad. Peering up at him she blubbered out "Not you tooo! It's not fair..You should be on my side. I can take HIM lughing but not you Oliver. Not you."
Hurt Roxxy swam further out into the swamp. Away from both the Ravvie boy and Oliver. Right then and there she willed and wished Miranda to come and make everything okay. Crying a little she hoped that the Professor lady would stop them from being mean.
Even though she had most of her concentration on Mr. Chatterbox, Lexi was able to spare a second to look in Roxxy's direction. "Miss. ...Roxxy, is it? Come a little closer to the edge, please...as close as you can get," she said. Although she completely understood how annoyed the girl was (men and boys could be so freaking unbelievable at times), the fact still remained that she was floating in a disgusting swamp and picking up who-knew-what kind of germs from who-knew-what kind of creatures. "Your friend should have you levitated out in no time." She was sure the Slytherin boy...whose name she had yet to pick up on...was going to nail this one.
Last edited by Anna Banana; 05-11-2010 at 12:10 AM.
Preston, having finally dealt with dungbombs and a handful of mouthy students, continued down the fifth floor, before coming to a stop a few paces behind some folks attempting to levitate students out of the swamp. He moved forward, before realizing that one was a professor. A young one, to be sure, but he supposed she was likely a competent one, since she had been hired in the first place.
Preston sighed quietly, and stayed back, knowing that those casting the spells needed to be able to concentrate. Nevertheless, he unholstered his wand just in case one of them slipped.
He was just the slightest bit curious as to how the students got in there in the first place.
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind
You can float across a rainbowsky
to once upon a time
Urrrh.. Oliver was on her side. Didn't he just reprimand the boy for yelling at her? The smile vanished from his face. “Ah man, Roxxy... It just came out – it did look funny when you plopped back in there.” 'Nuuu... and don't cry.' “Please.. come back, Rox. This'd be a lot easier if you were closer.”Sigh.
Hearing Oliver's apology Roxxy immediatly forgave him. Swimming slowly back to the edge of the swamp she said quietly "I forgive you. Just don't laugh if i fall in again..Okay?" It was a reasonable demand right? Shivering slightly she hoped that Oliver didn't need too many more tries before he could levitate her out of the slime and to safety.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Even though she had most of her concentration on Mr. Chatterbox, Lexi was able to spare a second to look in Roxxy's direction. "Miss. ...Roxxy, is it? Come a little closer to the edge, please...as close as you can get," she said. Although she completely understood how annoyed the girl was (men and boys could be so freaking unbelievable at times), the fact still remained that she was floating in a disgusting swamp and picking up who-knew-what kind of germs from who-knew-what kind of creatures. "Your friend should have you levitated out in no time." She was sure the Slytherin boy...whose name she had yet to pick up on...was going to nail this one.
Catching the professor's eye as she swam Roxxy nodded "Yes I'm Roxxy. It's short for Roxanna." Swimming up to the swamp's edge as close as she could to where Oliver was standing she hoped that Professor lady was right. Oliver would have her out of the swamp any minute now, yes? Peering up at her friend she said with faith "I know you can do this.. Just concentrate. Think of me as a quidditch ball that you have to lift up if it helps."
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Alexa Black
Cameron frowned. Well, what colour was Niffler poo? "I'm not really sure.. we could go to the Greenhouses to check, if you like?" Her nose wrinkled at the thought and she shook her head, "It's like a chocolate milkshake colour.. but a guuuud chocolate milkshake."Nod.Nod.
The Lion's eyes widened as the full effect of his preposition came into her head. "A vampire?!" The girl frowned and thought hard. "Well, this chikka didn't have fangs.. so I don't think so."
He was starting to get frustrated here. She was making things harder for him than they really needed to be.
"Okay, um, besides the pale skin and hair... Were there any parts of her features that really stuck out to you?"
Cutting across her nonsense might help. Or he would just go bang his head against a wall after this was done.
Cameron frowned at his rather lack lustre description, "No, her hair wasn't pale." But he seemed to be getting snippety so she hushed. "Well.. other than her hair being like niffler.." But his expression told her to stop. "Um.. no." The Gryffindor looked hurt and stared at her shoes. What else could she say?
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Text Cut: Oliver
Originally Posted by noodles
Oliver pulled a face and stared at Slime Boy as he started ranting at his adopted little sister. Scared he may be but that didn't justify yelling at the girl. “Oi!” He leaned forward a little and clicked his fingers a few times like the kid was a dog to get his attention. “Don't speak to her like that!" Like, really, Roxxy was only trying to help the kid feel better.
As Roxxy plopped back into the water Oliver had couldn't resist a little snicker, especially when Slime Boy started howling with laughter. - So it was kinda infectious. He covered his mouth and peered into the swamp and at Roxanna. Next time it would work. He knew he could do this.
"Like what? SHE said I was scared. I'm NOT scared - and she's only saying it because she's scared - everyone always does that!" Ty protested, trying to fold his hands in front of his face. However, as he was hoisted into the air, he had to keep them by his sides so as to not loose balance and hand upside down.
THAT would be embarrassing. But this was so COOOOL. Even if he WAS covered with slime and icky, smelly stuff and stank of rotten eggs and worse.
Text Cut: Roxxy
Originally Posted by KatieTessa
[FONT="Tahoma"][color="#7D053F"]Like she didn't have enough on her plate as it was the Ravvie boy attacked her angirly with accusing her of being more scared of monsters than him. And that just because she had told the professor to lift him out first. Gah boys were weird. Shaking her head she eyed him "Well at least I admit i'm scared. I don't go biting the first person who is trying to help me." If only he could have kept his thoughts to himself until after they had been levitated out of the slime. Roxxy had neither the energy or any patience to quarrel in the middle of a swamp with a boy who refused to tell her his name. And then the Ravvie boy had laughed merrily when Oliver didn't manage to levitate her out of the swamp.
Okay, this girl was ICKY all right. More than the swamp, in fact. He'd have to tell Lo - she told him that if he met any icky girls, he'd tell her about them. "I thought you were a MONSTER. If a monster HAD, in fact, grabbed me, that bite would have SAVED MY LIFE. So there!" Ty nodded and huffed at her, feeling slime trickle down his face as he nodded.
And she was CRYING too. Man, THIS one would have fit PERFECTLY back home with all the other nasty, icky, mean girls. BLEH. Too much ickyness for him.
Text Cut: Professor Carlton
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
The only problem was that it difficult to concentrate with the target (aka Ty) providing a constant distraction with his mouth that never...ever...closed. Had Lexi not been in the process of concentrating to pull him out an icky, disgusting swamp, she'd have langlocked him. It was sort of hard to talk herself out of doing just that, but she'd refrain.
"Enough!" Lexi called out, dropping her concentration and lowering her wand to her side. When she did this, the spell was broken, and any progress she'd made with lifting Ty was completely shot. She was sure that any second now she'd hear the sound of yet another splash. Maybe that would close his mouth for a while. She gave the boy a warning glance that clearly said something along the lines of docked points and langlocked tongues.
Swish to the right, swish to the left, and...flick"Mobilicorpus!" she said again, her wand pointed right at Ty. If he talked his way into this one failing, he could live in the swamp for all she... Ohh, no, no, no, ALEXIA! She silently fussed at herself to remember that she was a professor now, and that this boy was a child. She'd get him out no matter how many tries it took. She just...well, sort of hoped it'd only take this one.
And then the Professor called out. Whipping his head - and effectively spraying everyone with slime - Ty's eyes widened innocently as she gave him a look and he gasped as he was suddenly plunged back into the cold, murky, slimy, smell swamp. Paddling with his hands, he had no trouble with finding the surface again for the THIRD time.
He DID however, have trouble with the fact that: A) he had swamp water down his throat and B) his eyes were stinging from the ICKYNESS in them. "YEAAOOOOUUUUCCCHH!!!" Ty cried out, hands over his stinging eyes, his brain going a mile a minute as he rubbed them furiously - HE DIDN'T WANT TO BE BLIND!!
Feeling himself be lifted out of the swamp again, Ty kept his yelps of pain to himself as he felt the area around his eyes - not to mention the eyes themselves - go red and raw from all the rubbing and icky water. He must stay completely still - Ty DIDN'T want to fall back in AGAIN!!
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Last edited by Daemon; 05-12-2010 at 08:21 PM.
Reason: I edit 'cause I can - and 'cause I ignored the crying... >__<