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BanaBatGirl 09-01-2009 04:18 PM

Professor Bunbury's Office
If you are permitted to enter from the waiting area, what a surprising sight will your eyes behold. For one thing, the Herbology Professor's office looks nothing at all like the busy, green and steamy greenhouses where you have class. Instead, the entire room in paneled in a rare antique wood, polished to a sheen and still as fragrant at the forest it was cut from. Just a hint of warm vanilla candles permeates the air and everything shines with a weirdly clean gleam.

As your eyes wander farther into the room, you might notice that the entire back wall is covered in mysterious wooden bookshelves, made of the same unique wood paneling on the walls. These shelves seem to blend right into the rest of the room...or are they popping out at you? Either way, there are spiky, living vines arching across the shelves and covering the numerous volumes that all relate to potion-making, the natural sciences, popular fashions of the times or Anastasia's experiments in some manner. Don't touch these or you might be in for a prickly surprise.

Tucked away in the farthest corner of the room are two long, slender objects that widen out into a twiggy tail...if you sneak close enough to them you might notice some fancy writing on their handles...could they be a small collection of broomsticks? Both are thick and ancient looking, with more spiky vines creeping up them, onto the wall and connecting to the vines from the bookshelves. Don't even think about touching these collector's items or Bunz will have to send one of her favorite pro players after you.

A little way down the wall from the brooms is a lovely marble fireplace with a magical pinkish tint to it. Sitting on the mantelpiece below it is an interesting brass clock, placed exactly in the center of the mantel and the spot where a mirror once hung above it is now curiously empty. Instead, a few picture frames of the redheaded and a certain lanky history professor occupy the mantelpiece around the clock.

The last thing your eyes notice is perhaps the most important. Situated just in front of the shelves in the center of the room is Anastasia R. Bunbury's desk. Hand-carved with fancy little clawed feet, the desk is huge, heavy, and darker than the wooden walls of the room. Two pink chairs that match the waiting room love seat are situated in front of the desk in case a guest needs a seat. Behind the desk is where your professor is sitting in her squishy pink throne, probably plotting out her next lesson or else browsing through the latest owl-order shopping catalog. Approach if you dare, but beware... Bunbury has a cat lurking about the office... somewhere....

WhittyBitty 09-20-2009 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 8639676)

Shock!!11!! Torin Kane had a purpose other than general lurking and stalkery. And he knew about Lawson devouring the dessert. Snap.

"All right, Mr. Kane, I will speak to you in my office. You may go in... just... we'll talk in a minute." She was just a little thrown off by the boy and opened the door so he could in and take a seat.

Obviously he had thrown her off a bit by what he had said, but at least she wasn't dismissing him.

"Yes, Professor Bunbury," he told her as he made his way inside the office that she had opened for him. He took a seat and waited for her to join him.

BanaBatGirl 09-20-2009 04:47 PM

Dealing with Jake Upstead was a nightmare, but once Anastasia was able to scare the child away, she clicked into her office and shut the door behind her. Making her way to the desk opposite Torin, Annie took a seat and leaned back to massage her forehead.

Children. They were clearly the root of all evil.

"What are you hear for again, Torin? Dessert?" Bunz mumbled with her eyes closed, still massaging her head. Dessert didn't sound bad just now, though a drink sounded much better.

WhittyBitty 09-20-2009 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 8641951)
Dealing with Jake Upstead was a nightmare, but once Anastasia was able to scare the child away, she clicked into her office and shut the door behind her. Making her way to the desk opposite Torin, Annie took a seat and leaned back to massage her forehead.

Children. They were clearly the root of all evil.

"What are you hear for again, Torin? Dessert?" Bunz mumbled with her eyes closed, still massaging her head. Dessert didn't sound bad just now, though a drink sounded much better.

He turned to look at her as she entered her office. Did she forget why he was here already? He raised his brow at her and said, "yes, Professor. That's why I'm here." Then he noticed that she had her eyes closed and was rubbing her head. "Are you alright? Do you have a headache?" That wouldn't be good at all. She probably had too much stress to deal with already.

BanaBatGirl 09-20-2009 04:57 PM

Bunz opened one eye to stare at Torin with a calculating expression for a good long minute. Then she opened her other eye and sat up.

"I'm fine. It's your housemates that are not. Honestly. Can't someone keep a leash on Upstead?" Not that she was suggesting Torin Kane watch the kid.... Merlin, what would happen then? She'd have TWO stalkers on hand - one stalking her cat and one stalking herself???

Bad idea. "So the dessert. Right. Did you know: I did not even have a chance to taste it? Your Defense professor is a greedy, greedy man." She smriked to herself and started tinkering with the teapot in the corner.

WhittyBitty 09-20-2009 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 8642007)
Bunz opened one eye to stare at Torin with a calculating expression for a good long minute. Then she opened her other eye and sat up.

"I'm fine. It's your housemates that are not. Honestly. Can't someone keep a leash on Upstead?" Not that she was suggesting Torin Kane watch the kid.... Merlin, what would happen then? She'd have TWO stalkers on hand - one stalking her cat and one stalking herself???

Bad idea. "So the dessert. Right. Did you know: I did not even have a chance to taste it? Your Defense professor is a greedy, greedy man." She smriked to herself and started tinkering with the teapot in the corner.

He nodded slowly as she told him she was okay. Well, that was good at least. "I could try talking to Reese about him if he's being a problem, Professor. I don't want him getting into trouble and she wouldn't either." He liked that kid for some reason. Even though he had just met him.

"Yes, that's a shame. He asked me for the recipe. I could make you another dessert if you want though. I don't mind. I already owe stuff to Reese, Xander, Sylvia and Brody."

BanaBatGirl 09-20-2009 05:19 PM

"Reese.... oh that's right, those two are related." Bunbury nodded, though she secretly wondered how they were siblings when Reese seemed like such a normal, intelligent girl and Jake was the opposite.

Anyway. "Well well, starting quite the baking service, are you Torin? You should charge for the desserts." Anastasia snickered and poured herself a cup of tea. "Care for some tea? You don't have to make me anything, really, I was joking the first time." Sorta.

WhittyBitty 09-20-2009 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 8642153)
"Reese.... oh that's right, those two are related." Bunbury nodded, though she secretly wondered how they were siblings when Reese seemed like such a normal, intelligent girl and Jake was the opposite.

Anyway. "Well well, starting quite the baking service, are you Torin? You should charge for the desserts." Anastasia snickered and poured herself a cup of tea. "Care for some tea? You don't have to make me anything, really, I was joking the first time." Sorta.

"Actually they aren't, Professor," he replied with a smile. He had thought they were at first too. But they were really only step-brother and sister.

"And you could say that. I just am offering them as ways to apologize for things. I think I owe my girlfriend a big dessert." Her and Reese. They definitely deserved big desserts. And of course Jake or Cam could try Reese's if Fyo wasn't around.

"I'll take some tea, sure. And you're missing out if you say no to my desserts." But he wasn't really going to make her anything if she didn't want it. That would be rude of him.

BanaBatGirl 09-20-2009 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Whitterz (Post 8642311)
"Actually they aren't, Professor," he replied with a smile. He had thought they were at first too. But they were really only step-brother and sister.

"And you could say that. I just am offering them as ways to apologize for things. I think I owe my girlfriend a big dessert." Her and Reese. They definitely deserved big desserts. And of course Jake or Cam could try Reese's if Fyo wasn't around.

"I'll take some tea, sure. And you're missing out if you say no to my desserts." But he wasn't really going to make her anything if she didn't want it. That would be rude of him.

Anastasia stirred her tea quietly, blinking at Torin only a few times. "They have the same surname, do they not? How aren't they... related?" Did she really want to delve into the personal life of children that much now?

"You have nothing to apologize to me for, anyway, not yet," Bunz murmured as she pushed Torin's cup of tea toward him on the desk. She did pick up on his use of the word girlfriend though. OH GOOD. So now he would stop stalking her. HUZZAH.

Speaking of desserts though.... "What else do you know how to bake?" Maybe she wouldn't turn down the offer just yet.

WhittyBitty 09-20-2009 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 8642449)

Anastasia stirred her tea quietly, blinking at Torin only a few times. "They have the same surname, do they not? How aren't they... related?" Did she really want to delve into the personal life of children that much now?

"You have nothing to apologize to me for, anyway, not yet," Bunz murmured as she pushed Torin's cup of tea toward him on the desk. She did pick up on his use of the word girlfriend though. OH GOOD. So now he would stop stalking her. HUZZAH.

Speaking of desserts though.... "What else do you know how to bake?" Maybe she wouldn't turn down the offer just yet.

"But they are step-siblings, Professor," he replied simply. He was surprised that she hadn't managed to work that out after he had told her that they weren't related.

"And I know I don't but as I said even if you didn't take the dare seriously I did." He shrugged at her and took the cup from her. "Thanks, Professor." He always had to remember his manners with Professors.

"And I can bake a lot of things. Name something you like and I'll tell you if I can make it." Hopefully she wouldn't name something impossible on purpose. But knowing her...

BanaBatGirl 09-20-2009 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Whitterz (Post 8642503)
"But they are step-siblings, Professor," he replied simply. He was surprised that she hadn't managed to work that out after he had told her that they weren't related.

"And I know I don't but as I said even if you didn't take the dare seriously I did." He shrugged at her and took the cup from her. "Thanks, Professor." He always had to remember his manners with Professors.

"And I can bake a lot of things. Name something you like and I'll tell you if I can make it." Hopefully she wouldn't name something impossible on purpose. But knowing her...

"Oh.... right." Bunz waved a dismissive hand. Like she really cared about child-sibling-whatever relationships.

She sipped her tea lightly, wondering where she'd last put that bottle of ah, flavorings. Hmm. So Torin wanted to make her something... something difficult, maybe? The kid would thank her someday when he was a famous wizarding chef, surely.

"Baklava," Bunbury piped up after a thoughtful moment. "Have you ever made baklava?" Mmm so flaky. So good.

WhittyBitty 09-20-2009 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 8642817)

"Oh.... right." Bunz waved a dismissive hand. Like she really cared about child-sibling-whatever relationships.

She sipped her tea lightly, wondering where she'd last put that bottle of ah, flavorings. Hmm. So Torin wanted to make her something... something difficult, maybe? The kid would thank her someday when he was a famous wizarding chef, surely.

"Baklava," Bunbury piped up after a thoughtful moment. "Have you ever made baklava?" Mmm so flaky. So good.

Baklava, huh? Well, he would make her some if that's what she really wanted him to do.

"Yes, Professor. Would you like me to make you some? I could if you want me to." He was thinking that he might ask Professor Lawson if he would like some too. He would ask her but then she might dismiss the question or something. Maybe he could find the Professor later and ask him himself.

BanaBatGirl 09-20-2009 07:13 PM

"It can't hurt to tryyy making it...." Anastasia dully stirred her tea like she could care less. "You could make some friends with the elves in the kitchens. They're cute little dears." Not as cute as Pinky, but Pinky also had a tendency to overcook things. Like chicken.

WhittyBitty 09-20-2009 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 8643002)
"It can't hurt to tryyy making it...." Anastasia dully stirred her tea like she could care less. "You could make some friends with the elves in the kitchens. They're cute little dears." Not as cute as Pinky, but Pinky also had a tendency to overcook things. Like chicken.

He nodded slowly at her. "I didn't know that you went to see the House Elves, Professor. But I can make friends with them. I'll sorta have to." It was okay though. He could be persuasive if he had to be. And House Elves were eager to please.

BanaBatGirl 09-20-2009 07:53 PM

"Erm well, I haven't been in a while...." Annie shifted in her seat and then looked up at a knock on the door.

"Anyway. Was there anything else you needed, Mr. Kane? Or could you let in whoever is outside my door?" There she went, ordering the boy around again. Mwahaha.

WhittyBitty 09-20-2009 08:00 PM

"Yes, Professor Bunbury," he said as he heard the knock on the door. He got up from his seat and went to the doorway.

When he opened it, he saw that his girlfriend was outside looking at herself in the mirror. "Brody," he said smiling. He was happy to see her though he wasn't sure why she was here.

RachieRu 09-20-2009 08:07 PM

Ahh. Whoever put this mirror here, Professor Bunbury most likely, had had a very good idea. Although Brody had been quite distracted and she actually had no idea that the door had opened, until someone had spoken.
HA so Torin had been here. "Hello Torin." She flicked her hair, before turning around and smiling at him. Oh yes. She remembered why she was here.

"I thought I would find you here." She smirked, stepped around Torin, and smiling at the teacher. "Hello Professor Bunbury."

BanaBatGirl 09-20-2009 08:12 PM

So the blonde and the boy knew each other? Hmmkay. Bunbury didn't know the girl.

"Hello, miss....." insert name here. "May I help you with something?" Bunz stirred her cup of tea lazily and didn't budge from her desk chair. She could tell a few things about this other Hufflepuff already. 1. She had a cute dress on. 2. Her boots were odd. And 3. She was a Hufflepuff and therefore had to be regarded with suspicion, since Jake Upstead had ruined the reputation of that House.

WhittyBitty 09-20-2009 08:23 PM

She was looking for him already? Aww, he had only seen her a little while before. "Yes, I had to talk to Professor Bunbury about this dessert that I owe her," he explained. How did she know that he was here?

And Professor Bunbry didn't know who she was. He would introduce her but Brody could do it herself. He waited for her to speak.

RachieRu 09-20-2009 08:33 PM

"Ahh" Brody nodded at her boyfriend, although she was wondering why on earth he was baking cakes for this teacher. Surely the teacher didnt actually need Torin to bake them, couldn't the house elves do them.

"Oh....I was looking for Torin." She nodded, with a smile, before giving the teacher a look that totally read 'I know about that whole crush thing.' She looked up at Torin, and smirked. "I heard he likes baking for you."

WhittyBitty 09-20-2009 08:50 PM

He nodded at her and then went on to explain further. "Well, she dared me to make her one at the end of last Term. And Lawson ate the one I made her so.. I'm making her a new one."

He caught the look that she gave Professor Bunbury and shook his head. "I like baking for everyone. Especially you." It was the truth.

He wanted to go now that she was here. He was getting tired of being here. He wanted to do something with her.

BanaBatGirl 09-22-2009 02:06 AM

"Mmm yes, he does apparently like baking for me... though I have yet to actually sample any of his cooking," Anastasia answered the girl honestly. Not after doing her usual eye flicker where she took in the girl's appearance. Hmm, cute dress... odd pairing it with those boots... edgy, but it worked. For her. For a girl.

And she still had introduced herself. "I didn't get your name, friend of Torin's..." Bunz started to say, not before being LOUDLY interrupted by a banging on your door. "But excuse me a moment, I apparently have an emergency outside my office."

Lezleighd 09-23-2009 10:05 PM

Satine hurried into the Professor's office...trying as hard as she could to get away from the stinky boy standing by the soon as she entered, she took her fingers down from squeezing her nose and placed the pink box with the pink and brown spotted bow on it on the Professor's desk and then sat down in one of the empty chairs crossing her legs politely so that her new purple heels peeked out from under her black dress pants.

WhittyBitty 09-23-2009 10:17 PM

He raised his brow as a loud sound was heard and then saw Professor Bunbury leave. He just stood there not sure what to do until she got back.

And then a few moments later he saw someone else come in. "Hey, Satine," he said smiling at the girl s she sat down. He wasn't sure if she remembered him or not.

Lezleighd 09-23-2009 10:23 PM

Hearing her name, Satine turned to see a familiar face....she smiled brightly realizing that all she could remember was that he was an older Hufflepuff...she paused for a moment and then his name came to her....

"Howzit? It's Tory or Torin?.....Right?" she asked as she waited patiently for the Professor to come back in. She figured it wouldn't hurt to have some small conversation while they waited for the Professor to get rid of that horrid smelling...and actually looking...boy.

"What brings you to Professor Bunbury's?" she asked with great interest...she was starting to remember that Torin always seemed to be here...

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