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A sweet and aromatic scent was forthpouring from the Divination classroom that afternoon. Roses of several varieties bloomed and shed their multi-coloured petals on the floor almost lining the path to the various desks. Lilacs, and orchids were placed at the front of the room and standing behind a veritable spray of creeping white jasmine was the well meaning lunatic of a Divination Professor, Kapoor. Meerily standing by as the students entered the class.
"Good afternoon, students. Please don't move the chairs. They've been pushed together as we'll be doing team exercises today." He explained.
Chelle watched as another boy walked over to Professor Kapoor's desk and turned in his tussie mussie. She walke dover to him and said,` Hey, I'm Chelle. I don't have a partner yet, but I need one. I saw you turn your tussie mussie in, but I didn't see your partner. I was just wondering if... maybe, you'd like to be my partner and do anther tussie mussie? Or you can back out... whatever's okay with you!' She was pretty nervous as the boy had already given his work.
"Alright. Now, have you all got your tussie mussies made and your interpretations recorded on parchment? For those of you who have completed it, feel free to turn it in. Place them on my desk please and don't worry if you haven't finished yet or didn't get a partner, you can still turn it in." He gave the official 'Last Call' to the class as he grabbed an empty table and began putting down more flowers, but different, more exotic varieties from the east.
Rafe wrote down his and Evelyn's answers and made two copies:
Rafe and Evelyn's Floriomancy Interpretations
Rafe's Flowers:
White Violet – Modesty Evelyn’s Interpretation: you are a mysterious person, or maybe you're hiding something; and you like to go after things that seem impossible to get, like goals; maybe you're a competitive person and like a little competition for the attaining the impossible part ☺
Blue Rose- Mystery, attaining the impossible Evelyn’s Interpretation: you also value modesty in yourself, or maybe in others, or both ☺
Arbor vitae- Everlasting friendship Evelyn’s Interpretation: you have a great friendship with someone at the moment that will possibly last forever, or you will have some friendship of the sort in the future; you guys will stick together through the tough times and new times. ☺
Evelyn's Flowers:
White rose- Eternal Love, Silence or innocence, wistfulness, virtue, purity, secrecy, reverence and humility Rafe’s Interpretations: you might have eternal love for someone, possible unknowing; silence and innocence, virtue, purity, well you are a first year, and we're all a bit timid; that seems to follow under those; and then maybe you have high reverence and respect for someone that will lead to humility.☺
Red Daisy- Beauty unknown to possessor Rafe’s Interpretations: it means what it says, you are like a caterpillar that will turn into a beautiful butterfly☺
Rue- Regret Rafe’s Interpretations: maybe you've done something in you past that you're not too proud of and you'll come to regret it in time ☺
He took it up to the professor. "Is this alright?" Rafe asked. He hoped they got good marks, they did work somewhat hard on it. Divination was definitely a confusing subject and not what he was expecting at all.
This is how I roll, animal print pants out control.
This is how I roll, come on ladies it's time to go!
Josh coughed. Girls were amazing at taking the signs of emotions. He stared at the daffodil wondering if it was too obvious for the whole class or just for Abigail. He nodded as she mentioned that Rose was pretty. ''Yeah, i do agree'' he said since resisting or ignoring the truth was not something a person like him would do. ''Well... i said i was not sure about it but just look at her...'' he did a little indicate with his nose towards her ''...she's from one of that all pure and proud Slytherin families. Don't get the impression that i'm scared of them but you know she might not want to get in trouble with her parents just for a plain Gryffindor with a muggle dad and a blood traitor mom'' he replied '' I just dont want her to get...stressed and unhappy because of me'' he sighed than smiled at Abigail ''You dont have to keep it as secret and, yes, i might not be sitting here if you had not announced that you needed a partner since i have not learned how to read minds yet''
Abigail laughed “It’s got nothing to do with you reading minds, but I’m sure you’ll learn how to read minds when you’re older.” She looked over at the Slytherin girl before turning back to Josh, and leaning over the table. “I don’t know her, but as another pureblood girl who expected to be in slytherin like her brother and most of her family, believe me when I say, don’t make any assumptions. She wouldn’t be your friend if she had a problem with your dad being a muggle.”
Lyra snickered slightly when Kiri said she wasn't good at the subject. "That makes two, i mean, how can flowers tell something about us?" Lyra answered back and grinned a little. She watched how Kiri grabbed her Divination book and started to flip through the pages.
Finally after some muttering and Lyra noticed that Kiri had wanted to slam the book shut, the girl finally found the chapter. Lyra listened to what she was saying and with each word her mouth dropped open more. She stared at Kiri in disbelieve and grabbed her own Divination book. Lyra flipped through its pages and found the flowers quickly and read through them. She looked up at Kiri again with huge eyes. "How does this book..i mean how do these flowers say anything...never mind" she muttered and looked at Evan sitting on the other side of the class.
She sighed heavily and nodded at Kiri's prediction. Deciding to tell Kiri what had happened so far, the second year Slytherin looked down at her hands which where suddenly very interesting. "Uhm, well yes" she began and looked up. "Y-you see that guy over there" she nodded slightly towards Evan , afraid that if she pointed at him he would see it. "Well, he's my friend...i think... eh, we met in Diagon Alley before school started , he knocked me on the ground is more like it" she giggled , remembering the scene. "we shopped together and bought a few icecreams. I really liked him and i had found some time ago that he liked me too but" there was a awkward pause. It was so weird talking about this "He also likes another girl named Fallon and ..well i have jealousy problems according to him" she sighed heavily and pouted her lip "I..i uhm, i attacked another Slytherin girl when i saw Evan together with her..i didn't know they were just friends because she had her head on his shoulder..It wasn't Fallon , it was another girl" she said carefully not saying Shana's name. What if Kiri knew Shana or worse what if she was a friend of her? "yes i do regret what i've done and i've said a apology to the girl but she wouldn't listen.."
Better not tell her that she had also slapped Evan a few times now, which, in Lyra's mind where is own fault. The slap on the train with the flyer was because he had walked away during her talking and the other slap was because he had used a Not Ministry approved spell on her in a corridor. And she had beaten him in a duel in the Dueling Arena.
Alright, so now that Lyra had opened up her (according to Shana) cold-heart to someone she had only met twice and she had to admit it felt good , she looked at Kiri and pointed at her bouquet. "Eh, shall i tell something about your flowers?" cue giggle, that sounded so stupid.
Mouth slightly open, Kiri listened to the girl talk. Her prediction (lucky guess was more accurate, in Kiri's opinion) had turned out to be true. For a given value of 'true'.
She wasn't sure she wanted to hear about it, especially as this it seemed to be highly personal, but the girl didn't appear to mind, letting Kiri in on a long and complicated story that involved ice cream and duelling. Kiri alternated between looks at Lyra and looks over her shoulder at the boy she'd pointed out.
"Er, I see," was, consequently, the only thing she could think of saying when Lyra was done. Kiri didn't really have a clue what else to say - Divination seemed to be the wrong lesson for advice, and at any rate, one had to be really desperate to ask Kiri's help in... romantic matters. "Maybe this means, um, that the situation's about to change," she ventured uncertainly, glancing at Lyra's flowers. She had the sneaking suspicion that those bouquets did not so much predict the future as give insight into the current mood of their creators.
In reply to Lyra's question, Kiri nodded. "Sure, have a gue-, I mean, prediction," she said, handing over her own tussie-mussie. She'd arranged, without much attention to detail, two roses, one yellow and one red (of course), a snowdrop and a few twigs of fennel.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Looking around Marie noticed Kay by herself, it appeared she did not have a partner. "Hey Kay, want to be partners or do you already have one?" Marie asked her.
Looking around Marie noticed Kay by herself, it appeared she did not have a partner. "Hey Kay, want to be partners or do you already have one?" Marie asked her.
"Sure Marie." kay said. "I have my three flowers picked out if you want to start." Kay wrote her Flowers down on the paper to let Marie look at.
Super Slytherin Buddy || ⅓ She-Snake Trio || 'I taste like chocolate and potatoes'
Destiny didn't have a partner. Luckily she really didn't need one because the professor said she can just hand it in, and she didn't really want to analyze people she didn't know. She started looking for her flowers.
She picked the 3 flowers she liked the most.
1.)cherry blossom
2.)yellow poppy
She wrote her name, house and year on her tussie mussie and put it on the professors desk.
9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
Originally Posted by Sherbetsnitch
Abigail laughed “It’s got nothing to do with you reading minds, but I’m sure you’ll learn how to read minds when you’re older.” She looked over at the Slytherin girl before turning back to Josh, and leaning over the table. “I don’t know her, but as another pureblood girl who expected to be in slytherin like her brother and most of her family, believe me when I say, don’t make any assumptions. She wouldn’t be your friend if she had a problem with your dad being a muggle.”
Josh raised his eyebrows at her comment that he'd learn how to read minds in future ''Do you really think i can do so? I wonder what makes you so sure of it'' he stared at the flowers ''You gave me the three points but were not fully satisfied with my interprets or make ups, lets say'' he laughed ''Whatever you'd like to call them'' he approached her more whispering ''This Divination thing, actually, is all about guessing and making up if you ask me'' and leaned back ''I do enjoy it a lot, though, not sure why''. He was kinda relieved at Abigail's comment about Rose ''Yeah that's quite reasonable she does not seem to have any trouble with any aspect of mine'' smiling a little he looked around ''I hope the professor wont be annoyed with all those chit-chat, you know, we are finished but i think it'd be good if we seem to be into the subject. Shall we play a game with those flowers and their meanings?''
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by Kaytone
"Sure Marie." kay said. "I have my three flowers picked out if you want to start." Kay wrote her Flowers down on the paper to let Marie look at.
purple carnation
white violet
Marie thought about this for a minute. She really didn't know Kay all that well yet. They had a few classes together but had never really talked outside of class. Now to try and figure out what her flowers meant about her, this could be interesting.
Purple Carnation has the meaning of 'capriciousness' meaning things tend to change abruptly and without apparent reason. Then again it can mean erratic or flighty. "I would have to say with this one I would interpret it to mean your life is one of constant change. You make decisions at the last minute based on what is going on at the time, you don't really plan ahead for things."
White Violet means 'modesty'. "Could this one actually mean you don't like to take credit for things that you do? You don't want to be the center of attention?" Marie couldn't imagine someone not wanting to be the center of attention, what would be the point in doing something if you didn't get credit for it?
Ivy means 'dependence'. 'Hmmmm, this one is a little tricky' Marie thought. 'What could Kay be dependent on in her life?' She thought about this for a few minutes and then made her decission. "I think that you have a great dependence on your friends. You depend on them to be there when you need them and even when you don't need them. You like knowing that they are there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on or when you want someone to get into mischief with." 'Like going to the forbidden forest even though you know you shouldn't go there.'
"Overall I have to say that you depend on your friends to be there for you when you are having one of those sudden changes in your life but you don't want them to know that you depend on them as much as you do."
Marie felt pretty confident with these interpretations. Kay seems like a pretty easy person to read so Marie was hoping Kay would give her all 3 points for this one.
"So did I even come close to getting these correct? Do I get 3 points? " Marie asked Kay.
Marie thought about this for a minute. She really didn't know Kay all that well yet. They had a few classes together but had never really talked outside of class. Now to try and figure out what her flowers meant about her, this could be interesting.
Purple Carnation has the meaning of 'capriciousness' meaning things tend to change abruptly and without apparent reason. Then again it can mean erratic or flighty. "I would have to say with this one I would interpret it to mean your life is one of constant change. You make decisions at the last minute based on what is going on at the time, you don't really plan ahead for things."
White Violet means 'modesty'. "Could this one actually mean you don't like to take credit for things that you do? You don't want to be the center of attention?" Marie couldn't imagine someone not wanting to be the center of attention, what would be the point in doing something if you didn't get credit for it?
Ivy means 'dependence'. 'Hmmmm, this one is a little tricky' Marie thought. 'What could Kay be dependent on in her life?' She thought about this for a few minutes and then made her decission. "I think that you have a great dependence on your friends. You depend on them to be there when you need them and even when you don't need them. You like knowing that they are there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on or when you want someone to get into mischief with." 'Like going to the forbidden forest even though you know you shouldn't go there.'
"Overall I have to say that you depend on your friends to be there for you when you are having one of those sudden changes in your life but you don't want them to know that you depend on them as much as you do."
Marie felt pretty confident with these interpretations. Kay seems like a pretty easy person to read so Marie was hoping Kay would give her all 3 points for this one.
"So did I even come close to getting these correct? Do I get 3 points? " Marie asked Kay.
Kay just looked at Marie as she read out her anwsers about her. Marie had gotten the first two right. Kay couldn't believe how well she could be read. Marie gave her last answer and Kay's mouth was hanging open. "You did very well. I will have to give you all three points. You read it very well." Kay said. "So, what are your flowers?" Kay asked. She hoped that she could do just as well as Marie did. Kay really did like flower all that much and did know if she could do this.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by Kaytone
Kay just looked at Marie as she read out her anwsers about her. Marie had gotten the first two right. Kay couldn't believe how well she could be read. Marie gave her last answer and Kay's mouth was hanging open. "You did very well. I will have to give you all three points. You read it very well." Kay said. "So, what are your flowers?" Kay asked. She hoped that she could do just as well as Marie did. Kay really did like flower all that much and did know if she could do this.
Marie was really happy that she was able to read Kay so well. Now to see how Kay would read her.
Josh raised his eyebrows at her comment that he'd learn how to read minds in future ''Do you really think i can do so? I wonder what makes you so sure of it'' he stared at the flowers ''You gave me the three points but were not fully satisfied with my interprets or make ups, lets say'' he laughed ''Whatever you'd like to call them'' he approached her more whispering ''This Divination thing, actually, is all about guessing and making up if you ask me'' and leaned back ''I do enjoy it a lot, though, not sure why''. He was kinda relieved at Abigail's comment about Rose ''Yeah that's quite reasonable she does not seem to have any trouble with any aspect of mine'' smiling a little he looked around ''I hope the professor wont be annoyed with all those chit-chat, you know, we are finished but i think it'd be good if we seem to be into the subject. Shall we play a game with those flowers and their meanings?''
Abigail rolled her eyes at the over confident boy, ‘maybe I shouldn’t encourage him.’ Looking over in the direction of the professor she nodded in agreement. “You’re right, but I think our chit-chat has all been related to your tussie mussie so we have been doing work really. We should move on though, why don’t you make another tussie mussie and I’ll find its meaning.” She quite liked doing the tussie mussie actually, which she definitely wasn’t expecting. ‘Although I do agree with Josh it is all guess work.’
Atypical Ravenclaw Bookworm // Hair Flipper Pro / / the edgy starbuckian // Hot Messie
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
"Alright. Now, have you all got your tussie mussies made and your interpretations recorded on parchment? For those of you who have completed it, feel free to turn it in. Place them on my desk please and don't worry if you haven't finished yet or didn't get a partner, you can still turn it in." He gave the official 'Last Call' to the class as he grabbed an empty table and began putting down more flowers, but different, more exotic varieties from the east.
Mina placed her parchment on the desk and returned to her seat. Eyeing the exotic flowers as she walked back toward her table. 'Wonder what those mean?' she asked herself as she waited for the next part of the lesson.
SPOILER!!: Mina's parchment
Mina's Selection
Cherry Blossoms - Good Education
Lotus - Purity, Chastity and Eloquence
Lily of the Valley - Trustworthy
Interpretation: Getting a lot out of time at Hogwarts and is a well-behaved, well-spoken student that can be trusted.
Correctly interpret flowers: 1 pt Gist of message: 2 pts
Tibi's Selection
Blue Rose - Attaining the impossible
Mint - Suspicion
Ivy - Dependence
Interpretation:Quite dependent on those in your life, with a sense of suspicion. Maybe a suspicion of new life away from those dependent. New changes can be seen as impossible and possible suspicious of them.
Additional Notes: Blue Rose - intended to present mystery
Marie was really happy that she was able to read Kay so well. Now to see how Kay would read her.
My flowers are:
Blue Rose
Well, lets see. The first flower is the blue rose. It stands for mystery. "The Blue Rose says mystery. You like to stay a mystery to people. Give an air of the unknown. You like to have people wonder about you." Kay said knowing Marie had things she was keeping away from people.
"Witchhazel stands for a spell. Which is what we are doing here. I believe that you may know more of them then you let on." Kay stated hoping Marie wouldn't be upset.
"The last one you picked was Fennel. It means strength. I know from being partern with you, you are strong. I think your strength lays deep within you. You can stand on your own two feet." Kay said with a little worry in her voice.
"So how did I do?" Kay asked Marie hoping she was close. Kay didn't think she got it even close.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Originally Posted by Kaytone
Well, lets see. The first flower is the blue rose. It stands for mystery. "The Blue Rose says mystery. You like to stay a mystery to people. Give an air of the unknown. You like to have people wonder about you." Kay said knowing Marie had things she was keeping away from people.
"Witchhazel stands for a spell. Which is what we are doing here. I believe that you may know more of them then you let on." Kay stated hoping Marie wouldn't be upset.
"The last one you picked was Fennel. It means strength. I know from being partern with you, you are strong. I think your strength lays deep within you. You can stand on your own two feet." Kay said with a little worry in her voice.
"So how did I do?" Kay asked Marie hoping she was close. Kay didn't think she got it even close.
"Wow, not bad Kay. You got all of them. I do like being a mystery to some extent. Once I get to really know someone, know that I can trust them, then I will let them know more about me." Even though Marie had been partnered with Kay in a few classes she wasn't ready to open up to her.
"As for the spells, well I may have a few up my sleeve, but that is a mystery we will leave unsolved at this time." Marie had to keep some of her secrets or else she wouldn't be a mystery anymore.
"I definitely can stand on my own two feet. I believe inner strength is one of my greatest strengths." Marie felt she needed to have inner strength and be able to stand on her own two feet because you can't always count on others to be there for you.
"I think I am going to have to give you all 3 points Kay" Marie said.
'This is kind of scary knowing that someone can read you so well just from some flowers you choose' Marie thought. This was definitely going to be an interesting class Marie thought.
"I think we are ready to turn our tussie mussies in, what do you think?"
"Wow, not bad Kay. You got all of them. I do like being a mystery to some extent. Once I get to really know someone, know that I can trust them, then I will let them know more about me." Even though Marie had been partnered with Kay in a few classes she wasn't ready to open up to her.
"As for the spells, well I may have a few up my sleeve, but that is a mystery we will leave unsolved at this time." Marie had to keep some of her secrets or else she wouldn't be a mystery anymore.
"I definitely can stand on my own two feet. I believe inner strength is one of my greatest strengths." Marie felt she needed to have inner strength and be able to stand on her own two feet because you can't always count on others to be there for you.
"I think I am going to have to give you all 3 points Kay" Marie said.
'This is kind of scary knowing that someone can read you so well just from some flowers you choose' Marie thought. This was definitely going to be an interesting class Marie thought.
"I think we are ready to turn our tussie mussies in, what do you think?"
"I think your right." kay said a little happy about getting them right. She knew that there was more to Marie. She would keep trying. "Can you give it to the Professor?" Kay asked.
Super Slytherin Buddy - ⅓ She-Snake Trio || EVIL Healer
Marie's Interpretation of Kay's Tussie Mussie
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
Marie thought about this for a minute. She really didn't know Kay all that well yet. They had a few classes together but had never really talked outside of class. Now to try and figure out what her flowers meant about her, this could be interesting.
Purple Carnation has the meaning of 'capriciousness' meaning things tend to change abruptly and without apparent reason. Then again it can mean erratic or flighty. "I would have to say with this one I would interpret it to mean your life is one of constant change. You make decisions at the last minute based on what is going on at the time, you don't really plan ahead for things."
White Violet means 'modesty'. "Could this one actually mean you don't like to take credit for things that you do? You don't want to be the center of attention?" Marie couldn't imagine someone not wanting to be the center of attention, what would be the point in doing something if you didn't get credit for it?
Ivy means 'dependence'. 'Hmmmm, this one is a little tricky' Marie thought. 'What could Kay be dependent on in her life?' She thought about this for a few minutes and then made her decission. "I think that you have a great dependence on your friends. You depend on them to be there when you need them and even when you don't need them. You like knowing that they are there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on or when you want someone to get into mischief with." 'Like going to the forbidden forest even though you know you shouldn't go there.'
"Overall I have to say that you depend on your friends to be there for you when you are having one of those sudden changes in your life but you don't want them to know that you depend on them as much as you do."
Marie felt pretty confident with these interpretations. Kay seems like a pretty easy person to read so Marie was hoping Kay would give her all 3 points for this one.
"So did I even come close to getting these correct? Do I get 3 points?" Marie asked Kay.
Originally Posted by Kaytone
"You did very well. I will have to give you all three points. You read it very well." Kay said.
Kay's Interpretation of Marie's Tussie Mussie
Originally Posted by Kaytone
Well, lets see. The first flower is the blue rose. It stands for mystery. "The Blue Rose says mystery. You like to stay a mystery to people. Give an air of the unknown. You like to have people wonder about you." Kay said knowing Marie had things she was keeping away from people.
"Witchhazel stands for a spell. Which is what we are doing here. I believe that you may know more of them then you let on." Kay stated hoping Marie wouldn't be upset.
"The last one you picked was Fennel. It means strength. I know from being partern with you, you are strong. I think your strength lays deep within you. You can stand on your own two feet." Kay said with a little worry in her voice.
"So how did I do?" Kay asked Marie hoping she was close. Kay didn't think she got it even close.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC
"I think I am going to have to give you all 3 points Kay"
"I think we are ready to turn our tussie mussies in, what do you think?"
Originally Posted by Kaytone
"I think your right." kay said a little happy about getting them right. She knew that there was more to Marie. She would keep trying. "Can you give it to the Professor?" Kay asked.
Marie took the assignment and put it on the professors desk. She was happy this one was over. Now she just had to wonder what would be next.
Carter heard the professor's announcement. "Alright, I'll make this quick." he said. "Let's see, Arbor vitae, that means everlasting friendship. A dark pink rose, that's gratitude. And the daffodil is unrequited love." he said with a laugh. "Just kidding, chivalry. Aww, Tori, are you thanking me for being your friend and talking with you about, well, you know." he said with a happy smile.
Tori blushed, and nodded as she scribbled down his 4 points, "Your right on point. Ok my turn." She looked critically at his choices and after a minute said, " Celadine meaning joys to come, the Pear Blossom meaning lasting friendship and the Cherry Blossom, hmm, i'm gonna go out on a limb and say feminine beauty. So, you see joys to come for someone who you want a lasting friendship with and that person has feminine beauty." Tori began to blush as deep as the colour of the red rose because she wasn't sure if she was right and if she was her ears would start burning.
Tamara you need a new siggy
Love Dav
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by TSnitch
Tori blushed, and nodded as she scribbled down his points, "Your right on point. Ok my turn." She looked critically at his choices and after a minute said, " Celadine meaning joys to come, the Pear Blossom meaning lasting friendship and the Cherry Blossom, hmm, i'm gonna go out on a limb and say feminine beauty. So, you see joys to come for someone who you want a lasting friendship with and that person has feminine beauty." Tori began to blush as deep as the colour of the red rose because she wasn't sure if she was right and if she was her ears would start burning.
Carter turned a slight shade of pink. "Close." he said. "I was actually going for more of 'future adventures at school with a great friend.' But hey, your answer is true too."
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Carter turned a slight shade of pink. "Close." he said. "I was actually going for more of 'future adventures at school with a great friend.' But hey, your answer is true too."
Tori sighed and turned away from Carter as her ears were on fire."I told you it you better at this. I guess we should give up our work now." she quietly said looking down at her quill in her hand.
Tamara you need a new siggy
Love Dav
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
LouAnn flipped to page 217 in her textbook and began browsing through the list of flowers and their meanings. A tussie mussie, though? What in Merlin's name? She glanced at her partner to try and get an idea of what they were meant to be doing, but from what she could tell, Herminny hadn't started yet either. Eep...a tussie mussie. A tussie mussie...
"Psst, Herminny...what in Merlin's name are we supposed to be doing?" she whispered, glancing back and forth between her partner and the professor. LouAnn was the world's worst at Divination. This flower stuff was surely not the factual information she'd hoped for. A look at Cela out of the corner of her eye told her that she was supposed to choosing three flowers. "Alright....tussie mussie, here I come!" LouAnn thought to herself. Hmm....eeny, meeny, miny, moe...
Blue Rose
Oxeye daisy
White Poppy
...alright, those were three she thought would suit the situation well. She passed her list over to Herminny.
When Herminny didn't immediately respond, LouAnn decided to take the extra time to document why she'd actually chosen those three flowers. She dipped her quill in ink and began to write...
The first flower I've chosen is a blue rose. I chose it, because it represents mystery, and that's what my life really is. Sometimes I just feel as if I'm a living, breathing, mystery that no one will ever truly know. You see, when I was ten-years-old, I witnessed a crime in the woods behind our family's old home. Afterwards, my little brother and I were placed in the Witness Protection Program, the one for magical people, and we were told that we have to relocate to a new country every two years and change our last name each time we do so. So here I am, five years later, and I've actually been referred to by five very different (and unusual last names). It's for those reasons that I feel like a mystery to everyone I will ever meet.
The second flower I've chosen is an Oxeye daisy. I chose it, because it represents how patient I've learned to be with the direction my life has taken me in. It's not easy moving around so much, especially when you have to introduce yourself as LouAnn October or LouAnn Purple. I've just sort of learned to accept things and not get so impatient with the curveballs life keeps throwing at me.
The last flower I've chosen is a white poppy. I chose it, because it represents dreams and peace. Although I'll always dream of a slightly easier life, I think I've come to peace with the way things will always be. I can either endure things with a smile on my face, or I can continue to have a pity party and make life miserable. I know things won't always be easy, but as of now, I feel good about life and how I must live it. I feel, just as the white poppy represents, at peace.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
Kapoor continued on with the class. "If you'll all take a moment to turn your books to page 217 you'll find a chart there listing for you some of the main flowers used in floriography and their meanings. For the next part of the class, I'd like for you to create a tussie mussie on your own. The tussie mussie should have no more than 3 flowers total and be of a specific meaning which you will determine. When you are done, give the flowers to your partner and ask them to interpret it. Keep a score on a sheet of parchment and give your partner 1 point if he or she correctly interpreted at least two of the flowers in the tussie mussie." What a ridiculous term. He felt ridiculous saying it. And for Kapoor, that was saying something. "And 2 more points if they could correctly gather the gist of your overall statement. Once that's done, pass the papers up to me and we'll use your scores to determine how the next part of the lesson shall go."
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
"Alright. Now, have you all got your tussie mussies made and your interpretations recorded on parchment? For those of you who have completed it, feel free to turn it in. Place them on my desk please and don't worry if you haven't finished yet or didn't get a partner, you can still turn it in." He gave the official 'Last Call' to the class as he grabbed an empty table and began putting down more flowers, but different, more exotic varieties from the east.
Carter smiled. "You did great, don't worry about it." he said. He wrote down on his parchment that Tori got 4 points. "Shall we turn these in?"
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
"Magenta" she replied, returning Cedric's handshake. After glancing hesitantly towards the professor who'd just given his final tussie mussie call, she took the boys creation from his hand and examined it. "Uh..." she didn't even know the names of the flowers. She grabbed her text book and flicked to the page that contained the table of flowers and their meanings.
"Ok, This is a ah...Hibiscus and that means....'rare beauty'. This one here is and cry-zan-thum-um-um? no Crysanthemum which means 'I love'. Annnd this one here is a rose! That means...oh wait that has a number of meanings but I'm gonna guess this one symbolises eternal love?". Magenta stared at the tussie mussie in utter confusion. "You're in love with a rare beauty? Eternally in love with a rare beauty?" she asked, her tone full of doubt at the prospect of this prediction being even remotely correct
"A pleasure to meet such a fine young lady like you, Magenta." Cedric answered gently. Tada! His princeness was coming out of him again, and he should hide it cause he don't want anyone know that he is a prince. He glanced at the girl as she scoured down at their textbook.
"Umm, Hibiscus yep rare beauty... and Cyrsanthemum right means love and truth and optimism also and Rose means eternal love. You got it all correct Mademoiselle err.. Magenta." And he just did it again, he should practiced more and more, to learn to hide his royalty and all. Its now he's turn to interpret the girl's tussie mussie then oh, what?! The girl asked him if he's eternally in love with a rare beauty, she's really good at Floriomancy, she's absolutely right. "Yeah, precisely." he smiled feebly then he perused their textbook so he can give his interpretation to the a little bit subtle girl.
"Dahlia symbolizes dignity, elegance, forever thine which is rather correct, I guessed. And Hollyhock is associated with fertility and fruitfulness. And Thistles supposedly symbolizes protection.. Umm, err.. I think that means err..your a very private or a well-reserved person as dignity, elegance and forever thine are linked to protection.. and fertility depicts that puberty had hit you as it fertility generally means growth." Cedric answered hoping that his interpretations would suffice.
"Oh, thank you. It is a very funny term. Do you know what the term is derived from?" Zoe was always a curious child and having all of these new subjects to study hadn't seemed to quench her thirst for knowledge yet. "It certainly makes for a pleasant smelling lesson," she said smiling up.
Kapoor thought for a moment on the etymology of the term 'tussie mussie'. "Actually, to be perfectly honest, I don't know where the term originated. I thin that perhaps it might be a native English term, but I'm not quite sure just how old it is. I shall have to look it up." He was glad to have such a curious mind in the class that day.
Originally Posted by unicornkeeper07
Rafe wrote down his and Evelyn's answers and made two copies:
He took it up to the professor. "Is this alright?" Rafe asked. He hoped they got good marks, they did work somewhat hard on it. Divination was definitely a confusing subject and not what he was expecting at all.
The divination Professor took a look at the parchment and examined it. "Looks fantastic! I'll make sure your house gets full points for the assignment. Thank you, Mr. Lycaon.".
"Alright now." He began addressing the class. "For the next part of the lesson, I'll need two volunteers."
He saw that some of the students were still working on their assignments, to give them time, he announced, "Those of you still working on your tussie mussies, go ahead and finish and join us once you've turned that in."
Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees
Evelyn looked up when Rafe handed in their assignment. Wait...did he write the answers down? She completely forgot to, she barely noticed. Smiling at him guiltily that he had to do that, she looked back over to the professor when he announced he needed to volunteers. 'Hmm...should i? Or shouldn't i...' she thought. 'Yea, you should go up there.' the voice said, almost sweetly. 'To make an idiot of myself probably.' Evelyn replied back, laying the red rose she had been holding onto the table and crossing her arms. 'Besides, i fail at divination.' Another minute longer, she gave up and raised her hand. "I'll volunteer professor."