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Alessia was tired. She was running on ONE hour's sleep. (ooc: Because *I* am - LOL) She had the bag of Witches' Runes that Tate found in his office in her hands... Where these the reason Reynard was gone? Did he not leave her? She scootched up on her desk and waited for the students to file in.
ooc: I am so sorry, I was going to start this yesterday, but I was on call and ended up working all night long (except from 2:30 to 3:30 AM - my one hour of sleep) I will keep this thread open for at least 72 hours.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Marie thought she would take a chance and try to guess what one of teh other runes meant. "Professor, could the Star Rune mean you are going to be the center of attention? Like when someone is the star, the leader, they are the one that is watched for the most."
It was a long shot but it sounded good.
"The star rune is bright and shiny. It leads you on your right path. It has many varied meanings. It can tell you you need to follow a path toward spiritual fufillment, and at other times lead you down a path towards monetary fufillment and success in the concrete world. It is always changing as our directions change, but be sure when you follow the path the star rune directs you down, you can never go wrong. Your future is bright and secure at least so long as your star shines."
Herminny heard a couple people go guess what the flight rune meant after the professor mentioned no one said anything about it but she had a differrent idea so she raised her hand said, "I think the flight rune may mean you have to leave, someone or something in the future.".
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
STARS! Of course, how had he overlooked that one?! Jack LOVED stars! After a few moments of thinking his hand was in the air once more. "Professor, couldn't the star mean emptiness or the unknown? Because stars are up in space, and there is a TON of empty space up in our solar system, and to a lot of people, it represents fear and loneliness. You'd obviously be lonely up in space with no one but the Martians to keep you company, and a lot of people fear space and the solar system mainly because it's SO huge that we had no idea what's out there in some of the furthest corners of our galaxy."
He was also about to suggest that the woman rune probably meant DRAMA, but he kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to get anyone upset!
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Gold raised her hand. "Professor, could the flight rune depict transition?" she asked. "Between good or bad; between right and wrong; between any two points. Or an agent of change."
She half-lowered her hand, then raised it again. "The star rune, that could mean a lamp. I mean, guidance. Hope, or the opening up of a new path. But it could represent fire, too -- the frustration, riot kind; maybe the happy, joyous kind. I guess one could go a lot of ways, when interpreting this particular rune." Fire encompassed so many boundaries.
Bella had taken her seat, she thought the view outside was a great one. But she was ignoring it, ill look at it at the end of the lesson, she thought as she payed attention to the class. Her parchment was full with notes, useful and unuseful, but no her notes wern't pristen neat, she had doodled round the edges. Giving the sheet that funky look. She chuckled to herself.
But she wanted to answer a question, and what a question to answer! She remembering reading a book once about runes, it described the different runes and there meanings, if only she could remember them. The women? The Star? Bella listened to the other's in her class answer as the tryed to recall, at last she thought she had something,
"Professor, does the star rune mean, something like being the centre of attention, as star?" She asked slowly remember. She smiled.
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
"Master Upstead... Now that you took the pepper up potion you should be fine. Stay." She figured the runes had appeared to the headmaster, just as they appeared to Jake and Louann.
Jake shook his head. In any case, he couldn't answer. He could only remember one, the moon (it had been pretty fitting when Lupa had told them). Oh, but wait, there was one more.
Raising his hand feebly, Jake sneezed again, coughed, and spoke. "I juhh-just know the ar-arrows muhh-mean argummmments and nuhh-negativity."
How very fitting again! Sneezing another time, Jake started to get a little nervous. No longer about the runes, but the potion. But he wanted to get out anyway. "Puhh-please, ppprofessor!" he begged, noting the way she called him Master Upstead again. That hurt, man. "I nuhh-need tuhh-ter..."
It was definitely time for the puppy-dog eyes, but Jake just couldn't. He was exhausted. Instead, the boy lay his head back down on the desk. He'd wait it out if he had to, but this place was messing with him.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat
Reese tapped her quill against her notebook as she thought about the runes no one had mentioned yet. After thinking a bit, she raised her hand once more. "Couldn't men represent work? Because, typically, men usually are the workers of the family," she answered.
Originally Posted by Louisianna
Evelyn could picture the page in her book really clearly now and raised her hand again. [B]"The man stone represents most things masculine, energy and power like we already discussed, and also strength, bravery, chivalry. And it also relates to the colour blue."
"Workers, head of the family, strength, bravery, chivalry... not so sure about colours here..." She said.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Marie sat listening to everyone give answers but the only one she really thought she knew was the Flight Rune.
Raising her hand she said "Professor, the Flight Rune means that you are running from or are going to be running from someone or something. You are scared of something so you are running for your life."
Was this one of the runes found in the headmaster's office? Was Headmaster Bontecou running for his life from someone?
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Chris raised his hand. "Professor Lupa, couldn't flight represent freedom from either someone, something or an idea? Like how birds typically represent freedom since they can fly and are not tied down to the earth?" he asked excitedly.
Originally Posted by DH Vixen
Mina bit her lip in through. Flight used to be referred to as the birds, right? "Professor, could flight have something to do with maybe an unexpected change?" she asked. "It could be positive or negative, but there is a beginning and an ending, but what happens in between could be unexpected?" She was grasping at straws, she just couldn't remember what exactly the significance of birds had meant before the 18th century.
Originally Posted by Herminny
Herminny heard a couple people go guess what the flight rune meant after the professor mentioned no one said anything about it but she had a differrent idea so she raised her hand said, "I think the flight rune may mean you have to leave, someone or something in the future.".
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie
Gold raised her hand. "Professor, could the flight rune depict transition?" she asked. "Between good or bad; between right and wrong; between any two points. Or an agent of change."
"Running, Escape, Freedom, Change, abandonment, transition. All very good!" She said.
Originally Posted by Mrs_Molly_Weasley
Becca smiled at the familiar quote, "You're a Shakespeare fan as well Professor Lupa?" Becca loved the man dearly. "Oh, the Moon is particularly feminine and usually deals with questions about women's issues. Early goddesses such as Isis and Ishtar wore the crescent or 'horns of the moon'. Gypsies called it schion or 'arms of protection'. "
"Yes, a fan of the bard..." But not of the moon... "Alright... femininity."
Originally Posted by Louisianna
Evelyn could picture the page in her book really clearly now and raised her hand again. [B]"The woman stone represents feminine things like protection, caring and nurturing. And it relates to the colour yellow.
Originally Posted by Ellabella
Fred decided to take on one of the runes the professor mentioned and answered, "Could the woman rune mean nurturing, like a taking care of something, something that requires gentle handling is in you're future.".
"Caring and nurturing. Gentleness..." she repeated.
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat
Reese had been thinking about what the star and woman runes could mean until she came across a really good idea about what star could mean. She raised her hand for the third time on this question and said, "The star rune could represent guidance, because you usually look to the stars when you need help...or at least it's something like that." She read somewhere that people looked to the stars when they needed directions.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Marie thought she would take a chance and try to guess what one of teh other runes meant. "Professor, could the Star Rune mean you are going to be the center of attention? Like when someone is the star, the leader, they are the one that is watched for the most."
It was a long shot but it sounded good.
Originally Posted by Mrs. Weasley
"The star rune is bright and shiny. It leads you on your right path. It has many varied meanings. It can tell you you need to follow a path toward spiritual fufillment, and at other times lead you down a path towards monetary fufillment and success in the concrete world. It is always changing as our directions change, but be sure when you follow the path the star rune directs you down, you can never go wrong. Your future is bright and secure at least so long as your star shines."
Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou
STARS! Of course, how had he overlooked that one?! Jack LOVED stars! After a few moments of thinking his hand was in the air once more. "Professor, couldn't the star mean emptiness or the unknown? Because stars are up in space, and there is a TON of empty space up in our solar system, and to a lot of people, it represents fear and loneliness. You'd obviously be lonely up in space with no one but the Martians to keep you company, and a lot of people fear space and the solar system mainly because it's SO huge that we had no idea what's out there in some of the furthest corners of our galaxy."
He was also about to suggest that the woman rune probably meant DRAMA, but he kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to get anyone upset!
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie
She half-lowered her hand, then raised it again. "The star rune, that could mean a lamp. I mean, guidance. Hope, or the opening up of a new path. But it could represent fire, too -- the frustration, riot kind; maybe the happy, joyous kind. I guess one could go a lot of ways, when interpreting this particular rune." Fire encompassed so many boundaries.
She finally lowered her hand.
Originally Posted by Evangeline Hermione
Bella had taken her seat, she thought the view outside was a great one. But she was ignoring it, ill look at it at the end of the lesson, she thought as she payed attention to the class. Her parchment was full with notes, useful and unuseful, but no her notes wern't pristen neat, she had doodled round the edges. Giving the sheet that funky look. She chuckled to herself.
But she wanted to answer a question, and what a question to answer! She remembering reading a book once about runes, it described the different runes and there meanings, if only she could remember them. The women? The Star? Bella listened to the other's in her class answer as the tryed to recall, at last she thought she had something,
"Professor, does the star rune mean, something like being the centre of attention, as star?" She asked slowly remember. She smiled.
"Guidance, that's a great one... Center, fulfillment, shininess... loneliness, as it's a single star and not stars," she wasn't too sure about the Martians though, but she smiled and ruffled the headboy's hair. "Hope is great too..." she said nodding.
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
'Not exactly.' The frown deepend as he considered the Professor. 'Not exactly' meant both yes and no. So they knew purpose and intent, but not subject or final causation. Or, at least she hadn't said she knew them. Yet on the other hand she had brought up that they were from the Headmaster's office, that it was part of foul play, and they apparently knew what was going on. So she was being honest, but at the same time keeping them in the dark. It reminded him of muggle media. He couldn't keep himself from vocalizing his confusion. "Fair enough. Why then tell us that they are part of an investigation currently underway, regarding the disappearance of the previous Headmaster?" She had to know that they would ask questions. Not to mention evidence was evidence.
"Or are those seven rune stones rare and not regularly used or seen?" He added on in a toe of sincere interest.
Awww the boy was getting frustrated with her. She smiled at him, "Actually I said nothing of an investigation currently underway," She told him, "I simply answered your question. And to answer your other one, all 13 of them are rare. However, if you have theories on how the headmaster disappeared with the use of the seven I mentioned, then, please, see me in my office later."
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr
Jake shook his head. In any case, he couldn't answer. He could only remember one, the moon (it had been pretty fitting when Lupa had told them). Oh, but wait, there was one more.
Raising his hand feebly, Jake sneezed again, coughed, and spoke. "I juhh-just know the ar-arrows muhh-mean argummmments and nuhh-negativity."
How very fitting again! Sneezing another time, Jake started to get a little nervous. No longer about the runes, but the potion. But he wanted to get out anyway. "Puhh-please, ppprofessor!" he begged, noting the way she called him Master Upstead again. That hurt, man. "I nuhh-need tuhh-ter..."
It was definitely time for the puppy-dog eyes, but Jake just couldn't. He was exhausted. Instead, the boy lay his head back down on the desk. He'd wait it out if he had to, but this place was messing with him.
The kid wasn't making much sense... "Arguments..." She sighed. "Very well... have the nurse give you a note and bring it to the next class." She said and went back to the class. "Feel better Jake." She said before resuming the lesson.
"Very good so so far we have:" and the magical chalk wrote on the board again while she voiced everything.
Evan looked at the board. He had an idea on woman... seeing he was doing so good with making up -both of his previous made up answers had been correct!- he raised his hand once again. "Woman might also mean bearing something new and young, yet to get mature. Don't get me wrong, but I also think woman means jealousy." And according to some Muggle researchers, female body was stronger than male's. Not to mention they would have stronger personality. Though he didn't say that. The strenght was already written for male, and he didn't have the courage to object that.
The kid wasn't making much sense... "Arguments..." She sighed. "Very well... have the nurse give you a note and bring it to the next class." She said and went back to the class. "Feel better Jake." She said before resuming the lesson.
Nodding his head pathetically, Jake grabbed his bag again and stood up, feeling a little dizzy but getting over it. The potion had helped a little, but still.
And anyway, now the discussion was going on about the disappearance of the headmaster. Eeek. He hoped they were the only ones found.
"Thuhh-thank you," he mumbled feebly, and trailed out of the class.
Just as well, his brain might have imploded. He didn't really know all that much about these runes.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Marie read through all the meanings that were written on the board so far. As she scanned tem she thought maybe she might know another meaning for The Rings. "Professor, maybe The Rings could mean coming together. Not necessarily a committment, but like a joining of forces, working together with someone to solve a problem perhaps."
"Professor would waves also mean a problem with one's life, ending with something bad. Or something like that?" She asked, heastenly putting her hand in ther air. She had guess, but after reading what was under the sub-title 'Waves' it seemed a pretty good guess to her. She smiled sweetly. "But-but the" She frowned at this point, "The Eye could also mean clear thinking?" She said, in a asking tone
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
Oliver who had been surprisingly quiet during the lesson so far, raised his hand from his place at the back of the room.
“Professor Lupa? The harvest could represent new beginnings, resolution and growth perhaps? Kinda symbolic to the season itself. And the waves, maybe inner turmoil? Angst? Like the crashing waves.
He was stabbing in the dark here but this was his interpretation of what the symbols could represent.
“The star could be symbolic of moving forward or a sign of things to come. The eye - perception and awareness. A conscious and understanding of something that isn't perhaps.. physical?" Shrug. Maybe?
Nia nibbled on the inside of her lip. Something told her that her previous answer was not totally well received - though it wasn't exactly her fault if she was skeptical about divination generally. Focusing on the next question, she thought about the meanings already mentioned.
"I believe the woman rune can also represent healing and homeliness - domestic things, where you consider 'home'. Perhaps familiarity? Though if I recall correctly, it can also imply slow progression..." she said quietly.
"And the harvest rune can be interpreted as being bountiful - a time to reap in the rewards and thus can imply well-being and happiness."
Kay tried to think of something the runes would mean. The woman one seemed easy and she listened to everyone answer the question. "Professor, wouldn't the woman rune mean rebirth, to give birth to something? I mean as women isn't that what we do. It doesn't have to be a child. It come mean to and Idea too." She said looking at all the ideas already listed.
Thomas raised his hand and said, "Maybe in flight he could add space and endless? Like, when you're flying you have endless amount of space to fly through and search for." Hopefully, what he said made sense or even better that he was right, he doesn't want to make a foul out of himself in front of the whole class.
Satine glanced at the list and then had an idea, "I think the eye could also mean like all knowing or something like that...you know like it can see into our futures, our presents, and our pasts for guidance." she said and hoped that the answer didn't sound too stupid.
Oliver raised his hand again. “Um.. the rings could symbolise union. Within or outside the binding of marriage. Like a partnership maybe but not necessarily one of love.” He flicked through he textbook. “And urr.. could the moon also mean not changing? Like being stuck in a rut without having the strength to move forward. Like the moon controls the tide doesn't it? And tides never change. They stick to the same basic pattern.”
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Jack's eyes widened as Lupa proceeded to ruffle his hair after his answer. First Pilliwickle now Lupa?! What was with these females and their fascination with hair ruffling?
Despite the fact that it made him a tad embarrassed AND it messed up his hair, he should take it as a compliment or something, right? Right.
He raised his hand a final time. "Could the moon also mean guidance? People in the olden times used to base their calenders and crop rotations off of the moon, so it basically guided their way of life. Even today our calenders still have those little symbols indicating what stage the moon is in as the month progresses."
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
"I think that the moon could mean darkness or night." Jenny said, If her question wasn't answered earlier, she would have to ask again. "Professor Lupa, did you find the stones? Or did the headmaster? " She needed an answer. She was going to tell Tate, fast. She was frustrated with Lupa. Very.
Did theories mean interpretations of a fourth year student who had little knowledge or experience in reading runes? Or further questions? Either way he supposed it didn't matter; he wasn't going to get any further answers to his questions from the Professor during class. That had been made relatively clear, and it was best not to push the matter, so instead he gave a small nod of understanding and figured perhaps it was best to go back to participating in the lesson, despite his distracted interest.
"Waves could also represent cleansing. Water is often used both symbolically and physically as a form of removing dirt, grime, and impurities on the body or soul, depending on the belief. It can represent a fresh start and removal of burdens. It also may represent new life, growth, birth or rebirth as water is often said to be the elixir of life." None of those explanations however, gave reason as to why it may have been in the Headmaster's office; unless some of the runes were meant as blessings, rather than curses.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
"Any more? There must be many more meanings..." She said smiling.
Gold raised her hand again. "Professor, could the sun mean spotlight, or the centre? Because it's so central to the solar system, and all? The waves could mean motion and, that said, life, because motion is what differentiates it from its opposite."
"The Harvest could also represent completion, an end so to speak; and the woman could symbolize bravery, because womankind has been through so much, is always through so much, and has always faced difficulties with strength - never given up, never will."
Ella raised her hand. "Professor Lupa, the moon could mean.. guidance. And the maybe the sun could mean power. The rings could mean joining, or crossing a point.." She knit her brows together in concentration, hoping to think of any more meanings. A lot of what she said, others had said as well. "Romance could mean heartbreak as well.. and women could also mean loving and sweet."
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde
Originally Posted by Deniiz
Evan looked at the board. He had an idea on woman... seeing he was doing so good with making up -both of his previous made up answers had been correct!- he raised his hand once again. "Woman might also mean bearing something new and young, yet to get mature. Don't get me wrong, but I also think woman means jealousy." And according to some Muggle researchers, female body was stronger than male's. Not to mention they would have stronger personality. Though he didn't say that. The strenght was already written for male, and he didn't have the courage to object that.
Originally Posted by hermygirl
Nia nibbled on the inside of her lip. Something told her that her previous answer was not totally well received - though it wasn't exactly her fault if she was skeptical about divination generally. Focusing on the next question, she thought about the meanings already mentioned.
"I believe the woman rune can also represent healing and homeliness - domestic things, where you consider 'home'. Perhaps familiarity? Though if I recall correctly, it can also imply slow progression..." she said quietly.
Originally Posted by Kaytone
Kay tried to think of something the runes would mean. The woman one seemed easy and she listened to everyone answer the question. "Professor, wouldn't the woman rune mean rebirth, to give birth to something? I mean as women isn't that what we do. It doesn't have to be a child. It come mean to and Idea too." She said looking at all the ideas already listed.
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie
"and the woman could symbolize bravery, because womankind has been through so much, is always through so much, and has always faced difficulties with strength - never given up, never will."
"Bearing and giving birth... let's call that fertility. Jealousy... hmmm I'm not sure If I'll accept that, I've known many a jealous man... let's leave that off. But home and bravery are great ones!" She said and pulled up the Woman's rune, "It is also in the shape of a magic wand... the kind muggles used to go look for water with. So how about sorcery, magic wands and... women are known to be mysterious... so mystery." She said adding to the board.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Marie read through all the meanings that were written on the board so far. As she scanned tem she thought maybe she might know another meaning for The Rings. "Professor, maybe The Rings could mean coming together. Not necessarily a committment, but like a joining of forces, working together with someone to solve a problem perhaps."
Originally Posted by noodles
Oliver raised his hand again. “Um.. the rings could symbolise union. Within or outside the binding of marriage. Like a partnership maybe but not necessarily one of love.” He flicked through he textbook.
Originally Posted by MidnightSilver
Ella raised her hand. "Professor Lupa, the moon could mean.. guidance. And the maybe the sun could mean power. The rings could mean joining, or crossing a point.." She knit her brows together in concentration, hoping to think of any more meanings. A lot of what she said, others had said as well.
"Joining of forces, union... yes... very good." She said, "We got guidance and power... but yes rings can mean crossing point or joining. Rings are also used to bind... bind people in marriage... and shackles are rings too, so binding."
Originally Posted by Evangeline Hermione
"Professor would waves also mean a problem with one's life, ending with something bad. Or something like that?" She asked, heastenly putting her hand in ther air. She had guess, but after reading what was under the sub-title 'Waves' it seemed a pretty good guess to her. She smiled sweetly.
Originally Posted by noodles
Oliver who had been surprisingly quiet during the lesson so far, raised his hand from his place at the back of the room. “The waves, maybe inner turmoil? Angst? Like the crashing waves."
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
"Waves could also represent cleansing. Water is often used both symbolically and physically as a form of removing dirt, grime, and impurities on the body or soul, depending on the belief. It can represent a fresh start and removal of burdens. It also may represent new life, growth, birth or rebirth as water is often said to be the elixir of life." None of those explanations however, gave reason as to why it may have been in the Headmaster's office; unless some of the runes were meant as blessings, rather than curses.
"Problems, tumoil, angst... Life, rebirth... great stuff guys!" She said writing it down.
Originally Posted by Evangeline Hermione
"But-but the" She frowned at this point, "The Eye could also mean clear thinking?" She said, in a asking tone
Originally Posted by noodles
"The eye - perception and awareness. A conscious and understanding of something that isn't perhaps.. physical?" Shrug. Maybe?
Originally Posted by Lezleighd
Satine glanced at the list and then had an idea, "I think the eye could also mean like all knowing or something like that...you know like it can see into our futures, our presents, and our pasts for guidance." she said and hoped that the answer didn't sound too stupid.
"Clarity, and awareness, divining powers... this IS the third eye. Great additions." She said. "How about Focus? The eye also symbolizes high magic."
Originally Posted by noodles
“Professor Lupa? The harvest could represent new beginnings, resolution and growth perhaps? Kinda symbolic to the season itself."
Originally Posted by hermygirl
"And the harvest rune can be interpreted as being bountiful - a time to reap in the rewards and thus can imply well-being and happiness."
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie
"The Harvest could also represent completion, an end so to speak;"
"Growth, beginnings, bounty, completion... good job." She said. "I'm going to add good fortune and abbundance."
Originally Posted by noodles
He was stabbing in the dark here but this was his interpretation of what the symbols could represent.
[B]“The star could be symbolic of moving forward or a sign of things to come."
"The future..." she said letting the chalk write. "I'm adding money, personal glory, dreams and ideals... I always say reach for the stars!" She giggled.
Originally Posted by bone_baud10
Thomas raised his hand and said, "Maybe in flight he could add space and endless? Like, when you're flying you have endless amount of space to fly through and search for." Hopefully, what he said made sense or even better that he was right, he doesn't want to make a foul out of himself in front of the whole class.
"Endless... I like that... what about messages, our owls fly!" She said.
Originally Posted by noodles
“And urr.. could the moon also mean not changing? Like being stuck in a rut without having the strength to move forward. Like the moon controls the tide doesn't it? And tides never change. They stick to the same basic pattern.”
...Or something.
Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou
Jack's eyes widened as Lupa proceeded to ruffle his hair after his answer. First Pilliwickle now Lupa?! What was with these females and their fascination with hair ruffling?
Despite the fact that it made him a tad embarrassed AND it messed up his hair, he should take it as a compliment or something, right? Right.
He raised his hand a final time. "Could the moon also mean guidance? People in the olden times used to base their calenders and crop rotations off of the moon, so it basically guided their way of life. Even today our calenders still have those little symbols indicating what stage the moon is in as the month progresses."
"Hmmmm let's call that 'habitual' Mr. Greenwood, because we refuse to move forward." She said and nodded to the head boy "Guidance... alright. It also stands for memory."
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie
Gold raised her hand again. "Professor, could the sun mean spotlight, or the centre? Because it's so central to the solar system, and all?"
"Center..." She said and added, "How about new direction."
Originally Posted by MidnightSilver
"Romance could mean heartbreak as well.. and women could also mean loving and sweet."
"Heartbreak is good!" She said... "well... not really, but for the purposes of this it's good."
The Sun
Strength, success, great happiness, bright future, center and new direction.
The Moon
Changing, variable, femininity, habitual, guidance and memory.
The Rings
Commitment, Joining of forces, union, crossing point, joining and binding.
The Crossroads
Struggle, change, choices, decisions and arguments
Struggle, difficulty, problems, tumoil, angst, new life, rebirth and motion
Running, escape, freedom, change, abandonment, transition, endless and messages.
The Harvest
Plans coming to fruition, timing, growth, beginnings, bounty, completion, good fortune and abbundance.
The Scythe
Death, an END to something
The Eye
Protection, clear sight, surveillance, perspective, understanding, clarity, awereness, focus, high magic and divining powers.
The Star
Guidance, center, fulfillment, shininess, loneliness, hope, the future, money, personal glory, dreams and ideals
Power, energy, workers, head of the family, strength, bravery, chivalry
Desire, passion, love, relationship and heartbreak
Originally Posted by mushroomweasley
"Professor Lupa, did you find the stones? Or did the headmaster? " She needed an answer. She was going to tell Tate, fast. She was frustrated with Lupa. Very.
"Hmmm? Headmaster Tate did." She said and continued with the lesson.
"Alright..." She flourished her wand and summoned a bag of witches' runes on each of their desks. "There is a white silk casting cloth in each bag. Lay it down on your desk and come up with a question. Concentrate on the query or feeling you would like the runes to help with then take ALL 13 runes in you wand hand. Cast them as if they were dice. You will only read the ones that will fall face up. The one farthest from you is you lead rune. The MOST important. If all your runes get cast face down, the question was not one that should be answered." She said. "Do your best in answering the question with the rune results. Remember, I don't teach divination, don't think this is the end all be all, your future is up to you to decide." She sat at her desk and said "Begin, and then let me know your findings."
ooc: HAVE FUN WITH THIS! There is no right or wrong.
Power, energy, workers, head of the family, strength, bravery, chivalry
Desire, passion, love, relationship and heartbreak
Originally Posted by Droo
"Hmmm? Headmaster Tate did." She said and continued with the lesson.
"Alright..." She flourished her wand and summoned a bag of witches' runes on each of their desks. "There is a white silk casting cloth in each bag. Lay it down on your desk and come up with a question. Concentrate on the query or feeling you would like the runes to help with then take ALL 13 runes in you wand hand. Cast them as if they were dice. You will only read the ones that will fall face up. The one farthest from you is you lead rune. The MOST important. If all your runes get cast face down, the question was not one that should be answered." She said. "Do your best in answering the question with the rune results. Remember, I don't teach divination, don't think this is the end all be all, your future is up to you to decide." She sat at her desk and said "Begin, and then let me know your findings."
Iris listened to Lupa talk, and looked at the runes ... They all confused her. A lot.
She thought about what she would want to ask the runes, she couldn't think of ANYTHING in particular... There was lots she'd like to know, but very little that she could actually think of to put into a question. She studied the runes for a while, and just gazed at them. Finally, she came up with something that she wanted to really know about. Aaron... Fallon, Satine, Wesley and Jimbo. Heck, even Cartwright... She'd spent hardly any time with her friends this term; it would be nice to know if that was going to change any time soon.
Iris took the casting cloth and lay it down on the desk. She focused clearly on the idea of wanting to know if She'd get to spend more time with her friends, soon. She particuarly thought about Aaron - they'd only spent time together twice this term - and that's including the train journey to school!
Iris picked up all 13 of the runes in her left hand, particularly glad that her runes seemed to be small - or she wouldn't be able to hold them all! and cast them gently on to the cloth.
The runes that were face up were: The Scythe, The Star, The Cross Roads, The Rings, Romance, and The Woman.
The Woman was furthest away from Iris, and The Scythe was closest. This confused Iris slightly; so she looked up all the meanings of the runes. The ones that were closest to her seemed pretty bad ... But the ones that were further away seemed more positive. Surely that means that her friendships were going to get better? ... Even if they might not be all that good right now?
Iris hoped that that was the case, trying to ignore the Romance rune ... It was second furthest from her; meaning that it was the second most importand rune for her to concentrate on... Instead of focusing on THAT one though, she looked at some of the other ones ... Like The Rings. That suggested that she would be joining forces. Maybe that meant that she was going to make new friends?
Ahhh... Iris really didn't know. She couldn't stand Divination and her second favourite lesson was turning into her least favourite lesson. This year wasn't going well at all. She just stared at her runes and tried to figure them out.