Join Date: May 2008 Location: GMT +12 or 13
Posts: 7,031
Hogwarts RPG Name: Oz Thickey Sixth Year Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Leon Odessa | DADA Code of Conduct The Eye of Sauron | Zan-y | Snake Charmer Out of character rules: Snitchseeker site rules apply at all times Any questions on any of these rules can be directed to a moderator or an administrator. Role Play specific rules apply at all times. These are mostly an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), but they are still relevant and most 'rule-breaking' tends to relate to these situations.
In Character offences will be punished In Character, that is, your character will lose house points or get detention.
Out of Character offences will be punished Out of Character: that is, you the member, will get a warning or infraction in line with Snitchseeker site rules.
Any questions regarding this distinction can be directed to a moderator or an administrator.
It is also worth noting here that anyone who changes their answers after reading what someone else has written, will not earn points for changing their answer. I'll be watching and so will the prefects and other staff. If you have more to add, post again. You are welcome to edit coding or quotes in your post after the fact, but I will be checking your edits to make sure you haven't added information that someone else gave or changed your answers. First years: No you don't already have amazing magical skills. If you already were amazing at magic there would be no point in attending Hogwarts at all, would there? I'm sorry but the only spells you should know are those that are taught or mentioned in this class or in Charms or Transfiguration and those that are considered canon for first years to know (that is, the spells used by Harry and his friends in the books and movies at the appropriate age) You get your wand at age 11, just before starting at school and it is illegal to use magic before arriving at school. You can't cast a Patronus. Feel free to PM me if you have trouble with this or wish to know which spells it would be okay for your character to know. You aren't the next dark lord. No child would have a dark mark or be supremely well-versed in dark curses (though expressing an interest is fine). If you insist this is the case, I'll react accordingly. Its okay to fail. Not everyone is likely to immediately manage to master a spell. You don't get more points for instantly being able to cast something, in fact you are likely to earn more points by showing your character actually learning, rather than knowing everything already.
Don't announce yourself late. Just pretend you were there all along or you will lose points. Likewise, leaving early should not be mentioned in class unless you WANT to lose points. Truebridge won't always notice late arrivals/early leavers, and he might just give a warning, but do you want to risk it? The current school year is 2071-2072 Student Rules: (In Character rules)
Hogwarts Dress code is in effect during class hours. This means no inappropriate footwear. Anyone who shows up to class out of their uniform will be expected to write an eight inch essay on the importance of uniforms by the given deadline or they will lose ten points.
Any one distracting other students in class, either by talking off topic or by acting out, will lose points or be dismissed from the lesson. Classes are not for socialising, though if you have finished in class activities, quiet chatting is permitted as long as it does not interrupt the learning experience of others.
If you bring food to class, share it. I expect anyone eating in class to be doubly focused on the lesson as you will not have hunger as an excuse for a wandering mind.
Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating includes copying answers and plagarising answers without citing the source. Cheating on homework, whether it is one question or the entire assignment, will result in a point loss equal to the value of the homework itself. Detention may also be given at the discretion of Professor Truebridge.
Disrespect of your peers or of your professors will not be tolerated. If a prefect asks you to do something, unless it is against the rules, you are expected to comply. Within the classroom, older students with more experience and maturity are expected to lead by example, younger students are expected to pay attention and learn from the upperclassmen.
Raise your hand before offering an answer in class. It isn't just good manners, it allows others to hear what you are saying and also allows the professor to hear you and respond to everyone individually.
Late arrivals will likely result in a point loss, likewise leaving the class without permission will be punished.
Participate in all classroom activities. Whether this is volunteering, getting up in front of the class, trying things out or just taking notes on the lesson or on what others are doing, participation is encouraged and rewarded. No dark magic allowed without supervision and permission from the professor. This includes but is not limited to: the Unforgivables, sectumsempra, fiendfyre and entrail expelling. Detention will be issued for small offenses, expulsion will occur for large offenses.
Angst should be left outside the classroom. You are here to learn, not to sigh over one another. Ravenclaws; you are not exempt from this rule, despite your good grades. Slytherins; please do not take advantage of the angst of others in order to gain an advantage in the duelling arena.
If you are having difficulty in class, tutoring can be arranged. Likewise if you find you need more of a challenge, come and speak to me in my office.
Last edited by Con_Stripes; 05-14-2010 at 11:21 AM.