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Hufflepuff House Table Large quantities of food are spread before you. Whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the Hogwarts' house elves are the best in the world. The food is superb and the company is as well. Anything you ask us we will do. When it's down to the wire, We'll be there for you. Like we were made out to be We're strong, smart, we're tough Don't think that all we do is watch and see. Our brains as quick as Ravenclaws' We have our cunning moments like the Slyths We're loyalty plus all of this. It may be the last thing you do. We may be sweet But, we're vicious too. ~by Nabiya~ |
Food, food, food Miranda basically ran inside the Great Hall, she was soooo hungry and the only thing on her mind was to get a huge big, juicy, fleshy bite of a chicken leg! Almost skidding on her bum along the seats, she positioned herself between the massive roasted bird Chicken chicken chicken chicken- Oh, chocolate cake! Gosh she had missed Hogwarts... |
And then she was inside. It was way warmer than she'd expected the Great Hall to be, what with all the robes wet and all. Wait. Was she that stupid as if to not dry her robes? Oh, but her robes were no issues, because now Mr. Masterson's books were wet. Great. AND... That's when she noticed him. Kazimeriz! He was ALIVE! And, walking rather slowly, but ALIVE! All was good in the world. Awesome. She wanted to scream now, but that would've been rather foolish of the girl, no? And...look who's here! "Mirandaaa!" she exlaimed, as she rushed down to the...third?..year. Yes, third year. "Where have you been?! You weren't in the dungeons, were you?" she asked, all too fast, and her wet robes were starting to be annoying, which is why she took her wand out and began to take the wet out, as much as she could. Now the books. |
Lyra and all her cleanliness glided back into the Great Hall after hearing Kazi's roaring voice. Poor thing, she didn't know the man had it in him to yell so loud. She walked over to the Hufflepuff table and slowly took her seat like the old man yelled at them to do. Sitting gently down on the bench, Lyra folded her hands to her lap and waited to hear what was going on. Yes she was nosy and yes she was going to stay here until she found out something. |
Cy could move a lot quicker now that Lupa had dried his robes. So his agile self glided away from the Staff table (and away from the scary loud old man) towards his own house table. There was the Captain… as he didn’t know her in any other way, and she was with some younger girl. Cy saluted the two, as he usually did to people and continued to walk on. OOOOH. There was that Lyra girl too, and she was still wet. Cy shined his mischievous smile that seemed to never fade and slid into a spot directly in front of her. “Lyra, Lyra, Lyraa. Long time no see mate,” He said, jokingly, “I see you've recovered from earliah'" He said with a laugh, he'd given her some troubles. |
Mind another badger? *whistle* Quote:
"If your inquiring about the scent of squid and lake on top of the green slimy stuff that is not clinging to me anymore, then you are correct," she said as she turned up her nose a little, but this kid was fun to play with and he was cute annndddd he was a boy. There were few that she would get mad at and she was not going to start with the little Hufflepuffian. "I'm...glad to see you made it out okay." There that was her good deed for the evening, none the less. Quote:
Her eyes looked pathetically up to the staff table as the fear began to grow. "Yes," she whispered, leaning into the table. "He is always scary and...if you don't do what he asks..." she paused to lower her voice even more. "He will turn you into a pig and you will have to go home and explain to your parent, in Pig-gian, what happened to you." She looked back to the first year and couldn't help but play serious. She couldn't stand Kwazimoto, Old Man Krazi. If the man demanded respect from all students, then he needed to prove himself worthy of her R-E-S-P-E-C-T. "By all means, Don't.Make.Him.Mad." If that didn't scare them then... Quote:
Robert glanced at Lyra curiously and then his eyes caught sight of the two first years and he smirked slightly. "I'm surprised he just hasn't turned whoever did it into tadpoles and made them swim around in it yet." He glanced at the old man and shook his head deciding to go along with Lyra's game fully. "You remember what happened last year don't you Ly....with that poor Gryffindor third year...such a shame." |
Turn you into a PIG?! Katie's mouth opened slightly, looking from the staff table to the older girl, an inquiring look in her dark eyes. She couldn't be serious! Pig-gian? Now there was Pig-latin AND Pig-gian?! Oh bother. Couldn't he be like any normal scary old man and stick to his subject, threaten to boil them in a cauldron for potion use? Noooo, of course not. She had to be confused with Pig language! "But.. how come the Headmaster doesn't do anything about it! Shouldn't he care about the students?" She demanded in a whisper, clearly growing confused. That didn't make any sense to her, unless.. "Would he do that to the Headmaster, too?" Looking from the older girl, to the older boy, Katie frowned. The dungeons flooded, and he was taking over.. because he turned the Headmaster into a pig, GREAT. Ohh, hold on! "What third year Gryffindor?" the little girl asked, unable to help the question from slipping out. She was eleven, and like any common eleven year old in a new place, she needed to know everything and anything if it caught her interest. |
And, whoever was now in the table was not to her interest..because...Kazimeriz has now spoken... 'Silence'. Yes. Everyone SHHHHHHHH. Someone might need to mention that the Hufflepuff Captain narrowed her eyes at those who were still talking. Their conversation could be continued after Kazi's announcement, and they'll probably hear whatever they need to hear from him, if he was going to say what she thought he was. Ack! So much confusion! Maybe it was the water from the dungeons.....well, at least she was all dry now. Except for Mr. Masterson's books, but she'll get to it afterward. Kaika was currently focused on Kazi, and the Staff table....because...was there something more important? |
Kaikaaaaaaa :D Quote:
"Kaika! What happened to you-" And then suddenly, making Miranda jump a few feet in the air, still clasping her chickenleg, someone's voice roared around the hall. Frantically searching for the source, she noticed Professor Kazimeriz had climbed that...thingy and was now demanding the attention of the students. Oh dear... |
Abby heard Kazimeriz's voice bellow throughout the halls. Who died and made him supreme ruler around here? I guess he's ordering everyone to the Great Hall to start evacuating the castle. Abby walks over to the Hufflepuff table. She's hoping Dominic will be there and can explain what's going on. Abby scans the table. He's nowhere to be found. Instead, Abby sees the female prefect soaking wet. She walks over to where the prefect is holding court. "Hello, I'm Abby Wright, sixth year. Congratulation on making prefect. Is it true what I've heard? The lake is flooding the dungeon. Has it reached the kitchen level? Is there anything I can do to help you?" Abby ignores Kazimeriz's latest bellowing. Does the man know how to talk in a normal tone? Abby does find Professor Truebridge sitting next to Professor Bunbury on the dais. Well, at least I know where he's is. I can keep an eye on him from here. Truebridge is all wet too along with Kazimeriz. Please don't let them be the ones who caused the leak in the castle dueling in the dungeon. |
"Waaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!" Sarah screamed and dropped her fork on the table,as she heard the loudest voice ever in the history of ever.It was Kazimeriz and he was being scary again.The man was imtimidating enough without resorting to that amount of decibels.What the hell was going on? He had something to tell us and we had to sit down and listen? Well I am sat down so there is NO NEED TO SHOUT! Calm down,Sarah.Calm down. This had to have been something to do with the flooding,and maybe the continued absence of the Headmaster.She had heard about both things,although wasn't present when the flooding happened.Good news for her as she still didn't know how to swim. Oh god I hope it doesn't keep going and make it to he kitchen level! Not our common room too! Deciding that to find out what was happening it would be best to listen,Sarah shifted position and directly faced the Staff Table,awaiting more from Mr Scary Man. |
"He would do that to everyone," she whispered as the Hufflepuff, Captain of the Quidditch team, seemed to be eying them through narrowed eyes. "You know, maybe that is why....the Headmaster is missing. That mean, old man professor punished him and...." -GASP- "...carried him off and locked him away somewhere." Inside she was dying with laughter but had to hide her true feelings with only a smirky look. |
Christine almost choked on a biscuit when she heard Professor Kazimeriz shout for everyone to be quiet. Coughing, she grabbed her pumpkin juice and took a gulp. She looked up at the staff table very curious as to what was going on. It must be serious Christine thought to herself. |
He glanced at Lyra, meeting her eyes and said with a low voice, "I wonder if he's got the Headmaster locked in that dungeon of his. Maybe that's why it's flooded..." |
*glomps* I <3 Miranda Quote:
Still, Kaika's eyes were flickering from the dias to Miranda, and, trying to be as quiet as she could muster she mouthed a "I'll tell you later" followed by a wink and pointing back at Kazi. Because...the third year will be listening to what Kazi had to say as well, no? However, the sixth year smiled, as she noticed the chicken leg in Miranda's hand, oh, now Kaika was as hungry as ever, but it was listening time at the moment. |
What the older girl was saying, it didn't sound like a trick.. the old man was SCARY! He yelled at everyone, and he didn't look too friendly either! But the young Hufflepuff was still abit puzzled, unsure of what to believe. It wasn't making sense, not completely.. "But isn't the Headmaster.. the Headmaster? Can't he do something about it, how could he fall victum to the scary guy?" Katie asked as she pondered these questions herself, by all means thoroughly confused now. The Headmaster was ruler of the entire castle, he hired the Potions Master. Something wasn't right here, not right at all.. Katie looked up abruptly upon hearing the Headmaster was missing, her puzzlement washed away by fear that shown through her worried expression. He wasn't really missing, was he? He better be, because this wasn't funny! She was scared; not even considering the facts - how in the wizarding world could old man that walked with that cane stick thingy, carry a full grown man anywhere to lock him up? Unless of course, Lyra worded it wrong, but Katie wouldn't have noticed anyway. "I want to go home." mumbled the little girl, dark eyes traveling towards the staff table before she ducked her head, hiding behind the curls that fell forward with her swift motion. When the older boy stopped coughing, she peeked up at him. She was beginning to doubt there was any chances these tales weren't real, the two were being so serious and quiet, obviously as not to get caught by mister grumpy SCARY man. No! That couldn't be true, the poor.. poor Gryffindor girl, so young.. tears began to swim in her dark orbs, her lip quivering with held back emotions. "WHAT!" The small girl cried, horrified by what she was hearing. Katie forgot to keep her voice down, "He's drowning the Headmaster?!" Ohh forget about not crying, she wanted to go home ALIVE, in human form! Hiding her head in her arms, she exclaimed tearfully, "I don't want to be next, I don't want to be a pig or learn pig language! I want to go home!" though it was doubtful anyone could hear her properly, the words were muffled. |
I love you Gracie! I didn't know that Kazi's speech would go along with this! Quote:
OH.MY.MERLIN! She looked back to Robert with a snap of her head. "This Krazi-Kazi really wants to take over the school," she said keeping up the crazy antics they were both giving, but it didn't seem far from the truth. "We're all...." She had to keep her voice down but the last word she spoke was a loud whisper. "...doooooooomedd." She looked back to the girl at the table as she placed her head down and began to cry. "Don't worry, it's...not...soooo bad. I will keep him away from you." And she meant every word on that part. That KraziKazi was NOT going to lay another hand on another student if she had to...well...whatever. It was NOT going to happen. |
Sarah looked around the hall she was a bit scared, she had no idea what was going on but she listened to the Deputy Head speak with interest, she hoped that the Head was alright and that everyone else was alright, she looked around the room for both her sisters but once again she couldn't see them, she hoped that they were alright, she had this feeling they were, she couldn't discribe the feeling but she thought that she would know if they had been down in the dungeons when they started to flood, suddenly she remembered that Steven was Slytherin and was a bit upset, she hoped that her cousin was okay. She would look for him later, she thought to herself. |
Lyra heard Professor Kazi speak and now he was beginning to freak her out with the water bit. "It's just water with green slim and I'm fine! I touched it, I'm not sick so what it is about the water that makes him not want to touch it and for everyone to give us that vile crap to drink?" She had to gather her wet clothing that she changed out of and bring it to the ones that needed to gather the clothing. Hopefully the house elves hadn't cleaned after her yet. |
OOC: This was meant only for those who were in the dungeons when they flooded. Everyone else is okay. |
This was getting weird.Kazimeriz had now been installed as temporary Headmaster and he wasn't telling them where Bontecou was.Plus the fact he seemed perturbed about the flooding.Surely it was just old stone under the lake wearing out....right? Oh dear what if it's still rising...where would we go? Where are the Slytherin's going to go? Why is he talking all hushed like to the other professor's? What isn't he telling us? Why am I asking myself so many questions I don't know the answer to?!?! The announcement about dry clothing didn't apply to Sarah as she was nowhere near the flooding when it happened,she was at the lake,funnily enough.She sat and watched as the students around her removed their wet things and waited for help. Life at Hogwarts is never simple, she thought,sitting facing the Dais still,waiting for something...anything...more from Kazimeriz. |
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