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Room of Requirement You're searching the castle for a mysterious room you have heard of called The Room of Requirement. You have searched every nick and cranny of the castle but still no room. You climb the stairs to the seventh floor and come across a stange tapestry showing Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach trolls to dance the ballet. You laugh at the silly tapestry until you side almost burst. Then you remember hearing the Room is located opposite such a tapestry. You turn around expecting to see a door, but find a blank wall instead. You start walking back and forth three times concentrating hard on what it is you need. Suddenly a door appears. You open it and discover you have found the Room of Requirement... |
Daniel entered the room of requirements. He had missed this room. He once used it as a kitchen, and then as a practice area for his piano skills. Now he wanted solitude. And then he opened this door and found a grand piano in the middle of the room. The room is really very intelligent. Solitude and relaxation, as Daniel recalled, was found when he is playing the piano. He sat at the piano stool and opened he keys. He then started to play the tune written by a muggle composer. It is entitled, "Moonlight Sonata" |
Cedric just entered the Room of Requirement.He want to play guitars for preparation for their band who was formed by Amanda.As he entered he heard soothing sound by piano.He was a really big fan of piano then he noticed that the one who is playing the piano was Daniel. "Umm,Hey!I hope I won't interrupt you.Continue playing dude,I'm listening."Cedric said as he laid down and sat at the sofa three meters away from the piano. |
He was now wondering, why was he so in love with this tune? It was first introduced to him by Mr. Smith when they were in South Africa. He said that the Muggle who composed the song was very popular. When he learned of the song, he was very enticed by it that he had learned many other songs by the same composer and also different types of instruments as well. |
"Umm,Can you play Canon?"Cedric interrupted Daniel's playing.He love that composition most than any other,He can play it in drums but not in Piano because he didn't know how to. He heard the composition when his Dad and Mom married.Its a wedding tune choose by his mother who is an instrumentalist that can play both piano,and violin even the complicated and complex compositions,Ced's mom know how to play them. |
No Boys Allowed. ;) Stupid....long...staircases. Ugh. Bunbury was almost out of breath after climbing what, SEVEN FLOORS to find this stupid room? And now it wasn't even here?!! The redhead let out a puff of frustration as she spotted a lighthearted tapesty of Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach trolls to dance the ballet. That was lame. Sure, she might've found the mismatching colors of the trolls' tutus and their ballet shoes hilarious on any other day, but not now when she just needed a room. A nice, empty room, preferably with some squishy pink, maybe purple cushions, a closet full of designer shoes of every size, perhaps a few purses here and there, oh, and some fashionable magazines, mirrors of course, and a nice pink teapot with some crumpets. Annie let out a verbal growl of frustration and started pacing down the corridor opposite the silly tapestry. Lyra had promised there was a room of requirement, and Annie did remember one existing from when she'd wanted to sneak off to meet her boyfriend back in the day, but where was it now? Huh?! CLEARLY not he-- "Oooh....." she stopped pacing suddenly as a fancy, golden doorknob had suddenly appeared on the blank stretch of wall. Just what I needed! She carefully turned the knob and the door popped open to reveal a room perfectly decorated with all the needs, wants, and desires a Pink Lady could ask for. EXCELLENT! Now to get her right-hand woman up here.... Bunbunz propped the door open with her foot (and the pretty metallic shoes she was wearing, of course) and flicked her wand, sending out a silvery, sleek nundu patronous to find Lyra Noir. |
Lyra came running up the stairs from the little "code" of a patronus that was sent to her by Bunbunz. This was it! It was time to show off and have fun. Luckily, the seventh year Hufflepuff was already in a cute little dress] as her heels clacked along the floor of the castle. When she came to the tapestry of where the Room of Requirements would be, there she found the lovely Professor Bunbury holding the door opened. "Good day, professor," Lyra smiled as she strutted through the door of the room. PINNKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!! And she would expect nothing less. "I have a couple of girls that should be on their way." Lyra made sure to send out the code to all the "Ladies". |
Pink ladies. Yey. Vanessa probably would not admit that she had squeed a little when she had recieved the signal, for she was veerry excited. Her loverly and beautiful heels clicking along as she walked, Vanessa made her way towards the seventh corridor, trying not to fall over as she did so. But as she walked, she couldn't help but admire her shoes. Aww. They were pretty. "Hey." She smiled, as she reached the seventh floor, and the room of requirement. Glancing down at her very appropriate Pinnk dress Vanessa smiled, yes she liked this dress a lot. And of course it matched her pretty shoes, which was a must. Glancing up at Professor Bunbury, and Lyra, after tearing her eyes away from admiring her dress, Vannie smiled. This was going to be fun. Yey. |
From her spot way up in the Gryffindor Common Room, Anna received Lyra's code alert---there was a Pink Ladies meeting...in the Room of Requirement! Hurrying quickly to get dressed in her most fashionable attire, Anna dashed out of the Common Room, down a few flights of stairs, and onto the floor which housed the Room of Requirement. She made sure to stop running, though, before she reached the entrance to the secret room. After all, a girl had to make an entrance, and that usually didn't include running in like her skirt was on fire or something. Smoothing out her outfit and flipping her hair a few times, Anna paced just in front of the entrance, waiting impatiently for the door to open. When it finally did, Anna strolled in as calmly as she possibly could, her shoes click-clacking as she walked. On the outside, she appeared to be the perfect example of a Pink Lady---cool, calm, collective, and altogether fashionable. On the inside, though, she felt like she could just bust out of her own skin in excitement. "Good day, ladies. Professor Bunbury...Lyra Noir," she said. Oh, Merlin. Skip the formalities! This moment didn't lend itself to being that proper, after all. |
lol ya'll are welcome to find links for your seats =D Bunbunz had walked into the room after sending off her Patronus and happened to find a distinctly throne-like chair. Ah, perfect for her. She settled into the seat and crossed one leg over the other, smoothing out her robes as she waited. Quote:
"Have a seat, girls. Do you think some tea might be in order?" Without waiting for a reply, Annie half-turned in her her throne and pointed her wand at the little pink pot sitting on a little stand nearby. Just getting the water hot, hmhmmhmm. |
I'm gonna go ahead and say that Cela has been CURED of the delusting potion :D Okayyyyyyyyy Cela was nervous. NERVOUS! Coolest professor and two of her idols (Evolette and Willow weren't there, after all) and the nice girl that took over from Kayla all together in the room of requirement and HER? Geee! GEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! How many 4th years were lucky enough to be invited to hang out with some of the COOLEST 7th years in the school? Stilll, she was reasonably contained when the door opened for her and she entered the room to see the mini gathering. She smiled around sweetly and tapped her foot a little nervously. She hadn't worn pink because she figured that she would be EXPECTED to wear pink and she hadn't worn a short skirt either. (Why bother if Dom-in-ick wasn't around to annoy?) Rather she'd gone with blue. She'd done her hair too, with a few cute clips in the back. SHE WAS NERVOUS!!!! "Hi!" Celandine greeted in a cheerful voice, 'requiring' a seat and being presented with a swinging rainbow chair. She sat and swung her metallic mouse flats and idly played with her wand. |
Anna smoothed out her dress and took a seat, fluffing up the little pillow on her pink chair before sitting back and making herself comfortable. "Tea? Yes, please. Thank you, professor," she replied, watching while Professor Bunbury used to wand to expertly get the water boiling. She otherwise remained quiet, a little nervous if she did say so herself. I mean, things were fine and dandy when it was just her and Lyra, but Professor Bunbury's presence called for a bit more 'prim and proper'. Either that, or Anna just felt the need to impress. Quote:
"Hey, Celandine. I do love your dress and shoes," she said, leaning closer to admire the little mice shoes the girl was wearing. "Those mouse flats are certainly one of a kind!" Ohh, Celandine was going to sit in a hammock! That really looked like it was a lot more comfortable that Anna's tall, pink chair! |
Irial and Caitlin needed a quiet place just for the two of them. A place that had lots of room, a nice warm fire in the fireplace and various cushioned pieces of furniture for them to sit in. A pot of tea and some buscuits couldn't hurt either as the Hufflepuff's stomach growled something horrible. Maybe nice open windows to look out at the grounds and watch the moon rise over the lake. Irial liked open places like that, and hopefully ... it would keep him in a good mood. This conversation wasn't going to be pleasant. Caitlin released Irial's hand only to pace infront of the entrance to the Room of Requirement, thinking very long and hard about the space they required. When the door finally appeared, she pushed it open, taking Irial's hand to walk inside, the door closing firmly behind them. It was perfect. An earthy-tone color to it with a large couch and comfy chairs placed around a roarding fire. The warmth was very welcoming for Caitlin as she shivered, remembering how cold she'd been outside only a few moments before. The windwos were enormous and the moonlight was already pouring in, adding an extra sort of glow to the room along with the light from the fireplace. On a small, cast-iron table sat a pot of tea, a pot of coffee, and various biscuits. Turning to look up at Irial she offered him a sideways smile. "What do you think of it?" she asked, hoping for his approval. |
Irial looked at the room in amazement. He'd never been in here before, and he was surprised at how beautiful and to his liking it was. "It's incredible," he breathed, walking in further and turning around in circles. "And it smells just like home." His heart swelled when he realized that he felt exactly like he was home. And Caitlin was with him. It was nearly perfect. If only his best friend was here with him as well. Travis...he wondered where the boy had gotten off to. He hadn't seen him since the train, and even then, the boy seemed wary of something when he mentioned Caitlin's name. Irial was none the wiser though, firmly believing both of them had stayed true to him. He loved them both with all his heart, and neither hell nor high water was going to keep him from the ones he loved. Turning back to Caitlin, he beckoned her into his arms. "Now that we've got some privacy," he paused, pressing another kiss to her forehead. "What is it that you want to tell me?" |
"Ooh...tea would be loverly." Vanessa nodded with a smile. Especially from Professor Bunbury's pink tea pot. Yey for pink. On the mention of seats, Vanessa smiled as she took a seat on the chaise, which the seventh year thought was very stylish. And she looked like a classy film star now. Bonus. Moving the cushion ever so slightly, Vanessa relaxed in the chaise. Yes. This was very good indeed. She smiled as Cela arrived, and just as Anna had, Vannie admired her shoes. "Oooh...I like you're shoes too." Vanessa nodded with a smile. They were very cute, and suited the girl a lot. Running her fingers through her hair, pressing the pale pink flower clip which she had clipped into her hair, making sure that it was still in place. It was one of her favourite accessories, and matched her dress perfectly, because that was essential. |
heheheeheee. Quote:
"Miss Toussaint! So glad you could join us," Annie nodded pleasantly at the girl, finding her adorable mouse flats and the rainbow chair far too appropriate. She was ah, a younger breed of Pink Lady, after all, and the look worked wonders for her. She went back to pouring out another cup of tea and then carefully levitated them toward the girls. It was like having an invisible Quote:
Hehehee the sugar bowl was a feisty little fellow though, wasn't he? "Look at this!" the redhead called out, half-giggling as she picked up the bowl in her hand to show the girls and it started trying to use a spoon to sword fight her thumb. "Heheehe--OWWWW!" Quote:
The little blue china pot hopped off, bouncing over to Vanessa first although obviously it couldn't just hop up onto her chaise. Instead it started knocking at her ankles with its little silver serving spoon, tapping at them annoyingly until the Prefect would give her the attention it wanted. "Annnnywho," Anastasia stopped staring at the magic bowl and re-focused her attention on the Pink Ladies. "So what a fine day for tea, hmm? Tea and...ah, I believe Miss Noir had a good reason for gathering us today?" She looked to the eldest blonde in the group and waited for Lyra to share the idea she'd had in Bunbury's office the other day. |
Lyra grinned as she witnessed CelaBella walk into the room. She was more than proud to have the girl here and while she was thinking about it, she was the reason Lyra wanted to have this in the first place. Cela said she wanted to learn to walk in heels, she was going to be taught. Her green eyes focused in on watching the lovely Bunny pull up a chair of her own. PINK! She wouldn't have thought other wise. And Banana's chair was just as lovely while the Hufflepuff Prefect had the right idea. A chaise lounge. But she raised a brow to the chair that Cela's selected. Clearly she was still a child, but they would have to teach her the ways of being lady-like. Lyra waved her hands as her very own chaise lounge came towards her from behind. She moved to the side, then carefully and with feminine qualities, sat in the oversized lounge and leaned back. Now this was more like it. "I did," she smiled, looking towards the ceiling of the room. "Cela gave me the wildest idea." She leaned her head back to where she could look at all the females and smiled. "To hold a...meeting for females who...want to learn to be...female." Well that was a good explanation. "Like to walk in stiletto heels or just...whatever we wanted to do. "I for one would love to seem more feminine qualities around this school." She rolled onto her side, crossing one leg over the other. Now this was just pure lazy but in a fashionable way. |
Jane couldn't even laugh at the tapestry. She hadn't been this gloomy, since...since she could ever remember. She just wanted a place to talk, far away from a crowd. She entered turned the doorknob and held it open for Christian, eyeing the room for a cosy place. She'd wanted just to sit on the sofa and talk. |
Jane took his hand and sat down next to him, but facing him. She'd hope to someplace like this since this afternoon. She's happy now that they have found it. She wonders where to start. "How are we going to do this?"she asked the first question she could think of. |
She took both his hands and put them over her shoulders. Maybe we could, once in awhile.She thought, showing less PDA. She would just have to satisfy with the memories, like the second best thing, like Christian said. She thought maybe they could keep their interest by playing treasure hunting games all over the school. She had come up with a plan. Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder.She thought. She wasn't gonna vanish on him. She'd never. She would leave trails of notes around the school and let him discover them while she hides in a random scene. In each note was a little fact about her and probably some words from her about the fact. This would let them know more about each other and stay away long enough to stop PDA-ing!! She would occasionally sneak out from her hiding place though. She sorta liked this idea. But she thought, just spending time doing homework with him could work too. She didn't know what to think now. |
Christian pulled her close. He loved her idea. Hugging her tight he whispered in her hair. "We'll get through this Love. We can survive anything together." |
She was out of words.That was probably what they needed. Since she couldn't decide which, they'd just do both. She laid there for a little while more, not wanting this to end. She just needed his warmth, his touch, even a little, to survive nowadays. He had her addicted to him, in every sense. |
Christian stopped talking and just held her tight. He never wanted to let go. Then suddenly out of nowhere the memory of that guy stalking him in Diagon alley shot shivers down his spine. He closed his eyes and tried not to scream in fear as his father tried to communicate with him. |
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