-   Term 23: September - December 2009 (
-   -   Main Street, Hogsmeade (

Cassirin 10-11-2008 12:12 AM

Main Street, Hogsmeade
Meet up with your friends before heading over to the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer, browse the windows of the shops as you pass by, interact with students from other houses, and just have fun in the streets of Hogsmeade.

Lollipop! 09-28-2009 02:18 PM

Bonnie strolled up and down the street.
She smiled at all the different scents.
Bonnie pulled her jacket over her shoulders more.

RRdem 09-28-2009 02:26 PM

Rayedem walked along the main street, looking around excitedly. Hogsmeade! He had been waiting for this moment ever since he heard about it in the first place. Who was it that told him? Think.. Ohh, right, it was Rhea. A wizarding village, how cool is that? Muggle ones were never cool. He was eager to see the places they have in this village, but he was.. Afraid, to enter any of the shops by himself. He continued walking, hoping one of his friends would show up.

Star-Lord 09-28-2009 02:32 PM

Evil Grin.

Hogsmeade weekend was finally here. It was the time Jule and her partner would help the little firsties look around the shops. But then again, she wouldn't want to frighten them just by popping out of nowhere. NAH. She'll let them come up to her instead.

StarShine 09-28-2009 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by RRdem (Post 8668796)
Rayedem walked along the main street, looking around excitedly. Hogsmeade! He had been waiting for this moment ever since he heard about it in the first place. Who was it that told him? Think.. Ohh, right, it was Rhea. A wizarding village, how cool is that? Muggle ones were never cool. He was eager to see the places they have in this village, but he was.. Afraid, to enter any of the shops by himself. He continued walking, hoping one of his friends would show up.

Evan was really moody today, and he didn't pay attention to the road at all. He was thinking Fallon and Lyra and what had happened, and he was looking down, obviously thinking. No one'd better mess with him, because he'd bite.

He felt something crash into his shoulder, and he turned back to see who was that idiot. "Watch your steps!" he shouted angrily with face already flushed, then he saw it was Rayedem, the boy he had been looking for! "Sorry for shouting, I... didn't see it was you." he mumbled, not smiling, not even looking in his eyes. He waited there awkwardly. He hoped Rayedem could see he was too moody to chit-chat.

Vampire_BaD_GiRl 09-28-2009 02:37 PM

Nataly was walking through the main street in Hogsmeade, looking at everything in awe. She was never in Hogsmeade before, so she was amazed.
There deffinatly wasn't such an amazing village near Durmstrang.

DH Vixen 09-28-2009 02:44 PM

Mina smiled to herself as she looked into the shop windows. A bit of fresh air and stroll in Hogsmeade was just what she needed. Hiding out in either the library or down in the potions laboratory did only so much for her, she needed another outlet.

'It was a beautiful day after all,' she thought to herself as she took a breathe and continued on her way. She did need to clear her head and this was just what she needed. Between not getting much sleep and her own stubbornness over her lessons, she was a bit of a mess.

'Maybe some new quills and robes would help?' she thought. Shopping alway seemed to help her female family members. She really did need something to get her mind off that terrible lesson in Astronomy she had and a massive amount of shopping might be need. Checking for her little beaded bag, she made her way down the street and toward hopefully a stress relieving day of shopping.

Yusrieee 09-28-2009 02:47 PM

This is the moment Blake had been waiting for for the past few days. Ohmegosh! this village was absolutely gorgeous, leaving him in awe. The small buildings, the candy shop (whose name he forgot), the Zonko's Joke Shop and Madam Puppyfoot, gaaah everything was perfect. He felt like Alice In Wonderland, how great, isn't it?

Blake beamed as he strolled around the street, you might find him pressing his nose against the window of Honeydukes, gawking the yumminess inside. But sigh, he can't and he must not buy anyyyything if he wants to buy a kitten for CaptainBia but on the other hand, he was so eager to get a kitten for her, yippeee.

RRdem 09-28-2009 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Deniiz (Post 8668834)
Evan was really moody today, and he didn't pay attention to the road at all. He was thinking Fallon and Lyra and what had happened, and he was looking down, obviously thinking. No one'd better mess with him, because he'd bite.

He felt something crash into his shoulder, and he turned back to see who was that idiot. "Watch your steps!" he shouted angrily with face already flushed, then he saw it was Rayedem, the boy he had been looking for! "Sorry for shouting, I... didn't see it was you." he mumbled, not smiling, not even looking in his eyes. He waited there awkwardly. He hoped Rayedem could see he was too moody to chit-chat.


Rayedem felt his head--his nose, to be exact, smacked against something hard while he was looking to his right--or maybe left, either way he was feeling dizzy. He lost his balance, and was struggling to regain it. Okay. His nose was bleeding, he only hoped he didn't break it. Containing the blood dripping from his nose with one hand, he looked up to see who it was who had just shouted at him.

"Eban? Ob--I'm howwy," he stammered, realizing that he wasn't able to speak properly. "an' ibsh okhay. Oww." one of his silliest moments ever. He was glad it was Evan and no one else. Then as there was an awkward silence between them, Rayedem observed the look on Evan's face, "Hyou okhay, Eban? Hyou don' luk so goodh."

firenjen 09-28-2009 02:54 PM

Lucille walked down the cobbled streets of Hogsmead, looking at everything. It was beautiful - more so than she'd imagined it to be if that was possible. She caught sight of Rayedem. He looked like he was having a pretty hard time. She concidered going over but didn't - he had company, and Lucille had to let him make other friends now that they were at Hogwarts...they couldn't always be joined at the hip.

She looked away and glanced around.

Vampire_BaD_GiRl 09-28-2009 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by firenjen (Post 8668909)
Lucille walked down the cobbled streets of Hogsmead, looking at everything. It was beautiful - more so than she'd imagined it to be if that was possible. She caught sight of Rayedem. He looked like he was having a pretty hard time. She concidered going over but didn't - he had company, and Lucille had to let him make other friends now that they were at Hogwarts...they couldn't always be joined at the hip.

She looked away and glanced around.

Nataly noticed a younger girl glancing around, looking lost. Maybe I can make more riends now that I'm in Hogsmeade. she thought and went to the girl.
"Hey." she greeted her. "I'm Nataly, a Slytherin third year."

Flipper 09-28-2009 03:03 PM

Hogsmeade was her second favourite place, right after the boarding school. For Eva it always felt nice to be there. It had been her way out during Belle's when meeting her guy and had also been the place where she had amditted her romantic feelings torwards a boy for the first time. So yes, she had great memories of Hogsmeade.
Geez, I really got stopo doing this. I keep on remembering how great things used to be and the remarkabler times i've spent in the magical wolrd. Now that I'm leaving Hogwarts, I'm getting to soft.. she thought with a sigh.

She was walking down the main street with her sketchbook when she bumped into someone. Even after all those years, she ahdn't learn bumping into people wasn't a nice thing.
"Oh.. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" she asked a small blondie girl. A firstie, I'm sure. yeha, she had to quit the annoying habbit of noit looking at the street as she walked. The consequences were always the same; the result didn't change how many times she tried fate.

firenjen 09-28-2009 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Vampire_BaD_GiRl (Post 8668917)
Nataly noticed a younger girl glancing around, looking lost. Maybe I can make more riends now that I'm in Hogsmeade. she thought and went to the girl.
"Hey." she greeted her. "I'm Nataly, a Slytherin third year."


Originally Posted by Flipper (Post 8668933)
Hogsmeade was her second favourite place, right after the boarding school. For Eva it always felt nice to be there. It had been her way out during Belle's when meeting her guy and had also been the place where she had amditted her romantic feelings torwards a boy for the first time. So yes, she had great memories of Hogsmeade.
Geez, I really got stopo doing this. I keep on remembering how great things used to be and the remarkabler times i've spent in the magical wolrd. Now that I'm leaving Hogwarts, I'm getting to soft.. she thought with a sigh.

She was walking down the main street with her sketchbook when she bumped into someone. Even after all those years, she ahdn't learn bumping into people wasn't a nice thing.
"Oh.. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" she asked a small blondie girl. A firstie, I'm sure. yeha, she had to quit the annoying habbit of noit looking at the street as she walked. The consequences were always the same; the result didn't change how many times she tried fate.

Lucille turned, a little surprised. "Oh, hi!" she said brightly. "Im Lucile. Im a Huffie, and im in-"

Lucille was interupted as an older looking girl bumped into her. She regained her balance and turned back to Nataly, "first year." she finished.

Lucille turned to the older girl. She was still a little shocked. "Oh, er, thats alright," she said. "I was kind of wandering anyway. In a bit of a daydream.." she trailed off. Oh yeah, she thought to herself. Now you sound really cool infront of the seventh year..NOT.

Vampire_BaD_GiRl 09-28-2009 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by firenjen (Post 8668959)
Lucille turned, a little surprised. "Oh, hi!" she said brightly. "Im Lucile. Im a Huffie, and im in-"

Lucille was interupted as an older looking girl bumped into her. She regained her balance and turned back to Nataly, "first year." she finished.

Lucille turned to the older girl. She was still a little shocked. "Oh, er, thats alright," she said. "I was kind of wandering anyway. In a bit of a daydream.." she trailed off. Oh yeah, she thought to herself. Now you sound really cool infront of the seventh year..NOT.

"Hi Lucille-" Nataly started, but then saw a seventh year girl bump into Lucille. She looked familiar. That's Emma from the train! she remembered.
"Emma, right? We met on the train." she addresed the older girl.

StarShine 09-28-2009 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by RRdem (Post 8668888)

Rayedem felt his head--his nose, to be exact, smacked against something hard while he was looking to his right--or maybe left, either way he was feeling dizzy. He lost his balance, and was struggling to regain it. Okay. His nose was bleeding, he only hoped he didn't break it. Containing the blood dripping from his nose with one hand, he looked up to see who it was who had just shouted at him.

"Eban? Ob--I'm howwy," he stammered, realizing that he wasn't able to speak properly. "an' ibsh okhay. Oww." one of his silliest moments ever. He was glad it was Evan and no one else. Then as there was an awkward silence between them, Rayedem observed the look on Evan's face, "Hyou okhay, Eban? Hyou don' luk so goodh."

Evan looked in horror as Rayedem fell and his nose bleeded. He quickly got to his knees to help Rayedem. "I'm so sorry!" he said with a too sad voice. If he was a girl, he'd have even cried out of pressure. He had been hurting a lot of people these days, and Ray was now one of them.

"No, I hit you!" he said worried, and then holding his hand to pull him up he asked "Do you need any medical help?" He ignored the other question, because Rayedem was more important than his idiocy.

Flipper 09-28-2009 03:20 PM

Jen, Nataly.. I gotta head home now, but i'll be back as soon as I get there.

Originally Posted by firenjen (Post 8668959)
Lucille turned, a little surprised. "Oh, hi!" she said brightly. "Im Lucile. Im a Huffie, and im in-"

Lucille was interupted as an older looking girl bumped into her. She regained her balance and turned back to Nataly, "first year." she finished.

Lucille turned to the older girl. She was still a little shocked. "Oh, er, thats alright," she said. "I was kind of wandering anyway. In a bit of a daydream.." she trailed off. Oh yeah, she thought to herself. Now you sound really cool infront of the seventh year..NOT.

Eva made her very own 'nice girl' usual smile to the two girls:
"Yeha, I do that myself a lot." she bend down to gather her drawings and put them back into the small bag she had on her shoulder. "I'm Eva Longwood." she held out her hand for the blonde girl to shake. Then, her eyes traveled to the other girl, the Slytherin.
"You're the third year girl from the train!" Eva exclaimed. If she hadn't been in that compartment with the girl and her friends, she and Helios wouldn't have met and... well, that would just be terrible. "Nataly, right?"

stubbyone 09-28-2009 03:26 PM

Sara was in awe. So this was the famous Hogmeade everyone had been talking about. She had to admit, it was extraordinary! She'd had a hard time trying to imagine what it would look like, previously, but after seeing it for herself... she was impressed!

Looking slowly up the street, Sara recognized a few people she had met in class this past week... Sara wondered what Nataly and Mina were up to?

firenjen 09-28-2009 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Flipper (Post 8668985)
Eva made her very own 'nice girl' usual smile to the two girls:
"Yeha, I do that myself a lot." she bend down to gather her drawings and put them back into the small bag she had on her shoulder. "I'm Eva Longwood." she held out her hand for the blonde girl to shake. Then, her eyes traveled to the other girl, the Slytherin.
"You're the third year girl from the train!" Eva exclaimed. If she hadn't been in that compartment with the girl and her friends, she and Helios wouldn't have met and... well, that would just be terrible. "Nataly, right?"

Lucille bent to help the girl gather her things. "Oh, so you know each other?" she asked. She inwardly sighed. Why did she know so few people?

Vampire_BaD_GiRl 09-28-2009 03:27 PM

I'll wait ;]

Originally Posted by Flipper (Post 8668985)
Eva made her very own 'nice girl' usual smile to the two girls:
"Yeha, I do that myself a lot." she bend down to gather her drawings and put them back into the small bag she had on her shoulder. "I'm Eva Longwood." she held out her hand for the blonde girl to shake. Then, her eyes traveled to the other girl, the Slytherin.
"You're the third year girl from the train!" Eva exclaimed. If she hadn't been in that compartment with the girl and her friends, she and Helios wouldn't have met and... well, that would just be terrible. "Nataly, right?"

"Yeah, I'm Nataly." Conirmed Nataly. I not Eva... She would never be brave enough to go and make riends by herself, not waiting until they'll come to her. She wouldn't be friends with Lyra and Sara, and that would be a disaster.


ucille bent to help the girl gather her things. "Oh, so you know each other?" she asked. She inwardly sighed. Why did she know so few people?
"We met brieftly on the train, nothing serious." answered Nataly. They just talked for a few minutes and didn't meet after that.

RRdem 09-28-2009 03:27 PM

I hope I'm not too exaggerrating with the words xD

Originally Posted by Deniiz (Post 8668973)
Evan looked in horror as Rayedem fell and his nose bleeded. He quickly got to his knees to help Rayedem. "I'm so sorry!" he said with a too sad voice. If he was a girl, he'd have even cried out of pressure. He had been hurting a lot of people these days, and Ray was now one of them.

"No, I hit you!" he said worried, and then holding his hand to pull him up he asked "Do you need any medical help?" He ignored the other question, because Rayedem was more important than his idiocy.

Rayedem accepted Evan's helping hand gratefully, except for the fact that both of his hands were already bloody and he had no choice but to grasp Evan's with his left one, which had less blood on it. This doesn't look good. Oh. "Hids hokaii, Eban." he muttered, "Fhankz. Ehh, sowwy fer gettin yer hand bloody." he said once he was back on his feet.

Rayedem gestured Evan to stop apologizing. After being pampered by all the comfort Hogwarts had provided him, getting injured actually felt good. Or not. But it was something new to get him out of boredom. "Noh, humm hokai, hweally.. Hehe," oh, he wished he hadn't laughed. Breathing too hard through his nose hurt, but he continued on, "How hare hyou bai de waii?"

stubbyone 09-28-2009 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Vampire_BaD_GiRl (Post 8669017)
"Yeah, I'm Nataly." Conirmed Nataly. I not Eva... She would never be brave enough to go and make riends by herself, not waiting until they'll come to her. She wouldn't be friends with Lyra and Sara, and that would be a disaster.

Sara slowly approached Nataly, who was already surrounded by a small group of girls.

Sara figured she could just say "Hi," to Nataly and if Nataly wasn't too busy she'd talk to her for a bit...

"Hey Nataly!" Sara said, as she approached the group of tall girls...

Vampire_BaD_GiRl 09-28-2009 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by stubbyone (Post 8669039)
Sara slowly approached Nataly, who was already surrounded by a small group of girls.

Sara figured she could just say "Hi," to Nataly and if Nataly wasn't too busy she'd talk to her for a bit...

"Hey Nataly!" Sara said, as she approached the group of tall girls...

"Hey Sara!" Nataly greeted her. "Girls-meet Sara. Sara-meet Lucille and Emma." Nataly quickly introduced them all. Am I even good at it?

stubbyone 09-28-2009 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Vampire_BaD_GiRl (Post 8669054)
"Hey Sara!" Nataly greeted her. "Girls-meet Sara. Sara-meet Lucille and Emma." Nataly quickly introduced them all. Am I even good at it?

Sara was happy that Nataly had greeted her... "Hi!" Sara said to Lucille and Emma, as she nodded to them in turn.

Sara liked Nataly. she was nice, friendly, quiet and easy to get along with. No wonder she had so many friends!

Being the geek that she was, and having big problems with the Runes homework, Sara asked the girls, in general: "Does anyone know what we are supposed to do for our Runes assignment?"

Lame... but a very necessary question!

Vampire_BaD_GiRl 09-28-2009 03:53 PM

I'm flattered xD

Originally Posted by stubbyone (Post 8669089)
Sara was happy that Nataly had greeted her... "Hi!" Sara said to Lucille and Emma, as she nodded to them in turn.

Sara liked Nataly. she was nice, friendly, quiet and easy to get along with. No wonder she had so many friends!

Being the geek that she was, and having big problems with the Runes homework, Sara asked the girls, in general: "Does anyone know what we are supposed to do for our Runes assignment?"

Lame... but a very necessary question!

"Err...I have no idea, I didn't understand it, too." Nataly said, starting to worry. she thought she can ask someone what it meant. Wait...Lucille was in the lesson! I think I saw her. "Lucille, you were in the ancient runes class? If you were, did you understand the homework? I didn't understand anything."

firenjen 09-28-2009 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Vampire_BaD_GiRl (Post 8669017)
"Yeah, I'm Nataly." Conirmed Nataly. I not Eva... She would never be brave enough to go and make riends by herself, not waiting until they'll come to her. She wouldn't be friends with Lyra and Sara, and that would be a disaster.

"We met brieftly on the train, nothing serious." answered Nataly. They just talked for a few minutes and didn't meet after that.

"Oh, ok" said Lucille. She shot an appologetic look. "Sorry, ill just be one second.." she ran over to Rayedem.


Originally Posted by RRdem (Post 8669018)
Rayedem accepted Evan's helping hand gratefully, except for the fact that both of his hands were already bloody and he had no choice but to grasp Evan's with his left one, which had less blood on it. This doesn't look good. Oh. "Hids hokaii, Eban." he muttered, "Fhankz. Ehh, sowwy fer gettin yer hand bloody." he said once he was back on his feet.

Rayedem gestured Evan to stop apologizing. After being pampered by all the comfort Hogwarts had provided him, getting injured actually felt good. Or not. But it was something new to get him out of boredom. "Noh, humm hokai, hweally.. Hehe," oh, he wished he hadn't laughed. Breathing too hard through his nose hurt, but he continued on, "How hare hyou bai de waii?"

"Err, Rayedem, are you ok?"
said Lucille, speed walking to him and producing a tissue. "What happened?" she narrowed her eyes at him. "Basketball?" she accused.

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