-   Term 22: May-August 2009 (
-   -   Sixth Floor (

Biochemkris 01-02-2009 01:43 AM

Sixth Floor
Nooks and crannies do abound with smells that would confound a hound.

Sneakeh Cat 05-23-2009 02:21 AM

Reese wandered down around the sixth floor corridor, trying to decide what she was going to do today. She could always go down to the lake and read or something, but she was way too lazy to walk all the way down to the lake right now. Now, thinking about the lake, she walked over to a nearby window and looked down at the lake. It was always a pretty view from up here.

She dropped her bag on the floor and it made a little thump! noise. She took her eyes off the lake and sat down on the ground next to her bag. She opened her bag and pulled out a notebook. While crossing her legs, she opened her book and looked over some of the music she has been writing for Lima. You never know when Lima and the Lemurs will need new music.

WhittyBitty 05-23-2009 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat (Post 8205773)
Reese wandered down around the sixth floor corridor, trying to decide what she was going to do today. She could always go down to the lake and read or something, but she was way too lazy to walk all the way down to the lake right now. Now, thinking about the lake, she walked over to a nearby window and looked down at the lake. It was always a pretty view from up here.

She dropped her bag on the floor and it made a little thump! noise. She took her eyes off the lake and sat down on the ground next to her bag. She opened her bag and pulled out a notebook. While crossing her legs, she opened her book and looked over some of the music she has been writing for Lima. You never know when Lima and the Lemurs will need new music.

Raising his brow, Torin saw the pretty blonde girl from the train taking out a notebook and sitting in the middle of the corridor. He was not used to people doing that.

He slowly approached her and said, "what's up, Blondie?"

Sneakeh Cat 05-23-2009 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Whitterz (Post 8205776)
Raising his brow, Torin saw the pretty blonde girl from the train taking out a notebook and sitting in the middle of the corridor. He was not used to people doing that.

He slowly approached her and said, "what's up, Blondie?"

Reese wrinkled her nose at some of the pieces of music. This was HORRIBLE stuff. She reached in her bag and pulled out a pen and start scribbling out stuff on her music and replacing them with different notes and key on and so on. Then, when she heard footsteps approach her, she quickly closed her notebook and looked up at the person who was talking to her.

Oh, yeah! This was the guy from the train. The really cute guy she met at the trolley while getting some chocolate frogs. "Oh, hello..." She said, smiling up at him. Blondie? Bwahaha. She's never been called that before. Well, now she can add a new nickname on her list of nicknames. "Torin, wasn't it?" She asked him while she stood up from the ground and unwrinkled her skirt.

WhittyBitty 05-23-2009 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat (Post 8205787)
Reese wrinkled her nose at some of the pieces of music. This was HORRIBLE stuff. She reached in her bag and pulled out a pen and start scribbling out stuff on her music and replacing them with different notes and key on and so on. Then, when she heard footsteps approach her, she quickly closed her notebook and looked up at the person who was talking to her.

Oh, yeah! This was the guy from the train. The really cute guy she met at the trolley while getting some chocolate frogs. "Oh, hello..." She said, smiling up at him. Blondie? Bwahaha. She's never been called that before. Well, now she can add a new nickname on her list of nicknames. "Torin, wasn't it?" She asked him while she stood up from the ground and unwrinkled her skirt.

He smiled at her as she called him by the right name. "That's right. And you are?" He didn't think it would be proper to call her Blondie constantly.

Figuring that she wouldn't mind it, he then proceeded to look at her curiously. "What you working on?" Maybe he would be able to help her.

Sneakeh Cat 05-23-2009 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Whitterz (Post 8205816)
He smiled at her as she called him by the right name. "That's right. And you are?" He didn't think it would be proper to call her Blondie constantly.

Figuring that she wouldn't mind it, he then proceeded to look at her curiously. "What you working on?" Maybe he would be able to help her.

Reese grinned when Torin said he got his name right. "Oh, my name is Reese. Reese Upstead," she told him. She brushed her fingers through her hair and she looked around the corridor. People should start arriving soon, since the feast ended and such.

"Oh..." She looked down at the floor at her closed notebook. "It's just some music I've been writing for the band I'm in. I sometimes help my friend, Lima, with writing some music. And, I told her that I would try to write some new pieces for her while I was at school. So- yeah- that's what I was doing," she explained to him. There really wasn't much too writing music, but it got irritating when you messed up on a key signature or something. Or if you can't find the right words to put in the music.

WhittyBitty 05-23-2009 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat (Post 8205850)
Reese grinned when Torin said he got his name right. "Oh, my name is Reese. Reese Upstead," she told him. She brushed her fingers through her hair and she looked around the corridor. People should start arriving soon, since the feast ended and such.

"Oh..." She looked down at the floor at her closed notebook. "It's just some music I've been writing for the band I'm in. I sometimes help my friend, Lima, with writing some music. And, I told her that I would try to write some new pieces for her while I was at school. So- yeah- that's what I was doing," she explained to him. There really wasn't much too writing music, but it got irritating when you messed up on a key signature or something. Or if you can't find the right words to put in the music.

He extended his hand out to her and said, "nice to meet you, Reese." Yes, contrary to common belief, Torin could be nice. He raised his brow as she looked around curiously, but chalked it up to the oddity of females.

"Sounds cool. So who is Lima? Where is she? I want to meet her." He was always up to meeting new people of the female persuasion. Especially if they are in a band.

Sneakeh Cat 05-23-2009 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Whitterz (Post 8205855)
He extended his hand out to her and said, "nice to meet you, Reese." Yes, contrary to common belief, Torin could be nice. He raised his brow as she looked around curiously, but chalked it up to the oddity of females.

"Sounds cool. So who is Lima? Where is she? I want to meet her." He was always up to meeting new people of the female persuasion. Especially if they are in a band.

Reese looked back at Torin, who was extended his hand out towards her. Oh, he wanted her to shake his hand. She extend her hand and shook his. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Torin," she said, adding a little smile after she spoke. She brought her hand back to her and eyes Torin. He looked a little bit younger than herself and...she looked at the crest on his robes. Hufflepuff? Oh, yay! Another Hufflepuff friend. You can never have too many Hufflepuff friends. "So, your in Hufflepuff. What year?" She asked, looking back up to Torin's eyes.

Reese bit her lip and took her eyes off her notebook when Torin asked who Lima was. "She's this- She was my best friend and amazing girl," she told Torin, trying not to cry. She's already cried in front of Anna about Cale, she was NOT going to cry in front of Torin about Lima. Still, she wanted Lima back to badly. "Lima graduated last term, she was in Hufflepuff, like yourself. It's a shame you didn't get to meet her," she added.

Star-Lord 05-24-2009 09:14 PM

Jule decided to go wandering again. She walked in the sixth floor corridor, thinking of what she'll find or who she'll run into.

ErinElizabeth 05-24-2009 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by HPHalfBlood (Post 8211590)
Jule decided to go wandering again. She walked in the sixth floor corridor, thinking of what she'll find or who she'll run into.

A small fourth year boy with vividly bright eyes was strolling around the school for a bit of exercise... Of course, this fitness regime was not for his own benefit, but for that of his pet prairie dog, Minkus. Over the summer, Minky had gotten fairly plump, hanging around eating junkfood and watching cartoons with the twins so often. But now that he was back at Hogwarts, Aiden Everett thought it was time to get his pet back into shape.

As the duo walked down the sixth floor corridor, Minkus veered off to one side of the hall, sniffing at a mysterious piece of candy that must have dropped out of some student's pocket. Looks like Droobles... Aiden thought, knowing Minkus would leave it alone, as he really didn't enjoy the taste of that particular chewing gum.

Now ignoring the candy on the floor, Minkus returned to the left side of the hallway, causing him to accidentally wrap his tie-dyed leash around a small, unsuspecting Ravenclaw girl that neither the prairie dog nor his owner had yet noticed.

When Aiden saw that the Minky had begun to wrap the girl up in his leash, the boy giggled; this seemed to encourage his pet even more, and he began to run in circles around her feet until he had no extra leash to tie around her shoes.

"Umm, sorry about him..." Aiden giggled, not really feeling apologetic. Minkus was only being friendly.

Mad Eye Touz 05-26-2009 11:00 PM

Plymouth was loving that he'd lived in the castle for a WHOLE term -- and still was able to find new places. He was just randomly perusing the Sixth floor corridors, keeping his mind and feet busy. It worked. He stopped to chat with most of the portraits... Plymouth was walking without aim. Thinking without aim. And alone. His feet were dragging and despite his efforts, he looked sad.

TeafortheSoul 05-26-2009 11:05 PM

Celandine was skipping on account of there being nobody around for her to be all grown up for. She skipped around the corner and along the corridor quite haphazardly until... GASP. A BACK!

She knew that back!

In her surprise she stopped mid-skip, forgetting to put her foot down to catch herself and as a result she toppled to the ground, catching herself on her wrists and letting out a little eeep that was somewhere between embarassment, pain and 'don't-notice-me!'

Mad Eye Touz 05-26-2009 11:11 PM

"Did you ... fall?" Plymouth didn't think twice about going straight to Cela and checking on her. He squatted down next to her and offered a hand. "You okay?" Plymouth was doing a veryveryvery good job with just thinking about the now: right now, Cela was on the floor and possibly in need of booboo kisses.

TeafortheSoul 05-26-2009 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz (Post 8220061)
"Did you ... fall?" Plymouth didn't think twice about going straight to Cela and checking on her. He squatted down next to her and offered a hand. "You okay?" Plymouth was doing a veryveryvery good job with just thinking about the now: right now, Cela was on the floor and possibly in need of booboo kisses.

"I... fell." Cela agreed, hesitating as she took Plym's hand and wincing a little as she shuffled to sit up. The heels of both her hands were aching like woah from the impact with the stone floor.

Queue lip wibble.

Mad Eye Touz 05-26-2009 11:20 PM

Plymouth was also doing a very good job of not actually looking at her. He was focusing on her hands at the moment. "I'm sorry you fell. New shoes or something?" He dusted her hands off lightly, then, Plymouth being Plymouth, raised each hand up to supply boo-boo kisses. "Better?"

TeafortheSoul 05-26-2009 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz (Post 8220100)
Plymouth was also doing a very good job of not actually looking at her. He was focusing on her hands at the moment. "I'm sorry you fell. New shoes or something?" He dusted her hands off lightly, then, Plymouth being Plymouth, raised each hand up to supply boo-boo kisses. "Better?"

"No.. not new..." Celandine murmured, "I was skipping and I got distracted." She admitted and sighed a bit. "Yes. Better." No. Not really. She chewed on her lip and stared at her hands too, in his. "Imissyou." She blurted suddenly.

Mad Eye Touz 05-26-2009 11:30 PM


Plymouth looked up to her then. "You do?" He hated how completely unsure he sounded. He missed her so much it kind of physically HURT, but he hadn't expected her to miss him. Plymouth sat back on his heels, then moved to just sit in the hallway with Cela.

TeafortheSoul 05-26-2009 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz (Post 8220137)

Plymouth looked up to her then. "You do?" He hated how completely unsure he sounded. He missed her so much it kind of physically HURT, but he hadn't expected her to miss him. Plymouth sat back on his heels, then moved to just sit in the hallway with Cela.

"Yeah." Celandine squeezed her hands into fists tentatively and winced again. She looked up at him and because the last time she had seen him he had told her to, Cela smiled. It was shaky but still...

Mad Eye Touz 05-26-2009 11:56 PM

"I missed you, too," Plymouth admitted. "I... missed you a lot. I guess... I'll just have to get used to it." He took a deep breath and went back to looking at her hands and not her.

TeafortheSoul 05-27-2009 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz (Post 8220228)
"I missed you, too," Plymouth admitted. "I... missed you a lot. I guess... I'll just have to get used to it." He took a deep breath and went back to looking at her hands and not her.

"Oh." Celandine frowned, crestfallen. She took that to mean that he didn't want to spend time with her anymore. "But... I... the carnival? And... best friend and... I..." She pulled her hands back and wrapped her arms about herself.

Mad Eye Touz 05-27-2009 12:06 AM

Plymouth took a chance and looked at her again. He couldn't help it with her all pulling back and pretty much scaring him to death. "I just.... You didn't choose me though? That's what everyone said.." Plymouth reached to touch her arm though. He .. ugh. UGH.

TeafortheSoul 05-27-2009 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz (Post 8220265)
Plymouth took a chance and looked at her again. He couldn't help it with her all pulling back and pretty much scaring him to death. "I just.... You didn't choose me though? That's what everyone said.." Plymouth reached to touch her arm though. He .. ugh. UGH.

"I don't know... I wasn't choosing... I... things... I'm so sorry, Plymmy." She looked up at him, hating that she couldn't EXPLAIN anything. "I'm so confused... I... don't want to hurt anyone..." And it didn't matter anyway because they'd both left and she hadn't heard from either of them siince.

Mad Eye Touz 05-27-2009 12:26 AM

"It's..." Well, it was NOT okay, so Plymouth bit that off. "Umm..." he swallowed and then took a deep breath. "You weren't choosing? Or you won't choose, CellBell?"

TeafortheSoul 05-27-2009 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz (Post 8220312)
"It's..." Well, it was NOT okay, so Plymouth bit that off. "Umm..." he swallowed and then took a deep breath. "You weren't choosing? Or you won't choose, CellBell?"

"Both." Celandine admitted, pulling her knees against her chest and hugging herself tightly. "I don't want... to hurt anyone..." Too late, obviously. Not to mention that she was hurting herself too. She looked up in earnest. "I promised you that... I wouldn't... anymore... I... I'm really sorry. I should never have told you that you have better hair than Cale Newell." That's... like what started this mess, right?

Mad Eye Touz 05-27-2009 12:46 AM

Plymouth's mouth gaped open. Though, that was stupid. It's not like he needed AIR anymore. Not since Cela had just ripped his heart out. "But that's what made me kiss you the first time. That's what.." She was wishing there was no Plymouth Morgan. And that hurt a LOT more than her simply just choosing Copernicus over him. New levels of ouch.

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