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He wasn't really sure if they were supposed to or not. "I think so." It would make sense that way. Just to be safe even though it didn't really matter all that much as far as he was concerned.
"Okay, I'm Torin Kristopher Kane and my birthday is May 23rd, 2054." They were halfway done now. YAY.
He opened his book so that he could look up her numbers.
"Well, your name is much nicer than mine." Ellie complimented him. Then she got out a piece of parchment and a quill and ink to do her calculations. Oh, and her textbook. She flipped to the page with the number chart.
T O R I N - K R I S T O P H E R - K A N E
2 6 9 9 5 - 2 9 9 1 2 6 7 8 5 6 - 2 1 5 5
2+6+9+9+5=31 3+1=4
2+9+9+1+2+6+7+8+5+6=55 5+5=10 1+0=1
2+1+5+5=13 1+3=4
"So, if I did this right- you can check if you want- the number for your name... your..." she looked back at her notes, "Destiny... number is 9." she said, a bit unsure.
Then she went to do the other, for his birthday.
2+0+5+4=11 1+1=2
5+5+2=12 1+2=3
"And your life path number is 3... correct?" This took more thinking than she thought. And a lot of glancing back at her notes and textbook and ahh....
Sini looked around the room, these students were really understanding this class so much better then she did. She was one of the more shy students, still readjusting to the new term. She hoped that someone else still needed a partner, surely she wasn't the only quiet person in class.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu
"Well, your name is much nicer than mine." Ellie complimented him. Then she got out a piece of parchment and a quill and ink to do her calculations. Oh, and her textbook. She flipped to the page with the number chart.
T O R I N - K R I S T O P H E R - K A N E
2 6 9 9 5 - 2 9 9 1 2 6 7 8 5 6 - 2 1 5 5
2+6+9+9+5=31 3+1=4
2+9+9+1+2+6+7+8+5+6=55 5+5=10 1+0=1
2+1+5+5=13 1+3=4
"So, if I did this right- you can check if you want- the number for your name... your..." she looked back at her notes, "Destiny... number is 9." she said, a bit unsure.
Then she went to do the other, for his birthday.
2+0+5+4=11 1+1=2
5+5+2=12 1+2=3
"And your life path number is 3... correct?" This took more thinking than she thought. And a lot of glancing back at her notes and textbook and ahh....
He smiled as she complimented his name. "Yous is nice too." And he wasn't lying.
She had done all her work right as far as he could tell, and he had the book's descriptions of her numbers now.
ONE (1): Your path will take you down the road to independence, and you'll learn its benefits standing on your own two feet and becoming a strong individual. Once you've honed these traits, you move to the next level - leadership. You're a born leader and your path in life will present you with many opportunities to demonstrate your ability. Your strong pioneering spirit, courage, and determination will serve you well along this road. Career/vocation options include fields where you can use your quick mental agility, such as business, health, government, or even a bookstore.
"So according to this, you will gain independence and it's benefits, becoming stronger as a person. And you will have a lot of opportunities to demonstrate your natural leadership skills."
Er, he wasn't sure how accurate that was seeing as he had just met her. But that stuff was usually pretty spot on he had seen from experience.
ELEVEN (11/2): Your special mission in life is to inspire and elevate. Your purpose, as an old soul, is to live up to and accept your destiny, and to recognize that your originality and discerning skills are to be used for the good of humanity. Your job is to rehabilitate, augment, and transform others' lives. Learning to express your teaching ability, rising to the challenge, and stepping into the spotlight will provide opportunity to embrace your destiny. You're destined for inspired leadership. Live up to the demands of devotional living and you shall be the leader your were born to be.
"And your mission in life is to inspire and elevate. Your skills are to be used for the good of humanity, and your job deals with transforming other people's lives. And again it mentions leadership."
Jimbo will set his turtle loose on you. { The Farley } "That's trademarked, don't use it."
Originally Posted by Beth Westphal
Alcemee smiled, relieved. She said, "Good! I was starting to get worried that everyone already had a partner."
Yeah, so was he. Oh, so much. Gosh, he hated Arithmancy. Couldn't believe he had to partner up with somebody he didn't know. He was in an even worse mood now that he had been shunned by two people he was talking to.
Arms crossed, he said, in a bored voice. "Well, let's get started. Hopefully you understand what we're doing, because I don't."
Maybe he could get this girl to do it for him. He didn't want to work with any sort of numbers. Ever. He wished he could just never take this class ever again.
He smiled as she complimented his name. "Yous is nice too." And he wasn't lying.
She had done all her work right as far as he could tell, and he had the book's descriptions of her numbers now.
"So according to this, you will gain independence and it's benefits, becoming stronger as a person. And you will have a lot of opportunities to demonstrate your natural leadership skills."
Er, he wasn't sure how accurate that was seeing as he had just met her. But that stuff was usually pretty spot on he had seen from experience.
"And your mission in life is to inspire and elevate. Your skills are to be used for the good of humanity, and your job deals with transforming other people's lives. And again it mentions leadership."
That seemed pretty neat to him.
Ellie stuck out her tongue when he complimented her in return. "Liar." she teased. "I mean Gladys? Honestly?" she laughed.
Woahhh. Her eyes most likely widened when he told her about her numbers.
"Well, I am pretty independent... Weird." she mused. Her mum always said that about her, though never in a good way... Probably because she was too independent and never listened... Yeah, that was it.
"So, yours says, for destiny, 'NINE (9): Your mission in life is to perfect and love unconditionally. Your purpose is to strive for universal brother-/sisterhood, using your humanitarianism, responsiveness, and healing art. Learning to transform and heal and being receptive and forbearing will bring you closer to your destiny. You're destined for broad horizons. Reach out and help someone.'" she recited from the book. "Aw, how sweet, you're a lover!" she always thought that was a cute trait in guys.
"And as for your life path, 'THREE (3): Your path will entice you to be both spontaneous and creative, to live your life with joy and imagination. You will learn the benefits of optimism and enthusiasm, and how to express your emotions and exuberance. Once you've mastered these concepts, you'll move on to the next phase - inspiring others. You're a born communicator and your wit and lightheartedness will help others see the joy in any situation. Artistic, creative, and articulate are words to describe someone with a 3 Life Path. Career/vocation options should relate to anything artistic - writing, speaking, designing, illustrating, dancing, etc.'" she recited again. "So, you'll inspire people in a creative way...?" she laughed.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu
Ellie stuck out her tongue when he complimented her in return. "Liar." she teased. "I mean Gladys? Honestly?" she laughed.
Woahhh. Her eyes most likely widened when he told her about her numbers.
"Well, I am pretty independent... Weird." she mused. Her mum always said that about her, though never in a good way... Probably because she was too independent and never listened... Yeah, that was it.
"So, yours says, for destiny, 'NINE (9): Your mission in life is to perfect and love unconditionally. Your purpose is to strive for universal brother-/sisterhood, using your humanitarianism, responsiveness, and healing art. Learning to transform and heal and being receptive and forbearing will bring you closer to your destiny. You're destined for broad horizons. Reach out and help someone.'" she recited from the book. "Aw, how sweet, you're a lover!" she always thought that was a cute trait in guys.
"And as for your life path, 'THREE (3): Your path will entice you to be both spontaneous and creative, to live your life with joy and imagination. You will learn the benefits of optimism and enthusiasm, and how to express your emotions and exuberance. Once you've mastered these concepts, you'll move on to the next phase - inspiring others. You're a born communicator and your wit and lightheartedness will help others see the joy in any situation. Artistic, creative, and articulate are words to describe someone with a 3 Life Path. Career/vocation options should relate to anything artistic - writing, speaking, designing, illustrating, dancing, etc.'" she recited again. "So, you'll inspire people in a creative way...?" she laughed.
"Does that sound like you?" she asked, curious.
He rolled his eyes at her in a playful way. "It's not a bad name. There are worse ones." He could think of a few. And anyway she shouldn't be ashamed of her name because if she disliked it so much she could have it changed in the future.
He listened as she described his destiny number. "Well, I always believed in making love not war." And he always had even though he would fight when it was needed.
"Oh, that sounds like me indeed." This stuff really was rather accurate. And they could move on to the next part soon.
He rolled his eyes at her in a playful way. "It's not a bad name. There are worse ones." He could think of a few. And anyway she shouldn't be ashamed of her name because if she disliked it so much she could have it changed in the future.
He listened as she described his destiny number. "Well, I always believed in making love not war." And he always had even though he would fight when it was needed.
"Oh, that sounds like me indeed." This stuff really was rather accurate. And they could move on to the next part soon.
Ellie smiled.
"Yeah? Name one." she challenged him.
Sooo.... Does this mean they can talk now?! They were finished, after all.
Iris nodded and smiled. Wicked - She'd gotten them both correct. She didn't get why some people said Arithmancy was hard. All it took was maths. And thinking. Lots of thinking. And interpretations. But you were all good if you could figure those out. "Um... So now we've figured out each others Life Path and Destiny Numbers, now what do we have to do?" Iris had missed what the Professor said about what to do next. But only because she was thinking super hard on the work. hehe.
Gold glanced down at her calculations. "Now we interpret them, of course," she said, brightly.
"Sooo." She glanced down at the textbook, even though she knew most of the descriptions in there by heart, now. It was not actually an achievement for her, given her love for Professor Teddy!Crispe. She had obviously worked hard on the subject. Because she missed him, and that was her one way of not having to miss him, so much.
"Well, your Life Path Number is three, so your life path is pretty nice. You're an optimistic person, and you have joy, enthusiasm, expression and creativity ahead of you. You can be pretty cheerful, and you should try something that's creative, illustrative or expressive. Something like painting or design or even dance or poetry."
She glanced at the textbook, again. Sneaky-peeky, hehe. "Your Destiny Number's pretty awesome, too," she said, cheerfully.
"Well, according to it, the real purpose of your life is inspiration and elevation. For others. You need to realize that you have lots of powerful qualities and creativity and stuff, and you can put them to good use, utilize them for the good of others. You can lift a soul or spirit, and you'll be able to rise to the challenge, if you try. Leadership, ahead of you, if you can live up to the expectations. Be devoted to the good cause."
She paused, and looked at Iris. "That sounds plenty of fun," she said, cheerfully. "What do my numbers say?"
As Abby scanned the parchment that held Rae's calculations, a smile spread slowly on her face. "That's right. Nice work," she said, nodding. "That means you've just found my destiny number." Yes! She was helping someone. Now that was exciting.
"Now, you'll want to find the life path number. That one's much easier," Abby said. She pointed to Rae's parchment again. "You had the math right from before."
"But now, you have to reduce 18 and you'll have your answer!" she said.
Okay at least she could do SOMETHING... "So your destiny number is 9... What do i do now that i found those two?" She thought she was listening but she was so bad at this subject that apparently there was no point because she wouldn't understand anyways..
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors
Fade from everything, as winter stays...
Was Cedric staring at her? Not only did she stink, but she had something on her face as well. That something would be something other than the things that were supposed to be there. Well, if there was another something on her face, she was going to leave it there. What would be more embarrassing? Leaving it on there, or taking it off?
Wait--so he was joking about her having a nice name? Boys..were weird and confusing! They say one thing and mean a totally different thing! How Marie and Evelyn could actually like them was just plain weird. And they like Gryffindors! Everyone knows they are the weirdest of them all! "Yeah, well, we all can't have normal middle names, now can we?" she scoffed a bit. Next Arithmancy class, Destiny was going to go middle nameless. From now on, after this particular class, she had no middle name. no one would know. "She spells her name different." she mentioned after her mentioned the Potion's Professor's name. "Mine is better."
He was done with her calculations, good. Grinning, she glanced over at his parchment while he analyzed hers. She was paying attention to what he was saying, too. You know, multi-tasking and such. "Muggle business? What kind?" she asked curiously. Maybe his owned a long line of muggle box shops. Those telliewissions sure did fascinate her. Ooo, and he also mentioned landscaping and gardens. Sure, he said designing, but she did wonder if he was good at Herbology, too. Glancing back at her parchment she pointed to a word she had written down, loyal. "It says you are loyal too. Figures. You are a Hufflepuff."
Now it was here turn to analyze her number thingamabobs.
Destiny..a born leader? Yeah right! "No, no. I think this is all wrong." she said shaking her head. "I am not a leader!" she discreetly pointed over to Evelyn, "She is the leader, not me."
Reading the very last line for her interpretation of her Life number, Destiny couldn't help but laugh. And laugh loudly at that. "Me? Work at a bookstore? Oh this is too FUNNY!"
It would be funny if she did wind up working at a bookstore..
Woah! This Slytherin girl was way too funny! He was loving... and enjoying her now. Not in the way he loved his girlfriend but in a way he enjoyed watching capricious clowns in the carnivals. It was awesome to be partnered with Destiny, like seriously, 'cause she would impeccably make you burst into howls of laughter.
"Nice glasses... so stylish." And he was implying double meanings again with that statement. And he repeatedly asked himself inwardly, what Fashion statement was that? In France, when you walk down the streets with that odd!goggleglasses, people would stare at you like there was really something wrong upon your face. And there was something wrong about Destiny's face. Hehe. And he chuckled as Destiny scoffed a bit, well, he--as well--believed that not every people could have normal middle names but his was pretty normal, yep. "I think neither is better." He muttered under his breath almost inaudibly as he kept his gaze on the parchment. And he later added just to himself, It both sounds freakish.
He didn't know that Destiny was paying enough attention to him while he was talking, he thought that she was still thinking about her the interpretations of her core numbers. He surely did a good job on computing so there would be no way that he'd got it all wrong. And then he reluctantly looked at Destiny and replied, "Ah. Businesses like hotels, restaurants and such. Those are all in France. That's were I live.
"Oh, yeah. That's quite right. Loyal, yep. And I'm always in my best decorum, see." Trying to avoid Destiny's face, he kept his gaze downcast. It was just that her goggles was pretty distracting.
He thought Destiny would approve of the book's interpretations but seemingly, she did not. "Are you sure? I mean, you're a born leader as the book says, although I don't believe it too, Hehe. You know Destiny, you ARE a leader. Evelyn puts you in shade, in obscurity. When you too and her became separable, you'll figure out you can be a leader and step on your own feet." He didn't like being so serious so...
"Nope. The book got it all right! I think you'll probably work on a bookstore someday or on a library, maybe. Librarians wears odd glasses, librarians are odd, eccentric, and pretty unpredictable. Sometimes they shout in no particular reason, sometimes they speak as though they know every little thing in this world. Sometimes they ugh, stink but they don't know that they do... And you are a librarian."
"Yeah, totally," Phyre replied, smiling brilliantly. "Don't underestimate yourself. You can do it, see? It's not that hard. Simple number calculations and the thought behind it. Arithmancy is fun." She nodded, listening to the explanation. "Well, that sounds just about right. I wonder if I can live up to any of that. It'll be hard... I mean, being blind and all..."
"Yeah, it's actually kinda easy and fun, once you understand what you're doing." Adelyn agreed, smiling at Phyre. "I'm sure you can live up to it, I have no doubt. Even though you're blind, you will probably live up to it and become a spectacular person."
"Urggghh..I hated Arithmancy Lessons..I never good at Arithmancy.." she mumble to herself..she looked around..
Originally Posted by Sinister Snape
Sini looked around the room, these students were really understanding this class so much better then she did. She was one of the more shy students, still readjusting to the new term. She hoped that someone else still needed a partner, surely she wasn't the only quiet person in class.
she saw this Gryffindor girl and she approached her.."Umm..Hello..My name is Noir..I saw you still haven't partner..I was wondering do you mind if I'll be your partner?" she said to the girl..
Yeah, so was he. Oh, so much. Gosh, he hated Arithmancy. Couldn't believe he had to partner up with somebody he didn't know. He was in an even worse mood now that he had been shunned by two people he was talking to.
Arms crossed, he said, in a bored voice. "Well, let's get started. Hopefully you understand what we're doing, because I don't."
Maybe he could get this girl to do it for him. He didn't want to work with any sort of numbers. Ever. He wished he could just never take this class ever again.
Alcemee replied, "Yes, I do know what we're supposed to be doing. At first I didn't know what the Pythagorean Number System was, but I think I figured it out. Do you want me to do your numbers first, or do you want to go first?"
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by cedricdiggory
Woah! This Slytherin girl was way too funny! He was loving... and enjoying her now. Not in the way he loved his girlfriend but in a way he enjoyed watching capricious clowns in the carnivals. It was awesome to be partnered with Destiny, like seriously, 'cause she would impeccably make you burst into howls of laughter.
"Nice glasses... so stylish." And he was implying double meanings again with that statement. And he repeatedly asked himself inwardly, what Fashion statement was that? In France, when you walk down the streets with that odd!goggleglasses, people would stare at you like there was really something wrong upon your face. And there was something wrong about Destiny's face. Hehe. And he chuckled as Destiny scoffed a bit, well, he--as well--believed that not every people could have normal middle names but his was pretty normal, yep. "I think neither is better." He muttered under his breath almost inaudibly as he kept his gaze on the parchment. And he later added just to himself, It both sounds freakish.
He didn't know that Destiny was paying enough attention to him while he was talking, he thought that she was still thinking about her the interpretations of her core numbers. He surely did a good job on computing so there would be no way that he'd got it all wrong. And then he reluctantly looked at Destiny and replied, "Ah. Businesses like hotels, restaurants and such. Those are all in France. That's were I live.
"Oh, yeah. That's quite right. Loyal, yep. And I'm always in my best decorum, see." Trying to avoid Destiny's face, he kept his gaze downcast. It was just that her goggles was pretty distracting.
He thought Destiny would approve of the book's interpretations but seemingly, she did not. "Are you sure? I mean, you're a born leader as the book says, although I don't believe it too, Hehe. You know Destiny, you ARE a leader. Evelyn puts you in shade, in obscurity. When you too and her became separable, you'll figure out you can be a leader and step on your own feet." He didn't like being so serious so...
"Nope. The book got it all right! I think you'll probably work on a bookstore someday or on a library, maybe. Librarians wears odd glasses, librarians are odd, eccentric, and pretty unpredictable. Sometimes they shout in no particular reason, sometimes they speak as though they know every little thing in this world. Sometimes they ugh, stink but they don't know that they do... And you are a librarian."
Nice glasses? Was Cedric telling another joke? The next thing that he was going to say was I'm only kidding. I know your glasses are ugly. Pffft. If that was said, Destiny was definitely going to find another partner. Even though they were practically done their task. "Well, thank you." she said. Perhaps if she took it as a compliment, he wouldn't mention it being it joke. And a compliment deserves a compliment back, right? "And you. You have nice..hair." She had seen him earlier run a hand through it.
She didn't hear him mutter anything, but if she did, she would have agreed with him. Oh well. She did hear him talk about what the businesses were. The only word she recognized was a restaurant, and thinking about one of them made her hungry. She should start smuggling food into her bag. He was French? That was something she should have known! All the French people have nice hair. "I've never been to France, but if I ever go, I'll stop in one of your hobbels and restaurants." That's if she could find them, and she wouldn't even know what a hobbel looks like!
It was like Cedric was a natural born Hufflepuff. His numbers all came out to say he was loyal and he even admitted it. Destiny would not laugh at this..well, she would try hard not to. "At least it doesn't say you are something you are not, right?" And why wasn't he looking at her!? Boys are WEIRD!
He didn't believe she was a leader?
Of course he didn't. He couldn't believe it, since it wasn't true. And then he said she is a leader? Okayyyy. "No," she said shaking her head, "when me and Evelyn are apart, I hide in the dorms. I don't know what to do without her!" Yeah, she was totally lying, but how was Cedric supposed to know that. It wasn't like he could go to her dorms and check. "I don't want to be a librarian." she pouted as he told his reasoning for her to become one. Merlin, he mentioned her glasses again..and other things. "I don't SHOUT!" she, well, shouted, just because she thought it was pretty funny at the moment. It probably disrupted people, but who cares. She sure didn't. "Not for random reasons at least." she added.
Hold the fellyfone!
"You think..I stink?"
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
"Oh, thanks." She smiled. Arithmancy was hard work, all that adding and flipping pages, but the actual prediction stuff is pretty cool. "So, How do you like Hogwarts?" She asked, flipping through the textbook.
Delilah smiled widely. "I think it's awesome. What about you?"
Pet, Nuzzle, Bite. Mherrfph. | Paris, Roma, Home Again | Possible Lovegood
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys
Okay at least she could do SOMETHING... "So your destiny number is 9... What do i do now that i found those two?" She thought she was listening but she was so bad at this subject that apparently there was no point because she wouldn't understand anyways..
Abby nodded. "Now, you look up what the two numbers mean in the Arithmancy textbook," she said.
Arya didn't find getting the correct answer as exciting as Nancy did, but she did spare the prefect a small smile. Part one of the calculations torture, complete. She nodded her head in agreement with Nancy about the interpretation stuff, mainly cause she didn't care what the numbers meant.
Okay, so this time she actually DID pay attention to Nancy when she was explaining the Expression/Destiny Number, and she STILL didn't get it. Now she had to change the letter to numbers? What is Merlins skinny jeans for!? Flipping open her book, she searched until she found chapter two. After just staring at the page, she finally began to work out Nancy's number.
Arya's parchment
Name on Birth Certificate: Nancy Hudonson D.O.B.: December 2nd, 2053
Expression/Destiny Number
STARRE. It was official, she hated this class. "How did you get THAT?" She said with obvious fustration, scratching the side of her head as her eyes went from Nancy's parchement to her own. Whay did she have two numbers?
Yes! Yes! YES! Arya was excited! At least the smile the other girl had just directed at her suggested that. Squee!"Awesome, huh?" Nancy commented with a beam plastered across her face before she carefully watched the Hufflepuff work on her Expression/Destiny Number. Yes...correctly done...yes, that was right...
"Well done, Arya! Yes, it's 5." She was so prooooooud of the other girl, which she probably noticed by how Nancy grinned at herlike a maniac. Err...yes."Now on to the interpretations, 'kay?" Nancy flipped the pages of her textbook forward until Chapter Seven because Arya's Expression/Destiny number was far more exciting than her Life Path Number. Okay, everything was exciting but the Master Number was uber-exciting. Beaaam!
Gesturing towards the explanation Nancy decided to read it out, just because it was so awesome and all. Hehe."See, your Destiny/Expression Number's a 22/4 which means...'Your mission in life is to erect the dream and carry out plans and projects that will benefit humankind. Your purpose is to make things happen by working in a practical way in the material world using spiritual principles. Learning to express your competency and adeptness and being grounded and faithful to your nature, which is to never concede, will help you meet your destiny. You're destined to be a Master Builder. Bring spiritual law into the material world.' As soon as she'd finished she grinned back up at Arya. "See? You're going to be a Master Builder."Err...yes. Or something.
Josey wrote down his name and his birthday, then she began the calculations. When she added up his name she double, then triple checked it, getting a different number each time. Josey frowned, she wished she would have thought to bring a calculator, but that would look stupid. She added it up again, really carefully. She got 70. 7=0 was, of course, 7. She had memorized all the definitions, but she loked in the book, just to make sure. She read aloud. "Your destiny number-SEVEN (7): Your mission in life is to evaluate and seek out. Your purpose is to dig deeply and contemplate all you happen upon, using your skill at analysis and your scrupulous ways to find inner wisdom. Learning to express your sharp scrutiny and being thoughtful and discerning will lead you toward your destiny. You're destined for educating the world. Specialize and teach your wisdom."
Then she looked at her paper and worked out his Life Path number. With her soft, rhymithic voice, she read what it said. "Your Life path number-SIX (6): Your path will lead you to live responsibly at home and work to achieve balance between giving and receiving. This path is one of aid and service, and once you've learned this lesson, you'll move on to the next phase - achieving balance between giving and receiving. You're a born counselor - sympathetic and caring - which makes others seek you out for advice. Career/vocation options include any job in the service industry where you can make life more comfortable, easy, and luxurious for others, including medicine, decorating, beauty products, training animals, teaching, and counseling." Then she looked up to see what he would say.
Evan waited patiently for the girl to do her calculations. He thought to do hers, in the meantime.
Originally Posted by Notebook
JOSEY FLOW 17/02/2060 The Expression/Destiny Number (4): Your mission in life is to build something of lasting value. Your purpose is to be realistic and hard-working, all while keeping order and decorum so that security is assured. Learning to express traditional values and being loyal and constant will move you toward your destiny. You're destined for managing and methodizing. Create the foundation and build on it. Life Path Number: Your path will lead you to understand the interconnectedness of all things. It's a path of universal love that learns compassion and tolerance. Once you've learned this lesson, you'll move on to the next phase - tolerance for all and the importance of caring for each other. You're a born healer and your healing may take the form of writing, composing, painting, or sculpting - reaching others by truly connecting to them. You'll be learning how to let go, to surrender the self for greater good. Career/vocation options include the arts, international business, education, and health - any line of work designed to help, heal, or humanize.
He looked up from his notes when she started to read out. After listening to both of the descriptions carefully, he shook his head. "Education is the last thing I'll ever think as a purpose in life." Though, come to think about it, he did love educating people. He'd educated Marie and Mina so far, but both about his passion--football. He didn't want any else education besides that. But... now that he really thought about it... it might be true. He was usually discerning. Hmm... something to think about before saying true or wrong.
Life path number was more accurate, he seemed to have a balanced life in the future. He was caring, yes, and he liked to give. He nodded along. He was caring, and all that stuff. He waited for a few seconds to hear her prediction, which never came. He shrugged. Guess he had to do his own interpret about himself.
"Well, besides that educating and services thing, it's all correct." Like magic would do any wrong. He decided to show her her numbers. Holding his notebook in an angle she could see, he told his interpretation.
"Yeah, so you have to do some learning to reach to your goal." Snort. Of course she had to learn stuff to reach her goal. "Erm... you want your name to be remembered. You're also a very caring person, so I'd say you should work as a healer, and find a great treatment or that sort." Fail. Hopefully, the professor didn't hear this pathetic interpretation.
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Yes! Yes! YES! Arya was excited! At least the smile the other girl had just directed at her suggested that. Squee!"Awesome, huh?" Nancy commented with a beam plastered across her face before she carefully watched the Hufflepuff work on her Expression/Destiny Number. Yes...correctly done...yes, that was right...
"Well done, Arya! Yes, it's 5." She was so prooooooud of the other girl, which she probably noticed by how Nancy grinned at herlike a maniac. Err...yes."Now on to the interpretations, 'kay?" Nancy flipped the pages of her textbook forward until Chapter Seven because Arya's Expression/Destiny number was far more exciting than her Life Path Number. Okay, everything was exciting but the Master Number was uber-exciting. Beaaam!
Gesturing towards the explanation Nancy decided to read it out, just because it was so awesome and all. Hehe."See, your Destiny/Expression Number's a 22/4 which means...'Your mission in life is to erect the dream and carry out plans and projects that will benefit humankind. Your purpose is to make things happen by working in a practical way in the material world using spiritual principles. Learning to express your competency and adeptness and being grounded and faithful to your nature, which is to never concede, will help you meet your destiny. You're destined to be a Master Builder. Bring spiritual law into the material world.' As soon as she'd finished she grinned back up at Arya. "See? You're going to be a Master Builder."Err...yes. Or something.
Awesome.....Um, no. This wasn't awesome, but all of Nancy's smiling was contagious and made Arya's own tiny smile grow. Glancing at her parchement, she tilted her head. She had thought that her answer was wrong, but she guessed not, this one seemed to be easier than the calculations they did first.
She nodded her head in agreement about the interpretations. The sooner they read the interpretations, the sooner class would be over and she could sleep. Flipping through her own text book, she found the page the prefect was on and followed along with what she was reading. Her brow creased as she thought about the 'interpretation'. It didn't make a lick of sense to her. "So.....I'm going to build things? But I like working with creatures, not building things." Sure she loved to work with her hands, but that wasn't enough to make her wanna build anything unless she was building something for a creature. Maybe she would do that if the opportunity presented itself. Maybe.
Shaking off her interpretation, she scanned the page for Nancy's Destiny/Expression Number. "Your number is 5, so..." She continued to search until she found the older girl's number. "Your mission in life is to adjust, evolve, and advance. Your purpose is to embrace opportunity and autonomy and to follow your curiosity whever it leads you, all while using your resources and charm to keep you moving. Learning to express your ingenuity and being a free spirit will assist your movement toward your destiny. You're destined for liberation and freedom. Move forward and embrace change." Musing over the words, she tried to interpret what they meant. "So....your gonna want to travel and .....liberate?" Yea, she was no good at this stuff.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Last edited by PatInTheHat; 05-15-2010 at 10:48 PM.
Reason: wrong number...if its not right now I'm goin wacko!>_<
Eh, she was going to go with just using the name he had now anyways. Shrugging her shoulders and nodding, she quickly wrote out his calculations, not really taking her time since, well it was generally easy for her. And yes, she was going to refrain from asking anymore questions about his last name. It sounded personal and she just didn't do emotional conversations.
THREE: Your path will entice you to be both spontaneous and creative, to live your life with joy and imagination. You will learn the benefits of optimism and enthusiasm, and how to express your emotions and exuberance. Once you've mastered these concepts, you'll move on to the next phase - inspiring others. You're a born communicator and your wit and lightheartedness will help others see the joy in any situation. Artistic, creative, and articulate are words to describe someone with a 3 Life Path. Career/vocation options should relate to anything artistic - writing, speaking, designing, illustrating, dancing, etc.
SEVEN: Your mission in life is to evaluate and seek out. Your purpose is to dig deeply and contemplate all you happen upon, using your skill at analysis and your scrupulous ways to find inner wisdom. Learning to express your sharp scrutiny and being thoughtful and discerning will lead you toward your destiny. You're destined for educating the world. Specialize and teach your wisdom.
Reading what his numbers said, Evelyn pushed her notebook towards Oliver afterward before sitting back in her seat. "Seems like you're a perky and happy guy who wants to find out the meaning of life and become the next Dumbledore." she joked with a smile, shaking her head slightly after she spoke. "Anyways, does this seem like you? What is written I mean."
Meh.. Oliver's surname name was no biggie – it was just a fact. Shrug. He peered over Evelyn's shoulder as she did her calculations. She was pretty quick at doing the maths.
He grinned when she teased him and read what his numbers signified. His eyebrows raised. Woah.. spooky – the Life Path Number was pretty accurate. “Awesome.” He said with a smile. “'specially the dancing bit... though I'm not sure I'm Dumbledore material.” Nope.. Oliver didn't have the beard for it. But maybe one day he would. Hmm...
"Here's yours." He said and pushed the his notebook towards the girl. "Anything like you? The next Steven Hawking perhaps?" Snort. The voice box thingy the dude had was cool though.
SEVEN (7): Your path will lead you to study, test, and analyze everything because you can't be satisfied with anything at face value. You'll seek the meaning of existence and will always be exploring mysteries and the unexplainable to find meaning for your life. Once you've learned this lesson, you'll move on to the next phase - sharing your wisdom of the metaphysical with others. You're a born seeker - philosophical, scientific, etc. - and because of your solitary investigation of the unknown, others will seek you out for your wisdom. Career/vocation options include any job that calls for analysis, deductive reasoning, or scientific knowledge, such as teaching, or any field where you'll be allowed to study or contemplate things bigger than you.
EIGHT (8): Your mission in life is to acquire command of self. Your purpose is to accomplish and flourish, using your skill at business and organization. Learning to embody your authentic nature and discover your own power and being visionary will move you toward your destiny. You're destined for material success. Get out there and be the masterful leader you were born to be.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by noodles
Meh.. Oliver's surname name was no biggie – it was just a fact. Shrug. He peered over Evelyn's shoulder as she did her calculations. She was pretty quick at doing the maths.
He grinned when she teased him and read what his numbers signified. His eyebrows raised. Woah.. spooky – the Life Path Number was pretty accurate. “Awesome.” He said with a smile. “'specially the dancing bit... though I'm not sure I'm Dumbledore material.” Nope.. Oliver didn't have the beard for it. But maybe one day he would. Hmm...
"Here's yours." He said and pushed the his notebook towards the girl. "Anything like you? The next Steven Hawking perhaps?" Snort. The voice box thingy the dude had was cool though.
Dancing? He liked to dance? Bahaha! Erm. Well, at least besides being Slytherin, they had something in common. Though she didn't like to mention that little bit often...to anyone. Ever.
"Who's Steven Hacking?" she asked, extremely confused. Was he comparing her...to a muggle or something?! *scoff* She certainly didn't know any wizard by the name of that.
Frowning, she pulled the notebook even closer, before reading what was written. Well, at least it was eligible to read. "Hmm, yes. They seem pretty right." Scary even. Of course, she could never be satisfied with anything, and she loved to study for some odd reason. Just not for tests that is. "Maybe Josh was right when he said I should be a Professor." she mumbled, mostly to herself as she leaned back in her seat, thinking it over.
Speaking of Josh, where was he? But, that didn't matter now. She finally just read the last sentence for the Destiny number again, which made her eyes widen in surprise. "Be the masterful leader you were born to be." she read, sitting up straight in her seat again. "The Destiny number...knows what it's talking about." hehe.
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Evan waited patiently for the girl to do her calculations. He thought to do hers, in the meantime.
He looked up from his notes when she started to read out. After listening to both of the descriptions carefully, he shook his head. "Education is the last thing I'll ever think as a purpose in life." Though, come to think about it, he did love educating people. He'd educated Marie and Mina so far, but both about his passion--football. He didn't want any else education besides that. But... now that he really thought about it... it might be true. He was usually discerning. Hmm... something to think about before saying true or wrong.
Life path number was more accurate, he seemed to have a balanced life in the future. He was caring, yes, and he liked to give. He nodded along. He was caring, and all that stuff. He waited for a few seconds to hear her prediction, which never came. He shrugged. Guess he had to do his own interpret about himself.
"Well, besides that educating and services thing, it's all correct." Like magic would do any wrong. He decided to show her her numbers. Holding his notebook in an angle she could see, he told his interpretation.
"Yeah, so you have to do some learning to reach to your goal." Snort. Of course she had to learn stuff to reach her goal. "Erm... you want your name to be remembered. You're also a very caring person, so I'd say you should work as a healer, and find a great treatment or that sort." Fail. Hopefully, the professor didn't hear this pathetic interpretation.
She wanted her name to be remembered? Sure. She was a caring person? Definately. Obviously the sorting hat thought so too. A healer? That was what she wanted to be! It was erfect, it described her exactly! She'd find a great treatment? That was cool, maybe that was why her name would be remembered...that would be awesome! She loved her prediction. She hesitated for a second...what now?