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Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Brody giggled as she watched Xander run his fingers through his hair, again with the hair. But she had to admit yet again that he had amazing hair, much like herself really, but that was another story. Maybe Xander could help Torin with his hair. But not that she was complaining about Torin's hair but if it was like Xanders....that would be awesome.
"Get us a chocolate frog?" She asked with a smile. It was more for Sylvia really. Although she was feeling a little sick but chocolate would help right. Brody loved chocolate so. She motioned towards Sylvia and smiled. If Sylvie didnt eat it now she'd eat it later right.
When he left, she turned to Sylvia, and linked her arm through hers. Best Friend time. Yeeey.
"Soooo." She grinned. "I'm glad you won't ignore me." She smiled. She would be sad if Sylvia chose to ignore her, they had been best friends for AAGGEES! It would be a sad sad day if they ever got separated.
"Do you like Xander? You looked mightly jealous when you came in?" She spoke quietly, feeling a little guilty. She had only been having fun.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
"I'm kind of hungry," he said, standing up. "Ladies, I'll be right back." He bowed as he walked out of the compartment. Bahahaha.
Once stepping into the hallway on his mission to the food compartment, he almost knocked over a small Asian girl that looked familiar. She was also had a paper that he had seen fly by the window of the compartment earlier - or it at least looked like the one he had seen earlier. Whatever it was, he was curious too.
Except with his last step, the train shook more than what he planned on it doing, and did fall into the girl.
"Eeeep!" he squeaked said. He grabbed onto the side of another compartment door to hold himself up, and gently grabbed the girls arm. "I'm sorry Kiri!" WOW, he remembered her name. How awkward would it be if she didn't remember his. Blushhh.
Well, this was stupid. There was no suitable compartment, i.e. either completely empty or completely filled with one (1) Raiden, anywhere! Kiri was debating whether she should just turn around and head back the other way to look in the carriages she'd passed already (Awkward!, her brain supplied, unhelpful as always) when a nearby door slid open. Kiri hastily looked at the parchment in her hand and pretended to be reading - realising too late she was holding it upside down.
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that the person who'd stepped into the corridor was the boy she'd met in the ice cream parlour. A moment's shuffling through her not very extensive stack of people she knew flicked the name Xander at her. Oh yes, that was right.
Just as she was looking up, preparing to give him a small smile, the train gave a huge lurch. Somewhere behind her, a heavy thud indicated that someone's trunk had fallen out of the luggage rack. The boy stumbled forward, and a moment later hung halfway in her arms.
"Whoa! Careful!" Trying to steady herself against the corridor wall, she caught a whiff of... well, whatever it was the boy was using on his hair. As magnificent as it was (Kiri admitted to herself rather enviously), it was also obscuring her vision and tickling her nose. She pushed on Xander's arms a little ineffectively in an effort to get him upright again. "Erm, are you okay, er... Xander?"
Having rifled through his trunk for the biiiiiiiiiig notepad with all his genius ideas on it, Jake trotted down the corridor as fast as he could, holding up his overly large jeans in one hand and the overly large notepad in the other. Was the world conspiring to make him feel shorter than usual today? It wasn't enough that he hadn't grown since before his first year?
"Comin' FROOOOOO!" the boy yelled, looking out for an empty compartment as he charged up the train, the odd scrap of paper falling from his notebook, covered with his attrocious left-handed, 4 year-old worthy scrawl, and a few elaborate pictures with pink cats.
Where to sit? Where to sit?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Xander sighed slightly. Seeing as how Sylvia was better, and she had motioned to him about something (he'd follow her orders ANY day), he decided to sit back down in his seat. At least now Brody and Sylvia were working it out. YAY.
His eyes flicked to the window, watching the train fly by the scenery of mountains and hills and that clear blue sky. Some things were hard to make out, but others were fine and obvious. He liked both of those girls - well, he didn't LIKE like Brody, but he diiiid have a crush on Sylvia - so he looked back to them, and ran a hand through his hair. Smooooth, oh yees. And shiny.
"I'm kind of hungry," he said, standing up. "Ladies, I'll be right back." He bowed as he walked out of the compartment. Bahahaha.
Once stepping into the hallway on his mission to the food compartment, he almost knocked over a small Asian girl that looked familiar. She was also had a paper that he had seen fly by the window of the compartment earlier - or it at least looked like the one he had seen earlier. Whatever it was, he was curious too.
Except with his last step, the train shook more than what he planned on it doing, and did fall into the girl.
"Eeeep!" he squeaked said. He grabbed onto the side of another compartment door to hold himself up, and gently grabbed the girls arm. "I'm sorry Kiri!" WOW, he remembered her name. How awkward would it be if she didn't remember his. Blushhh.
Originally Posted by RaRaRachieee
Brody giggled as she watched Xander run his fingers through his hair, again with the hair. But she had to admit yet again that he had amazing hair, much like herself really, but that was another story. Maybe Xander could help Torin with his hair. But not that she was complaining about Torin's hair but if it was like Xanders....that would be awesome.
"Get us a chocolate frog?" She asked with a smile. It was more for Sylvia really. Although she was feeling a little sick but chocolate would help right. Brody loved chocolate so. She motioned towards Sylvia and smiled. If Sylvie didnt eat it now she'd eat it later right.
When he left, she turned to Sylvia, and linked her arm through hers. Best Friend time. Yeeey.
"Soooo." She grinned. "I'm glad you won't ignore me." She smiled. She would be sad if Sylvia chose to ignore her, they had been best friends for AAGGEES! It would be a sad sad day if they ever got separated.
"Do you like Xander? You looked mightly jealous when you came in?" She spoke quietly, feeling a little guilty. She had only been having fun.
Sylvia watched Xander leave, feeling slightly disappointed. Honestly, why did she feel like this? She didn't have a crush on him, or like him in anyway, so she really didn't understand it. Having a crush on someone was meant to feel like how she felt whenever she saw Terry, but she kind of felt like that but minimised a great deal. So, surely that couldn't mean a crush?
Sylvia half smiled too when Brody asked for a chocolate frog. Hmmm, that sounded like a good idea, she might have to go and get one herself. Xander shut the door and Sylvia felt a little more relaxed, she slunked in her seat a little, and didn't need to feel tense because there were no guys in the compartment now. It was just her and her BFF.
"I wouldn't ignore you, Brody. Don't be silly." She nudged her playfully and giggled, but went serious again when the topic of Xander came up. He wasn't even in the compartment anymore! "Oh! 'Course not!" Sylvia smiled, and laughed again. "I'm quite selective, you know that." She winked, and looked back at the door. No, she didn't like him. He wasn't as good looking as Torin, but she wasn't going to tell Brody that. "I've seen guys who are much more in the league than him." She smirked, she liked being mean. Mwahahhaa. "Why would I look jealous anyway? You're with Torin, so it's not like I could be jealous with you and Xander." She said, as if it was the obvious thing in the world.
Having rifled through his trunk for the biiiiiiiiiig notepad with all his genius ideas on it, Jake trotted down the corridor as fast as he could, holding up his overly large jeans in one hand and the overly large notepad in the other. Was the world conspiring to make him feel shorter than usual today? It wasn't enough that he hadn't grown since before his first year?
"Comin' FROOOOOO!" the boy yelled, looking out for an empty compartment as he charged up the train, the odd scrap of paper falling from his notebook, covered with his attrocious left-handed, 4 year-old worthy scrawl, and a few elaborate pictures with pink cats.
Where to sit? Where to sit?
Thinking he must have imagined the eyes in his window, Tibi was about to turn back to his book when he heard a thud in the train and then, shortly after, a yell, almost like a horn, moving through the train.
Getting up slowly, Tibi opened the door to his compartment and stuck his head out into the aisle. Running toward him at break-neck speed was a blurry ball of oversized clothes topped with pink hair.. and it wasn't slowing down.
Awesomest Person EVERRR. 70% Crazy, 30% Sane, and 100% Me!!!!
Ella was so glad to be going back to Hogwarts. She found an empty compartment and sat down in one of the seats. "Hum de dum...." she hummed, looking out for a familiar face or two.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Brody watched as Sylvia became more relaxed when Xander has left. That was odd. Why was Sylvia being tense because there wsa a boy in the room. Hadn't she taught her well? Or was Sylvia just not feeling too happy, she was sure that Sylvia was friends with Xander. But maybe if Sylvia had been jealous, that might have been why she had relaxing a little now.
She smiled at her BFF, and hugged her. She hoped that she wasn't feeling too sick again! She didnt want her BFF to be sick. It wasn't nice.
"Of course not. I'm far too pretty to be ignored." She giggled, with a smile twisting a strand of hair around her finger. She liked to believe that she was really pretty teehe. And it was true. Or so Torin had told her. And Sylvia was pretty too. Yey for prettyness.
"Sylvie...I saw the look on your face when you walked in here." She commented sadly. She didn't like Sylvia of all people being jealous. "I didnt know he was going to put his arm around me....I was only playing when I leant against him." She shrugged. She'd thought nothing of it. She smiled at Sylvia though.
"Sylvie...." She rolled her eyes, before giggling. "Be jealous if you must....but I'll stop flirting with Xander....he's yours." Pouty face. She liked Xanders hair.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Lowsee ☆ The Joker ☆ Fantastic Baby! ☆ HufflyPuffly
Willie had moved through the train halls swiftly, making sure no one would see him. He was wearing a jacket, the hood covering the top of his head and his hands pocketed inside of its pockets. He didn't want to be with his brother, knowing he would probably lecture him about thieving. Willie didn't want to listen to any lecture, because he knew it would never work with him. He would keep on thieving, he would keep on taking good looking things as it would probably help provide their family.
He had his head bent down, not honestly wanting anyone to recognize him. He would just get into the room and stay there for the whole trip, maybe go to the food cart and nab him some things. A small sly grin placed his lips as he moved forward.
Azrael strode onto the train, surveying her surroundings. Ignoring the people around her she stepped into the first empty compartment she saw closed the door and sat down. Looking effortlessly bored she drew out her wand and began waving it around lazily, making colorful sparks shoot out of the tip.
Thinking he must have imagined the eyes in his window, Tibi was about to turn back to his book when he heard a thud in the train and then, shortly after, a yell, almost like a horn, moving through the train.
Getting up slowly, Tibi opened the door to his compartment and stuck his head out into the aisle. Running toward him at break-neck speed was a blurry ball of oversized clothes topped with pink hair.. and it wasn't slowing down.
Originally Posted by Lowlow
Willie had moved through the train halls swiftly, making sure no one would see him. He was wearing a jacket, the hood covering the top of his head and his hands pocketed inside of its pockets. He didn't want to be with his brother, knowing he would probably lecture him about thieving. Willie didn't want to listen to any lecture, because he knew it would never work with him. He would keep on thieving, he would keep on taking good looking things as it would probably help provide their family.
He had his head bent down, not honestly wanting anyone to recognize him. He would just get into the room and stay there for the whole trip, maybe go to the food cart and nab him some things. A small sly grin placed his lips as he moved forward.
Wow... rhymage.
Knowing that his feet would not slow down, and planning to dodge around the obstacles ahead of him, since he knew neither of the people before him, Jake felt his heart drop as his grip of his jeans was lost and he staggered over the hem of them. "AGGGGHHHHH!" Jake yelled, clinging onto his notepad for dear life and reachng out for the hooded boy to steady himself whilst at the same time falling into the compartment of the boy who had looked out ot him.
By the time he was on the floor it was too late to regain hold of his wayward jeans, now revealing a rather brightly coloured rainbow set of boxers. Jake quickly hitched them up and stared at the two boys. "Erm... oops?" he muttered from where he lay on the floor.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Lowsee ☆ The Joker ☆ Fantastic Baby! ☆ HufflyPuffly
Willie was lost in his thoughts, wondering what he'd attempt next. As a crime, of course. To him it wasn't a crime, it was much more like something of a benefit for him. He would steal so he could gain something he never had. Before he knew it, he was snapped out of his thoughts and was grasped by the shoulder by an unknown figure. Willie yelped, his heart pounding in his chest as fear of being discovered that he might have snatched something. But he didn't!
And then, came the worse, he fell onto his back, groaning with the pain that accompanied it. Who in heck had grabbed him? Hearing a a mutter, he turned onto his stomach and stared at the boy. It took him a few minutes to realize that it was Jack Upstead.
" 'Ave ye lost yer mind, ye nutter?!" Willie snapped, standing on his knees and glaring down at the boy, not noticing the rainbow boxers showing.
Willie was lost in his thoughts, wondering what he'd attempt next. As a crime, of course. To him it wasn't a crime, it was much more like something of a benefit for him. He would steal so he could gain something he never had. Before he knew it, he was snapped out of his thoughts and was grasped by the shoulder by an unknown figure. Willie yelped, his heart pounding in his chest as fear of being discovered that he might have snatched something. But he didn't!
And then, came the worse, he fell onto his back, groaning with the pain that accompanied it. Who in heck had grabbed him? Hearing a a mutter, he turned onto his stomach and stared at the boy. It took him a few minutes to realize that it was Jack Upstead.
" 'Ave ye lost yer mind, ye nutter?!" Willie snapped, standing on his knees and glaring down at the boy, not noticing the rainbow boxers showing.
Realising that this guy wasn't exactly thrilled with Jake's actions, Jake tilted his head to the side as he regarded the irritated youngster. That voice was familiar. And now that he looked at the face beneath the hood... Jake could see it was...
Wasn't this kid usually acting MEGA HYPAH and happy and whatnot. Sure Jake had feared his teeth all those months ago, and then the *shudder* Doctor Crocker era... but... why was he all GRRR! now?
"What's up?" Jake asked, grinning sheepishly in hopes of forgiveness.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Lowsee ☆ The Joker ☆ Fantastic Baby! ☆ HufflyPuffly
Willie threw the hood back, showing his shaggy and messy hair. His green eyes blazed at Jake, feeling quite mad at him. Here he thought he was caught for nabbing something that didn't belong to him, but instead he was just pulled down to the floor along clumsy Upstead.
"Yeh, yeh, it'th me Willie." He scoffed, standing up on his feet and patting his knees to clean off whatever dust might have caught on his clothes. He looked down at Jake and then he noticed that his pants were pulled down and his boxers were quite.. colorful. Willie blinked for a few seconds and then rose a brow.
Brody watched as Sylvia became more relaxed when Xander has left. That was odd. Why was Sylvia being tense because there wsa a boy in the room. Hadn't she taught her well? Or was Sylvia just not feeling too happy, she was sure that Sylvia was friends with Xander. But maybe if Sylvia had been jealous, that might have been why she had relaxing a little now.
She smiled at her BFF, and hugged her. She hoped that she wasn't feeling too sick again! She didnt want her BFF to be sick. It wasn't nice.
"Of course not. I'm far too pretty to be ignored." She giggled, with a smile twisting a strand of hair around her finger. She liked to believe that she was really pretty teehe. And it was true. Or so Torin had told her. And Sylvia was pretty too. Yey for prettyness.
"Sylvie...I saw the look on your face when you walked in here." She commented sadly. She didn't like Sylvia of all people being jealous. "I didnt know he was going to put his arm around me....I was only playing when I leant against him." She shrugged. She'd thought nothing of it. She smiled at Sylvia though.
"Sylvie...." She rolled her eyes, before giggling. "Be jealous if you must....but I'll stop flirting with Xander....he's yours." Pouty face. She liked Xanders hair.
Sylvia snickered. "That's true." They were both pretty, and rather vain ladies, no one could compete or complain. She crossed her legs and turned her head again to face away from Brody, to the window, where she could feel the cold air in her face. Much betterrr.
Sylvia turned her head sharply to look at Brody yet again. What had the girl got into her head? That Sylvia fancied someone younger than herself? A Ravenclaw? No no no no. It just didn't fit, he didn't fit. "You don't have to explain yourself!" She grinned, why must people do that?
"In all seriousness, I'm not jealous, nor do I have a crush on him. You know who I like." Only Miles and Brody knew for that matter, though Sylvia thought that the guy knew himself, but hadn't done anything about it. Who would blame him? "And anyway, Terry's too old for me. So, I'll stick to being single. Thanks." She was perfectley happy with the way things were.
Willie threw the hood back, showing his shaggy and messy hair. His green eyes blazed at Jake, feeling quite mad at him. Here he thought he was caught for nabbing something that didn't belong to him, but instead he was just pulled down to the floor along clumsy Upstead.
"Yeh, yeh, it'th me Willie." He scoffed, standing up on his feet and patting his knees to clean off whatever dust might have caught on his clothes. He looked down at Jake and then he noticed that his pants were pulled down and his boxers were quite.. colorful. Willie blinked for a few seconds and then rose a brow.
"What 'appened ter you? Cat caught yer pants?"
Narrowing his eyes at the boy's frankly snobbish way of talking to him, Jake watched as the guy stood up and dusted himself off. Pages from his notepad were all over the place, and now he had to clear up... D'OH!
Following Willie's gaze, Jake realised how far down his jeans really were and hitched them all the way up, pushing himself to his feet. "My dad... sent me new clothes. He seemed to think I might have grown since I turned, like, nine," Jake explained absently, grabbing a handful of his waistband in his hand and holding on. Tight. "What's got your wand in a knot?"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Lowsee ☆ The Joker ☆ Fantastic Baby! ☆ HufflyPuffly
Willie furrowed his brows and looked at Jake as he stood up and pulled his pants up, tightly holding it with his pants so it wouldn't fall. A small grin was planted on his lips as he poked into his own right pocket and pulled out his wand, waving it at Jake's pants and murmuring a spell along the way. The pants tightened, fitting the boy's figure. "I alwayth be gettin' me clothes for Garret and they're always bigger," he explained, pocketing back his wand and looking back at him.
He then raised his brow and stared at him. "Oiiiii, be careful what you thay, Upstead. Or I be getting your wand into a knot." Willie didn't need anyone to get on his case, even if it were Upstead.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
YAY!! It was the start of another Term and he couldn't be happier. He had survived the summer where his father had tortured him needlessly and he managed to bake Reese a special birthday cake. Now he just needed to find Brody... He needed to give her her new kitten.
But where was she? He scanned each compartment as he passed and there was still no sign of her. And then there she was. With Sylvia.
Smiling, he opened the compartment without knocking and heard Sylvia saying something about a crush. "Is this a new guy? Or the mystery man you have liked for ages?"
It was the very first day of Amber's Happiness.
She was overwhelmed and overjoyed, from the first time memories of walking toward that wall and descending into a magical place with the loud sounds of the Hogwarts Express, and yells and screams of joy from the mounts of children running to get a chair.
Amber was one of the first groups to make it into the Hogwarts express, she wasted no time outside.
She beckoned her mother and father with her, and she soon found a compartment in the front area which it was completely empty!
Giggling she ran and placed her trunk and owl softly on the chairs.
"Mum, Dad, I'm so nervous!" Amber said, eyeing the fabric of the compartment chairs, "I hope Acalia gets here soon."
Acalia was the Slytherin born child she had met in Diagon Alley, the day Amber had tried to take a Love Potion and had accidently made the girl fall to the floor in her nervous state.
"She will be here soon darling," her mother said reassuringly, hugging amber tight. "We're leaving now then, i have to get to work, have fun in school and stay out of trouble." her father winked, kissing Amber's forehead and grabbing her mother's waist.
Amber decided to leave the compartment slide door opened in case Acalia came through the train.
She sat in her chair and waited patiently for her friend.
Acalia ran through the train as it twisted and turned, rumbling along to Hogwarts. She had been very nearly late, and had had to sit with some fifth-year Gryffindor boys while the train gathered speed. She was now checking the compartments for Amber, her friend from Diagon Alley. Without much hope, she looked into a compartment at the very front of the train, whose door was ajar. Her heart leaped as she saw Amber sitting there, reading what appeared to be The Quibbler."Oh, my god! Amber! How are you?" Acalia ran forwards, flinging her bag on the seat, and hugging her friend. "I was afraid I'd have to wait until we got to the castle to see you. I was late, so I had to wait before I could start looking for you..Anyways. What's up?"
Willie furrowed his brows and looked at Jake as he stood up and pulled his pants up, tightly holding it with his pants so it wouldn't fall. A small grin was planted on his lips as he poked into his own right pocket and pulled out his wand, waving it at Jake's pants and murmuring a spell along the way. The pants tightened, fitting the boy's figure. "I alwayth be gettin' me clothes for Garret and they're always bigger," he explained, pocketing back his wand and looking back at him.
He then raised his brow and stared at him. "Oiiiii, be careful what you thay, Upstead. Or I be getting your wand into a knot." Willie didn't need anyone to get on his case, even if it were Upstead.
Watching mournfully as Willie cast some wicked-awesome magic, Jake felt jealous due to his own inability to do magic. "Thanks," he muttered, free to bend down and pick up his notebook and a few loose pages, before standing back up.
Looking in surprise at Willie, Jake frowned for a moment. "Dude, chill out," he mumbled, stalling for a moment as he listened to the implied threat. At first he didn't get it, but with a small "Oh," of understanding, the boy backed off a little. "Sorry, mate," he mumbled, making note to keep an eye on this guy. "So... watcha doooooin'?" Jake asked, eager to steer the conversation away.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Knowing that his feet would not slow down, and planning to dodge around the obstacles ahead of him, since he knew neither of the people before him, Jake felt his heart drop as his grip of his jeans was lost and he staggered over the hem of them. "AGGGGHHHHH!" Jake yelled, clinging onto his notepad for dear life and reachng out for the hooded boy to steady himself whilst at the same time falling into the compartment of the boy who had looked out ot him.
By the time he was on the floor it was too late to regain hold of his wayward jeans, now revealing a rather brightly coloured rainbow set of boxers. Jake quickly hitched them up and stared at the two boys. "Erm... oops?" he muttered from where he lay on the floor.
Originally Posted by Lowlow
Willie was lost in his thoughts, wondering what he'd attempt next. As a crime, of course. To him it wasn't a crime, it was much more like something of a benefit for him. He would steal so he could gain something he never had. Before he knew it, he was snapped out of his thoughts and was grasped by the shoulder by an unknown figure. Willie yelped, his heart pounding in his chest as fear of being discovered that he might have snatched something. But he didn't!
And then, came the worse, he fell onto his back, groaning with the pain that accompanied it. Who in heck had grabbed him? Hearing a a mutter, he turned onto his stomach and stared at the boy. It took him a few minutes to realize that it was Jack Upstead.
" 'Ave ye lost yer mind, ye nutter?!" Willie snapped, standing on his knees and glaring down at the boy, not noticing the rainbow boxers showing.
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr
Realising that this guy wasn't exactly thrilled with Jake's actions, Jake tilted his head to the side as he regarded the irritated youngster. That voice was familiar. And now that he looked at the face beneath the hood... Jake could see it was...
Wasn't this kid usually acting MEGA HYPAH and happy and whatnot. Sure Jake had feared his teeth all those months ago, and then the *shudder* Doctor Crocker era... but... why was he all GRRR! now?
"What's up?" Jake asked, grinning sheepishly in hopes of forgiveness.
Originally Posted by Lowlow
Willie threw the hood back, showing his shaggy and messy hair. His green eyes blazed at Jake, feeling quite mad at him. Here he thought he was caught for nabbing something that didn't belong to him, but instead he was just pulled down to the floor along clumsy Upstead.
"Yeh, yeh, it'th me Willie." He scoffed, standing up on his feet and patting his knees to clean off whatever dust might have caught on his clothes. He looked down at Jake and then he noticed that his pants were pulled down and his boxers were quite.. colorful. Willie blinked for a few seconds and then rose a brow.
"What 'appened ter you? Cat caught yer pants?"
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr
Narrowing his eyes at the boy's frankly snobbish way of talking to him, Jake watched as the guy stood up and dusted himself off. Pages from his notepad were all over the place, and now he had to clear up... D'OH!
Following Willie's gaze, Jake realised how far down his jeans really were and hitched them all the way up, pushing himself to his feet. "My dad... sent me new clothes. He seemed to think I might have grown since I turned, like, nine," Jake explained absently, grabbing a handful of his waistband in his hand and holding on. Tight. "What's got your wand in a knot?"
Originally Posted by Lowlow
Willie furrowed his brows and looked at Jake as he stood up and pulled his pants up, tightly holding it with his pants so it wouldn't fall. A small grin was planted on his lips as he poked into his own right pocket and pulled out his wand, waving it at Jake's pants and murmuring a spell along the way. The pants tightened, fitting the boy's figure. "I alwayth be gettin' me clothes for Garret and they're always bigger," he explained, pocketing back his wand and looking back at him.
He then raised his brow and stared at him. "Oiiiii, be careful what you thay, Upstead. Or I be getting your wand into a knot." Willie didn't need anyone to get on his case, even if it were Upstead.
And suddenly there were boys sprawled every which way. Tibi had managed to side-step back into his compartment just in time, and they landed on his floor. Trying to avoid looking at the one boy's exposed boxers, Tibi stared at the compartment wall instead.
They seemed to know each other and neither took much notice of Tibi... but they were in his compartment... he should at least say something. He tried to interject a few times, but stopped short.
Finally, he took a deep breath and spoke over whatever conversation they were having. "HiI'mTibi.Nicetomeetyouerwelcometomycompartme nt!" It had all come out as one mushy word, but he looked up at them and smiled anyway.
Last edited by AmbiguouslyMe; 09-11-2009 at 10:18 PM.
Alex smiled a little, "Chocolate help huh?" she asked as she arched a prefect eyebrow in his direction.Mental note to self, boys like chocolate.. hmmm This could come in handy.. She thought to herself as she smiled at Kris. "I will keep that in mind for future use.." She said a bit mysteriously as she followed him toward his compartment.
"Wait, what do you mean I will find out?" She asked stopping in her tracks. "If there is a spider or snake in your compartment, you will not see me again for the rest of this trip." She said her hand on her hips as she looked at him.
"Tell me.. now." Her grey eyes were wide.. as she stood her ground.
Haha no, unfortunately, no spiders or snakes.
Spiders were ok. But Kris LOVED snakes. They were so cool! The way they slithered around, their ever-staring eyes, the fear they strike into most peoples hearts.
Aahh.. The perfect creature.
Aside from Feuer of course.
COME ON! I promise you're gonna like him!
He grabbed her arm and pulled her along.
Last edited by DemonHunter; 09-12-2009 at 04:17 AM.
Lowsee ☆ The Joker ☆ Fantastic Baby! ☆ HufflyPuffly
SPOILER!!: posties
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr
Watching mournfully as Willie cast some wicked-awesome magic, Jake felt jealous due to his own inability to do magic. "Thanks," he muttered, free to bend down and pick up his notebook and a few loose pages, before standing back up.
Looking in surprise at Willie, Jake frowned for a moment. "Dude, chill out," he mumbled, stalling for a moment as he listened to the implied threat. At first he didn't get it, but with a small "Oh," of understanding, the boy backed off a little. "Sorry, mate," he mumbled, making note to keep an eye on this guy. "So... watcha doooooin'?" Jake asked, eager to steer the conversation away.
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe
And suddenly there were boys sprawled every which way. Tibi had managed to side-step back into his compartment just in time, and they landed on his floor. Trying to avoid looking at the one boy's exposed boxers, Tibi stared at the compartment wall instead.
They seemed to know each other and neither took much notice of Tibi... but they were in his compartment... he should at least say something. He tried to interject a few times, but stopped short.
Finally, he took a deep breath and spoke over whatever conversation they were having. "HiI'mTibi.Nicetomeetyouerwelcometomycompartme nt!" It had all come out as one mushy word, but he looked up at them and smiled anyway.
Willie grinned wickedly when Jake understood what he had ment, pulling his hands out of his pockets and crossing his arms in front of his chest. Now the boy seemed to be a bit frightened (or so Willie thought), and it brought immense joy to him. This is how people were supposed to be like. People were supposed to fear him.
"I--" But Willie was cut off with another voice, his eyes widening when he realized that with them was another person! There was another boy in this compartment, one that was shorter than he was. Fear grasped him and he charged at the boy, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him up to his nose. "OIiiiiiii!" He spat in his face, watching the small boy closely. "Whatchu be doin' 'ere, booooyyy?!"
Yeah, it was official. Willie Crocker had gone rogue.
Willie grinned wickedly when Jake understood what he had ment, pulling his hands out of his pockets and crossing his arms in front of his chest. Now the boy seemed to be a bit frightened (or so Willie thought), and it brought immense joy to him. This is how people were supposed to be like. People were supposed to fear him.
"I--" But Willie was cut off with another voice, his eyes widening when he realized that with them was another person! There was another boy in this compartment, one that was shorter than he was. Fear grasped him and he charged at the boy, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him up to his nose. "OIiiiiiii!" He spat in his face, watching the small boy closely. "Whatchu be doin' 'ere, booooyyy?!"
Yeah, it was official. Willie Crocker had gone rogue.
Tibi's bottom lip began to tremble and his eyes filled with tears.. but he didn't let them drop - yet. He was terrified and it showed. He could feel the other boy's breathe and there was spittle on his face.
"I... I... I..." Tibi stammered. "I was.. was... heeeere.." his voice shook. "I was in this ..*mumble* ..partment when yyooouu fell."
Tibi didn't know if he wanted to cry, or scream, or just die right there on the spot. He'd thought Hogwarts would be different... but it was looking like it would be exactly like his old school.
"lllee.. let gooo" Tibi whimpered. "You're... huuurting me."
Turning to smile at the younger kid who had introduced himself, Jake was suddenly shocked when Willie went CRAZY and practically ATTACKED the poor kid. "Willie! NO! LET GO OF HIM!" Jake yelled, immediately jumping to action and trying to release the boy named... well... some strange name. "He was here first," he stressed, managing to get between the two, though he wasn't sure if Willie still had strange-name.
"You, mate, pick on someone your own size," Jake said as menacingly as he could, glaring at Willie from his oh-so-short distance away. "He ain't done nuffing."
If only there was a way of giving strange-name some kind of signal that he'd be fine. Willie was just... slightly insane.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Lowsee ☆ The Joker ☆ Fantastic Baby! ☆ HufflyPuffly
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe
Tibi's bottom lip began to tremble and his eyes filled with tears.. but he didn't let them drop - yet. He was terrified and it showed. He could feel the other boy's breathe and there was spittle on his face.
"I... I... I..." Tibi stammered. "I was.. was... heeeere.." his voice shook. "I was in this ..*mumble* ..partment when yyooouu fell."
Tibi didn't know if he wanted to cry, or scream, or just die right there on the spot. He'd thought Hogwarts would be different... but it was looking like it would be exactly like his old school.
"lllee.. let gooo" Tibi whimpered. "You're... huuurting me."
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr
Turning to smile at the younger kid who had introduced himself, Jake was suddenly shocked when Willie went CRAZY and practically ATTACKED the poor kid. "Willie! NO! LET GO OF HIM!" Jake yelled, immediately jumping to action and trying to release the boy named... well... some strange name. "He was here first," he stressed, managing to get between the two, though he wasn't sure if Willie still had strange-name.
"You, mate, pick on someone your own size," Jake said as menacingly as he could, glaring at Willie from his oh-so-short distance away. "He ain't done nuffing."
If only there was a way of giving strange-name some kind of signal that he'd be fine. Willie was just... slightly insane.
Willie glared at the boy, waiting for an answer to come from him, but Jake had yelled of letting him go and in that instant, he dropped the boy whose reason he did not hear so clearly. He blinked. Had he actually charged up on a boy? Possibly. The green eyed thirteen year old looked down at the small boy and furrowed his brows in displease, he then turned to Upstead who was telling him to pick on someone his own size.
Willie glowered.
"Shut up, or I thwear I be twistin' yer colorful knickers in a hard twist, Upstead." He told him, raising his hand as if he was about to swat his head. But instead, Willie looked down at the boy and sighed. "Oii, you, are ye gunna sit on yer bum all day or ye gunna be sittin' down on sumfink soft, eh?"