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Near the front doors of the library are a number of small tables, arranged in a cozy arrangement around a large center table. Each has quills and ink pots for use within the library and a large number of books are available for disposal; including extra copies of school books from first year to seventh year students. A small note proclaims that these books are to be used within the library only.
Small stacks of parchment are centered neatly on the large table. A small sign states:
Study Sessions to Be Held Here
A small sign beneath it says:
Please wait for the leaders to begin the session. If you have any questions, please see the librarian.
"Well yes, it holds true for most all of humankind, but I was under the impression that we were discussing wizardkind only," Raiden mumbled to himself, turning in his seat and tucking his legs under the table. There weren't many people here in his year, most of the younger students had already paired up and were chattering between themselves, and per the suggestions they'd just put forth, he wasn't allowed to work with Kiri, as they were in the same house... Eh. He'd just work by himself. That would be fine, right? Of course.
If anyone particularly needed help, they could come to him. Yes. He had to finish his History of Magic assignment anyway. And that was something that the younger students couldn't help with, as he was in the advanced class, with the OWL level students and above.
Color coding schedules took far too much effort for the Head Boy; by the time you'd finish making the schedule, you could have already have sufficiently studied for one subject. "Mmhm," he nodded, sliding into the chair the older boy gestured to, as he took the parchment and unrolled it.
Golden eyes scanning its way down the parchment, his expression went from disbelief to confusion to anger to frustration and back again quickly. What!? Yes. Ravenclaws Females were most definitely INSANE.
"Uh. Thanks." He gave Cope a half-forced smile, as he rolled the parchment up. Would it be inappropriate to bop a certain someone on the head about now? Cause it was tempting.
Poor Abby. As usual she is the odd person out. She spots Copernicus and Dominic sitting together. Three heads are better than two. Abby pulls up a chair and joins them. "You'll don't mind me studying with you, do you?" Abby gives them her best pathic expression. No one could refuse it. Then Abby notices the rolled up piece of parchment in Dominic's hand. He looks like he would like to hit Copernicus with it. "Am I interupting something?"
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands
Destiny just smiled as Evelyn described what the phoenix felt like. 'Wellll I didn't touch it. Umm, I was kinda scared.' She shuddered when she thought about what could've happened. It could've bit me, thats what could've happened!
'Oh yeah the assignment.' Destiny said flipping through her notes. 'I have it written down somewhere..' When she found it she let Evelyn read it.
'I didn't do the scavenger hunt so I guess I'm stuck with option 1.' After reading the assignments she thought it would've been easier to do the scavenger hunt.
"Oh, well, that's okay then." Evelyn smiled at Destiny. It's not like she saw her as anything less...technically, Destiny was one of the few people Evelyn actually liked and trusted, next to Josh that is. And maybbeee Rafe too, but she wasn't so sure on him at the moment. So that would make her like...a friend. Right? 'Oh my god, i actually have friends?' she thought, sitting shocked for a moment. 'Oh, wow...do i need to slap you Ev?' the voice said nonchalantly in her mind. 'Noooo?...maybe...not right now.'
"It's actually a good thing you didn't do the scavenger hunt. You would have not have wanted to go to the whomping willow then. Practically could've killed people." she said in a whispered horror tone, breaking herself out of her new happy thoughts. Shivering at the memory of the tree, she looked over the two assignments. "I'll do the first option with you then. I wouldn't mind finding out why the wand i have chose me and what it means."
Cedric glanced around as some people started searching for their partner. And he definately didn't want to be left alone without a partner for the activity. He glanced around wondering if someone he knew doesn't have a partner yet. He sighed as it seemed that everbody has already a partner. "Partners, Anyone?" Cedric asked loudly so everybody can hear clearly.
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by individual
"Oh, well, that's okay then." Evelyn smiled at Destiny. It's not like she saw her as anything less...technically, Destiny was one of the few people Evelyn actually liked and trusted, next to Josh that is. And maybbeee Rafe too, but she wasn't so sure on him at the moment. So that would make her like...a friend. Right? 'Oh my god, i actually have friends?' she thought, sitting shocked for a moment. 'Oh, wow...do i need to slap you Ev?' the voice said nonchalantly in her mind. 'Noooo?...maybe...not right now.'
"It's actually a good thing you didn't do the scavenger hunt. You would have not have wanted to go to the whomping willow then. Practically could've killed people." she said in a whispered horror tone, breaking herself out of her new happy thoughts. Shivering at the memory of the tree, she looked over the two assignments. "I'll do the first option with you then. I wouldn't mind finding out why the wand i have chose me and what it means."
Destiny smiled back at Evelyn. Then the smile faded at the thought of the whomping willow.
'Oh no! I will not go anywhere near that tree! That tree is even scarier than the phoenix!' Nope. You would never catch Destiny near a tree like that.
Re-reading what option one of the assignment was, she nodded her head. 'So my wand is cherry wood with a unicorn hair.' She pulled out her wand and started to examine it. What she really wanted to do was shake it and ask it why it chose her, but she decided that could be quite dangerous. Instead she flipped through her notes to where she wrote about unicorns.
'Well unicorn blood has healing powers, maybe I would make a good healer? Like my parents want me to be.. What is your wand?'
Cedric glanced around as some people started searching for their partner. And he definately didn't want to be left alone without a partner for the activity. He glanced around wondering if someone he knew doesn't have a partner yet. He sighed as it seemed that everbody has already a partner. "Partners, Anyone?" Cedric asked loudly so everybody can hear clearly.
Evan relieved when he wasn't spotted for being a bit late. And apparently he hadn't missed anything, they had just started formng groups. He looked around. No one he knew. So he made his way to the Hufflepuff boy, who had just shouted loudly. He smiled nervously and said "Er... Wanna partner-up?" Was there even such a verb? Partner up... Fail.
Nancy was only able to half-listen to what Dominic and Evolette were talking about, she was too engrossed in glancing around the library anxiously. This place was just...plain creepy. How could you come in here frequently?! At this throught a small shudder ran down her spine as she forced her attention back to the two leading the study group right at the moment Evolette spoke up. Three groups? Where was the OWLs group again?! But it had just been impossible to pay attention properly while being trapped inside this scary place....
SPOILER!!: Quotes
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Seeing a slight movement out of the corner of her eye, LouAnn turned to see Chris, her Gryffindor prefect, taking the seat next to her. She sat up in her seat a little and returned the smile he'd given her. "Oh, hey, Chris! It's good to see another Gryffindor here. I was starting to think I'd be the only one," she said, a look of relief on her face. She'd have carried on further conversation with him, but Dominic, the Head Boy, starting speaking, so LouAnn turned to listen to the discussion on what had been taught so far.
On that note, LouAnn gathered all her belongings and moved to the area designated for fifth years. Now, apparently, she was supposed to partner up with someone in a different house. In other words, find a person she probably didn't know. "Hey, guys," she said, speaking to a few who'd already come to the little area. "Any Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, or Slytherins need a partner?" She remained standing, as she figured sitting down wouldn't necessarily help finding a partner at all. Now the awkward part starts---standing and waiting for someone to speak up and volunteer to be her partner.
Originally Posted by Celandine
"Oh don't worry Dom-in-ick, I promise I won't gouge you unless its in the arena." Celandine answered giving her hair a toss and looking around at the other Ravenclaws. Durr. Of course her answer was absolutely perfect, it was a 'claw thing.
She gave Dom-in-ick a friendly smile, since he was her friend after all, and shifted when Evee suggested the OWL students sit together. She gave Copernicus a little wink as she moved away from him, being sure that she was sitting in a spot that she could still see him.
"Hey LouAnn, Hey Chris! Shall we wait and see how many other OWL students are joining in before we partner off?"
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Chris nodded and chuckled a bit. "Hey it's good to see you too. I am glad I'm not the only Gryffindor aswell!" he then turned as Dominic and Evolette suggested that everyone split into groups and then partner up with people in that group.
So he got up and walked over to the table that the O.W.L. students were going. He then heard that they suggested people from different houses. He sighed a bit. He kinda wanted to work with LouAnn for...some reason. But he smiled as he caught sight of another friend Cela the only other fifth year at the table. "Oh hey Cela, how are you?!" he asked her happily setting his things down. "Hey maybe if no other 5th years show up we can all three work together." he said cheerfully to LouAnn and Cela, while spinning a quill in his hand.
Letting her blue eyes carefully scan the students around her, they finally fell on a group currently consisting of only three people two of which she knew. Sort of at least. Plus, and this was the positive thing about her discovery, Nancy was pretty sure that both of them were in the same year she was in. So, yay, it seemed she had just found her group.
Rather nervously playing with a strand of dark-blonde hair the 15 year old grabbed her stuff and quickly walked over to Chris, Celandine and a young Gryffindor girl she didn't know. "Uhm...hey Chris. Hey Cela. Hey...uhm, sorry I don't know your name." She gave the Gryffindor girl a small apologetic smile before adding, "So, uhm, are you the OWLs group then?"
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Pairing up, WITH SOMEONE FROM ANOTHER HOUSE? But they were all scary and big. And all paired up, apart from the Ravenclaw captain. The scary rumour lady!!
Tammy sighed, ignored approaching her, and bowed her head, delving into her bag. RRRRIGHT, now. What to do.
Studying. That sounded fun. Better than homework.
Tugging a quill, and parchement out, Tam set about reading through her Arithmancy textbook, and sighing again.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands
Destiny smiled back at Evelyn. Then the smile faded at the thought of the whomping willow.
'Oh no! I will not go anywhere near that tree! That tree is even scarier than the phoenix!' Nope. You would never catch Destiny near a tree like that.
Re-reading what option one of the assignment was, she nodded her head. 'So my wand is cherry wood with a unicorn hair.' She pulled out her wand and started to examine it. What she really wanted to do was shake it and ask it why it chose her, but she decided that could be quite dangerous. Instead she flipped through her notes to where she wrote about unicorns.
'Well unicorn blood has healing powers, maybe I would make a good healer? Like my parents want me to be.. What is your wand?'
"Hmm, it's actually pretty neat if you're on it's good side." she said, bringing her piece of parchment closer to her reach. "Hey! Did you know it's supposedly a 'girl' tree? It kept getting really angry when someone would say or do something that would call it a 'guy'. Kinda funny if you think about it. Girl and guy trees." Evelyn snickered, listening to what Destiny was saying about her wand, nodding every now and then, but then froze when she asked what hers' was.
'My wand?' Hesitantly, she took it out, and stared at the dark wood. "Umm, my wand is dark ash wood and...basilisk...fang." she said quietly, almost nervously, so Destiny was the only one that would hear. 'And you wouldn't believe how expensive it was.' Evelyn thought in her mind, touching the smooth dark wood with her finger. "I don't really know anything about Ash or...basilisk fang. But i guess the fang could be close to a runespoor fang, because they are both snakes after all and since runespoors were known for being associated with the dark ar-" she suddenly stopped in her rambling, glancing at Destiny. She could feel her face burn from embarrassment and...something else she wasn't so sure of. Disappointment maybe?
'Yea right, like you're disappointed. You know you like it.' the voice taunted in her mind. 'No, YOU like it. I'm just the one that has to deal with it.' she replied, not sure if she was angry or upset. "Umm, do you know anything about Ash wand?" Evelyn whispered, not really sure how to act. It was pretty obvious what a Basilisk fang represented...It's why she didn't really want to tell anybody. "Please don't tell anybody."
Sara sat quietly in her little part of the study room. Spreading her textbooks out on the table, Sara began doing her homework. She wondered where the rest of the Huffelpuff 1st years were. Oh well, at least if she had any questions, there was a whole room full of older students to ask.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Chris nodded and chuckled a bit. "Hey it's good to see you too. I am glad I'm not the only Gryffindor aswell!" he then turned as Dominic and Evolette suggested that everyone split into groups and then partner up with people in that group.
So he got up and walked over to the table that the O.W.L. students were going. He then heard that they suggested people from different houses. He sighed a bit. He kinda wanted to work with LouAnn for...some reason. But he smiled as he caught sight of another friend Cela the only other fifth year at the table. "Oh hey Cela, how are you?!" he asked her happily setting his things down. "Hey maybe if no other 5th years show up we can all three work together." he said cheerfully to LouAnn and Cela, while spinning a quill in his hand.
"Pretty good." Celandine answered, flipping her hair and giving Chris a little smile, one full of all sorts of secret reasons why she'd be happy. She shot a tiny look over at Cope and nodded in cheerful agreement. "I totally think all of us OWL students should just work together."
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Hearing Cela mention gouging someone, LouAnn jokingly made a little 'ewww' face then laughed softly. "Hey to you, too, Cela! Boy am I glad to be working with you," she said, knowing firsthand how intelligent the girl was. Seriously, when a professor asked a question, this girl could come up with some stuff. "Anyway, yup, we can wait around and see who else shows up." She nodded a few times, then turned back to Chris.
"Well, we're supposed to pair with someone not in our house, but we may actually have to end up being in a group of three with Cela," she said, pointing at the Ravenclaw girl as she spoke. "That'd be perfect for me, though. I'd be just as happy to be paired with you as I would with Cela." She pulled her chair closer to Cela and Chris, thinking that if no additional fifth years had arrived yet, they probably wouldn't be attending this session.
"Pairs are overrated. Groups eff tee dub!" Celandine interjected cheerfully, pointing back at LouAnn because she could.
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Nancy was only able to half-listen to what Dominic and Evolette were talking about, she was too engrossed in glancing around the library anxiously. This place was just...plain creepy. How could you come in here frequently?! At this throught a small shudder ran down her spine as she forced her attention back to the two leading the study group right at the moment Evolette spoke up. Three groups? Where was the OWLs group again?! But it had just been impossible to pay attention properly while being trapped inside this scary place....
SPOILER!!: Quotes
Letting her blue eyes carefully scan the students around her, they finally fell on a group currently consisting of only three people two of which she knew. Sort of at least. Plus, and this was the positive thing about her discovery, Nancy was pretty sure that both of them were in the same year she was in. So, yay, it seemed she had just found her group.
Rather nervously playing with a strand of dark-blonde hair the 15 year old grabbed her stuff and quickly walked over to Chris, Celandine and a young Gryffindor girl she didn't know. "Uhm...hey Chris. Hey Cela. Hey...uhm, sorry I don't know your name." She gave the Gryffindor girl a small apologetic smile before adding, "So, uhm, are you the OWLs group then?"
"Hi Nancy." Celandine smiled cheerfully and gestured at one of the free chairs. "We so totally are. Join us!"
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Orchideae
Ravenclaws were insane. It was official.
Color coding schedules took far too much effort for the Head Boy; by the time you'd finish making the schedule, you could have already have sufficiently studied for one subject. "Mmhm," he nodded, sliding into the chair the older boy gestured to, as he took the parchment and unrolled it.
Golden eyes scanning its way down the parchment, his expression went from disbelief to confusion to anger to frustration and back again quickly. What!? Yes. Ravenclaws Females were most definitely INSANE.
"Uh. Thanks." He gave Cope a half-forced smile, as he rolled the parchment up. Would it be inappropriate to bop a certain someone on the head about now? Cause it was tempting.
"Sorry." Cope shrugged one shoulder and looked apologetic, but he didn't have a chance to say more before someone pulled up a chair next to Dom.
Originally Posted by Mrs. Weasley
Poor Abby. As usual she is the odd person out. She spots Copernicus and Dominic sitting together. Three heads are better than two. Abby pulls up a chair and joins them. "You'll don't mind me studying with you, do you?" Abby gives them her best pathic expression. No one could refuse it. Then Abby notices the rolled up piece of parchment in Dominic's hand. He looks like he would like to hit Copernicus with it. "Am I interupting something?"
"Hey, Abby. Um... no. No, I guess not. We were about to discuss study schedules, I think. Maybe it would help to know what topics we each need special help with. I need to focus on History of Magic and Runes, but obviously I want strong scores in every subject I'm taking. Which is... everything but Astronomy and Divination."
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Rather nervously playing with a strand of dark-blonde hair the 15 year old grabbed her stuff and quickly walked over to Chris, Celandine and a young Gryffindor girl she didn't know. "Uhm...hey Chris. Hey Cela. Hey...uhm, sorry I don't know your name." She gave the Gryffindor girl a small apologetic smile before adding, "So, uhm, are you the OWLs group then?"
Just when she thought it'd only be the three of them, a Slytherin girl who looked to be their age strolled up. Of course she didn't know LouAnn's name, for the two of them had never actually met one another before. LouAnn was sure she'd seen her in a class or two, though. "LouAnn. My name's LouAnn Purple," she politely said, giving the girl a smile. "Yup, this is the OWLs group." She patted a nearby seat, inviting the girl to take it and join their little group.
Originally Posted by Celandine
"Pairs are overrated. Groups eff tee dub!" Celandine interjected cheerfully, pointing back at LouAnn because she could.
"Agreed," LouAnn said, nodding a few times in agreement with Cela. "Besides, I probably need all the help I can get, so the more, the merrier. Let's see, I've got....History of Magic and the joint Herbology/Care of Magical Creatures to work on. I pretty much fumbled my way through the rest." She laughed off her troubles, then pulled a few textbooks from her bag. "What are you three working on?"
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by individual
"Hmm, it's actually pretty neat if you're on it's good side." she said, bringing her piece of parchment closer to her reach. "Hey! Did you know it's supposedly a 'girl' tree? It kept getting really angry when someone would say or do something that would call it a 'guy'. Kinda funny if you think about it. Girl and guy trees." Evelyn snickered, listening to what Destiny was saying about her wand, nodding every now and then, but then froze when she asked what hers' was.
'My wand?' Hesitantly, she took it out, and stared at the dark wood. "Umm, my wand is dark ash wood and...basilisk...fang." she said quietly, almost nervously, so Destiny was the only one that would hear. 'And you wouldn't believe how expensive it was.' Evelyn thought in her mind, touching the smooth dark wood with her finger. "I don't really know anything about Ash or...basilisk fang. But i guess the fang could be close to a runespoor fang, because they are both snakes after all and since runespoors were known for being associated with the dark ar-" she suddenly stopped in her rambling, glancing at Destiny. She could feel her face burn from embarrassment and...something else she wasn't so sure of. Disappointment maybe?
'Yea right, like you're disappointed. You know you like it.' the voice taunted in her mind. 'No, YOU like it. I'm just the one that has to deal with it.' she replied, not sure if she was angry or upset. "Umm, do you know anything about Ash wand?" Evelyn whispered, not really sure how to act. It was pretty obvious what a Basilisk fang represented...It's why she didn't really want to tell anybody. "Please don't tell anybody."
'Really?! That tree is a girl?' Well, she just didn't fell right about calling a tree a girl, especially that tree.
Destiny listened to Evelyn describe her wand. It seemed like Evelyn was upset about her wand. Why? Yeah, it was a Basilisk fang, but that doesn't mean Evelyn could be evil, right?
She quickly threw the thought out of her head. Of course she's not evil!
'Its okay, I won't tell anyone.' Destiny said with a smile.
'Soo ash wood? Maybe there is a book here in the library that can help us?'
Destiny got up and started looking around, she came back a couple minutes later with a book in her hand. She flipped to the page about ash woods and handed it to Evelyn.
Magical Properties: The Ash wand is an excellent wood for promoting brain power, aids in communication, intelligence, wisdom, and promotes curiosity. Use this wood to remove mental blockages and aid in the promotion of word use and understanding. It is the wood of the writer, poet, and scholar. Promotes spiritual love and health. Protects against unwanted change. Brings balance to the mind. It is said that warts rubbed on the bark will be absorbed into the tree. Use for protection from drowning, magickal effectiveness, sea power, and healing. Ash is also used for protection, finding special roots, horse magick, enhances skills of arts and crafts, justice, weather magick, and for working with the magick of cave and wells.
orignally Posted by Celandine
"Pretty good." Celandine answered, flipping her hair and giving Chris a little smile, one full of all sorts of secret reasons why she'd be happy. She shot a tiny look over at Cope and nodded in cheerful agreement. "I totally think all of us OWL students should just work together."
"Pairs are overrated. Groups eff tee dub!" Celandine interjected cheerfully, pointing back at LouAnn because she could.
Chris smiled as Clea seemed to be doing well. "Well that's great." he said happily.
When he heard her say that the OWL students should just work together that was fine by him! He would love to get help and give help to all of them if he or they needed it. Instead of being in only partners.
He laughed as Cela pointed at LouAnn saying groups were better and agreed with her suggestion. "I agree with Cela," he raised his hand playfully. "So you lose, Groups win!" he joked sticking his tongue out at his Gryffindor friend LouAnn.
originally Posted by Lislchen
Letting her blue eyes carefully scan the students around her, they finally fell on a group currently consisting of only three people two of which she knew. Sort of at least. Plus, and this was the positive thing about her discovery, Nancy was pretty sure that both of them were in the same year she was in. So, yay, it seemed she had just found her group.
Rather nervously playing with a strand of dark-blonde hair the 15 year old grabbed her stuff and quickly walked over to Chris, Celandine and a young Gryffindor girl she didn't know. "Uhm...hey Chris. Hey Cela. Hey...uhm, sorry I don't know your name." She gave the Gryffindor girl a small apologetic smile before adding, "So, uhm, are you the OWLs group then?"
Chris looked up as a fourth member was added to the group. "Oh hey Nancy! We would love to add you to the group!" he smiled.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
"Agreed," LouAnn said, nodding a few times in agreement with Cela. "Besides, I probably need all the help I can get, so the more, the merrier. Let's see, I've got....History of Magic and the joint Herbology/Care of Magical Creatures to work on. I pretty much fumbled my way through the rest." She laughed off her troubles, then pulled a few textbooks from her bag. "What are you three working on?"
Chris nodded as he waited for LouAnn to finish her list of items she needed help with or still had to do. When she finished he said, "Well I have the same things left to do. I finished the last of the Muggle Studies the other night and turned it in and the other stuff was long done." he nodded.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands
'Really?! That tree is a girl?' Well, she just didn't fell right about calling a tree a girl, especially that tree.
Destiny listened to Evelyn describe her wand. It seemed like Evelyn was upset about her wand. Why? Yeah, it was a Basilisk fang, but that doesn't mean Evelyn could be evil, right?
She quickly threw the thought out of her head. Of course she's not evil!
'Its okay, I won't tell anyone.' Destiny said with a smile.
'Soo ash wood? Maybe there is a book here in the library that can help us?'
Destiny got up and started looking around, she came back a couple minutes later with a book in her hand. She flipped to the page about ash woods and handed it to Evelyn.
Evelyn gave Destiny a quick smile before picking up her quill again, tapping it on her paper, thinking things over. 'She didn't act any different.' she thought. 'Maybe she is someone i can trust.'
Evelyn didn't notice when Destiny left her seat to go find a book. She was too deep in thought, and was surprised when suddenly there was a book right in front of her, turned to a page on Ash wood. "Oh, thank you." she mumbled to Destiny, giving her another quick smile, before pulling the book closer and reading the material.
"Well, it says it helps with brain power and protection against...a bunch of stuff." she said, not really being able to summarize the entire paragraph, suddenly smiling. "That's good!... Right?" she turned towards Destiny.
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by individual
Evelyn gave Destiny a quick smile before picking up her quill again, tapping it on her paper, thinking things over. 'She didn't act any different.' she thought. 'Maybe she is someone i can trust.'
Evelyn didn't notice when Destiny left her seat to go find a book. She was too deep in thought, and was surprised when suddenly there was a book right in front of her, turned to a page on Ash wood. "Oh, thank you." she mumbled to Destiny, giving her another quick smile, before pulling the book closer and reading the material.
"Well, it says it helps with brain power and protection against...a bunch of stuff." she said, not really being able to summarize the entire paragraph, suddenly smiling. "That's good!... Right?" she turned towards Destiny.
'It sounds pretty good to me. Brain power is good and protection is even better! Hmm, it mentions that it promotes intelligence. Maybe you got that kind of wood because you are smart? I think my wood is boring.' She picked up her wand again and started to examine it even closer this time. 'It just has to do with healing. Great, I'm going to be a healer,' she said sarcastically.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands
'It sounds pretty good to me. Brain power is good and protection is even better! Hmm, it mentions that it promotes intelligence. Maybe you got that kind of wood because you are smart? I think my wood is boring.' She picked up her wand again and started to examine it even closer this time. 'It just has to do with healing. Great, I'm going to be a healer,' she said sarcastically.
Evelyn snorted, and tried to hide her laugh behind her hand. "Sorry, but are you kidding me? Boring?" she looked at the girl in disbelief. "I now sound like a crazy ravenclaw with this wood." Evelyn exclaimed, holding up the piece of dark wood towards Destiny. 'But it's so puuurrrdy...'
Just when she thought it'd only be the three of them, a Slytherin girl who looked to be their age strolled up. Of course she didn't know LouAnn's name, for the two of them had never actually met one another before. LouAnn was sure she'd seen her in a class or two, though. "LouAnn. My name's LouAnn Purple," she politely said, giving the girl a smile. "Yup, this is the OWLs group." She patted a nearby seat, inviting the girl to take it and join their little group.
"Agreed," LouAnn said, nodding a few times in agreement with Cela. "Besides, I probably need all the help I can get, so the more, the merrier. Let's see, I've got....History of Magic and the joint Herbology/Care of Magical Creatures to work on. I pretty much fumbled my way through the rest." She laughed off her troubles, then pulled a few textbooks from her bag. "What are you three working on?"
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Chris smiled as Clea seemed to be doing well. "Well that's great." he said happily.
When he heard her say that the OWL students should just work together that was fine by him! He would love to get help and give help to all of them if he or they needed it. Instead of being in only partners.
He laughed as Cela pointed at LouAnn saying groups were better and agreed with her suggestion. "I agree with Cela," he raised his hand playfully. "So you lose, Groups win!" he joked sticking his tongue out at his Gryffindor friend LouAnn.
Chris looked up as a fourth member was added to the group. "Oh hey Nancy! We would love to add you to the group!" he smiled.
Chris nodded as he waited for LouAnn to finish her list of items she needed help with or still had to do. When she finished he said, "Well I have the same things left to do. I finished the last of the Muggle Studies the other night and turned it in and the other stuff was long done." he nodded.
Rafe took his disposable camera and started to go around the school to try and catch his friends off guard. He heard too familiar voices amongst the shelves in the study area. Perfect, he thought as he point his finger on the shutter button and quickly came around the corner, "Hey Guys!" he shouted as he SNAPPED! the photo and there was blinding white light from the FLASH. But, before he heard their response he was off again, searching for more pics to take.
This is how I roll, animal print pants out control.
This is how I roll, come on ladies it's time to go!
Last edited by MoviegoerKinz; 10-14-2009 at 06:24 AM.
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by individual
Evelyn snorted, and tried to hide her laugh behind her hand. "Sorry, but are you kidding me? Boring?" she looked at the girl in disbelief. "I now sound like a crazy ravenclaw with this wood." Evelyn exclaimed, holding up the piece of dark wood towards Destiny. 'But it's so puuurrrdy...'
Laughing, Destiny picked up her wand. 'Maybe they sorted you into the wrong house! And I do think my wood is boring. I don't want to have amazing healing powers!' Were healing powers amazing? Her parents sure thought so. 'So now we just need information on your Basilisk fang?' She, of course, whispered that last part.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands
Laughing, Destiny picked up her wand. 'Maybe they sorted you into the wrong house! And I do think my wood is boring. I don't want to have amazing healing powers!' Were healing powers amazing? Her parents sure thought so. 'So now we just need information on your Basilisk fang?' She, of course, whispered that last part.
Evelyn laughed, closing the book for a minute and stretching in her seat. "I kinda wish the sorting hat put me in the wrong house...but nope. I think the only other house i would've been sorted into would have been Hufflepuff." she said, playing with the tip of the book. 'Maybe Gryffindor wouldn't have been so bad either.'
Sighing, she looked over at Destiny and stared for a few seconds before sighing again. "Yea...Basilisk Fang..." she mumbled quietly, neither happy nor upset at the fact.
"Hi Nancy." Celandine smiled cheerfully and gestured at one of the free chairs. "We so totally are. Join us!"
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Just when she thought it'd only be the three of them, a Slytherin girl who looked to be their age strolled up. Of course she didn't know LouAnn's name, for the two of them had never actually met one another before. LouAnn was sure she'd seen her in a class or two, though. "LouAnn. My name's LouAnn Purple," she politely said, giving the girl a smile. "Yup, this is the OWLs group." She patted a nearby seat, inviting the girl to take it and join their little group.
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Chris looked up as a fourth member was added to the group. "Oh hey Nancy! We would love to add you to the group!" he smiled.
Nancy gave Cela another rather half-hearted smile which was of course not due to the fact that she didn't like the Ravenclaw girl but simply because this library was giving her the creeps. It seriously did. With all those shelves and yeah...pretty scary. Anyways, the 15 year old tried to distract herself from the rows of books making her feel all claustrophobic by turning her attention to the Gryffindor girl she had never properly met before.
Returning LouAnn's smile warmly Nancy took a seat on the chair the Gryffindor girl had just pointed out for her. "Well then, nice to meet you LouAnn. I'm Nancy Hudonson." But now enough of introductions as this was not exactly doing any good in distracting her from her surroundings. With one last smile for Chris who had also welcomed her cheerfully she crossed her legs and leaned back in her seat before looking at LouAnn again as the girl spoke up.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
"Agreed," LouAnn said, nodding a few times in agreement with Cela. "Besides, I probably need all the help I can get, so the more, the merrier. Let's see, I've got....History of Magic and the joint Herbology/Care of Magical Creatures to work on. I pretty much fumbled my way through the rest." She laughed off her troubles, then pulled a few textbooks from her bag. "What are you three working on?"
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01
Chris nodded as he waited for LouAnn to finish her list of items she needed help with or still had to do. When she finished he said, "Well I have the same things left to do. I finished the last of the Muggle Studies the other night and turned it in and the other stuff was long done." he nodded.
Yes, work, study. Anything to keep her attention off of those rows of bookshelves she was currently trapped in. So she was even up to discuss Herbology. Well, only if she absolutely had to but whatever. Anything was better than just sitting there watching the library become creepier every minute. "Well..." Nancy started while bending down to retrieve her things out of her bag which she then placed onto the desk. Looking down at her list of homework she ran her index finger down the page until it landed on something which did not yet have a tick next to it.
"...I haven't finished History of Magic either." She gave Chris and LouAnn a small smile before adding, "Aaand...yes, what you said, Herbology/Care of Magical Creatures. I really need help with that. I so suck at Herbology." Nancy let out a small laugh at her statement while running a hand through her dark-blonde hair. Hopefully the other three would be able to help her with that.
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Originally Posted by individual
Evelyn laughed, closing the book for a minute and stretching in her seat. "I kinda wish the sorting hat put me in the wrong house...but nope. I think the only other house i would've been sorted into would have been Hufflepuff." she said, playing with the tip of the book. 'Maybe Gryffindor wouldn't have been so bad either.'
Sighing, she looked over at Destiny and stared for a few seconds before sighing again. "Yea...Basilisk Fang..." she mumbled quietly, neither happy nor upset at the fact.
'Hmm, basilisk. I think I remember hearing something about a basilisk living for 900 years! But I don't think that is any help for this.' She pondered this for a moment then shaking the thought of Evelyn living to be 900 out of her head. 'I think I'm going to find another book for this.'
Again she got up and went to look for yet another book.
She came back with the book and turned it to the right page.
Basilisk Fang: The basilisk is a deadly creature, known to be king of serpents. Poison dwells in its fangs and the mere gaze of a basilisk can bring death upon its victims. A basilisk fang would be a wise choice for one who has mastered the magical arts and can control its dark influence; that is, of course, if one wishes to cast good-willed charms and spells. For those who wish to cast hexes and dark magic, the basilisk fang is the core for you.
'So, do you have any idea why this wand choose you?' She asked looking up from the book.
K came into the study room she needed a partner to help her with her homework for some of her classes so she could help her house win points. She was going to start her homework off for now then wait to see if she needed help she guessed to herself it was all she could do for now.
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands
'Hmm, basilisk. I think I remember hearing something about a basilisk living for 900 years! But I don't think that is any help for this.' She pondered this for a moment then shaking the thought of Evelyn living to be 900 out of her head. 'I think I'm going to find another book for this.'
Again she got up and went to look for yet another book.
She came back with the book and turned it to the right page.
'So, do you have any idea why this wand choose you?' She asked looking up from the book.
Evelyn sat back and listened to Destiny as she read from the book. 'Hmm, i am pretty good at hexes, and interested in dark magic...i guess you could call me a little deadly at the moment since i have a hard time controlling it at some points, and basilisks are deadly.' she thought, sitting up and leaning on the table, looking at the book that Destiny had read out of.
"What does it mean 'if one wishes to cast good-willed charms and spells'? It was talking about all this dark stuff until that sentence...doesn't make any sense." she said, furrowing her eyebrows, staring at the words.