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Term 25: May - July 2010 Term Twenty-five: The Past, The Future (Sept 2071 - June 2072)

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Old 05-03-2010, 02:04 AM   #401 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by pottergirl21 View Post
Jen didn't think it was right for two people to be upset. "it's okay, I'm sure she will be fine." Jen attempted to comfort her
This is true. Ellie rationalized in her head. She would be fine. She would consolidate the girl she upset when she saw her either later, or at Hogwarts.

"Me too. So, what do you know about Hogwarts so far? Any classes you're particularly looking forward to?" She just wanted to talk. She was good at talking. Plus, it lightened the mood.
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Old 05-03-2010, 02:15 AM   #402 (permalink)
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Default I'm going to bed, but I'll be back on tomorrow : )

Originally Posted by magnolia View Post
"hahaaa that's one way of putting it!" magnolia laughed, thinking of how much drama happened in Diagon Alley. "We must be nearly there" she said peering out the window at the dark surroundings.
"Must be." Ainra agreed. She could just barely make out the dark mountains in the distance. "I can't wait for the feast!" She smiled. Ainra loved to eat. She was lucky because she didn't generally put on weight because she was so active. She had done a lot of sports back at muggle school. "I think I'm most excited to learn to fly and watch the quidditch matches." Ainra said. "Hopefully I'll be good at it and be able to be on the team next year." From what she had heard if you wanted to do sports quidditch was the only way to go, and Ainra certainly wanted to do sports. Writing, reading, and sports had always been her tree passions... and thinking, but she didn't know if that really counted.
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Old 05-03-2010, 02:18 AM   #403 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu;
This is true. Ellie rationalized in her head. She would be fine. She would consolidate the girl she upset when she saw her either later, or at Hogwarts.

"Me too. So, what do you know about Hogwarts so far? Any classes you're particularly looking forward to?" She just wanted to talk. She was good at talking. Plus, it lightened the mood.
Jen grinned at the new subject. "defense against the dark arts and potions. How about you?
♥ Peace, Love, POTTER♥
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Old 05-03-2010, 02:22 AM   #404 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by saltandvinegarchips View Post
"Must be." Ainra agreed. She could just barely make out the dark mountains in the distance. "I can't wait for the feast!" She smiled. Ainra loved to eat. She was lucky because she didn't generally put on weight because she was so active. She had done a lot of sports back at muggle school. "I think I'm most excited to learn to fly and watch the quidditch matches." Ainra said. "Hopefully I'll be good at it and be able to be on the team next year." From what she had heard if you wanted to do sports quidditch was the only way to go, and Ainra certainly wanted to do sports. Writing, reading, and sports had always been her tree passions... and thinking, but she didn't know if that really counted.
"Ohhhhh now you reminded me how hungry i am" Magnolia said holding her stomach. She was starving! "I have no idea how this flying thing even works" Magnolia said. Back at home she was a dancer, but she'd also played soccer and field hockey. "Somehow i don't think they will have any sports that i'm used to" she said to Ainra smiling
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Old 05-03-2010, 02:24 AM   #405 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by pottergirl21 View Post
Jen grinned at the new subject. "defense against the dark arts and potions. How about you?
"I'm not too sure. I'm just looking at everything, I guess. See what I'm good at. I know a few things here and there. But of course I havn't executed them, so they could be disastrous." she joked.
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Old 05-03-2010, 02:32 AM   #406 (permalink)
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Default Hey, sorry but my mom is making me go to bed now! Talk to you tomorrow! :)

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu;
"I'm not too sure. I'm just looking at everything, I guess. See what I'm good at. I know a few things here and there. But of course I havn't executed them, so they could be disastrous." she joked.
Jen smiled warmly at Ellie. "oh I'm sure you'll do great at everything you put your mind to." she said kindly
♥ Peace, Love, POTTER♥
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Old 05-03-2010, 02:36 AM   #407 (permalink)
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Default I was thinking of going to bed toooooo. I just didnt want to stop the convo for u lol
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Originally Posted by pottergirl21 View Post
Jen smiled warmly at Ellie. "oh I'm sure you'll do great at everything you put your mind to." she said kindly
Ellie smiled back, "Thanks. You will too. I have a feeling you're going to be a great witch. Good competition, at the least." she said in a joking manner.
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Old 05-03-2010, 02:41 AM   #408 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by -Bambi- View Post
"Out of my life," Kel began, then stopped talking as Jenn kept talking. His mind went blank as she brought up The Incident. Ohh, memories of that day still gave him goosebumps. And not the good kind, either. Bad goosebumps. As it was now, Kel shuddered.

"No." he said finally, getting his train of thought back. "I don't wear stilettos, Jenn." he told her softly, as if telling her unexpected, horrible news. "And it wasn't even my - oh, wait. Yes it was." he frowned. Technically, it wasn't his fault. If his parents hadn't have been so marriage this and marriage that, he wouldn't have snapped. But a sixteen year old boy can only take so much unwanted marriage talk before he snaps.

"It's a short story, really." he told her with a shrug. "My mother and her mother going on and on about our wedding-" he shuddered, "-and our fathers were going on and on about our money-" he rolled his eyes, "-and she was trying to act all cute- like she actually wanted it." he rolled his eyes again. Even he knew that Deliliah had hated him ever since he'd called her Jenn.

"And, well...I got tired of it." he shrugged again. "Actually, I stood up from the table very quickly, and I scared my poor little house elf. Then I kinda started yelling something along the lines of 'I'm not marrying her, I don't even like her, I'm in love with Jenn...' that kind of thing." he could feel heat rising up his neck as he told her this, but he continued. "And, after my mom got herself breathing again, I was grounded to my room and I guess the wedding plans were cancelled."
Jenn couldn't figure how any story could be short, but before she could say anything else, he started telling his...short story.

She listened, and at the end, she could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, even though she really had no idea why to be precise. Maybe it was the fact he had told his parents, Deliliah, and Deliliah's parents, that he loved Jenn...her. In a way, it horrified her, yet in another way it made her feel, satisfied. Yeah, horrifingly satisfied.

Finally, her mouth and brain started functioning again, and she turned to look at Kel, who, to her surprise, was also blushing. "Well, that was, hmm, sweet of you to say that." she said, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. "You should of told them my parents are well to do as well, maybe they wouldn't have grouned you." she teased, nudging him playfully in the side. "I thank you, Sir Keltan, for telling me of your lovely adventure at home. Now that, that, quest is out of the way, what say you that we talk about more, cheerful subjects of not groundation."
I like it like that, windows down, chillin' with the radio on.
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Old 05-03-2010, 02:42 AM   #409 (permalink)
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Default going to bed too =) ttyl!

Magnolia settled back down with her book and continued reading, shooting occasional glances out of the compartment window. She wanted to make sure she got a good look at the castle when it appeared.
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Old 05-03-2010, 02:52 AM   #410 (permalink)
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With his bag slung over his shoulder, he ventured over to the back of the train, his mind set on going into an empty compartment and sleeping. Of course he knew he'd never sleep he was way too excited to even think of sleeping. Walking slowly past the compartments shaking his head at the people in them before venturing towards the very end of the train spotting an empty one.

Opening and closing the compartment he sat down taking out a small box with holes in it. "Okay Goldie, you can come out now. But stay here okay?" he asked softly taking out the tarantula and letting it crawl on his hand. Dropping his bag onto the floor he pulled his legs up and crossed his ankles, closing his eyes.
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Old 05-03-2010, 03:03 AM   #411 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by hermionefanforever View Post
Jenn couldn't figure how any story could be short, but before she could say anything else, he started telling his...short story.

She listened, and at the end, she could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, even though she really had no idea why to be precise. Maybe it was the fact he had told his parents, Deliliah, and Deliliah's parents, that he loved Jenn...her. In a way, it horrified her, yet in another way it made her feel, satisfied. Yeah, horrifingly satisfied.

Finally, her mouth and brain started functioning again, and she turned to look at Kel, who, to her surprise, was also blushing. "Well, that was, hmm, sweet of you to say that." she said, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. "You should of told them my parents are well to do as well, maybe they wouldn't have grouned you." she teased, nudging him playfully in the side. "I thank you, Sir Keltan, for telling me of your lovely adventure at home. Now that, that, quest is out of the way, what say you that we talk about more, cheerful subjects of not groundation."
Not knowing what to say, Kel just shrugged a shoulder in reply to her saying he was sweet. One corner of his mouth twitched up into a smile when she kissed him, and he got a bit more relaxed.

"I didn't think it was the best time to tell them why you're a much more logical choice for me than Deliliah." he looked down as he said this, practically mumbling. "It was chaos. My father was yelling, my mother was appalled, Deliliah was bawling - I seriously don't know what's wrong with that girl." Immediately after he said this, Kel felt bad. He didn't talk bad about girls; it wasn't gentlemanly. But, some times, he just couldn't keep it in his head. "I mean, I know she hated me. But she cried so much..." he shook his head. New subject.

"Anyway. You excited for our sixth year?" he asked, his voice more cheerful now. "I know I am. I mean, we're both almost seventeen!" How cool was it that Jenn's birthday was the day after Kel's? Very cool indeed. "Next year's our last year, huh? Time goes by so fast." Okay, yeah. He knew he was blabbering. But it was because he needed to get his mind off of the subject they'd just been talking about, and talking about him and Jenn was sure to do just that.

everlasting companion

Last edited by Syd; 05-03-2010 at 03:16 AM.
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Old 05-03-2010, 03:07 AM   #412 (permalink)

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Ty walk through the back of the train deep in thought. Here was a compartment with only one person and they seem to be asleep. O but they had a spider out. Opening the door slowly so a not to let the spider escape Ty slid in and flopped down across from the boy. "O its you!" noticing William whom he share a dorm with and knowing he wouldn't mind Ty being in here. What up! or do you want to sleep?
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Old 05-03-2010, 03:17 AM   #413 (permalink)

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Antonia looked around for an empty seat on the train. She was running late and had almost missed the train, if she hadn't had to stay at that stupid, stupid Leaky Cauldron she would have made it on time. What was her dad thinking and why had he abandoned her, sending her to Hogwarts on her own? She wasn't ready for this!

With a soft snort of disgust, Antonia sauntered towards an empty seat and proceeded to unceremoniously plop herself down in the chair. Jeez, what a day it was!

Suddenly, Antonia realized that her pockets were empty, she was going to have to get some candy or something. She had heard there was a food cart on this thing, she hoped they had lots of chocolate frogs in stock. She was starving! Well, she would go there in a minute. Might as well relax for a little bit and think.

Antonia was actually excited about one thing. She couldn't wait to find out what house she would be sorted into. She wondered what it would be. If she got sorted into Hufflepuff then there would probably be a lot of parties and stuff. Hopefully there would be some good food on hand. The prospect of getting sorted into Gryffindor had her a little nervous, she wasn't a brave one like her dad. Ravenclaw was a possibility, because she did like to lose herself in the world of books from time to time. But the most exciting prospect of all was Slytherin. It was more than she could hope that she might be sorted there. They were the smartest students of all, by far, at least in Antonia's opinion. If she got sorted into Gryffndor, she would deal with it. But she could hope!

Last edited by Slytherin Fox; 05-03-2010 at 03:23 AM.
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Old 05-03-2010, 03:21 AM   #414 (permalink)
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The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas.

Originally Posted by Freya View Post
Ty walk through the back of the train deep in thought. Here was a compartment with only one person and they seem to be asleep. O but they had a spider out. Opening the door slowly so a not to let the spider escape Ty slid in and flopped down across from the boy. "O its you!" noticing William whom he share a dorm with and knowing he wouldn't mind Ty being in here. What up! or do you want to sleep?
Wiliam opened his eyes as the door opened, a boy he recognized entering. Hopefully he wasn't scared of Goldie he mused as he grinned, stretching a bit. "No it's cool, I needed to rest my eyes." he replied as he uncrossed his legs and sat up straighter, noticing Goldie wander over to the window. "Not much is up, thinking of school. how's it going with you?" he asked Ty with a grin.
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Old 05-03-2010, 04:03 AM   #415 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by William
William opened his eyes as the door opened, a boy he recognized entering. Hopefully he wasn't scared of Goldie he mused as he grinned, stretching a bit. "No it's cool, I needed to rest my eyes." he replied as he uncrossed his legs and sat up straighter, noticing Goldie wander over to the window. "Not much is up, thinking of school. how's it going with you?" he asked Ty with a grin.
Well I have to say I'm glad to be going back to school. I have to spend part of my summer in Egypt with my parents which is boring. I would much prefer spending my time in Cornwall with my grandparents where I can sail my little boat. Ty frowned but then smile quickly at William. So whats up with your eyes or are you just tired? Looking concerned How was your summer? Did you do something special?
Sirius Black is so My Man!

Kelvin <3 Judy

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Old 05-03-2010, 04:58 AM   #416 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freya View Post
Well I have to say I'm glad to be going back to school. I have to spend part of my summer in Egypt with my parents which is boring. I would much prefer spending my time in Cornwall with my grandparents where I can sail my little boat. Ty frowned but then smile quickly at William. So whats up with your eyes or are you just tired? Looking concerned How was your summer? Did you do something special?
"That sounds fun, never been to Egypt before, my cousin has though." William replied nodding a bit as he looked at Ty. "You sail? I've never been on a boat before, sounds cool though." he added eagerly, his blue eyes bright. "I'm a bit tired. I stayed with my aunt and cousin for the last week hearing about the baby. Girls are weird sometimes." he chuckled shaking his head a bit. "My summer was fun, got to spend some time with my friends at their summer house, went to Romania and helped some people there before coming back and getting ready for school." he explained cheerfully
Forget the future signature;

Last edited by Freya; 05-03-2010 at 08:59 AM.
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Old 05-03-2010, 05:18 AM   #417 (permalink)

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Jillian Hennessey Applehans
Fourth Year
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Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat View Post
Lucky placed a little smile upon her face when the boy said he didn't mind her sitting there at all. If he hadn't let her share this compartment with him, she would have... She didn't know what she would have done! Probably said something sarcastic before slamming the door and walking off. Probably. Most likely.

"Thanks," she said. She closed the compartment door behind her, and then she took a seat across from the boy. "Yeah, I'm usually the last person to get on the train, and I can never find an empty compartment." She loves running fashionably late, yepp.

"I'm Lucky Torelli, by the way." Might as well introduce herself, right?
Now that he was sharing a compartment with someone else, he couldn't take a nap or try to get some slumber anymore since it would be sorta embarrassing on his part. Well, he could just talk to the girl and have a little conversation. He looked at the girl who came across quite unfamiliar to him. Obviously, it was the very first time he'd seen the girl around.

Well, the girl didn't look like a first year so she might be a transferred student, he pondered inwardly. "You're welcome, I do not own this compartment nor the train so people are more than welcome to use its compartments." That was completely true but in France, he owns things... luxurious things.

Okay. Enough for being cold and sullen and all; drowsiness had gone. "I'm Cedric N. Leone. Nice meeting you Lucky. I like your name, it's funny." He smiled at her half-crookedly, eager to see what the girl's reaction would be.
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Old 05-03-2010, 05:21 AM   #418 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Golden Monkey View Post
With his bag slung over his shoulder, he ventured over to the back of the train, his mind set on going into an empty compartment and sleeping. Of course he knew he'd never sleep he was way too excited to even think of sleeping. Walking slowly past the compartments shaking his head at the people in them before venturing towards the very end of the train spotting an empty one.

Opening and closing the compartment he sat down taking out a small box with holes in it. "Okay Goldie, you can come out now. But stay here okay?" he asked softly taking out the tarantula and letting it crawl on his hand. Dropping his bag onto the floor he pulled his legs up and crossed his ankles, closing his eyes.
JP saw the spider and was intrigued immediately.
"That is a sweet Spider!! What's it's name?!"

Originally Posted by pottergirl21 View Post
Jen giggled. She didn't want to let JP know exactly how awesome it would be if they were in the same class. She didn't want to embarrass herself too much. "that would be amazing! We could be like best friends or something!" her eyes gleamed.
"Best Friends?!"
JP tried to not sound to excited and make himself look like a dork.
"That would be erm.. Cool!!"
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Old 05-03-2010, 06:26 AM   #419 (permalink)
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Lillith went to the back of the train, excited to finally be off to Hogwarts. She set all her things in the rack above her and sat down in the seat, playing with her kitten, Vengeance, letting her mind go astray with imaginative thoughts of Hogwarts.
RIP The Rev

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Old 05-03-2010, 07:14 AM   #420 (permalink)
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Leila Astrella Barrett
First Year

Leila waved her hand in the general direction of her parents. "I'll see you in the next holidays." She shouted at them with her back turned as she hoisted her trunk onto the steps. "I love you" she added, after she had finally managed to get the trunk onto the train. Then she shut the door behind her and waved one last time out the window to her parents. Then with one hand she grabbed Amelia's cage and with the other she grabbed her trunk and searched for an empty or fairly empty compartment. She managed to get fairly near the end when she saw a compartment with a girl playing with a kitten. "Aw she's a beauty. Do you mind if I sit in here. It's just I can't find anywhere else." She said in her Scottish accent. She smiled and added, "I'm Leila, sorry for being rude."
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Old 05-03-2010, 07:27 AM   #421 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kaytone View Post
As she listen to Rex she got kind of sad. Two or three years. It sounded so long. "Well, could we get married in my last year. I don't think I want to wait longer. I want to be bonded with you." She smiled and thought about the here and now. "For the here...I guess...what I want is to let people know. Like Jason and.....Oh, Harry. Do you think he will be ok with this? I mean we are still in school." Kay worried with her hands twisting them in her robe. "I don't want to hide it, from anyone. If thats ok." She asked looking into his eyes for the answer. "As for the Future..We could start a planner and get things ready and talk about the jobs we would want and here we will live." Kay said thinking how much there really is to do for a wedding. She was going to have to have help. Didn't the girls family do all that stuff. God she wished her mum was there. "Do I love you?" She was taking by sirprise when Rex said that. "Well No, I'm marrying you for your money." Kay said laughing. Leaning into the kiss and sighed hugging him. "I will Love you forever." pulling away when Rex said Hi to Keely, she smiled and waved. "Yes come sit with us."
"Well, everything will be ok with Harry and Jason" Rex told Kay. "Well, your last year is when we will get married" Rex agreed with Kay."We will plan for jobs and a family, too" Rex explained to Kay. " I knew it was for my money" Rex laughed.I love you forever, too" Rex smiled at Kay

Originally Posted by harrypottterbroadway View Post
Keeley giggled as she noticed Rex. Heehee, at least she didn't have to sit on the floor anymore. People kept stepping on her, and it hurrrt. Gah. She smiled nevertheless, and hopped up. "Okie dokie." she grinned, trying to ignore the lovey dovey-ness of her friend and his gal. She wasn't much of a romancer. Grabbing her fat, proesting cat, the girl fixed her yellow headband, sitting on her eqqually yellow hair. Yessss, yellow was a good third year color.
" Glad you could join us" Rex told Keely. 'I forgot your cat's name" Rex told Keeley. " Should I tell Kay about my idea?" Rex asked Keeley.
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Old 05-03-2010, 07:32 AM   #422 (permalink)
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After the odd encounter with M el, sye had sent his owl Elohim off with a letter to Joe. Since his father had had him locked up in the house for the past 3 days for not coming home the one night, Sye had had Joe stay in Diagon Alley to keep an ear down low. He had asked if Joe heard anything that would explain Mel's behavior.

After a few minutes more of waiting, Elohim came into the train. "Hey boy." Sye greeted the snowy white owl while undoing the strap from around his leg.

Sye opened the letter and read what Joe had written.

Master Sye,
After thinking about what you asked, I remembered overhearing some ramble between Amy, Mel, and an incident where Miss Maddie ran away from that after looking at a picture. This picture allegedly showed you, the first night you where home, out on the town with another young lady. Apparently pictures where also taken showing you kissing said lady. Knowing that this was false, and seeing as it seems to be causing you drama, I took this to your father. Your father and my team have determined that one of your body doubles was tracked leaving your home, and this picture was of him. Attached is the picture if you should need to for evidence that it is not you. While Sam, the double in this case, is passable as you, noted things of interest can be seen, such as hair style, nose shape, and mouth shape.
I hope to hear from you safe and sound throughout the year.
Sincerely yours,
Joe Waymen
Sye finished reading this, and then looked at the picture, he could see why Mel could have been fooled, but his heart broke due to the fact this had to have hurt Maddie.
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Old 05-03-2010, 08:15 AM   #423 (permalink)
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Tyler Drake
Fourth Year
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Taylor found here way to the Hogwarts Express, she was a little late but she always was. She looked around, she didn't know anybody, oh great she thought. She walked to the back of the train and mumbled a 'hi' to anyone she could see hoping they might talk to her back, she had to try and make friends here.
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Old 05-03-2010, 08:41 AM   #424 (permalink)
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Maddie Force
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Maddie saw Sye in a compartment with a few other people and, handing the luggage beck to William, ran over.
'Sye!' she said 'Oh, I'm so glad to see you! Can I come in? I need to ask you something...'
_________________________Homecoming, I'm coming, I'm coming back...
_____________I'm coming home, I'm coming home, did you take off while I was gone?

☆ Madeleine Force; Sixth-Year Ravenclaw ☆
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Old 05-03-2010, 08:50 AM   #425 (permalink)
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Sye Montaris
First Year

Sye got a pained look on his face, "Yah, I have a feeling you might need to talk to me, sit down hun." Sye responded.
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