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Have you ever considered a job at Gringotts Bank? Or perhaps a career as a Cursebreaker?
Then make your way over to the booth and find out how the day to day running of the only known bank in the wizarding world. Learn about the banks top notch security and how to convert muggle money into galleons.
Also at the booth you can meet one of their Cursebreakers and they can tell you what life is like traveling the world and putting their life on the line to bring home treasures that have been buried and protected by magical barriers.
Spread out on the tables you will find pamphlets for your reading pleasure.
* Demonstrate the use of Probity Probes
* Spot the difference between real gold and fake gold.
* Break through the hexes and jinxes placed on artifacts to claim your prize.
Selena walked up to the desk. Ooh. Goblins. After her visit to Gringotts, she certainly stopped being afraid of them. She walked up to the booth to look at some of the things they offered. She wasn't sure what to do. Eh.
Weeee Jenn <33... | You know Ravvies are awesome | | Loly... I luff you! | LOVES mah TWINNEH!
Cursebreaker! Maddie was interested in this for sure!
'Hallo!' she said to the woman at the stall, and picked up a pamphlet
_________________________Homecoming, I'm coming, I'm coming back... _____________I'm coming home, I'm coming home, did you take off while I was gone?
☆ Madeleine Force; Sixth-Year Ravenclaw ☆
Cursebreaker! Maddie was interested in this for sure!
'Hallo!' she said to the woman at the stall, and picked up a pamphlet
Sitting on a chair with her feet propped up onto the desk, Kayla gave the young girl in front of her a smile. "Hey, how are ya? Looking to be a cursebreaker then?"
The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas.
Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours
Selena walked up to the desk. Ooh. Goblins. After her visit to Gringotts, she certainly stopped being afraid of them. She walked up to the booth to look at some of the things they offered. She wasn't sure what to do. Eh.
Femlok smiled as she got more comfortable on her stool. "Hi there, welcome to...I mean what can I do for you? Interested in working for Gringotts?" she asked, giving the young girl a contemplative look.
Originally Posted by sarahb
Jackie walks to the next table, cursebreaking. "Oh, this looks like fun."
"Working at Gringotts is fun." she replied, turning to look at another girl. "Are yo interested in cursebreaking?" she asked
Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!!
Femlok smiled as she got more comfortable on her stool. "Hi there, welcome to...I mean what can I do for you? Interested in working for Gringotts?" she asked, giving the young girl a contemplative look.
Selena looked up in surprise and saw a goblin there smiling at her. "Oh, hello, I'm actually quite interested in working in Gringotts, is it fun?" Selena asked, "And what do you do there?" Selena added.
The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas.
Originally Posted by sarahb
"Yes," Jackie says excited. "What sort of skills does it require?"
"Well, you need good mathematical skills and a sense of adventure. Though it really depends on what you want to do." she replied, picking up one of the pamphlets and handing it over. "This gives you all the information you need." she added with another smile.
Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours
Selena looked up in surprise and saw a goblin there smiling at her. "Oh, hello, I'm actually quite interested in working in Gringotts, is it fun?" Selena asked, "And what do you do there?" Selena added.
Femlok nodded, her eyes bright. "Oh yes, very much so. Not a day goes by when something exciting happens" she replied, her eagerness known in her voice. "I'm a cursebreaker, though I do other things when not needed. What would you be interested in, there's a lot of job in Gringotts" she added with a proud nod.
Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!!
Femlok nodded, her eyes bright. "Oh yes, very much so. Not a day goes by when something exciting happens" she replied, her eagerness known in her voice. "I'm a cursebreaker, though I do other things when not needed. What would you be interested in, there's a lot of job in Gringotts" she added with a proud nod.
Selena noticed how the goblin loved her job. "Well... actually, I'm not really sure, what is there to do...?" Selena asked. She was confused as to all the little roles everyone played. "And what do you do as a cursebreaker?" Selena added. Gringotts really did seem exciting.
This would also be quite an interesting job.... Hmmm...
Ellie approached the booth a little apprehensively. There was a goblin there.! And goblins gave her the heeby jeebies.
Kayla was definitely liking the fact that it was mostly females approaching the booth. A lot of girls didn't seem to find cursebreaking an exciting career.
Giving the young girl a smile, Kayla stood up from her chair deciding it probably didn't look to professional having your feet propped up on the table. "Hi there. What can I help you with?" She noticed the girl looking at Femlok and Kayla gave her a reassuring smile, "It's okay Femlok is really cool."
Kayla was definitely liking the fact that it was mostly females approaching the booth. A lot of girls didn't seem to find cursebreaking an exciting career.
Giving the young girl a smile, Kayla stood up from her chair deciding it probably didn't look to professional having your feet propped up on the table. "Hi there. What can I help you with?" She noticed the girl looking at Femlok and Kayla gave her a reassuring smile, "It's okay Femlok is really cool."
Ellie nodded. Sure he was... Still gave her goose pimples.
"Cursebreaking" she said enthusiastically, "That sounds like fun..." She was into the whole 'I laugh in the face of danger hahahaha' thing.
Ellie nodded. Sure he was... Still gave her goose pimples.
"Cursebreaking" she said enthusiastically, "That sounds like fun..." She was into the whole 'I laugh in the face of danger hahahaha' thing.
"It can be fun" Kayla agreed, "But it's a lot of hard work as well."
Not to mention dirty because most treasure is buried miles underground and hot and if you suffer from claustrophobia then this job certainly isn't for you. But she decided not to mention that just yet.
"So do you know what cursebreaking actually is?" she asked the girl and folding her arms across her chest while she waited for the girl to answer.
"Well, you need good mathematical skills and a sense of adventure. Though it really depends on what you want to do." she replied, picking up one of the pamphlets and handing it over. "This gives you all the information you need." she added with another smile.
Femlok nodded, her eyes bright. "Oh yes, very much so. Not a day goes by when something exciting happens" she replied, her eagerness known in her voice. "I'm a cursebreaker, though I do other things when not needed. What would you be interested in, there's a lot of job in Gringotts" she added with a proud nod.
"Are there different types of cursebreaking," Jackie asks as she takes a pamphlet.
The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas.
Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours
Selena noticed how the goblin loved her job. "Well... actually, I'm not really sure, what is there to do...?" Selena asked. She was confused as to all the little roles everyone played. "And what do you do as a cursebreaker?" Selena added. Gringotts really did seem exciting.
"Well there's security, welcome gob...I mean wizard, dragon handlers, that's a fun job I hear and of course vault personnel, the ones who bring you to your vaults." she replied in a friendly tone. Shifting in her seat a bit she grinned, "I break curses, and by that I mean I can tell which objects have been curse, be it the vault itself or a single knut. It takes a lot of practice to know which is cursed or not. I also have to know what fake gold looks like, not easy I can tell you. Would you like to try it out?" she asked, gesturing to the display where there were several artifacts sitting there innocently. "All you do is pick an object and break the hex or curse that's on it. If you do you get to keep said object." Femlok smiled as she laid her hands on the table.
Originally Posted by sarahb
"Are there different types of cursebreaking," Jackie asks as she takes a pamphlet.
OOC: The pamphlets won't show up.
Mel: They should now.
Femlok frowned; "Yes; it all depends on what your strengths are. If you're good at breaking strong Hexes, then that's what you do, if you prefer curses then you deal with that. Or if you can tell the difference between real items and fake ones then that's what you do. It's pretty basic actually, we've never had much trouble with anything else." she explained, her eyes lighting up as she explained her profession.
Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!!
Visiting every single job fair booths which unfailingly took his interest was quite fun and it turned out even more fun since he got to meet and recognize familiar faces whom truth be told he had quite longed to see. And now, here he was, gleefully strolling forward to a booth which was being manned by a goblin and a rather familiar-looking gorgeous woman.
He smiled broadly as he approached the booth and immediately found out that the booth was all about the ever-so famous Gringgot's and was also concerned about the cursebreaking career. He intendedly fixed his gaze upon a woman whom he did not recognized at a first, or even in second glance. But as he watched her in scrutiny, he finally had known who she really was. He perked up, and his broad smile became much bigger and he happily exclaimed, "KAYLA!"
Walking around the booth making sure that everything was in order and fixing up the pamphlets that were on the table, Kayla stepped back and quickly swept her hair up into a pony tail. Why she had worn it down, she had no idea.
Just as she was tying up the elastic, she heard a voice saying her name and she turned around to see who it was. Her face broke into a huge smile and she jumped over the table and into the arms of one of her former housemates.
"Cedric" she squealed, giving him a huge hug. "It's good to see you. How are you?" she asked as she stepped back to get a good look at him. "Wow, you've grown."
Walking around the booth making sure that everything was in order and fixing up the pamphlets that were on the table, Kayla stepped back and quickly swept her hair up into a pony tail. Why she had worn it down, she had no idea.
Just as she was tying up the elastic, she heard a voice saying her name and she turned around to see who it was. Her face broke into a huge smile and she jumped over the table and into the arms of one of her former housemates.
"Cedric" she squealed, giving him a huge hug. "It's good to see you. How are you?" she asked as she stepped back to get a good look at him. "Wow, you've grown."
Cedric smiled wider, happy to know that Kayla still recognize him. And wow, what she said was just like Plymouth's reaction. That he had grown. Well, that was easy to tell 'cause he had obviously grown. Hehe. He hugged her back and broke the hug after a while.
"It's good to see you too! And I'm fine, thanks," he started in a conversational tone. He guessed that Kayla would like to see their other old housemates too, but where were they anyway? Hmm.. they were probably busy at the Quidditch booth, he presumed. "How have you been Kayla? Are you already married? kids, you have some?" He inquired continuously while a grin met his lips, it had been quite a while since they had last seen each other at Hogsmeade's so....
Cedric smiled wider, happy to know that Kayla still recognize him. And wow, what she said was just like Plymouth's reaction. That he had grown. Well, that was easy to tell 'cause he had obviously grown. Hehe. He hugged her back and broke the hug after a while.
"It's good to see you too! And I'm fine, thanks," he started in a conversational tone. He guessed that Kayla would like to see their other old housemates too, but where were they anyway? Hmm.. they were probably busy at the Quidditch booth, he presumed. "How have you been Kayla? Are you already married? kids, you have some?" He inquired continuously while a grin met his lips, it had been quite a while since they had last seen each other at Hogsmeade's so....
This was so exciting. It had been over three years since she had last been at Hogwarts and man did she miss the place and the friends she had left behind.
Kayla was bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet as she listened to Cedric talk.
And then he asked that question. She should have expected it but it still made her slightly uncomfortable and she stopped mid bounce and cleared her throat.
"Er...I have one child, his name is Michael and he's two years old." She beamed at Cedric when she spoke of her son. He was the best thing that ever happened to her. "That's him over there at the potions booth with his father" she said nodding her head towards Nicholai and waving back to her son. "But...uh...yeah...not married. Recently single actually" she added quietly.
Okay time to change the subject.
"So ever thought about being a cursebreaker then? It's a really cool job, you know and you get to travel all over the world." Yep distract him from the awkwardness of her personal life.
Last edited by Mell; 05-25-2010 at 07:18 AM.
Reason: coinciding with Conner's post lol
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
As soon as he saw it, Ty knew that he just HAD to go and have a look. What job could be more awesome than a CURSEBREAKER?!?!?!???!
"Hello, I'm Ty and what do people need to know to become cursebreakers? And do you REALLY get to look for real treasure? Is it, like, DANGEROUS and exciting and stuff? I mean, do you need to be smart and sneaky to be able to survive? 'Cause that's just AWESOME!" Ty rattled on as he approached the booth, standing on tip-toe so that he could see the pamphlets properly and make sure his squeaky voice got across to the woman and the (EEEP!) goblin there.
He had never liked goblins. They were smaller than he was - which SERIOUSLY unnerved him. >__<
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Weeee Jenn <33... | You know Ravvies are awesome | | Loly... I luff you! | LOVES mah TWINNEH!
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Sitting on a chair with her feet propped up onto the desk, Kayla gave the young girl in front of her a smile. "Hey, how are ya? Looking to be a cursebreaker then?"
Maddie smiled, looking up from the pamphlet 'Definitely' she said 'Are you a cursebreaker, then? What's it like?' she asked, intrigued
_________________________Homecoming, I'm coming, I'm coming back... _____________I'm coming home, I'm coming home, did you take off while I was gone?
☆ Madeleine Force; Sixth-Year Ravenclaw ☆
"It can be fun" Kayla agreed, "But it's a lot of hard work as well."
Not to mention dirty because most treasure is buried miles underground and hot and if you suffer from claustrophobia then this job certainly isn't for you. But she decided not to mention that just yet.
"So do you know what cursebreaking actually is?" she asked the girl and folding her arms across her chest while she waited for the girl to answer.
"I'd guess.. figuring out how to break curses that are protecting ancient magical treasures? Maybe?" She shrugged. It did make sense. I mean, a cursebreaker wouldn't... say... train dragons.. That's a dragon trainer. So a cursebreaker... breaks curses.
As soon as he saw it, Ty knew that he just HAD to go and have a look. What job could be more awesome than a CURSEBREAKER?!?!?!???!
"Hello, I'm Ty and what do people need to know to become cursebreakers? And do you REALLY get to look for real treasure? Is it, like, DANGEROUS and exciting and stuff? I mean, do you need to be smart and sneaky to be able to survive? 'Cause that's just AWESOME!" Ty rattled on as he approached the booth, standing on tip-toe so that he could see the pamphlets properly and make sure his squeaky voice got across to the woman and the (EEEP!) goblin there.
He had never liked goblins. They were smaller than he was - which SERIOUSLY unnerved him. >__<
Now this was one excited kid.
Kayla eyed the boy with slight amusement as he bombarded her with questions. When he had finished, she let out a small chuckle before speaking. "Breathe mate. First off the most important thing is know your curses, hexes and jinxes so paying attention in DADA is a good idea. You not only need to know how to break a curse but you need to know how to spot one as well. And yes we do look for hidden treasure and because the treasure we search for is usually over hundreds of years old a good knowledge of Ancient Runes comes in handy."
She paused for a moment to take a breath herself. "It is dangerous because most of the time the treasure is hidden miles underground so it's always a good idea to go in pairs. Not only do you have to get through the protective barriers but you are also prone to to cave ins and constantly have to work in limited lighting."
But Kayla absolutely loved the thrill of all of that. It was she has always wanted to do.
Originally Posted by TeamHermioneGranger
Maddie smiled, looking up from the pamphlet 'Definitely' she said 'Are you a cursebreaker, then? What's it like?' she asked, intrigued
"Yes I am" Kayla said giving the girl a smile and taking her legs off the table. "And to answer your question, it's awesome. You get to travel all over the world and hunt for hidden treasures. Not to mention facing danger almost every time you set out." She gave the young girl a wink, "Sound like your kind of job?"
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu
"I'd guess.. figuring out how to break curses that are protecting ancient magical treasures? Maybe?" She shrugged. It did make sense. I mean, a cursebreaker wouldn't... say... train dragons.. That's a dragon trainer. So a cursebreaker... breaks curses.
Kayla nodded her head at the girl, "Yes but not only that, you need to first find the magical treasures and then you need to know what kind of magic has been used to protect it before you can break through. Magic always leaves traces but you need to know what you are looking for."
Weeee Jenn <33... | You know Ravvies are awesome | | Loly... I luff you! | LOVES mah TWINNEH!
Originally Posted by aussiegirl
Now this was one excited kid.
Kayla eyed the boy with slight amusement as he bombarded her with questions. When he had finished, she let out a small chuckle before speaking. "Breathe mate. First off the most important thing is know your curses, hexes and jinxes so paying attention in DADA is a good idea. You not only need to know how to break a curse but you need to know how to spot one as well. And yes we do look for hidden treasure and because the treasure we search for is usually over hundreds of years old a good knowledge of Ancient Runes comes in handy."
She paused for a moment to take a breath herself. "It is dangerous because most of the time the treasure is hidden miles underground so it's always a good idea to go in pairs. Not only do you have to get through the protective barriers but you are also prone to to cave ins and constantly have to work in limited lighting."
But Kayla absolutely loved the thrill of all of that. It was she has always wanted to do.
"Yes I am" Kayla said giving the girl a smile and taking her legs off the table. "And to answer your question, it's awesome. You get to travel all over the world and hunt for hidden treasures. Not to mention facing danger almost every time you set out." She gave the young girl a wink, "Sound like your kind of job?"
Kayla nodded her head at the girl, "Yes but not only that, you need to first find the magical treasures and then you need to know what kind of magic has been used to protect it before you can break through. Magic always leaves traces but you need to know what you are looking for."
Maddie smiled 'Oh, yes!' she said 'Definitely my kind of job!'
_________________________Homecoming, I'm coming, I'm coming back... _____________I'm coming home, I'm coming home, did you take off while I was gone?
☆ Madeleine Force; Sixth-Year Ravenclaw ☆