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Thomas took his owl on his shoulder walking towards one of the big windows in the owlry. He gave his owl the letter and remembered to put on the address. His owl walked to his hand and she seemed to also be excited about her first flight. Just before Thomas let his owl go he gave her an owl treat three insects, he raised his hand out of the window and his owl, Jackie, began flying out of Hogwarts and high, high in the air like a free owl. Thomas said to himself, "One pet down and know two hamsters to feed." He walked slowly out of the owlry heading again to the common room.
So it was terribly old fashioned. It was also a waste of time and effort climbing up the steps to the Owlery and having to choose an owl and tire it out by having it look everywhere for the note's recipient. Samson could have easily left the note in a common place she's easily find, or have someone else hand it over to her.
But this was Isabella Cortella we were talking about, and nothing was too good for her. Besides, he was going to make up to her, and that wasn't something he normally did, so it was just right to put all his effort in it.
He chose the owl that was most commonly used to deliver messages so that she wouldn't suspect. He carefully took the letter out of his back pocket, along with the small red rose, and re-read it one last time.
There wasn't much he would say, and he didn't sign his name either, and so he decided that the note was perfect. He gave the note and the rose for the owl to take in his beak, and watched it fly off.
Now, all that was left was to wait at the Pathways.
Bianca had made her way up the staircase to the owelry. She had had to ask for directions, since she had no idea where she was going. Someone had told her that here you could use school owls to send letters, and since she didn't have on of her own, she thought it was a fantastic idea.
With her letter in hand, she read it over again, still deciding whether she was going to send it.
SPOILER!!: letter
Dear Mama, and Camilla,
I have finally arrived at Hogwarts. And do you know what? I'm still annoyed that you sent me here. Why did you? You both never gave me a satisfactory answer.
I haven't heard from you, since I moved to live with papa. It is like living with a roommate, not my father, and not family. I actually miss you, even though I am still angry, and probably will be for a while.
I hope you send something back, but I'm sure you won't.
;; Bianca.
Bianca then shook her head and scrunched the piece of parchment up. As if they would reply, so what on earth was the point? Bianca threw it on the ground, and it accidently landed at a boys feet. Ooops. "Oh, sorry about that," she said, in a quiet tone, reaching down with a slender hand to pick the scrunched ball up. A pale pink slowly emitted on her cheeks.
Take me away.
"Oh do you have a story, do you have a story for me?
Do you know the one where we'll all live happily?"
O.M.G, this was like serious business, his Ipod wasn't working, poke poke poke. Ahh God, how will he survive the whole term without feeding himself music, music is for the soul, ya know. His puurddy neon green Ipod was dead x_x, thanks to Hogwarts, sigh.
Clutching his faithful cute little hamster Tazzie in one hand and the letter in other, Blake stomped into the Owlery in a very very bad mood. Slapping would help him, yes..yes he needs to slap someone really hard across the face. Evil..evil smirk.
"EEEE! This place is smelly..eww." Blake muttered, staring at the Owl poop, haha. With just a whistle, Punky came flying over to Blake and sat on his head, "Yo Punk not my head, I just made my hair, boy. Come to Blakey, aww I know you want to my little one." He said grabbing punky from his head and placed him on his shoulder gently.
Punky was a very cute baby scops owl which doesn't grow old and hence cannot carry heavy packages but this was letter and Punky was a good owl, he'll get this to his grandma, wouldn't he?
The letter need some re-reading, just in case he mentioned something completely and utterly useless and frightening.
SPOILER!!: Ze Letter
I love you muffin,
I know that's a weird way to start a letter Grandma, I just couldn't contain it since mum told me Grandpa used to call you muffin, how adorably cute eh? You miss him don't you and me too? Anyways, I miss you all so much even Disister. You know how much I hate her?
Well I'm missing the hate and her attempts of killing, Justin's career counseling and Luke's cooking, ask him to send me some desserts if that's possible and if he doesn't mind.
Umm please convey my apologies to mum and pop, I didn't want to fight right before leaving but they could've just left it there, why make such a fuss about every little mistake I make? Okaaay, this letter is getting rather long, I should shut up.
Expect another soon, I can't stay away from you love and send me pictures, okay? Take medicines on time or I'll...you know what I can do.
Your's Blakey Poo (The Great, mwahaa.)
Oh no no no, tears were threatening to escape out of Blake's eyes and few already slid down his cheeks. Looking around sheepishly, he quickly wiped them with the back of his hand and tied the letter to the fluffy ones cute little leg. Planting a kiss on Punky's head as it gawked Blake with it's big black eyes, "Do your thing boy annd I love you too." As soon as Blake muffled, Punky spread his tiny wings and flew away.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Not only had her summer been one of her worst ever, it had also officially wiped out what physical strength and endurance she had achieved by climbing the Ravenclaw Tower every day last year.
Huffing and puffing, Rachel leaned against the archway of the owlery since inside it was way too dirty to lean against anything. Once she had caught her breath, she stepped inside the slightly smelly room and made for Sky, her owl and best friend.
"Hey there buddy," she murmured affectionately as the snowy owl flew over to her and nipped her fingers lightly. "I have a letter that needs sending but... I have no idea where the recipient is - nor what their name is. I know they're at Hogwarts but other than that..." she trailed off, glancing at her pocket where the letter was.
It had taken all of her will power to write the contents of that letter and sending it will officially make her the bravest person she had ever been. Taking it out, she gulped and ever so slowly attached the parchment to Sky's leg, her hands shaking uncontrollably as she finished.
"Go - just... Just go," she whispered as she walked over to the window and with one last nip, the owl was gone and Rachel was left to stare at the lake and think about the possibly suicidal thing she had just done.
Merlin help me...
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Malfalda hiked up the giant stone staircase untill she reached the top of the owlry.She walked over to her horned owl,Crusoe.He nipped her ear with affection."Hey Crusoe."Malfalda murmered,stroking Crusoe's head.She pulled a letter from her robes.She re-read it and checked for mistakes.
SPOILER!!: Teh Letter-of Death!
Dear Aunt Ellis
Congrtas on getting in married.Be carefull though,the Ministry's feeling very anti-werewolf at the moment.I would suggest you don't go running your mouth of,or you might loose your job.Mum's furiuos,but I don't care.She's evil,ya know.See you this summer.
Malfalda tied the leter to Crusoe's leg and he flew off.
Bianca had made her way up the staircase to the owelry. She had had to ask for directions, since she had no idea where she was going. Someone had told her that here you could use school owls to send letters, and since she didn't have on of her own, she thought it was a fantastic idea.
With her letter in hand, she read it over again, still deciding whether she was going to send it.
SPOILER!!: letter
Dear Mama, and Camilla,
I have finally arrived at Hogwarts. And do you know what? I'm still annoyed that you sent me here. Why did you? You both never gave me a satisfactory answer.
I haven't heard from you, since I moved to live with papa. It is like living with a roommate, not my father, and not family. I actually miss you, even though I am still angry, and probably will be for a while.
I hope you send something back, but I'm sure you won't.
;; Bianca.
Bianca then shook her head and scrunched the piece of parchment up. As if they would reply, so what on earth was the point? Bianca threw it on the ground, and it accidently landed at a boys feet. Ooops. "Oh, sorry about that," she said, in a quiet tone, reaching down with a slender hand to pick the scrunched ball up. A pale pink slowly emitted on her cheeks.
Samson stared at the girl who had entered the Owlery after him, only for a brief moment, before looking away and looking in turn at the piece of parchment she crumpled up and threw at his feet. Huh. You would half expect one to actually send something if one wanted to visit the Owlery. Oh well. It seemed not everyone had the same mentality, and this girl was one of the deviants.
"Uh, that's okay," he said simply to the girl, smiling only very slightly at her because first she was a stranger and secondly, he was in a hurry.
And just like that, he left the Owlery. He had to rush to the Pathways in case the letter got to Issy already.
Harry Potter Genius|The girl that you love to ha te|Backseat Annoyance|Mrs. Felton|peace out girl
Virgi went up to the owelry to give a letter to her mum and dad.
Dear Mum and Dad,
Bonjour, comment-allez vous? Hello, how are you? I hope you know I am a Ravenclaw. I hope you are not mad. Hogwarts is fantastic! I have made 5 friends already. Classes are going great and tell Great-grandma and grandpa Hi! I have to get to class!
Lots of Love,
Virgi found Hedsca and through her out the window.
Kai stalked up the stairs and into the owlry. He looked around and spotted several black owls like his own. He sighed. He lifted two fingers to his mouth and let out a short, sharp whistle. One of the raven colored owls flew down immediately, and landed on a bar beside it's owner.
"Hey Nathaniel." he whispered, scratching the owls neck. It seemed to purr and Kai smiled. He grabbed an envelope out from his coat and opened it, re reading it once more.
Mother, Father,
I hope you're doing well. I am fine myself.
I got into Slytherin! Hope you're happy about that.
And I've already signed up for the Quidditch team! I doubt I'll get in, but it's worth a shot.
I've made a few friends too, and I can't wait for the year to get going.
I hope to hear a reply soon,
He shook his head. "Doesn't seem like I wrote this...oh well. Nathaniel!" the bird jolted and blinked at the boy. Kai tied the envelope on the owl's leg. "Take this to mum and dad, okay?" He picked up the bird and carried him to the window. "Send them my love." he whispered. The bird opened it's wings and flew off into the distance.
Patience is not a virtue, it is a waste of time.
Having recieved a letter already from home, Ellie made her way to the owlery with a letter she had just written. There were many snowy owls there, but Godric spotted Ellie enter, and flew to sit on her shoulder. She fed him a few owl treats and stroked his feathers as she re-read the letter she had written.
Dear Mummy, Daddy and Joseph,
Thank you so much for your letter. I miss you all so much, but I think I am settling in now. I talked to Professor Dumont, our head of house, and he was very nice and liked the picture that I gave him. I drew him a Gryffindor lion. I have had some classes. History of Magic and Defence Against the Dark Arts. DADA is my favourite. I got to practice some spells! Locomotor Mortis and Stupefy and stuff. And for our homework we had to get some Cornish Pixies back into their cage, which was quite hard. I hope Professor Lawson was pleased with it. And now I must do my History of Magic homework.
I love you all,
Love Ellie xxx
"Take this to Mummy, Godric," she said, attaching the letter to his foot. She watched him fly, gracefully, south, before leaving the owlry.
After reaching a window Abigail allowed the owl to hop off of her arm and onto the window sill, before reaching into her bag and retrieving a letter she had written beforehand.
SPOILER!!: Letter
Dear Edan,
How are you? I hope you’re eating and not working too hard! I really miss being at home, are you sure I can’t be home schooled?
I suppose its ok here, I’ve meet a few nice people but it’s not the same. I’ve had three classes so far and Arithmency has to be my favourite, I didn’t like history which is weird cause I liked it at my last school.
It’s a bit weird reading all of this stuff about werewolf’s in the paper, I feel sorry for them being treated like that it’s not there fault. But I’m glad we haven’t been mentioned so far, I haven’t told anyone here and luckily no one seems to know.
Anyway tell Maggie I said hi the next time you see her (I haven’t gotten round to sending her a letter yet), I miss you.
She gently attached the letter to the owl’s leg and gave it a pat on the head. “Can you take it to Edan Thornton please, he should be somewhere in Edinburgh.” The owl gave a hoot before flying out of the window. After watching it for a minute Abigail picked up her bag and walked out of the owlery.
Atypical Ravenclaw Bookworm // Hair Flipper Pro / / the edgy starbuckian // Hot Messie
Mina looked around for her little owl. There were so many owls around and she was starting to wonder if she would find her little pet there. Glancing up at the rafters, she thought she saw a little owl flying in her direction. "Diana, my little beauty." she smiled as the little Scop owl landed beside her. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out two letters. Looking at Diana, she smiled and handed her one.
SPOILER!!: Letter #1
Bonjour cousin. Comment est Paris ? Odetta se comporte-t-il elle-męme ? La derničre chose que nous voudrions est pour elle pour bouleverser la grand-mčre. Gardez-moi s'il vous plaît posté bien que. J'ai peur de ce qui pourrait arriver puisqu'elle est débranchée ŕ Paris, en faisant qui sait qu'avec ce qui savent qui. Qu'elle fait lŕ peut regarder mal sur moi et la famille. L'espoir de vous voir de nouveau bientôt.
"Vous devez le prendre ŕ Guy Carel Grovenor et ętre s'il vous plaît agréables. Non, bitting lui mais si vous voyez Odetta, vous pouvez la pincer," she laughed softly as her owl blinked at her. "You do hate when I speak French, don't you?" Diana wooted. "Okay, no more French today. But now, this one goes to Benjamin Aiden Bennett. Only he shall receive it. Do not let the twins receive it, nor mother."
SPOILER!!: Letter #2
Sorry, I haven't written sooner, but Hogwarts is everything I dreamt and more. Thank you for letting me attend. I was sorted into Ravenclaw, but I'm sure you aren't surprised at all. Is mother still upset I'm not at Beauxbatons?
Lessons are going well and I do adore the library. I'm trying to make friends and you know how hard that is for me but I try. Send my love to the twins and mother. I shall write again soon.
Diana took the second letter in her talons. "Now, fly safe and I shall see you once you return." Diana wooted softly as Mina pet her head. With a final woot, Diana flew out of the owlery as Mina made her way back to the common room.
Michelle wrote this letter to her mum and sister:;
Hey Mum!
How are you? How's Danielle? How's Snuggles? I'm absolutely fine here! This is a wonderful school. I miss you a lot, I hope you are happy as you are. Don't think about Dad so much! Give my love to Dannie and Snuggles.
Love you,
Sighing, Rayedem reread his letters for the last time. They have got to be flawless.
SPOILER!!: letter
Dear mom and dad,
How are you? I am doing great in Hogwarts. In fact, I am one of the top students. I have been sorted into Ravenclaw.. House of the smart students. I hope you two do not mind that I am sending a letter instead of a text message or an e-mail. My cellphone is useless here, and so is my iPod. I am looking forward to your reply.
Alright, he really made an effort to make that one brief and straight-to-the point. He wished he could have written 3 letters instead of two. Well..
SPOILER!!: letter 2
Dearest Tannya,
How have you been since the last time I saw you? I really hope you're doing okay. Well, here I am in Hogwarts, apparently I too, am a wizard. I got a letter from the school last July, on my birthday. It had been great! I enjoy being here, England is beautiful. How is France? How come you never contacted me for three years? I miss you. Let me know if this letter could reach you.
Alright, that should be enough. Rayedem was never a good writer anyway. Folding both letters and putting them in different envelopes, he got up and started looking for owls.
it's been about three years now, ain't seen or heard from you, I've been missing you crazy.. ♥Ameh's Favourite♥
K came into the Owlery after having a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks, she wanted to write a letter for Vella to send to her family, "Hi Vella this is for mum and dad okay" K said to her owl that she loved so much.
Dear Mum and Dad,
Hello how are you doing lately I hope that everything is going well back home. I miss you a ton, I wanted to let you know I gave up on the relationship thing becuase it was too stressful for me at this moment well at least with someone outside of Slytherin. Now I know why the whole family are Slytherins for the most part other than dear cousin Kyrie who is doing very well by the way. Quidditch tryouts have started I'm doing okay I guess I just don't know I really really really want to play but I guess we shall see. I just want to make you all proud since Quidditch runs in our family. Anyways how are you Mum with the new baby on the way I know it will be another month till you find out if it is a girl or boy, but I wanted to see how you where doing? Anyways Vella and I love it here at Hogwarts classes are so much fun I love my Ancient Runes class it was a lot of fun and I love the professor too, shes the Slytherin Head of House. I hope the rest of the year goes well but for now that is all I have I hope to hear from you soon.
Love you and miss you,
Kaplinski <3
after that K waved goodbye to Vella and went to her common room and dorm room to see what her fellow Slytherins were up to there.
Emma walked into the Owlery. She did not have an owl, so she had to borrow one of the school´s. Emma chose a little energetic owl.
"Okay.. It will be a long way, buddy, but don´t give up, okay?" the owl did not react, but Emma understood like ´yes´. "I need it to my parents, mainly my Dad. Greg Love - please, do not laugh - and the address is on the envelope. Czech Republic, do you know? Oh, probably not, it doesn´t matter, my friend lives in London, so if you wouldn´t feel for the trip, give it to her." The owl probably fell asleep hours ago, so she woke up her.
"Here, the letter."
Hi.. I´m sorry I´m sending owl, but I´m not sure there is another way to write a letter to you. So, I´m in Gryffindor. I know you don´t know what that mean, I won´t explain, too complicated, but it´s the good one (all brave people are here). I can do a little magic now, but it´s mainly about repairing something broken (well, in my case that´s good). Soon I will be in a real hurry, so I probably won´t write you often (also because it would be weird, I can see Mrs Hodgins and her newest talks about me being gone and owls all around our house).
Hi, Emma
When Emma did not see the owl anymore, she took her things and went back to Castle.
YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi
Iris walked into the Owlery, which was eerily empty of people. She walked over to a clean spot of floor (as clean as the Owlery floor can get, at least) and too kthe quill out of her hair. Unscrolling the first piece of parchment, she quickly added more to the letter, just finishing it off. She signed her name on it and then rolled it up.
She then opened the next letter, which was considerably longer .... Well, the parchment was the same size, but the writing was considerably smaller. She then shook her quilll and finished off that letter, too. Smiling slightly at the odd request on it, she signed her name on that one, too, but with a kiss.
She looked around for a couple of friendly looking, owls. Smiling at a large tawny owl, she ushered him down from his perch and stroked his head. "Hi there, boy. You're a very handsome owl, aren't you? ... I want this letter here to go to Ma Maman. She lives in Ormskirk, near Liverpool. You'll be able to find her though." Iris sealed the letter and took out the shorter letter. "Here you are" She said to the owl, waiting for him to take it in his beak.
SPOILER!!: Maman's letter
She took the owl to the window and let him fly off. Once he was out of view, she looked for a fancier looking owl ... If it was going to be flying into Beauxbatons, it had to look snazzy. She walked around the owlery for ages ...
What about that one?
do you honestly think THAT would make it to France? ... It wouldn't even get to Glasgow! Well, what about that fluffy one?
I think that one just might have already died. Ok ... Ok, That one!
Are you serious? It looks like a pigeon! You are so picky.
Its got to look good - Robert can't have a half eaten owl flying towards him at school! Fiiiiine. Him!
Too skinny Her?
Too ... greasy looking That grey one?
Nah ... too .... Erm ... grey. Iris, for Merlins sake just pick That one over there!
OMG! it's gorgeous! He would totally be able to fly into Beauxbaton's with dignaty! So are you happy now that you brother isn't going to get humiliated by a BIRD?
Iris rushed over to the snowy white owl and called him down. The Owl flew down on to her shoulder gracefully and held its foot out for the letter. Iris stroked his feathers and fastened the longer letter to the owl's foot. "This is for Robert Beaumont, Ok? ... You up to a big journey? Because you've got to go to France. Beauxbatons, to be precise."
SPOILER!!: Robert's Letter
The owl took off and flew out of the window, heading east, towards France. Iris watched the owl until she couldn't see it anymore, before realising that she had left her friends in the Room of Requirements. She rushed out of the Owlery, careful not to slip, and into the 7th floor corridor again.
Abigail entered the owlery and headed towards the school owls. Noticing a beautiful tawny owl perched nearby and approached it. “Hello girl...you are a girl right?” she patted the owl on its head and took its hoot as confirmation. “I don’t need you to take a letter for me, but could you go for a little fly for me? I just want to take a picture of you for class?” She held her arm out to the owl and watched as it hoped on, before slowly walking over to the window ledge.
“Ok you go fly for a couple of minutes and I’ll try and get a good picture.” As the owl flow out the window she quickly took her muggle camera out of her bag, and wound it up. One of her friends at primary school had had one so she knew how to use it...sort of. Winding the camera up using the plastic wheel thingy at the back she raised it to her right eye and looked out at the owl. It was quite a beautiful site watching it fly over the snow covered grounds. In the end she took a picture which captured the owl flying back towards her with the snow falling down around it.
Putting the camera safely back in her bag she allowed the owl to hop back on her arm and walked it back to its perch. “Thanks girl,” with one last pat to its head she turned and left the owlery.
ooc: The last time I used a throw away camera you had to wined it up, don’t know if there still the same know but decided just to stick to that.
Laken had just enough time to send the letters home she had written the night before after she had finished her homework.
Text Cut: Letter to Mum and Dad
Mum and Dad:
I have to admit that though I'm having a great time still; I'm starting to miss you and the boys a little. Okay, not just a little, maybe a lot.
I've been keeping my studies up, don't worry. And I haven't gotten into trouble...I'm kidding. I haven't put one toe out of line. Yet.
Dad, you're right! The food is amazing.
I'm sorry that I've only written you guys one other time. I've been really busy as you could imagine! I'm ready for the holidays so we can all be together again!
Love from Hogwarts:
Text Cut: Letter to the Boys
I've already admitted it to Mum and Dad, so I might as well admit to you. I'm missing you guys more than I had thought.
You should see the scenery! I know how you've told me a lot about what it's like at your school and all, but here it's breath taking! And the food, is unbelievably good! It puts up a fight with Mum's food, no joke.
I'm keeping up with my studies, and staying out of trouble. If you all were here, I'd have issues of keeping out it.
I can't wait till the holidays so we can play Quidditch in the backyard with Dad and Uncle Joe. Can't wait to see you all!
Love From Hogwarts:
Laken attached the letters to two different owls, one heading home and the other heading off to her brothers at Drumstrang.
Emily stopped walking and waited for her owl to finish the treat, she pulled an envelope from her pocket the glitter in the ink sparkling in the sun that shone through the window. Drizen finished the treat and emily lifted the letter to beak level and the owl grabbed it. With a final muffled hoot the little elf owl flew out the window and off into the disance. Emily looked out to the owl and squinted her eyes in the sun that came through. She fixed her hat and walked out of the owlery.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Lyra walked in to the owlery trying not to fall on the snow-slippery steps. She opened the door and looked up to the ceiling of the high tower. She walked over to a corner and checked if it was clean, it wasn't so she flicked her wand out of her holster and cleaned the place she wanted to sit. Satisfied, Lyra placed her wand back and sat down, she grabbed her bag and pulled out a parchment and a quill and started to write her letters.
SPOILER!!: parents
Dear, Mum, Dad and you too annoying little brother.
How are you all?
I'm sorry i haven't been able to write yet, so much has happened that i don't even know where to begin. I'm not sure if i like Hogwarts just as much as last year. We get lots of homeworks but classes still rock! They are so much better than Muggle classes..not that i ever been in one , but i just know this is way more fun. I told you last year that Defence against the dark arts was my favorite and i stick with it, it is so cool! I also love Transfiguration but i'm not very good at it, but i did managed to burn a hole in a wooden plank! Yay!
Anyways, i hope i'll hear from you all soon.
Miss you alot
love _ Lyra.
She placed her quill down for a moment and re-read her letter and was satisfied with the out come. She grabbed another piece of parchment and began writing to her muggle friend.
SPOILER!!: Allen Ryder
Hows Canada? i heard from my parents that you had gotten a job there , Congrats mate!
So, as you know i am writing this from my school. I still see your face in front of me when i told you i was a Witch, but you didn't care and continued being my friend. You are truly an amazing friend.
Alot has happened in this small time at Hogwarts, I am in my second year now and alot has happened. Alright, at first there is this guy i like, his name is Evan Cartwright and he is a second year Slytherin too.
Oh yea i forgot to mention i'm a Slytherin right? Well..now you know , teehee. Anyways a brief explanation Slytherin's are the Cunning, ambitious and Intelligent kind. But we aren't like the Ravenclaws who are just plain nerds, no we use our intelligence for our own good. So in short, we like the rich , famous and powerful.
OK i am started to waste ink here so back to the point.
So, i like this guy named Evan but he already has a girlfriend, A stupid girl named Fallon. Really i don't know what he sees in her? She's just ugh. And i have been having fights with another Slytherin called Shana.
Anyways, enough of me, how are you? and how is Canada?
hope to hear from you soon.
Lots of love _ Lyra.
Lyra placed her quill and ink back in her bag and stood up from the place she was sitting. "Daisuke!" she shouted through the tower and a brown owl flew down and landed on her shoulder. "Hey little guy, i want you to send this one" she rolled up her first letter and bound it around his little claw. "To my parents. And this one" she rolled up the second letter and bound that one on the other claw "To Allen Ryder, he is currently in Canada so it will be a long flight , sorry" She told her owl and stroked its feathers.
Grabbing a few owl pellets she gave it to Daisuke which he happily ate and then grabbed a small bowl from her bag , she placed it on the ground and murmered "aguamenti" a small jet of water filled the bowl and she shoved it to Daisuke. Lyra waited till he was finished drinking and then walked up to a window. "Safe trip" she said and she held her arm up so that Daisuke could fly up. She watched him till he was out of sight and walked out of the owlery.
Emily whistled to drizen, the little elf owl flew over and landed on the ledge nearest emily. Emily took an owl treat from her bag and handed it to drizen as she pulled out a pheonix quill, some parchment, a seal set, glitter ink, and the three letters that she had recieved. She undid the stopper on the ink and took out one piece of parchment and dipped the quill in.
Spoiler! letter 1
Dear Grammy,
Yes grammy i will try my best at chemistry! We haven't had a class in it yet though. Thank you so much for the money, when i was shopping for school supplies i got a spotted cat, I named her bubbles, but she has really big ears.
We use pounds here gram, it is england after all! I miss you, I can't believe I spent all last school year in canada with you! I miss my friends i met there.
Love, Emily
spoiler! letter two!
Dear Kaimy,
Thank you so much for the doll! i keep her on my bed at the boarding school. The food here is awesome they have pretty much anything that you want! I'm sending you a scarf I crocheted, now that it's getting cold out you'll need it! Anyway dont you just love my pen? it's sparkly! WOOT!
SPOILER letter 3
Dear mom,
TEll dad hi for me nxt you hear from him! I wish i could just tell kaimy! she's my best friend! why can't i tell her about me? then i could send her magic candy and stuff and she would love it! she told me she was fascinated with magic last year! please can I next time i see her in person? and mom i finished the hat for you! it's in hufflepuff colours because you were a hufflepuff!
I love you mom, and i got the package it is a muggle doll, something of a collectors item i suppose, it is beautiful though.
I love you mom
Emily took the seal set and melted the wax and dripped it onto the three folded letters and stamped it with the stamp which printed her initials into the wax. She gave the letters to Drizen and sent him off, she took the package with the scraf and found the older owl she had spent time with earlier and tied it to his leg and gave him and owl treat before she sent him off. She found another school owl, this one an ordinary barn owl, and tied the hat package to its leg and sent it off. Emily watched the three owls fly out into the distance se turned and ran down the spiraling stiars.
Wrapped in her warmest jacket Dani hurried up the stairs being careful. She did not want to slip and hurt herself. She is pretty clumsey when it came to ice. When she got closer she started to whistle her fave tune. Her owl, Dragon, so named thanks to Cammy, was a beautiful snowy owl. Her baby sister was in her big animal stage and thought Dragon would be good and it stayed. As she got to the top, she heard Dragon hooting at her. "There's be boy! Are you ready to take a letter?" she asked him as he flew to meet her.
I don't want to be Anything other than what I've been trying to be lately Wondering what I've got to do Or who I'm supposed to be SuzyPhilipp
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Torin bounded up the stairs trying to catch up to his sister. It was no fair. She had told him that she would wait for him and she still ran off without him.
And was he out of shape or something? 'cause he was having a hard time catching his breath.
Finally he reached the top stair and burst into the owlery. "That was not cool," he told her panting.