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The sharp smell of hot metal cauldrons filled with malodorous contents mingle with the cool, musty smell of dungeon air, marrying to create that peculiar scent that veteran Hogwarts students immediately recognize as Eau de Potions Classroom. Buried deep within the castle's underbelly, the potions classroom is dim and dank, lit only by the flicker of candle-laden chandeliers and the dim blue flames that sit beneath the cauldrons at the front of the class. If you were to touch the bare stone walls, and it is not recommended that you do, your hand would come back to you lightly coated with an unpleasant cold slime-- the accumulation of years of potion vapors, combined with dust and mildew and condensation and things you'd probably rather not think about (much less actually have on your skin).
The room houses several large obsidian workstations, each set with two wooden stools to encourage the students to work in pairs. Each workstation has ample room for the students to set up their cauldrons and other equipment, and the walls are lined with jars and bottles containing all sorts of potions supplies, from friendly-looking dried flowers to jars of bulging eyeballs and entrails. One contains something that vaguely looks like a pickled hand, and it pulses as it floats, as though waving at the students.
Each container is labeled in the Professor's shaky old man's script, and at the back of the room are shelves groaning under the weight of huge potions encyclopedias and texts.
At the front of the classroom there is a lectern and a desk with the professor's chair. Behind it, a large charmed chalkboard stands. On it are written these simple instructions:
Please be seated. The professor will be here momentarily. Be certain that you have all your potions equipment with you; failure to do so may cost your House points. Do not set up your workstation even if you are confident that you are capable of doing so.
This potions class will last two periods. The first period of class is Introduction to Potions. First years, those in need of remedial training, and those who have taken Forgetfulness Potions are encouraged to be here. The second period will provide a more in-depth instruction; All students should join us at this time, but all are welcome to audit the first period if they choose.
You may talk quietly amongst yourselves, but please keep the conversation to a reasonable level out of respect for your classmates. Thank you.
--Professor Kazimeriz
1- The Professor is uncharacteristically late to class. In his absence, the poltergeist Peeves has snuck into the class, making a grand entrance and proclaiming himself the new potions master. Chaos rules as the students are made to answer riddles while ducking flying objects, potions and a LOT Of water.
Post 152- The students manage to banish Peeves with threats of the Bloody Baron... only moments too soon, as Professor Kazimeriz enters the room to find wet students and a huge mess. Loooocy, you got some 'splainin to do!
Post 332 The class has begun making a Camraderie Concoction. The instructions are on the chalkboard in THIS post, so feel free to jump in!
Post 384 Most of the students are getting along nicely... But oh dear! Miss Marlowe seems to have gone wrong, and her cauldron is about to explode! Everybody DUCK!
ooc: Like the old man has written-- First we will go over Intro to Potions, and then begin the first class for all students. Feel free to RP coming into the class, getting situated, picking someone to sit with, and talking amongst yourselves and even have your own little class related stuff going on with one another (as long as you don't turn this into your personal chat thread, or I will be forced to delete your posts without warning, and man, I HATE doin' that to y'all!)
I will update this first post throughout the class to detail what is going on as we go, so if you come late please feel free to jump into the RP and as long as you pretend you were there the whole time, *I* will pretend you were there. If you announce yourself as entering late, however, points MAY be deducted. Kazimeriz is not nearly as easygoing as I am, so don't tell the old man! If you have questions please feel free to PM XanaSnape, because y0, that's me.
The first period of this class will begin tomorrow, 05 Feb 2010, mid-morning EST, so please be in your seats by then if you can (or pretend you were and jump in!)... Class period one shall run about a day or two (depending on participation! PLAY!) and then class period two shall begin and also run a day or two to allow all time zones ample time to play.
Oh... and one last thing: BE CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN! Xana~
Arya slowly walked in lugging all her supplies. The spell hit her hard, it wasn't one she was used to. She scrunched up her nose as she walked into the classroom, taking in the semidepressing feel it gave off with the walls and dim lights. As she looked around she saw many familiar faces; waving to her friends, she took a seat beside Allison.
Putting down all her things she gave Allison a small nudge, comparing all there things to make sure she had everything. Satisfied she did the girl relaxed, she had heard about the professor and this was one class she didn't want to be unprepared for."Hey Allie."She didn't speak to loud in case the professor decided to come in and start the lesson.
Originally Posted by Ivy Nienna
Ivory could barely contain herself. Potions. She let out a contented sigh. Stepping forward into the classroom she was a little surprised with the dim lighting and slimy walls but she didn't let it put her off.
With the careful movements of someone who knew this was no place to be clumsy, she watched her feet for the telltale stones in the dungeons that were slightly higher than the rest. She did not want a repeat of the last time she had seen the Professor. No, no that would not do to happen again. Even though technically she hadn't fallen. She caught herself in time, and that made all the difference, didn't it? Hopefully that's not the way Professor Kazimeriz would remember her. The clumsy first year. A small shudder ran through her spine at the horrible thought. Hopefully, he didn't remember her as 'the stirrer' either.
Making her way to one of the workstations near the front that was empty but close to some of her friends, she sat down and looked around in awe. She had to admit that the Potions lab looked less intimidating than the classroom. Thinking of the Professor, she was probably right in thinking that this was not something of coincidence. Thinking to how she'd written to her grandmother about him being the perfect gentleman, she actually found herself smiling and looking forward to seeing the old man again.
Her eyes as open as they possibly could be, she tried to take in everything the room had to offer, although in her mind she used the term loosely. From the back wall full of books she was just itching to get a hold of, to the shelves of intriguing jars, she had to admit one could not confuse this room for any other.
Her glance was caught by the the writing on the board. After reading the shaky old man's script, she removed her wand from its holster, hunching her shoulders so the small blue flame that erupted on the tip of it did not attract any attention.
Quickly she tapped the side patch on her mokeskin belt, and watched it expand and billow out to become the size of a small book bag. Reaching her hand in to depths that were enchanted to hold more than it seemed, she removed her glass phials in their special case, her potion making kit in its small wooden chest and her Standard Size 2 Cauldron safely packaged in its dragon hide satchel. Then came her dagger and knife in their proper sheaths and her mortar and pestle in their small protective pouch. Her brass scales in their flat case was placed on the table next followed by her elbow length Graphorn and Manticore hide gloves that had been a gift from her grandmother who thought safety was the number one concern in potions, hence all the safety precautions on all her equipment.
Reaching her arm further in until she was shoulder deep, she fished around until she withdrew some parchment, her quill and ink, and the books of course. The bibles of the art which included Magical Drafts and Potions text, A. Jigger, Introduction to Potions text, H. Slughorn, The Art of Potion Making by S. Snape, The Potion Scholar's Encyclopedia of Ingredients, and Potions: An Encyclopedia...and of course Standard grimoire or lab workbook that would be an essential for this class. Arranging everything in a small pile in front of her, she holstered her wand. Everything was still in it's protective casings but she longed to take it all out and set up her workstation...but no she would follow the written instructions. Nodding in affirmation to herself, she set down to rereading Introduction to Potions: Chapter One- Laboratory Basics until the professor arrived.
Relief washed over Allison when she saw Arya take a seat beside her. The only thing she needed was for her friends to skip out on the introduction of the class. She had hoped neither would and their presence and quieted her fears. "Oh Merlin, Arya. Thank any of the gods you're here. I was sort of scared to be here alone." Spotting Ivory not too far from them Allison touched Arya's arm and pointed towards their other friend, "Look, Ivory is over there as well. Ivory, yo!" Allison called out.
What made her raise an eyebrow was the way Ivory had all of her materials. She had heard of such belts with extendable space, but her mother hadn't wanted to get her one. Something about learning to enchant such things on her own, something that Allison now had to research at the library. After all if Ivory had one, she wanted one too. Not because she was jealous or anything, but for some reason having similar things to her friends reassured Allison like no other thing.
And then to the fall of her face she spotted someone else...
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe
Tiberius slid into the room, breathing a sigh of relief that Kazimeriz wasn't yet here. After detention, he was exceedingly wary of the man.
And his fingers still felt a little puffy sometimes.
Nevertheless, the urge to do well in the class superceded trying to avoid the man, and so Tiberius set himself near the front center of the room, ready for whatever. He set his bag on the table, double-checking that all his equipment was there, and waited patiently for the introduction to begin.
After last year's pop quiz, how bad could it be?
Poking Arya in the ribs Allison gave Tiberius a weak smile. She wasn't sure whether to be happy for the boy: for making seeker of the team, or feel bad for herself for not making it and being relieved she was a mere reserve. Not deciding on any, Allison nodded towards his direction and spoke out of her heart. Big lie, she spoke out of etiquette and because she knew that even though she really didn't want to congratulate him or even talk to him for that matter--because, after all he stole the quaffle from her a million times, Allison had manners engraved and had to say, "Tibi! Grats on seeker!"
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by individual
"My ink won't brake." she said, her voice muffled against the table before she decided to turn her head towards her friend. "Unbreakable charm." If she didn't have that charm, most of her things would definitely be broken. Heck, even her back would be ripped to pieces somehow. Sighing, she grabbed her bag from the ground and lifted it up to the table to take a few things out like her potions notebook, quill and ink.
Was she okay? "I'm fine." So, maybe she wasn't okay, but that didn't stop her from giving the robotic answer of 'I'm fine'. "I just need a little sleep is all." And when she meant 'a little sleep', she meant going to bed and not waking up for another month or so. Maybe she should go to the nurse and get something to force herself to fall asleep. Although, not sleeping did give her some extra time to study the patronus spell and animagi. Perhaps sooner or later Destiny could read those books too. She'll need it. There was a lot of information in there that even she herself didn't know about.
Ugh, that man was going to live on forever. It'll be like that one teacher she read about who still taught even though he was a ghost! "He better not be around forever..." He was a great teacher and all, but it was just too much of a 'hands on' approach to things. Glancing around to make sure Kazi wasn't around to here that, she opened her book and wrote the date down, before glancing around. When was class gunna start?
Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands
Destiny needed to use an unbreakable charm on her things. Would that have worked on a flower? Her flitterbloom plant would still alive if she used that charm. 'I should've did that to mine.' Too late now. She already broke quite a few, and had to clean her books a lot.
Hmm, perhaps Destiny was not serious enough about the Kazi comment. She was in fact serious. That man was going to out live everyone. It does pay to be mean, she figured. That meant Bunz was going to outlive Kazi. 'I don't think Kazi knows what normal is..' It was not normal to poison students with paper, it was not normal to make students drink love potion and it was not normal to pop potion filled balloons on students heads! Non-Normal-KaziMan. He scared her sometimes.
Okay, Evelyn did not look tired. It was more like exhausted! She could pass out right now that's how bad it was. She better not pass out during this class, Destiny neeeeeded her. Like, if she grows really big again, who would help her? 'I think you should go to the Healer. Maybe get something so you can sleep.' Destiny did want to visit her anyway, and maybe get a cootie vaccination.
"You don't look fine. Maybe Destiny is right, maybe you should go to the healer and see if you can get something to help you sleep." She looked around to see if the professor was here yet so they could get this class started. If it didn't start soon Evelyn might just pass out here and that would not be good. "If you want, one of us could go with you." Well she didn't know if Destiny would want to go but if needed she would go with her.
Relief washed over Allison when she saw Arya take a seat beside her. The only thing she needed was for her friends to skip out on the introduction of the class. She had hoped neither would and their presence and quieted her fears. "Oh Merlin, Arya. Thank any of the gods you're here. I was sort of scared to be here alone." Spotting Ivory not too far from them Allison touched Arya's arm and pointed towards their other friend, "Look, Ivory is over there as well. Ivory, yo!" Allison called out.
What made her raise an eyebrow was the way Ivory had all of her materials. She had heard of such belts with extendable space, but her mother hadn't wanted to get her one. Something about learning to enchant such things on her own, something that Allison now had to research at the library. After all if Ivory had one, she wanted one too. Not because she was jealous or anything, but for some reason having similar things to her friends reassured Allison like no other thing.
And then to the fall of her face she spotted someone else...
Poking Arya in the ribs Allison gave Tiberius a weak smile. She wasn't sure whether to be happy for the boy: for making seeker of the team, or feel bad for herself for not making it and being relieved she was a mere reserve. Not deciding on any, Allison nodded towards his direction and spoke out of her heart. Big lie, she spoke out of etiquette and because she knew that even though she really didn't want to congratulate him or even talk to him for that matter--because, after all he stole the quaffle from her a million times, Allison had manners engraved and had to say, "Tibi! Grats on seeker!"
Ivory glanced up when she heard her name. Allison and Arya were sitting in the table right across from her, and it was Allison who had just greeted her.
"Hey guys," she said leaning over slightly so they could hear her without her having to talk loudly. She could barely contain her excitement at having close friends in such an intimidating class.
Overhearing that congratulations were in order for the new Ravenclaw quidditch player, she turned towards the boy on her right.
SPOILER!!: AmbiguouslyMe
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe
Tiberius slid into the room, breathing a sigh of relief that Kazimeriz wasn't yet here. After detention, he was exceedingly wary of the man.
And his fingers still felt a little puffy sometimes.
Nevertheless, the urge to do well in the class superceded trying to avoid the man, and so Tiberius set himself near the front center of the room, ready for whatever. He set his bag on the table, double-checking that all his equipment was there, and waited patiently for the introduction to begin.
After last year's pop quiz, how bad could it be?
Well what do you know it was the boy from earlier...who had so wonderfully dealt with his detention that there seemed to be no traces of swollen-ness anywhere. Giving him a smile and wondering if he remembered her, she gave him a small salute. "Congrats Tibi." That was his name right she wondered to herself...she'd only heard him called Mr.Pryce.
Turning back to the book, she continued rereading the first chapter, hoping to absorb as much information as she could.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands
Destiny needed to use an unbreakable charm on her things. Would that have worked on a flower? Her flitterbloom plant would still alive if she used that charm. 'I should've did that to mine.' Too late now. She already broke quite a few, and had to clean her books a lot.
Hmm, perhaps Destiny was not serious enough about the Kazi comment. She was in fact serious. That man was going to out live everyone. It does pay to be mean, she figured. That meant Bunz was going to outlive Kazi. 'I don't think Kazi knows what normal is..' It was not normal to poison students with paper, it was not normal to make students drink love potion and it was not normal to pop potion filled balloons on students heads! Non-Normal-KaziMan. He scared her sometimes.
Okay, Evelyn did not look tired. It was more like exhausted! She could pass out right now that's how bad it was. She better not pass out during this class, Destiny neeeeeded her. Like, if she grows really big again, who would help her? 'I think you should go to the Healer. Maybe get something so you can sleep.' Destiny did want to visit her anyway, and maybe get a cootie vaccination.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
"You don't look fine. Maybe Destiny is right, maybe you should go to the healer and see if you can get something to help you sleep." She looked around to see if the professor was here yet so they could get this class started. If it didn't start soon Evelyn might just pass out here and that would not be good. "If you want, one of us could go with you." Well she didn't know if Destiny would want to go but if needed she would go with her.
Did she really look that bad? Okay, so maybe practically falling asleep wasn't helping that much, but still, other than that... Sitting up straight, she shook her head no, not really wanting to go to the healer since hospital places freaked her out, but sleeping did sound rather nice. "I'll go after class." she muttered before giving up and laying her head back onto the table. The professor wasn't there yet, so why not?
Hmmm, closing her eyes just for a minute or so, she listened to the conversations around her, picking out each voice as they spoke. There was Mr. Stutters, obviously, than a few other choice people she didn't really care for..."Kazi himself is just not normal." Seriously, who lives that long!?
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by individual
Did she really look that bad? Okay, so maybe practically falling asleep wasn't helping that much, but still, other than that... Sitting up straight, she shook her head no, not really wanting to go to the healer since hospital places freaked her out, but sleeping did sound rather nice. "I'll go after class." she muttered before giving up and laying her head back onto the table. The professor wasn't there yet, so why not?
Hmmm, closing her eyes just for a minute or so, she listened to the conversations around her, picking out each voice as they spoke. There was Mr. Stutters, obviously, than a few other choice people she didn't really care for..."Kazi himself is just not normal." Seriously, who lives that long!?
"Fine, after class you go. For now you just rest, we'll let you know when class starts." It wasn't like any of them had to be here for the first part anyway, after all they did survive last terms 'Pop Quiz'. Maybe they could let her sleep until the second part of class started, if only they could keep Kazi from noticing.
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
"You don't look fine. Maybe Destiny is right, maybe you should go to the healer and see if you can get something to help you sleep." She looked around to see if the professor was here yet so they could get this class started. If it didn't start soon Evelyn might just pass out here and that would not be good. "If you want, one of us could go with you." Well she didn't know if Destiny would want to go but if needed she would go with her.
Originally Posted by individual
Did she really look that bad? Okay, so maybe practically falling asleep wasn't helping that much, but still, other than that... Sitting up straight, she shook her head no, not really wanting to go to the healer since hospital places freaked her out, but sleeping did sound rather nice. "I'll go after class." she muttered before giving up and laying her head back onto the table. The professor wasn't there yet, so why not?
Hmmm, closing her eyes just for a minute or so, she listened to the conversations around her, picking out each voice as they spoke. There was Mr. Stutters, obviously, than a few other choice people she didn't really care for..."Kazi himself is just not normal." Seriously, who lives that long!?
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
"Fine, after class you go. For now you just rest, we'll let you know when class starts." It wasn't like any of them had to be here for the first part anyway, after all they did survive last terms 'Pop Quiz'. Maybe they could let her sleep until the second part of class started, if only they could keep Kazi from noticing.
Yeah, Evelyn better go to the Healers after class. Destiny will make sure she goes too, or at least goes to sleep. Why was Evelyn having trouble sleeping anyway? Probably dreaming of that scary dragon thing Josh got her last term. It was a dragon! Dragons could cause nightmares! Maybe she should hide that dragon, then Evelyn could sleep better. But how to be sneaky about it? 'How can she rest? The class is too loud!' If KaziMan walked in right now, he would not be a happy potioneer, that is for sure. Pulling out parchment and a quill, Destiny started to draw an angry KaziMan. At least she was being quiet..
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
Suddenly, all the candles in the room flickered out as though from a gust of wind, though the air was still as the grave.
CREEEAAAAK! The door to the potions room reopened sloooowly and eerie organ music began to play.
A shadowy figure appeared in the doorway, hovering, backlit... he held his arm up, obscuring his face so only his glowing eyes were visible. SCARY eyes... Spooooky eyes.
Wordlessly, he floated into the classroom until he was at the lectern... Then the music stopped and he threw his arms up victoriously.
"THE FUN HAS ARRIVED! Welcome, students, to potions class. I am your professor... Professor Crazy-meriz! Today we are studying..." he checked the board.
He cackled and pointed to the board with a handy pointer he had found.
"Can anyone tell us, class, what potion begins with?" he threw his pointer at a student. "You there! What is the first thing in any potion?"
He waited, looking like the kneazle that swallowed the fwooper.
You're nothing more than a pickle-headed prune biscuit-eating bulldog.
P.S. Your bowtie is crooked. And your pink thestral pony is super girly.
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Originally Posted by Zieko
Text Cut: Arya & Ivory
Relief washed over Allison when she saw Arya take a seat beside her. The only thing she needed was for her friends to skip out on the introduction of the class. She had hoped neither would and their presence and quieted her fears. "Oh Merlin, Arya. Thank any of the gods you're here. I was sort of scared to be here alone." Spotting Ivory not too far from them Allison touched Arya's arm and pointed towards their other friend, "Look, Ivory is over there as well. Ivory, yo!" Allison called out.
What made her raise an eyebrow was the way Ivory had all of her materials. She had heard of such belts with extendable space, but her mother hadn't wanted to get her one. Something about learning to enchant such things on her own, something that Allison now had to research at the library. After all if Ivory had one, she wanted one too. Not because she was jealous or anything, but for some reason having similar things to her friends reassured Allison like no other thing.
And then to the fall of her face she spotted someone else...
Poking Arya in the ribs Allison gave Tiberius a weak smile. She wasn't sure whether to be happy for the boy: for making seeker of the team, or feel bad for herself for not making it and being relieved she was a mere reserve. Not deciding on any, Allison nodded towards his direction and spoke out of her heart. Big lie, she spoke out of etiquette and because she knew that even though she really didn't want to congratulate him or even talk to him for that matter--because, after all he stole the quaffle from her a million times, Allison had manners engraved and had to say, "Tibi! Grats on seeker!"
"I'm glad your here as well, I heard the professor was strict."She looked over to were Ivory was seated, staring at the girls belt. She had never really seen a belt like that and wondered how the girl made it without falling over. She tried unsuccessfully not to react when she felt Allison poke her, but a small squeal escaped her lips as she struggled to stay on the stool. "Dont' do that! I'm too ticklish Allie."Rubbing away the ticklish sensation with a huge grin she turned around to see who Allison was yelling at.
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe
Tiberius slid into the room, breathing a sigh of relief that Kazimeriz wasn't yet here. After detention, he was exceedingly wary of the man.
And his fingers still felt a little puffy sometimes.
Nevertheless, the urge to do well in the class superceded trying to avoid the man, and so Tiberius set himself near the front center of the room, ready for whatever. He set his bag on the table, double-checking that all his equipment was there, and waited patiently for the introduction to begin.
After last year's pop quiz, how bad could it be?
Arya turned to the boy Allison had just called out to, still rubbing the area Allison poked her in. "Congrats Seeker."She smiled at the boy before turning to Ivory.
Originally Posted by Ivy Nienna
Ivory glanced up when she heard her name. Allison and Arya were sitting in the table right across from her, and it was Allison who had just greeted her.
"Hey guys," she said leaning over slightly so they could hear her without her having to talk loudly. She could barely contain her excitement at having close friends in such an intimidating class.
Overhearing that congratulations were in order for the new Ravenclaw quidditch player, she turned towards the boy on her right.
Well what do you know it was the boy from earlier...who had so wonderfully dealt with his detention that there seemed to be no traces of swollen-ness anywhere. Giving him a smile and wondering if he remembered her, she gave him a small salute. "Congrats Tibi." That was his name right she wondered to herself...she'd only heard him called Mr.Pryce.
Turning back to the book, she continued rereading the first chapter, hoping to absorb as much information as she could.
"Hey Ivory, nice belt."Her eyes glanced down to the belt before looking back to the girl with warm eyes.She looked up when she heard the door shut and creepy music playing. Scutting closer to Allison she stared at the gostly looking creature. Merlin I hope he's not the professor.She stiffled a giggle as he spoke, a small smile creeped on her face.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____
______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Suddenly, all the candles in the room flickered out as though from a gust of wind, though the air was still as the grave.
CREEEAAAAK! The door to the potions room reopened sloooowly and eerie organ music began to play.
A shadowy figure appeared in the doorway, hovering, backlit... he held his arm up, obscuring his face so only his glowing eyes were visible. SCARY eyes... Spooooky eyes.
Wordlessly, he floated into the classroom until he was at the lectern... Then the music stopped and he threw his arms up victoriously.
"THE FUN HAS ARRIVED! Welcome, students, to potions class. I am your professor... Professor Crazy-meriz! Today we are studying..." he checked the board.
He cackled and pointed to the board with a handy pointer he had found.
"Can anyone tell us, class, what potion begins with?" he threw his pointer at a student. "You there! What is the first thing in any potion?"
He waited, looking like the kneazle that swallowed the fwooper.
Knowing for a fact that this was indeed not the gentlemanly professor Ivory had to admit that Peeves was doing quite a good imitation of scary professor albeit a see through one that asked ridiculous questions. She'd only seen a ghost once before but she had to admit she'd never been witness to a poltergeist.
Her eyes twinkling in mirth but keeping a straight face the first year answered his question.
All Jennypuff (her new nickname) needed was Peeves. Great. THUD. She was bored already. "Peeves, go away." She said. "Just go away, one normal lesson!"
Last edited by mushroomweasley; 02-06-2010 at 10:10 PM.
Reason: Punctuation.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
"Fine, after class you go. For now you just rest, we'll let you know when class starts." It wasn't like any of them had to be here for the first part anyway, after all they did survive last terms 'Pop Quiz'. Maybe they could let her sleep until the second part of class started, if only they could keep Kazi from noticing.
Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands
Yeah, Evelyn better go to the Healers after class. Destiny will make sure she goes too, or at least goes to sleep. Why was Evelyn having trouble sleeping anyway? Probably dreaming of that scary dragon thing Josh got her last term. It was a dragon! Dragons could cause nightmares! Maybe she should hide that dragon, then Evelyn could sleep better. But how to be sneaky about it? 'How can she rest? The class is too loud!' If KaziMan walked in right now, he would not be a happy potioneer, that is for sure. Pulling out parchment and a quill, Destiny started to draw an angry KaziMan. At least she was being quiet..
"Fine, fine." she mumbled, still listening to everyone's conversation. "Right after class, of course." And Destiny was right. She couldn't rest with the amount of noise that was in the room at the moment, but right now she didn't care. Laying her head down and having her eyes closed felt reeaallyy nice.
But, of course, it could never last. Hearing random music start to play, she lifted her head and sat up, irritated and annoyed as all get out! WHAT was going on?! And who was that?! Definitely not Professor Kazi, that was for sure. It was...Peeves? Oh jeez. Just...really...Kazi was not going to like this.
And NOT EVERYONE was a first year! Some of them just so happen to be a step ahead of them!! Pfft! First years..."Well, I'm definitely not going to be sleeping now. Better be ready to put up a shield charm though.." she said quietly to Destiny and Marie. Who knew what happened when Peeves was around.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands
Yeah, Evelyn better go to the Healers after class. Destiny will make sure she goes too, or at least goes to sleep. Why was Evelyn having trouble sleeping anyway? Probably dreaming of that scary dragon thing Josh got her last term. It was a dragon! Dragons could cause nightmares! Maybe she should hide that dragon, then Evelyn could sleep better. But how to be sneaky about it? 'How can she rest? The class is too loud!' If KaziMan walked in right now, he would not be a happy potioneer, that is for sure. Pulling out parchment and a quill, Destiny started to draw an angry KaziMan. At least she was being quiet..
Destiny had a point, it was rather loud in there, "Well even if she doesn't go to sleep we can still let her rest. It's got to be better than trying to stay awake," she whispered to Destiny trying not to bother Evelyn.
Leaning forward and resting her chin in her hands she sat there daydreaming about Evan. Wow, she couldn't believe how much she missed him. It had only been a couple of days since she seen him but it felt like it had been forever. Hopefully he would show up for class soon, that would really put a smile on her face.
The door to the potions classroom slammed right in Oliver's face which in turn he screwed up making him resemble a small annoyed child. He reached out, turned the handle and wandered into the room feeling very old.. and even taller than usual. He couldn't see many students from his year and this made him feel thick as well as old and tall.. but potions had never exactly been the twitchy boy's forte so he thought he better attend the first session.
Eyeing the ghost that had almost broken his nose with the door, he wandered to the back of the room and slid quietly into a chair, sinking down into his seat and wishing he was invisible... or smaller so he would at least blend in a bit.
Suddenly, all the candles in the room flickered out as though from a gust of wind, though the air was still as the grave.
CREEEAAAAK! The door to the potions room reopened sloooowly and eerie organ music began to play.
A shadowy figure appeared in the doorway, hovering, backlit... he held his arm up, obscuring his face so only his glowing eyes were visible. SCARY eyes... Spooooky eyes.
Wordlessly, he floated into the classroom until he was at the lectern... Then the music stopped and he threw his arms up victoriously.
"THE FUN HAS ARRIVED! Welcome, students, to potions class. I am your professor... Professor Crazy-meriz! Today we are studying..." he checked the board.
He cackled and pointed to the board with a handy pointer he had found.
"Can anyone tell us, class, what potion begins with?" he threw his pointer at a student. "You there! What is the first thing in any potion?"
He waited, looking like the kneazle that swallowed the fwooper.
Not Peeves!!!
Chris had had a bad experience with him the term before. He did not fancy gravy in his hair. His expression was heated.
"Peeves, Professor Kazimeriz won't like it when he finds out you were in here!" Chris said standing up, his Prefect badge clearly visible. His eye brows were fixed into a non-approachable way. Few things made chris this angry and peeves was one of them.
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by ♦ Peeves ♦
The potions classroom doors slammed shut.
Suddenly, all the candles in the room flickered out as though from a gust of wind, though the air was still as the grave.
CREEEAAAAK! The door to the potions room reopened sloooowly and eerie organ music began to play.
A shadowy figure appeared in the doorway, hovering, backlit... he held his arm up, obscuring his face so only his glowing eyes were visible. SCARY eyes... Spooooky eyes.
Wordlessly, he floated into the classroom until he was at the lectern... Then the music stopped and he threw his arms up victoriously.
"THE FUN HAS ARRIVED! Welcome, students, to potions class. I am your professor... Professor Crazy-meriz! Today we are studying..." he checked the board.
He cackled and pointed to the board with a handy pointer he had found.
"Can anyone tell us, class, what potion begins with?" he threw his pointer at a student. "You there! What is the first thing in any potion?"
He waited, looking like the kneazle that swallowed the fwooper.
He almost hit her with that pointer. Not really, but she could pretend. He was the second mot annoying person in the school. Well, technically he wasn't a person, he was a ghost. He was dead! And Destiny could see why, because he was loud and obnoxious and he had horrible taste in music.
And people were actually paying attention to him, 'If you ignore him he will go away.' Hopefully.
Originally Posted by individual
"Fine, fine." she mumbled, still listening to everyone's conversation. "Right after class, of course." And Destiny was right. She couldn't rest with the amount of noise that was in the room at the moment, but right now she didn't care. Laying her head down and having her eyes closed felt reeaallyy nice.
But, of course, it could never last. Hearing random music start to play, she lifted her head and sat up, irritated and annoyed as all get out! WHAT was going on?! And who was that?! Definitely not Professor Kazi, that was for sure. It was...Peeves? Oh jeez. Just...really...Kazi was not going to like this.
And NOT EVERYONE was a first year! Some of them just so happen to be a step ahead of them!! Pfft! First years..."Well, I'm definitely not going to be sleeping now. Better be ready to put up a shield charm though.." she said quietly to Destiny and Marie. Who knew what happened when Peeves was around.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Destiny had a point, it was rather loud in there, "Well even if she doesn't go to sleep we can still let her rest. It's got to be better than trying to stay awake," she whispered to Destiny trying not to bother Evelyn.
Leaning forward and resting her chin in her hands she sat there daydreaming about Evan. Wow, she couldn't believe how much she missed him. It had only been a couple of days since she seen him but it felt like it had been forever. Hopefully he would show up for class soon, that would really put a smile on her face.
Good thing she wasn't alone in the room with Peeves. She might have been scared if he wasn't so stupid, sorta like Rex. Peeves reminded her of Rex! Bahaha! 'I don't see rest happening soon either.' Jeeeez, didn't ghosts know when they were not wanted? Obviously not, or Peeves would be gone by now. 'I guess you're just going to have to go to the Healer.' she told Evelyn. She might not be happy about that, but she'll be happy when she finally gets to go to sleep. Destiny would be angry if she couldn't sleep, that is for sure.
Right, the shield charm. She should have thought about that already.
____________ooh, ooh, she's the rough and the rowdiest kid________ ooh, ooh, and there's more where she lives_____
Daniel was a bit startled when the dungeon door slammed to looked towards the direction of it but wasn't happy to see who it was who entered. It isn't the Professor but their good old Peeves.
He listened at the mumblings and turned away so he wouldn't get into too much trouble. Why can't this be a normal class, anyway? he asked himself.
Toccata & Fugue is made of win ^,^ Brings back childhood memories of Fantasia
<.< >,> v.v ^,^!
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
"I'm glad your here as well, I heard the professor was strict."She looked over to were Ivory was seated, staring at the girls belt. She had never really seen a belt like that and wondered how the girl made it without falling over. She tried unsuccessfully not to react when she felt Allison poke her, but a small squeal escaped her lips as she struggled to stay on the stool. "Dont' do that! I'm too ticklish Allie."Rubbing away the ticklish sensation with a huge grin she turned around to see who Allison was yelling at.
Arya turned to the boy Allison had just called out to, still rubbing the area Allison poked her in. "Congrats Seeker."She smiled at the boy before turning to Ivory.
"Hey Ivory, nice belt."Her eyes glanced down to the belt before looking back to the girl with warm eyes.She looked up when she heard the door shut and creepy music playing. Scutting closer to Allison she stared at the gostly looking creature. Merlin I hope he's not the professor.She stiffled a giggle as he spoke, a small smile creeped on her face.
Ivory could not resist a small smile at Peeves antics, happy she'd dodged at the last minute and avoided being hit by the pointer. Her eyes wide with curiosity she waited to see what he would do next...or even more importantly what the Professor would do once he got here.
With a small shrug she turned back towards her friends.
"Thanks," she said to Arya. "My Mum got it for me as one of those 'oh-look-at-how-you've-grown-my-little-baby's-going-off-to-school-and-needs-a-present' things." Smiling as she ran all the phrase together, she continued. "It's super cool and each of these little patches becomes a bag of a different size so it'll hold all sorts of stuff. My mum even holds her broom in hers!"
An authoritative voice caused her to turn. Oh it was a prefect who seemed to be trying to get Peeves to leave....hmm would it work she wondered. Turning back to her book, she continued reading in the hopes that the professor would soon be there.
Last edited by Ivy Nienna; 02-06-2010 at 10:49 PM.
I like to emphasize~Mecca~ScoobieDoo~M O L L Y~Dori~MummyAlice~Beckers the ALIEN
Originally Posted by sarahb
"Yeah, my mom said she would help me become an Auror, she says it is a promising job," Jacklyn Caroline says imagining herself as an Auror.
"That's pretty cool! I may ask my brother's girlfriend to give me some pointers.She's amazing according to him." Becca replied enthusiastically. And just then, Peeves decided to join in the fun of potions. Kazi wouldn't like this at all. Becca shook her head and groaned. This would not be a fun lesson. "If you havent met him," Becca said over the sound of the organ music while rolling her eyes, "That's Peeves, the Poltergeist who makes everything oh so fun! My advice, avoid him at all costs. He especially likes tormenting firsties."
That's just how we roll.
Last edited by Mrs_Molly_Weasley; 02-06-2010 at 11:22 PM.
Poking Arya in the ribs Allison gave Tiberius a weak smile. She wasn't sure whether to be happy for the boy: for making seeker of the team, or feel bad for herself for not making it and being relieved she was a mere reserve. Not deciding on any, Allison nodded towards his direction and spoke out of her heart. Big lie, she spoke out of etiquette and because she knew that even though she really didn't want to congratulate him or even talk to him for that matter--because, after all he stole the quaffle from her a million times, Allison had manners engraved and had to say, "Tibi! Grats on seeker!"
Originally Posted by Ivy Nienna
Well what do you know it was the boy from earlier...who had so wonderfully dealt with his detention that there seemed to be no traces of swollen-ness anywhere. Giving him a smile and wondering if he remembered her, she gave him a small salute. "Congrats Tibi." That was his name right she wondered to herself...she'd only heard him called Mr.Pryce.
Hearing his name, Tibi turned around. "Thanks, Allison," he said sheepishly. He hadn't thought he'd make the team at all and he was TERRIFIED.
And then someone else chimed in. Tibi recognized her as the girl from the potions lab, but couldn't remember he name at all. He gave a little half wave in her direction. "Thanks."
And then a noise caught his attention...
Originally Posted by ♦ Peeves ♦
The potions classroom doors slammed shut.
Suddenly, all the candles in the room flickered out as though from a gust of wind, though the air was still as the grave.
CREEEAAAAK! The door to the potions room reopened sloooowly and eerie organ music began to play.
A shadowy figure appeared in the doorway, hovering, backlit... he held his arm up, obscuring his face so only his glowing eyes were visible. SCARY eyes... Spooooky eyes.
Wordlessly, he floated into the classroom until he was at the lectern... Then the music stopped and he threw his arms up victoriously.
"THE FUN HAS ARRIVED! Welcome, students, to potions class. I am your professor... Professor Crazy-meriz! Today we are studying..." he checked the board.
He cackled and pointed to the board with a handy pointer he had found.
"Can anyone tell us, class, what potion begins with?" he threw his pointer at a student. "You there! What is the first thing in any potion?"
He waited, looking like the kneazle that swallowed the fwooper.
NO. Not PEEVES. Tiberius turned back to face the front of the room and put his head in his hands. Whatever Peeves had in mind, Tibi was certain it wouldn't make Kazimeriz happy, probably quite the opposite.
As if the man needed reason to be cranky.
Tibi kept his head down. He imagined more than just the thrown pointer would be flying soon.
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind
You can float across a rainbowsky
to once upon a time
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by individual
"Fine, fine." she mumbled, still listening to everyone's conversation. "Right after class, of course." And Destiny was right. She couldn't rest with the amount of noise that was in the room at the moment, but right now she didn't care. Laying her head down and having her eyes closed felt reeaallyy nice.
But, of course, it could never last. Hearing random music start to play, she lifted her head and sat up, irritated and annoyed as all get out! WHAT was going on?! And who was that?! Definitely not Professor Kazi, that was for sure. It was...Peeves? Oh jeez. Just...really...Kazi was not going to like this.
And NOT EVERYONE was a first year! Some of them just so happen to be a step ahead of them!! Pfft! First years..."Well, I'm definitely not going to be sleeping now. Better be ready to put up a shield charm though.." she said quietly to Destiny and Marie. Who knew what happened when Peeves was around.
Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands
He almost hit her with that pointer. Not really, but she could pretend. He was the second mot annoying person in the school. Well, technically he wasn't a person, he was a ghost. He was dead! And Destiny could see why, because he was loud and obnoxious and he had horrible taste in music.
And people were actually paying attention to him, 'If you ignore him he will go away.' Hopefully.
Good thing she wasn't alone in the room with Peeves. She might have been scared if he wasn't so stupid, sorta like Rex. Peeves reminded her of Rex! Bahaha! 'I don't see rest happening soon either.' Jeeeez, didn't ghosts know when they were not wanted? Obviously not, or Peeves would be gone by now. 'I guess you're just going to have to go to the Healer.' she told Evelyn. She might not be happy about that, but she'll be happy when she finally gets to go to sleep. Destiny would be angry if she couldn't sleep, that is for sure.
Right, the shield charm. She should have thought about that already.
Okay, who invidted the ghost to class? Was this some sort of joke Kazi was trying to play on the firsties? Wait, not everyone in the room was first years, stupid ghost. If Kazi didn't put Peeves up to this then it was going to be fun to watch his reaction when he came into the room.
Well with Peeves in the room there would be no way Evelyn wuold get any rest that was for sure. Luckily Marie never had to deal with Peeves last term so she really didn't know what to expect from him. She just knew that right now he was being annoying. "Oh, good idea. Protego!" she said as she took out her wand and put up a shield charm. Now to wait for any other surprises this class may hold.
Eyes rising at the slamming of the door, and immediately set rolling at the organ music, Raiden stared silently at the figure. Peeves would do nothing to help Kazimeriz's mood, and the man was downright dour most times already.
Unfortunately, there were always people who gave Peeves... exactly what he wanted. Also unfortunately, one of them was a fellow Prefect. With a sigh, and a very distasteful look at Peeves, Raiden went back to looking through his book. Wasn't about to do anything and have Professor Kazimeriz walk in halfway though and misunderstand his actions.
"If he knows he's bothering you, he'll only do worse," he said flatly, directing the words to nobody in particular. "Professor will be here soon."
Suddenly, all the candles in the room flickered out as though from a gust of wind, though the air was still as the grave.
CREEEAAAAK! The door to the potions room reopened sloooowly and eerie organ music began to play.
A shadowy figure appeared in the doorway, hovering, backlit... he held his arm up, obscuring his face so only his glowing eyes were visible. SCARY eyes... Spooooky eyes.
Wordlessly, he floated into the classroom until he was at the lectern... Then the music stopped and he threw his arms up victoriously.
"THE FUN HAS ARRIVED! Welcome, students, to potions class. I am your professor... Professor Crazy-meriz! Today we are studying..." he checked the board.
He cackled and pointed to the board with a handy pointer he had found.
"Can anyone tell us, class, what potion begins with?" he threw his pointer at a student. "You there! What is the first thing in any potion?"
He waited, looking like the kneazle that swallowed the fwooper.
Sidney looks at the podium and sees the creature floating in front of it. "Potions begins with the letter, 'P'. You generally add water first when making most potions. Some call for other liquids. Nice to meet you Professor Crazymeriz. What have you done with the real professor?"