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Slytherin Fox 07-25-2009 04:32 PM

Muggle Studies Lesson 3
Antonio walked into the classroom slowly and took a look around. He was extremely grateful to Professor Ashby for allowing him use of this space but he was still nostalgic for his old room, which he had grown so used to and now was flooded out. There was water everywhere, he was getting sick of it, but he decided he might as well have some fun with it and make the subject interesting, so he had decided to do this class themed around things muggles loved to do on and in the water.

"I've got a textbook for all of you, please pick one up on the way to your seat," he encouraged the students -
List of water sports - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"And we'll be getting started soon. Just take a seat and help yourself to some salt water taffy, if you like," he encouraged, indicating a bowl of brightly colored candies.

Nabs 07-25-2009 04:43 PM

Garret wandered into the classroom, only momentarily perplexed by the fact that it seemed his timetable had carried him to a Muggle Studies class in the Charms room. He shrugged off a mental Meh, and grabbed a textbook in the front of the class along with a handful of the brightly coloured sweets.

"Cheers," he said unabashedly in greeting to the professor, passing casually by on his way to his seat in the middle of the class.

Tommehbell 07-25-2009 04:47 PM

This was too early int he morning for Paris. Diva's needed their beauty rest. She yawned as she walked into the temporary Muggle Studies classroom. She waved at Professor Dumont. "Good morning sir," she told him.

She picked up a textbook and a few pieces of taffy. She choose a seat next to one of the windows. She needed the fresh air to wake her up.

Yaya 07-25-2009 04:49 PM

A small walk...slow walk towards the Muggle Studies classroom, which happened to be the Charms one, was being done by Emiliano. He was in some sort of depression, maybe. School was ending soon and well...nothing cheered him up lately.

Not even the candy that sat on the desk nearby the professor. "Good day, Professor Dumont..." He greeted, instantly going to sit then turn to see his textbook. Water sports....hmm...

Antarctica 07-25-2009 04:50 PM

Kiri seemed to be one of the first students. "Hello, Professor," she said courteously as she entered the classroom. She meandered past the empty tables and picked up one of the textbooks. After some hesitation, she picked up some of the brightly coloured toffee, too. Salt water?

She picked a chair and sat down, her bag disappearing below the table. Kiri didn't want to seem rude, but privately she was pretty sure that making toffee taste like salt water was probably one of the less successful flavours. With trepidation, she unwrapped one and put it in her mouth.
Her smile became very fixed. This thing tasted... Well, it tasted as if someone had picked up a stone at some beach, possibly in the vicinity of a dead fish, and then melted it. It was so salty!

Kiri swallowed it as quickly as possible, then groped for her bag and washed the taste away with some water. To hide her embarrassment, she began thumbing through the textbook the professor had given them. It did not improve her mood. More water? After this term, Kiri was a bit reluctant to even think about the ol' hydrogen oxide - although she had to admit that the impromptu swimming pool the headmaster had organised on the first floor had been fun.
She read on while, around her, the room filled up as more of her classmates arrived.

Golden Monkey 07-25-2009 04:52 PM

William was still yawning and stretching as he entered the classroom, fully expecting professor Ashby. He stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of Dumont however and rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Morning Sir." he said in a rather sleepy voice. Yes he hadn't gotten very much sleep the previous night, dreams of screaming cousins and flying fairies filling his mind.

Walking over he grabbed a textbook and a small handful of taffy, perking up slightly. Turning with a nod he made his way over to sit beside Paris, a soft smile on his face.

highjinx 07-25-2009 04:55 PM

Ah, Muggle Studies, it was a fairly easy class to him considering he was a muggle-born (as the wizards called it). So yup, most of the classes were fuuuuun though. To be quite honest, every class was fun 'cause the professors always did fun things! LIKE HOW AWESOME WAS THAT?? Waaaay WAAAYY better than the schools he previously used to take back in the muggle world.


Cam walked into the classroom, his eyes first going to the candy. OOOH SWEEEETS. "Hiiii professaaaah," and he dashed off to the taffies, making sure he got a bit extra.

Lissy Longbottom 07-25-2009 05:00 PM

Jack walked into the room, feeling a lot more relaxed about this class now that he had taken his OWL in Muggle Studies. Now, there wasn't so much pressure to absorb EVERY single word Dumont said--not that he wouldn't pay attention or anything. Muggle Studies was FUN!

"Hi Professor," Jack said with a smile, walking over to his desk to--IS THAT SALT WATER TAFFY? Grinning, he dropped in book bag next to his chair and picked up a few piece of candy. He unwrapped the pink piece and popped it in his mouth. Mmmmmmm. How did they make it SOOO good?

Slytherin Fox 07-25-2009 05:11 PM

"Greetings, all of you," Antonio smiled. "I'm glad to see you all here, and I apologize for the relocated classroom. As all of you know, things have been a bit crazy around the castle lately." In fact, Antonio could have sworn he had heard voices yelling out in a strange language which was completely foreign to him a bit earlier in the day. The strange thing about it was that the voices seemed to be coming from deep within the castle, from a level which had already been flooded.

"We'll get the lesson underway soon, I just want to give more people a chance to show up before we get going," he said.

Sneakeh Cat 07-25-2009 05:16 PM

Reese did not forget that the Muggle Studies class was now taken place in the Charms classroom. She was just running slightly late because she couldn't find her, um, teddy bear. Yeah, that's right, she couldn't find her teddy bear. Honestly, she forgot.

She quickly walked into the classroom and smiled when she saw that she wasn't too last. Thank goodness. She picked up a textbook and some candy before she headed over to a empty seat in the front of the class. "Hello Professor Dumont," she said after she took her seat. She opened one of the pieces of candy and ate it.

Tommehbell 07-25-2009 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Monkey Princess (Post 8430429)
William was still yawning and stretching as he entered the classroom, fully expecting professor Ashby. He stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of Dumont however and rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Morning Sir." he said in a rather sleepy voice. Yes he hadn't gotten very much sleep the previous night, dreams of screaming cousins and flying fairies filling his mind.

Walking over he grabbed a textbook and a small handful of taffy, perking up slightly. Turning with a nod he made his way over to sit beside Paris, a soft smile on his face.

She perked up as William sat next to her. "Hey William," she whispered as she didn't want to start talking in Professor Dumont's class but she wanted William to know she was glad he was sitting next to her.

Anna Banana 07-25-2009 05:51 PM

Outside in the corridors, Anna giggled when she noticed Reese just up ahead. Marvelous...she wasn't the only one late then. Of course Anna had remembered class was being held the Charms classroom...but, well, we'll just blame it on the stress of NEWTs and all the late night studying she'd been doing. She could have sooo slept in today. The school year was drawing to a close, though, and pretty soon, she'd be attending her very last class ever, so she may as well enjoy it while she could.

Entering the classroom, she quickly made it to the professor's desk and grabbed a textbook and some sort of candy he was offering. She'd never had it before, whatever it was, but it looked tasty. "Good day, sir," she said, giving her Head of House a wave and a smile. She made her way into the classroom and took a seat right next to Reese.

Slytherin Fox 07-25-2009 06:32 PM

"Hello, Anna," Antonio said. This was her last year, and she would be missed. As Head Girl, she had done an amazing job. "And hello Garret, Egypt, Emiliano, Kiri, William, Cam, Jack and Reese. I hope all of you are doing well today. We'll get started, I guess."

Antonio seemed to be just a little down today. He knew it was something to do with the flooding. He just felt really sad about things that had been happening lately. He was sure the students were down about the situation, too, but maybe he could make the lesson fun. He hoped so.

"It seems as though the muggles are fascinated with water. They've managed to find all sorts of things to do involving water, sports and activities of all sorts. Does anyone know what some of these things are?", he asked.

ooc: Please feel free to come and join the lesson, but please don't announce you are showing up late. Just act as if you had been here the whole time. Announcing you are late is a no no, and will result in points being deducted from your house!


This lesson will be conducted very leisurely, so be sure and check back.

highjinx 07-25-2009 06:38 PM

Cam raised his hand, being familiar with a few water sports (though he's never really played any of 'em. "Thereee's water polo and snorkeling," he said, shivering as he said snorkeling, a thing he'd done the first time which would be his last time of doing it, "and kayaking would count, right?" Kayaking was fun, as long as you didn't tip over and drown.

Nabs 07-25-2009 06:39 PM

Garret lazily chewed on one of the odd-tasting toffees and raised an arm slowly at the Professor's question. His strategy during lessons was to answer the early questions so that when his attention waned by the middle of the class, he wouldn't be much of a target considering he had already fulfilled his participation quota, "Bobbing for apples?" he said tentatively, his voice muffled as his molars were stuck together by the surprisingly potent toffee.

Mugglemad 07-25-2009 06:39 PM

Victoria rasied her hand high "Please professor, there is water skiing and canoeing!" She had been canoeing on a summer holiday one year.

Golden Monkey 07-25-2009 06:41 PM

William felt bad for Dumont. From what he had heard from the rumors, the man had lost nearly everything in his office and classroom. All William had lost was his bag with all of his textbooks, his necklace he'd never get back, and a bit of his pride.

Lifting his hand into the air William said, "There's this thing called water gymnastics. Where the men or women perform weird dance movements in the water." what a weird thing to do he thought. Sure he loved swimming, who didn't. but to do weird strange dances in the water while still maintaining their buoyancy, now that was weird and very talented.

Hollister 07-25-2009 06:41 PM

Miles enthusiastically raised his hand, waving it a around a little so Professor Dumont wouldn't miss him. "JET SKIING! I've seen it sir. I've never tried it though, as it looked a little dangerous." But danger and curiousity went well together.

Anna Banana 07-25-2009 06:43 PM

Aww, Linda!! *huggles you and Dumont* ^_^

Originally Posted by Slytherin Fox (Post 8430648)
"Hello, Anna," Antonio said. This was her last year, and she would be missed. As Head Girl, she had done an amazing job. "And hello Garret, Egypt, Emiliano, Kiri, William, Cam, Jack and Reese. I hope all of you are doing well today. We'll get started, I guess."

Antonio seemed to be just a little down today. He knew it was something to do with the flooding. He just felt really sad about things that had been happening lately. He was sure the students were down about the situation, too, but maybe he could make the lesson fun. He hoped so.

"It seems as though the muggles are fascinated with water. They've managed to find all sorts of things to do involving water, sports and activities of all sorts. Does anyone know what some of these things are?", he asked.

ooc: Please feel free to come and join the lesson, but please don't announce you are showing up late. Just act as if you had been here the whole time. Announcing you are late is a no no, and will result in points being deducted from your house!


This lesson will be conducted very leisurely, so be sure and check back.

When she was greeted, Anna responded to the professor with a warm, appreciative smile. He'd been a wonderful Head of House, and she'd surely miss working with him. He seemed to be a bit under the weather today, though, so she smiled a little wider, hoping to convey the message 'After the rain, there comes a rainbow'. Her mother had always said that to her, and it meant that after the bad points in life, the good points will surely come---just like after a terrible thunderstorm, a pretty rainbow will more than likely appear.

Of course they'd be studying water sports today. Water had been quite the common topic throughout the school year. Water sports were a fun topic to discuss, though, and it made Anna think of all the good ways water could be used. Raising her hand at the sound of a question, Anna said, "Synchronized diving is a really interesting water sport, in my opinion. That's when two divers attempt to perform the same exact dive into the water at the same exact time. I've always found it interesting that they do such incredible stunts while timing their motions so accurately."

Sneakeh Cat 07-25-2009 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Linda
"It seems as though the muggles are fascinated with water. They've managed to find all sorts of things to do involving water, sports and activities of all sorts. Does anyone know what some of these things are?", he asked.

Reese had been glancing through her book when Professor Dumont asked the first question. She slowly closed her book and raised her hand. "They windsurf, they go rafting, they jet ski," she answered. "They also scuba dive and play water polo." She lowered her hand and picked up another piece of candy.

Slytherin Fox 07-25-2009 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by dingDong (Post 8430663)
Cam raised his hand, being familiar with a few water sports (though he's never really played any of 'em. "Thereee's water polo and snorkeling," he said, shivering as he said snorkeling, a thing he'd done the first time which would be his last time of doing it, "and kayaking would count, right?" Kayaking was fun, as long as you didn't tip over and drown.

"Yes, those are all good choices for water sports," Antonio acknowledged.


Originally Posted by Nabs (Post 8430671)
Garret lazily chewed on one of the odd-tasting toffees and raised an arm slowly at the Professor's question. His strategy during lessons was to answer the early questions so that when his attention waned by the middle of the class, he wouldn't be much of a target considering he had already fulfilled his participation quota, "Bobbing for apples?" he said tentatively, his voice muffled as his molars were stuck together by the surprisingly potent toffee.

Antonio laughed. "Bobbing for apples, that's an interesting one," he commented. "But I guess that's true, it does involve water, doesn't it?"


Originally Posted by Mugglemad (Post 8430673)
Victoria rasied her hand high "Please professor, there is water skiing and canoeing!" She had been canoeing on a summer holiday one year.

"Ah, two excellent choices!", Antonio said.


Originally Posted by Monkey Princess (Post 8430677)
William felt bad for Dumont. From what he had heard from the rumors, the man had lost nearly everything in his office and classroom. All William had lost was his bag with all of his textbooks, his necklace he'd never get back, and a bit of his pride.

Lifting his hand into the air William said, "There's this thing called water gymnastics. Where the men or women perform weird dance movements in the water." what a weird thing to do he thought. Sure he loved swimming, who didn't. but to do weird strange dances in the water while still maintaining their buoyancy, now that was weird and very talented.

Antonio smiled. "Yes, that's a very good water sport. Excellent choice," he said.


Originally Posted by Hollister (Post 8430680)
Miles enthusiastically raised his hand, waving it a around a little so Professor Dumont wouldn't miss him. "JET SKIING! I've seen it sir. I've never tried it though, as it looked a little dangerous." But danger and curiousity went well together.

"Oh yes, jet skiing. Muggles do participate in that, don't they?", Antonio asked. "Yes, another great choice."


Originally Posted by Anna Banana (Post 8430687)
When she was greeted, Anna responded to the professor with a warm, appreciative smile. He'd been a wonderful Head of House, and she'd surely miss working with him. He seemed to be a bit under the weather today, though, so she smiled a little wider, hoping to convey the message 'After the rain, there comes a rainbow'. Her mother had always said that to her, and it meant that after the bad points in life, the good points will surely come---just like after a terrible thunderstorm, a pretty rainbow will more than likely appear.

Of course they'd be studying water sports today. Water had been quite the common topic throughout the school year. Water sports were a fun topic to discuss, though, and it made Anna think of all the good ways water could be used. Raising her hand at the sound of a question, Anna said, "Synchronized diving is a really interesting water sport, in my opinion. That's when two divers attempt to perform the same exact dive into the water at the same exact time. I've always found it interesting that they do such incredible stunts while timing their motions so accurately."

"Nice choice," Antonio said, happy to see so much variety in the water sports students were selecting.


Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat (Post 8430750)
Reese had been glancing through her book when Professor Dumont asked the first question. She slowly closed her book and raised her hand. "They windsurf, they go rafting, they jet ski," she answered. "They also scuba dive and play water polo." She lowered her hand and picked up another piece of candy.

"Yes, that's true, muggles do all those things," Antonio agreed.

"I notice there are two sports that haven't been mentioned yet, though. One of them has to do with riding the waves over something and the other with catching something, possibly for food or a trophy. Can anyone tell me what those two things are?"

Mugglemad 07-25-2009 08:02 PM

Victoria put her hand up again "One is surfing Professor!" she was good at this class because she is muggleborn herself.

Lissy Longbottom 07-25-2009 08:06 PM

Jack raised his hand. "I believe those two are surfing and fishing," he replied. Fishing was considered a sport? Hmmmm. He hadn't known that. Maybe he should suggest that to his dad--his dad loved ALL sports, magical and muggle alike.

Anna Banana 07-25-2009 08:12 PM

"That would be fishing and surfing," Anna said, her hand raised high into the air. She didn't know too much about going fishing, but she'd love to go surfing! Riding the waves sounding like a really thrilling thing to do. Going that sounded scary. What if she accidentally reeled in a grindylow or something? Or...a merperson! Gulp. Those creatures had gotten pretty darn freaky lately.

Golden Monkey 07-25-2009 08:21 PM

William put his hand up. "Isn't there two types of fishing? Deep sea fishing where you fish on a large boat with nets and catch things like sharks or huge fish, then the normal fishing where you stand on a dock?" He asked. He never went fishing before but it sounded pretty cool to him, using a long pole with a hook to catch something out of the water. Hmm perhaps he could get his shoes back that way?

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