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Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
Blinking, Sabel shifted away just in time to avoid the lot of gastric juices, frowning first in concern at Brant, then at Carter, then at Healer Ashford, and then at who he pressumed to be the Headmaster. He didn't like this one bit. Normally, he found the resolve to keep his mouth shut, but for some reason this urked him.
Putting a hand on Brant's shoulder to steady him he addressed the headmaster. "If I may Sir and with all do respect. There was no one responsible for this. It was the food he ate. Merely too much, maybe too fast, maybe an allergy or an upset stomach from before trigged by one morsal of chicken. But I do not think it fair to look for one responsible when there is no one who caused this." He tilted his head a little. "Unless you would like to take points away from the food."
All this student chatter was interrupting the discourse of grown-ups who were clearly working for their best interest. Why must people work so hard against those who wanted to help them??
"Two points from Gryffindor for your lip. I suggest you ruminate over what it means to respect yourself and others on your way back to your table. Healer Ashford will assist your friend from here. But for your ease of mind, I was suggesting that since the entire student body is eating this food, and those quite vigorously, there must be something more wrong with the young man. If he is ill, then we will punish those nasty bugs with a strong dose of medicinal potion. Otherwise, someone has hexed him and deserves to be punished."
He glanced at Ellie again. "I leave it to you to figure it out."
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Brant put his arm over Seve and told her not to bring him back to the house table, but he would give her directions to the Hospital Wing so he could lay down for a bit. Then he would esscort her back to the dungeons so she could get to her commonroom.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Carter got up once Brant seemed to be alright. He still looked a little wobbly, but he seemed quite sure in the little girl's abilities. I guess if he didn't want his help... "Thanks Healer Ashford." he said politely to her as she rejoined her spot at the staff table. He stood a bit behind Brant in case his weight proved too much for the girl to handle.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
All this student chatter was interrupting the discourse of grown-ups who were clearly working for their best interest. Why must people work so hard against those who wanted to help them??
"Two points from Gryffindor for your lip. I suggest you ruminate over what it means to respect yourself and others on your way back to your table. Healer Ashford will assist your friend from here. But for your ease of mind, I was suggesting that since the entire student body is eating this food, and those quite vigorously, there must be something more wrong with the young man. If he is ill, then we will punish those nasty bugs with a strong dose of medicinal potion. Otherwise, someone has hexed him and deserves to be punished."
He glanced at Ellie again. "I leave it to you to figure it out."
Personally, JD thought the kid had been rather witty, quick on his feet even.
Reminded him of himself. And another Gryffindor he could name.
Still, it was oh so FUNNY to see Casey put him in his place.
Brant put his arm over Seve and told her not to bring him back to the house table, but he would give her directions to the Hospital Wing so he could lay down for a bit. Then he would esscort her back to the dungeons so she could get to her commonroom.
Severia nodded as she helped Brant steady himself. She heard the headmaster take points from Gryffindor, and was slightly pleased that Slytherin wouldn't be the only house starting the term in the negatives.
All this student chatter was interrupting the discourse of grown-ups who were clearly working for their best interest. Why must people work so hard against those who wanted to help them??
"Two points from Gryffindor for your lip. I suggest you ruminate over what it means to respect yourself and others on your way back to your table. Healer Ashford will assist your friend from here. But for your ease of mind, I was suggesting that since the entire student body is eating this food, and those quite vigorously, there must be something more wrong with the young man. If he is ill, then we will punish those nasty bugs with a strong dose of medicinal potion. Otherwise, someone has hexed him and deserves to be punished."
He glanced at Ellie again. "I leave it to you to figure it out."
Frowning, Sabel let out a quiet sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. "I appologize for my misinterpretation of your words. I meant no harm but to seek the truth and to express concern." Not further wanting to express his frustration and cost classmates he hadn't even met yet points they didn't have, Sabel gave a quick bow at the waist to the Headmaster.
Originally Posted by druidflower
Personally, JD thought the kid had been rather witty, quick on his feet even.
Reminded him of himself. And another Gryffindor he could name.
Still, it was oh so FUNNY to see Casey put him in his place.
Don't mess with the master's kid.
That's right.
Straightening, Sabel caught someone looking at him, noticed the amusement in his eyes. He had half the mind to walk over to him and question him about it, but at the moment he wasn't sure it was his best option. So, instead, he stood there for a long moment, silently considering the man watching him and the Headmaster from the corner of his eyes, before heading back to his table.
Frowning, Sabel let out a quiet sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. "I appologize for my misinterpretation of your words. I meant no harm but to seek the truth and to express concern." Not further wanting to express his frustration and cost classmates he hadn't even met yet points they didn't have, Sabel gave a quick bow at the waist to the Headmaster.
Straightening, Sable caught someone looking at him, noticed the amusement in his eyes. He had half the mind to walk over to him and question him about it, but at the moment he wasn't sure it was his best option. So, instead, he stood there for a long moment, silently considering the man watching him and the Headmaster from the corner of his eyes, before heading back to his table.
Don't back DOWN! Don't apologize, it's a sign of weakness! You grin like a fool charmingly and retreat!
Okay that's what JD would have done.
Attempts to talk himself out of trouble invariably got himself into more.
And then... the child was staring at him.
"Did I spill gravy on my robes?" JD asked the boy, making a big show of inspecting himself.
Don't back DOWN! Don't apologize, it's a sign of weakness! You grin like a fool charmingly and retreat!
Okay that's what JD would have done.
Attempts to talk himself out of trouble invariably got himself into more.
And then... the child was staring at him.
"Did I spill gravy on my robes?" JD asked the boy, making a big show of inspecting himself.
Obviously he's just entranced by my awesomeness.
And my modesty.
Sabel paused in his return to his table, considering the man speaking to him for a long moment before turning to face him. "Forgive me Sir, I do not believe I can answer that question for I fear I will once again upset the balance of power and overstep my rights of free speech, only to cost my table yet another two points." What he had intended to be a short bow became a slightly exaggerated bow, which he internally kicked himself for. Straightening, he looked the man in the eye. "I do hope you understand."
Miranda walked up to the staff table, hoping to get some sort of hint as to who those new Professors were...but also to introduce herlsef to them. She might not be a Prefect (which would probably make more sense to do this if she was), but it felt like the thing to do. Plus, it might be fun.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Upon hearing her name, this time from the boss, Gabriella turned around to face the staff table. "He's all taken care of now, I believe," she replied. "I've got him heading up for some rest now." Gabriella kept a careful eye on the once ill boy as she made her way back up to the staff table, her appetite now completely gone. She gently pushed her plate away and simply waited around for the end of the feast to arrive.
Some of them looked to be busy in conversation, but Miranda had no problem waiting a little until she spoke. And she wanted to greet the Nurse first. "Good evening, Miss. Hope I'm not bothering you. I heard you were our new Nurse and I just wanted to come by an introduce myself incase one of my players ever needed your help." She joked lamely and made a point to knock on the surface of the staff table. Knock on wood!...I'm Miranda BelCanto, the new Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain."
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Originally Posted by druidflower
JD tried to figure out if that was a oHAI-smile, or more of a predatory smile.
"Oh I remember," he responded cautiously. Hard to forget a girl who pelts a rune at your head. FOR NO GOOD REASON! Really. None at all.
"Professor Kade," he introduced himself.
Using his given name seemed like a really bad idea, given the rune-incident.
"I know who you are JD," She said taking her goblet and taking a sip. And had she not been a professor in front of impressionable children, she'd have tossed the bag of runes in her pocket at his head again.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"I see. Shame really. I finally have enough time to read a novel and you no longer write." He scrunched up his face at her in a sort of 'I'm messing with you and you aren't going to do a thing about it' face.
"Mhmmm." She said tightlipped, "I have a copy of all my other books in my office. I'll owl you my first and once you return it, I'll send you the next." Better that having Tate come to her office... "Who knows, by the time you've finished reading them, I may have another published." Maybe...
you live your life just once, so don't forget about a thing called love.
Constantine had busied himself with the basket of bread, slowly devouring one after the other. His ears caught wind of book talk, so he turned to find the source. He blinked a few times as, with as much info gathered, that Alessia was an...author?
"I didn't know you wrote, Al-..Professor Lupa," he corrected, considering that there were students at the table. Why they could never keep their butts at their own table was beyond him. "I shall ask my wife to go hunting for them and send them to me. Heavens knows I need more good books to read..."
Guess who just got back today. Them wild-eyed boys that had been away.
Haven't changed that much to say. But man, I still think them cats are crazy.
They were askin' if you were around. How you was, where you could be found....
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Cassirin
All this student chatter was interrupting the discourse of grown-ups who were clearly working for their best interest. Why must people work so hard against those who wanted to help them??
"Two points from Gryffindor for your lip. I suggest you ruminate over what it means to respect yourself and others on your way back to your table. Healer Ashford will assist your friend from here. But for your ease of mind, I was suggesting that since the entire student body is eating this food, and those quite vigorously, there must be something more wrong with the young man. If he is ill, then we will punish those nasty bugs with a strong dose of medicinal potion. Otherwise, someone has hexed him and deserves to be punished."
He glanced at Ellie again. "I leave it to you to figure it out."
Gabriella nodded in reply to the Headmaster's statement. Apparently, she now had a little mystery on her hands---What had made this child sick, and where had it come from? She spared a passing glance towards her plate, thought back to the previously sick child, then pushed the plate even further away from her.
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
Some of them looked to be busy in conversation, but Miranda had no problem waiting a little until she spoke. And she wanted to greet the Nurse first. "Good evening, Miss. Hope I'm not bothering you. I heard you were our new Nurse and I just wanted to come by an introduce myself incase one of my players ever needed your help." She joked lamely and made a point to knock on the surface of the staff table. Knock on wood!...I'm Miranda BelCanto, the new Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain."
Gabriella smiled warmly at the newest Hufflepuff to come forward and greet her. Of course she wasn't being bothered, as she'd given up on eating shortly after having a child throw up at her feet. "Good evening to you, as well, and thank you for welcoming me to the school," she said. "It's nice to meet you, Miss BelCanto." She smiled once again when the child mentioned being the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team. What Gabriella wouldn't give to get back out there on the pitch and play a game of quidditch. Of course, having been out of playing the sport for so long, she may end up in the Hospital Wing herself---as a patient rather than a Healer. "Congratulations on your new position, and good luck to you and your team."
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
"Transfiguration?!" Kapoor butted in while buttering a bun. He looked around in a panic for Professor Svennson. Spotting him down the table, he sighed relievedly then realized he left the exclamation afloat in front of the schools new healer and the older witch, who was apparently taking over for Professor Svennson. He calmly smiled and continued buttering whilst addressing the two ladies. "What a lovely subject! Welcome to it. I'm sure you will do quite a fantastic job." He inhaled and placed the buttering knife down. "I'm David Kapoor, by the way, the school Librarian." He said introducing himself to both ladies. "To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?" He said, being nerdy and asking for their names.
To be quite honest, Mildred didn't really understand what was going on anymore. Not that that was at all unusual for her. Her mind was always mumble jumble and all over the place. It was just MORE so right now.
FINALLY having gotten her dinner correct, Milly treated herself to a small spoonful of mashed potato before looking up at the man addressing her. David Kapoor? "Librarian you say?" OOOOOH!! Beady brown eyes brightening in interest, Mildred dropped her spoon back onto the wooden table.
She'd already forgotten she was about to introduce herself, she was more excited about the books! "Does your library happen to have any knitting books? I need some new patterns!"
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
Miranda walked up to the staff table, hoping to get some sort of hint as to who those new Professors were...but also to introduce herlsef to them. She might not be a Prefect (which would probably make more sense to do this if she was), but it felt like the thing to do. Plus, it might be fun.
Some of them looked to be busy in conversation, but Miranda had no problem waiting a little until she spoke. And she wanted to greet the Nurse first. "Good evening, Miss. Hope I'm not bothering you. I heard you were our new Nurse and I just wanted to come by an introduce myself incase one of my players ever needed your help." She joked lamely and made a point to knock on the surface of the staff table. Knock on wood!...I'm Miranda BelCanto, the new Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain."
There she was. The young lady who had not really snuck chocolate frogs to class that one day. Kapoor gave the new Hufflepuff Captain a warm smile and nod whilst wondering if she happened to have any (chocolate frogs) on her person at the moment. He could definitely use one. He'd been collecting the wizarding trading cards since boyhood and there were still three he was missing.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Believing something terrible had suddenly happened, Gabriella, too, began glancing around at her surroundings. When it seemed that nothing unusual happened, she turned back to the man, wondering why he'd suddenly seemed so alarmed. Whatever it was, though, seemed to have passed, for the man continued with lighthearted conversation, even introducing himself as the librarian. "Nice to meet you, David. I'm Gabriella Ashford, the newly-hired Healer," she replied. "How long have you been---..."
Gabriella's sentence went unfinished, though, for once again she heard someone call for the nurse---new nurse to be specific. Hearing that a student had collapsed at the Gryffindor table, Gabriella hurried down to meet them, hoping nothing terrible had happened to the young man.
The nurse had become rather distracted and so Kapoor let her be. Never a dull position Healer/Nurse. Why had they gone through so many in the past years.
Originally Posted by Waterloo
To be quite honest, Mildred didn't really understand what was going on anymore. Not that that was at all unusual for her. Her mind was always mumble jumble and all over the place. It was just MORE so right now.
FINALLY having gotten her dinner correct, Milly treated herself to a small spoonful of mashed potato before looking up at the man addressing her. David Kapoor? "Librarian you say?" OOOOOH!! Beady brown eyes brightening in interest, Mildred dropped her spoon back onto the wooden table.
She'd already forgotten she was about to introduce herself, she was more excited about the books! "Does your library happen to have any knitting books? I need some new patterns!"
Likewise forgetting about their introduction, Kapoor continued on the conversation. 'Ooo, a fellow knit-wit!' "We have knitting books, and books about crocheting. You'll have to come by and have a look at them. You knit as well, do you, Professor?" Whose name he still hadn't gotten.
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
Likewise forgetting about their introduction, Kapoor continued on the conversation. 'Ooo, a fellow knit-wit!' "We have knitting books, and books about crocheting. You'll have to come by and have a look at them. You knit as well, do you, Professor?" Whose name he still hadn't gotten.
Now she'd forgotten all about her dinner. Was she even hungry? SHE COULDN'T REMEMBER! Oh, the excitement! Hogwarts had KNITTING books! CROCHETING books!
"As well!?" She gushed, barely able to contain the extreme excitement and bouncing dangerously once more. "I love it! You name it, I'll knit it! You're a fan of knitting too, Mister Kapoot!?"
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
SPOILER!!: quotes
Originally Posted by HAHAHA
Maidee quite calmly turned to the sound of grinding teeth. She looked at the hideous faux-leopard shoes the insane Herbology professor was wearing. "Really? You wear THOSE while working? Well, no wonder they smell like dung. The heels would go right through, and dung smell is impossible to get out of anything. And my hair is in it's natural color, if I were to dye it, I'd go for something a bit more exotic. Why waste time dying hair a normal color?" And what did her hair color have to do with anything anyway?
Maidee couldn't believe the nerve of the woman! Not only did she wear her work shoes to the Feast, but she didn't even make sure they smelled properly. She waved her wand and a sprit of air freshener helped to rid the table of the nasty odor provided by the Herbology Professor's stinky shoes.
Originally Posted by Healer School
Gabriella smiled and nodded along as she listened to Maidee describe how much she loved being in the tower and and glancing out her window for a perfect view of the sky. "That sounds lovely, Maidee. Maybe you can show me a few interesting things you like to look at," Gabriella suggested, speaking to her colleague as she tried to scoop up a potato with her spoon. Gabriella had always loved Astronomy as a student, and she thought it'd be interesting to hear what Maidee loved about the subject, as well. Besides, Gabriella thought stargazing might be a nice way to become better friends with her co-worker. "Do I always eat with spoons? Oh, Merlin, no! I seem to have misplaced my fork, though." That could have something to do with the fact that Gabriella had distracted herself some time earlier by arranging and rearranging her utensils three or four different times.
A few moments later, Gabriella had finally scooped up the potato she'd been trying to retrieve and rolled it onto her plate. If she didn't find her fork soon, she was going to starve. When she wasn't so focused on potatoes, she was able to clearly hear the conversation going on between Annie and Maidee. Shoes, that's what the two were discussing. Only, this was definitely not a conversation Gabriella wanted to willingly involve herself in. For a moment there, Annie seemed to be about two comments away from pitching an Annie Bunbury-type fit. That is, until she got distracted with sawing her food into teeny-tiny pieces. *ahem*"So, Anastasia, when did you become so interested in Herbology? The last time I saw you, you were pretty intent on becoming a Healer," she remarked.
Originally Posted by Lovely Izzy
Kapoor's tea cup and saucer made a distinct chinking sound as he put them down and caught a refreshing whiff of something.
"Is that Heather I smell?" 'Could it be heather I smell?' Indeed whatever it was that was coming from the...uh...the red-head that was NOT Professor Bunbury smelled wonderful and it brightened his already chipper mood.
Originally Posted by Droo
Alessia may have been distracted, but you would have had to have been dead not to notice Bunzilla defending her shoes. Dead, or Kapoor... blissfully oblivious. She smiled as he mentioned the Heather. She picked up her tea cup and sipped it. "I think so, David." She said putting it back on the saucer.
"Maidee, is it?" She said looking over Bunzilla, "Believe me, it is not her shoe's that smell like dung." And she left it at that... she didn't mention that in her opinion it was the woman's b.o. and not the poor shoes... But why antagonize the monster?
She watched as the new male professor made his way to the Slytherin Table... why was he going there?
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"Uh oh, mate. Tell me quick... is the scary one staring at me? I can feel all the bones in my body slowly turning into porridge under the intense stare of an angry redhead," Tate said in a false whisper.
He whipped his head around and quite distinctly winked at one Anastasia Bunbury. These women... they were too much.
Way too much.
He leaned forward, clearly taking part now in the conversation being held by the three women. Or argument. Whatever. "Ladies, didn't your mothers tell you... that if you couldn't say something nice, you should shut your yaps? I'm sure my mother said something similar to that. If you insist on antagonizing each other like first years, please do so in your own offices."
Winked. Captain Tate had WINKED at Annie. On PURPOSE.
How dare he.
Nostrils now flared out wider than those of a bull running in Pamplona, the Bunzinator™ was tempted to just stand up and walk out, what with all the other annoying, jealous hens still discussing her scentless shoes. She was SO done here. She had SO MANY MORE busy and important things to do than SIT HERE and TALK.
"Excuse me, Headmaster," the redhead leaned down the table and maintained her steely gaze on Tate, "but we must speak. Immediately after the end of this feast."
And then, like the snob she was, Annie continued to sit there with her nose up in the air and her water glass in her hand so she could drown out the rest of the staff and students.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Now she'd forgotten all about her dinner. Was she even hungry? SHE COULDN'T REMEMBER! Oh, the excitement! Hogwarts had KNITTING books! CROCHETING books!
"As well!?" She gushed, barely able to contain the extreme excitement and bouncing dangerously once more. "I love it! You name it, I'll knit it! You're a fan of knitting too, Mister Kapoot!?"
"Yes, quite a big fan! I've been knitting...oh, since I was a young adult. I've knitted a number of articles of clothing, few of which I've still got, because I've given most of them given away as gifts. I do still have a few scarves, though I could show you if you stop by the library." He paused to take a bite of a stuffed triangle which appeared to be fried and stuffed with all manner of vegetables. "My favourite things to knit are scarves for their ease and variety." He offered smiling between bites.
Gabriella smiled warmly at the newest Hufflepuff to come forward and greet her. Of course she wasn't being bothered, as she'd given up on eating shortly after having a child throw up at her feet. "Good evening to you, as well, and thank you for welcoming me to the school," she said. "It's nice to meet you, Miss BelCanto." She smiled once again when the child mentioned being the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team. What Gabriella wouldn't give to get back out there on the pitch and play a game of quidditch. Of course, having been out of playing the sport for so long, she may end up in the Hospital Wing herself---as a patient rather than a Healer. "Congratulations on your new position, and good luck to you and your team."
Ack! She knew she had forgotten a word to say...like 'Welcome'! Ohhh. "It's nice to meet you too, miss." Miranda smiled back. Aw, she congratulated her. As usual, a slight blush crept to her cheeks. "Oh, thankyou, miss. I hope you will come to watch the games, are you a Quidditch fan, perhaps? There are usually alot of injuries...to treat." At the last bit she made a face, like she wasn't sure why she'd said that. Gosh, she was nervous!
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
There she was. The young lady who had not really snuck chocolate frogs to class that one day. Kapoor gave the new Hufflepuff Captain a warm smile and nod whilst wondering if she happened to have any (chocolate frogs) on her person at the moment. He could definitely use one. He'd been collecting the wizarding trading cards since boyhood and there were still three he was missing.
Looking to the side, Miranda sort of did a double-take before realisign the Divination Professor was sending a smile her way. "Good evening, Professor Kapoor. Hope you're enjoying your meal." She said with a smile. She had not forgotten that particular lesson when she'd gotten caught shovelling chocolate into her mouth. But that had been quite an intense class, chocolate had been needed! Hehe.
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
"Yes, quite a big fan! I've been knitting...oh, since I was a young adult. I've knitted a number of articles of clothing, few of which I've still got, because I've given most of them given away as gifts. I do still have a few scarves, though I could show you if you stop by the library." He paused to take a bite of a stuffed triangle which appeared to be fried and stuffed with all manner of vegetables. "My favourite things to knit are scarves for their ease and variety." He offered smiling between bites.
Mildred just about refrained from SQUEEing loudly and clapping her hands again. Mister Kapook liked to knit too!! They.. they.. they could be KNITTING BUDDIES! Nothing beat having a cup of hot cocoa, a knit and a gossip. NOTHING.
"That sounds DIVINE!" She giggled loudly at his invitation which to her, sounded very much like a DATE. YES, she'd gotten herself a date already! With another knitter! "My favourite has to be mittens," she informed matter-of-factly, fidgeting excitedly. "You can never have too many mittens!"
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
Daniel was not so hungry anymore. So he decided to stand up and say hi's and hello's to the Professors and to the New ones, especially the new DADA Professor.
"Good evening, Sirs and Madames. How are you, errr... I mean... ahmmm... hello. How was the summer, sirs?" well Daniel was a bit struck when he arrived in the Staff table. He was like he felt he had seen somebody of great importance and was very astounded.
I see trees of green,
Red roses too.
I see 'em bloom for me and for you.
And I think to myself, What a wonderful world.
Gabriella nodded in reply to the Headmaster's statement. Apparently, she now had a little mystery on her hands---What had made this child sick, and where had it come from? She spared a passing glance towards her plate, thought back to the previously sick child, then pushed the plate even further away from her.
Gabriella smiled warmly at the newest Hufflepuff to come forward and greet her. Of course she wasn't being bothered, as she'd given up on eating shortly after having a child throw up at her feet. "Good evening to you, as well, and thank you for welcoming me to the school," she said. "It's nice to meet you, Miss BelCanto." She smiled once again when the child mentioned being the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team. What Gabriella wouldn't give to get back out there on the pitch and play a game of quidditch. Of course, having been out of playing the sport for so long, she may end up in the Hospital Wing herself---as a patient rather than a Healer. "Congratulations on your new position, and good luck to you and your team."
"Healer Ashford," Severia said slightly out of breath. "She's sick!" She said pointing at Violet with her free hand.
Avada a had strange look on his face...the same look he had in the wand shop.
"That's it! I'm not eating! School hasn't really even started yet and now all this...I've had enough of this already!",Avada said in a strange tone.
Last edited by Yoshi; 01-11-2010 at 11:37 PM.
Reason: oops
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
Frowning, Sabel let out a quiet sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. "I appologize for my misinterpretation of your words. I meant no harm but to seek the truth and to express concern." Not further wanting to express his frustration and cost classmates he hadn't even met yet points they didn't have, Sabel gave a quick bow at the waist to the Headmaster.
Straightening, Sabel caught someone looking at him, noticed the amusement in his eyes. He had half the mind to walk over to him and question him about it, but at the moment he wasn't sure it was his best option. So, instead, he stood there for a long moment, silently considering the man watching him and the Headmaster from the corner of his eyes, before heading back to his table.
Tate smirked a little bit before schooling his features. "I appreciate your candor. If you will join me after the feast in my office, we can discuss your point of view. It's possible you can earn your points back."
Originally Posted by Droo
"I know who you are JD," She said taking her goblet and taking a sip. And had she not been a professor in front of impressionable children, she'd have tossed the bag of runes in her pocket at his head again.
"Mhmmm." She said tightlipped, "I have a copy of all my other books in my office. I'll owl you my first and once you return it, I'll send you the next." Better that having Tate come to her office... "Who knows, by the time you've finished reading them, I may have another published." Maybe...
"Still not much of a reader, but I'm thinking you just suggested that I'm an idiot slow reader. Unkind, Less. Very unkind." He grinned cheekily at her, even though she did NOT look like she wanted grinning.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Winked. Captain Tate had WINKED at Annie. On PURPOSE.
How dare he.
Nostrils now flared out wider than those of a bull running in Pamplona, the Bunzinator™ was tempted to just stand up and walk out, what with all the other annoying, jealous hens still discussing her scentless shoes. She was SO done here. She had SO MANY MORE busy and important things to do than SIT HERE and TALK.
"Excuse me, Headmaster," the redhead leaned down the table and maintained her steely gaze on Tate, "but we must speak. Immediately after the end of this feast."
And then, like the snob she was, Annie continued to sit there with her nose up in the air and her water glass in her hand so she could drown out the rest of the staff and students.
"I am absolutely looking forward to it, Professor Bunbury," Tate really did grin then. He might enjoy tormenting his staff a bit more than was normal. Hm. He should see a therapist when this stint was done.
"How about my office, after my meeting with my friend the Gryffindor here?"
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd
Ack! She knew she had forgotten a word to say...like 'Welcome'! Ohhh. "It's nice to meet you too, miss." Miranda smiled back. Aw, she congratulated her. As usual, a slight blush crept to her cheeks. "Oh, thankyou, miss. I hope you will come to watch the games, are you a Quidditch fan, perhaps? There are usually alot of injuries...to treat." At the last bit she made a face, like she wasn't sure why she'd said that. Gosh, she was nervous!
When the young girl began to blush, Gabriella couldn't help but smile warmly at her. "You're quite welcome, Miss BelCanto. I'm a quidditch fan, yes, but I'm also a former quidditch player. I was on the house team when I attended school here at Hogwarts," she explained. She nodded as the girl told all about the injuries that often times happened during a game of quidditch. Gabriella knew about quidditch-related injuries all too well, as she'd had a serious quidditch injury of her own back in her sixth year of school. "I'll be at the games, Miss BelCanto, and we'll just cross our fingers that there aren't too many serious injuries." It would be nice to hope that there wouldn't be any serious injuries at all, but in a game of quidditch injuries were usually inevitable.
Originally Posted by dan arjay
Daniel was not so hungry anymore. So he decided to stand up and say hi's and hello's to the Professors and to the New ones, especially the new DADA Professor.
"Good evening, Sirs and Madames. How are you, errr... I mean... ahmmm... hello. How was the summer, sirs?" well Daniel was a bit struck when he arrived in the Staff table. He was like he felt he had seen somebody of great importance and was very astounded.
Gabriella only had time to smile and nod at a Gryffindor student who'd come to the table to say hello. A second later, a Slytherin student approached the table, escorting yet another ill student Gabriella's way. This newest situation would mark Gabriella's third to heal at the feast alone. Merlin, had a young prankster somehow plagued the food with Puking Pastilles? This Gabriella couldn't help but wonder.
Originally Posted by TheDarkLady
"Healer Ashford," Severia said slightly out of breath. "She's sick!" She said pointing at Violet with her free hand.
Originally Posted by Draco21
Violet did a sort of nod but stopped because of her dizziness
From her spot at the staff table, Gabriella briefly studied the child, watching her as she stopped for what appeared to be a moment of dizziness. Gabriella knew these signs---they were the signs of a child who'd either A, eaten too many sweets (probably on the Hogwarts Express) or B, eaten something that hadn't necessarily agreed with their stomach.
Digging through her bag, Gabriella retrieved yet another dosage of the potion she'd just given the last sick child. She was beginning to think that she'd need to start carrying around a dosage of everything she had on supply to prepare for anything and everything that could (and probably would) happen.
"Here, here, child. Drink this potion, and I guarantee you that you'll be back to normal in no time," she said, tilting the girl's head back just a bit and allowing the potion to make it's way down. "Don't do too much walking about, as you either need to be sitting down or lying down. As soon as you're able, you need to go to your Common Room for some much-needed rest."