-   Term 23: September - December 2009 (
-   -   Dungeon Corridor (

Biochemkris 04-18-2009 05:14 PM

Dungeon Corridor
Down the staircase to the left of the main staircase in the Entrance Hall lie the dungeons of Hogwarts. In order to reach the various classrooms, dungeons, and the Slytherin Common Room you have to make your way through the creepy, dark, corridors...

electric.rainbow 09-19-2009 09:01 AM

Okay, so she knew where she was, in the dungeons. Like that helped. Bianca was searching for something to feel familiar but of course nothing would. If only her supposed-to-be tour boy Torin was there to help. But fail, she hadn't seen him since the train.

Scuffing her tiny feet along the ground, she came across six pebbles. Scattered. Her slender hand began to twitch, and reached up to begin to twirl a long strand of golden waves. Okay, she had to. Bending down, she placed them in a row. From smallest, to largest.

There, that's better.

ChloeeCloverr 09-19-2009 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by electric.rainbow (Post 8636591)
Okay, so she knew where she was, in the dungeons. Like that helped. Bianca was searching for something to feel familiar but of course nothing would. If only her supposed-to-be tour boy Torin was there to help. But fail, she hadn't seen him since the train.

Scuffing her tiny feet along the ground, she came across six pebbles. Scattered. Her slender hand began to twitch, and reached up to begin to twirl a long strand of golden waves. Okay, she had to. Bending down, she placed them in a row. From smallest, to largest.

There, that's better.

Trying to find her common room Shana sighed.Seee this was all Evil Brody's,Torin's and Summer holidays fault! She'd forgotten where her common room was,Sniffle.And NO ONE Was around to tell her where it was.Hmph.Oooh Torin she needed to give him her 'awesome' apology letter.She was sure he'd love it,Esspecially when she crossed out the bit about him being a idiot and Brody Being Evil,even though both those statements where mager true.

She skipped along the corridor,singing.We're Off to see the Wizard.The wonderful Wizard of Hooooooogwaaaaaaaaaarts,Because BecauseBecause Because Becauuuuuuuse BECAUSE of the wonderful things that he dooes! Then she stopped a girl,walking over to her she yanked out a strand of her hair.Wow.Tis pretty.

electric.rainbow 09-19-2009 09:15 AM

What theee?

Bianca jumped as a she felt a strand of hair being yanked from her head, her pale blue eyes widening. Who or what was that?! Whirling around, almost knocking her perfectly structured line of pebbles over, her gaze became steely falling upon a girl standing behind her. "Did you just pull a strand of hair out of my head?" She asked, speaking each word rather roughly.

Looking down to the girls hand, she answered her own question. There it was, a sliver of golden blonde. "Why did you pull it out?" She asked, with a rather odd expression. What was with Hogwarts?

ChloeeCloverr 09-19-2009 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by electric.rainbow (Post 8636626)
What theee?

Bianca jumped as a she felt a strand of hair being yanked from her head, her pale blue eyes widening. Who or what was that?! Whirling around, almost knocking her perfectly structured line of pebbles over, her gaze became steely falling upon a girl standing behind her. "Did you just pull a strand of hair out of my head?" She asked, speaking each word rather roughly.

Looking down to the girls hand, she answered her own question. There it was, a sliver of golden blonde. "Why did you pull it out?" She asked, with a rather odd expression. What was with Hogwarts?

Okaaay Bad idea.The girl was now giving her weeiird expressions.Mental flail.Throwing the golden strand of hair to the floor Shana shook her head.WHAT?! How can you go accusing me ?! A poor innocent third year of yanking out your hair ?! So mabye there were a few lies thrown in there,Shana had pulled out her hair and in no way or how was she innocent.But she was a third year.

Shrugging she sat down on the floor and began to make a smiley face out of all the pebbles neatly lined up on the floor.

electric.rainbow 09-19-2009 09:27 AM

Watching the sliver of hair fall to the floor, Bianca gasped, slightly, and unnoticiably. What a waste of perfect hair. Not that she was full of herself. But it was. Innocent? Oh come off it. But Bianca would let this slide, for now. Snicker.

With a small roll of her eyes she watched the girl sit on the ground and mess up the pebbles. Twitch. Her slender hand made it's way up to her hair again, and she began to twirl it. She so did not just do that. She had just made it perfect.

Making her way to the ground, Bianca folded her legs under herself, and pulled the pebbles back into height order. "I'm Bianca, by the way," she said, with a smile, attempting to push away her bad first impression. Hah.

ChloeeCloverr 09-19-2009 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by electric.rainbow (Post 8636662)
Watching the sliver of hair fall to the floor, Bianca gasped, slightly, and unnoticiably. What a waste of perfect hair. Not that she was full of herself. But it was. Innocent? Oh come off it. But Bianca would let this slide, for now. Snicker.

With a small roll of her eyes she watched the girl sit on the ground and mess up the pebbles. Twitch. Her slender hand made it's way up to her hair again, and she began to twirl it. She so did not just do that. She had just made it perfect.

Making her way to the ground, Bianca folded her legs under herself, and pulled the pebbles back into height order. "I'm Bianca, by the way," she said, with a smile, attempting to push away her bad first impression. Hah.

GASP! Oh no she didn't.

She...She was Messing up all her perfect smiley faces.Sniffle.Shana. she said blankly,mourning over the lose off al her smiley faces.YOUUU MURDERED MR.SMILEY! He has a family yano! It was true,Shana had made Mr.Smiley a family In a box in her trunk,just she didn't have time to make Mr.Smiley.Siigh.

Pulling all the rocks back she made then into Mr.Smiley and craddled him in her arms.O_o Where.Was.Her.Kitty ?! Chaaaaaaaaarlieeeeeee! she cried out,sniffle,He'd been walking alongside her and now he was...gone.

electric.rainbow 09-19-2009 11:39 AM

"Oh no, did I?" Bianca asked, with a rather odd giggle. Did she care? Uh, no. As long as they were in order, and perfect it didn't matter. But now they were cradled in her arms. Meh, at least they were out of her sight, and she didn't have to obsess over them anymore.

Oh god, now she was yelling some name. "Who's Charlie?" Bianca asked, looking around. There wasn't anyone else in the corridor. Was this girl senile or just crazy? Well, she couldn't of been, she was younger than herself, wasn't she?

ChloeeCloverr 09-19-2009 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by electric.rainbow (Post 8636929)
"Oh no, did I?" Bianca asked, with a rather odd giggle. Did she care? Uh, no. As long as they were in order, and perfect it didn't matter. But now they were cradled in her arms. Meh, at least they were out of her sight, and she didn't have to obsess over them anymore.

Oh god, now she was yelling some name. "Who's Charlie?" Bianca asked, looking around. There wasn't anyone else in the corridor. Was this girl senile or just crazy? Well, she couldn't of been, she was younger than herself, wasn't she?

Meh.Evil Brody paid you to be mean to me didn't she ? Ick.Brody was sooo meaaaan.Why couldn't Torin date someone nice like Sylvia or Peyton ? Yush they were nice.Hmph.Where was Fyoster when she needed him.Being means not nice you know. Putting Mr.Smiley back on the floor she shook her head.Hmph.

Looking blankly at her,like she was completely stupid.For all Shana knew she could've been.CHARRLIIEEEEEEEEEEE! She shouted,pausing and hearing a slight meow running round like a mad crazy girl she came back and sat down infront of Mr.Smiley with Charlie in her arms....Is my kitty.

electric.rainbow 09-19-2009 09:18 PM

Brody? Who was evil Brody? Bianca racked her brains, to figure out who this person was. But nothing. "Who is Brody? And why would she pay me to be mean to you?" Bianca asked, delicately raising an eyebrow. Being means not nice? Bianca, mean? She had to supress a laugh. "Lucky I'm not mean," she said with a giggle. And realisied the smiley face was back on the ground. Twitch.

JUMP. Did she have to yelllllllllll? Quickly, while the girl ran around like mad, Bianca placed the pebbles back in order. Much better. Then Shana came back with a.. kitten. WHY DID EVERYONE HAVE THEM? Bianca had always wanted a kitten, but never got one. Pout. "Aww, he's adorable," she said with a smile, reaching out a slender hand to pet the kittens head.

Venomyz 09-20-2009 12:51 AM

Amber and Acalia where led to the Dungeons where the Slytherin common room lay. As Amber walked, she noticed the eerie looking portraits on the wall, a scattering mouse across the hall, and the flickering torches.

Although there were no windows, the eerie look of the hall gave her exhilaration.
She couldn't wait for tomorrow.

ChloeeCloverr 09-20-2009 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by electric.rainbow (Post 8638890)
Brody? Who was evil Brody? Bianca racked her brains, to figure out who this person was. But nothing. "Who is Brody? And why would she pay me to be mean to you?" Bianca asked, delicately raising an eyebrow. Being means not nice? Bianca, mean? She had to supress a laugh. "Lucky I'm not mean," she said with a giggle. And realisied the smiley face was back on the ground. Twitch.

JUMP. Did she have to yelllllllllll? Quickly, while the girl ran around like mad, Bianca placed the pebbles back in order. Much better. Then Shana came back with a.. kitten. WHY DID EVERYONE HAVE THEM? Bianca had always wanted a kitten, but never got one. Pout. "Aww, he's adorable," she said with a smile, reaching out a slender hand to pet the kittens head.

Giving Bianca a Blank look she shook her head.She was playing that game where she preteeeended not to know about Brody when she really did.Hmph.Brody's Torin's girlfriend. she frowned.Becaaaauuuseee shes Eeeeevillll She whined.

Petting Charlie she rearranged Mr.Smiley AGAIN.Awww Thanks,I got him in diagon Alley.

electric.rainbow 09-20-2009 07:17 AM

Ohhh, so that's who Brody was. "How did you know that I know Torin?" She asked, delicately raising an eyebrow.. again. I mean, it's not like she had known him for long, or did everyone in Hogwarts know each other well? Hmmm. Ewwww, the girl just whined. It made Bianca shudder. "I doubt that she's evil," she said, or maybe the Brody actually was evil, whatever. "Maybe she thinks that you're evil."

"Oh, well, he is adorable." Mental note; steal Shana's kitten. AHAHA, but she really wouldn't. "I really want a pet," Bianca said with a pout. But when she was in Diagon Alley she hadn't enough money to buy one. Oh well.

ChloeeCloverr 09-20-2009 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by electric.rainbow (Post 8640578)
Ohhh, so that's who Brody was. "How did you know that I know Torin?" She asked, delicately raising an eyebrow.. again. I mean, it's not like she had known him for long, or did everyone in Hogwarts know each other well? Hmmm. Ewwww, the girl just whined. It made Bianca shudder. "I doubt that she's evil," she said, or maybe the Brody actually was evil, whatever. "Maybe she thinks that you're evil."

"Oh, well, he is adorable." Mental note; steal Shana's kitten. AHAHA, but she really wouldn't. "I really want a pet," Bianca said with a pout. But when she was in Diagon Alley she hadn't enough money to buy one. Oh well.

Blink.Blink.Uhh..I didn't.Buut Goodie you do,He's a idiot right ? He didn't like my apology letter.Hmph. Shrugging she cuddled Charlie.But Im not evil,Im nice.Unlike her.She shouted at me. Sniffle.Sniffle.How could anyone not think Brody was evil ? Apart from Torin,But then there was the chance Bianca hadn't met Brody so yeah then she wouldn't know.But When she'd met her she'd certainly know she was evil.Shes trying to steeeal Torin! she frowned.

Thanks. Aww she wanted a pet.You can have nameless if you like ? Shes a pygmy puff,Im getting another one sometime next year. she smiled,Nameless was too shy for her liking she didn't play with Charlie like Hero did.Siigh.

electric.rainbow 09-20-2009 07:47 AM

"Oh, I thought you did," Bianca said with a giggle. And :O:O. "He isn't an idiot, he's my tour guide. My supposed to be tour guide." Hmph. "What did you apologise for?" Bianca asked. Was it Shana's fault that Brody was mean to her? Probably not. "Oh, well, that is mean. Why did she shout at you?" Was this girl really as mean as Shana thought she was? Or was it all a misunderstanding? "What do you mean, 'trying to steal him'," Bianca said with a laugh, "She is his girlfriend." Bianca was beginning to get confused.

"Really?" Bianca asked, getting excited, and wondering what on earth a pygmy puff was. She'd never seen one before, let alone heard of them. "That would be amazinggg," she said with a sincere, grateful smile. EEEE, A PET. It wasn't a kitten, but it was still a pet!

ChloeeCloverr 09-20-2009 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by electric.rainbow (Post 8640647)
"Oh, I thought you did," Bianca said with a giggle. And :O:O. "He isn't an idiot, he's my tour guide. My supposed to be tour guide." Hmph. "What did you apologise for?" Bianca asked. Was it Shana's fault that Brody was mean to her? Probably not. "Oh, well, that is mean. Why did she shout at you?" Was this girl really as mean as Shana thought she was? Or was it all a misunderstanding? "What do you mean, 'trying to steal him'," Bianca said with a laugh, "She is his girlfriend." Bianca was beginning to get confused.

"Really?" Bianca asked, getting excited, and wondering what on earth a pygmy puff was. She'd never seen one before, let alone heard of them. "That would be amazinggg," she said with a sincere, grateful smile. EEEE, A PET. It wasn't a kitten, but it was still a pet!

Sighing she shrugged her shoulders.He is! Becauuseee He was mean to me cauuse I don't like Evil Brody and Im too lazy to remember the whoooole story but yeah I wrote a apology letter and he didn't like it. Hmph.Stupid Torin.Caaause she was igrnoring me so I gently poked her in the face.Like this. she poked Bianca's cheek gently and carried on talking.Annd then she shouted at me. Sniffle.

Yeahh corse,I'll get her later shes in the dorm at the moment. she smiled.

bone_baud10 09-20-2009 09:08 AM

Thomas walked into the Dungeons not knowing why he entered. Last year Thomas wasn't able to enter the Dungeons because of the catastrophic flood, hopefully it wouldn't happen again. As he walked deeper he got more depressed. The longest walk in the Dungeons he had ever had was for his first lesson in potions. He already past the potions class and it seemed like he was heading to the Slytherin common room, but the problem was that he didn't know where it is and what is the password. Thomas stopped walking, he looked behind him he looked forward and then he looked up. It felt like your going into the most scariest bunker in the world. He turned around and walked quickly out of the dreadful Dungeons.

xtina_91 09-21-2009 03:14 PM

It was official. Annabell was lost. Very lost in fact. She was also spooked!

"I don't like it down here," she thought. "This is creepy.."

She heard two girls talking up ahead so she walked on further. They looked cross.

"Hi.. I'm Annabell" she smiled. "I'm new to this place. Could you help me out? I think I'm lost."

electric.rainbow 09-21-2009 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by ChloeeCloverr (Post 8640671)
Sighing she shrugged her shoulders.He is! Becauuseee He was mean to me cauuse I don't like Evil Brody and Im too lazy to remember the whoooole story but yeah I wrote a apology letter and he didn't like it. Hmph.Stupid Torin.Caaause she was igrnoring me so I gently poked her in the face.Like this. she poked Bianca's cheek gently and carried on talking.Annd then she shouted at me. Sniffle.

Yeahh corse,I'll get her later shes in the dorm at the moment. she smiled.

:O:O "Well, that's meannn, I'll tell Torin to forgive you," Bianca said with an evil smile. "But I don't think that'll do anything," she added with a laugh. All she did was poke her cheek lightly, and now it had escaladed into this? Woah. "From just a poke on the cheek?" Bianca asked, raising her eyebrows delicately. "That's soo silly!" She then thought for a moment, "But you have lots of other friends that aren't mean right?"

EEEEE, Bianca would now have a pet. "Thank-youuuu," she said happily with a wide smile, and reaching over to hug Shana.

ChloeeCloverr 09-21-2009 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by electric.rainbow (Post 8647823)
:O:O "Well, that's meannn, I'll tell Torin to forgive you," Bianca said with an evil smile. "But I don't think that'll do anything," she added with a laugh. All she did was poke her cheek lightly, and now it had escaladed into this? Woah. "From just a poke on the cheek?" Bianca asked, raising her eyebrows delicately. "That's soo silly!" She then thought for a moment, "But you have lots of other friends that aren't mean right?"

EEEEE, Bianca would now have a pet. "Thank-youuuu," she said happily with a wide smile, and reaching over to hug Shana.

Aww.That was kind of her.You can if you want...But like you said Don't think it'll do much,I gave him an apoloogy letter and he gave it back to m. Frown.Sniffle.Frown.Yessh.But Brody's mean and Reese says Brody's got Torrin under a speeeelll. Mabye Reese was making it up but it sounded real,right ? Right.Yep.I dooo! Buut some are leaving this term. Siigh.

Youuur welcome.She seems a bit lonely now cause I have two other pets and she doesn't reeally fit in well with them. Smiling she looked around the empty corridor.HUUGS! WEEE! Hugging Bianca in return she beamed.

electric.rainbow 09-21-2009 08:05 PM

"I will, I'll be like, accept her apology Torin, or I'll.. I'll.. Yeah, I got nothing," Bianca said trailing off. "But I'll still say something," she added, with a little grin. Reese? Who's Reese? And at least it wasn't only Shana who didn't like Brody. Maybe this girl was as mean she she sounded. Bianca wasn't sure that she wanted to meet her. "Ohhh.. who's Reese?" She asked with a confunded look. "Oh, that sucks. So the others are graduating?"

"I need to make more friends," Bianca said with a laugh. It seemed like Shana knew quite a lot of people and Bianca knew a whole of.. three. Eeep. "It's hard coming to a new school," she said with a nod, "Well, for me anyway."

Pro-Opera Jungian 09-22-2009 10:38 PM

Antartica, Lislchen,
Lannes walked down the damp dungeon corridors towards the common room. Turning to the door he came upon some graffiti off to the side. In the darkness of the dungeons it was near invisible, but when Lannes grabbed at his wand and said
the dungeon corridor lit up. The graffiti was rather long actually, and Lannes was shocked to find it in such a nice castle. Drawing closer, he read some of the lines,

After taking notice of this Lannes mused
"Well apparently Leroy's spelling isn't."
He took out a red pen and then began correcting 'Leroy's' sentence, but just when he finished he would find more. This entire dark section of the wall was covered with it.
"They have run on sentences, they capitalize everything and their spelling is deplorable! What is this school teaching?"
He then set himself to correct the graffiti, making note of errors and replacing the misspelled words as he lectured on an on to no one.

Danae 09-22-2009 11:53 PM

Delana sat on the cold hard floor, leaning against the wall of the corridor. Her text books lie on the ground next to her in a messy pile, the top one open. In her left hand she held her wand above the parchment she was writing on.
She wasn't sure why she was down there, really, but she was... and she didn't plan on leaving anytime soon.

Antarctica 09-23-2009 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Pro-Opera Jungian (Post 8651832)
Lannes walked down the damp dungeon corridors towards the common room. Turning to the door he came upon some graffiti off to the side. In the darkness of the dungeons it was near invisible, but when Lannes grabbed at his wand and said
the dungeon corridor lit up. The graffiti was rather long actually, and Lannes was shocked to find it in such a nice castle. Drawing closer, he read some of the lines,

After taking notice of this Lannes mused
"Well apparently Leroy's spelling isn't."
He took out a red pen and then began correcting 'Leroy's' sentence, but just when he finished he would find more. This entire dark section of the wall was covered with it.
"They have run on sentences, they capitalize everything and their spelling is deplorable! What is this school teaching?"
He then set himself to correct the graffiti, making note of errors and replacing the misspelled words as he lectured on an on to no one.

Humming to herself, Kiri removed the heaviest of her books from her bag and threw them onto her bed. She and Nancy had decided they'd show that boy Lannes around a little today, and Kiri did not want back pains afterwards. As she zipped the bag shut, she reminded herself not to forget about her Arithmancy homework later.

She hurried downstairs and out of the common room. Closing the door and putting on a smile, she turned around. "Alright, Lannes, let's g-..." Uh oh. Lannes was not there, waiting for her. He had run off.
She cursed inwardly. She'd told him what she'd gone to do. It couldn't have taken her more than a few minutes, but no. He was gone. Which was most definitely not a good thing. Kiri had no clue where Nancy was, either. She set off at speed down the corridor.

One corner down, Kiri found him. At least, she was forced to accept she had. It was unlikely she was hallucinating - even though the situation looked utterly bizarre. Lannes was peacefully scribbling away on one of the walls of the corridor. She hurried closer. "What," she hissed, "in the name of Merlin's dyslexic scribe do you think you're doing?"

ChloeeCloverr 09-23-2009 04:28 PM

Blink.Not really paying much attention to what Bianca was saying and/or who she was talking about she looked back up.Oh umm.I'd better go.Ill get Nameless to you as soon as possible. she smiled,Standing up and picking up the pebbels from the floor.See ya.

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