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Berty Borr 09-19-2009 04:35 AM

Compliment Box
On a bench that Lord Borr found outside his office, Lord Borr placed his small wooden ballot box.

Above the box, Lord Borr has attached instructions:


Originally Posted by The parchment pasted to the wall, above the Compliment Box

After you have left the presence of Lord Borr, you'll probably feel a mix of emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Meeting Lord Borr is no small event and you should remember the occasion always.

Please, jot down your compliments for Lord Borr's lessons and drop them into the box provided. Include how Lord Borr has inspired you to be a better person and motivated you to not become typical Hogwarts riffraff. Provide examples and, of course, your personal gratitude.

-Lord Berty Borr

Luna Laufghudd 09-24-2009 03:12 AM

Sneaking up to the box, Miranda quietly brought a little note that she had written with her dragonhide gloves on. You know, like in spy movies, so that you didn't leave any fingerprints. Yeah.

With her tounge between her teeth, she slipped the parchment inside the little box.

Mister Borr is mean and smells like cabbage

- Anomniouse unknown

Felixir 09-27-2009 10:19 AM

So, Jake had spent that whole lesson lurking at the back of the class, keeping his head down as per Truebridge's instructions. Write now, he held a note in his hands and was about to walk straight past the box... and he did... and the note was gone. Into the box.


Originally Posted by Jake's attrocious writing
Compliment Suggestion: Stay away from me. Kthxbi.

Ama 09-27-2009 09:22 PM

Half-carrying Celandine towards the compliment box, Daphne tried her best not to look irritated. But she was irritated. Mostly at Borr but also at herself. Anyone else would have probably told Celandine no. No, we go get your arm fixed first but her best friend in the whole world was crying and hurt and in pain and...asking her to take her to the compliment box first.

Holding her up by the waist with one arm, she awkwardly reached for her school bag, throwing the flap open to reach in for a piece of parchment. Trapping a self-inking quill between two fingers of the same hand, she sort of dragged herself and Celly towards the table.

"Okay, baby Cela," she murmured, putting the parchment on the table and gingerly handing her the quill...would she be able to write with her good hand. "Here we are."

TeafortheSoul 09-27-2009 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ama (Post 8666917)
Half-carrying Celandine towards the compliment box, Daphne tried her best not to look irritated. But she was irritated. Mostly at Borr but also at herself. Anyone else would have probably told Celandine no. No, we go get your arm fixed first but her best friend in the whole world was crying and hurt and in pain and...asking her to take her to the compliment box first.

Holding her up by the waist with one arm, she awkwardly reached for her school bag, throwing the flap open to reach in for a piece of parchment. Trapping a self-inking quill between two fingers of the same hand, she sort of dragged herself and Celly towards the table.

"Okay, baby Cela," she murmured, putting the parchment on the table and gingerly handing her the quill...would she be able to write with her good hand. "Here we are."

Sniffling and cradling her still very broken arm, Cela braced herself against the wall and used her good hand (yay for being left handed) to write a note.

Lord Borr is a great man. He really makes me feel intelligent when he talks. He is really good at teaching students not to do things because he leads by example. His personality is unique and it explodes out of him, as anyone who spends time in his presence can attest.

Celandine Toussaint

Because Cela was certain that Borr probably had ways of knowing who dropped compliments in his box anyway, she signed her name.

"I'd write more but..." Cela whispered, showing the note to Daphne and making another little noise of pain. She awkwardly folded the note and shoved it into the box.

PadfootAndTheWolf 09-28-2009 01:37 AM

Chris Potter walked over to the compliment box and pulled out a piece of parchment. He didn't really liek the guy, I mean who likes someone that pukes all over children, but he still respected him as much as you could a manwho cna rip his pants and not even notice. After a bit, Chris finally thought of what to write:


Dear Lord Borr,
Today's lesson put life into perspective for me. I now realize that a field in Astronomy,like you put it, is almost worthless. Also I feel that you are definately a great man who so kindly showered us all with your greatness.

-Chris Potter
He then slipped it in the box and headed to the prefects' bathroom to clean himself off after, perhaps the messiest Astromony Lesson ever.

Seeker_Seven 09-28-2009 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by parchment
Very interesting class. I will remember the smell of barf the next time I think about stars. Thank you Professor Borr.
P.S. Cheese would make this class even better
Tino Kolytiris

"Hey, Cela!," Tino called after jamming his paper into the box. "Are you okay there? You look a bit peaky. And your arms is kinda. . . zigzag." Were elbows supposed to go that way?

Ama 09-28-2009 02:13 AM

Tegz & Bree
Daphne nodded quickly at Cela and squeezed her waist gently before dropping a kiss on her friend's temple. GUH! That Borr man was a menace and Daphne didn't think he deserved the lovely note Cela left him.

Although, she did snort at it despite her friend being injured. It was humorous; to her at least. A voice caught her attention and she looked up at the Ravenclaw with a weak smile.

"Hey Tino," greeted Daphne even though he had been talking to Celandine. "No. I really don't think she's alright," answered the blond in a low voice giving the older student an odd look.

Tino. He had shocked them both right into the Hospital Wing. Daphne hadn't forgotten. He meant well though--most of the time. "I'm certain her arm is broken."

TeafortheSoul 09-28-2009 02:18 AM

post in corridor?
"Mmm. Broken." Cela agreed, glancing at her arm and waving it until she realised in a very sudden way that it HURT a LOT to do that.

"I like Tino. Tino is pretty." Celandine stated, though whether she was talking to Tino himself or to Daph was a moot point. She leaned against Daphne and braced her arm against her chest.

Seeker_Seven 09-28-2009 03:01 AM

"Why thank you, thank you very much," Tino murmured nervously, brushing his hair behind his ear and wondering if being 'pretty' would get him beat up in the locker rooms. "I think you should stop writing compliments to Mister Borr and go to the hospital wing. Your face is kinda white."

Last time he'd seen a face that white, the face had promptly thrown up on him. Not unlike the class they had just experienced. "Here, lemme help you guys up to the med floor." He paused, remembering a certain other incident where he'd been attempting to be helpful. . . mm. Ouch?
Putting up both hands, Tino added, "I won't touch you with my wand, or my hands, if you don't want, promise! I'll just--er, escort you." And to prove it, he scooted way around both girls, hands still in the air, and opened the door for them.

Mrs. Weasley 10-06-2009 08:21 PM

Abby walks up to the Compliment Box. This new professor is certainly self centered. Whoever heard of putting up a Compliments Box. An Incompetant Box would be more appropriate, Abby takes out her compliment and reads over it again.


Thank you for inspiring me in class. You helped me get an Outstanding on my Transfiguration Homework. You are the greatest professor Hogwarts has ever had.

Abby Wright
Abby smirks as she reads her note. Oh how I would like to tell him how he helped me with my Transfiguration homework. I don't think he would like my answer. I mean everytime I thought about what I would like to turn to stone; I wanted to turn Lord Borr to stone. I can see it now. That fat cat sitting on a perch in the middle of the Student Garden. The magical birds would love to doo doo on him. Abby puts her compiment in the box and leaves.

Droo 10-06-2009 09:20 PM

Alessia opted to look around the first floor to see if she could find this Lord Borr... Her eyes stopped outside Ethan's office.


A compliment box? Surely it is misspelled.

She moved closer and looked at the notice... it wasn't misspelled.

So... Ethan was teaching astronomy? Was that right? He had no qualifications! Was that why this Borr person wasn't going to let Newtington in his class? Because he was teaching History of magic? But Pepe didn't tell her that. Borr was supposed to teach astronomy... but how? This was the first floor?

Alessia was not good at Astronomy... so she shrugged and moved to the office.

TeafortheSoul 10-21-2009 04:20 AM

Right on the compliment box, Celandine affixed the ode and the wanted poster that Lord Borr had told her to... put up.


An Ode To a Great Man.
Of great stature and impressive girth,
So very virile and supremely strong,
he is a man of massive worth,
never mistaken; he can do no wrong.
With his ability to teach and give direction,
we can only hope to be like him some day,
that we might one day understand,
for he asks only for perfection;
a twice-broken arm is a small price to pay,
and it is an honour to learn under his hand.

His presence can not be ignored;
it as is if his very essence fills the air.
Only the best will gain reward,
for Lord Borr is nothing if not fair.
It will not do to merely adulate
or to make some other clumsy gaffe,
for Lord Borr is immune to that technique.
He knows how to seperate
the wheat from the chaff,
and to be wheat, you must learn from his critique.

He will show you how he is great
though he is busy and you are not
His time is valuable and well worth the wait
and he'll teach you quite a lot
If you listen with more than just your ears
you might hear more than good advice
if you wish to establish good rapport
You need to let go of all your fears
and before you speak to him think twice;
It is not easy to impress the Great Lord Borr.

She made an ick face and reholstered her wand, heading off to stick them up somewhere else.

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