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Study Area Near the front doors of the library are a number of small tables, arranged in a cozy arrangement around a large center table. Each has quills and ink pots for use within the library and a large number of books are available for disposal; including extra copies of school books from first year to seventh year students. A small note proclaims that these books are to be used within the library only. Small stacks of parchment are centered neatly on the large table. A small sign states: Quote:
Sudy session 3 has begun here. |
As whenever Dominic entered the library, he got a little nervous. Even though he knew now that Madam Kohan wasn't as evil as she might have been three years ago when she made him organize books in detention, it was still weird being in here. But there wasn't really any more appropriate place for an interhouse study session; and since the prefects and him agreed to run them this term, the library it was. Making his way towards the front where small tables were set up, the seventh year couldn't help but approve of the librarian's simple but lovely taste. For someone who liked books, she seemed pretty sweet and accommodating. Even providing books for all the years, in case some students forgot theirs. Once he finished looking over the arrangements, the head boy took a seat at the end of one of the tables and waited for others to arrive. |
Evolette had been staring at her nails when Dominic came in. So, she was a little early? She'd been there at least 15 minutes before, but, she preferred being early, to being late. "Dominic." she greeted, perfectly pleasantly. She HAD to work with him today. She was stuck with him, why make it worse by giving him a reason to have an attitude with her? Like he NEEDED a reason. ....Now where was everyone? |
Evelyn walked into the library slowly at first, looking around, wondering if this was the right place to be. 'Well duh, it's the library. It said it would be in the library smart one.' the voice muttered in her mind. 'Shut...up...please.' she thought back, suddenly noticing the arrangement of tables next to her. "Oh." she mumbled, also seeing the head girl there as well. Moving quickly to one of the tables, she dropped her bag next to her as she sat down, glancing around every now and then, seeing who else was there and who was coming in. |
Mina let out a breathe was she walked back into the library. It was after all one, if not her personal, favorite place in the castle. Glancing around as she noticed the small tables around the central large table and started in that direction. Her head was still pounding slightly from her headache and her little walk did her very little good. If the fresh air it's do the trick she figured that perhaps some studying would. Silly girl. As she approached, her eyes again took in the beauty of the library. It always did manage to enchant her every time she entered. such the little bookworm. Her love for the smell of leather bounded book would perhaps be her downfall once day, or at least that is what her older sisters would tell her. But yet, she was after all just eleven and the concerns of someone her age were far different than those of someone the age of fifth-teen and nineteen. Reaching one of the small tables, she shook her head, clearing her mind of earlier thoughts and set her things on the table. She was there for a reason and it wasn't to daydream or think about how her life was, she was there to study. Setting her bag down and looking around, she noticed that there were few people there. 'Perhaps I'm early, she thought as she saw the Head Boy. She had yet to actually meet him, but she knew of him. "Hello, am I early?" she asked as she pulled things from her bag. |
Stuudddyyy group? WUTWUT? Cam had never really been in some sort of a study group, but if it meant having a lesser hard time of doing homework, he was game. He sniffed with his snout, smellin' that NUUIIIIICEEEEEE cinnamony-cent. TEEHEE. The smell of Evelyn McDonalds. WASN'T SHEEE JUST A DOLL??? Hmm. He needed to restock on shampoo. He was carrying a few books as well (LEIK CAN YA BELIEVE IT???)--a few of plants and magical creatures, two of books about Luna Lovegood, and three books about werewolves. But wait wait WAIT. Hold uuuuppp. Where the heck were the other people? WHO WAS HE GONNA COPY FROM?! But he just went towards Evelyn McDonalds. Her shampoo. Her scent. Soon enough, he was right beside her and the stack of books right in front of him. And he started sniffin' her. "Psssssttt Evelyn, ya know ya smell REAAAALLL better than last term?" But yesshhh. He leaned back to his own seat and stopped sniffing... sort of. Girls smelled nice. Yes. They really did. He glanced at the Dominator and the other people as well. |
Cela tossed her hair and gave her wand a flick to unload the pile of books she had been levitating. They were all on wand lore and the creatures and plants that were in any way, shape, or form related to wandmaking. She sat down in the chair Cope had pulled out for her and smiled at him sweetly before turning her attention to the Head boy and girl. "Hi Evee! Dom-in-ick!" Aside from the cheerfulness of her greeting, a flicker of something a little more mischevious passed through her eyes as she regarded the two of them. Sheeee haaaaad plaaaaans. |
Damon entered the library and for once was rather pleased that he could have an organized study group. For the past several weeks of school Damon had been studying by himself and had a hard time thinking about work when alone. Now he felt that somehow he could do good if he were among a group. Noticing that a few other students along with the head girl and boy had already been in for a bit Damon sat down in one of the many chairs. He had a few assignments that he wanted to get done and this just might be the chance to get where he wanted to be. |
To be honest, Dominic had been too rapped up in the suitable arrangements to notice that Evolette was already there. It wasn't until her pleasant greeting that he looked up and met her gaze. Oh, civilities were observed today, yes? Apparently. "Evolette," Dominic greeted back, but didn't have time to add anything else. For it was at that precise moment that seemed to be cue for EVERYONE to start filing in. Everyone but Hufflepuffs, that is. Numerous Ravenclaws, which was a bit shocking; the Head Boy would have thought that they would have preferred studying in their own quarters rather than interhouse. Well just so long as they didn't get all snotty, he'd be good. Oh. Cel-an-dine was here ... and Copernicus. He needed to speak with the latter too, but now was not the time. It was still a relatively small group though; guess a lot of students didn't need or want help? "Hi Cel-an-dine," he greeted politely in return to the fifth year before rising. Guess introductions would be a good place to start? "Thank you all for coming out for the first study session; for those who don't know me, I'm Dominic Denton, your Head Boy and will be leading this study session with Evolette..." He paused for her to join him and introduce herself. |
"Oh yes. We are all lucky." she commented lightly. Lucky. HAH. Giving the boy a wink, Evolette turned to her own books. Quote:
"Hello Cameron." she replied, trying not to betray any ZOMGHEISGOINGTOBITEME feelings she might have, and merely flicked her cool blue eyes over his face. "That's sweet of you." she added, flipping her hair and sending more cinnamon smell towards him. Hehe. Quote:
Ravenclaws and Slytherins. Raising her hand, Evolette glanced at everyone she did not know. Who probably did not know her either. "Evolette." she said, as means of introduction. |
K walked into the study area she was ready to get some homework done and get some points for Slytherin. "Hello Everyone" She said with a smile and a happy face. She was in a very good mood as she took a seat waiting to she what she would be starting on next. |
Quietly, Raiden stepped into the Library and made his way to the study area, a slight smile on his face as he watched the Head Girl and Head Boy introduce themselves. Sinking into a seat near where Celandine and Copernicus were, he gave them a little wave before looking back to Miss Evolette and Dominic Denton. There weren't nearly enough Slytherin students here... |
Destiny walked into the library and instantly found the study area. She noticed there were only a handful of students there already. 'Where is everyone?' she thought, looking around the room. She spotted Evelyn and made her way towards her. 'Hi Evelyn,' she whispered sitting down at the table. |
Mmm... study session. It sounded interesting to Livvy's ears. Though she wasn't sure she really wanted to spend the day in a library discussing school work, there wasn't really anything else for her to do... was there? So she shrugged slightly as she entered the library with her bag slung over her shoulder as usual. A grin placed on her face and her black silky hair pulled up into a ponytail. Bounding towards the group, Livvy glanced around and smiled as she looked over at the Head Boy and Head Girl. She nodded courteously at them as she took a seat next to Copernicus and Cela. "Hey you two," she said, gently, setting her bag down on the floor next to her seat. |
Cela smiled sweetly at Evolette and Dom-in-ick when they greeted her in return and tugged her open textbook into her lap again while she waited for them to... lead the study session or whatever. Teehee. She looked up happily when Raiden and Livvy came and sat by her and Copernicus and waved at both of them. She liked waving. Woo. "Hey Livvy, Hey Rai-Rai." She greeted them cheerfully and looked around those gathered so far, offering friendly smiles to the firstie 'claws that had come. |
Holding a hand to her frantically beating heart, she tried to breathe quietly as possible, turning towards the girl now sitting next to her. "Hey Destiny." After awhile, she calmed down and smiled towards the girl. "I haven't seen you around that much." she whispered. "How have you been?" |
Cedric headed to the study area. He had read Dom's attention note at their common room a while ago. So they has a study session at the study area in the library but oh what!! they has study session together with the other Hogwarts houses. That's great for him. At least, the study session would not be a very painful torture because he is with his friends. But what if he's friends weren't joining the session? ugh. As Cedric noticed Dom. He headed towards him and greeted, "Hey Dom!" he said as he took a seat. He glanced around then turned to Dominic, their headboy. "Are we going to have a study session with other houses..and err..Where's Tammy and Kaika?" he asked sullenly as he remembered that Tammy, Dom and Kaika were already seventh years and will going to left Hogwarts soon. |
my phone is so slow today. Quote:
After Destiny knew Evelyn had calmed down, she started to laugh. 'I guess I never thought I could scare anyone!' When Destiny's laughing fit was over she responded 'I've been good, except for the loads of homework we get. Hopefully this study session will help me.' That's why she was here, to catch up on all her work. Destiny started pulling out her books and quill when she noticed Evelyn's. 'Nice quill!' She said pulling out her old, plain one and put it out of view. |
Marie walked into the library and looked around for the study area. She quickly spotted the area and seen there were a few students there from her house. Not knowing anyone in the room she went and sat next to a couple of them, "Hi, my name is Marie, do you mind if I sit here with you?" she asked. |
You're sending this all from your phone? wow. haha Quote:
"Thanks." Evelyn said, turning her attention to the quill that sat on the table, picking it up and staring at it. "It was a gift from my uncle for my eleventh birthday. I don't know what kind it is though." she said, twirling it in the light, then glancing towards Destiny for a split second. "He travels around a lot. Hardly get to see him that often, and now since school has started..." she trailed off and smiled sadly at the quill before putting it down again. "I know what you mean on homework. I barely can get everything in on time." Evelyn half smirked, tapping the table with her fingers, waiting for the study thing to start. "So you liking school so far? Any favorite classes or anything?" Quote:
haha yeah, and sometimes it decides to go extra slow. like today! Quote:
Destiny quickly turned her attention back to the quill. 'Hmm, maybe there is a way to find out where it is from. This library should have something on quills.' Destiny started looking at all the books, like she would spot the right one. 'Have you ever traveled with your uncle? My family never really has time to travel, with their jobs and everything.' Destiny didn't want to tell Evelyn that they couldn't really afford to travel either. 'Classes have been great so far! Well, all except for astronomy. I never want to go there again!' The fact was Lord Borr scared her. He scared her more than Professor Lupa, and she was a werewolf! She continued to look around the room still searching for a quill book. |
Evelyn giggled when she saw Destiny pretend to write down something, presumably about not scaring her, and then started playing with her quill. "Hmm, maybe." she said quietly, staring at it. She frowned though when she heard Destiny ask if she ever traveled with her uncle. "Umm, no...i haven't." she tried to give a smile to her, but she knew it probably just looked like a grimace. "My parents don't...really like my uncle. I don't really know why. He seems perfectly fine to me but...I don't know. I would love to travel with him, over the summer or something. Who knows, maybe I'll get that chance next year." This time she really did smile, laughed even until her sides ached. Oh the joys of the Astronomy class! "Are you kidding me? Astronomy class was the greatest! Maybe not the professor...or if you would even call him a professor, or human for that matter, but it's practically a free class." She left out the thought of the professor reminding her of her father, but...she didn't really need to know that. |
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