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Term 22: May-August 2009 Term Twenty-two: Mermish Skirmish (Sept 2068 - June 2069)

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Old 05-11-2009, 09:02 AM
Con_Stripes Con_Stripes is offline
Default Professor Truebridge's Office (Kazi-free zone)

The first thing you notice about this office is the exceptionally large desk, which, if you look closer; seems to have unusual scuffmarks on its surface. Perhaps it serves a less mundane purpose than simply a desk? A large and comfortable looking chair sits behind it; obviously this is Ethan’s chair though you will rarely find him sitting in it.

Three smaller, yet no less comfortable looking chairs are arranged facing the desk, ready for any visiting students to take a seat. While waiting you might notice a large bookcase along one wall; though there are no books on it. Instead it is brimming with photo frames. Pictures of Ethan in his days as a student at WADA (if you look closely at the one on the left, you might recognize another Hogwarts staff member shuffling a pack of cards and doing one of those hit-with-the-ladies grins that former rockstars are quite good at) , one of him as a thirteen year old in Slytherin robes, a selection of him a few years ago with various dragons in the background, a newer one featuring dragons (and a certain fiery red headed professor), one of him on a muggle sailing ship, another on stage dressed in tights and holding a skull and one of him in Egypt working with curse breakers.

An old looking gramophone sits on the bookcase with a selection of records stacked haphazardly to one side, various eras of music are represented; of both the wizarding and the muggle variety. On the walls his OWL and NEWT results are proudly displayed alongside certificates proclaiming his knowledge and familiarity with various Dragon breeds.

A large basket sits in one corner, and a slight snoring sound can often be heard coming from this direction where Ethan’s chihuahua makes its bed.

The walls and ceiling are blue for reasons Truebridge hasn’t discovered, and he's been meaning to do something about that.

There are some fairly intense precautions against intruders this term, many charms are weaved around the doorway, the windows, all over the floors and on his desk drawers. If you go poking about, you will quite literally be caught 'red handed', startled by a ridiculously loud caterwauling charm (which might likely be heard from the Defense Against the Dark Arts and Muggle Studies classrooms), possibly glued to whichever surface you touch and maybe even temporarily blinded. If you happen to have any difficulties with your joints, particularly your hips, it would be wise not to enter without making an appointment, the floor has been cursed to dislocate joints which have already suffered irreversible spell damage.

He was even contemplating an age line to keep anyone over 100 years out.

It might be said that Professor Truebridge has grown slightly paranoid after his duel with Professor Kazimeriz the previous term.

In any case, there is now a wooden bench and a large and dusty ledger outside of his office If you wish to speak to him, you need to write your name in the ledger and take a seat on the bench, or alternatively, leave a note in the ledger and Professor Truebridge will owl you when he has a free moment.
Old 06-17-2009, 08:56 AM   #51 (permalink)
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Default Nope, he doesn't. Domino = Casper in the corner. Only not friendly. And not a ghost.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB

Originally Posted by NicoT View Post
"I don't think whether it was 'hot' footwear or not makes any difference to how much it would have hurt had you not come to my rescue." Truebridge pointed out, he definitely remembered that. Annie had... pretty much saved his life. Scary stlletto shoes were far more frightening than poisonous maneating dragons.

"Yes, Gavin is my oldest friend. We met when I was a student here. He was a Gryffindor. You can tell I think, they do all have a certain sameness about them. If he decides to get all Gryffindor on me, well that's up to him. He should know me by now and know that... I don't..." Ethan waved his hands about and pulled a face, intending to convey the concept of 'avoiding crazy fangirls', "... treat women... like that."

Zan rolled up his shirt sleeves and fussed with folding them up as Annie spoke and... "Marcus and I have known each other for a long time." Obviously, considering they were perhaps sixteen and seventeen in that picture. "We went to WADA together, I transferred there from my 5th year. So... apart from Gavin and..." he cleared his throat, ", Axe is my next closest friend." He paused for a moment and thought about what Axe had said about that Aparecium thing and chose not to comment on it.

He watched her reaction to the necklace, his expression completely deadpan but he did seem to both visibly relax and brighten slightly without changing expression at all. "It reminded me of you." Yes pretty much, Beautiful and ridiculously expensive but completely worth being friends with. What was a little jewellery between friends?

He watched her fumble with the jacket and blinked at her, "Do you... want me to help you put the necklace on or... you don't have to wear it, it's fine."

The forehead rubbing helped, clearly, since Annie's eyes widened suddenly as Ethan spoke. The memories were coming back and oh that poor, dangerous shoe. She briefly pondered its current predicament and state, wondering if maybe the shoe (or its missing mate) still needed rescuing?

"I did? I did. Rescue. You. Sort of." Well well now that made her sound all sorts of heroic and it most definitely wasn't like thaaaaaaaat. Annie was fumbling for words for once and might have possibly been blushing. "But then you apparated us out of there rescued me." And she really hadn't been in any condition to do any rescuing. Thank Merlin for Zan.

"Of course you don't," the redhead said softly, ignoring the rambling about Gryffindors as she took a step closer to Ethan and his silly anti-fangirl face. "Gavin the Gryffindor." That had a nice ring to it. "He would get along with George...crazy George." George was a touchy subject though, as was.....

Marcus. Anastasia couldn't help that an audible sigh escaped her lips after Zan's explanation of the photo. She set it down on the desk and sighed again. "Shame..... friends.... can be bothers sometimes..." Bunbunz secretly wished she had gotten that Frog Poison Stuff now. "But not you, no," she added quickly, glancing at his now uneven shirt cuffs with a bit of an eye twitch. No, he was a very good friend. A very good friend who had bought her a VERY good piece of jewelry.

"I thought you'd never ask," Annie said simply, openly smiling now as she twirled around for him to hook the necklace. She held the expensive jewelry case to the side for Ethan to lift the necklace out. SQUEEE she was gonna gedda wear a shiny pretty status symbol. Woot.

And then, after the necklace was hooked, she could get around to returning the favors and presents.

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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Old 06-18-2009, 07:00 AM   #52 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post

The forehead rubbing helped, clearly, since Annie's eyes widened suddenly as Ethan spoke. The memories were coming back and oh that poor, dangerous shoe. She briefly pondered its current predicament and state, wondering if maybe the shoe (or its missing mate) still needed rescuing?

"I did? I did. Rescue. You. Sort of." Well well now that made her sound all sorts of heroic and it most definitely wasn't like thaaaaaaaat. Annie was fumbling for words for once and might have possibly been blushing. "But then you apparated us out of there rescued me." And she really hadn't been in any condition to do any rescuing. Thank Merlin for Zan.

"Of course you don't," the redhead said softly, ignoring the rambling about Gryffindors as she took a step closer to Ethan and his silly anti-fangirl face. "Gavin the Gryffindor." That had a nice ring to it. "He would get along with George...crazy George." George was a touchy subject though, as was.....

Marcus. Anastasia couldn't help that an audible sigh escaped her lips after Zan's explanation of the photo. She set it down on the desk and sighed again. "Shame..... friends.... can be bothers sometimes..." Bunbunz secretly wished she had gotten that Frog Poison Stuff now. "But not you, no," she added quickly, glancing at his now uneven shirt cuffs with a bit of an eye twitch. No, he was a very good friend. A very good friend who had bought her a VERY good piece of jewelry.

"I thought you'd never ask," Annie said simply, openly smiling now as she twirled around for him to hook the necklace. She held the expensive jewelry case to the side for Ethan to lift the necklace out. SQUEEE she was gonna gedda wear a shiny pretty status symbol. Woot.

And then, after the necklace was hooked, she could get around to returning the favors and presents.
"Rescued... ah yes that is what I was doing..." Ethan cleared his throat and, well he didn't blush, Zan didn't do blushing... much.

"Gavin the Gryffindor." Ethan agreed quietly, standing up straighter as Annie stepped towards him. She was a good friend, that Annie. "I think... they are perhaps more than friends?" he paused and added hurriedly, "But not me... not... like... ah.." He eyed the photograph as she put it down, half-glaring at Axe's ridiculous smirk and leaning forward to nudge the picture face down. "Yes they can be, but if they are real friends they are supposed to be worth it." Apparently.

He took the necklace out of the case carefully and slowly brought it around her neck, carefully brushing her fiery hair out of the way as he did up the clasp and adjusted the fall of the necklace slightly and let her hair fall from his fingers. "It suits you." And it really did suit her, but really Anastasia Bunbury would pretty much look good no matter what she did or did not wear.

He spared a brief glance at the prefect and slowly walked around to view the necklace from the front. "I was just... advising Dominic on possible future careers." Ethan perched on the edge of his desk and tugged on his shirtsleeves.
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Old 06-18-2009, 08:30 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NicoT View Post
"Rescued... ah yes that is what I was doing..." Ethan cleared his throat and, well he didn't blush, Zan didn't do blushing... much.

"Gavin the Gryffindor." Ethan agreed quietly, standing up straighter as Annie stepped towards him. She was a good friend, that Annie. "I think... they are perhaps more than friends?" he paused and added hurriedly, "But not me... not... like... ah.." He eyed the photograph as she put it down, half-glaring at Axe's ridiculous smirk and leaning forward to nudge the picture face down. "Yes they can be, but if they are real friends they are supposed to be worth it." Apparently.

He took the necklace out of the case carefully and slowly brought it around her neck, carefully brushing her fiery hair out of the way as he did up the clasp and adjusted the fall of the necklace slightly and let her hair fall from his fingers. "It suits you." And it really did suit her, but really Anastasia Bunbury would pretty much look good no matter what she did or did not wear.

He spared a brief glance at the prefect and slowly walked around to view the necklace from the front. "I was just... advising Dominic on possible future careers." Ethan perched on the edge of his desk and tugged on his shirtsleeves.
What, why was he clearing his throat for? And was that a blush? Never. Anastasia was imagining things, for as far as her memory extended...well, a rescue was exactly what had happened. She shrugged it off and eyed Ethan's sleeves that still needed fixing. Hmmph.

"Oh, I think you might be correct there," she watched his reaction to the photograph with an amused little smile. "Although uh, we probably shouldn't assume things," Annie added absentmindedly. "People just.... assume things... and then you find that you aren't friends anymore." Her smile faded as she thought of Axe and how Axe only ever saw what he wanted to see, that jealous man. He would never get over Jimmy.

She stood at ease as she waited for the necklace to click, and then, aaaah prettyness. "Thank youuuu," she practically purred, lightly touching the diamonds at the base of her throat. Annie had bling, ka-ching, bada boom bada bing and she was so happy she could have hugged a porcupine or a professor. The redhead watched Zan walk around to the desk and wondered if there was perhaps a mirror or some other reflective surface around? Oh wait, there was just a nosy prefect in the corner.

"Mmmhmm," she muttered, blinking at the Prefect. What was he doing over there anyways? Didn't he have any manners to LEAVE when adults were talking? Children these days. "I don't suppose one of Denton's future careers involves Herbology? Or...eavesdropping?"

Bunbury narrowed her eyes in the Hufflepuff's direction and then remembered her present for Ethan, since it sort of related to her subject. "I almost forgot. This is for you." Annie turned her back to the Prefect and finally pulled a small, thick brown leather-bound book out of the right pocket of her the jacket. She set it on the edge of the desk next to Ethan and then watched him fidget with his shirtsleeves some more, letting out a little puff of air at his antics. Boys - no, even men - did not know how to dress themselves, did they?

"Let me fix those," she stated rather than asked, moving forward and smartening up Zan's sleeves with two tugs here, a fold there, a clasp of a button and repeat. "That's better." It was for her own sake, not his, that the sleeves needed fixing. Uneven untidiness would have just made her twitch. And...he looked nice with snazzy sleeves.

Annie moved away from Ethan then and wandered around to the back of his giant desk and the nice, squishy chair behind it. What a nice chair. It was no couch but it looked like it needed someone to sit in it. She plopped down and leaned back, swirling the chair to and fro just a bit as she waited for Zan to inspect the book. "The book, um, I bought it off a local in Iquitos, just so you had some Amazonian history in it and then added in a few notes and photos of my own," she spoke up. It was just a book. He liked books. Surely he'd like this book.

And just to reassure herself as she reached into the left pocket of the jacket as she waited for a response. There it was, a little hand-carved, detailed wooden box, still there after who knew how long. Bunbury left the box in the jacket and crossed one leg over the other, trying to forget about Dominic as she waited for Ethan to say something about the book.

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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Old 06-20-2009, 10:55 AM   #54 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post

What, why was he clearing his throat for? And was that a blush? Never. Anastasia was imagining things, for as far as her memory extended...well, a rescue was exactly what had happened. She shrugged it off and eyed Ethan's sleeves that still needed fixing. Hmmph.

"Oh, I think you might be correct there," she watched his reaction to the photograph with an amused little smile. "Although uh, we probably shouldn't assume things," Annie added absentmindedly. "People just.... assume things... and then you find that you aren't friends anymore." Her smile faded as she thought of Axe and how Axe only ever saw what he wanted to see, that jealous man. He would never get over Jimmy.

She stood at ease as she waited for the necklace to click, and then, aaaah prettyness. "Thank youuuu," she practically purred, lightly touching the diamonds at the base of her throat. Annie had bling, ka-ching, bada boom bada bing and she was so happy she could have hugged a porcupine or a professor. The redhead watched Zan walk around to the desk and wondered if there was perhaps a mirror or some other reflective surface around? Oh wait, there was just a nosy prefect in the corner.

"Mmmhmm," she muttered, blinking at the Prefect. What was he doing over there anyways? Didn't he have any manners to LEAVE when adults were talking? Children these days. "I don't suppose one of Denton's future careers involves Herbology? Or...eavesdropping?"

Bunbury narrowed her eyes in the Hufflepuff's direction and then remembered her present for Ethan, since it sort of related to her subject. "I almost forgot. This is for you." Annie turned her back to the Prefect and finally pulled a small, thick brown leather-bound book out of the right pocket of her the jacket. She set it on the edge of the desk next to Ethan and then watched him fidget with his shirtsleeves some more, letting out a little puff of air at his antics. Boys - no, even men - did not know how to dress themselves, did they?

"Let me fix those," she stated rather than asked, moving forward and smartening up Zan's sleeves with two tugs here, a fold there, a clasp of a button and repeat. "That's better." It was for her own sake, not his, that the sleeves needed fixing. Uneven untidiness would have just made her twitch. And...he looked nice with snazzy sleeves.

Annie moved away from Ethan then and wandered around to the back of his giant desk and the nice, squishy chair behind it. What a nice chair. It was no couch but it looked like it needed someone to sit in it. She plopped down and leaned back, swirling the chair to and fro just a bit as she waited for Zan to inspect the book. "The book, um, I bought it off a local in Iquitos, just so you had some Amazonian history in it and then added in a few notes and photos of my own," she spoke up. It was just a book. He liked books. Surely he'd like this book.

And just to reassure herself as she reached into the left pocket of the jacket as she waited for a response. There it was, a little hand-carved, detailed wooden box, still there after who knew how long. Bunbury left the box in the jacket and crossed one leg over the other, trying to forget about Dominic as she waited for Ethan to say something about the book.
"I tend... not to... assume." Ethan cleared his throat and fixed Dominic with a slightly warning look. Not that he expected the prefect to... assume anything of course. Not that there was anything to assume or... anything.


"For me?" Zan turned slightly as Annie perched next to him on the desk and set down... A BOOK!

Before he could grab the book however, she was fussing at his sleeves and Ethan just held his tongue and let her do whatever it was she felt was needed. Once she was done he examined his forearms and the neatly folded sleeves, finally looking up at Annie and giving her little 'yeah you are right it does look better' nod and picking up the book.

She moved again and Truebridge kept one eye on her as she made herself comfortable in his chair. Hmm. Back to the book. He opened it and immediately began to flick through it, his demeanour changing almost like he was pouring himself into the pages to better absorb the words and pictures. "Brilliant." He breathed, apparently become completely oblivious to both of the other occupants of the room.
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Old 06-22-2009, 04:59 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NicoT View Post
"I tend... not to... assume." Ethan cleared his throat and fixed Dominic with a slightly warning look. Not that he expected the prefect to... assume anything of course. Not that there was anything to assume or... anything.


"For me?" Zan turned slightly as Annie perched next to him on the desk and set down... A BOOK!

Before he could grab the book however, she was fussing at his sleeves and Ethan just held his tongue and let her do whatever it was she felt was needed. Once she was done he examined his forearms and the neatly folded sleeves, finally looking up at Annie and giving her little 'yeah you are right it does look better' nod and picking up the book.

She moved again and Truebridge kept one eye on her as she made herself comfortable in his chair. Hmm. Back to the book. He opened it and immediately began to flick through it, his demeanour changing almost like he was pouring himself into the pages to better absorb the words and pictures. "Brilliant." He breathed, apparently become completely oblivious to both of the other occupants of the room.
This chair was niiiiiiiice, Annie liked it a lotttt. Where did Truebridge get his furniture? She was going to have to ask him that sometime so she could pick up a few more chairs for her own office. Oh, but first she had to go make a withdrawal from Gringott's for a proper shopping adventure, because obviously Bunbunz had to have shoes and a dress and a clutch and a bracelet to match that necklace, and perhaps a few hair pins or a tiara as well.

"For" The redhead snapped out of planning her shopping trip and sat up straighter in the chair, watching the history professor become utterly absorbed in the book. Well that meant he liked it, right? Friends always liked gifts from other friends. And even she thought it was kind of nifty, for a book, and most of Anastasia's bookshelf consisted of hollow hardbacks with fashion magazines hidden inside.
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Old 06-22-2009, 07:11 AM   #56 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post

This chair was niiiiiiiice, Annie liked it a lotttt. Where did Truebridge get his furniture? She was going to have to ask him that sometime so she could pick up a few more chairs for her own office. Oh, but first she had to go make a withdrawal from Gringott's for a proper shopping adventure, because obviously Bunbunz had to have shoes and a dress and a clutch and a bracelet to match that necklace, and perhaps a few hair pins or a tiara as well.

"For" The redhead snapped out of planning her shopping trip and sat up straighter in the chair, watching the history professor become utterly absorbed in the book. Well that meant he liked it, right? Friends always liked gifts from other friends. And even she thought it was kind of nifty, for a book, and most of Anastasia's bookshelf consisted of hollow hardbacks with fashion magazines hidden inside.
"What?" Ethan looked up and blinked several times. "Ah, yes. I do. Thank you Annie." Would... would it be normal to... hug? Hmm. Best not to.

He looked her over and...

... what?

It was a friendly look.

... he looked her over and spoke up after a moment. "I... jacket... I... got a new one..."

Was she staying then? Should he send Dominic away? That wouldn't be particularly professional, but if Annie willed it who was he to deny a friend?
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Old 06-23-2009, 03:59 AM   #57 (permalink)

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Dominic was officially lost with the conversation. He wished he could get a glimpse of the letter or maybe even master legimency, so he could just get an insight as to what was ticking inside his two professor's brains. There was obviously more than met the eye . . . or ear, rather.

Photograph with someone in it with, undoubtedly Professor Truebridge. A common friend, then? Who was it? If only he wasn't standing in the way corner, he might have been able to see... But alas, no moving from here, cause then they might remember his presence. Which was of course, forgotten.

But wait, why was Truebridge giving the redhead expensive diamond necklaces? Did he like her? As more than a friend? That seemed odd for him to want to spend that kind of money on her for no apparent reason. And then, HA! Win for Truebridge!

'I don't think whether it was 'hot' footwear or not makes any difference to how much it would have hurt had you not come to my rescue.'

So true. The footwear matters not, but the female population seems to have difficulty realizing that guys don't CARE what shoes you're wearing. Or how much makeup you've put on today? None of that matters. What matters is the person.

Ah, the person in the photo was a 'Marcus', who went to WADA with him ... WADA, now why did that sound familiar? Oh right, it was some dramatics art thing. Axe? Oh... Axe IS Marcus. But who was Marcus?

And why did Truebrige buy Bunbury a necklace because it reminded him of her; unless there was more to their relationship then they were letting on. Professional behaviors and all that.

Lost in reverie though, Dominic hadn't realized they had been sneaking glances at his corner until Truebridge mentioned his name and advising him on possible careers. UGH! Now why did he have to go and tell Bunbury THAT!? Especially with her response.... On Herbology or what? Eavesdropping!??

Not his fault that he was here first. She just intruded. Interrupted. Meaniepants. And they didn't technically ask him to leave. So he stayed.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat, stepping lightly from the corner of the room. "No... No Herbology, but more interested in perhaps a career related to Arithmancy or Charms, particular in Historical Research towards Contemporary models." Pleeaaasseee!! Herbology was about the farthest thing from his list of prospective careers since Bunbury took over the subject last term.

And then... what was this? Gift giving day? Because apparently Bunbury felt similarly about Truebridge when she gifted him with a book! The conversation continued on ... casual, light, ignorance of his present again. Until Bunbury started making herself comfortable in a chair and Truebridge continued about how he got a new jacket.

Meh. He should leave. He got all the information he needed anyway. And more, actually,

"Hmm... I should go... Thank you Professor Truebridge for the career insights," he nodded at his male role model, before nodding politely towards the redhead. "See you both around?" Hopefully. With those goodbyes, the sixteen year old made his way towards the exit and out into the first floor corridor.

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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Old 06-24-2009, 12:03 AM   #58 (permalink)
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Oh yaaaaay he liked the book. Annie clasped her hands together and almost beamed at Zan. Sure, he wasn't that....expressive, exactly, but he said he liked it, and she was all proud of herself for thinking of someone else, and it wasn't even a belated birthday present or a late celebration gift or a nonexistent Christmas present, and no one had forced her to spend her money on someone other than herself, so, HA! Progress. Her therapist would be so proud.

"You're welcome," Bunbury added after her little grin, nodding slowly as remembered the other part of gift giving. All done.

And good riddance, Dominic Denton was done now too. FINALLY, the kid took a hint and was leaving. "Ta ta," the redhead mock-waved at him, leaning out of the chair slightly to make sure he had really left. Actually, why not just get up and close the door?

She got up, shut it with a little click and then wandered back to the desk, sitting down on it right next to Ethan. Annie returned his look, eying his nice and neat cuffs in particular, and then spoke. "So you got a jacket." Now, she couldn't leave until she saw the jacket, right? Surely he would have asked her to leave by now if she was being a bother.

"What's the jacket look like?" Probably good...on him... as most jackets did. She wouldn't be stealing this one though. Maybe.
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Old 06-29-2009, 11:30 AM   #59 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Dominic was officially lost with the conversation. He wished he could get a glimpse of the letter or maybe even master legimency, so he could just get an insight as to what was ticking inside his two professor's brains. There was obviously more than met the eye . . . or ear, rather.

Photograph with someone in it with, undoubtedly Professor Truebridge. A common friend, then? Who was it? If only he wasn't standing in the way corner, he might have been able to see... But alas, no moving from here, cause then they might remember his presence. Which was of course, forgotten.

But wait, why was Truebridge giving the redhead expensive diamond necklaces? Did he like her? As more than a friend? That seemed odd for him to want to spend that kind of money on her for no apparent reason. And then, HA! Win for Truebridge!

'I don't think whether it was 'hot' footwear or not makes any difference to how much it would have hurt had you not come to my rescue.'

So true. The footwear matters not, but the female population seems to have difficulty realizing that guys don't CARE what shoes you're wearing. Or how much makeup you've put on today? None of that matters. What matters is the person.

Ah, the person in the photo was a 'Marcus', who went to WADA with him ... WADA, now why did that sound familiar? Oh right, it was some dramatics art thing. Axe? Oh... Axe IS Marcus. But who was Marcus?

And why did Truebrige buy Bunbury a necklace because it reminded him of her; unless there was more to their relationship then they were letting on. Professional behaviors and all that.

Lost in reverie though, Dominic hadn't realized they had been sneaking glances at his corner until Truebridge mentioned his name and advising him on possible careers. UGH! Now why did he have to go and tell Bunbury THAT!? Especially with her response.... On Herbology or what? Eavesdropping!??

Not his fault that he was here first. She just intruded. Interrupted. Meaniepants. And they didn't technically ask him to leave. So he stayed.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat, stepping lightly from the corner of the room. "No... No Herbology, but more interested in perhaps a career related to Arithmancy or Charms, particular in Historical Research towards Contemporary models." Pleeaaasseee!! Herbology was about the farthest thing from his list of prospective careers since Bunbury took over the subject last term.

And then... what was this? Gift giving day? Because apparently Bunbury felt similarly about Truebridge when she gifted him with a book! The conversation continued on ... casual, light, ignorance of his present again. Until Bunbury started making herself comfortable in a chair and Truebridge continued about how he got a new jacket.

Meh. He should leave. He got all the information he needed anyway. And more, actually,

"Hmm... I should go... Thank you Professor Truebridge for the career insights," he nodded at his male role model, before nodding politely towards the redhead. "See you both around?" Hopefully. With those goodbyes, the sixteen year old made his way towards the exit and out into the first floor corridor.
"Oh.... Dominic... yes... do come again anytime..." Ethan blinked a few times and recovered himself enough to nod in return.

Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Oh yaaaaay he liked the book. Annie clasped her hands together and almost beamed at Zan. Sure, he wasn't that....expressive, exactly, but he said he liked it, and she was all proud of herself for thinking of someone else, and it wasn't even a belated birthday present or a late celebration gift or a nonexistent Christmas present, and no one had forced her to spend her money on someone other than herself, so, HA! Progress. Her therapist would be so proud.

"You're welcome," Bunbury added after her little grin, nodding slowly as remembered the other part of gift giving. All done.

And good riddance, Dominic Denton was done now too. FINALLY, the kid took a hint and was leaving. "Ta ta," the redhead mock-waved at him, leaning out of the chair slightly to make sure he had really left. Actually, why not just get up and close the door?

She got up, shut it with a little click and then wandered back to the desk, sitting down on it right next to Ethan. Annie returned his look, eying his nice and neat cuffs in particular, and then spoke. "So you got a jacket." Now, she couldn't leave until she saw the jacket, right? Surely he would have asked her to leave by now if she was being a bother.

"What's the jacket look like?" Probably good...on him... as most jackets did. She wouldn't be stealing this one though. Maybe.
Still watching Dominic, Truebridge tipped his head slightly as Annie reached the door and closed it. When she sat down next to him on the desk a slightly conspirational grin briefly passed over his face before disappearing a split second later. "I do indeed have a new jacket. He shrugged waiting for a moment and... oh she wanted to see it. Alright then. "Well it's a black leather Forzieri... ah... I don't have it here in my office, I last had it in the gallery, should still be there." Ethan had left it over the back of a chair in there. "Would you... shall we... and there is a couch in there. And my new jacket of course."
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Old 06-29-2009, 09:56 PM   #60 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NicoT View Post
Still watching Dominic, Truebridge tipped his head slightly as Annie reached the door and closed it. When she sat down next to him on the desk a slightly conspirational grin briefly passed over his face before disappearing a split second later. "I do indeed have a new jacket. He shrugged waiting for a moment and... oh she wanted to see it. Alright then. "Well it's a black leather Forzieri... ah... I don't have it here in my office, I last had it in the gallery, should still be there." Ethan had left it over the back of a chair in there. "Would you... shall we... and there is a couch in there. And my new jacket of course."
A black leather Forzieri....mmhmm yes, Anastasia liked the sound of that. Meaning, of course, that it was probably very nice looking and worth a lot of galleons. Most...things...she liked were nice looking and worth a lot of galleons.

"Oooh, the gallery. I've never been in there," she admitted, sliding off the desk with a nod. "But I like couches." He probably already knew that.

The redhead took a few steps toward the door again, expecting Truebridge to go ahead of her, before she remembered the little box in her pocket. She quickly set it in the center of his desk without saying anything and then headed for the door again, remembering something else. "And um, you have a lot of students out there waiting. Just waiting," Annie mentioned, as if the jacket could wait too.

It could, maybe, but she couldn't. She wanted to see it before she overstayed her welcome in another professor's office.

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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Old 06-30-2009, 12:48 PM   #61 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post

A black leather Forzieri....mmhmm yes, Anastasia liked the sound of that. Meaning, of course, that it was probably very nice looking and worth a lot of galleons. Most...things...she liked were nice looking and worth a lot of galleons.

"Oooh, the gallery. I've never been in there," she admitted, sliding off the desk with a nod. "But I like couches." He probably already knew that.

The redhead took a few steps toward the door again, expecting Truebridge to go ahead of her, before she remembered the little box in her pocket. She quickly set it in the center of his desk without saying anything and then headed for the door again, remembering something else. "And um, you have a lot of students out there waiting. Just waiting," Annie mentioned, as if the jacket could wait too.

It could, maybe, but she couldn't. She wanted to see it before she overstayed her welcome in another professor's office.
Ethan stood up and headed to the door. "Well... you are... welcome in there anytime of course." Of course. He didn't notice the box she'd placed on his desk, rather he hovered by the door, holding it open for her. "Yes... students... I'll be with them soon enough." He waited for her to pass through the door first so he could lock up behind them.
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Old 06-30-2009, 08:43 PM   #62 (permalink)

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Victoria walked into the office and waited for her turn to speak to the professor.
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Old 06-30-2009, 08:49 PM   #63 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Mugglemad View Post
Victoria walked into the office and waited for her turn to speak to the professor.
"What can I help you with today, Victoria?" Ethan took a seat and nodded politely at the young Ravenclaw.
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Old 06-30-2009, 09:17 PM   #64 (permalink)

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She handed the professor a canvas "This is for you, it is a painting of your favourite breed of dragon, Professor Lawson told me what it was."
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Old 06-30-2009, 09:23 PM   #65 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Mugglemad View Post
She handed the professor a canvas "This is for you, it is a painting of your favourite breed of dragon, Professor Lawson told me what it was."
"I see." Ethan blinked and took the painting, examining it. "Not too bad, Victoria. You got the colouring pretty good, the copper of the Vipertooth doesn't always translate so well to painting, The tail is a little short and the haunches are generally a little more muscled, but then you were not here last term after all. In Care of Magical Creatures class, I helped Professor Morgan and brought a sleeping Vipertooth in for the class to observe. A baby of course. Still, it is a more than adequate representation. Thank you Victoria. I must say, Ravenclaws seem to be the most artistic of the houses, I'd speak to Plymouth Morgan and Celandine Toussaint if you want any tips on your artistic endeavours."
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Old 06-30-2009, 09:31 PM   #66 (permalink)

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"Thank you professor, I have any drawings and paintings of dark creatures!" she went into her bag and got out her drawing pad.
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Old 06-30-2009, 09:34 PM   #67 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Mugglemad View Post
"Thank you professor, I have any drawings and paintings of dark creatures!" she went into her bag and got out her drawing pad.
"Well the more you practice the better you will get." Ethan nodded at the girl. "Perhaps you could draw other magical creatures as well, there are many in the sanctuary. I'd suggest talking to Professor Morgan before disturbing them though."
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Old 06-30-2009, 09:41 PM   #68 (permalink)

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"That sounds like a great idea, thank you professor!" she was glad that the professor like the painting.
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Old 07-01-2009, 06:09 AM   #69 (permalink)

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Marcus moved straight through the waiting room to Ethan's office, this could not wait and if the students had a problem with that, then they could take it up with him later. He looked out of the corner of his eye to make sure that Abby was still with him and knocked on Zan's door firmly.
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Old 07-01-2009, 03:10 PM   #70 (permalink)
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Abby stood behind Professor Lawson. She felt like everyone's eyes were on her. Abby sure hopes there aren't any other students in Professor Truebridge's office. The fewer people who know about her actions the better..
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Old 07-08-2009, 09:29 AM   #71 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Mugglemad View Post
"That sounds like a great idea, thank you professor!" she was glad that the professor like the painting.
"Was there anything else I could help you with today, Victoria?" Ethan asked, glancing at the door when he heard a knock.
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Old 07-08-2009, 09:35 AM   #72 (permalink)

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"No Professor! You can keep the painting" she smiled at the professor as she walked towards the door.
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Old 07-09-2009, 12:38 AM   #73 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by NicoT View Post
"Jake. Come on inside." Ethan looked at the Hufflepuff and took in his energetic state. Interesting.

Ethan opened the door and went inside, leaving it ajar for Victoria, Jake and Daniel.
ooc: I know that the puppy is with Professor Morgan, and so do loooooads of my Jake clones, but this clone doesn't, so... *forgets what she was going to say*... He'll just go to his back up reason... A whole lot of other stuff is different but meh... just roll with it =D

Quickly glancing around the office, Jake quickly deduced that Truebridge's nameless puppy was not here. Was it still nameless? Meh... Jake had a certain suggestion for said puppy.

"Hey sir," the boy nodded, glancing at the other girl who seemed to be done already and then at the door the girl was walking towards... which had just been knocked on.

Interfering... grrrrrs.

"How... erm... how are you?"
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Old 07-10-2009, 01:29 PM   #74 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Zoerawrr View Post
ooc: I know that the puppy is with Professor Morgan, and so do loooooads of my Jake clones, but this clone doesn't, so... *forgets what she was going to say*... He'll just go to his back up reason... A whole lot of other stuff is different but meh... just roll with it =D

Quickly glancing around the office, Jake quickly deduced that Truebridge's nameless puppy was not here. Was it still nameless? Meh... Jake had a certain suggestion for said puppy.

"Hey sir," the boy nodded, glancing at the other girl who seemed to be done already and then at the door the girl was walking towards... which had just been knocked on.

Interfering... grrrrrs.

"How... erm... how are you?"
"How am I? Hmm." Ethan raised one eyebrow and chose not to immediately grab Jake and shake him by the ankles in order to see if he could shake loose any clues as to the whereabouts of Annie's cat.

"I'm fine thank you. What can I do for you today? Was there something you needed help with or did you just want a chat?"

He pointed at the silver tray by the door. "Empty your pockets out on there, then you can take a seat."
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Old 07-10-2009, 01:50 PM   #75 (permalink)

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Nodding his head rhythmically, Jake looked straight up at Professor Truebridge and rocked back and forth on his feets. Before he could answer the next question, Jake followed the direction Truebridge was pointing in and blinked at the tray, decidedly still for a moment. After another quick glance at the man, Jake headed over to said tray and reached into his pockets, pulling out the two fragments of his wand that he ALWAYS carried around, and also a large computer manual written in german and again in russian.

Placing these belongings carefully in the tray, Jake headed back and took a seat. "Welllllll, there was a couple of things sir. Mainly 'cause, like, you're one of the professors I kind of like, but I don't really talk to... annnnddddd... well, yeah. Erm, also... remember that detention... where you told me to kind of keep control of my temper from then on..." Jake paused, wondering why he'd even mentioned it now, after all, that was all finished with now. He'd paid the price.

But still, he felt compelled to tell the guy.

"Well... it kind of didn't... I mean... I kind of... lost my temper again. Got another detention."

Leaning back in his chair, Jake bit his lip, thinking of the one man he was sooooooo sure he hated, the one man who he DID NOT want to talk about, but who always seemed to HAVE to pop up in his mind.

"Also, sir... you know Professor Lawson?" Jake's tone was not one of interest as to whether the man really DID know him, because Jake was already aware of their friendship... it was more of a 'you knowwww' rather than a 'you know'.


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