Dear Ickle Studentsies,
Everyone hates rules. I hate them too. But you know what I do like? Not living in my parents' houseboat; it's a bit cramped... and it smells like fish. So as much as I don't want to give you rules to follow, I don't want to lose my job either, because I may be a bit immature, but I think I've finally come to the age where I'm too old to live with Mummy and Daddy if I get sacked from another job.
So here is what you need to know:
1. I am easily distracted. Don't do things that are going to distract me - OMG a Castle!! wait what was I saying? Oh yes, distracted. So in my class, raise your hand, wear your Hogwarts Uniform as it was intended to be worn, bring your wand, texbook, parchment, quills and ink to all my classes unless I ask you to do otherwise. Don't shout over each other or at each other and generally please don't behave like prats.
OOC Translation: Please consider what it would be like to go to class for real when playing to avoid problems. In general, you will not be penalized without warning for a first time IC offense.
2. Don't even try cheating. There is no form of cheating that I haven't tried. I'll know and you'll lose more points than you ever could have earned.
OOC Translation: Cheating includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism of any kind, copying other students' work, and editing your post with a correct answer after others have posted it.
3. If you're going to be late, or you intend to walk out on my class, SO WHAT? I really don't care, DO YOU KNOW how many classes I was late for/snuck out of/ or skipped all together when I was your age? Neither do I - I lost count. The important thing is to not get caught. I take off 5-15 points if I catch you. Depending on if you've been caught by me or my contemporaries before.
OCC Translation: Do NOT announce your late arrival to class, or your early departure. If you arrive to class after the teacher has started or leave before they have finished, simply act as if you have been there the whole time.
4. This is a BIG school. Make friends on your own time, in your own space, or really any time and space that isn't while I'm trying to teach you something cool. If I've left the class unlocked and I'm not teaching, or not in the room yet, you can talk amongst yourselves, but once I start, you have to stop. I think it's fair. If you ARE chatting while I'm teaching, you have to pay the price, which can be anything from public humiliation to house points, to detention - depending how annoyed you've made me.
OOC Translation: Unless you are acting in character, please refrain from chatting after class has started (it is okay to chatter if the class thread is opened early and I've given you some time before class to RP).
5. I don't get to make up all the rules, I just have to play by them and so do you.
OOC Translation: Follow all
SS Board and
General School Rules.
6. If you don't like the rules, ask me about them. If we can't work something out, talk to my boss. He's a cool guy.
OCC Translation: If you have a question about the rules, please don't hesitate to PM a staff member. If you have a conflict with a staff member over these rules (or anything else for that matter) please contact the headmaster/mistress.
Now that it's all clear for everyone, let's go get us some learnin' shall we?
Professor (Can you BELIEVE THAT???) Julian Kade.